what is a pathologist
outcomes of disease (2)
- acute - chronic
what determines whether a disease occurs
- age - whether they've had the disease before - genetics
outcome of acute diseases
- death - resolves as the host has an effective defense response - becomes chronic
outcome of chronic disease
- death - resolves due to defense response - organ failure
reasons why pathology is important
- diagnosis - prognosis (likley cause of medical action) - understanding - treatment
how can disease cause be classified (3 ways)
- external causes - internal cause - idiopathic (unknown)
what can pathology be divided into (2)
- general pathology - systemic pathology
pathology also includes
- immunology study of the immune system and antobodies - microbiology study of microorganisms
external factors
- physical (trauma/ heat/ ratiation) - chemical (toxins) - infectous (parasites and bacteria) - environmental (nutrition/ temp)
2 causes of lesions
- simple - multifactorial (these diseases are harder to diagnose)
roles of a veterinary pathologist
- taking blood and fluid samples in general practise - biochemistry - cytology (study of cells) through skin scrapes - uninalysis
internal factors
-genetic defects -inflammatory or immune -mediated disease -cardiovascular or other systemic disease -cancers
neoplasia =
aetiology =
causal factors and the agents which cause disease e.g virus
pathophysiology =
changes in function due to the disease
sequalae =
consequences of the disease
clinical pathology
diagnosis of disease using laboratory testing Examinaton of body fluids, chemical pathology, cytology, haemotology
remote/ distant effects
effects of the disease on other sites of the body
chronic disease
fast onset and long duration
pathogenesis =
how a disease develops within the body
what is a disease
results from exposure to a disease causing entity
lesions =
structural changes caused by a disease
anatomic pathology
study of disease through the naked eye (post mortem) and microscopy
systemic pathology
studying pathology in the different body systems - Cardiovascular pathology - respiratory pathology
general pathology
studying the mechanisms of disease
acute disease
sudden onset and short duration
what is pathology
the study of a disease