Week 5 - Resistance Training

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# of exercise sessions per day/week


-Helps reduce compensatory patterns -Ex: Treatment table, wall, pt's body weight -Proximal attachment; sometimes distal

Force increases occur by:

-Increasing rate of discharge -Graded recruitment of higher threshold motor units

Progressive loading muscle by manipulated:

-Intensity of exercise -Vol. of exercise

Internal Stabilization

-Isometric contraction of adjacent muscle group. -Only effective if adjacent muscles are strong enough or not fatigued. (ex: bilateral straight leg raise, abs contract isometrically to stabilize pelvis & lumbar spine.)

Exercise Order; General Guidelines:

-Large muscle groups before smaller groups -Multi-joint muscles before single joint -High intensity before low intensity exercises CLINACALLY, not always possible or reasonable

Isotonic Contractions: Eccentric

-Lengthening muscle contraction -Decelerate body segments (running: HS eccentrics right before heel strike)

Improve Endurance

-Many reps against submax. load -30-70% 1 RM -Use of isometric contractions

Hypertrophy cont.

-Time frame dependent on intensity -Usually 8 weeks, sometimes 2-3 w/high intensity training. -BF resistance allows venous pooling & works muscle anaerobically for gains in muscle size & strength w/LOWER resistance. -Greatest increases associated w/high-volume, moderate-resistance exercise (eccentrically)

To Improve Strength

-Use of load that causes fatigue after 6-12 months -60-80% 1 RM -Increase resistance when no fatigue after target # of reps

Resistance level; Clinically:

Choose a resistance level & document # of reps before muscles fatigue.

Length-Tension Relationship

Greatest amount of resistance occurs at midrange of muscle contraction.

Factors Influencing Tension Generation: Muscle Architecture

High force production = short fibers w/pinnate & multipinnate design (quads, gastroc, deltoid, biceps) Low force production = long, parallel design in fibers; fast rate of shortening but less force production (sartorius, lumbricals).

Selective recruitment of fiber types is predicted more on:



Produced over brief or extended periods of TIME - Work = F x D -Power = Work/Time Ex: Lifting a box onto shelf, or climbing stairs. To improve power: Increase work, or decrease time.

Type IIA & IIB Force:

Rapid fatigue and rapid, high force production


Remember to increase strength. A program must be at least 6 weeks long.

SAID Principle

Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands -Framework, which guides therapists in determining exercise prescription/parameters that will create specific training effects to best meet functional needs & goals.

Muscle Fatigue (Local)

Temporary & gradual decline in the force-producing capacity of the neuromuscular system, leading to a decrease in muscle length.

Muscle Fatigue

The diminished response of muscle to a repeated stimulus. -Normal and Reversible

Muscle Strength

The greatest measurable force that can be exerted by a muscle or muscle group to overcome resistance during a SINGLE max effort.

Connective Tissue; High Load, Low Rep Adaptations:

Thickens & tensile strength of tendons, ligaments & bone increase to improve strength or power.

Factors Influencing Tension Generation: Type & Speed of muscle contraction

Type: Force output from greatest to least: eccentric > isometric > concentric. Speed: -Concentric contraction: increase speed and force production decreases. -Eccentric contraction: increase speed and force production increases.


ability to perform low-intensity, repetitive, or sustained activities over a prolonged period of time. Types: -Cardiopulmonary or Muscle Endurance

Motor Unit consist of:

-A motor neuron -Its Axon -Muscle fibers supplied by motor neuron

Muscle Fatigue: Type I (slow twitch)

-Aerobic Metabolism -Slow speed of contraction -Low level muscle tension, but can sustain contraction for a long time (endurance/postural muscles)

Muscle Fatigue: Type II (fast twitch)

-Anaerobic Metabolism -Type IIa & Type IIb -Great amount of tension in short period of time. Fatigue quickly, type IIb even faster than type IIa.

Force Velocity Curve: Eccentric

-As velocity of active muscle lengthening increases, force production increases, but quickly levels off. -Initial increase in force may be a protective response. -Used during shock absorption or rapid deceleration of limb.

Vascular/Metabolic; High Load, Low Rep Adaptations:

-Capillary bed density decreases due to an increase of myofilaments per fiber.

Muscle Fatigue Causes

-Decreased energy stores, insufficient oxygen, etc. -Protective inhibitory influences from CNS -Decrease in conduction of impulses or reduced excitability at neuromuscular junction

Cardiopulmonary Fatigue (General)

-Diminished response of entire body as a result of prolonged physical activity. -Associated w/endurance training -Caused by: decrease in BG, decrease in glycogen stores, & depletion of potassium.

Factors Influencing Tension Generation: Recruitment of Motor Units & Frequency of Firing Motor Units

-Greater # and synchronization of motor units firing = more force produced. -Higher frequency of firing, the greater the tension.

Factors Influencing Tension Generation: Fiber-type Distribution

-Higher % of Type I fibers = low force production, slow rate of max force development and resistant to fatigue -Higher % of Type II fibers = rapid force production and rapid fatigue

Dynamic Muscle Action

-Involves movement -Also referred to as isotonic -Also, isokinetics

Key Parameters of Endurance Training:

-Low load -High rep -Prolonged Period of Time Muscle adapts to endurance training by increases in their oxidative & metabolic capacities, which allows better delivery & use of oxygen.

Factors that influence muscle performance:

-Muscle -Neurological -Biochemical influences -Metabolic -CV/Respiratory -Cognition/Emotion

Isotonic Contractions: Concentric

-Shortening muscle contraction. -Accelerate body segments (running: quad contracts during swing phase)

3 Key Elements of Muscle Performance

-Strength -Power -Endurance Factors that can effect these 3 Elements: -Injury -Disease -Immobilization & Disuse -Inactivity

Signs/Symptoms of Muscle Fatigue

-Uncomfortable sensation in muscle, pain, & cramping -Unintentional slowing of movement w/ successive repetitions of an exercise -Active movements become jerky -Inability to complete movement through full ROM -Substitute motions (compensation patterns) -Inability to continue low intensity physical activity.

Reversibility Principle

-Use it or lose it -Detraining, reflected by reductions in muscle performance, a week or two after cessation of resistance exercises. -To overcome, give pts a maintenance program.

Muscle Endurance (Local endurance, Aerobic Power)

Ability of a muscle to contract repeatedly against external load, generate & sustain tension, & resist fatigue over an extended period of time. -Maintenance of balance & proper alignment the body segments require endurance of the POSTURAL muscles.

Functional Strength**

Ability of neuromuscular system to produce, reduce or control forces during functional activities in a smooth, coordinated manner.

SAID Principle: Specificity Training

Adaptive effects of training are highly specific to training method employed -Exercises should mimic anticipated function. -Must incorporate optimal mode or joint angle.

Precaution w/ Overload Principle**

Always consider underlying pathology, age, stage of tissue healing, & pt's response, & overall abilities & goals of pt. Give muscles & body systems time to adapt to demands of increased intensity or volume before subsequent increases.


Amount of external resistance imposed on muscle.


Amount of repetitions, sets, frequency of exercise. For endurance training, emphasis placed on increasing the time a muscle contraction is sustained or # or reps performed.


Amount of resistance; training load or exercise load


An agent that produces, or tends to produce, a change in the state of rest or motion of an object. Mass x Acceleration

Power can be differentiated into:

Anaerobic or Aerobic

Resistance Exercise/Training

Any form of active exercise in which a dynamic or static muscle contraction is resisted by an outside force. Outside Force: manual or mechanical

External stabilization

Applied manually by therapist. Use of belts, chairs

Force-Velocity Curve: Concentric

As velocity of muscle shortening increases, the force that the muscle can generate decreases. -May not have sufficient time to develop muscle tension. -E.g. Isokinetics. Fast speed = lower forces

Cardiopulmonary Endurance (Total body endurance):

Associated with repetitive, dynamic motor activities, such as walking, cycling, swimming, or UE ergometry. (All involve large muscles.)

Muscle Strength**

Broad term referring to ability of contractile tissue (muscle) to produce tension & resultant force. -With adequate strength, the contractile tissue generates enough force to meet the physical & functional demands placed on the system.

Recovery From Exercise:

Build into exercise program: Active Recovery: Light exercise; i.e. jogging after a sprint. More rapid recovery. Passive Recovery: Total rest; standing after sprint

Muscle Performance

Capacity of muscle to do work. - W = F x D

SAID Principle: Transfer of Training

Carryover of training effects from one variation of exercise/task to another. -More evidence on strength vs. endurance.

Articular Cartilage; Tissue Specific Exercises:

Compression/distraction in a weight bearing or functional position. Ex: thousands of reps - put a pt on total gym for 10 min.

Recovery Period

Dependent on intensity & volume of exercise. -Higher intensity, longer rest interval required

Henneman Size Principle

During activation of motor neurons, those w/smallest axons have the lowest thresholds & are recruited first, followed by larger cells w/ higher thresholds.

Tissue Specific Exercises:

During tissue repair, low loads & high reps.

Endurance Training vs Strength Training

Endurance has a more positive impact on improving function compared to strength training. Endurance also minimizes adverse forces on joints, produces less irritation to soft tissues, & is more comfortable for the pt.

Tendon/Ligament Tissue Specific Exercises:

Ex: exercise for 30 sec. at a time & rest for 5-10 sec. & repeat for minutes. Must be pain free w/slow speeds.

Resistance Level

Greatest amount of weight a muscle can move through full available ROM w/control a specific # of time before fatiguing.

Parallel fiber arrangement (AKA strap or fusiform) muscles can have:

High rates of shortening, but produce less force

Short or fibers arranged obliquely to a muscle's long axis (think feather) are:

Higher force producing muscles

Training Zone

If pt is sedentary or untrained, a % of 30-40% of rep max is enough to induce adaptation in strength, but for someone who is trained it may be >80%

Submaximal Loads

Immobilization-articular cartilage may not be able to withstand large compressive forces or there may be demineralization.


Increase in # of muscle fibers due to longitudinal splitting of muscle fibers. (So far only found in animals)


Increase in size of individual muscle fiber -Generally type IIB

Static Muscle Action

Isometric: force developed in muscle without any motion about an axis; no work done.

Factors Influencing Tension Generation: Cross Section & Size of Muscle

Larger muscle diameter, the greater tension producing capacity.

Threshold for fatigue:

Length of time a contraction is maintained or the # of reps that can be performed.

Type I Force:

Low force production, resists fatigue, slow rate of max force development

Factors Influencing Tension Generation: Moment Arm

Moment arm between muscle force vector & axis of joint. -Greater tension produced w/longer moment arm.

Eccentric Contractions Cont.

More important component of functional movement -Stand-to-sit; descending stairs; setting down an object

Overload Principle

Muscle must be challenged to perform at a greater level than that to which it is accustomed. Must be challenged to increase instead of just maintain.

Factors Influencing Tension Generation: Length-Tension Relationship

Muscles produce the most tension when at or near the physiological resting length at the time of contraction.

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