WHAP Chapter 17 Reading Quizzes

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Where did Britain establish a Western settler society when it created a penal colony in 1788?


What can be said of the political atmosphere in the Balkans in the years just before the outbreak of World War I in 1914?

Balkan nationalism rose after several Slavic nations won independence from the Ottoman Empire, which led to greater Russian support for its smaller Balkan neighbors

What were the Orange Free State and the Transvaal?

Boer Republics established in Southern Africa

How did religious issues intensify the conflict between British settler and Boer farmers living in South Africa during the early nineteenth century?

British Evangelical missionaries in South Africa were determined to end slavery there, including the domestic pattern of enslavement used in Boer homesteads

The British victory at the battle of Plassey was a key turning point in Britain's roles as a colonial power in India. What did it lead to?

British control over Northern India

What did the British Raj refer to?

British political establishment in India

Mainly who controlled western-language education in Africa?

Christian missionaries

What was the most crucial event for the US during the nineteenth century?

Civil War

The unification and rapid industrial growth of what country during the 1870s and 1880s altered the power balance within Europe?


What new nation-states were created by new uses of nationalism by Western Europe conservative politicians?

Germany and Italy

After declaring war on the Triple Entente in 1914, why did Germany decide to attack France rather than Russia first?

Germany feared a simultaneous two-front war on its eastern and western boundaries with Russia and France

What conclusion can be made about the role India played in the formation of a British global colonial empire?

India served as a major military and commercial base for British colonial power

How did Indian rulers and princes directly contribute to their own takeover and subjugation by the British?

Indian rulers continued to fight with each other despite the ever-growing power of the British Raj that would soon engulf them

Whose voyages opened Hawaii to the West in the 1770s?

James Cook

Who advocated utilitarian reform principles promoting British institutions and ways of thinking in India and the eradication of Indian superstitions and social abuse?

James Mill

What was the primary target of revisionism, which promoted reform through peaceful democratic means?

Karl Marx's revolutionary vision of socialism

Who was the scientist who discovered germs, leading to more conscientious sanitary regulations and procedures by doctors and other healthcare specialists, beginning in the 1880s?

Louis Pasteur

Who was in the Triple Entente?


Why did Germany choose to drop its alliance with Russia in 1890?

Russian hostility toward Austria, one of Germany's allies

What can be said of the Chartist movement that took place in Britain during the 1840s?

The Chartist movement unsuccessfully advocated granting suffrage to artisans and workers

What characterized Western settler societies that emerged in the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand?

a blend of European and indigenous influences and contacts

What characterized Karl Marx's theory of socialism?

a class struggle between groups out of power and those controlling the means of production

After the failure of the 1848 revolutions, the European political structure reflected

a conservative trend in suppressing rising nationalistic movements

What caused Napoleon's final defeat?

a effective multinational alliance system organized by Britain

Which of the following best characterizes romanticism, a key movement in early nineteenth century Western art and literature?

a strong sense of emotion and impression

What did English writer Charles Dickens and other novelists who lived during the Industrial Revolution choose to do?

address realistic portrayals of human problems

In Rene Maran's novel Batouala, how did the protagonist view European colonial rule?

as a burden to the indigenous people living in European overseas colonies

In John Buchan's novel Prester John how does the main character Davie, view overseas European colonialism?

as a mission to "civilize" people considered to be inferior to white Westerners

What was the first of the massive popularity consumer fads beginning in the 1880s?


How did native peoples in New Zealand and Hawaii manage to survive challenges from colonialism?

by accommodating to European influences while reviving their traditional beliefs and practices

How did both the Dutch and the British become land powers in Java and India, respectively?

by intervening in the political affairs and military disputes that arose between local indigenous rulers

The Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company were initially opposed to territorial acquisitions in Asia after receiving trade monopolies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries because company directors believed what?

colonial wars and direct administration of overseas colonies were too expensive and would cut into their profits

Both the American Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of Man and the Citizen written during the French Revolution

defined natural rights and guaranteed free expression of ideas

What was one feature shared by the Atlantic revolutions and the Industrial Revolutions?

each revolution reflected ideas drawn from the Enlightenment

What did British success under Robert Clive's military leadership over Bengali troops at the battle of Plassey in 1757 result from?

espionage and bribery

What are the election of Andrew Jackson as president of the US in 1828 and the British Reform Bill of 1832 both associated with?

extended male suffrage

Why did political leaders in Western industrialized nations perceive overseas colonies as essential for the development of their homelands into great economic world powers?

foreign colonies were considered to be insurance against raw materials shortages and the loss of overseas market outlets to rival nations

Enlightenment thinkers Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Voltaire promoted revolutionary thought by supporting views that called for what?

greater human rights and restrictions on absolute power

Efforts by colonial bureaucrats and managers to instruct African and Asian peasants in scientific farming techniques and to compel peasants to work harder and more efficiently led to what?

greater peasant dependency in a Western-dominated world economy

Indigenous struggles, such as the Ghost Dance in the American West, the Maji Maji uprisings in German East Africa, and the Boxer Rebellion in China, against Western overlords demonstrated that __________ played a role in resistance movements against colonialism.

guerrilla warfare

What characterized the demographic transition that first emerged in the West during the second Industrial Revolution?

high birth rates and high death rates

How were the European political revolutions of 1848 and 1849 most successful?

improved life for peasants and serfs

What was one long-lasting effect of British industrialization?

increased exports of manufactured goods

What can be said of English and Dutch adaptations to the host cultures of their Asian colonies?

interracial interactions, including mixed marriages, between Europeans and Asians, became less frequent during the last half of the nineteenth century

How did Canada differ from other Western settler societies, such as Australia and New Zealand, established by the British?

it had a sizeable French-speaking population

Which of the following describes Hawaii by the end of the nineteenth century?

it had been formally annexed by the US

Although science and industry gave Europeans power over the rest of the world in the late nineteenth century, how did these innovations detrimentally affect European nations?

it led to an increase in economic competition and political rivalries

What has the most recent research revealed about the 1857 "Great Indian Mutiny" led by sepoy soldiers?

it resulted from the lack by the British of cultural knowledge and sensitivity toward Hindus and Muslims

How was the American Revolution unlike the French Revolution?

it was a war for independence

What was one irony about the use of the guillotine during the French Revolution?

it was based on the Enlightenment principle of human executions yet was use to kill thousands during the Reign of Terror

Why was Austria-Hungary considered to be the Triple Alliance's weakest partner?

it was beset by a series of nationality disputes and independence movements from minority Slavic groups in its Balkan territories

Why was the 1879 battle of Islandlwana in South Africa notable?

it was one of the few victories where African forces defeated a European imperial power

Advances in metallurgy during the late nineteenth century made it possible for European nations to produce __________, increasing their capacity to wage war agains the preinductrial societies in Asia and Africa.

light, mobile artillery pieces

What did Charles Darwin's scientific theory state?

living species evolved into their present for by adapting in a struggle for survival

Recent research by historians of colonialism discovered that the growing social gap between colonizers and the colonized in European colonies was initiated by who?

male colonial officials and administrators

What made public opinion a major factor in foreign policy decisions crafter by European nations and the US toward the end of the nineteenth century?

mass journalism and the extension of suffrage

Recruitment of Sikhs, Marattas, and Gurkhas demonstrated that the British considered what to be a critical factor in selecting sepoy soldiers for their armies in India?

military prowess based on racial attributes

Although Zulu warriors defeated a more militarily advanced force of British soldiers at the battle of Isandlwana, how was their victory ironic?

more Zulu warriors died in this battle than did the British or their African allies

What can be said of newer settler colonies formed in the nineteenth century?

newer settler colonies frequently were dominated by enduring competition and varying degrees of conflict between European settlers and indigenous people

What was one notable event that occurred in 1869 that greatly revolutionized European imperialism in the Eastern Hemisphere?

opening of the Suez Canal

The process known as trasformismo was reflective of the democratic process that developed in Italy shortly after its unification in that

parliamentary deputies, regardless of their political platforms, came together to support the status quo

The division of indigenous people into "tribes" by European administrators in their overseas colonies demonstrated that native people were perceived as being what by their European overlords?


Unlike the system of Western education in the British colonial empire, France ___________ in its overseas colonies.

promoted assimilation and nationalism through Western education that would qualify former students for full French citizenship

The workers' movement led by Karl Marx and the British feminist movement led by Emmeline Pankhurst both implemented measures that were considered by their critics to be too what?


Reaction to the growing population revolution during the French Revolution was best demonstrated by what?

replacement of Catholicism with the "cult of the Supreme Being," a civic religion

Why did the Congress of Vienna meet in 1815?

restore the balance of power in Europe after Napoleon's military campaigns

What was an effect of the population revolution that occurred in Western Europe after 1730?

resulted primarily from improved nutrition

An increase in worldly entertainments stemming from mass leisure culture, the shift of intellectual life from churches to universities, and controversy over Charles Darwin's theory of evolution demonstrated that Western societies became more __________ during the second Industrial Revolution.


What were indigenous soldiers from India who were recruited from various warlike peoples, and served the British East India Company, called?


The foundations of industrialization that were launched in Britain began with inventions such as the flying shuttle, steam engine, and power loom that were most closely associated with

textile production

Where did the Belgian king Leopold II create a personal fiefdom characterized by a brutal forced-labor regime?

the Congo

Which of these characterized the member nations of the Triple Entente?

the Triple Entente supported Serbian nationalism in the Balkans region

Before the beginning of World War I in 1914, Britain was most dependent on raw materials such as wool, cotton, and foodstuffs from where?

the White Dominions and India

What did the rules and organization of popular new sports such as soccer, American football, and baseball reflect?

the characteristics and discipline common to industrial work life

What was one effect of the second Industrial Revolution that occurred in Western Europe and the United States after 1850?

the introduction of the assembly line system

What was one effect of European overlords refusing to promote higher education in their African colonies?

the lack of an emerging middle class among black Africans

How did the Atlantic revolutions and the Industrial Revolution contradict each other?

the popular rights against arbitrary authority brought forth by the Atlantic revolutions were stifled by the authoritarian work environments resulting from the Industrial Revolution

What was demonstrated by the popularity of bungalows, light cotton clothing, and sarongs among Europeans?

they adopted cultural traits from the tropical Asian colonies they established

How did Europeans maintain control and put down resistance in their African and Asian colonies gained during the nineteenth century?

they exploited long-standing ethnic and cultural divisions among the indigenous people in their colonies

Which of the following describes British White Dominion settlement colonies such as Canada and Australia?

they had small geographic areas and small, white, European-descended populations

Older established colonies such as South Africa, as well as more recent nineteenth century Western colonies such as Algeria, Kenya, and Hawaii, most reflected characteristics that were what?

they were a combination of tropical dependencies and white settlement colonies

Which of the following describes Madras, Bombay and Calcutta?

they were administrative centers of the three presidencies, which made up most of the Indian territory ruled directly by the British

What was one advantage that European imperials powers had in hiring Western-education African and Asian subordinates?

they were paid lower salaries than Europeans would have been paid

Although many Western industrial powers expanded into the islands of the Pacific Ocean during the nineteenth century, which of the following describes these colonies?

they were smaller and of less economic value than Western possessions in Asia and Africa

Why, beginning in the 1770s, did the British parliament pass a series of reforms in the administration of the British East India Company?

to eliminate corruption within the company

What was one reason Germany insisted on a series of alliance systems in late nineteenth century Europe?

to isolate France

What made up more than half of European overseas empires?

tropical dependencies

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