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Executive Order 11246

established requirements for non-discriminatory practices in hiring and employment on the part of U.S. government contractors. It "prohibits federal contractors and federally assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin."

fair labor standards act of 1938

establishes both a national minimum wage and overtime rules

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

establishes national minimum wage and overtime rules

evaluative assessment methods

evaluate job candidates to identify whom to hire. ie psychomotor tests, cognitive ability test, non-cog ability test, personality assessment, integrity tests, job knowledge test, structured interview, unstructured interview, work samples, simulations, assessment center

work samples

evaluate the performance of actual or simulated work tasks

person needs analysis

evaluates how individual employees are doing in the training area and determines who needs what type of training

applicant assessment phases: evaluative assessment

evaluates job knowledge, work samples (portfolios or answering job scenario questions)

paired comparison method

every employee in a work group is compared to the other group members


everyone feels respected and listened to, and everyone contributes to his or her fullest potential

creative benefits

ex, cliff bar: lets dogs come to work, nike: climbing wall

legally protected characteristics

examples include pregnancy, religion, age, sex, gender, ethnicity, national origin, disability status, military status


examples include: Number of supervisors trained or number of product defects

optional benefits

examples include: free food, free exercise facilities, telecommuting, flexible spending accounts, domestic partner benefits etc.

top drivers of retention

excellent career advancement opportunities, satisfaction with firm's business decisions, good relationship w/supervisor, orgs rep as a great place to work, good work-life balance

special situation incentive plans

executive incentives, sales incentives, incenting innovation


exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration

healthy employees

exhibit higher morale, better performance leading to increased company performance

Employment laws & regs

exists to provide equal employment opportunity & ban unfair discrimination

person-organization fit

fit between an individual's values, attitudes, and personality and the organization's values, norms and culture.

utilitarian, rights, fairness, common good, virtue

five types of ethical standards


flows from orgs strategic plan and then flows back to the orgs success as a whole


fluid function w/I HR department

emotion-focused coping strategies

focus on the emotions brought on by the stressor


focuses on developing competencies that an employee or workgroup is expected to need in the future

performance culture

focuses on hiring, retaining, developing, motivating and making work assignments based on performance data and results

task needs analysis

focuses on identifying which jobs, competencies, abilities, behaviors, etc. the training effort should focus on

employer image

forced on people's general impression of an org

forced-choice rating method

forces the assessor to choose the statement that best fits the target employee from a provided set of statements that are scored and weighted in advance


formal and informal activities intended to improve competencies relevant to an employee or trainees current job


formal and informal activities to improve competencies relevant to an employee's or workgroup's current job


formalizes an organizations expectations & guides employees

scanlon plans

gainsharing programs based on implementing employee suggestions for lowering the cost per unit produced

at-will employment

generally upheld at court though its best for companies to terminate with good reason & after following normal termination policy and procedures

changes of any type

generates a variety of emotions/reactions from very positive to very negative


getting better at what you do or developing competences to prepare for future roles


getting better than good


getting good

1 of biggest training challenges

getting new skills and knowledge to transfer back to the work setting

psychological contract

give a little, take a little

flexible benefits plans

give employees a set amount of credits or dollars to allocate among different benefits options provided by the employer

Good employment practices

give employees flexibility to make decisions on the spot

Targeted hiring strategies

give personnel department veto process over all new hires based on attitude

severance pay

give to employees upon termination of their employment


gives specific steps needed to uphold policy

similar-to-me effect

giving high ratings to someone because she or he is perceived as being similar to the rater

steps in performance management process: Perf Mgmt standards

goals must revolve around both BEHAVIOR and RESULTS

surface bargaining

going through the motions of negotiations with no intent of reaching an agreement

Affirmative Action

government or private program designed to redress historic injustices and discrimination against specific groups by making special efforts to provide members of these groups with access to educational and employment opportunities

legally protected classes

groups sharing the same legally protected characteristics

protected classes

groups underrepresented in employment

National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (Wagner Act)

guarantees the right of nonmanagerial employees of firms engaged in interstate commerce to join unions and bargain collectively


guide decision making

Good employment practices

guidelines not rules


guidelines or laws that drive processes and procedures (ex. Speed limit 55), general, broad.

Errors in performance/appraisal

halo/horn effect, recency, primacy, bias, strictness, leniency, central tendency, contrast

dysfunctional stress

happens through over or under arousal stemming from too many or too few demands for too long


has been found to reduce workplace aggression

workers compensation

has reduced lawsuits, increase in safety & attempt to provide more prompt treatment/rehab when injuries occur

HR planning

has to consider performance metrics then aligns the org's talent to effectively and efficiently accomplish the org's strategic plans and goals.

HR strategies

have biggest impact when aligned not just with org strategic plan but with each other

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: most companies

have both core employees managed by high involvement HR practices AND peripheral employees managed by low involvement HR practices

Targeted hiring strategies

have dominant/high ranking employees attend new hire classes

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: High involvement HR practices

have positive effect on company financial performance: return on investment, revenue growth, revenue per employee

front line recruiters

have the largest impact on a firm's hiring decisions

1 of the 6 components of HRM

health & safety

HR internal consulting function

helping a department in performance management plan of an employee

labor relations strategies

helps both groups determine how to reach their goals while complying with labor laws

realistic job preview

helps with self-selection, vaccinates employee expectations & increases job commitment

high performance work systems (HPWS)

high involvement or high commitment organizations

compensatory approach

high scores on some assessments can compensate for low scores on other assessments

Methods of determining the correct candidate: compensatory approach

high scores on some assessments count more, compensate or override low scores on other.

recruiting best practices

hire personable & trustworthy recruiters


hiring an external vendor to do work rathe than doing it internally

ways HR promotes ethics

hiring ethical employees, setting clear goals for ethical behavior, training employees in ethics, recognizing ethics issues, properly handling ethical situations, consistently holding employees accountable for ethical behavior

goal of applicant assessments

hiring the right candidate

balanced scorecard

holistic assessment of performance orgs/groups/units

Negotiable job offer elements: relocation expenses

house-hunting, temp living allowance, travel expenses

psychology of safety

how a safe workplace influences how employees feel & behave

business strategy

how an organization will compete in a particular market

types of HR needs assessments: person needs analysis

how individual employees are doing in the training topic & determines who needs what type of training

Span of control

how many people report directly to a person

Org hierarchy

how much formal authority do some employees have over others

employee training program evaluation: Kirkpatrick's training eval model: 1. Reaction

how participants felt about the learning/training experience (customer satisfaction)

learning style

how people differ in how we process information when problem solving or learning


how work is organized to meet the organization's goals

applicant assessment: org fit

how you relate to the orgs culture

applicant assessment: group fit

how you relate to the team/department to which you will be assigned

after a company has ID'd it's business strategy for competing

human resource planning aligns the org's human resources, its talents, to accomplish the organizations strategic goals

Purpose of unions

ideally to promote & protect the interests of all employees regardless of whether they pay union dues & even workers who may not be represented by unions

labor relations strategic plan

identifies the labor relations goals desired individually or jointly by labor and management, determines the best strategy to reach those goals, and develops and executes the actions needed to implement that strategy

Competency Modeling

identifies the worker competencies characteristic to high performance

Organizational needs analysis

identifies where in the organization development or improvement opportunities exist

task statements

identify in specific behavioral terms the regular duties and responsibilities of a position

replacement planning

identifying specific back-up candidates for specific senior management positions

succession planning

identifying, developing and tracking employees to enable them to eventually assume higher level positions

defined contribution retirement plans

ie 401(k), 403(b) profit sharing, emp stock ownership

Under Medicare

if persons still working at 65 & their employer provides health insurance, person must use employer insurance as their primary insurance & this as secondary

4/5 rule

if the selection rate for any protected group is less than 4/5 or 80% of the rate of the employee group with the highest selection rate, adverse impact is indicated (ex. 100 of 100 white male applicants at a company are hired yet only 76 of 100 black male applicants are hired. WM selection ratio 100/100 or one. BM selection ratio 76/100 or 0.76. BM ratio 0.76 divided by WM ratio 1 = 0.76. Adverse impact on BM indicated. )

In M & A

immediate & short term objectives dominate.

labor relations strategies: collaboration advantages

implementing decisions can be easier

M&A Synergy Objectives w/significant "people integration" issues: bigger is better

improved market access

Synergy Objectives

improved market access (bigger is better)

Health & safety

improves organization function & decreases costs

Health & safety

improving this is simply ethical

the peter principle

in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence

Targeted hiring strategies

in group interviews observe how other people not answering are responding to person answering & if they are paying attention/supporting

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: outsourcing

in the long run there should be an employment enhancing rather than reducing effect

long-term incentives

incentives that motivate behaviors and performance that support company value and long-term organizational health. ie stock options

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: High involvement HR practices

include employee continuity, targeted hiring, use of teams & decentralization to get work done, variable pay, business information sharing with employees on a systematic basis, training & development, keeping status differentials to a minimum

M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions costs)

include legal costs, investment bank fees, etc

common ethical issues HR departments face

include privacy, staffing, safety, layoffs, downsizing, performance appraisal & labor practices

Employment law

includes Equal Employment Opportunity, Diversity & Affirmative Action

applicant assessment

includes accuracy, fit, ethics, legal compliance & positive stakeholder reactions

applicant assessment phases: evaluative assessment

includes assessment centers (candidates put through technique evaluations)

applicant assessment phases: evaluative assessment

includes cognitive & non-cognitive ability tests (physical requirements)

Methods of determining the correct candidate

includes combining scores: compensatory approach or multiple hurdle approach

employee training design considerations

includes consideration of tools, materials & personnel needed as well as appropriateness and logistics

applicant assessment: job fit

includes education, job-related competencies, job knowledge, previous experience & personality characteristics that apply to job tasks

applicant assessment: group fit

includes expertise relative to other group members, conflict management style, teamwork values, communication skills & personality related to working effectively with others

employee training program evaluation: Kirkpatrick's training eval model: 1. Reaction

includes feedback forms, participant behaviors, surveys

applicant assessment phases: evaluative assessment

includes interviews (both structured & unstructured), assessment of leadership or cognitive styles

applicant assessment phases: screening

includes job application checks: for applicant skills, education & work experience


includes orientation or on boarding & socialization

employee training program evaluation: Kirkpatrick's training eval model 4 results

includes performance appraisal & ROI analysis (Return on Investment)

applicant assessment: org fit

includes personal integrity, compassion, competitiveness, values & goals

safety culture

includes physical conditions, policies/regulations, positive/negative reinforcement, behaviors both entire facility & population

employee training program evaluation: Kirkpatrick's training eval model: 2 learning

includes pre- and post training tests/assessments, observations, simulations & interviews

Internal recruiting

includes succession management, talent inventory & internal job posting systems

merger & acquisitions: 3 forms of synergy value/financial reasons to merge

increased revenues, lower expenses & lower overall cost capital

hardship premiums

increased salary for living in an area with a lower quality of life, less safety, etc.

tax equalization payments

increased salary to make up for higher taxes that reduce take-home pay and decrease employee's purchasing power

job enrichment

increasing job complexity

job enlargement

increasing tasks/responsibilities

staffing ratios

indexing headcount with a business metric. ie manager to emp, rev to emp, cust to emp, store size to emp


indirect compensation that reward things such as continued employment, promote loyalty & increase employee quality of life

performance management is important because

individual contributions drives business results that accomplish the goals of the organization

Incentive plan types

individual, skill-based, team, organizational, specialized

3 types of unions

industrial, trade, and employee associations


influences organizations performance

Upward reviews

info is gathered from subordinates on management performance

first impression bias

initial judgements influence later assessments

workers compensation

insurance replaces wages/med benefits for employees injured on the job in exchange for agreement of employee not to sue for negligence.

Due Diligence/M&A Tasks: HR

integration of payroll, benefits and other HR systems

unemployment insurance

intended to provide laid off employees with some income

motivation to transfer

intention and willingness to transfer any knowledge acquired in a training or development activity back to the work context

disparate treatment

intentional discrimination based on a person's protected characteristic

disparate treatment

intentional, more in your face (Think: I won't hire you because you're black)

labor relations strategies: collaboration advantages

interest-based bargaining is used to resolve dispute which focuses attention on the problem not the parties involved

compensation equity issues

internal, employee, external, comparable worth, wage rate compensation & other issues such as teams, executive, global

workflow analysis

investigates how work moves through an organization to identify changes to increase efficiency and better meet customers' needs

Affirmative action

is an extension of the regulations enacted by Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: peripheral staffing

is both an employer & employee preference

some turnover

is good & some is bad

job analysis provides

job description, job tasks, task statements, person specs, KSAOs & competencies ID'd

4 strategies of job design

job enrichment, job enlargement, job rotation & cross training

essential criteria

job holder characteristics that are vital to job performance

desirable criteria

job holder characteristics that may enhance job success but are not essential to adequate job performance

applicant assessment phases: contingent assessment

job offer dependent upon results such as background checks, drug screens, etc

task needs

job or competency analysis/observation/performance appraisals/quality control analysis: sources for collecting _________ analysis information

recruitment message

job posting/ad

benchmark jobs

jobs that tend to exist across departments and across diverse organizations allowing them to be used as a basis for compensation comparisons

types of employee training learning objectives: cognitive

knowledge (ex. New skills/technology)


knowledge, skill, ability and other characteristics

Good employment practices

leadership & customer service main focus


learning objectives that build a physical skill

Affective Learning Objectives

learning objectives that change an attitude, relationship or appreciation

public relations aspect of recruiting

leaving applicants with a positive feeling about the org even if they aren't hired & good applicant perceptions of the company

desired recruiting outcomes

leaving applicants with a positive feeling about the org even if they aren't hired.

applicant assessment: legal compliance

legally defensible hiring practices. Compares all applicants using the same fair, consistent & objective information predictive of job success

all employees belong to one or more

legally protected class (for example: race, gender)

indirect financial compensation

legally required benefits, retirement income, disability insurance, deferred pay, PTO

horns effect

letting one negative factor influence assessments of other areas of behavior or performance

halo effect

letting one positive factor influence assessments of other areas of behavior or performance

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: low involvement HR practice

limited employee continuity

human resource strategy

links the entire human resource function with the firm's business strategy

Why M&A fails: poorly managed integration

little planning & design resulting in poor implementation

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: low involvement HR practice

little/no business information sharing

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: low involvement HR practice

little/no training or development

Internal recruiting

locates current employees who would be a good fit in another position

internal recruiting source

locates talent currently working for the company that would be a good fit with another position


long-term goals regarding what the organization wants to become and accomplish, describing its image of an ideal future

employee training program evaluation: Kirkpatrick's training eval model: 3 Behavior

long-term observations, sustainability of new behaviors

org benefits of improving workers safety

lower insurance costs; lower workers comp costs; improved employee moral, productivity & retention

labor relations strategies: collaboration disadvantages

lower level management may believe that upper management has "sold out" to the union

golden parachute

lucrative benefits given to executives in the event the company is taken over

HR internal planning

main goal is getting the right people in the right place at the right time

Phase 3 of M&A: Investigate & value the target

main objective is to identify various synergy values to be realized though M&A of the Target company

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: High involvement HR practices

mainly utilized for core staff

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: low involvement HR practices

mainly utilized for peripheral staff

ethics of recruitment

maintain applicant confidentiality

employee management relations

maintaining this is positive is important for both unionizied and nonunionized companies

orientation/on boarding

makes a difference, first employee impression, want it to be positive

legally protected characteristics

making employment decisions based on these is an unlawful or illegal employment practice

gains/influence of differentiated rewards

making the best use of scarce reward resources

Goal of workforce diversity:

making the org reflective of the population the org is striving to serve

functional stress

manageable levels of stress that generate positive emotions including satisfaction, excitement and enjoyment

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: core staff

managed as high value assets, companies hope to add value to, are invested in but viewed as offering a high rate of return in the future

labor relations strategies: avoidance

management engages in either unlawful or lawful efforts to prevent a union from forming or seeks the decertification of an existing union


management keeps employees away from the workplace and uses management staff or replacements to run the business

change management

managing the impact of crucial organization adaptations on the organization's people

talent inventory

manual or computerized records of employee's relevant characteristics, experiences and competencies

How unions impact HRM: training & development

many unions are involved in

tools for evaluating the worth of a job

market pricing, job evaluation methods, position analysis questionnaire

person-group fit

match between an individual and his or her workgroup and supervisor

passive job seeker

may be already employed or a homemaker, content where they are & doing what they are doing, not complacent however but might take a job if opportunity is right


may be part of a policy

passive job seeker

may have a job right now, somewhat content, looks for a job here & there, still ripe for picking if right opportunity comes along

social security

meant to lower unemployment for young by giving elderly income

efficiency-oriented recruiting metrics

measure how efficient is a firms hiring practices

efficiency-oriented recruiting metrics

measure number of applicants

behavioral observation scales

measure the frequency of desired behaviors

job knowledge tests

measure the knowledge (often tehnical) required by a job

efficiency-oriented recruiting metrics

measures avg cost per hire

employee training program evaluation: Kirkpatrick's training eval model: 2 learning

measures change in participants' knowledge, skills, behaviors or attitudes due to the training

efficiency-oriented recruiting metrics

measures hiring speed (time to fill positions)

efficiency-oriented recruiting metrics

measures number of hires

balanced scorecard

measures performance in the areas of: innovation, customer, internal & finance

employee training program evaluation: Kirkpatrick's training eval model 4 results

measures the business impact of the trainees' knowledge and behavior

employee training program evaluation: Kirkpatrick's training eval model: 3 Behavior

measures the extent to which what is learned in training is used on the job

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

measures the practice/effects of employer hiring practices

applicant assessment: positive stakeholder needs

meeting both internal and external stakeholder needs

Rules, polices & procedures

members of the same family

horizontal mergers

merge of two firms across similar products/services


merging of 2 companies where 1 new company continues to exist

Bad attitudes

metastases throughout your org no matter where they are located in the organization

dealing with root cause of stress

methods include change the situation, change the way we think about it or focus on reaction management such as working out or meditation

total compensations statement & benefits communication tools

methods of communicating benefits to employees

perform mgmt obstacles

mgment/org not communicating expectations to employees, lack of accountability, human biases & errors

fraudulent recruitment

misrepresenting the job or organization to a recruit

forecast external job market

monitor own experience bureau of labor stats

dealing with root cause of stress

more effective than focus on the emotion that results from stress

applicant assessment phases: evaluative assessment

more in-depth to identify potential successful hires among candidates

desired recruiting outcomes

more talent diversity

late or no performance appraisals

most serious employee complaint about performance appraisals

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: low involvement HR practice

most work individual

extrinsic motivation

motivation that comes from outside the individual, including performance bonuses

recruitment message

must be accurate & attractive (pleasing to the eye) - no misspellings etc.

generation of pay rate/salary structure

must be based on quantifiable evaluation data & justifiable reasons

social security

must work long enough & earn long enough to accrue quarters of coverage (usually 10 yrs or 40 quarters

normative employee commitment characteristics

my boss has invested too much time in training and mentoring me

affective employee commitment characteristics

my job is rewarding & I enjoy coming to work each day

continuance employee commitment characteristics

my salary & benefits get me a nice house in an nice area

efficiently-oriented or strategy-oriented metrics

need to be used together for optimal efficiency

applicant assessment: fit categories

needed for optimal compatibility with an org. Types include job, group & org

orientation/on boarding

needs to be formal, sequential and well thought out and provided in manageable, understandable and bitesize chunks


neglecting one's own concerns to satisfy the concerns of the other person

M&A Synergy Objectives

negotiating power

desired recruiting outcomes

new hire performance/tenure & fit w/company

fixed socialization

new hires are informed in advance when their probationary status will end

disjunctive socialization

newcomers are left alone to develop their own interpretations of the organization and situations they observe

individual socialization

newcomers are socialized individually as in an apprenticeship

collective socialization

newcomers go through a common set of experiences as a group

social security

no age limit for social security, if you work while accepting social security you still have to pay into

workers compensation

no fault insurance, regardless of who is to blame for the accident

at-will employment

no legally predefined legal requirements in terms of notice periods for termination

Negotiable job offer elements: benefits

number, amount paid & timing; continuing education, professional memberships, product discounts, short-term loans

Job characteristics model

objective job characteristics including skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and task feedback, lead to job satisfaction from people with a high growth need strength.

adverse impact

occurs when employment practice has a disproportionate effect on a protected group regardless of intent

minimizing workplace injuries & accidents

of interest to both employees & employers

horizontal mergers

often a way for a company to increase market share

6 HR functions

often blended when HR acts as an internal consultant


often contain rules & procedures

Phase 3 of M&A: Investigate & value the target

often involves investment bankers who assist in analysis of the Target company

zero tolerance policy

one of the best protections against workplace violence

rewards should not be

one-size fits all. As effort, performance & results generated varies so should the reward

short-term incentives

one-time variable rewards used to motivate short-term employee behavior and performance (typically one year or less). ie bonus or profit sharing. to motivate attendance, cust serv, safety, production quality and quantity

succession management

ongoing process of systematically IDing, assessing & developing leadership to enhance performance


only state that does not have at-will employment


opening a location in another country or outsourcing work to an existing company abroad

Typical types of responses to change: the critic

opposes the change

customary benefits

optional benefits often considered to be deal makers or deal breakers

direct financial compensation

or pay systems - base pay, wages, differential pay, commission, bonuses etc

effect of engaged employees

org benefits including increased productivity, gain in business opportunities & higher employee retention

effect of dissatisfied, disengaged & uncommitted employees

org costs including lower productivity, lost business opportunitiies & higher turnover

the performance of its people

org performance is only as good as

pay leader

organization with a compensation policy of giving employees greater rewards than competitors

types of HR needs assessments

organizational needs analysis, task needs analysis, person needs analysis


organized factual or procedural information that can be applied to perform a task

California Civil rights Initiative 1996

outlawed affirmative action in public employment, contracting, education and university admission

Benefit of a diverse workforce

output more reflective of the population org is trying to serve

contrast effect

over-or under-rating someone base on a comparison with someone else

Typical types of responses to change: the victim

panics at the thought of change

HR participates in phase 1 of mergers/acquisitions by

participating in the due diligence assessment, participating in planning for the combination of orgs, developing practices that support knowledge transfer & rapid learning

variable pay

pay outside of salary or customary benefits including profit sharing, stock options, stock grants, and bonuses

cost-of-living adjustments

pay tied to inflation indicators rather than merit

Job influence on direct finan compensation

pay variations across employees will likely exist

Housing allowance

payments to subsidize or cover housing and related costs

Life Insurance

pays a beneficiary or beneficiaries a sum of money after the death of an insured individual

fixed pay

pays employees a set amount regardless of performance

workers' compensation insurance

pays for medical costs and sometimes time off if an employee suffers a job-related sickness or accident, and survivor benefits in the case of an employee's death in exchange for relinquishing the employee's right to sue the employer for negligence


people or employees that work for an organization

Like me bias: inner sanctum

people we trust the most/are most comfortable with

Organizational image

people's general impression of an organization based on both feelings and facts

Hiring considerations: fairness perceptions, distributive fairness

perceived fairness of the outcome

Hiring considerations: fairness perceptions, procedural fairness

perceived fairness of the policies & procedures used to determine the outcome


percent of a company's operating budget that is devoted to employee costs

psychological contract

perceptions of mutual obligations by which both parties to the employment relationship interpret, act & respond to each other

Hiring considerations: fairness perceptions, interactional fairness

perceptions of the degree of respect & the quality of the interpersonal treatment received during the decision-making process

HRM areas

perf mgmt staffing health & safety training & development reward & benefits emp mgmt relations

Negotiable job offer elements: non-salary compensation

performance bonuses, profit-sharing & stock options

multi-source assessments

performance feedback from the employee's supervisor as well as other sources who are familiar with an employee's job performance

1 of the 6 components of HRM

performance management

balanced scorecard

performance measured in 4 key areas

HR must juggle

performance metrics, human resource planning activities & organizational action plans

status differentials

perks given to execs that aren't given to the bulk of employees such as private parking spaces, allocated offices, CEO pay difference large relative to employee pay

self-management strategies

person's effort to control his or her motivation, emotions and decision making to enhance the application of learned capabilities to the job

types of employee training learning objectives: psychomotor

physical skill ( how to assemble an item on an assembly line)

org charts

pictoral representation of the formal system of tasks, power & reporting relationships in an org

workplace violence highest risk indicators

places where money is exchanged with the public, working with volatile/unstable people, working alone/in isolated areas, providing services in care, working where alcohol is served & working late at night or in areas with high crime rate

What emp should do

planning laws & regulations

roles HR fulfill as internal consultants

planning strategy, forecasting labors supply & demand, developing action plans for labor gaps

mobility policies

policies that specify the rules by which people move between jobs within an organization

Why M&A fails

poor strategic fit, cultural/social differences, incomplete/inadequate due diligence, poor integration management, paying too much, overly optimistic,

strategic reasons for merging/acquisitions

positioning, gap filling, organizational competencies, broader market access, bargain purchase, diversification, short term grown, undervalued target

recruiting spillover

positive or negative unintended consequences of recruiting activities

Employee Handbooks

print of online materials that document the organization's HRM policies and procedures

affirmative action

proactive efforts to eliminate discrimination and its past effects

Affirmative action

proactive steps

Most effective orgs workforce violence programs are

proactive, multi-disciplinary programs that includes training for all personnel

internet data mining

proactively search the internet to locate semi-passive and passive job seekers with the characteristics and qualifications needed fore a position

strategic planning

process for making decisions about an organization's long-term goals and how they are to be achieved

performance management

process of maintaining or improving an employees job performance through the use of performance assessment tools, coaching, counseling & continuous feedback

job analysis

process used to ID & describe the important aspects of a job & then the worker characteristics needed to succeed

Self Regulation

processes enabling an individual to guide his/her goal-directed activities over time

optimal turnover

produces the highest long-term levels of productivity & business improvement


productivity gains shared with employees

workers compensation

programs administered by states

employee wellness programs

programs designed to increase company performance and employee performance/morale through improved employee health

vietnam era veterans readjustment assistance act of 1974

prohibits discrimination against and requires affirmative action for disabled veterans

Veterans Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act or Jobs for Vets Act

prohibits discrimination against and requires affirmative action for disabled vets as well as other categories of vets

rehabilitation act of 1973

prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with a disability. EEOC

pregnancy discrimination act of 1978

prohibits discrimination for all employment related purposes on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions

americans with disabilities act of 1990

prohibits discrimination of a qualified individual with or perceieved as having a disability. EEOC

Americans with Disabilities Act

prohibits discrimination of qualified individuals with or perceived as having a disability, focus on fair treatment & reasonable accommodation

genetic information nondiscrimination act of 2008

prohibits employers from discriminating against individuals based on the results of genetic testing when hiring, firing, job placement or promotion decisions

title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. EEOC

Pregnancy discrimination act

prohibits employment discrimination on basis of pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions

national labor relations act of 1935

prohibits retaliation against employees seeking to unionize

Equal pay act

prohibits wage discrimination based on sex

equal pay act of 1963

prohibits wage discrimination on the basis of sex. EEOC

defined benefit retirement plans

promise participants a monthly benefit at retirement

company culture seeks to

promotes behaviors a company determine are the key to driving a companies success

gains/influence of differentiated rewards

promoting the performance improvement (or attrition) of low performers

gains/influence of differentiated rewards

promoting the retention of top performers


proposals to discriminate, union shop clauses in right to work states, closed shop clauses, handing goods produced by nonunion companies are ________ subjects.

resource dependence theory

proposition that organizational decisions are influenced by both internal and external agents who control critical resources

Fair discrimination

protected by law when the objective, merit based and ob related characteristics are used to determine employment related decision

age discrimination in employment act of 1967

protects people age 40 and older. EEOC

Age Discrimination Employment Act (ADEA)

protects people over 40+

Rehabilitation act

protects qualified people with a disability

recruiting best practices

provide attractive recruiting activities

recruiting best practices

provide clear, specific, accurate info

effective socialization of new employees

provide formal activities & materials in a predetermined order within a specified time frame

effective socialization of new employees

provide role models/mentors/guides

effective socialization of new employees

provide social support

ethics of recruitment

provide timely info & feedback to candidates & hiring managers. Let applicants know ASAP if they are not being selected

balanced scorecard

provides a concise, overall picture from the viewpoint of numerous shareholders

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

provides a continuation of group health coverage for employees and qualified beneficiaries that might otherwise be terminated when an employee experiences a qualifying event

why use applications

provides a standardized format for easier comparison to other applications

recruiting best practices

provides job & org info so candidates can assess fit

Social Security

provides retirement income to qualified workers and their spouses after working a certain number of hours

unemployment insurance

provides temporary income during periods of involuntary unemployment


provides the foundation for an organization's effectiveness & competitive advantage by bringing in the right talent

gains/influence of differentiated rewards

providing evidence that certain employees create more value than others

iceberg diagram

psychological contract


pursuing one's own concerns at the the other person's expense

assessment center

puts candidates through a variety of simulations and assessments to evaluate their potential fit with and ability to do the job. ie inbasket exercises, grp disc, simulations, dec-make probs, oral presentation, written comm


quantifiable measure of performance used to gauge progress towards strategic objectives or agreed upon standards of performance

dysfunctional stress

quantity & duration are factors

unstructured or informal interviews

questions can be asked that aren't standardized, more personable

University level affirmative actions

quotas illegal, striving to create a diverse uni environment/student body is not

pay grades job pricing system

range of possible pay for a group of jobs based on experience/skills/seniority (salary minimum, midpoint & maximum)

central tendency

rating all employees in the middle of the scale regardless of performance

4/5 rule violations

ratio of selection for a selected group divided by the highest selected group's ratio is less than 0.80.


realistic job preview

The organization's talent

really makes a difference in how the organization performs

strategic reasons for merging/acquisitions

reasons for mergers & acquisitions that tend to have the best outcomes

Due Diligence/M&A Tasks: HR

recommendation of new HR policies & programs

strategic recruiting metrics

recruiting metrics that track recruiting processes and outcomes that influence the organization's performance, competitive advantage or strategic execution

employee wellness programs benefits

reduce injuries, lower healthcare costs, reduce absenteeism, improve productivity, improve employee morale/loyalty, reduce workers comp/disability costs

applicant assessment phases: screening

reduce pool of applicants to good candidates (who meet the basic requirements)


reinforcer: removal of any positive or negative reinforcement following the occurrence of the behavior to be extinguished decreases the likelihood of that behavior

negative reinforcement

reinforcer: removing current or future unpleasant consequences to increase the likelihood that someone will repeat a behavior.

The integration of 2 companies

requires a high level of quality management

HR planning

requires constant recalibration

family and medical leave act of 1993

requires leave and job return for personal or family medical reasons and for the care of newborn or newly adopted children

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

requires leave and job-return for personal or family medical reasons and for the care of newborns or newly adopted children

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

requires most employers to provide employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for family members

Affirmative action

requires the taking of proactive steps to integrate workforces

interest arbitration

resolves disputes over the terms of a collective bargaining agreement currently being negotiated

recruitment message

resounds far beyond just the immediate applicants so it is very important & is a reflection upon the org

recruiting best practices

respond quickly to applications & inquiries


responsible for executing the organizations strategy

workplace violence prevention

rests squarely on the shoulders of an employer

4/5 rule violations

result in Federal EEOC penalties

Due Diligence/M&A Tasks: HR

retention of key people and separation of redundants staff

1 of the 6 components of HRM

rewards & benefits

nonfinancial compensation

rewards and incentives given to employees that are not financial in nature including intrinsic rewards received from the job itself or from the work environment

nonfinancial compensation

rewards and incentives given to employees that aren't financial in nature

pay for performance programs

rewards employees based on some specific measure of their performance

skill-based pay

rewards for employees based on the range and depth of their knowledge and skills. effort and coop w/supervisor limited ability, partial proficiency, full competence

wellness incentives

rewards for engaging in healthy behavior or participating in wellness programs

recognition awards

rewards for specific achievements like tenure with the organization, helping a coworker or attendence

employee wellness programs incentives

rewards to employees for engaging in healthy behaviors or participating in a wellness program

Weingarten rights

rights that guarantee employees the right to union representation during investigatory interviews by the employer

OSHA standards

rules describing the methods employers must legally follow to protect their workers from hazards

Maslows hierarchy of needs

safety & security are basic & foundational human needs

job offer elements

salary, sign-on bonus, relocation exp, benefits, job specific elements

single-rate job pricing system

same rate paid to all employees performing the same job


scheduling option that lets employees decide when to work within parameters

front line recruiters

screen the most recruits

applicant assessment phases

screening, evaluative assessment & contingent assessment

resume databases

searchable database of prescreened resumes

organizational design

selecting and managing aspects of organizational structure to facilitate organizational goal accomplishment

social security

self employed and contract employees must pay both employee & employer portions

top drivers of engagement

senior management is sincerely interested in employee well being, org rep in the community, improved skills/capabilities over the past year, appropriate amount of decision-making authority to do a good job, org quickly resolves customer concerns


sensory modality: learning by doing


sensory modality: learning by hearing


sensory modality: learning by seeing


sensory modality: learning by touching

voluntary turnover

separation by employee's choice for personal or private reasons

involuntary turnover

separation due to the org asking the employee to leave usually due to poor performance, misconduct, reorganization, etc

HR internal consulting

serves other organizational departments through this process

Griggs vs Duke Power

set precedent for "disparate impact" lawsuits involving racial discrimination

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

sets minimum wage, overtime standards, women & men paid equally for same job with some exceptions

open skills

sets of principles that can be applied in many different ways

culture of safety

shared attitudes, beliefs and practices that shape & eventually translate into employee behaviors - whether safe or not

M&A Synergy Objectives w/significant "people integration" issues: know more

shared know how

M&A Synergy Objectives

shared know how (know more)

M&A Synergy Objectives w/significant "people integration" issues: use same for more

shared tangible resources

M&A Synergy Objectives

shared tangible resources (use same for more)

open shop

shop that does not discriminate based on union membership in employing or keeping workers.

closed shop

shop that exclusively employs people who are already union members. Taft-Hartley Act made this illegal.

agency shop

shop that requires nonunion workers to pay a fee to the union for its services in negotiating their contracts

Job influence on direct finan compensation

should align with variations in job requirements

info shared with applicants

should be a predetermined decision and communicated from HR leadership to front line recruiters

Manager assessments

should be done on a continuous basis & actively done

recruitment message

should be informative, address a range of job/org characteristics & provide specific info about those characteristics

Mission statement

should include a vision of how you want to treat both your internal & external customers

group incentive plans

should motivate goal accomplishment, must align w/group objectives & org goals, gainsharing

ethics of recruitment

should not poach talent from competitors; however can be open to applicants from competitors who come to you

voluntary reduction efforts

should not seek to eliminate all turnover (as some is good) but to hit the sweet spot of optimal turnover

job pricing types

single-rate system, pay grades & broadbanding

written standards of ethical conduct, ethics training, providing a way for seeking ethics related advice or info, providing a way to report misconduct anonymously, disciplining employees, evaluating ethical behavior

six elements of a complete ethics program

cumulative trauma disorders

skeletal and muscle injuries that occu when the same muscles are used to preform tasks repetitively

hackman & oldman 5 chars on which jobs differ

skill variety task identity task significance autonomy task feedback

competency-based pay

skill-based pay for professional jobs

closed skills

skills performed similarly or exactly like they are taught in training

Historical issues that led to affirmative action

slavery, Jim crow laws

why communicate about benefits

so that benefits programs are valued, understood & best used by employees

applicant tracking system

software that helps manage the recruiting process

customary & optional benefits

some are not required by law but are highly regulated


some is anticipated & some unexpected


some is within employers control & other is not

workplace bullying

some see it as a workplace safety issue and others as a violation of personal rights

active job seeker

someone actively looking for information about job opportunities

implementation of new knowledge learned in training

sometimes requires the influence, assistance of a manager, coworker, or process champion to accomplish

steps in performance management process: Perf Mgmt standards:behavior

specific behaviors have to be translated into performance standards

codes of conduct

specifies expected and prohibited actions in the workplace and gives examples of appropriate behavior

1 of the 6 components of HRM


what emp can do

staffing training

6 components of HRM

staffing, health & safety, employee management relations, rewards & benefits, training & development, Performance management

How unions impact HRM

staffing, performance management, training & development, compensation & benefits


standards of moral behaviors that define socially acceptable behaviors that are right

Negotiable job offer elements: job specific elements

start date, timing of first performance review and raise, job title/role/duties, location & work hours

Dual theory of HRM & business performance

started in 1990, last 15 years

wage rate compression

starting salaries for new hires exceed the salaries paid to experienced employees

bottom-up judgmental forecasting

starts with lower-level managers' estimates of the firm's future talent needs.

right to work laws

state laws that prohibit union shops in which all workers in a unionized workplace must join the union and pay dues

workers compensation

state program paid for by employers

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: low involvement HR practice

static pay

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: High involvement HR practice

status differentials to a minimum

continuance employee commitment

staying because you NEED to

normative employee commitment

staying because you OUGHT to

affective employee commitment

staying because you WANT to

continuance commitment

staying with an organization because of perceived high economic and/or social costs involved with leaving

Common human biases

stereotyping, prejudice, perception of personal loss & ignorance

workforce redeployment

strategic moving of employees within an org

avoidance strategy

strategy in which management engages in lawful or unlawful efforts to prevent a union from forming or seeks the decertification of an existing union

collaboration strategy

strategy that relies heavily on labor relations to pursue an interest-based approach to problem solving

compliance strategy

strategy that relies heavily on the application of labor law to enforce the rights and obligations created by statute and by contract

economic strikes

strike over disputes regarding wages or benefits

unfair labor practice strikes

strike protesting illegal employer activities

jurisdictional strikes

strikes affirming members' right to certain job assignments and protest the work assignments to another union or to unorganized employees

recognition strikes

strikes intended to force employers to recognize unions

formal socialization

structured socialization using specifically designed activities and materials awayfrom the work setting

job classification method

subjectively classifies jobs into an exiting hierarchy of grades and categories

ranking methos

subjectively compares jobs to each other based on their overall worth to the organization

applicant assessment: fit

successful job performance is dependent on 1 of the 3 types

arbitrary tests

such as IQ/literacy tests, used to indirectly discriminate against minorities (who often had much less education under the segregated education system)

person specification

summarizes the characteristics of someone able to perform the job

employer brands

summary of what an employer offers to employees

employee training program evaluation: Kirkpatrick's training eval model 4 results

supervisors can easily evaluate subordinates; business impact can be more difficult to assess due to greater numbers of factors influencing business units

Org chart: higher levels

supervisors: responsible for the activities/performance of the levels beneath them.

Disability insurance

supplements workers' compensation insurance to provide continued income in the event of an employee becoming disabled

Reasons people support affirmative action

support for minority groups in the US is still needed

gains/influence of differentiated rewards

supporting the business strategy

Compensation surveys

surveys of other organizations conducted to learn what they are paying for specific jobs or job classes

employer brand

symbolic picture of all info connected to company or product (includes logos etc associated with company)


symbolic picture of all the information connected to a company or a product including its image

job worth: job eval methods

systematic process that uses expert judgment to assess appropriate salary

employee training program evaluation

systematically collect info necessary to make effective decisions about adopting, improving, evaluating & continuing an instructional activity or set of activities

training evaluation

systematically collecting the information necessary to make effective decisions about adopting, improving, valuing, and continuing an instructional activity or set of activities

Methods of determining the correct candidate: multiple hurdle approach

takes into account multiple methods of applicant evaluation (ex interview, written test & personality test)

hard bargaining

taking a strong position on an issue

strategic reasons for merging/acquisitions: positioning

taking advantage of future opportunities that can be exploited when 2 companies are combined

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: High involvement HR practice

targeted hiring

External recruiting

targets people outside the organization

employee stock ownership plans

tax-exempt, employer-established employee trusts that hold company stock for employees

labor relations strategies: collaboration

tends to be the preferred labor relations strategy

org termination best practices

terminate with reason and have documentation to back up your reason and to follow normal polices & procedures

at-will employment

termination can be done with no prior notice & the other party has no legal recourse

learning agility

the ability to learn from experiences and to apply that knowledge to new and different situations


the ability to use some sort of knowledge in performing a physical task; often refers to psychomotor activities

task aquaintance

the amount and type of work contact an evaluator has with the person being assessed

careers site

the area of an organization's website devoted to jobs and careers with the company

pay structure

the array of pay rates for different work or skills within a single organization

checklist method

the assessor uses a checklist of pre-scaled descriptions of behavior to evaluate the employee

essay appraisal method

the assessor writes a brief essay providing an assessment of the strengths, weaknesses and potential of the target employee

common law

the body of case by case court decisions that determine what is legal and what remedies are appropriate

case interview

the candidate is given a business situation, challenge or problem and asked to present a well thought out solution

total rewards

the combined intrinsic and extrinsic rewards of a job

aptitude-treatment interactino

the concept that some training strategies are more of less effective depending on a learner's particular abilities, personality traits and other characteristics

Typical types of responses to change

the critic, victim, bystander & navigator

interactional fairness

the degree of respect and the quality of the interpersonal treatment received during the decision-making process

task feedback

the degree to which carrying out the job's required activities results in the individual's obtaining direct and clear information about the effectiveness for his or her performance

division of labor

the degree to which employees specialize

task significance

the degree to which job performance is important and affect the lives and work of others


the degree to which organizational rules, procedures and communications are documented

sequential socialization

the degree to which socialization follows a specific sequence of steps


the degree to which some employees have formal authority over others


the degree to which the job gives the worker freedom, discretion and independence is scheduling the work and determining how to do the work

Skill variety

the degree to which the job requires a variety of activities enabling the worker to use different skills and talents

task identity

the degree to which the job requires the worker to complete a whole and identifiable piece of work

dysfunctional turnover

the departure of effective performers the company would have like to retain

functional turnover

the departure of poor performers

common good standard

the ethical action shows respect and compassion for all others, especially the most vulnerable

fairness standard

the ethical action treats all people equally, or at least fairly, based on some defensible standard

org commitment

the extent to which an employee identifies w/the org & its goals and wants to stay

organizational commitment

the extent to which an employee identifies with the organization and its goals and wants to stay with the organization affective, normative, continuance

person-job fit

the fit between a person's abilities and the job's demands and the fit between a person's desires and motivations and the job's attributes and rewards

job pricing

the generation of salary structures and pay levels for each job based on the job evaluation data

protected class

the group protected by the law


the more centralized an org, the greater the concentration of power & decision making that exists at the higher level of the org. Little to no distribution of power/decision making authority.

workforce redeployment

the movement of employees to other parts of the company or to other jobs in the company in order to match the talents of the workforce with the orgs needs

workforce redeployment

the movement of employees to other parts of the company or to other jobs the company needs filled to match its workforce with its talent needs

labor relations strategies: collaboration disadvantages

the new skills needed by both sides require changes in attitudes toward and approaches in the other party


the organization's basic purpose and the scope of its operations

organizational structure

the organization's formal system of task, power and reporting relationships. chars of: formalization, centralization, division of labor, span of control, hierarchy

human resource management

the organizational function responsible for attracting, hiring, developing, rewarding and retaining talent

distributive fairness

the perceived fairness of the outcomes received

procedural fairness

the perceived fairness of the policies and procedures used to determine the outcome

employee equity

the perceived fairness of the relative pay between employees performing similar jobs for the same organization


the process of ID'ing qualified individuals & labor markets from which to recruit


the process of gathering and evaluating the information used for deciding which applicants will be hired

Needs assessment

the process of identifying any gaps between what exists and what is needed in the future in terms of employee performance, competencies and behaviors. org, task, person analysis


the process of planning, acquiring, deploying and retaining employees that enables an organization to meet its talent needs and to execute its business strategy

pay grade (pay scale)

the range of possible pay for a group of jobs

forced distribution method

the rater distributes performance ratings into a pre-specified performance distribution

management by objectives

the rater evaluates the target employee against mutually set goals

pay mix

the relative emphasis give to different compensation components

stock options

the right of an employee to buy shares of the company's stock at a certain price (the exercise price) during some future period of time

voluntary turnover

the separation is due to the employee's choice

involuntary turnover

the separation is due to the organization asking the employee to leave


the set of practices and decisions that affect either the number or types of individuals willing to apply for and accept job offers

safety culture

the shared safety attitudes, beliefs and practices that shape employees' safety behavior

steps in performance management process: Perf Mgmt standards

these goals & standards must be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic (also relevant, results-oriented & rewarding) & Timely

unlawful employment practices

these violate federal, state or local employment law such as when people bearing a legally protected characteristic are unfairly discriminated against.

How unions impact HRM: staffing

they negotiate job opportunities to be granted based on seniority

Diverse workforce benefit: employees understand & communicate well with customers when:

they tend to reflect those customers

rights standard

this ethical action is the one that best respects and protects the moral rights of everyone affected by the action

org costs: voluntary turnover

this type of turnover, when involving a low performing employee is seen as an opportunity to fill the position with a high performer


those who pass initial screening rounds

omission, remission, commission

three types of systematic errors that orgs make that undermine ethics efforts

Scales of power

tilted towards employer/org when determining working conditions, pay, promotion, training, etc

strategic compensation system goals

to attract & retain qualified employees

purpose of benefits

to attract & retain top employees

strategic compensation system goals

to be externally competitive, internally consistent & fair

types of crucial adaptations orgs must make

to changes in technology, input costs & competition

strategic compensation system goals

to foster employee engagement and productive work relationships

progressive discipline purpose

to give employees the opportunity to correct negative behaviors, reduce turn over and protect ROI (Return on investment)

Purposes of Strategies of job design

to improve & influence employee motivation

Reason to tie pay to performance

to improve productivity

Reason to tie pay to performance

to increase likelihood of achieving corporate goals

strategic compensation system goals

to motivate individual performance & employees' contribution to organizational goal achievement

Reason to tie pay to performance

to recognize & reward high performance

strategic compensation system goals

to reflect relative value of each job


to what degree are power & decision making authority concentrated at higher levels of the org rather than distributed


to what extent are org rules, procedures and communications written down

4/5 rule formula: within selected group

total applicants w/i selection group hired/total number of applicants within the selected group.

efficiency oriented recruiting metrics

track how efficiently a firm is hiring

strategy-oriented recruiting metrics

track recruiting process & outcomes that influence a firm's competitive advantage

strategy-oriented recruiting metrics

track recruiting process & outcomes that influence a firm's org performance

strategy-oriented recruiting metrics

track recruiting process & outcomes that influence a firm's org performance, competitive advantage & strategic execution

strategy-oriented recruiting metrics

track recruiting process & outcomes that influence a firm's strategic execution

skill inventories

tracks employees' competencies and work experiences in a searchable database

recruiting best practices

train recruiters to be good communicators

management's role in stress mgmt

train staff on problem focused coping strategies that deal directly with the root cause of stress

1 of the 6 components of HRM

training & development

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: High involvement HR practice

training & development


training activities to help new hires fit in as organizational members


training employees in more than one job or in multiple skills to enable them to do different jobs

recruiting best practices

treat candidates fairly & respectfully

divestiture socialization

tries to deny and strip away certain personal characteristics

labor relations strategies: collaboration advantages

trust can be strengthened

Like me bias: level 1 trust

trust level associated with people you're getting to know or are just getting acquainted with


trying to find some expedient, mutually acceptable middle ground solution which partially satisfies both parties

avoidable turnover

turnover that the employer could have prevented

unavoidable turnover

turnover that the employer could not have prevented


two firms in completely different industries merge (ex gas pipeline co merging with a computer company)

vertical merger

two firms merged along the value chain (ex. A manufacturer merging with a supplier

job sharing

two or more people split a single job

domestic partners

two people who are not married, but are in a same-sex or opposite-sex arrangement similar to marriage


under social security. Part A: Hospitalization Part B: Medical insurance

2 + 2 = 5

underlying principle behind mergers & acquisitions

Due Diligence/M&A Tasks: HR

understand employment law issues & critical people issues (such as leadership, employee communications, talent retention & cultural alignment)

psychological contract

understood agreement between an employee & the employer

types of strikes

unfair labor practices economic recognition jurisdictional


uniform guidelines on emp selection. selecting procs advises employee in legal compliance


union members refuse to use or buy the firm's products to exert economic pressure on management


union members refuse to work, halting production or services

labor relations strategies: collaboration disadvantages

union membership may not support the relationship and suspect union leaders of pursing their personal interests rather than the union member's interest

Employee associations

union of professional employees

How unions impact HRM: compensation & benefits

unionized employees tend to increase total compensation costs of the employer

Industrial Unions

unions composed primarily of semi-skilled employees in manufacturing industries

Trade Unions

unions composed primarily of skilled employees in a single trade

informal socialization

unstructured, on-the-job socialization done by coworkers

hostile environment harassment

unwanted verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature creates a hostile, intimidating or otherwise offensive working environment

quid pro quo harassment

unwanted verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature mad as a term or condition of employment or as a basis for employment and/or advancement decisions

sexual harassment

unwelcome sexual advances, requests for favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature

Behaviorally anchored rating scales

use a set of behavioral statements relating to qualities important for performance

Targeted hiring strategies

use model employees in hiring process

Methods of determining the correct candidate

use more than one evaluation method & meaningfully combine scores for a more compensatory approach (multiple hurdle approach)

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: High involvement HR practice

use of teams & decentralization

broadbanding job pricing system

use of very wide pay grades & pay increase flexibility

ratio analysis

use past relationships to forecast how many emp needed for diff levels of bus activity

incentives or incentives pay

used to encourage employees to perform at higher levels

employer brand

used to manage internal & external perceptions of what it means to work there

point factor method

uses a set of compensable factors to determine a job's value. skill, resp, effort, working cond.

structured interview

uses consistent, job-related questions with predetermined scoring keys. behavioral or situational.

market pricing

uses external sources of information about how others are compensating a certain position to assign value to a company's similar job

job worth: market pricing

uses external sources to determine appropriate salary

behavioral interview

uses information about what the applicant has done in the past to predict future behavior

applicant attraction strategies

uses powerful tools such as employer image & employer brand

graphic rating scale

uses ratings of unsatisfactory, average, above average and outstanding to evaluation either work quality or personal traits


using a neutral third party to attempt to resolve the dispute through facilitation

progressive discipline

using increasingly severe measures when an employee fails to correct a deficiency after being given a reasonable opportunity to do so verbal, written, suspension w/o pay, discharge

trend analysis

using past employment patterns to predict a firm's future labor needs


using very wide pay grades to increase pay flexibility


usually a way to smooth out wide fluctuations in earnings & provide more consistent long-term growth

due diligence

usually performed in Phase 3 (Investigate & Value the Target) of the merger & acquisition process

psychological contract

usually seen from standpoint/feelings of employees & includes how the employee is treated by the employer and what the employee puts into the job

Ethical dilemma resolution approaches

utilitarian standard, rights standard, fairness standard, common good standard, virtue standard

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: High involvement HR practice

variable pay


varies by type, location, timing, purpose & tools

org costs: voluntary turnover

varies depending on the caliber of the employee lost.

Org influence on direct finan compensation

varying profitability & resources - varying pay

Unstructured interviews

varying questions are asked across interviews and there are usually no standards for evaluating answers

types of work place bullying

verbal abuse; threatening, humiliating or intimidating conduct; sabotage, unreasonable/menial work assignments, holding target of bullying to a different standard, ignoring, teasing, gossiping

M&A Synergy Objectives w/significant "people integration" issues: process we own

vertical integration

M&A Synergy Objectives

vertical integration (process we own)

targeted hiring

very careful employee selection

specific goals & feedback

very important because they tell employees what they should be trying to do and whether or not they are doing it.

structured or formal interviews

very methodical, interview that includes job related questions where scoring keys are predetermined, everyone asked the same questions

balanced scorecard

very popular assessment tool

unlawful employment practices

violations of federal, state or local employment laws

types of turnover

voluntary/involuntary, functional/dysfunctional, avoidable/unavoidable

Employee influence on direct finan compensation

wage differentials


wages, overtime, seniority, grievance procedures, safety and work practices, procedures for layoff, recall, discharge and discipline are _________ subjects.


want to leverage in our org to make the most use of it to achieve org goals


watching people working in similar jobs for other companies to evaluate their ptoential fit with your organization

when basic human needs are met

we then turn our attention to other needs

applicant assessment: accuracy

weeding out bad fits & ID'ing good ones

forward approach feedback

what do we want employee results to be in the future

steps in performance management process: Perf Mgmt standards:results

what does the org want their employees to produce, what outcomes we want

HRM influences performance thru

what emp should do what emp can do what emp will do


what we need minus what we have now


what you are and are not allowed to do, most flexible form of regulations and subject to time & situation

global benefits

what's important to some countries is not as important to other countries; global benefits can vary widely by country

talent acquisition opportunity loss

when a great match is screened out by inept front line recruiters

secondary boycott

when a union encourages third parties such as customers and suppliers to stop doing business with a company. Taft-Hartley Act makes these illegal.


when an employee leaves an org for whatever reason

external equity

when an organization's employees believe that their pay is fair when compared to what other employers pay their employees who perform similar jobs

employee engagement

when employees are committed to, involved with, enthusiastic and passionate about their work

internal equity

when employees perceive their pay to be fair relative to the pay of other jobs in the organization

unfair discrimination

when employment decisions and actions are not job related, objective or merit-based

Unfair discrimination

when employment related decision/actions occur and are not linked to job based, objective or merit based content

pass the test of strict scrutiny

when examined, an affirmative action program must serve a compelling government interest & be narrowly tailored to meet that interest


when formal policies don't exists, helps to create & reinforce organizational culture

employee management relations

when healthy this improves communication, aides in problem solving & boosts performance

when salary budges are tight

when hiring is competitive, providing better benefits can help make an employer competitive

labor gaps

when labor supply and demand don't exactly match

fair discrimination

when only objective, merit based and job related characteristics are used to determine employment related decisions


when policies or practices have an adverse effect on a protected group

collective bargaining

when the employer and union negotiate in good faith on wages, benefits, work hours and other employment terms and conditions

most workplace violence incidents occur

when there is an unresolved conflict or when an employee or employee's spouse feels they've lost control of their lives

types of HR needs assessments: organizational needs analysis

where in the org development or improvement opportunities exist

types of HR needs assessments: task needs analysis

which jobs, competencies, abilities, behaviors, etc the training effort should focus on


worker representation on the company's board of directors

job rotation

workers are moved through a variety of jobs to increase their interest and motivation

In the US this is 4 xs more common than sexual harassment

workplace bullying

job description

written descriptions of the duties and responsibilities of the job itself

job applications

written information about skills and education, job experiences and other job relevant information. screening method.

Hiring considerations: negotiating employment contracts, explicit

written or verbal

succession management plans

written policies that guide the succession management process

workplace violence prevention

zero tolerance policy

Like me bias: COMFY

2nd stage of relationships: come over to my front yard.

Trend analysis, ratio analysis, judgmental forecasting

3 Techniques used to forecast labor demand

types of employee training learning objectives

3 types: cognitive, affective & psychomotor

Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Workers' Compensation, Family Medical Leave Act, COBRA

5 Mandatory Benefits

mergers & acquisitions process

5 phases: 1. Pre-acquisition review 2: search & screen targets 3. investigate & value the target 4. Acquire through negotiation 5. Post merger integration

Leading Economic Index, Consumer Confidence Index, Exchange Rate Trends, Interest Rate Forecasts, Additional sources such as GPD and business inventories

5 sources for evaluating general economic trends to forecast labor demand:

steps in performance management process: Perf Mgmt standards

AKA setting goals & standards

Like me bias: 2nd stage of relationships

Comes with time & relationship building. Would trust in your house or yard.

Grutter vs Bollinger

Court ruled Michigan lawschool admissions affirmative action policies were constitutional as it had been narrowly tailored in order to meet the approved goal of student body diversity

Gratz vs Bollinger

Court ruled Michigan undergrad admissions awarded extra points to people in racial minority groups was unconstitutional because it was too broad in meeting the approved goal of student body diversity

Management of a company's investment in it's people

Critical to organizations success

- Human resources - Physical resources - Business continuity

Disaster plans should cover:

4/5 rule: comparing selected group to highest selection group

Divide the selection rate for each group by the selection rate for the group with the highest selection rate. If the ratio is less than .80 there is a 4/5s rule violation

Griggs vs Duke Power

Duke required HS diploma or IQ tests in order for employees to transfer to different departments even though they had no bearing on ability to perform the job

- Conduct a Needs Assessment - Develop Learning Objectives - Design the Training Program - Implement the Training - Evaluate the Training

Five Steps to Effective Training

collaborating, accommodating, competing, compromising, avoiding

Five conflict management strategies

visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic

Four different sensory modalities

- Separate people from the problem - Focus on interests, not positions - Create options for mutual gain - Insist on objective criteria

Four fundamental principles of integrative negotiation:

positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, extincition

Four type of reinforcers

Targeted hiring strategies

Hire for attitude, train for skill, look for leadership capabilities in every potential employees


ID qual indv & labor markets to recruit from

applicant assessment

ID'ing applicants who best met staffing goals including high job performance & enhanced business strategy execution

Cultural fit

Identified as the most complex M&A HR issue

Effective training: conduct needs assessment

Identifying gaps in employee performance, competencies & behaviors


If at least ______ of workers sign a union authorization card, the NRLB requires the employer to recognize the union without a secret ballot election

Like me bias: diversity disappears

If we keep giving good opportunities, promotions, stretch assignments to people in the COMFY zone or inner sanctum of our work life

Why M&A fails: incomplete/inadequate due diligence

If you don't let the "watchdog" do it's job you will have serious problems

Phase 3 of M&A: Investigate & value the target

Includes a valuation of the acquiring company + value of the target company + value of synergies per phase - M& A costs for a total value of the combined company

Critical Incidents Technique

Job Analysis Method: Job experts describe episodes of good, average and poor performance. circumstances, action, consequences

Task Inventory Approach

Job Analysis Method: Job experts generate a list of 50-200 tasks that are then grouped in categories reflecting major work functions.

Structured Interview Technique

Job Analysis Method: Job experts supply information about the job and workers that distinguishes superior performance.

Structured Questionnaires

Job Analysis Method: Written questionnaires that assess information about worker inputs, work output, job context and job characteristics.

Job Elements Analysis Method

Job Analysis Method: a group of job experts list and rate the important worker characteristics that influence success in the job, including knowledge, skills, abilities and personal characterstics

nonfinancial compensation

Job perks such as free work facility use, awards for achievement, parking spaces (in non cash format)

overall organizational strategic plan

Just like any department, HR is a product of & aligned with this

Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Other Characterstics

KSAO. job related worker characteristics


Key performance indicators

Reaction, Learning, Behavior, Results

Kirkpatrick's four levels of training and learning evaluation

Cognitive Learning Objectives

Learning objectives that increase some type of knowledge

HR internal consultant considerations: If talent surpluses are expected

Long-term: Early retirement incentives, layoffs, do not fill open positions

HR internal consultant considerations: If talent shortages are expected

Long-term: reduce labor demand, business process outsourcing

Strategic risk, Operational risk, Financial risk and Compliance risk

Managing human resources strategically helps organizations manage four types of risk:

Phase 5: Post Merger Integration

Most difficult phase w/i the M&A process.

applicant assessment: accuracy

Most important step in hiring

Kirkpatrick's training evaluation model

Most well known and frequently used model for assessing training effectiveness. reaction, learning, behavior, results


Multiple perspectives

L-I-C-C-M-A-G-IO-R - Link goals to org mission & strategy - Identify subgoals for each unit/department/group/individual - Communication goals & expectations - Create work processes and assign resources - Measure progress - Assess individual, group, unit performance - Give feedback - Identify & Overcome obstacles - Reward Goal Achievement

Nine steps of the performance management process

strategically leveraging the right talent

No organization will maximize its effectiveness without

Formalized/highly centralized org

Org type best for people who like predictability, rules and less autonomy

2 major responsibilities of HRM

People related issues & employment related legal compliance side

person needs

Performance appraisals/customer surveys/individual assessments/performance issues/skill inventories: sources for collecting _______ analysis information

- Organization as a whole - Organization subunits - Work teams or groups - Work Processes - Projects

Performance managers focus on these five things:

Due Diligence/M&A Tasks: HR

Plan due diligence for Org

Title 7 of Civil Rights Act

Prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

Prohibits employers from discriminating against individuals based on the results of genetic testing when making hiring, firing, job placement or promotion decision

National Labor Relations Act 1935

Prohibits retaliation against employees seeking to unionize

strategy-oriented recruiting metrics

Qualitative in measure

efficiency-oriented recruiting metrics

Quantitiave in measure

workplace bullying

REPEATED mistreatment of another employee: habit/history

organizational needs

Strategic Plans/Performance appraisals/customer surveys/employee surveys/restructuring plans/efficiency measures: sources for collecting ______________ analysis information

Regents of the University of California vs Bakke in 1973

Supreme Court ruled in Bakke's favor, racial quotas not allowed since they did not allow equal opportunity

Regents of the University of California vs Bakke in 1973

Supreme court also ruled affirmative action programs were allowed if they served a compelling government interest & were narrowly tailored to meet that interest

Regents of the University of California vs Bakke in 1973

Supreme court also ruled ensuring diversity of university admissions was a compelling government interest

Regents of the University of California vs Bakke in 1973

Supreme court ruled govn't should not undertake the idea of righting historical wrongs as who was to decide which wrongs to be righted and when they had been righted was too open to interpretation

Griggs vs Duke Power

Supreme court ruling forbids employers from using arbitrary tests such as IQ literacy tests to evaluate employee potential rather than ability to perform the job/job skills

M&A Synergy Objectives

Tax benefits

R - R - V - O - C - Receiving - Responding - Valuing - Organization - Characterization by value

Taxonomy of Affective Learning Objectives

R - U - A - A- E - C - Remembering - Understanding - Applying - Analyzing - Evaluating - Creating

Taxonomy of Cognitive Learning Objectives

O - I - P - A - O - Observing - Imitating - Practicing - Adapting - Originating

Taxonomy of Psychomotor Learning Objectives

Extraversion, conscientiousness, emotional stability, agreeableness, openness to experience

The Big Five Personality factors are:


The more formalized an org, the stricter it is. The more rules, procedures & communications are written down'

Like me bias: why talk about it

The more we talk about it and how it might be influencing decision making, the more we take it from unconscious into conscious

Why M&A fails: overly optimistic

This type of forecast/conclusion about a critical issue results when a much too positive projection is made about a Target company thus resulting in bad decisions w/I the M&A process

Organizational analysis, task analysis and person analysis

Three levels of needs assessments

single rate system, pay grades and broadbanding

Three most common job pricing systems

Not communicating a performance plan, a lack of accountability and human biases and errors

Three most common obstacles to effective performance management

Anticipatory, Encounter, Settling In

Three phases of Socialization

compliance strategy, collaboration strategy, avoidance strategy

Three primary labor relations strategies

Cognitive, Affective, Pschomotor

Three types of learning objectives

Performance Appraisal legal considerations

Title 7, must be job related, objectivity vs subjectivity, need evidence that supports appraisal

superior value for their money

To have a competitive advantage, a company must ultimately be able to give customers ____________.

- Recognize and reward high performers - Increase the likelihood of achieving corporate goals - Improve productivity - Move away from an entitlement culture

Top four reasons organizations give for tying pay to performance ar

participant reactions, learning assessments, training transfer back to job

Training evaluation includes:

equal employment opportunity

a firm's employment practices,must be designed and used in a manner that treats employees and applicants consistently regardless of their protected characteristics such as sex and race

Lifelong learning

a formal commitment to ensuring that employees have and develop the skills they need to be effective in their jobs today and in the future


a gainsharing plan based on a mathematical formula that compares a performance baseline with actual productivity during a given period with the goal of reducing production time

labor union

a group of at least two employees who band together as a single entity to address pay, hours, and working conditions with their employer

job enrichment

a job design approach that increases a job's complexity to give workers greater responsibility and opportunities to feel a sense of achievement

contingent assessment methods

a job offer is made contingent on passing the assessment. ie ref checks, med & drug tests, background checks

omission errors

a lack of written rules

discovery learning

a learning preference for exploration during learning. Prefer subjective assessments, interactional activities, informational methods and active-reflective activities

observational learning

a learning preference for external stimuli such as demonstrations and diagrams to help facilitate learning. tend to prefer information and active-reflective activities

structured learning

a learning preference for processing strategies such as taking notes, writing down task steps and so forth. related to preferences for subjective assessments.

group learning

a learning preference to work with others while learning. Related to preferences for action and interactional learning.

experiential learning

a learning preference with a desire for hands-on approach to instruction. tend to prefer active learning activities

collective bargaining agreement

a legal written contract between organized labor and an employer that is enforceable through the negotiated grievance and arbitration procedure


a long-term process of planned and unplanned, formal and informal activities and experiences through which an individual acquires the attitudes, behaviors and knowledge needed to successfully participate as an organizational member

applicant assessment: job fit

a marriage between the job seekers needs & motivations and the opportunity's attributes & rewards

cut score

a minimum assessment score that must be met or exceeded to advance to the next assessment phase or to be eligible to receive a job offer

Other characteristics

a miscellaneous category for worker characteristics that are not knowledge, skills or abilities including personality traits, values and work styles

business process reengineering

a more radical rethinking and redesign of business processes to achieve large improvements in speed, service, cost or quality

balanced scorecard

a performance measurement system that translates the organization's strategy into financial, business process, learning and growth and customer outcomes. sequential.


a permanent reduction of multiple employees intended to improve the efficiency or effectiveness of the firm

job fairs

a place where multiple employers and recruits meet to discuss employment opportunities

Hay Group Guide Chart - Profile Method

a point-factor system is used to produce both a profile and a point score for each position. know how problem solving accountability working conditions

affective commitment

a positive emotional attachment to the organization and strong identification with its values and goals


a process in which two or more parties make offers, counteroffers and concessions in order to reach an agreement


a program in which the firm shares the value of productivity gains with employees

workplace bullying

a repeated mistreatment of another employee through verbal abuse; conduct that is threatening, humiliating or intimidating; or sabotage that interferes with the other person's work

global mindset

a set of individual attributes that enable you to influence individuals, groups and organizations from diverse socio/cultural/institutional systems

action plans

a strategy for proactively addressing an expected talent shortage or surplus

Position Analysis Questionnaire

a structured job evaluation questionnaire that is statistically analyzed to calculate pay rates based on how the labor market is valuing worker characteristics. a copyrighted, standardized, structured job analysis questionnaire. 6 sections covering 187 job elements.

talent philosophy

a system of beliefs about how an organization's employees should be treated

sensory modality

a system that interacts with the environment through one of the basic senses. visual, auditory, tactile, kinetic.

job evaluation

a systematic process that uses expert judgement to assess differences in value between jobs

job analysis

a systematic process used to identify and describe the important aspects of a job and the characteristics a worker needs to perform the job well. need to be reliable and valid.

performance improvement plan

a tool to monitor and measure an employee's deficient work products, processes and/or behaviors to improve performance or modify behavior. F acts to define prob O bj to help emp resolve S olutions to help emp reach obj A ctions to take if not corrected + overall efforts to help emp succeed

workers' compensation

a type of insurance that replaces wages and medical benefits for employees injured on the job in exchange for relinquishing the employee's right to sue the employer for negligence


a type of work sample that gives candidates an actual job task to perform or simulates critical events that might occur to assess how well a candidate handles them


acquisition of assets by one company from another company

Railway Labor Act

act that governs employment relations for airlines and railroads

Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (Landrum-Griffin Act)

act that outlined a Bill of Rights for union members and sets up procedures for union elections, discipline and financial reporting

Types of job seekers

active, semi-passive & passive

Active job seeker

actively looking for information about job opportunities

job enlargement

adding more tasks at the same level of responsibility and skill related to an employee's current position

unemployment insurance

administered by individual states, funded by employers

Organizations influence ethical behavior by

adopting codes of conduct or codes of ethics

labor relations strategies

adopting this strategy and labor relations strategic plan helps management & labor stay focused on their individual & joint goals

Affirmative action

advanced by President Johnson in 1965 by Executive Order 1246

HR internal consulting function

advising a department on how to staff for a project

the peter principle

advocates refusing promotion & staying where you're happiest, most competent and productive

modes of employee commitment to an org

affective, continuance & normative commitment

workplace bullying

affects all countries, workers, industries

California Civil rights Initiative 1996

after passage, graduation rates among African Americans in some California universities went up but enrollment of African Americans at many UC schools declined

Age 65

age all individuals become eligible for Medicare coverage - whether retired or not

gains/influence of differentiated rewards

aligning pay with performance & org values

human resource planning

aligning the organization's human resources to effectively and efficiently accomplish the organization's strategic goals

Most Americans agree

all Americans should have an equal shot at success

leniency error

all employees are given high ratings regardless of performance

M&A Synergy Objectives w/significant "people integration" issues

all except for tax benefits, financial engineering & Negotiating power

total rewards

all of the compensation & benefits given to an employee

total rewards

all of the financial & nonfinancial rewards given to an employee by the employer

labor market

all of the potential employees located within a geographic area from which the organization might be able to hire

written succession plans

all orgs should have these to guide succession processes

indirect financial compensation

all the tangible and financially valued rewards that are not included in direct compensation including free meals, vacation time and health insurance

indirect financial compensation

all the tangible and financially valued rewards that are not included in direct compensation, including free meals, vacation time and health insurance


all who apply to a job

union shops

all workers in a unionized workplace are forced to join the union and pay dues

recency effect

allowing recent events and performance to have a disproportionately large influence on the rating


allows employees to work from home and link to the company's offices via computer.

disparate impact

also called adverse impact

performance management

also called assessment, review, evaluation, feedback or appraisal

4/5 rule

also know as the 80% rule

California Civil rights Initiative 1996

also known as Proposition 209

racial quotas

also known as set-asides

National Labor Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act)

amended the Wagner Act to clarify what are considered unfair labor practices by unions and employees

critical incident appraisal method

an assessor discusses specific examples of the target employee's positive and negative behaviors with the employee

decertification election

an election to determine if a majority of employees want to no longer be represented by a union

at-will employment

an employee has the right to terminate their own employment at any time for any reason or no reason at all.


an employee physically comes to work but does not function at his or her full potential

errors of commission

an employee receives an undeserved reward

reasonable accommodation

an employer is required to take reasonable steps to accomodate a disability unless it would cause the employer undue hardship

flexible spending account

an employer-sponsored benefit that allows you to pay for eligible medical expenses on a pretax basis

adverse impact

an employment practice has a disproportionate effect on a protected group regardless of its intent

employment at will

an employment relationship which either party can legally terminate at any time for just cause, no cause, or evan a cause that is morally wrong as long as it is not illegal

if award is not deserved and given

an error of commission is committed

if award is deserved and not given

an error of omission is committed


an impartial third party acts as both judge and jury in imposing a binding decision on both negotiating parties

search firms

an independent company that specializes in the recruitment of particular types of talent


an individual is expected to provide a regular accounting to a superior about the results of what she or he is doing and will be held responsible for the outcome

independent contractor

an individual or business that provides services to another individual or business that controls or directs only the result of the work

Online job boards

an internet site that helps job seekers and employers find one another

job task

an observable unit of work with a beginning and an end

continuous performance appraisal

an ongoing performance appraisal process that involves the employee in evaluating his or her performance and setting performance goals and provides continuous coaching and feedback

succession management

an ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing and developing organizational leadership to enhance performance

employer image

an organization's reputation as an employer

dysfunctional stress

an overload of stress resulting from a situation of under- or over-arousal continuing for too long

Hiring considerations: negotiating employment contracts, implicit

an understanding that is not part of a written or verbal contract

implicit employment contract

an understanding that is not part of a written or verbal contract

Errors in performance/appraisal: halo/horn effect

angelic in one area but gets halo across all; does poorly in one area but rated low in all areas

unemployment insurance

another depression era program set up under the social security act

pay systems

another name for financial compensation

workplace violence

any act of threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the workplace

workplace violence

any act or threat of physical violence, harassment or intimidation or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the workplace

compensable factor

any characteristic used to provide a basis for judging a job's value


any dimension that differentiates 1 person from another

Employee Wellness Programs

any initiative designed to increase company performance or employee performance or morale through improved employee health


anything that makes a behavior more likely to happen again

Affirmative action laws

applicable to those receiving federal monies

Errors in performance/appraisal: leniency

appraises too leniently; does not give low scores even when accurate

Errors in performance/appraisal: strictness

appraises too strictly; often does not give high scores when deserved

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: peripheral staff

are hired primarily to keep payroll/labor costs low (labor expense control)

Total rewards

are more important than salary in evaluating the value of an employment opportunity

most affirmative action cases

are not decided favorably to this concept as they usually do not pass the test of strict scrutiny

unethical & illegal

are not the same. Something can be legal but unethical.

mergers & acquisitions

are sometimes the only means for a business to survive

mergers & acquisitions

are strategic component for generating long-term growth

exit inteviews

asking separated employees why they left to acquire information that can be used to improve conditions for current employees

situational interviews

asks how the candidate might react to hypothetical situations

integrity tests

assess attitudes and experiences related to reliability, trustworthiness, honesty and moral character

background checks

assess factors including personal and credit characteristics, character, lifestyle, criminal history and reputation. contingent method.

cognitive ability test

assess general mental abilities including reasoning, logic and perceptual abilities. evaluative method.

psychomotor tests

assess strength, physical dexterity and coordination

sensory tests

assess visual, auditory and speech perception

Due Diligence/M&A Tasks: HR

assessment of critical people & deployment of appropriate resources in the new company

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: reasons why employees choose to be peripheral rather than core

assignment flexibility, schedule flexibility, variety, preference for temp vs permanent, preference for part time work

semi-passive job seeker

at least somewhat interested in finding a new job but who inconsistently looks for one

labor relations strategies: collaboration disadvantages

change can take longer because interest-based bargaining can take longer than traditional bargaining

bona fide occupational qualification

characteristic that is essential to the successful performance of a relevant job function

codes of conduct/ethics

clarify what is or isn't acceptable behavior at work

cost of living allowances

clauses in union contacts that automatically increase wages base on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' cost of living index

union models

closed shop agency shop open shop

M&A Synergy Objectives w/significant "people integration" issues: new is better

combined business creation

M&A Synergy Objectives

combined business creation (new is better)

Customary benefits

commonly provided benefits that are viewed as an entitlement by employees insurance, retirement plans

internal job posting systems

communicate information about internal job openings to employees

total compensation statement

communicating total compensation in detail through a written summary of employee direct and indirect compensation

Due Diligence/M&A Tasks: HR

communication strategy development & implementation

acquiring company

company doing the acquiring or company doing the purchasing

mergers & acquisitions: target

company to be acquired

performance rating methods

compares employee performance to a set of standards to identify a number or letter rating that represents the employee's performance level. essay appr, critical incident, graphic, behavior anchored, behavior obs scale, forced choice, checklist, work standards, mgmt by obj

performance ranking methods

compares employees to each other in some way. forced ranking, paired comparison, forced distribution.

race norming

comparing an applicant's scores only to members of his or her own racial subgroup and setting separate passing or cutoff scores for each subgroup

work standards

comparing an employee's performance to output targets that reflect different levels of performance

gap analysis

comparing labor supply and demand forecasts to identify future talent needs

what emp will do

compensation perf mgmt

Direct financial compensation

compensation received in the form of salary, wages, commissions, stock options or bonuses

direct financial compensation

compensation received in the form of salary, wages, commissions, stock options or bonuses

top drivers of employee attraction

competitive base pay, competitive health care benefits, vacation/paid time off, convenient work location, flexible schedule

Employee handbook/personnel manual

compilation of pre-made decisions, step-by-step how tos & clarification of how a company does things

labor relations strategies

compliance collaboration avoidance

labor relations strategies

compliance, collaboration & avoidance strategies

strategic compensation system goals

comply with all state and federal laws & regulations


concentrate power and decision making authority at higher levels of the organization

job analysis

conduit for the production of a job description, person specs, the KSAOs & other characteristics

M&A Synergy Objectives w/significant "people integration" issues: together we conquer

coordinated strategies

M&A Synergy Objectives

coordinated strategies (together we conquer)

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: companies should include both

core employees managed by high involvement HR practices AND peripheral employees managed by low involvement HR practices for maximum effectiveness

works councils

council of elected workers that participate in shared workplace governance

zero tolerance policy

covers anyone who may come into contact with an employee - internal and external

rights arbitration

covers disputes over the interpretation of an existing contract and is often used in settling grievances

recruiting best practices

create positive org image

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

created by the Occupational Safety and health Act to set and enforce protective workplace safety and health standards

learning objectives

created to identify desired learning outcomes. types: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor

workers compensation

created to protect employees if injured from work related illness/injury

Benefit of creativity

creates an atmosphere that encourages input & synergy of ideas

positive culture

creates an environment in which employees want to do their best


creates employment in other countries

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: Proportion of employees managed via high involvement vs low involvement HR practices

crucial balance companies must find in order to maximize return on labor investments

global benefits

culture influences benefits that are considered mandatory, customary or optional

social security

currently covers worker and family

Feedback & rewards

cyclical, continual, ideal performance management approach

talent inventories

databases summarizing each employee's competencies, qualifications, languages spoken, and anything else that can help the company understand how the employee can contribute

problem-focused coping strategies

deal directly with the cause of stress

labor relations strategies: collaboration advantages

decision making quality can be improved

business strategy

defines how a firm will compete in its marketplace

dysfunctional turnovers

departure of effective turnovers - successful employees the org would rather retain

functional turnover

departure of poor performers that could benefit org

social security

depression era recovery program, 1st major federally required benefit program

intrinsic motivation

derived from an interest in or enjoyment from doing a task

performance plan

describes desired goals and results, how results will be measured and weighted and standards will be used to evaluate results

affirmative action plan

describes in detail the actions to be taken, procedures to be followed and standards to be met when establishing an affirmative action program

One way to motivate employees

design jobs with employee motivation in mind even routinely reevaluating/redesigning roles

org incentive plans

designed to align employee goals w/org goals, rewards employees for org level performence, includes ESOP

unemployment insurance

designed to provide employees with some income when separated from job through no fault of their own


designing the work environment to reduce the physical and psychological demands placed on employees

optimal turnover

desirable turnover

due diligence

detailed review of a target companies operations, strategies, financials and other aspects to determine a good fit with the acquiring company.


detailed steps to perform an activity within a process (ex a step in a set of directions. Turn L on Elm St)

4/5 rule

determine selection rate of each protected group that makes up 2% of the entire employment group, ID the group with the highest selection rate, divide the selection rate for each group by the selection rate of the group with the highest selection rate (ex. 100 of 100 white male applicants at a company are hired yet only 76 of 100 black male applicants are hired. WM selection ratio 100/100 or one. BM selection ratio 76/100 or 0.76. BM ratio 0.76 divided by WM ratio 1 = 0.76. Adverse impact on BM indicated. )

job worth

determined objectively not subjectively through very specific mechanisms

Ways HR influences organizational culture

determining type of person hired/fired, determining training topics, developing goals/expectations, determining when people are held accountable, determining who's rewarded.

Due Diligence/M&A Tasks: HR

develop acquisition guidelines

Employment laws & regs

developed over several decades

organizational chart

diagram illustrating the chain of command and reporting relationships in a company

Title 7 of Civil Rights Act

did not eliminate employer racism in and of itself

wage differentials

differences in wage between various workers, groups of workers, or workers within a career field

Reasons M&A Phase 5: Post Merger Integration is the most difficult

different cultures, different IT systems, different strategies, etc

Diversity can include people of

different cultures, disabilities, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status, gender, age, race/ethnicity

job rotation

different jobs at different times

reward differnentiation

differentiating rewards based on performance rather than giving all employees the same reward

External forces influence on direct finan compensation

direct compensation influence that includes labor market trends, location of job/company, economy, time of hire, size of candidate pool

Employee influence on direct finan compensation

direct compensation influence that includes merit (pay for performance) & seniority (how long there)

Org influence on direct finan compensation

direct compensation influence that includes resource availability, profitability, budget restrictions

Job influence on direct finan compensation

direct compensation influence that includes skill, effort, responsibilities, working conditions, etc.

types of compensation

direct financial compensation, indirect financial compensation, nonfinancial compensation

performance management

directs and motivates employees, work groups and business units to accomplish organizational goals by linking past performance with future needs, setting specific goals for future behavior and performance, providing feedback and identifying and removing performance obstacles

protected classification status

disclosure at the time of hire is strictly voluntary

organizational citizenship behaviors

discretionary behaviors that benefit the organization but that are not formally rewarded or required

performance management allows an opportunity for employee & managers to

discuss & achieve development goals

2 types of discrimination

disparate treatment & adverse impact

Org charge: Division of labor

do employees specialize or generalize?

competitive advantage

doing something differently from the competition that leads to outperformance and success

job worth: market pricing

done through benchmarking certain jobs or compensation surveys


drive actions

The "watchdog" within M&A process

due diligence


each employee is trained to perform multiple jobs

contest socialization

each socialization stage is a contest in which one builds a performance record

tournament socialization

each stage of socialization is an elimination round and a new hire is out of the organization if he or she fails to pass

steps in performance management process

each step builds upon other

employee training program evaluation: Kirkpatrick's training eval model: 2 learning

easier for more quantifiable and observable characteristics

workplace bullying

effects employers through higher workers comp costs, higher disability insurance rates, reputation suffers

recruiting metrics

efficiently-oriented or strategy-oriented

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: About 1/3 of US workforce

employed in peripheral rather than core context

psychological contract

employee commitments made to employers when employees are confident employers will reciprocate & fulfill their end of the bargain although no formal agreement exits

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: High involvement HR practice

employee continuatity

1 of the 6 components of HRM

employee management relations

Danger of job hyper efficiency

employee monotony & boredom


employee stock ownership plans

forced ranking method

employees are ranked in order of best to worst performance

dangers of information vacuum

employees assume the worst

at-will employment

employees can not be terminated for discriminatory reasons however

variable socialization

employees do not know when to expect to pass to a different status level and the timeline may be different across employees


employees gain proficiency in two or more trades

card check

employees sign a card of support if they are in favor of unionization.

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (Cobra)

employees w/group health plans and >20 employees in prior yr must offer continued health & dental insurance coverage to terminated employees for limited periods of time

non-exempt employees

employees who do not meet any of one of the FLSA exemption tests and are paid on an hourly basis and covered by wage and hour laws regarding minimum wage, overtime pay and hours worked

exempt employees

employees who meet one of the FLSA exemption tests, are paid on a fixed salary basis and are not entitled to overtime pay

avoidable turnover

employer could have prevented it (ex turnover due to a lack of promotional opportunities)

unavoidable turnover

employer could not have prevented it (ex. Turnover due to spouse relocation)

worker adjustment and retraining notification act of 1988

employers with at least 100 employees must give at least 60 days notice of closings or mass layoffs of 50 or more preople

The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)

ensures members of the uniformed services are entitled to return to their civilian employment after service.

uniformed services employment and reemployment rights act of 1994

ensures that members of the uniformed services are entitled to return to their civilian employment after their service. to protect the civilian employment of non-full-time military personnel in the United States called to active duty.

HR change management

ensures that the transition is smooth and successful

Argument against affirmative action

ensuring one group gets extra special access to jobs and school is NOT equality of opportunity, it's an advantage

characteristics of engaged employees

enthusiastic, passionate & committed

two most cited fairness principles underlying compensation systems

equal pay for equal work & higher pay for more important work

strategic reasons for merging/acquisitions: gap filling

1 company may have a major weakness (ex poor distribution ) whereas the other has significant strength in that area

compressed workweek

40 hour work week in less than five days


A powerful learned mindset


Definition of bargaining unit, retiree health insurance or pension, ground rules, settlement of grievances or charges, drug testing, labeling are ________ subjects.

Regents of the University of California vs Bakke in 1973

Bakke asserted that since 16 spots were set aside for racial minorities, minority students less qualified than he were being admitted to his exclusion

Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification Act (WARNA)

Employers with at least 100 employees must give at least 60 days notice to workers of plant closings or mass layoffs of 50 or more people (excluding part-time workers)


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

[(Training Benefits - Training cost)/Training Cost] x 100

Equation for ROI%

Dual theory of HRM & business performance

Explains benefits of HR management to businesses

employee training design types

Face to Face (F2F), On-the Job (OJT), virtual training, experiential, games & situations

Two types of discrimination

Fair & unfair


Fewer written rules, procedures & communications. More flexibility

discovery learning, experiential learning, observational learning, structured learning, group learning

Five Key learning preferences

internal consultants

HR also performs this role

strategic reasons for merging/acquisitions: short term growth

Management may be under pressure to turnaround sluggish growth and profitability

- right to identify business objectives - right to determine the uses of material assets - right to take disciplinary action for cause

Management rights cover three areas:

- Company performance - Reduced merit increases - Reductions in head count - Reduced benefits - Pay freezes

Most common way employers fund variable pay programs

-Imminent danger situations -Fatalities & Catastrophes - Complaints - Referrals of hazard information from others -Follow-ups -Planned or programmed investigations

Order of Priority for OSHA Inspections

Less formalized/highly decentralized organization

Org type best for people who like innovation, flexible & dynamic work environment

HR leader

Plays a key role in shaping organizational culture

Examples of policy, procedure & rule

Policy: No speeding during rainy weather. Procedure: Decrease speed by pressing brakes if it starts to rain. Rule: Don't press breaks hard when the pavement is wet.

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: peripheral employees

Should make up no more than 1/3 of a companies workforce if the org wants to achieve/maintain optimum financial gains

negligent hiring

a company is considered responsible for the damaging actions of its employees if it failed to exercise reasonable care in hiring the employee who caused the harm

professional employer organization

a company that leases employees to companies that need them


attempting to work with the other person to find some solution which fully satisfies the concerns of both parties

types of employee training learning objectives: affective

attitude, relationship or appreciation (ex. Diversity, inclusion training)

spot awards

awards given immediately when a desired behavior is seen

Feedback types

backward approach & forward approach

dysfunctional stress

bad stress

employer image

based on both feelings & facts


believing that everyone in a particular group shares certain characteristics or abilities or will behave in the same way


benefits both members of the minority and the majority by providing diverse viewpoints

mandatory benefits

benefits mandated by fed, state or local laws

customary benefits

benefits that are typically offered life insurance, health coverage, retirement plans

domestic partner benefits

benefits to 2 people not married but in the same or opposite sex arrangement similar to marriage

ways of communicating benefits info

benefits workshops, employee meetings, social networking tools


can be formal (written coaching report) or informal (private talk in the hall)

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: outsourcing

can reduce employment at home; however, if total labor costs are reduced, product prices decrease & demand increases

equal pay act

can't pay people differently for the same job based solely on sex


a stable and enduring capability to perform a variety of tasks (verbal or mechanical ability)

workforce redeployment

a viable alternatives to layoffs

integrative negotiation

a win-win negotiation in which the agreement involves no loss to either party

explicit employment contract

a written or verbal employment contract

full competence

ability to analyze problems associated with the job

partial proficiency

ability to apply more advanced principles on the job

limited ability

ability to perform simple tasks without direction

serial socialization

accessible and supportive organizational members serve as role models and mentors


according to the US dept of justice this is the most dangerous place to be in the US

assessment goals

accuracy, fit, ethics, legal compliance

strategic reasons for merging/acquisitions: broader market access

acquiring a foreign company can give a co quick access to emerging global markets

strategic reasons for merging/acquisitions: org competencies

acquiring human resources & intellectual capital to help improve innovative thinking/development within the org

errors of omission

an employee who deserves a reward doesn't receive one

Due Diligence/M&A Tasks: HR

development of a C&B strategy for the combined companies

Due Diligence/M&A Tasks: HR

development of new org chart & reporting line

employee training program evaluation: Kirkpatrick's training eval model: 3 Behavior

easy, less expensive if supervisors cooperate and support the effort

Training transfer

effectively using what is learned in training back on the job


are not just at employer discretion

Immigration Reform & control act

employers with >4employees must verify employee eligibility of everyone hired - only US citizens, US nationals and aliens authorized to work in the US can be hired.

immigration reform and control act of 1986

employers with at least 4 employees must verify the employment eligibility of everyone hired

COBRA of 1986

employers with group health plans and 20 or more employees in the prior year must offer continued health and dental coverage to terminated employees for a period of time

every state except for Montana

employment is considered at-will unless there is proof otherwise such as an employment contract

preferential treatment

employment preference given to a member of a protected group

at-will employment

employment relationship that can be legally terminated by either party at any time for a just cause or no cause or even a cause that's morally wrong so long as it's not illegal

Typical types of responses to change: the navigator

empowered by change

HR should

enables all of the companies employees to do their best

reinforcement for performing learned behaviors

encourages the transfer of what is learned in training

Affirmative action

ends legalized discrimination

as bias decreases

equal opportunity increases


explains the expectation in general terms

mobility barriers

factors that make it harder to leave an organization

employee training program evaluation: Kirkpatrick's training eval model: 1. Reaction

fast, easy & inexpensive method of assessment


fed org sets and enforces protective worker safety & health standards

backward approach feedback

feedback/review of results employee has gotten in the past

normative commitment

feeling obliged to stay with an organization for moral or ethical reasons

replacement charts

graphically shows current jobholders, possible successors and each successor's readiness to assume the job

comparable worth

if two jobs have equal difficulty requirements, the pay should be the same, regardless of who fills them

focus on culture

if you want your organization to deliver the best

Typical types of responses to change: the bystander

ignores the change

opportunity bias

ignoring factors beyond the employee's control that influence his/her performance

applicant assessment phases: screening

include resume & cover letter checks: applicant skills, education & work experience

mandatory benefits

include social security/Medicare, unemployment insurance, workers comp, FMLA, Cobra health coverage

employer brand

includes image

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: peripheral staff

includes temps, limited time contract employees, paid time employees, outsourced staff, rented/borrowed employees

change management

is managing the impact of crucial company adaptations on an organizations people

what attracts people to an org

is not always the same as what keeps them engaged & keeps them from leaving

Training alone

is not good enough

Health & safety

is not peripheral or optional. It's essential

reducing voluntary turn over

is the same as increasing employee retention

employee training program implementation

includes the scheduling of sessions, invitation of participants, scheduling of instructions, preparation of materials and delivery of the training

typical response to findings of adverse impact in an employer's record

is to require the company to introduce an Affirmative Action Plan to rectify the findings into the future.

total compensation statement

issued by companies annually or biannually to employees that includes wage & benefit information

External recruiting

includes use of career sites, job fairs, online job boards, employee referrals, college/universities, walk-ins & written advertisements

Methods of determining the correct candidate: combining scores

includes: compensatory approach or multiple hurdle approach

strategic reasons for merging/acquisitions: diversification

it may be necessary to smooth-out earnings and achieve more consistent long-term growth and profitability

strategic reasons for merging/acquisitions: bargain purchase

it's cheaper to acquire another company than to invest internally

Affirmative action

its goal is to provide employment opportunities to protected classes underrepresented in employment/institutions

Argument against affirmative action

its government interference & the redistribution of wealth

job rewards analysis

job analysis technique that identifies the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards of a job

5 of 7 reasons emp leave org

lack of career dev poor work climate lack of challenging work direction of org lack of recognition

Regents of the University of California vs Bakke in 1973

landmark case involving racial set-asides or quotas in UC's Davis Medial School

inflation adjustments

larger and/or more frequent raises to maintain employee's purchasing power in the face of inflation

Like me bias: acquaintances

largest group of people most individuals knows

All 6 HR functions

must be thought about/fulfilled based upon how they contribute to the org's strategic plan (ex training is developed that links to the strategic plan)

employee training design considerations

must decide the best way to reach audience and communicate concepts


must function as a change manager to ensure a smooth and successful transition

important characteristics of trainees

must have learning agility & ability to apply knowledge, motivation to transfer knowledge & ability to self regulation

front line recruiters

must have significant training, tools and support to be successful

ethics of recruitment

must not mislead recruits about the nature of the job or about their chances of getting a job offer.

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: low involvement HR practice

no status differentials

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: low involvement HR practice

no target hiring

intrinsic reward

non-monetary reward derived from the work itself

employee benefits

nonwage compensation or rewards given to employees (indirect compensation)

passive job seeker

not actively looking for a job but who could be tempted by the right opportunity


not immediately pursuing one's own concerns or those of the other person and not addressing the conflict

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: low involvement HR practices

not much employee continuity, no targeted hiring, most work individual, little training/development, static pay, no/little business information sharing, no status differentials

mergers & acquisitions

now a normal way of life within the business world

9 Methods

number of methods to evaluate employee performance

span of control

number of people who report directly to him or her.

Kaplan & Norton balanced scorecard

objectives measures targets initiatives

to increase employee engagement, increase employee commitment & reduce employee turnover

one of the main goals of HR tools & management

variable pay plans

pay for performance plans that put a small amount of base pay at risk, in exchange for the opportunity to earn additional pay if performance meets or exceeds a standard

Cost-of-living adjustments

pay increases to account for a higher cost of living in one country versus another

Org influence on direct finan compensation

pay leader or pay follower

screening assessment methods

reduce the pool of job applicants to a group of job candidates. ie resumes, job applications, phone screens.

if the recruitment process is done right

reduced employee turnover & talent diversity

applicant assessment phases: contingent assessment

reference checks, drug tests, background checks, etc. Usually performed if job offer is imminent and may determine whether the offer is actually made.

Affirmative action

refers to proactive efforts to eliminate discrimination and its past effects

steps in performance management process: org values & goals

reflect org structure & philosophy of an org. gives employees a sense of purpose & helps employees prioritize activities

base pay

reflects the size and scope of an employee's responsibilities


regardless of their roles in the company, everyone is this


reinforcer: creating negative outcomes to decrease the likelihood of a behavior

positive reinforcement

reinforcer: using rewards to increase the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated

labor relations strategies: collaboration

relies heavily on labor relations to pursue an interest based approach to problem solving

labor relations strategies: compliance

relies heavily on the application of labor laws to enforce the rights and obligations created by statute and contract

judgmental forecasting

relies on managers' expertise to predict a firm's future employment needs

top-down judgmental forecasting

relies on the organization's leaders and experience and knowledge of their industry and company to make predictions about the firm's future talent needs.

30-50 % or 1/3-1/2 of employees

report having felt bullied at some point in their working lives

social security

retirement, disability, death & survivor benefits, work related, covers most US employees

Good employment practices

reward initiative & bravery

extrinsic reward

reward with monetary value

semi-passive job seeker

someone at least somewhat interested in finding a new job but inconsistently looks for one

passive job seeker

someone not actively looking for a new job but who could be tempted by the right opportunity

nonfinancial compensation

sometimes lumped in with indirect financial compensation


specifies the level of results considered acceptable

Targeted hiring strategies

start with group not individual interviews to determine how people interact with others

worklife benefit

telecommuting, free daycare

when a workplace is safe & employees feel secure/protected on the job

that positively contributes to engagement, job satisfaction & motivation

organizational culture

the norms, values, and assumptions of organizational members that guide members' attitudes and behaviors

succession management

the ongoing process of preparing employees to assume other positions in the organization


the point at which employees can sell or transfer the stock option

recruitment spillover effects

the positive or negative unintended consequences of recruiting activities


the standards of moral behavior that define socially accepted behaviors that right as opposed to wrong

total rewards

the sum of all of the rewards employees receive in exchange for their time, efforts and performance

strategic reasons for merging/acquisitions: undervalued target

the target company may be undervalued and thus, it represents a good investment

Upward reviews

the target employee is reviewed by one or more subordinates

optimal turnover

the turnover level producing the highest long-term levels of productivity and business improvement

How unions impact HRM: perform mgmt

their contract gives employees specific rights in filing grievances, settling disputes


typically formed by companies in mature industries with poor growth prospects seeking to diversify their business via mergers & acquisitions

Hiring considerations

what we offer, how to offer it, fairness perceptions, negotiating employment contracts

goal of learning objectives

what we want to get out of training & how we get there from here?


where is the pond from which I want to get my fish


conflict that focuses on emotions and differences between both parties

high potential error

confusing potential with performance

Fair discrimination

considered appropriate & even healthy

stakeholder perspective

considering the interests and opinions of all people, groups, organizations, or systems that affect or could be affected by the organizations actions

M&A Synergy Objectives w/significant "people integration" issues: serve more with less

consolidation of functions

M&A Synergy Objectives

consolidation of functions (serve more with less)

Employee handbook/personnel manual

contains a companies rules, policies and procedures


contains the terms and conditions of employment as proposed by the employ and usually specific requirements for accepting the offer such as a signature and a deadline

in order to survive orgs must

continually adapt

common human biases

contribute to workplace discrimination

desired recruiting outcomes

good applicant perceptions of the company,

desired recruiting outcomes

good applicant quantity & quality

Targeted hiring strategies

good attitude employee

functional stress

good stress

health insurance

health care coverage for employees and their dependents


long- term, participating as an organization member

Sources of Performance Info

multi-source assessments (ex 360 degree appraisals), employee self-assessment, manager assessment, upward reviews

incentives or incentives pay

pay for performance above & beyond normal job expectations

external recruiting source

targets people outside the organization


Job enlargement is _________ job expansion.


Job enrichment is _________ job expansion.

most complex M&A HR issues (due diligence)

1. Cultural fit 2. Alignment of compensation & benefit plans 3. Quantification of severance/benefit obligations 4. leadership assessment 5. compliance with applicable laws.

Top 3 reasons for company M&A

1. Improved Market Access 2. Combined business creation 3. Coordinated strategies

M&A Top HR Issues (Due Diligence)

1. Key employee retention 2. compliance with applicable laws 3. Alignment of compensation & benefit plans 4. Cultural fit 5. Employee communications

keys to org incentive plan success

1. base pay needs to be equitable across the board 2. strategic plan must be in process & plan must be progressive/forward thinking 3. org has to be committed to supporting the plan

Like me bias: stage 2 COMFY people

10% of outer circle of people we feel comfortable with

4/5 rule violation example

100 people applied for an Accountant position. Fifty females and fifty males. Of all the applicants, only 20 males passed an assessment test during the hiring process, while 48 females passed. What is 80% of 48? 38. And 20 males is less than 80% of the female acceptance rate so there is indeed adverse impact going on.

Why M&A fails: poor strategic fit

2 companies have strategies/objectives that are too different & conflict with one another

Kirkpartrick's training evaluation model & Return on investment (ROI)

2 of the most effective employee training program evaluation methods


A company's personality


All rewards - financial & nonfinancial that an employee might receive from their employer

A strong competitive advantage

An effective HR system has the potential to produce this

- Preference of individual employees - Size of the rewards for high performance - Method of motivating individual job performance - Objectivity of the evaluation process that determines the rewards

Before designing an incentive pay plan to motivate performance, it is important to consider the

Targeted hiring strategies

Clearly state what you are looking for in new hires

skills, responsibilities, effort, working conditions

Four categories of compensable factors


Gives behaviors you are and are not allowed to engage in when following a procedure and/or policy

Strategic HR practices

Have been linked to org efficiency, revenue growth & effective risk management

Know-how, problem solving, accountability, working conditions

Hay Group Method based on four main factors

HRM stands for

Human Resource Management

Types of recruitment

Internal or external


Mergers & Acquisitions

steps in performance management process

OPEMB: Open em book

HRM is

Organizational function responsible for attracting, hiring, developing, rewarding & maintaining talent

Why M&A fails: cultural/social differences

People problems. If two companies have wide differences in cultures, synergy values can be very elusive

Targeted hiring strategies

Refresh recruiters & interviewers to match what you state you are looking for in new hires

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound

SMART stands for:

Like me bias:

Selecting and/or replicating people that see the world the most like we do

HR internal consultant considerations: If talent shortages are expected

Short-term: offer hiring incentives & retention bonuses; reassign employees

HR internal consultant considerations: If talent surpluses are expected

Short-term: salary cuts, cut work hours, layoffs

Towers Watson

conducted 2008 survey re: employee attraction, retention & engagement


Specifics of these are often explained by procedures & rules

org costs: voluntary turnover

The higher the caliber of the employee, the greater the cost in terms of loyalty, knowledge, skills, ability, etc

- Aligns organizational goals with individual goals and organizational processes - Gives employees clear goals and feedback - Generates useful data

Three Main Benefits of Performance Management

To create energetic & fun loving work environment

Visibly display your humanistic philosophy/focus on people all over your company

steps in performance management process: Perf Mgmt standards:behavior

What an org wants its employees to do - must be specific

pay follower

an organization that pays its front-line employees as little as possible

M&A Synergy Objectives

financial engineering

synergy value

financial incentives to merge/acquire

entrepreneurial (creative), bureaucratic (formal), consensual (loyalty), competitive (advantage)

four types of organizational culture

effective socialization of new employees

group new employees

Benefit of a diverse workforce

increased creativity

In M & A

long-term issues are of lesser concern

benefit categories

mandatory, customary, optional, creative, global

distributive negotiation

occurs under zero-sum conditions, where any gain to one party is offset by an equivalent loss to the other party

ethics of recruitment

only appropriate info is shared


peak of affirmative action

Like me bias: inner sanctum

people in this group tend to have the least amount of diversity from us


power & decision making authority is spread throughout the organization & not just among the higher levels of the org chart

fixed rewards

predetermined compensation (salary and benefits)

4/5 rule

preferred method for calculating adverse impact unless samples are very small or very large

4 common biases

prejudice, stereotyping, perception of possibilities, ignorance

applicant assessment: ethics

premier attribute of entire selection process. Includes confidentiality, privacy, honesty

benefits of succession management

preparedness; less time & money to attract, train & promote new talent; weaknesses are uncovered; gives a great perspective on the talent in your org

Training & development

prepares employees to be & stay effective in their jobs

Training & development

prepares employees to become organizational leaders regardless of their position

Realistic job previews

presenting both positive and potentially negative information about a job in an objective way. 3 funcs served: self selection, vaccination (coping mechanism), commitment to the choice

realistic job preview

presents both positive & potentially negative info about a given job

remission errors

pressure to make unethical choices

recruitment message

primary goal is to attract desirable recruits who are good fit for the job & org and then persuade them to apply for the job


provides info, training and worker assistance in the areas of worker safety & health

employer image

reputation as an employer

profit sharing

the distribution of organizational profits to all employees

core values

the enduring beliefs and principles that guide an organization's decisions and goals

utilitarian standard

the ethical action best balances good over harm

virtue standard

the ethical action is consistent with certain ideal virtues including civility, compassion, benevolence, etc.

Reason to tie pay to performance

to move away from an entitlement culture

job worth: job eval methods

usually done by outside services and uses a ranking, job classification or point factor method

adverse impact

usually indirect, purposeful or unintentional and usually a byproduct of a policy or employment practice, even one that appears neutral on the surface.

optional benefits

work life balance, domestic partner benefits

variable rewards (incentives)

"at risk" rewards which are linked to factors determined as valuable, including performance, skills, competence and contribution

Four principles of Scientific Management - Taylor

- Use methods based on scientifcally studying the tasks using time an motion studies. - Select, train and develop each worker rather than leaving them to passively train themselves - Provide detailed instructions and supervision to workers to ensure that they are following the developed methods. - Divide work equally between workers and managers.

Dual theory of HRM & business performance

Calls attention to the fact that there is not necessarily 1 best way to manage people


Can be leveraged as a competitive advantage

Negotiable job offer elements

can include salary, sign-on bonuses, non-salary compensation, relocation expenses, benefits & job-specific elements


can lead to discrimination

Methods of determining the correct candidate: rank order

candidates are ranked from highest to lowest score and top candidate's) are hired

multiple hurdles

candidates must receive a passing score on an assessment before being allowed to continue in the selection process

Methods of determining the correct candidate: cut score

candidates must score at or above a certain level or predetermined score to be considered

shared service center

centralizes routine, transaction-based HRM activities

Benefit of creativity

challenge to conventional decision-making process wisdom

HR Portion of the M&A Process phases

1. Strategic HR - Due Diligence 2. Integration Preparation 3.Integration

HR M& A process

1. Strategy Assessment 2. HR Liability & Synergy Gap Assessment 3. Deal Input 4. Program Office Setup 5. Create "100 Day" Plans 6. Create Optimization Plans 7. Execute 100 Day Plans 8. Execute Optimization Plans 9. Monitor Synergy Realization

what influences direct financial compensation

1. The org 2. The job 3. The employee 4. External forces

M&A Top due diligence objectives

1. To determine that the deal can be successful in the immediate/near-term 2. to define the right price 3. To evaluate the identified synergies 4. To ID what needs to be done during integration 5. To examine the impact of a potential deal on competitors/industry

Steps in managing change

1. communicate threat of not changing. 2. when possible involve team in decision making. 3. minimize uncertainty. 4. celebrate successes in running towards goal. 5. keep explaining why the change is being made. 6. be as transparent as possible

5 steps to effective training

1. conduct a needs assessment 2. develop learning objectives, 3 design training program 4. implement training 5. evaluate the training

Progressive discipline

1. counseling 2. written warning 3. suspension (with or without pay) 4. Termination

influence tactics

1. legitmating 2. personal appeals 3. assertiveness 4. ingratiation 5. inspirational appeals 6. rational persuasion 7. upward appeals 8. coalition 9. exchange

steps in performance management process

1. org values/goals 2. performance management standards 3. employee performance & behaviors 4. measurement & feedback 5. business results & employee growth

employee training program evaluation: Kirkpactrick's training eval model levels

1. reaction, 2. learning, 3. behavior 4. results

determining adverse impact using 4/5 rule

1. secure all employment records and categorize by protected categories 2. Apply the 4/5 rule

5 components to drug free workplace

1. written policy 2. supervisor training 3. employee education 4. EAP 5. drug testing

Why M&A fails: paying too much

Acquiring company pays a premium for a Target company based on expected synergies; however the synergies are never realized & premium paid is never recouped


Activities that affect either the number or type of people willing to apply for and accept job offers

Adarand Constructors Inc vs Pena 1995

Addresses racial preferences in hiring of subcontractors on govt projects. Govt agencies giving preferential treatment to minority owned business or those who employed a large number of minority employees

California Civil rights Initiative 1996

After passage, 1996 levels of minority enrollment at UC schools did not return to 1996 levels until 2010

at-will employment

An employer has the right to terminate an employee at any time for any reason or no reason at all


An instance of being composed of differing elements or qualities

HR internal consultant consideration

Are talent shortages/surpluses temporary or permanate

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: outsourcing

As demand increases due to the lower product prices, more employees are hired


Which ethical standard: A company valuing honesty that quickly recalls products that might be defective or dangerous

Common Good

Which ethical standard: Ensuring that suppliers do not employ child labor or provide unsafe working conditions


Which ethical standard: If a supervisor tells an employee to handle a toxic substance without appropriate protective gear


Which ethical standard: Southwest Airlines cuts all employees' pay rather than laying anyone off


Which ethical standard: debate over the appropriateness of CEO salaries and bonuses that are hundreds of times larger than the pay of the average employee.


Who a company is & how they do things

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: peripheral employment

You can only add so many of these types of employees before you stop seeing monetary gains.


______ subjects may be negotiated but don not have to be.


_______ subjects are those required by The National Labor Relations Board.


_______ subjects may not be negotiated.

workplace tort

a civil wrong in which an employer violates a duty owed to its customers or employees


a clear expression of the accepting party's agreement to the terms of the offer

code of ethics

a decision making guide that describes the highest values to which an organization aspires

commission errors

a failure to follow sound, established operational and ethical practices

Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974

a federal law that protects employees' retirement benefits from mismanagemen

Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

a federal law that sets standards for minimum wages, overtime pay, and equal pay for men and women performing the same jobs


bargained-for exchange between the contract parties - something of value must pass from one party to the other

Employment laws still exist because

barriers still exist based upon legally protected characteristics

job worth: market pricing

based on research into what other orgs in our field/market are willing to pay for like position

Job influence on direct finan compensation

based on skill, effort, working conditions, job responsibility and mental/physical requirements

variable pay

bases some or all of an employee's compensation on employee, team, or organizational


believeing that everyone in a particular group shares certain characteristics or abilities or will behave in the same way

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: Another term for high involvement HR practices

best practices

labor relations strategies: collaboration advantages

better communication can result

psychological contract

between employee & employer and concerns mutual expectations of inputs & outcomes

general labor & specialists

both bring value to the org when strategically placed

Employment laws & regs

both federal & state level. They exist primarily due to the imbalance of power in working relationships

Performance Mgmt behavior & result expectations

both must be communicated to employees

scientific management

breaks work down into its simplest elements and then systematically improves the worker's performance of each element


broad worker characteristics that underlie successful job performance

investiture socialization

builds newcomers' self-confidence and reflects senior employees' valuing of newcomers' knowledge and personal characteristics

in countries without at-will employment

bullying is used as a tactic to force long-term/contracted employees to quit

Benefit of diverse workforce

business attract customers when those customers are comfortable w/ the business representatives

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: High involvement HR practice

business info sharing

corporate social responsibility

businesses showing concern for common good and valuing human dignity

How does HR support org leadership

by carrying out its 6 functions in accordance with and for the purpose of contributing to the strategic plan

financial benefits of merger & acquisitions:

by combining 2 companies, expenses are lowered

financial benefits of merger & acquisitions:

by combining 2 companies, higher revenues than before

financial benefits of merger & acquisitions:

by combining 2 companies, lower overall cost of capital

org charts influence behavior how

by enabling or restricting communication, teamwork & cooperation

Dual theory of HRM & business performance: low involvement HR practices

can also leverage or increase return on capital investment

Active job seeker

can be easily reached through traditional advertising methods such as job boards

Hiring considerations: negotiating employment contracts

can be either explicit or implicit


can be part of a procedure

customer service, production quality, production quantity, productivity improvements

can be positively influenced by incentive plans

individual, team & org performance

can be positively influenced by incentive plans

revenue growth, increase in market share, cost reduction

can be positively influenced by incentive plans

teamwork, attendance, safety

can be positively influenced by incentive plans

workplace violence

can be reduced if employers identify risk factors & take appropriate precautions


can be the driver/promoter of ethical decision-maker & behavior in an organization

legally protected classes

can change over time (such as age, pregnancy status & disability)


can contribute to discrimination

lower skilled front line recruiters

can cost firms a lot of money & lost talent acquisition opportunities

drivers of employment engagement

can differ from the drivers of employee attraction & retention

employee wellness programs incentives

can improve the likelihood that employees will adopt healthier behaviors, great investment for companies

applicant assessment phases: evaluative assessment

can include personality tests, assessment of values & integrity tests - considerered to be predictive of attitudes of character/fit

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