Whap Semester 1

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The Qin ruler took the title Shi Huangdi, which meant

"First Emperor"

The Song system of credit was based on guarantees that paper money could be redeemed for coinage. This was called

"flying money"

Islam means


Leif Eriksson led the Vikings and established a settlement in North America around

1000 C.E.

In what year did Pope Urban II call for the First Crusade?


In what year was Jerusalem captured by Christian crusaders?


The Toltec empire lasted until about what date?


During what period did the nomads of central Asia impact the other global civilizations of the Eastern Hemisphere during the post classical era?


Chinggis Khan was elected khagan (supreme ruler) of the Mongol tribes in what year?


Around what year did the Aztecs migrate to the central valley of Mexico?


The first Portuguese fleet rounded the Cape of Good Hope in


Permanent contact between Europe and the Americas did NOT occur until:

1492 C.E.

In what year did Spanish settlement of the American mainland begin?


Francisco Pizarro defeated the Inca Empire with

180 men.

Africa is the home to approximately how many languages, emphasizing its diversity?


By the 16th century, at what age did most Europeans marry?


The Byzantine Empire lasted from approximately

500 to 1450

Rome became a republic in this year:

509 B.C.E

When did Muhammad receive the first revelations that were eventually written down in the Quran?

610 C.E.

What was the date of Muhammad's flight to Medina from Mecca?

622 C.E.

When did Chinese influence on Japan peak?

7th and 8th centuries B.C.E

In what year was Charlemagne able to establish a substantial, if temporary, empire in France and Germany?


What percentage of the western European population was rural during the late Middle Ages?


Which of the following was not a social result of the Black Death epidemic?

A call for democracy

What prevented the Mongols from invading Japan?

A storm prevented them from establishing a base.

The first caliphate was the rule of

Abu Bakr

What determined the age of marriage for many people in Europe?

Access to real property

Current archaeological theory supports Louis and Mary Leakey's discovery that the cradle of humanity is


Fossil remains of the earliest direct human ancestors, Australopithecus and Homo habilis, have been found only in:


What was the result of the conflict over the use of religious images in the Orthodox church?

After a long and complex battle, icon use was gradually restored, while the tradition of state control over church affairs was also reasserted.

What did the Portuguese NOT trade with the kingdom of Benin?

Agricultural products

The primary god of Zoroastrianism is


The Russian prince who advocated cooperation with the Mongols to avoid destructive assimilation was

Alexander Nevskii.

General Zhang Jian is credited with introducing which of the following to China?

Alfalfa and wine grapes

Which of the following is a true statement about Muslim society between 600 and 1450?

All caliphs had to be of the bloodline of Muhammad according to Shi'ite Muslims.

What Renaissance values do you think motivated da Vinci to make this drawing? (Study of Hands)

All of the above: focus on humans; respect for individuals, desire to portray people realistically

Cortés had which advantages in conquering the Aztecs?

All of these: An alliance with the Tlaxacans; Firearms and horses; The Aztecs had only recently established their empire at the expense of other tribes.

By 300 B.C.E., Celtic people were found in what regions?

All of these: Britain and France; Hungary and Turkey; Spain and Ireland

Which Mesoamerican group practiced human sacrifice?

All of these: Maya; Aztec; Toltec

How did the rise of medieval Islam give trade in the Indian Ocean an important boost?

All of these: Networks of Muslim traders tied the region together; The Muslim traders shared a common ethnic, language, and law; Muslim traders actively spread their religion to distant trading cities.

What was the Inca practice of split inheritance?

All political power and titles went to the ruler's successor, but his wealth was kept in the hands of the male descendants to support the cult of the dead Inca's mummy.

What was the religious policy of the Mongol empire under Chinggis Khan?

All religions were tolerated in his empire.

Which of the following statements about feudalism is most accurate?

Although it inhibited the development of strong central states, some kings were able to use feudalism to build their own power.

Which of the following explorers was the first to clearly recognize that Columbus had NOT discovered a route to Asia?

Amerigo Vespucci

a people native to North America


Which of the following statements best describes the indigenous religion of much of sub-Saharan Africa?

Animistic religion, belief in the power of natural forces personified as deities, characterized much of Africa.

Besides silk, what kind of goods moved along the Silk Road from China to western Europe?

Apricots and ginger

The most convincing evidence indicates that camels were introduced to the Sahara from


The universal language of the Muslim empire was

Arabic, because it was the language of the Quran.

The first Amerindians to contact the Spanish were the


Which of the following groups was NOT a component of bedouin society?


Race became an issue of class differentiation in the Vedic Age as the Aryas competed with the Dasas. The difference was that

Aryas were Indo-European and lighter skinned

How did the early Romans view the natural world?

As filled with numerous invisible shapeless forces called numina.

How did the Aztecs view the cultural achievements of the Toltecs?

As the givers of civilization

Of the following, who came closest to unifying the entire Indian subcontinent?


Which of the following statements concerning Aztec religion is most accurate?

Aztec deities were numerous and had different forms or manifestations somewhat like the avatars of the Hindu deities.

While the position of Aztec women in many ways paralleled that of women in other civilizations at a similar stage of development, what was the significant difference between the lives of women in Mesoamerica and in the Mediterranean world?

Aztec women had to spend many more hours grinding grain for food.

The people who succeeded the Toltecs as the rulers of central Mexico were the


Although descended from one of Muhammad's Arab uncles, the Abbasid Caliphs moved the capital of the Islamic state to


The Abbasids moved the political center of their empire to


When the Delhi Sultanate began to lose control of its realm, new kingdoms emerged in India called

Bahmani and Vijayanagar.

Which of the following territories was always part of the Byzantine Empire?

Balkan Peninsula

Most sub-Saharan languages come from one giant linguistic family, called


What was the common cultural trait of the urbanized trading ports of the east African coast?

Bantu-based and Arabic-influenced Swahili language

The first Portuguese explorer to reach the southern tip of Africa and view the Indian Ocean was

Bartolomeu Dias.

Which of the Mongol Khans conquered Rus' in 1236?


What was the nature of Islamic religion that developed in Southeast Asia?

Because Islam came to Southeast Asia from India and was spread by Sufi holy men, it developed a mystical nature that incorporated much of indigenous religion.

Which of the following was not a way that individuals sought an alternative path to salvation?

Becoming a Brahmin

Which of the following is not a tenet of Zoroastrianism?

Belief in reincarnation of the dead

Which of the following groups did NOT migrate to the coastal region of East Africa?

Berbers from north Africa

What was the geographical location of the empire of Mali?

Between the Niger and Senegal rivers

Why didn't the Italian states take a lead in exploring the Atlantic?

Both B and C: The ships of the Mediterranean were ill suited to the Atlantic; The trading states of Venice and Genoa preferred a system of alliances with the Muslims.

Which of the following similarities did the Aztec and Inca NOT share?

Both relied on public displays of large-scale human sarifice of war captives.

The highest caste, or stratum, in India's system of varna was the


In spite of the popularity of Buddhism and Jainism, the Gupta kings brought a revival of the Vedic religion that brought power back to what class?


What region in the Americas was claimed by Portugal?


Cave murals in the oasis town of Dunhuang reveal that what religion was migrating west along the Silk Road?


The Four Noble Truths are associated with


What religion played a key role in the transmission of Chinese civilization to Japan?


What was the religious preference of the Korean elite?


What group so threatened the security of the Japanese imperial court in the 8th century that the imperial family moved to Heian?

Buddhist monks

What groups in India were most likely to convert to Islam

Buddhists and low caste Hindus

What groups in India were most likely to convert to Islam?

Buddhists and low caste Hindus

After failing to reform the government and military, the Abbasid Caliphate fell under the influence of the

Buyid family of northern Iran

Which of the following is not one of the ways that Confucian philosophy attempts to create societal harmony?

By emphasizing individual freedoms

How did the Inca ensure the loyalty of defeated regions?

By forcing the heirs of defeated rulers to live in the royal court

Which of the following is most correctly seen as a direct continuation of the Roman Empire?

Byzantine Empire

The office of the political and religious successor of Muhammad was called


Which Persian ruler was the least benevolent to his subjects?

Cambyses II

Which animal was most important to Saharan transportation?


A major center of pilgrimage in England was:


tip of South America

Cape Horn

What dynasty took over the Frankish monarchy in the 8th century?


For a period of over 60 years, Rome fought a war of expansion with which people?


The two Mediterranean powers fighting in the Punic Wars were

Carthage and Rome

Women in Maya society were

Central to the religious and economic life of every home

Some Buddhists drew upon Indian and Tibetan folk practice and created a meditative practice known as

Chan or Zen Buddhism.

The well-planned urban capital of the Han dynasty was


What military technologies did the Silk Road spread?

Chariot warfare, mounted bowmen, and the stirrup.

Who did Pope Leo III crown emperor in 800 at a Christmas mass in Rome?


Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales is an important work because

Chaucer's use of the English vernacular was important in making his dialect the chief ancestor of the modern English language.

Which of the following is true of merchant banking in the fifteenth century?

Checking accounts, shareholding companies, moneychanging, loans, and investments were offered as services.

The most powerful of the Andean states between 900 and 1465 following the decline of Tihuanaco and Huari was


The first Mongol conquests under Genghis Khan were in


Which of the following governments filled positions in the bureaucracy by means of merit examinations?

China under the Tang

Although ostensibly under the control of the kings of Siam, the port of Malacca was also allied with


Why was becoming Christian considered an act of disloyalty in the Roman Empire?

Christians could not worship the emperor as a deity.

What Italian captain sailing for the monarchs of Spain reached the Americas in 1492?

Christopher Columbus

What reflects an appreciation for ideal forms, balance, and harmony?

Classical Greek art

Which Athenian ruler created a council of 500 to propose laws to the assembly, and gave the assembly final authority to pass laws?


Which of the following represents a significant difference between the Andean and Mesoamerican civilizations?

Climate and geography

What Frankish king was responsible for the conversion of his people to Christianity in order to gain a vague domination over the Franks?


The reform monastic movement started in France was centered at


Chinese transportation innovations included what Song invention or improvement?

Compass design

During the Song Dynasty, over half of government office appointments went to men who had passed a series of examinations on

Confucian texts and philosophy.

Two indigenous Chinese philosophies that emerged from the Warring States Period are

Confucianism and Daoism.

In an effort to increase his power, Shi Huangdi cracked down on


What was the nature of the Aztec administration of subject territories?

Conquered territories were often left relatively unchanged under their old rulers as long as they recognized Aztec supremacy and paid tribute.

The conversion to Christianity of which Roman emperor ushered in a time of tolerance, acceptance, and eventual dominance of Christianity?


The emperor responsible for a surge in construction in Constantinople was


In 1453, the Ottomans conquered which important Christian city?


The Byzantine Empire was centered in:


The Fourth Crusade was manipulated by merchants in Venice, who turned it into an attack on


The capital of the Byzantine Empire and its commercial center was located at


What city became the new imperial capital of the Roman Empire in 324 C.E.?


Which area did not endure Viking raids?


Which of the following statements concerning urbanization within the Byzantine Empire is most correct?

Constantinople controlled the economy and grew to enormous size, but other cities were relatively small.

Under the leadership of Emperor Constantine:

Constantinople served as the sister-capital of Rome.

What two social groups that suffered low status under the Confucian social system benefited most from the Yuan administration?

Correct Merchants and artisans

Unlike in Ming China, the development of agriculture in the Yi kingdom was based on what cash crop?


During the Gupta period, India developed an extensive land and sea trading network by exporting what products?

Cotton cloth, ivory, and metalwork

Inca capital city


The capital of the Inca empire was


What two missionaries were responsible for the creation of a written script for Slavic language?

Cyril and Methodius

The Slavic alphabet created by Orthodox missionaries to the Slavs is called


The king responsible for unifying Iran was


The balance of power among the Egyptians, Medes, Babylonians, and Lydians was broken by:

Cyrus II

The capital of the Umayyad caliphate was in


Under the Umayyads, the political center of Islam shifted to


Which of the following was NOT one of the major themes or cults of Aztec religion?

Deities devoted to contemplation and salvation

Where was the capital of the Islamic kingdom established after 1206 on the Gangetic plain?


Who reformed Rome in the third century C.E. and saved it from decline?


As a means of continuing to spread the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan used all except which of the following means to expand and control his territories?

Diplomatic negotiation

Which of the following is not a distinctive feature of the Gothic cathedral?


The two new religious orders in the 13th century that lent themselves to teaching were:

Dominicans and Franciscans

What was the social impact of the Mongol conquest on Russia?

Due to the crushing burden of tribute paid to Mongols and princes, the Russian peasantry was reduced to serfdom.

Which of the following statements is true about Buddhism and Christianity?

Each is tied closely to the teachings of an individual and rose in response to an established religion.

Although goods from China and India occasionally traveled sea routes to reach Europe, the westernmost region of the Indian Ocean maritime system was

East Africa

The place that was not brought under Muslim control under the leadership of the caliphs.

Eastern Europe

Which of the following areas was not brought under Muslim control under the leadership of the caliphs?

Eastern Europe

Which of the following is true of the Byzantine Empire in 600 CE?

Economic prosperity and political stability enabled it to continue the legacy of the Greeks and Romans.

Christian monasticism began in


The Fatimids were located in present-day


The first kingdoms in eastern Africa below the Sahara showed the influence of

Egypt and Hellenism.

The culture that developed in Egypt was unique largely because of

Egypt's natural isolation and essential self-sufficiency

In an attempt to repel non-Muslims in the Il-Khan and Crimean/Caucauses areas, the Golden Horde formed an alliance with:

Egyptian Mamluks

Which of the following is a key philosophical and religious element of Daoism?

Emphasis on harmony between humanity and nature.

Which of the following regions achieved feudal monarchy prior to the end of the Middle Ages?


Austrolepithecine "Lucy" was found where?


Prior to the spread of literacy with the extension of Islam in sub-Saharan Africa, the only previously literate society was found in:


What was the most important Christian kingdom in Africa?


After the Persians defeated the Babylonians in 539 B.C.E., the descendents of the Hebrews who had been taken hostage in 587 B.C.E. were all eager to return to their homeland of Judah.


All African rulers resisted the slave trade.


Although the Chinese invented the principle of movable type, the Arabs perfected it.


As Ibn Battuta discovered, the status of women in the Islamic world of the fourteenth century was nearly the same everywhere.


Buddhism had a divisive effect on China.


Christianity followed the various Silk Roads that linked the Middle East to Asia, mostly establishing Greek Orthodox churches in Asia.


In Chang'an, the imperial palace is located in the center of the walled city.


Machiavelli believed that political activity should be restricted by moral principles.


Oasis towns led the Silk Road on a single direct route through the Taklamakan desert from Chang'an in China to Rome.


On his death bed, Christopher Columbus finally realized the enormity of his discovery.


Prince Henry the Navigator was an early supporter of Christopher Columbus.


The Aztecs and the Mayas worked cooperatively in a Mesoamerican trade network.


The Seljuk Turks abolished the position of caliph.


The Tang dynasty rejected the policies of the Sui.


The Uighur's writing system, which was imitated and utilized by many cultures, was based on a system of written characters unique to the Uighur.


The monsoon winds provided continuous access to ports along the east coast of Africa and along the Indian Ocean.


The earliest long-distance traders in the Sogdiana area were the


The first Portuguese explorer to purchase the rights of exploration of Africa was

Fernão Gomes

What changes transformed later medieval military technology?

Firearms and crossbows with metal-tipped arrows

Muslim religious practice is based on the

Five Pillars

Which of the following statements concerning Chinggis Khan's early life is most accurate?

Following his father's death, he was abandoned by many followers and captured by a rival tribe.

The emperor Yongle improved the imperial complex built by the Mongols called the

Forbidden City

What was the impact of expansion and conquest on the Aztec social system?

From a loose association of clans, Aztec society became a highly stratified society.

By the middle of the 9th century, what aristocratic family exerted exceptional influence over imperial affairs at the Japanese court at Heian?


Who brought the revelations of Allah to Muhammad on the Night of Power in 610?


Between 1180 and 1185 the struggle between the two major provincial families, the Taira and the Minamoto, was decided in what wars?


Differences between the positions held by men and women in Aztec society were termed

Gender complementarity

By what name is Temüjin better known?

Genghis Khan

Christopher Columbus was from


The Bubonic Plague was brought to Europe by

Genoese traders

The Hanseatic League was based in


The first sub-Saharan state to convert to Islam was


Credit for "the lost art of painting" being revived is traditionally given to:


Which of the khanates undertook the task of conquering Russia?

Golden Horde

To facilitate communication and trade between northern and southern China, the Sui built the

Grand Canal

Which of the following statements concerning Great Zimbabwe is NOT correct?

Great Zimbabwe was constructed by Arab Muslims who were trading with the Bantu residents of the region.

After the reign of Justinian, what was the official language of the Byzantine empire?


Rome borrowed most from this culture:


What was the technological innovation that aided the Byzantine Empire in withstanding the Muslim siege of Constantinople in 717?

Greek fire

Greek poleis or city-states developed because of

Greek geography, especially mountains, which separated populations.

What was the social and political function of the griots?

Griots mastered the oral traditions of the Malinke and by knowing the past were considered excellent advisors of kings.

What was unique about Gujarat trade compared to African and Arabic?

Gujarat manufactured goods for trade

The classical form of the Hindu temple emerged in what era?


What was the great church built in Constantinople by Justinian?

Hagia Sophia

What was the most significant architectural contribution of the Byzantine Empire?

Hagia Sophia

Which of the following occurred first? Hannibal invaded Italy; Sulla conquered Greece; the Third Punic War; Egypt was annexed.

Hannibal invaded Italy

The two main cities of early Indian civilization are

Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro

Why did the pharaoh Amenhotep IV change his name to Akhenaten?

He began a new religion in Egypt, worshipping only Aten, the sun disk.

Why did Vladimir I prefer Orthodox Christianity to Roman Catholicism?

He believed that Roman Catholicism implied papal interference, while Orthodoxy embraced the control of the church by the state.

Which of the following was NOT one of the positive aspects of Chinggis Khan's imperial rule?

He ordered the creation of huge pastures in northern China for the use of the Mongol clans.

Which of the following is not among the policies used by Alexander the Great to control his vast empire?

He promoted local militias.

How is the career of Paul an example of the "cosmopolitan" nature of the Roman Empire?

He was able to use the benefits of Roman citizenship, roads, and cities to spread Christianity.

In what way did Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty significantly differ from previous emperors?

He was ambitious in exploring and conquering more territory.

What tactic on the field of battle was employed most frequently by Chinggis Khan's forces?

Heavy cavalry attacks on the flanks

Byzantine cultural life centered on the secular traditions of


What type of writing did the Maya have?


How did the Muslim conquerors of Sind treat the Hindu and Buddhist residents of the region?

Hindus and Buddhists were treated as dhimmis or "peoples of the book."

Which of the following explains why Alexander failed to carry his empire as far as the Ganges in India?

His troops mutinied

The foremost power in Anatolia from 1700 to 1200 B.C.E. was the


Which of the following groups developed based on long-distance trade?


As part of the "Colombian Exchange," which of the following was a European contribution to the Americas?


Which of the following does NOT help explain why India was more often invaded than China?

Hostility to warfare

The central figure of the cult of human sacrifice and the most sacred deity of the Aztecs was


The principal reason for human sacrifice among the Aztecs was

Huitzilopochtli required a diet of human hearts.

The Aztec god that was the focus of the cult of the hummingbird was called


The ruler of the Ikhan horde was


Which of the following statements concerning Italian humanism is most accurate?

Humanists focused on humankind as the center of intellectual and artistic endeavor.

Which of the khanates undertook the invasion of the Muslim heartland?

Ilkhan khanate

Why were the Sufis effective missionaries within the Indian subcontinent?

In both style and message they shared much with Indian mystics and wandering ascetics.

How was the institution of slavery viewed in Muslim society?

In theory, slavery was seen as a stage in the process of conversion of pagans to Islam.

The modern image of the Inca empire as a carefully organized system in which every community collectively contributed to the whole and the state regulated the distribution of resources on the basis of need is referred to as

Inca socialism

Which is not one of the reasons for the fall of the Qin Empire?

Incorporation in the empire of different ethnicities

Many of the major agricultural exchanges that helped the Islamic world came from:


The most important cultural influences on Southeast Asian kingdoms came from


Most of Southeast Asia's early commerce was conducted with

India and China

Prior to 1000 C.E., Southeast Asia was most influenced by which of the following?

India and China

Which empire or series of empires left the least amount of detailed records?

Indian empires

Which of the following was NOT a strength of Byzantine cultural life?

Innovative literary forms

What was the nature of trade with the towns of east Africa?

International trade flourished in the urbanized ports of east Africa, including commerce with India and China.

Which of the following statements concerning the three-field rotation system is most accurate?

Introduced in the 8th century, the three-field rotation added acres to production by leaving only a third of the land unplanted.

The Sasanid Empire was centered in the area that is present-day


Why was there a cultural flowering in Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia under the Timurids?

Iran and China shared artistic trends and political ideas.

In 1295, the Il-khan ruler Ghazan converted to which religion?


How did the expansion of Islam aid in the creation of international trade on the east African coastline?

Islam expanded to India and southeast Asia providing a religious bond of trust between those regions and the converted rulers of the cities of east Africa.

How did Islam and Hinduism differ?

Islam stressed the egalitarianism of all believers, while Hinduism embraced a caste-based social system.

Both Mali and Delhi utilized:

Islamic administration

In the period 1000 to 1450, which of the following developments partially resulted from knowledge of Greek science and technology?

Islamic medical books in Baghbad.

How did Nubia become a "corridor" for long-distance trade before 3000 B.C.E.?

It connected sub-Saharan Africa with North Africa.

Why is the Abbasid rule considered a "golden age"?

It created a refined and cosmopolitan culture in Baghdad.

What was the political influence of Buddhism in the Tang Empire?

It encouraged the leader to weld the people into a harmonious society.

Which of the following statements about the Magna Carta is not true?

It gave new rights to the peasants.

Which of the following statements about the development of movable type and the availability of printed material is not true?

It helped spread subversive ideas and caused a number of rebellions, just as printing would in the West in the sixteenth century.

Why is the martyrdom of Husayn a significant event in Muslim history?

It marks the beginning of the sect of Shi'ism

What official role did the Catholic Church play in the persecution of Jews in medieval Europe?

It played no official role in the persecution, as the church was officially the protector of Jews.

Which of the following is NOT true of the bubonic plague?

It resulted in closer, more tightly-knit societies with renewed faith in Church and God.

What was the nature of pre-Islamic bedouin religion?

It was a blend of animism and polytheism.

Which of the following views of the Aztec practice of human sacrifice can be associated with Marvin Harris's interpretation of the "cannibal kingdom"?

It was a response to the lack of available protein in the form of large mammals.

Which of the following is an accurate description of Great Zimbabwe?

It was an inland kingdom that gained wealth from gold mining and exporting.

Following Chinggis Khan's death, what was the provision for the administration of the empire?

It was divided into four regional kingdoms, or khanates, ruled by his sons and grandsons.

Which of the following statements about the manorial system is NOT true?

It was technologically sophisticated.

Which of the following does not describe the Divine Comedy?

It was written in Latin like most literature of the time.

There was the greatest concentration of urbanization after the 10th century in Europe?

Italy and the Low Countries

Where was the greatest concentration of urbanization after the 10th century in Europe?

Italy and the Low Countries

How did Italy's location help it become the birthplace of the Renaissance?

Italy had access to Roman ruins and ancient manuscripts.

Which Russian ruler was the first to use the term "tsar"?

Ivan III.

Which of the following areas were not under Mongol domination?


What was the impact of the rise of the samurai on the peasantry in Japan?

Japanese peasants were reduced to the status of serfs bound to the land they worked.

During the height of the Roman Empire, traders were usually:

Jews, Greek-speaking Egyptians, and Arabs.

Muhammad's teachings built upon the beliefs of

Judaism and Christianity

One of the best text sources we have about the Celts was written by

Julius Caesar

Gunpowder was first used by the Chinese against whom?


What eastern emperor was responsible for the attempted restoration of a united Roman Empire after 533?


The African traders associated with the Mali Empire were called


What is the name of the nature spirits of Japan?


Where was the capital of the Mongol empire under Chinggis Khan?


The challengers to the Song empire from Siberia to Inner Asia were known as the


In 1219 Chinggis Khan directed his troops against the Islamic territory of


Which of the following areas was NOT a major area of strength for Roman Catholicism in the year 1200?

Kievan Russia

By 1250 the most important trading city of the Swahili Coast was


One of the greatest promoters of Buddhism was

King Ashoka of India

How did the Vikings maneuver across long distances?

Knowledge of the heavens and seas

Which coastal area did the Mongols see as crucial to choke off the sea trade of their enemies?


On the basis of present evidence, most scholars believe that the first unification of central Japan occurred when

Korean warriors united the small countries of Japan under a central government.

In the early tenth century, Korea was united under which dynasty?


In the early 12th century, the Qin kingdom of northern China was defeated by a Mongol confederation under the leadership of

Kubilai Khan.

In the universities of the Latin West, all courses were taught in


Western Europeans of the later Middle Ages referred to themselves as


Which of the following statements concerning leadership in Mongol society is most correct?

Leaders were elected by free males and held office for as long as they could keep it.

The Chinese political system that relied primarily on strict laws and punishments to compel people to behave is called


The High Renaissance in Italy is associated with which three artists?

Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo

After the decline of the Tang Empire, the states that emerged were

Liao, Song, and Tanggut.

What was the Aztec view of history?

Like other Mesoamerican peoples, the Aztecs believed in a cyclical pattern of repetitive destructions of the world.

Writing in Mycenaean Greece is done in what form?

Linear B

What was the military organization of the Heian government in Japan?

Local members of the aristocracy were ordered to organize militia forces.

What were the primary exports of the Byzantine Empire?

Luxury products, such as silk, cloth and carpets

After uniting Media and Persia, Cyrus conquered

Lydia and Babylon

The Portuguese base in China was at


Which sect of Buddhism was connected with the Tang dynasty?


Which form of Buddhism became popular in China and Japan?

Mahayana Buddhism

The Chavin culture, which flourished in the Andean region from 900-250 B.C.E., was supported by the introduction of what food commodity?


As trade increased in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the Strait of Malacca became the center of a political rivalry between

Majapahit and Chinese pirates.

The island of Madagascar was settled by

Malayo-Indonesians and Polynesians

In the mid-1300s, Mansa Musa created a strong centralized Islamic government in


Songhay was originally dominated by which African empire?


What was the nature of urbanization within the Mali Empire?

Mali possessed "port cities" along the Niger River such as Jenne and Timbuktu which flourished both commercially and culturally.

The three largest West African empires were:

Mali, Songhay, Ghana.

The Mongols were defeated in 1260 at Ain Jalut by the

Mamluk dynasty of Egypt

Which of the following statements is not true of Chinese-African contacts circa 1415-1433?

Many cultural misunderstandings led to the Sino-African War.

The first Romans to reach China's court of Emperor Huan were envoys of which emperor?

Marcus Aurelius

The frescoes painted by ____ have long been regarded as the first masterpieces of early Renaissance art.


Which statement is true about the Mauryan and Gupta Empires?

Mauryan and Gupta kings controlled the key economic aspects of society in order to construct a vast and effective infrastructure.

The ____ created a sophisticated writing system based on hieroglyphs.


flourished between A.D. 300 and 900


The Andean mountain agriculture supposed which products?

Meat, grains, and potatoes

Why did Muhammad leave Mecca for Medina (hijra)?

Meccan leaders were threatened by his popularity.

One difference between Indian Ocean and Mediterranean seafaring was that

Mediterranean seamen rarely sailed far from shore.

What two social groups that suffered low status under the Confucian social system benefited most from the Yuan administration?

Merchants and artisans

Which civilization developed around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?


Which of the following statements is not true about the rule of the Seljuk Empire?

Mesopotamia grew in population and influence.

Which of the following empires began as city-states?

Mesopotamian and Greek

Which of the following was NOT a crop imported into Europe as a result of the "Colombian Exchange"?


In 1368, the Yuan Empire was overthrown and replaced by the

Ming Empire

Water Margin and The Romance of the Three Kingdoms are examples of

Ming literature

An area of dispute between Portugal and Spain despite the Treaty of Tordesillas was who had claim to the spice trade from:


What was the status of Mongolian women during the Yuan dynasty of China?

Mongol women remained relatively independent, refused to adopt the practice of foot-binding, and retained their rights in property.

What group of peoples was responsible for the conquest of Kievan Russia after 1236?

Mongols (Tatars)

Aztec monarch


What Russian city profited most from the Mongol invasion?


Which of the following ideas was given to Muslims on the authority of the Qur'an?

Moses and Jesus were both great prophets sent by God for the benefit of humanity.

Which of the following was a Korean innovation that was borrowed by the Chinese?

Movable type

Which of the following statements concerning the economies of Africa is NOT correct?

Much of the region lacked a market economy and was based on self-sufficient agricultural units.

Muslims believe that the last prophet was:


What was Muhammad's teaching with respect to the revelations of other monotheistic religions?

Muhammad accepted the validity of earlier Christian and Judaic revelations and taught that his own revelations were a final refinement and reformulation of earlier ones.

Mansa Musa's pilgrimage from Mali to Mecca in 1324 meant what for the regions he traveled through, such as Cairo?

Musa's pilgrimage led to widespread inflation and economic depressions in various cities on the route to Mecca.

All of the following were causes of the Crusades EXCEPT

Muslim anger over the Norman conquest of Sicily and the defeat of the Muslims at the Battle of Tours.

Spain's "reconquest" and political consolidation excluded which group?


Which of the following statements concerning the Yuan social order is most accurate?

Muslims and central Asian allies ranked directly below the Mongols.

The Minoans of Crete were probably conquered in 1450 B.C.E. by the


Which of the following is an accurate depiction of the experiences of women in Christendom in the period 600-1450?

Noblewomen in particular were closely monitored in terms of behavior and personal relationships, and the majority of women were expected to marry.

In most ways, the Mongols epitomized what type of society and culture?


Which of the following was a reason for Iberian overseas exploration?

None of these

What region of Africa was first converted to Islam by 700 C.E.?

North Africa

Of the following regions, which had the least extensive network of trade routes in 1450?

North America

What was one of the primary differences between the Northern and Italian Renaissances?

Northern humanists focused more on religion than their Italian counterparts.

The emperor responsible for the reorganization of the Roman government after 31 B.C.E. was


Following the death of Chinggis Khan, who succeeded him as khagan of the Mongols?


What grew well in the dry environment of Greece?

Olive trees, grape vines, and barley

The makers of the "giant head" carvings in Mesoamerica were part of which civilization?


Which of the following groups was the earliest Mesoamerican civilization?


declined around 400 B.C.


Which of the following does NOT describe important features of Indian art?

Opposed to the use of animal figures

In 980, the first grand prince of Kievan Russia, Vladimir I, converted to what religion?

Orthodox Christianity

The name normally given to the form of Christianity that emerged in the Byzantine Empire was

Orthodox Christianity

The Inca ruler associated with the first creation of the Inca empire in 1438 was


Where was the first Spanish colony on the American mainland?


What was the Andean principle of inheritance?

Parallel descent, or inheritance passing in both the male and female lines

Maya society was organized in which family system?


The founder of the Ming dynasty, Ju Yuanzhang, came from what social class in China?


Philip II planned to invade which area before his untimely death?


The Seleucid kingdom, after the death of Alexander, retained which portion of the empire?


The Yuan tax administration relied on

Persian, Arab, and Uighur administrators.

In the 12th century, what Parisian scholar, the author of Yes and No, utilized logic to examine ecclesiastical doctrine?

Peter Abelard

What land was claimed for Spain as the result of Ferdinand Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe beginning in 1519?


Which of the following is NOT among the "five pillars" of Islam?

Pilgrimage to Medina

The final battle of the Persian wars that defeated Xerxes was at which site?


The transition to a literary, rather than orally based, culture is notable in the works of


Which of the following does not constitute a shared cultural heritage, or "great tradition"?

Political unity

Which of the following is NOT true of the Aztec view of marriage and the family?

Polygamy was common throughout society.

The Council of Clermont in 1095 brought

Pope Urban II's call for the First Crusade.

Which of the following did the Europeans not learn about from the Mongols?


In general, how did Islam spread in southeast Asia?

Port cities were points of dissemination to other links in trading networks.

Why was maritime trade better in Southeast Asia than in Western Asia?

Ports had better access to fresh water and could sustain a permanent settlement.

The initiative for Western exploration and conquest came from the kingdom of


What two nations began a maritime revolution that profoundly altered the course of world history?

Portugal and Spain

What noble was responsible for initiating a series of expeditions along the African coast and outward to the Azores in the 15th century?

Prince Henry the Navigator

Which two leaders built kingdoms from the wreckage of Alexander's empire?

Ptolemy and Seleucus

In which of the following are the dynasties arranged in proper chronological order?

Qin, Han, Sui, Tang

Who attempted to write the first world history?

Rashid al-Din

The Greek philosopher Aristotle is most closely associated with which of the following ideas?

Reliance on the senses to explain the nature of reality.

Which of the following has not been a factor in India's habitual political fragmentation?

Repeated interference by China in Indian affairs

Which of the following was not a reason for economic decline in China after the death of Yongle?

Resurgence of the bubonic plague

The collection of Indian poetic hymns dedicated to the various deities and describing sacred practices is the

Rig Veda

Between 200 BCE and 200 CE the Silk Roads facilitated commodity trade between what pair of empires?

Roman and Han

The accused is innocent until proven guilty is one principle that was part of

Roman civil law

One of the most enduring consequences of the Roman Empire has been the

Romanization of the western Mediterranean.

Two protracted and bloody wars against the Carthaginians were important because

Rome won control of the western Mediterranean.

The first king of Kievan Russia was


India's trading network involved direct contact with all of the following EXCEPT


What was the political organization of Russia at the time of the Mongol invasion in the first half of the 13th century?

Russia was divided into numerous petty kingdoms centered on trading cities.

What was the extent of western European influence in Kievan Russia?

Russia's religious culture and social and economic patterns developed separately from western Europe's.

To maintain control of vast areas, the Mongols formed different khanates. The Golden Horde ruled over


Who was the Muslim leader responsible for the reconquest of most of the territories belonging to the Christian crusaders?


What natural resource provided the incentive to trade for southern Saharan dwellers?


During the reign of Cyrus II, the Royal Road of the Persian Empire connected which of the following cities?

Sardis and Susa

What group successfully captured Baghdad in 1055?

Seljuk Turks

Prior to contact with China, what was Korea's primary religion?


The political and theological faction within Islam that recognized only Ali and the descendants of the family of Muhammad as rightful rulers was called


The subsequent split of supporters to different caliphs, or successors, divided the umma into

Shi'ites and Sunnis

What kingdom was successful in establishing a unified and independent government in Korea?


One of the reasons the kingdom of Silla was able to dominate over the other two Korean kingdoms of Paekche and Koguryo was that

Silla was the only one of the three kingdoms to prevent a full takeover by the Tang Empire.

Which of the following lists gives the correct chronological sequence for the Korean dynasties?

Silla, Koryo, Mongol, Yi

Which is NOT true of slavery in the Roman Empire?

Slaves had political representation in the assembly

The three great Greek classical philosophers are

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

The three great Greek classical philosophers are

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

The sixteenth century BCE Athenian politician who divided the polis into four political classes was


Which of the following statements concerning the Mongol conquest of Song China is most accurate?

Song China proved one of the toughest areas for the Mongols to conquer, taking from 1235 to 1279 to subdue.

The earliest representation of cave art discovered is in:

Southeastern France

Which of the following statements best describes the regional strength of Southeast Asia relative to South and East Asia?

Southeasts Asia's economic and political importance increased whenever Silk Road trade was disrupted.

Which group held the lowest social rank in Yuan China?

Southern Chinese

Before they were expelled in 1492, the largest population of Jews in the West was found in


The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the New World between

Spain and Portugal

What accounts for the disruption of the agricultural economy of the Abbasid Empire?

Spiralling taxation, the destruction of the irrigation works, and pillaging by mercenary armies led to destruction and abandonment of many villages.

The reforming monastic orders founded in Assisi in the 13th century were created by

St. Francis and St. Clare

In what region of Africa was the influence of Islam most profound?

Sudan and Swahili coast

The world's first system of writing evolved in:


The earliest historically documented people of Mesopotamia were the


According to Malinke legends, the founder of Mali was


The empire of Mali was created by the victory of


What monarch is credited with beginning Malinke expansion and creating the Mali Empire?


Which of the following groups did NOT revolt against Abbasid rule?


To better manage their empire, the Persians created an elaborate system of roads, including one that stretched from Ephesus to what Persian ceremonial capital city?


The Varangians who ruled early Russia were

Swedish Vikings

In which of the following Japanese periods was Chinese cultural influence most significant?


What were the reforms enacted in 646 that intended to thoroughly incorporate Chinese culture and political structure into Japanese society?


Life in the imperial court at Heian was described in what Japanese novel?

Tale of Genji

The Tibetan Empire was introduced to Buddhism in 634 by

Tang China

Which of the following statements concerning the Tatar invasion of Russia is most accurate?

Tatar supervision did not destroy Russian Christianity or a native Russian aristocracy.

Aztec capital city


The capital of the Aztec Empire was in


What city did the Aztecs establish circa 1325 on a marshy island in Lake Texcoco?


What type of agriculture was practiced by the Maya?

Terraced landscaping and irrigation

During the middle ages, what belief did the conversion of Germanic kings create among Western religious leaders, particularly the pope?

That the Church was superior to the secular rulers

What was the attitude of the Abbasids toward the institution of slavery?

The Abbasid elite demanded growing numbers of both male and female slaves for concubines and domestic service.

Which of the following was one of the first new areas brought into the global commercial network after 1450?

The Americas

After the 7th century, what group posed the greatest threat to the eastern frontiers of the Byzantine Empire?

The Arab Muslims

How did the Great Peloponnesian War end?

The Athenians were defeated at Aegospotami and Athens surrendered.

What was the nature of the Aztec economy?

The Aztec state redistributed many goods received as tribute and there was a specialized merchant class.

Referring to the religion of the Vedic Aryans as Brahminism conveys the central importance of what figure in that religion?

The Brahmin, or priest

What was the difference in the military organization of Byzantine and western Roman empires?

The Byzantine Empire recruited armies from the Middle East

What was the difference in the military organization of Byzantine and western Roman empires?

The Byzantine Empire recruited armies from the Middle East.

Which of the following is a major difference between the social structure of Han China and that of classical India?

The Chinese placed bureaucrats rather that priests at the top of the social hierarchy.

Which of the following is not true about the Crusades?

The Crusaders failed to capture Jerusalem.

Which of the following did NOT occur as a result of the Crusades?

The Crusades demonstrated a new Western superiority in the wider world.

The greatest network of irrigation canals between the 14-19th century was found in:

The Delhi Sultanate

Why did the rulers of al-Andalus Spain finally take the title of caliph in 929?

The Fatimids in Tunisia did.

How did the threat of Mongol invasion affect Japan?

The Japanese military government spent a lot of time building coastal defenses, hoping to consolidate the warrior class.

Which of the following is true about the classic period of the Maya?

The Mayan political structure was made up of kingdoms that competed for political supremacy.

Why didn't Ming China develop seafaring for commercial and military gain?

The Mongol threat from the north took priority over seafaring.

Which of the following was a major change in the administration of China under the Mongols?

The Mongols discontinued the use of the examination system to keep the scholar-gentry from gaining too much power.

What was the most lasting impact of the Mongols on China?

The Mongols permanently reunited China after a prolonged period of political fragmentation.

Why was Islam so readily adopted by rulers within the Sudan?

The Muslim concept of a ruler who united civil and religious authority reinforced traditional ideas of kingship.

Which of the following issues was a cause for the split between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches after 1054?

The Roman Catholic practice of requiring celibacy for its priests

Which of the following statements concerning the Sufi movement within Islam is most accurate?

The Sufi movement incorporated mysticism with a trend toward evangelism.

What was the fictional account of life at the court of the Caliph al-Rashid?

The Thousand and One Nights

What was the Umayyad attitude to other religions?

The Umayyads displayed tolerance towards the religions of dhimmi peoples.

Which of the following was a critical factor in the failure of the Chinese to conquer or assimilate the Vietnamese?

The Vietnamese resistance to Chinese crossed both class and gender barriers

What region of the world became the dominant culture in the period after 1450?

The West

What was the Yuan policy with respect to religion during the Mongol occupation of China?

The Yuan, like their ancestors, insisted on religious toleration.

Which of the following did NOT occur as a result of the Aztec rise to power?

The abandonment of human sacrifice

What regions of Asia were most drawn to Chinese cultural and political models?

The agrarian societies in the East and South

What was the immediate impact of the imperial move to Heian?

The aristocracy was restored to counterbalance the power of the Buddhist monasteries and took over most of the positions in the central government.

Between 800 and 1500 as the frequency and intensity of contact with the outside world increased, which of the following had the most significant impact on sub-Saharan Africa?

The arrival of Islam

Which of the following were not among the impressive navigational skills developed by the Malay people?

The astrolabe

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the decline of the Abbasid dynasty by the ninth century?

The collapse of the cities in the Islamic heartland

Benedict of Nursia was responsible for what accomplishment in the 6th century?

The creation of a set of rules for monasteries

What technological innovation allowed the Inca to control a large and diverse empire?

The creation of elaborate roads and bridges

What was the outcome of the Western crusade of 1204?

The crusaders attacked and conquered Constantinople, temporarily establishing a Western kingdom there.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the recovery of the Archaic period?

The cure of various infectious diseases

What was one of the most important but unintended side effects of the Mongol drive to the west?

The demographic blow to Eurasian populations caused by the Black Death

Which of the following is not an element of the Hindu religion?

The denial of the existence of a soul

Which of the following was the major feature of the Neolithic Revolution in the Middle East?

The establishment of sedentary village communities.

In Europe's later Middle Ages, the rapid growth of industry resulted in environmental changes; which of the following was not among them?

The extinction of many animal species

What caused a decline in the military reputation of the Mongol Yuan dynasty in China?

The failure of expeditions against the Japanese.

The victory of the Minamoto marks the beginning of what period in Japanese history?

The feudal age

Why did the Ming court suspend the voyages of Zheng He?

The government believed that little could be gained by exploring.

What factor caused a decrease in small farms in the Late Roman Republic?

The growth of latifundia and a shift to nonstaple crops

The continued growth of trade and manufacturing after 1200 resulted in

The growth of urban areas in the Latin West

One of the factors that most helped the growth of commerce was

The implementation of the "pax romana" or Roman peace

How does the Peloponnesian War reveal an inherent flaw in Greek society?

The independent poleis fostered rivalry and mistrust among neighbors.

What was the impact of the introduction of American crops into Europe?

The introduction of corn and the potato led to major population growth in Europe.

Which of the following did not help to increase Indian Ocean trade between 1200 and 1500?

The invention of the astrolabe

What factors combined to make Spain one of the most powerful European states in the 16th century?

The marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabel of Castile

What motivated Mesopotamian conquests of far-reaching territories?

The need for vital resources

Which of the following fostered artistic growth in the Renaissance?

The patronage of wealthy merchants and prelates

What was the most significant impact of the period of the Mongol rule on Russia?

The period of Mongol rule reinforced the isolation of Russia from western Europe and the developments of the Renaissance and Reformation

What was the most significant impact of the period of the Mongol rule on Russia?

The period of Mongol rule reinforced the isolation of Russia from western Europe and the developments of the Renaissance and Reformation.

What was the principal reason for Inca conquest and expansion?

The practice of split inheritance

Pope Gregory VII decreed the practice of investiture invalid. What was investiture?

The practice of state appointment of bishops

What accounts for the growing political dominance of Moscow under Mongol rule?

The princes of Moscow collected tribute for the Mongol khans and became the seat of the Metropolitan of the Orthodox church.

What was the nature of the Russian resistance to the Mongol invasion?

The princes of Russia refused to cooperate among themselves and were routed individually.

Which of the following statements concerning the impact of Christianity on polytheistic religions in western Europe is most accurate?

The process of conversion produced a religious blend in which beliefs in magic and supernatural spirits coexisted with Christianity.

Which of the following was NOT one of Justinian's positive contributions to the Byzantine Empire?

The reconquest of Gaul

Why is the traditional description of Europe from 300 to 1200 as "feudal" an oversimplification?

The relations between landowners and serfs varied from region to region.

What was the Ka'ba?

The religious shrine that was the focus of an annual truce

The establishment of Zoroastrianism and Christianity as official faiths in the Byzantine and Sasanid Empires set the precedent for what future event?

The rise of Islam as the focus of an empire

The Archaic Age, from c. 800-480 B.C.E., coincided with what development?

The rise of the polis, or city-state, as the basic unit of Greek society

Which of the following statements concerning the Holy Roman Emperors after the 10th century is most accurate?

The rule of the Holy Roman emperors became increasingly hollow, because they did not build a solid monarchy from regional foundations.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the Mali Empire and the Delhi Sultanate?

The rulers of the Delhi Sultanate invaded India, whereas the leaders of Mali were indigenous to the region and peacefully converted to Islam.

Why is the Gupta Empire described as a "theater-state"?

The splendor and ceremonies of court advertised the benefits of empire

Which are important technological innovations of the Song Empire?

The stern-mounted rudder, high-quality steel, and gunpowder

Which of the following is not generally considered a contributing factor to the fall of the Han Empire?

The subversive ideas of Buddhism

Why did the khan of the Ilkhan horde decide to give up his plans to continue his conquest of the Islamic heartland in 1260?

The successor of Batu as ruler of the Golden Horde, Berke, had converted to Islam and was a potential ally of the Mameluks.

How did the role of tribute differ in the Tang Empire and the Aztec Empire?

The tribute system of the Tang Empire was more politically symbolic, while the tribute system of the Aztec supplied a substantial percentage of the empire's material needs.

In what way was the educational system of the medieval West different from that of China?

The universities were not tied into a single bureaucratic system.

The most common type of ship on the Indian Ocean trade routes, the dhow, was used in which part of the Indian Ocean trade?

The western part of the trade routes, from the Red Sea to India

The former courtesan who was Justinian's wife and advisor was


Which of the following poses a problem for interpreting the history of the early Israelites from the Bible?

These are all problematic: The Hebrew Bible was written in several phases by different people; The Bible was written for religious, not historical, purposes; They were pastoralists who did not write down their history for nearly 1,000 years.

Which of the following is not responsible for the success of many cities in Italy and Flanders?

They controlled extensive agriculture lands

Which of the following about women in Mesopotamia was probably not true?

They could be appointed to government positions.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the status of women in bedouin society prior to Islam?

They enjoyed greater freedom and higher status than Byzantine and Persian women.

Which statement is true about Roman women?

They exercised influence over husbands and sons.

Which of the following statements about Muslim women is not true?

They often played a role in public life.

Which of the following represents a difference between the spread of civilization in eastern and western Europe?

They produced different versions of Christianity, culturally as well as organizationally separate.

What was the initial response of the Umayyads to Muhammad's new faith?

They regarded him as a threat to their wealth and power as he questioned the traditional gods of the Ka'ba.

Which of the following is not true of trading cities in Europe during the Middle Ages?

They were unable to produce products to compete with Asian products.

Why did the Arab warriors not want to convert large numbers of people to Islam?

They would have had to share their booty and would have lost tax revenues.

The leading figure in the synthesis of classical rational philosophy with Christian theology was a teacher at the University of Paris in the 13th century,

Thomas Aquinas

The most notable work in Scholasticism, the Summa Theologica, was written by:

Thomas Aquinas

Sunni Muslims accept how many of the first four caliphs as true imams?


Mongol rulers in China were increasingly influenced by the idea of a universal rulership model by religious leaders from


The Indian subcontinent includes all of the following areas, except:


large Mayan urban center


Apparently envisioning himself as a new Genghis Khan, this ruler attacked the Muslim sultanate of Delhi in 1398:


Who was the Turkic nomadic leader who began a period of conquest beginning in the 1360s?

Timur-i Lang

What was the leading motivation for unification of the Muslims?

To fight against the Crusaders

What was the central purpose of the reforms of 646 in Japan?

To remake the Japanese monarch into an absolutist Chinese-style emperor

The northern nomadic peoples who entered central Mexico following the decline of Teotihuacan were the


In what area of France did Charles "The Hammer" Martel stop the expansion of the Muslims from Spain?


What groups were most responsible for the conversion of Indians to Islam?

Traders and Sufi mystics

The epic poem of Homer, The Iliad, related the story of a war between the Greeks and the Hittites, based in the city of:


A majority of the first eleven imams were assassinated.


At one point during the crusades, the Christian invaders killed every Muslim in Jerusalem.


Camels and horses were essential to trade along the Silk Road both as tradable commodities and as beasts of burden used to move trade goods along the roads.


Dhimmi was the second-class status offered to non-Muslims in areas controlled by Islamic governments.


During the Children's Crusade of 1212 C.E., many were sold as slaves or died of disease and malnutrition.


During the Renaissance, a more secular, or worldly, viewpoint developed.


Humanism is the belief that the proper study of man is man.


Humanist educators stressed physical education as well as intellectual stimulation.


In 751 C.E. the Tang Empire reached its western limits at the Talas River.


Labor in Andean civilization was divided according to


Masaccio's Trinity with the Virgin demonstrates the use of perspective in painting.


The Abbasid clan were descended from Muhammad's uncle.


The Dome of the Rock is one of Islam's most famous mosques.


The Mauryan Empire successfully united the entire subcontinent of India except for the southernmost region.


The Mayas dominated the Yucatan peninsula through 900 C.E.


The Portuguese constructed caravels based on Arab ship and sail designs.


The Portuguese were the first Europeans to carry the slave trade to the Atlantic coast of the Americas.


The Sui dynasty restored the economic productivity of China.


The Vikings were most active in north western Europe.


The grandsons of Charlemagne;Louis the German, Charles the Bald, and Lothar;all fought bitterly with each other for control of his empire.


Venice was a republic with an elected leader called a Doge.


The Toltec capital was established at


Nomads from the Altai mountains in central Asia who settled on the Iranian plateau by traveling west along the Silk Road spoke


The mamluks were

Turkic mercenaries in the Abbasid caliphate who rose to control powerful Muslim states.

The Seljuks were of what background?


The most serious rivals to the Tang Empire were the

Uigurs and Tibetans.

The first caliphate to begin expansion outside of Arabia was:


What clan was responsible for the foundation of Mecca?


Which of the following was NOT an impact of the Renaissance on politics and commerce?

Under humanist influence, wars among Italian city-states became less frequent and violent.

The empires of Ghana and Mali differed in which of the following ways?

Unlike Ghana, Mali was a Muslim empire from the beginning.

Which of the following statements concerning the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan is NOT accurate?

Unlike other Mesoamerican cities it lacked a temple complex.

The spread of Islam to India promoted a new language that combined Persian and Hindi influence called


Which was not a method by which the Persians strengthened their empire?

Using a unified, comprehensive law code like Hammurabi's

Which of the following explorers crossed the Isthmus of Panama and became the first European to see the Pacific Ocean?

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

The captain of the first Portuguese fleet to reach India was

Vasco da Gama

The foundations for Indian civilization were laid in which age?


The predominant city for trade with the Far East during the Middle Ages was:


A significant military threat to Western Europe in the late 8th century came from

Viking raiders along coastal areas

The greatest mariners of the Atlantic in the Early Middle Ages were


Who were the Scandinavian invaders who disrupted the development of durable political institutions in the medieval West until the 10th century?


Which of the following Chinese customs did the Japanese choose not to implement?

Walls around its cities for protection.

The two Andean cities that precede the Incan civilization are

Wari and Tiwanaku.

What is a distinctive feature of Celtic military activity?

Warriors fought naked and took the heads of enemies.

What caused the collapse of Teotihuacan ca. 650 C.E.?

We don't know.

What factor most likely led to the abandonment of Chaco Canyon?


In the year 1350, the majority of gold in circulation in the Middle East came from:

West Africa

Which of the following was one important reason for the fall of the Roman Empire in the west?

Widespread and intensified barbarian invasions.

Which of the following statements concerning the intellectual activity of the medieval West prior to the 8th century is most accurate?

With the few literate people concentrated in monasteries, little was achieved other than copying older manuscripts.

Which of the following was true of the status of women during the Gupta Empire?

Women of higher status enjoyed more freedom than poor women.

Which of the following statements concerning women during the Abbasid era is most accurate?

Women often married at puberty, set at age nine.

Murasaki Shikibu is famous for what?

Writing The Tale of Genji.

The founder of the Umayyad Caliphate was

Yazid, son of Mu'awiya.

What is the underlying message of the cycle of reincarnation?

You are where you deserve to be.

In 1271, Kubilai Khan changed the name of the Mongol dynasty in China to


The official state religion of the Sasanids was


Cahokia was

a Mound Builder city

A significant factor in extending Gupta power structures was

a close alliance with the Brahmins in exchange for land.

Which of the following is not an example of a broad common element underlying African life and culture?

a common language

When Muhammad fled Mecca in 622 for Medina, he created an umma, which means

a community of believers

The Struggle of the Orders was:

a conflict between plebeians and patricians.

The Aztec monarch was determined by

a council of aristocrats

Judaism is based on the belief in

a covenant between God and the Hebrew people.

The spread of Islam to lands south of the Sahara came about through

a gradual and peaceful process of conversion.

A fief was

a grant of land exchanged for military service.

Because of the trade through the Strait of Malacca, Malacca became an important port and

a meeting place for traders from around the Eurasian world.

Cluny represents

a monastic revival with strict enforcement of The Rule of Saint Benedict.

The mariners involved in the Indian Ocean trade were

a multilingual and multiethnic group

Mongol armies often consisted of

a multinational force with Mongol leaders.

A key factor in the decline of Rome was:

a plague that killed nearly one quarter of the population in some areas.

Unlike most other Mesoamerican city-states, Teotihuacán lacked

a powerful military

Which of the following was not a tactic used to re-centralize power under the Qin?

a return to Confucianist values

Which of the following was not a tactic used to re-centralize power under the Qin?

a return to Confucianist values.

What was the Ark of the Covenant?

a sacred box containing the tablets of law given to Moses.

All of the following are characteristics of Mayan society EXCEPT

a separation of political and religious authority

The Roman Republic was weakened by all of the following EXCEPT

a series of wars against Rome's chief rival, Carthage.

One of the most significant sources of conflict for western Europe between 1000 and 1400 was

a struggle for power between the church and state.

The mit'a was

a system of work organization by ayllu

The moldboard was

a technological innovation, a plow that allowed deeper turning of the soil.

Which of the following best describes the Silk Road?

a trade route linking the Mediterranean region to East Asia

The Archaic Greek development of humanism, a lasting feature of Western civilization, was

a valuing of the uniqueness, rights, and talents of individuals.

The best primary evidence of early Saharan history consists of

a vast number of rock paintings and engravings

What was the greatest advantage of the Gupta Empire army?

a well armed cavalry

The fundamental idea of Daoism can be summarized as

accepting the world as you find it, avoiding useless struggles, and adhering to the "path" of nature.

As a result of the Crusades, Europeans were exposed to all of the following except

access to a variety of classical Latin works, particularly those of Aristotle, heretofore unknown in western Europe.

Inca and Aztec societies are similar in that both

acquired empires by means of military conquest.

Zheng He's primary accomplishment was

acquiring Ming tributary states

What was not one of the reasons for the fall of the Sui dynasty?

adherence to Buddhism

The Gupta Empire collapsed in 550 C.E.

after invasions by the Huns of Central Asia.

Before 212 C.E., many people living outside Italy became Roman citizens

after serving lengthy terms of military service

The area of the polis in which citizens would come together to ratify decisions of their leaders was called the:


The Greek concept of democracy included political participation by

all free, native-born, adult males.

The significant scientific discoveries of Islamic scholars were translated by

all of these: Indian scholars in Delhi; Byzantine monks into Greek; Christian scholars in Spain

The motives that led to Iberian overseas expansion were

all of these: economic; religious; political

The advantage of the caravel was that it was

all of these: fast; maneuverable; a good fighting ship

Women in Egypt seemed to have

all of these: more status than in Mesopotamia; subordinate status to men; rights of divorce

The powerful West African kingdom of Benin limited its contacts with the Portuguese by

all of these: refusing to accept Catholicism; declining offers to receive missionaries; closing the market in male slaves

Which of the following is true of "new monarchies" in Europe between 1450-1600?

all of these: they relied on full-time armies paid for through taxes; it increased centralized power within largely fixed geographical limits; it increased control over powerful noble families

A significant difference between ships of the Indian Ocean and those of the Mediterranean was

all of these: triangular lanteen sails; bitumen calk of boat bottoms; rare use of oars

The growth of metal working industries in the Middle Ages was due to

all of these: watermills; improved mining techniques from Central Europe; blast furnaces

Llamas and alpacas were valued by the Incas for

all of these: wool; food; transportation

Jainism adherents believed in extreme nonviolence, to the extent they

all of these: would not wear silk; practiced extreme asceticism; would not practice agriculture

One of the prime benefits of colonization around the Mediterranean for the Greeks was:

alleviation of surplus population.

Darius I:

allowed a large measure of local control over administration and religion within his empire.

The merchant aristocracy that controlled Carthage was unique because it

allowed ambitious and successful individuals and families to gain political influence.


allowed common people to have an impact on government.

The world's earliest cities developed:

along major river systems

The Mexica were organized in


Narratives such as Marco Polo's created a European

ambition to find easier routes to Asia

The Vedic Aryans spoke

an Indo-European language

The Hittites were

an Indo-European people.

The three Tamil kingdoms were known for which intellectual output?

an academy of over 500 authors

The three-field system was

an agricultural method

The Phoenicians developed a system of writing based on

an alphabet, in which each symbol represented a sound.

A guild was

an association of craft specialists from the same trade.

Technology to improve military skills in the Middle Ages included all of the following except

an early form of dynamite

The religions of farming communities tended to focus on

an earth mother or female deity

Worship of gods at state sponsored festivals was seen as

an expression of civic identity.

Teotihuacan was ruled by

an oligarchy.

The sixth-century "plague of Justinian" was

an outbreak of bubonic plague during Justinian's rule.

The term city-state refers to

an urban center and the agricultural hinterlands it controlled.

The ancestor of modern Vietnam was formed when Annam

annexed Champa

The Buddha believed that

anyone could achieve enlightenment

Agriculture in Mesopotamia depended on

artificial canals and irrigation.

An example of the sophistication of the Greek thinkers was the development of the theory that the world is composed of


The first dynastic king, Sargon of Akkad, did all of the following except

attack Egypt

By 1200 human migrations had spread many useful plants and animals around the tropics, including

bananas, yams, and cocoyams

Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley civilizations were all

based on fertile floodplains and river valleys.

Why was the direction of prayer focused on Mecca?

because Mecca is the site of the Ka'ba.

The Archaic period in Greece began

because of renewed contacts with Phoenicia.

The staple drink of both the elite and common people in the ancient world was


The Aztec and Inca Empires

believed the ruler was the central political and religious authority.

True free market economies require all of the following, except:

benevolent government regulation.

The investiture controversy primarily concerned conflicts

between the pope and the kings of western Europe over who had the authority to appoint bishops.

Family life in the Indian Ocean coastal areas was considered more cosmopolitan because

blended families were bicultural and bilingual

Umayyad Spain developed a distinctive Islamic culture because of the

blending of Roman, Germanic, Jewish, Arab, and Berber traditions.

The Mandate of Heaven:

blessed moral rulers

A Buddhist who had found enlightenment was called:


The most profitable item traded from North Africa to Timbuktu, a center for learning, was


Egyptian writing was

both A and B: on papyrus in a cursive script: in hieroglyphics for monuments

Both Rome and the ancient Greeks depended on slavery. One result of this was

both groups lagged in technological advances when compared to the Chinese or the Indians.

What is true of both the Han and Gupta Empires?

both saw a number of technological advances

The Assyrian government used mass deportation to

break the spirit of rebellious people

The first metal that the Mesopotamians used was:


The Aztec tribute system

brought much-needed food and sacrificial victims into the empire.

a plague that killed nearly one quarter of the population in some areas.

bubonic plague

The Uighur Turks were nomadic traders who

built large trade cities such as Bukhara and were well known as scribes.

The urbanized Mississippian cultures that developed after the eighth century C.E. built large mounds that were used primarily for

burial sites for chiefs

Warrior leaders in the 10th century in Japan who controlled provincial areas and ruled from small fortresses in the countryside were called


A problem within the church was simony, or

buying and selling of religious offices.

Neo-Confucianism encouraged wealthy merchants to prove their success by

buying land.

Closely identified with the cult of sacrifice and the military, the Aztec social hierarchy developed a nobility referred to as the


One of the most permanent features of Aztec society was its organization into clans or


Under the Principate, Roman law

came largely from the emperor himself.

What military techniques or innovations made the Yi military a formidable defensive force?

cannon with gunpowder-driven arrow launchers

Maya sacrificial victims typically consisted of

captured nobility from other areas

The Portuguese contribution to shipbuilding technology was the creation of the


Some followers of Buddhism took vows of

celibacy, nonviolence, and poverty.

The political experience shared by India, Rome and China was:

celibacy, nonviolence, and poverty.

The belief system of Rome:

centered on the emperor as a god.

The Sasanid and Byzantine Empires have _______ in common.

central control of imperial finances

What did the Sasanid and Byzantine Empires have in common?

central control of imperial finances

Although the Delhi Sultanate had its problems, it did provide a

centralized political authority to India.

The Aztec innovation in intensive agriculture in the aquatic environments of the lakes of central Mexico was the development of


After Muhammad's death, the Muslim community

chose a caliph, Abu Bakr

Mayan civilization was composed of

city-states governed by a ruling class

The intellectual and cultural movement known as humanism arose from the study of

classical Greek and Roman culture.

The Anasazi lived in

cliff dwellings

According to a theory for explaining cultural unity in the sub-Saharan areas, populations moved into the Sahel because of

climate change

The Arabic peninsula is characterized by

coastal cities and agricultural villages close to sources of water and a large empty quarter in the central areas.

The Romans borrowed the ____ from Greek architecture.


The rise of literacy in Korea resulted from the

combination of an improved printing system and the han'gul writing system.

The Song of Roland

commemorates the failure of Charlemagne's army to conquer the Basques of Spain.

The different regional networks of the Indian Ocean trade were tied together by

commercial interests

The great vision of the Shari'a is an umma with

common moral values, minimizing ethnic and political divisions.

After the city of Mecca surrendered to Muhammad, he established a new state based on a

common religious faith

Chinese maritime innovations included

compasses and large oceangoing ships

One of the most important contributions made by Gupta intellectuals was the

concept of zero.

Long distance trade among the Aztecs was

confined to lightweight goods like gold and animal skins.

The importance of trans-Saharan trade was that it

connected North and South Africa

One of the great construction projects of Shi Huang-di was:

connection of walls which ultimately made up The Great Wall.

Conquistador means


In addition to fulfilling his personal religious obligations, Mansa Kankan Musa's pilgrimage resulted in the

construction of new mosques and Quranic schools in Mali.

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire

continued to thrive

Under Islamic leadership, the Jewish people of Spain

contributed to the cultural growth of Spain as great thinkers and writers.

The Srivijayan kingdom was well situated to

control vital passageways for shipping.


converted to Buddhism


converted to Buddhism.

What were the main dietary staples among the Maya?

corn and beans

The Sasanid Empire benefited from its location along the Silk Road. Some of the agricultural goods that it gained were

cotton, sugar, and rice

The tributary system was a practice in which

countries acknowledged the supremacy of the Chinese emperor.

The emerging middle classes in Greece were constituted by which group of people?

craftsman and merchants

In 1206, Temüjin became supreme leader of the Mongols, or "Genghis Khan." Under him, the Mongols

created an empire that stretched from Poland to northern China.

The idea of gods having avatars is demonstrated in Devi/Kali, who represents

creation and destruction

The Turkish conquest of northern India was aided by


Development of civilizations in the Americas differed from that in other regions because

culture and technology in the Americas developed without the benefit of exchange and interaction with other regions.

The Mesopotamian writing system is called


The Mesopotamian writing system is called


After the introduction of paper money in China caused economic instability, the Mongols restored a degree of economic stability by:

cutting off trade with Japan to stem the flow of copper exports

Sultan Iltutmish passed his empire to Raziya, his


What was the reason for the economic decline in the third century c.e.?

debasing of coinage by the emperors

What caused the collapse of the empire of Great Zimbabwe?

deforestation and cattle overgrazing

The major reason the Mauryan Empire collapsed was

demand for resources by the administrative and military complex.

Mansa Kankan Musa made a famous pilgrimage that

demonstrated the enormous wealth of his country.

The first Portuguese who landed in India were greeted with

derisive laughter

In 1528, Baldassare Castiglione wrote The Book of the Courtier, which

described the characteristics of a perfect Renaissance noble.

Preliterate societies transmitted their culture by all of the following except

detailed genealogies.

As prosperity and population increased in Song China, Chinese officials

developed water management, waste management, and firefighting techniques.

The characteristic ship of the Arabian Sea was the


Confucianism spread to East Asia with the spread of


The use of printed materials in rural life included all of the following except:

directions for cross pollination of crops.

The Aryan conquerors brought to India

distinctive religious ideas.

Kamikaze translates to

divine wind

One of the most common forms of worship in Hinduism is

doing service to a deity by feeding its statue

The Persian defeat in the wars with Greece was due to all of the following except

domestic political turmoil.

After emergence from the Dark Ages, the population of Greece increased as much as five-fold. Which of the following was NOT a reason for the population increase?

dramatic increases in agriculture needed more labor sources.

The Inca nobility were

drawn from 10 royal ayllus and the city of Cuzco.

The first knowledge of Korea, Japan and Vietnam was demonstrated by

early Chinese travelers and officials

The Fujiwara period in Japan began the tradition of

emperors not having any political power.

Hindu ethics involved

emphasis on an individual carrying out the obligations of life.

The Guptas:

encouraged a resurgence of Hindu philosophy.

In contrast to China, the social values that developed in classical India

encouraged greater emotional spontaneity.

Prince Henry the Navigator established a center for the study of navigation in order to:

end Muslim control of the southern shores of the Mediterranean.

The Indian caste system served to an extent as a political institution by

enforcing rules about social behavior

The early-fifteenth-century Incas:

engaged in a substantial amount of trade, but it was regulated by the government.

If the Greek genius was politics, the Roman genius was


Due to land shortages in the seventh century B.C.E., the Spartans invaded Messenia and

enslaved all the remaining Messenians.

The Mongol military forces were

entirely cavalry

Pan-African cultural patterns may have been shaped by

environmental changes that inspired southern migration.

The tropics are warm all year round. The center of the tropical zone is marked by the


During the Republic, Romans managed their imperial territories by

establishing a provincial administration and sending a Roman senator to oversee matters.

The first writing in China that has survived was

etched in animal bones.

Buddhism in China:

eventually gained millions of followers

Muslim traders:

eventually ranged as far as China.

Muhammad conceived Islam after

experiencing revelations

A significant difference in Roman expansion versus Greek was that Romans:

extended citizenship in degrees to most conquered populations.

The most significant factor contributing to agriculture in the Delhi Sultanate was

extensive irrigation canals

The Persian Empire:

failed to defeat Greece at the battle of Marathon.

To Confucius, the fundamental element of society was the


The economic wealth of the early Roman state was based on


The traditional occupation on the Arabian peninsula was


The Uighur Turks converted to Tibetan Buddhism, a form of the religion that

favored the use of bodhisattvas, enlightened individuals who guide others on the path to salvation.

Relationships between members of the military elite based on a reciprocal exchange of land for military service and loyalty were called


Korea broke free from direct Chinese control:

following the collapse of the Han dynasty in 220 C.E.

During the Song period, women experienced subordination and social restriction, epitomized by


Schisms, the foremost threat to the Christian church in the Middle Ages, were

formal divisions over differences in doctrine.

Qin dynasty administration was characterized by:

formalized, written rules.

The Aryan peoples in India:

formed political groupings called janapadas.

Using the tactic of mass deportation of captured prisoners, the Assyrians relocated approximately how many people?

four million

After the fall of Rome in the fifth century, the western Roman Empire

fragmented into a handful of Germanic kingdoms.

The most visible symptom of Rome's "third-century crisis" was the

frequent change of rulers.

"Nirvana" meant

full union with the divine essence

Compared to China, Indian social and economic structure

gave a stronger role to merchants

The use of the deme in Greek city-state politics made political identity dependent upon:


After the tenth century the Roman Catholic Church faced all of the following challenges except

getting the office of pope more acknowledged internationally.

What was the tributary system in China?

gifts given by independent states by independent states in East and Southeast Asia to acknowledge the supremacy of China

The feathered serpent culture god Quetzalcoatl was believed to be

god of agriculture and the arts.

Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Islam?

going on a jihad.

Mali derived significant income from

gold and copper trade with North African Muslim traders.

The economic and political power of Great Zimbabwe was based on long-distance trade in

gold, copper, and salt.

The engineering expertise of the Romans is seen in all of these except:

gothic cathedrals

Most early agricultural communities had a staple crop based on

grain or rice

The Sahel refers to the

grassland belt at the southern edge of the Sahara that served as a point of exchange between the forests of the south and north Africa.

The decline of the Umayyad dynasty was due to

growing unrest among non-Arab Muslims, who demanded access to political power.

The prosperity of the Asian and African kingdoms from 1200 to 1500 was accompanied by the

growth of slavery


had a love/hate relationship with China.

The people of the Liao Empire of the Khitans

had a pastoral tradition and were excellent horsemen.

By 1500, the English Parliament

had become a permanent part of English government.

Compared to China, India

had greater contact with other societies and civilizations.

The Mongol leader, the khan,

had his decisions ratified by a council.

Windmills and watermills

had long been common in the Islamic world.

Before 500 CE Judaism and Hinduism were similar in that both

had written scriptures and an ethical code to live by

The Indus Valley system of writing

has not been deciphered.

How did Gaozu deal with the Xiongnu confederation threat?

he adopted a policy of appeasement

Prince Henry of Portugal was known as Henry the Navigator because

he devoted his life to promoting exploration.

One early Russian chronicle reports that Vladimir I chose Orthodox Christianity over Islam because

he knew that Islam forbade alcohol consumption.

The Mandate of Heaven meant that the ruler retained the right to rule as long as

he remained a wise and principled guardian of his people

The Mauryan leader Ashoka converted to Buddhism and became a unique leader because

he was overwhelmed by the brutality of his early conquests.

The caste system of India:

held that a person's socio-economic status was hereditary.

Confucian and Hindu values both

helped justify and preserve social inequality

In India, a woman's status was determined by

her male master

Religious conflicts in the Byzantine Empire resulted in treatment of Nestorian Christians as

heretics, seeking refuge under the Sassanid shah.

Three harvests each year have been possible in some parts of India because of

high rainfall from the monsoons.

Which of the following were not "cosmopolitan" features of Hellenistic societies?

homogenous societies

Close-formed ranks of soldiers, called up in times of war, were called


Close-formed ranks of soldiers, called upon in times of war, were called


Over the last 2000 years, India:

hosted empires that never managed to expand beyond the subcontinent.

The Carthaginian religion, which was based on the Phoenician religion and closely related to Mesopotamian practices, included

human sacrifice

The ____ movement had a profound effect on education.


The Spanish Inquisition was established to:

hunt down those suspected of being insincere converts

The Spanish Inquisition was established to:

hunt down those suspected of being insincere converts.

The Hopewell peoples' economy emphasized

hunting and gathering, with limited agriculture

Buddhism differed from Hinduism by not believing

in the caste system

The seventeen-point program adopted by Japan:

included reverence for Buddhism.

The crucial factor to the growth of cities was

increased trade

As the numbers of independent farmers declined in the later Republic, Italian landowners increasingly turned to

inexpensive slaves

The Sui dynasty:

initially had the loyalty of peasant farmers

The crusades:

initially went well for the Christians

Mauryan emperor Ashoka is known for all of the following EXCEPT

intolerance of others, most notably his harsh treatment of Hindus.

Attila, leader of the Huns:

invaded Italy in 451 C.E.

Muhammad's revelations from the angel are compiled in a book called

invasion and at least partial conquest by the Huns and by the peoples they displace.

The political experience shared by India, Rome and China was:

invasion and at least partial conquest by the Huns and by the peoples they displace.

The end of Anglo-Saxon domination in England came in the late 11th century with:

invasion of the Norman king William

The development of metallurgy in Africa involved


The most abundant metal worked in the tropics was


Along with the movement of Bantu-speaking peoples from the Niger-Congo region came the spread of what technology?

iron smelting

Mecca is an important city because it.

is a caravan city and pilgrimage site of the Ka'ba.

The Rig Veda

is a collection of hymns

Andean civilization was

isolated and mountainous

Hinduism can be described as an evolution of the Vedic religions because

it combined Aryan and Dravidian elements.

The Tang Empire is considered "cosmopolitan" because

it mixed styles, goods, and cultures from every part of Asia.

The Mauryan dynasty differed from the Gupta dynasty in that

it ruled a larger territory.

Southeast Asia first rose to prominence because

it was an intermediary in regional trade.

The spread of Islam into India was different from that in Africa because

it was done largely by force and removed many Hindu and Buddhist temples.

The Qin dynasty differed from the Zhou in that

it was more centralized

Nalanda became famous for

its university that attracted students from all over Asia.

The largest, most technologically advanced ship in the Indian Ocean was the Chinese


The reincarnation of the atman into a given class depends on

karma or deeds in life.

Which of the following represents a cultural difference between the Incas and Aztecs?

lack of a writing system

The foundation of Islamic civilization is the Shari'a, or


Joan of Arc

led the French to victory in a decisive battle during the Hundred Years War.

Sui attempts to increase their military control of Korea

led to rebellions in China.

The struggle between the patricians and the plebeians

led to the formation of the council of the plebs.

The Warring States period:

led to the rule of the Qin dynasty

The Warring States period:

led to the rule of the Qin dynasty.

The Muslims fought the Battle of the Camel in a dispute over the

legitimacy of Ali as caliph

Siddhartha Gautama articulated the "Four Noble Truths," which taught that

life is suffering, and suffering is caused by desire.

What was the primary reason for the slowdown of technology after Yongle's death?

limitation of the mining industry by the Ming empire.

It was customary for young brides in China to

live with their husbands' families.


lived during the period of the Warring States

The only domesticated beast of burden in the Andean region was the


Before 1500 C.E., the greatest part of the exchange economy consisted of:

local transactions

The savannah region of Africa was characterized by

long grasses and scattered forests

Late in the Tang Dynasty, the emperor destroyed Buddhist monasteries and temples because of a fear of

loss of tax revenue

After the Persian wars, Athens:

lost a war with Sparta


lost all three Punic Wars

In the early days of international trade, the most common type of goods was:

luxury items

Who would not have traveled with the emperor's entourage in Persia?


The most important African network of cultural exchange can be described as

mainly internal folk migrations within sub-Saharan Africa.

The self-sufficient economic system that developed in Western Europe during the time period 600 to 1450 is known as


The system that described economic and political relations between landlords and their peasant laborers was called


In 1265, major divisions emerged between the Mongol khans because

many branches refused to accept Khubilai as Great Khan.

Which of the following is not true of Egyptian cultural influence on Nubia?

massive pyramids larger than those of Egypt.

The scholar Nasir al-Din Tusi was most notable for his contributions in

mathematical developments in algebra and trigonometry

The term for non-Arab Muslim converts is


According to the Bhagavad-Gita, death is

meaningless because the soul is constantly reborn.

The most profitable product for Cyrene was

medicinal herbs.

Hellenistic society was known for its advances in

medicine and geometry

One of the most significant growth industries in the 14th century was:

merchant banking

The main reason for the decline of the Roman Republic was

military leaders with armies loyal to them rather than to the state.

The most important trade items in ancient Iran were

minerals, textiles, and carpets

Release from the cycle of reincarnation is called


Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of American civilizations during the post classical period?

monotheistic practices

What significant cultural feature allowed the regions of Aden and Ethiopia to thrive commercially?

mutual tolerance of diverse religions

The ultimate spiritual reward in Buddhism is


The Toltec state was defeated by

nomadic migration into Tula and internal conflicts among ethnic groups.

Aztec trade was improved by

none of these

The largest concentration of pastoralists in the world was in

northeastern Africa and Arabia

The Renaissance began in

northern Italy

Which of the following does NOT represent a similarity between the spread of civilization in eastern and western Europe?

northern kingdoms dominated both areas.

Since 3000 B.C.E., most invasions of India have come from the:


What was the European-style family pattern that emerged in the 15th century?

nuclear families, late marriage ages

Because of the influence of Confucian ethics, Chinese values emphasized

obedience and proper conduct.

The Quran promises a reward in paradise to those who:

observe Islam faithfully

Of the following, which is NOT one of the five pillars of Islam?

observing a day of rest one day a week

The chief export of Athens, and one of the major sources of its wealth and power, was

olive oil

"Muslim" means

one who makes submission

Muslim means

one who makes submission

The gates of Chang'an were

open in the day and locked at night

The Buddhist social order included

opposition to the caste system

The Greeks believed that their gods gave advice through


Though Greek sources depict elite Persian women as political pawns, recent findings suggest that Persian women of the elite class

owned property and had political influence.

The Mongol way of life was


Critical to the functioning of the Silk Road were:

pastoralists who provided animals, handlers and protection along the road

Early Iranian social organization was


The covenant of protection between the gods and the Romans was called:

pax deorum

Books within the Catholic church to guide priests about appropriate penance for sin were called:


In Plato's just state, people are divided into three groups:

philosopher-kings, warriors, and producers.

Greece was organized into city-states called


The term Hellenistic Age refers to the

political and cultural influence of Greece over foreign subjects in North Africa and western Asia

The term Hellenistic Age refers to the

political and cultural influence of Greece over foreign subjects in North Africa and western Asia.

The Tang Empire declined when

political decay and military decline undermined the social order.

Religion in Teotihaucan was:


Which of the following occurred as a result of the development of agriculture in societies that previously relied on hunting and gathering?

population density increased

Chinese luxury products included tea, silk and:


The Ming produced one of the most prized commercial products of Eurasia:


Turkish nomads were noted to live in what form of dwelling?

portable felt huts

Which of the following did NOT move from the Old World to the New World in the Columbian exchange?


Buddhists who followed the original teachings of the Buddha are called

practitioners of Theravada.

The Tang dynasty:

presided during a major flowering of Chinese poetry.

Indian ritual sacrifices were intended to

promote stability in the world

Crucial to Egypt's agriculture was

proximity to the Nile River.

Sufism was significant in being a(n)

quest for a direct union with God through rituals and training.

The Socratic method emphasized the importance of


The great gift of Champa to Song China was

quick-ripening rice.

The Incas used which of the following to record dates and accounts?


Greek philosophers emphasized which perspective of viewing the world?

rational explanations for the world around them rather than reliance on the supernatural.

The Chinese concept "Mandate of Heaven" was sometimes used to justify


By instituting civil service examinations for entrance into the government bureaucracy, the Song

recruited the most talented men for government service.

Romans viewed Christianity as harmful to the state because Christians

refused to serve in the Roman army

As explained in the Upanishads, moksha refers to

release from the cycle of death and rebirth.

Most subjects of both Byzantine and Sasanid rulers found common identity in


Urban architecture of Teotihuacan was dominated by

religious architecture

The conflict between the Il-khans and the Golden Horde originated in

religious differences

The ulama were

religious scholars

Sultan Muhammed ibn Tughluq was noted by Chronicler Ibn Battuta as being remarkable for his

religious toleration

Despite the adoption of their alphabet system from the Phoenicians, literacy in Greece

remained elusive for several centuries, relying on oral traditions.

During the post classical period, societies in the Americas

remained entirely separate from those of the Old World.


requires a husband to take care of his children.

Cyrus and his son ruled their empire by following a practical approach of

respecting local priests and native traditions.

Muslim rule in Spain:

revitalized trade in the western Mediterranean

Geographic determinism is shown in the build-up of the south in China more than the north because:

rice feeds more people per cultivated acre, leading to increased population in the south.

Other than oracle bones, one of the main sources of information on Shang China is

royal and elite tombs

The movement for reformed monasticism under the austere Rule of Benedict included all of the following changes except

rule from the monastery at Cluny.

Which of the following was not one of the active roles or special skills that women of the tropical regions played or contributed to their communities?

ruling many countries

The Aztecs formed their empire by

ruthlessly conquering other peoples.

According to Neo-Confucianism, the ideal person is the


In Japan, mounted troops owing loyalty to the military elite were called


The status of women in tropical India may have improved, based on reports that

sati, or widow burning, became optional.

The Persian provinces were administered by

satraps or hereditary provincial governors.

Diaspora means


Ibn Khaldun held all of the following views, except:

scholars are often the wisest rulers

Because of its base in the universities of western Europe, the dominant medieval philosophical approach was referred to as


In addition to being a moral and political philosopher, Aristotle was interested in what other field of intellectual inquiry?

scientific observations

Compared to Hinduism, Christians are more likely to

see humans as superior to the rest of nature

Japanese emperors

seldom wielded any real political power

In western Europe, the primary centers for agricultural production were

self-sufficient farming estates known as manors.

Agricultural laborers under the jurisdiction of aristocratic landowners were called


Women's roles in Amerindian societies included all of the following EXCEPT

serving as the sole determinant of family lineage.

The Mycenaeans, who date from 1600-1150 B.C.E., were discovered when the nineteenth-century amateur archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann

set out to prove that the Homeric epics really happened.

To demonstrate their rejection of the Mongols, the Ming emperors

severed relations with the Middle East and Central Asia and closed the borders to foreigners.

One religion among the several or many that virtually all Mongols observed was:


Leaders of bedouin clans were called


Hatshepsut was unusual among the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt because

she was a woman

Starting with the reign of Augustus, the Roman army was reorganized and redeployed to

shift from an offensive to a defensive strategy.

The form of extensive agriculture that was used in sub-Saharan Africa is called

shifting cultivation

What title was given to the military leader of the bakufu at Kamakura?


In the classical period, both China and India

showed considerable tolerance for different religions.

One way Roman statues were unlike Greek statues was that they

showed unpleasant physical details

The leading export commodity of China during the Han was


The Chinese treasure ships of Zheng He carried

silk, metals, and other valuable goods as gifts for distant rulers.

Menial work in Mongol camps was done by


What appears to have been the primary concerns at the imperial Japanese court at Heian?

social interaction and status

The varna system developed in order to create

social order between groups.

Since the foraging lifestyle was not particularly unpleasant or hard, foragers had a great deal of time left for

socializing, making tools, and creating art.

What kind of person represented the ideal of the "Renaissance man"?

someone who excelled in many areas of study

The Srivijayan king presented himself as a bodhisattva, or

someone who had achieved enlightenment and would share his wisdom with the people.

By 600, looking at the entire world, a good definition of "barbarian" would be

someone who is not part of a civilization.

Women in Han Chinese society

sometimes become quite powerful in a household.

The Abbasid caliphate:

sought to convert non-Muslims to Islam.

Which of the following was one of the earliest and most common psychological weapons?

sound instruments

Because Jainists believe that all life is sacred, some early practitioners

starved themselves to death.

What was buried with the Emperor Shi Huang-di in his elaborate tomb?

statues of his soldier.

Under Darius's legal system, subject peoples in Persian territories were

still allowed to live under their own laws.

An achievement of the Aztec is the creation of

stone roadways linking islands to the mainland.

Parents in Renaissance Italy carefully arranged marriages, often to

strengthen business or family ties

India's political tradition

stressed the importance of regional and local units.


stresses a closeness to the natural world

In the world of the Greek tragedies,

striving to do the best thing is a worthy endeavor even if one fails.

The term investiture controversy refers to the

struggle for control of ecclesiastical appointments

The Greek gods and goddesses were seen as

superhuman and immortal, but otherwise anthropomorphic.

Islam translates to

surrender to the will of God

One indication of the importance of ritual sacrifice to the various Mesoamerican cultures is the Mesoamericans' tendency to

take prisoners of war rather than kill their enemies outright.

The chief tactic that the Assyrians used to maintain tranquility in their empire was


Virgil's epic poem that portrays the qualities of the ideal Roman is

the Aeneid

The most profitable and strongest colonization by Europe was in

the Americas

Byzantine power was significantly diminished by the Seljuks with

the Battle of Manzikert

Which of the following events occurred first?

the Battle of Marathon

What caused the end of serfdom in western Europe?

the Black Death

One of the most sacred places for pilgrimage in Hinduism is

the Ganges River

The Greek language and culture spread to Southwest Asia during

the Hellenistic Era

After the ninth century, Arabs provided the main trading link between East Africa and:

the Indian Ocean

Columbus insisted that he had reached

the Indian Ocean

Alexander the Great extended his empire as far east as which of the following?

the Indus River

The relationship between the leading family in Korea, the Koryo family, and the Mongols was that

the Koryo family became attached and loyal to the Mongols

Which of the following is NOT one of the three oldest centers of urban civilization?

the Mississippi Valley

Which of these works shows a desire to analyze and classify things based on observation and investigation?

the Oresteia

Muhammad's revelations from the angel are compiled in a book called

the Quran

During the first centuries C.E., the two great epics of India take their final form; they are

the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

The center of political action in the Roman Republic was

the Senate

Stephen Dushan took advantage of weakening Byzantine influence and proclaimed himself tsar of

the Serbs, Greeks, Bulgarians, and Albanians.

Historians state that Song technological innovations led to

the Song coming close to having an industrial revolution.

The difference between the Spanish Empire and the Portuguese Empire was that

the Spanish Empire was a territorial empire, while the Portuguese Empire was a trading empire

Chinggis Khan's first campaigns were directed against

the Tangut kingdom of Xi Xia and the Qin kingdom of northern China.

It appears that women enjoyed greater status in Korea and Vietnam; for example,

the Trung sisters of Vietnam led local farmers in resistance against invaders.

In addition to sailing up the Pacific coast, early Amerindians from South America also colonized

the West Indies

The Grand Canal, completed during the Sui dynasty linked which of the following?

the Yangzi and the Yellow River systems

After rejection by his family for the title of Great Khan, Khubilai formed

the Yuan Empire

Which of the following did NOT occur as a result of the Aztec rise to power?

the abandonment of human sacrifice

The victory of the Minamoto in 1185 led to the creation of

the bakufu, or military government at Kamakura.

The agricultural area bordering the Sahara Desert is called the Sahel, which in Arabic literally means

the coast

One of the significant features of the growth of literature in the 14-15th century was

the composition of literature in the vernacular

The Gupta kings patronized Indian mathematicians who discovered

the concept of zero and Arabic numerals.

Reliance on provincial production of goods instead of urban centralization of production was termed:

the cottage industry

The competition among states in the Warring States Period resulted in

the creation of the first empire under the Qin state.

Muslims begin their calendar with this event:

the date Muhammad moved to Medina.

The Mauryan government united much of India after

the death of Alexander the Great

The Peloponnesian War was ended by

the defeat of Athens by Sparta in 404 B.C.E.

The cultural blending associated with the expansion and spread of Islam from 1200 to 1500 can be seen by examining

the design of mosques that combine older traditions and new influences.

Once the Goths began to work with iron, contact with Greeks and Romans resulted in:

the development of more sophisticated tools and weapons.

Turkish invaders were able to successfully invade India because of

the division of India into small states

The Treaty of Verdun resulted in

the division of the Holy Roman Empire among Charlemagne's grandsons.

The Vedic Age was a new historical period in India marked by

the dominance of Indo-Europeans over India.

One important early symptom of Rome's decline was

the drop in population due to a series of plagues.

In 1500, what did Portuguese mariners discover while attempting to find a favorable wind around Africa?

the east coast of South America

The earliest deciphered Indian writing was

the edicts of Ashoka

Despite the fact that conversions to Islam were at their peak, Abbasid power declined because

the empire had become too big to rule effectively

The significance of the Byzantine Empire included all of the following EXCEPT

the empire's conquest of the Ottoman Empire and its inclusion of all of the Middle East.

What changes occurred during the Abbasid period with respect to women?

the establishment of the harem

The shifts in climate during the Great Ice Age affected plants and animals by causing

the evolution of large numbers of new species.

Among scientific observations by Song intellectuals was

the explosion of the Crab Nebula in 1054

In Roman society

the father's word was law in his household.

The Vedic Age in India was notable because

the foundations for much of Indian history were established

The important Han innovations include the development of

the horse collar, the watermill, and the crossbow.

The fall of the Qin dynasty was hastened most by:

the hostility of the peasantry

According to the Vedas, the atman is

the immortal self, or essence

Our understanding of Persian artistic design is based primarily on:

the imperial architecture of Persepolis.

Daoists would agree with Confucianists on all of the following EXCEPT

the importance of political activity

One effect of the rise of cities in Yuan China was

the increasing influence of Mandarin.

The end of the Gupta Empire differed from the decline of Rome in that it did not involve

the introduction of a new religion for the majority

What facilitated the spread of Christianity to Armenia?

the invention of an Armenian alphabet

The pharaoh Akhenaten is credited by many historians with

the invention of monotheism.

Southeast Asia is described as a "geologically active zone," meaning that

the islands are the tops of a chain of volcanoes.

The early inhabitants of the East African island of Madagascar came from

the islands of Southeast Asia.

The schism of 1054 between the Eastern and Western churches was caused primarily by disagreements over

the jurisdiction of the western papacy

Justice at the local level was usually provided by whom?

the lord of the manor.

Which of the following was NOT a contributing factor to Roman expansion?

the mandate to impose their religion on neighboring regions.

Sailing in the Indian Ocean was less difficult and dangerous than in other places because

the monsoon winds are predictable

The rainy and dry seasons in the Indian Ocean reflect the influence of

the monsoons

The Great Western Schism originated over

the nationality of the pope

The head of the Ethiopian Christian church is

the patriarch of Alexandria

The Arabs' involvement in Byzantine and Sasanid conflicts led to

the penetration of Christian knowledge into the Arabian peninsula.

Egyptian kingship and religion were closely intertwined because it was believed:

the pharaoh was the living Horus and son of Re.

One of the most important effects of monasticism was

the preservation of literacy and learning, particularly with regard to ancient Latin texts

In the seventh century, the Byzantines experienced an economic transformation similar to, though less pronounced than, that of western Europe. This was caused by all of the following except

the rapid growth of the merchant class

Some of the "lost knowledge" of the Greek and Arab world came into the Latin West through

the recapture of southern Italy from the Byzantines and of Sicily and Toledo from the Muslims.

The greatest influence of the humanists was in

the reform of secondary education.

The Maya maintained three calendar systems: one for recording ritual days, a solar calendar, and a third calendar that recorded

the reigns of kings.

Tax farming is

the sale of tax-collecting contracts to small corporations.

The impact of the Crusades included all of the following EXCEPT

the sanctioning of annulments and remarriage.

Women in Mesopotamian society had a lower status than in a hunter-gatherer society because of

the shift of the major role in food provision from women to men.

The first financial return from the Portuguese voyages came from

the slave trade

Among the Byzantines' cultural achievements is (are)

the spread of Orthodox Christianity among the Slavs.

One of the most significant effects of Mongol trade routes was

the spread of diseases including the plague

One of the most important material technologies transmitted from Asia to Europe along the Silk Road was

the stirrup

The religious practice most closely associated with the state and the person of the Inca in Andean civilization was the cult of

the sun.

Greek politics resembled Indian politics in

the tendency of regional fragmentation.

What was the basic unit of Mongol society?

the tribe

What can be considered the symbol of Athenian naval success?

the trireme

After the sack of Tula, the center of population and political power in Mexico shifted to

the valley of Mexico and the shores of a chain of lakes in that basin.

An oligarchy is a society in which

the wealthy members of society have political power.

Stoicism held all of the following principles, except:

the world is an irrational place

The Assyrians were able to build a substantial empire in northern Mesopotamia through

their military technology and war-loving culture.

Moche civilization was


Manichaeism is a faith derived from Zoroastrianism and is founded on the idea that

there is a cosmic struggle between good and evil.

The American continents contained very few domesticated animals because

there were few species suitable for domestication.

Which of the following statements about women in the Vedic Age cannot be learned from Vedic literature?

they are depicted as slaves to men.

All of the following are true about camels in Arab society except

they caused disintegration of the internal road structure because it was no longer necessary.

Ships in the Indian Ocean Maritime System were better prepared for long-distance travel than the Greeks because

they could take advantage of monsoon winds to drive their ships.

Sparta became a highly militarized society primarily because

they feared an uprising by the helots.

Buddhism and Jainism gained popularity in the late Vedic period because

they offered insight or enlightenment as a path to salvation instead of rituals.

It is believed that many species of large mammals may have disappeared between 40,000 and 13,000 years ago because

they were hunted to extinction by humans.

Women played a major role in the transition to crop cultivation because

they were the primary gatherers of wild plant foods.

The Brahmins may have delayed the introduction of writing because

they were trying to protect their status within society as the keepers of knowledge.

Coins were significant in all of the following ways except

they were used to pay the professional soldiers.


thought it was possible to grow closer to God through dance.


thought the citizen had obligations to the state.

The Confucian view of proper female behavior was exemplified by the

three submissions

Although Greece is described as "resource poor" in the chapter, it economically prospered

through access to foreign resources, markets, and ideas.

Byzantine noblewomen were secluded in the family house

to protect the family honor

In Kievan Russia, power derived from


Because Mongols controlled access to the Silk Road after the overthrow of the Yuan, the emperor Yongle put an emphasis on

trade by ships.

Benefits of Mongol rule in the Yuan Empire included all of the following EXCEPT

transition to tax farming instead of fixed rate method

Marco Polo's goal was to

travel to the Mongol capital.

The symbol of Athenian naval success was the


The Chinese had a major influence on Korea.


Mongol armies were divided into units called


Alexander the Great:

typically ruled through local hierarchies

The unified community that accepted Islam and believed that Muhammad was the "Messenger of God" was called the


Which factor was not a contributor to the doubling of the European population between 1100-1445?

unification under Christianity

Which of the following was NOT a reason for fostering expansion and prosperity in the post-Mauryan era?

uniform religious practices

Who were NOT among the earliest converts to Christianity?

urban merchants

An example used in the text that demonstrated the transfer of practices between civilizations was:

use of dye-cast coins

The Greek and Hellenistic approach in science

used mathematics to try and explain nature's patterns.

The Artha-sastra:

used the analogy that big fish eat littler fish.


usually grow through conquest

The members of the military elite who received land in return for military service in the bands of the greater lords were called


Irrigation in Iran was different than other areas because of the large desert plain. How did they compensate for this?

vertical shafts provided access to underground irrigation.

Phillip II of Macedon:

wanted to bring peace to the Greek city-states.

Asoka's son

was a Buddhist missionary, who succeeded in converting Sri Lanka to Buddhism.

Leonardo da Vinci was an excellent example of Renaissance Italy's social ideal because he

was a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician.


was a system used to write Korean phonetically.

When Alexander the Great died, his vast empire

was broken up into three Macedonian dynasties.

Bisexuality in Archaic and Classical Greece

was common among men of the intellectual and social elites.


was crowned Roman Emperor by the Pope.

West African trade:

was dependent upon the camel to deliver goods to Europe.

The thirteenth-century map of Constantinople shown above indicates that the city

was highly fortified against outside attacks.

The city of Susa

was important as the administrative capital of the Persian Empire, and as the terminus of the Royal Road, which began in Sardis.

As time went on, armored knighthood

was limited to those with revenue from land.

Abu Bakr:

was the first caliph

Tambos were

way stations along roads in the Inca empire.

Feudalism was a political and economic system that in general

weakened the power of the kings

The Moche civilization was probably destroyed by


Aryan immigrants to the Indus valley:

were called Aryan because the language they spoke belonged to the Indo-Aryan language group.

In Islamic society, mosques

were centers of learning and promoted literacy.

Mesopotamian gods were anthropomorphic; that is, they

were human-like in form and conduct

After the seventh century, Byzantine women

were increasingly confined to home life.

The Crusades of the eleventh and twelfth centuries

were intended to capture Jerusalem and place it under Christian authority.

Two important navigational technologies, the magnetic compass and the astrolabe,

were of Chinese and Arab or Greek origin, respectively.

In the high Middle Ages, most European Jews:

were often successful traders.

Cities in Mesoamerican and Andean societies

were richly decorated political centers that also played central religious and economic roles.

The Tuareg were

western Saharan pastoralists and caravan guides.

Vietnam's greatest contribution to Tang China was

wet rice cultivation

Kamikaze means

wind of the gods.

The Greek city-state, or polis, was generally built

with a high point in the center known as the Acropolis surrounded by the city at its base.

Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam all spread

without dependency on a single ethnic or kinship group.

The Bayeaux Tapestry was created by:


Which fabric went through a production boom as a result of commerce between China and Central Asia?


Christine de Pizan is best known for her

works written in defense of women.

The best synonym for secular is


Ibn Battuta found the Muslims of Mali

worthy of praise for how well they followed the requirements of the Qur'an.

A person who produces work "in the vernacular" is one who

writes in a local, rather than a classical, language

Written between the Mauryans and the early Gupta, the Laws of Manu

wrote into official law the traditional restrictions placed on women.

Transplanted foods carried by seafarers to Africa include

yams and bananas

The benefit of chinampas was:

year-round agriculture was possible

The vessels of the Indian Ocean were called:


To manage his empire, the largest in the world, Persian emperor Darius I

divided the empire into twenty provinces, appointing to each a satrap, or governor.

By the time it subsided, the Black Death had killed

one out of three western Europeans.

What "architectural wonder" first made its appearance in France on or about the year 1140 C.E.?

Gothic cathedrals

declined around A.D. 1200


Renaissance artists sought to imitate nature in their works.


Which was not part of the Maya reckoning of time?

A lunar calendar of 344 days per year in 13 months of 28 days, with an extra month added in once every four years

Agricultural workers who belonged to the manor and were obligated to the lord were


The Silk Road and Indian Ocean trade fostered the spread of which religion?


The Tang elite blamed Buddhism for the social upheaval occuring at the end of their empire because

Buddhism had come to China from India and therefore was a foreign influence that went against traditional Confucianist ideals

Which of the following areas was not exposed to the Turkic expansion of the 1360s?


The teachings of Zoroastrianism spread under the rule of which of the following?

Darius I

The Indian Ocean Maritime System forged economic and social ties between

East Africa, Arabia, India, China, and Southeast Asia

Which of the following accounts in part for the decline of the Italian Renaissance circa 1500?

French and Spanish monarchs invaded the peninsula, cutting down on political independence.

During the 11th century, what new architectural style featuring pointed arches and flying buttresses became dominant in western Europe?


The two main cities of early Indian civilization are

Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro.

Many of the major agricultural exchanges that helped the Islamic world came from:


The father of history in the Western tradition is


The empires of Mali in West Africa and of Delhi in South Asia both utilized

Islamic administration.

The post classical period in Western history between the fall of the Roman Empire and the 15th century is referred to as the

Middle Ages.

The Great Peloponnesian War

weakened the Greek states and left them vulnerable to attack.

Which of the following areas was NOT one of the regions into which expansion from western Europe took place?

Northern Africa

Following the assertion of Vietnamese independence from China in the tenth century, what aspects of Chinese culture were retained by the Vietnamese rulers.

The Chinese administrative system based on the Confucian examination system

The first major Southeast Asian center, Funan, dominated what key location for trade?

The Isthmus of Kra

What was the relationship between the Toltecs and their predecessors in central Mexico?

The Toltecs adopted many cultural features from their predecessors to which they added a strong military ethic and human sacrifice.

In general, which of the following did not occur in western Europe after the decline of Roman authority?

The city of Rome lost its prominence as the seat of the Roman church.

Which of the following is not one of the aspects of Mongol rule that created hardship and a sharp population decrease in China?

Their insistence that the Chinese practice agriculture rather than trade

Why did the Fujiwara family of Heian Japan choose to entrust responsibility for local government to their warriors?

They preferred aesthetic pursuits.


accepted the cultural hegemony of China

The major states in the postclassic periods were those of the

Toltecs and Aztecs

The result of Portuguese domination of Indian Ocean trade routes was

all of these: little impact on the African and Asian mainlands; that they charged a lower price for pepper than Venice or Genoa; that more spices and luxury goods were shipped to Europe

Which of the following is true of "new monarchies" in Europe between 1450-1600?

all of these: they relied on full-time armies paid for through taxes; it increased centralized power within largely fixed geographic limits; it increased control over powerful noble families.

Which of the following are not among the plant and animal species that thrive in Southeast Asia?

Wheat and water buffalo

When Muhammad fled Mecca in 622 for Medina, he created an umma, which means

a community of believers.

Timbuktu in the fourteenth century

became a center for Islamic study and trans-Saharan trade.

The Arabic camel nomads were referred to as


Social and political organization in the North American tribes was dependent on


Two main areas of mechanized production in Yi Korea were in

cotton and movable-type font.

A significant transmission and sharing of scientific knowledge was found in the form of

eclipse predictions and tables

The most significant factor contributing to agriculture in the Delhi Sultanate was

extensive irrigation canals.

The explicit goal of Portuguese explorers was to:

find a passage to India

The most visible symptom of Rome's "third-century crisis" was the

frequent change of rulers

An early motivation for Portuguese maritime exploration was to

gain access to the sub-Saharan gold trade.

The Muslim explorer Ibn Battuta traveled extensively for what purpose?

he was simply interested in what other Muslims were doing

Angkor Wat:

is dedicated to Vishnu, one of the major Hindu gods

The Muslim caliphate is significant in world history because

it is the first Afro-Eurasian empire.

The city of Cuzco was not as large as Tenochtitlan, but

it was laid out in the shape of a puma.

Roman emperors tried to prevent popular disorder by

organizing food supplies and distribution

The religion of the Delhi Sultanate was

primarily Islam, but officially tolerant of other faiths.

The Medes were the first Iranian people to

reach a complex level of political organization.

The Hellenistic kingdoms of Macedonia, Syria, Pergamum, and Egypt

remained united long after the death of Alexander the Great.

The Ming Empire attempted to create new Indian Ocean contacts by

sending out seven imperial fleets between 1405 and 1433.

During the revival of Western Europe (1000-1200), the population nearly doubled, in part, because of

technological innovations such as a new type of plow and efficient draft harnesses for pulling wagons.

Western Europe and the Byzantine Empire differed politically because

the Byzantine Empire maintained a centralized government while western Europe broke apart into localized political entities.

The circumstance surrounding Jesus' ministry and acclamation by his followers as the messiah was

the Roman occupation of Judaea.

The Neolithic era is associated with which of the following?

the rise of agriculture.

Saharan horse breeders were

we don't know

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