What is lifestyle medicine? Managing your health care

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Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, an education counselor, writes,

"Every human being's essential nature is perfect and faultless, but after years of immersion in the world we easily forget our roots and take on a counterfeit nature." Is it possible to shed this unwanted facade and truly be the person you really are and really want to be? Yes—certainly you can release yourself from the chains of the past and the excuses that have kept you stuck.Dyer also absorbed the ideas from the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cell biologist whose research is challenging the whole concept of genetic determinism. Lipton and others have discovered that genes are not self-emergent; they cannot act for themselves. Genes are basically the blueprint for our foundation. It takes some stimulus or energy in the form of chemicals, frequencies, thoughts, or other sources to make the genes function. This means that our DNA does not completely control our destiny but rather, for the most part, we do


'vital energy,' central feature of health according to TCM. flows through the meridians


A negative influence that worsens a person's condition or health

Philosophy of Integrative Medicine

A philosophy toward healing is usually found in integrative medicine that differs from allopathic or conventional medicine. The medical professionals drawn to integrative medicine are invested in healing the whole person. They tend to believe in the innate capacity for a person to heal himself or herself. Treatment may be more focused on energy imbalances rather than chemical imbalances. Integrative medicine approaches are more closely aligned with the principles of quantum physics, and allopathic medicine is more aligned with biochemistry. Allopathic medicine uses energy tools for diagnostics and limited treatment, whereas integrative medicine frequently uses energy tools for treatments.Integrative medicine approaches and professionals do not currently have the same rigorous level of certification and standardization as conventional medicine. Therefore, it is especially important for you to be knowledgeable about the intent of the individual in whom you are entrusting your health care. Is this person interested in your healing? Is this person well trained and have professional credentials? There are possibilities in integrative medicine for wonderful healing experiences and excellent long-term care just as there are in conventional medicine. The reverse is also true in both. Be willing, but be wise!

1.) Q: According to the National Center for Health Care Statistics, roughly what percent of all people in the United States used at least one prescription drug in the last 30 days?

A: 50. According to the National Center for Health Care Statistics, 48.7 percent of all people in the United States used at least one prescription drug in the last 30 days.

6.) Q: ow do people who take a holistic approach typically view the placebo effect?

A: As proof of the impact of hope on healing. NOT bad science and measuring errors, deception, indicator of needing max treatment, to false positive w questionable research.

1.) Q: While being physically active and eating well can be challenging, the hard work most of need to do is in our...

A: Attidues. The hard work most of us need to do is on our attitudes. If we can be positive about doing what it takes to be healthy, we are well on our way to wellness. NOT support, genetics, resources, or education.

16.) Q:True or False? Antibiotics effectively treat bacterial and viral infections, but their overuse can result in antibiotic resistance.

A: FALSE. Antibiotics only effectively treat bacterial infections; they are not effective against viral infections. It is true that the misuse and overuse of antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistance, which is a growing public health issue.

3.) Q: "I'm not good enough," "I'm getting too old," and "I just don't have time" are all examples of ______ thinking.

A: Fatalistic. Ridding ourselves of fatalistic- or deterministic-type thinking will free us to put our excuses behind us, such as "I'm not good enough/athletic enough/capable enough," "I'm getting too old," "I just don't have time," "I was born (or raised) this way," and "I can't change.". NOT progressive, constructive, perfectionistic, or healthy.

1.) Q: ___________ is the practice of healing the whole individual, not just treating the ailment, often through the use of energy tools.

A: Integrative medicine. Integrative medicine addresses all dimensions of a person's life, especially how a patient's mind, body, and lifestyle affect their health.

7.) Q: How do Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) differ from Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)?

A: PPOS more health care provider choices, greater flexibility NOT cheaper, require referral, or do not use a network (they do the list is just larger)

5.) Q: What is the difference between the placebo effect and the nocebo effect?

A: Placebo has positive outcome, nocebo has a negative outcome. NOT The placebo effect has no apparent intervention, while the nocebo effect has a real intervention The placebo effect is medicinal, while the nocebo effect is behavioral The placebo effect has a noticeable impact on the patient, while the nocebo does not The placebo effect adds stress, while the nocebo effect reduces stress

14.) Q: When a drug acts on something other than the intended target and produces a detrimental effect, this is what is called

A: Side effect. Pharmaceutical drugs act wherever they occur in the body. A side effect is when they act on something other than the intended target and produce a detrimental effect.

4.) Q: What integrative medicine approach involves putting thin metal needles into points on the meridians throughout the body?

A: acupuncture. The needles move the vital healing energy, the chi, through the meridians to every part of the body, and it has been particularly effective for alleviating pain.

17.) Q: What might nutritionists who oppose the use of supplements have to say about their use?

A: an excess can lead to health complications, adults with a healthy diet don't need it, FDA doesn't regulate NOT multivatims don't provide key vitamins or doctors don't recommend.

7.) Q: How do kinesiology practitioners typically detect problems in a patient?

A: apply pressure on an outstretched limb while patient tries to hold limb.

9.) Q: Medicare primarily provides health insurance to people who

A: are 65 and older. Medicare provides health insurance benefits to retired people 65 years and older, people under age 65 with disabilities, and people of all ages with end-stage renal disease.

13.) Q: What condition must be met for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve a drug?

A: benefits out weigh risks. Drug companies must test all drugs and comply with FDA regulations. The FDA approves the drug if it determines that the health benefits of the drug outweigh the known risks of the drug. NOT set fee, demand proven, no side effects, not fulfilled

3.) Q: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has identified a system of 12 primary energy pathways called meridians, and good health is a result of

A: chi flowing thru meridians. Good health results when vital energy, known as chi, flows through the meridians. When chi is blocked, the person is not enjoying harmony and experiences disease.

6.) Q: Mark has been under the weather lately and decides to see his doctor. When Mark arrives at the doctor's office, the receptionist tells him his insurance will cover 90 percent of the visit but he will have to pay the remaining 10 percent out of his own pocket. This 10 percent is his

A: co-pay. Co-pay is your share of a medical expense that you pay.

5.) Q: In a typical __________ session, you focus on a problematic thought or feeling while someone taps on a specified point on the meridians.

A: emotional freedom technique EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique is an emotional version of acupuncture in which someone taps their finger on specified points on the meridians as you focus on problematic thoughts or feelings.

2.) Q: Integrative medicine treatments are more focused on _________ rather than chemical imbalances.

A: energy. Treatment may be more focused on energy imbalances rather than chemical imbalances. This philosophy tends to believe in the innate capacity for a person to heal himself or herself.

8.) Q: As found in the study of epigenetics, the gene is directed by the

A: epigenome. The epigenome is the energy signals and cellular components that act to either express the DNA or suppress the expression of the DNA. NOT membrane, Ana sequencing, genetic determinism, or signal transduction.

2.) Q: When you place blame on others, you are...

A: giving YOUR power to choose to someone else. NOT ridding of negativity, eliminating blame, excising power to choose or expressing the power of positive choices.

2.) Q: Which of the following statements relate to the concept of lifestyle medicine?

A: humans are, by design, meant to be healthy, people w healthy lifestyles will enjoy good health, lifestyle medicine focuses on people BEFORE they get sick. NOT lifestyle medicine focuses on curing disease or allows us to live as we please without risk.

4.) Q: hen selecting a health care provider, what is something you should NOT do?

A: keep medical concerns to yourself. this is wrong because Being comfortable and open with your primary health care provider is important, so it is important that you find someone you trust and to whom you can talk. what you should do: get referrals, choose based on treatment, go to uni's health center, one from your insurance

15.) Q: Oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, and fentanyl are all types of _______, which have become an epidemic in the United States.

A: opioids. The use of opioids, which include prescription pain relievers, has become an epidemic in the United States, with 2 million people having a substance abuse issue using an opioid in 2015.

10.) Q: Which of the following rules are provided by the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA)?

A: people cannot be denied insurance due to pre existing conditions, can remain on parents until 26, lifetime limits cannot be on your insurance benefits. NOT companies can deny insurance payment claim, people can have insurance denied due to application mistake

8.) Q: High deductible or catastrophic plans offer insurance with low ______ but high ______.

A: premiums, deductible

5.) Q:_______, or the monthly cost of health insurance, can be much higher for older people or people who are not healthy.

A: premiums. A premium is the amount of money you pay each month to a health insurance company for health insurance, which is determined by risk.

1.) Q: The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) promotes lifestyle interventions, which include various healthy behaviors and also less of a reliance on what?

A: prescription drugs. Lifestyle interventions include eating nutritious food, being physically active, managing stress, not smoking, and finding meaning and balance in life; they also include relying less on prescription and other kinds of drugs. NOT epigenetics. immune system, preventative care, stress mngmt.

3.) Q: On which of the following would a preventative medical doctor be most likely to put their focus?

A: preventing a population-wide health risks. Preventing the transmission of disease and curtailing major outbreaks of disease in the population have been a major focus of preventative medical doctors. NOT changing someones unhealthy lifestyle, helping people without insurance, curing one of a deadly disease, or teaching someone how to live body over mind.

2.) Q: _________ is the diagnosis and treatment of common illnesses, such as the flu, allergies, hypertension, and minor injuries.

A: primary care. Primary care is the diagnosis and treatment of common illnesses, such as the flu, allergies, hypertension (high blood pressure), and minor injuries. NOT intensive, preventative, treaty, or secondary

7.) Q: Epigenetic scientists have demonstrated that DNA in cells are not self-emergent and need a _____ in order to express itself.

A: signal. These signals or triggers regulate the gene activity and can be just about anything in the environment, such as chemicals, hormones, frequencies, thoughts, or feelings. NOT response, regulation, modification, or reaction.

6.) Q: Which of the following areas of the body would a chiropractor focus on most?

A: spine, muscles, joints NOT veins or skin

12.) Q: Which of the following should you do before taking over-the-counter medications?

A: talk to your doctor, read the label, understand the risks NOT drink only water or stop taking perception meds

3.) Q: True or False? Dental health is a significant part of your overall health, and oral bacteria can be linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, endocarditis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, and other conditions.

A: true. Serious troubles with your teeth or gums can cause problems throughout your body.

4.) Q: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer's Excuses Begone! paradigm challenges us to ask questions about our excuses. Which of the following are among those questions?

A: where did the excuse come from, what would my like look like without it, can i create rational reasoning to change... NOT how can i reinforce the excuse, or why the excuse is true.

Types of Health Insurance

Health insurance plans through your family, college or university, or through your employer are the most common. Private and public health plans are available for those who are self-employed or do not have access to insurance through an employer or some other way. Exchange plans provide additional options. Here are common types of health insurance:Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs). These are organizations with networks of health care providers that you are required to use. The cost is low so long as you use a doctor in the network. If you go to a physician outside the network, you will likely pay most or all the cost. In an HMO system, you must get a referral from a primary care physician to see a specialist. HMOs are less expensive, but also less flexible.Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs). Also known as Point of Service (POS), these plans have a network of health care providers, but also give you the choice to see physicians outside their network and usually you can see an in-network specialist without a referral. These plans tend to be more expensive than an HMO but give you a larger list of health care providers from which you can choose.High deductible or catastrophic plans. These plans offer insurance with low premiums, but the deductibles—the medical expenses that you must cover before the insurance company pays—are high. This coverage protects you if you suffer a serious illness or injuries that require significant and long-term medical treatment. If you are young, healthy, and avoid risky behaviors, these plans may be a good option.

Find Health Insurance

Health insurance protects you from the high cost of health care, especially unexpected health conditions or injury. In exchange for regular payments, or premiums, to a health insurance provider, the insurance provider will pay for a portion of your medical expenses, depending on the type of health insurance you have.It is prudent to have health insurance for you and your family as a part of your healthy lifestyle plan. With insurance, you will be more apt to have regular checkups and not just see doctors or dentists in case of emergencies.

Select a Health Care Provider

If you became ill, needed a vaccination, or it was time for a general checkup, you probably went to a family practice doctor, or a primary care provider. A primary care provider is a health care practitioner who will evaluate your health, and diagnose and treat common medical conditions, such as the flu, allergies, or high blood pressure. The primary care provider is the first person you go to when you have a medical problem. Besides family practice doctors, other primary care practitioners include pediatricians, who are certified to care for children; internists, who are trained to treat people of all ages with many different conditions; obstetricians and gynecologists, who specialize in women's health; and nurse practitioners, who have a graduate degree in advanced nursing.Primary care is the diagnosis and treatment of common illness, such as the flu, allergies, hypertension (high blood pressure), and minor injuries. Primary care services include preventive care, such as regular examinations and blood tests that are designed to assess health risks and act to reduce the health risk. As we discussed earlier, primary care providers are increasingly practicing lifestyle medicine, coaching their patients to prevent disease by adopting healthier lifestyles.If your primary care provider believes your medical condition is more complex or persistent, then she will refer you to a specialist or a secondary care practitioner. A secondary care is the next level of the health care system in which practitioners have knowledge and training in a specific area of medicine. For example, a psychologist specializes in mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety. A podiatrist treats foot disorders. An oncologist treats cancer patients.Tertiary care is another level of health care that is designed to treat more complex situations. Tertiary care usually includes a network of health care specialists, sophisticated diagnostics, and treatments.

Positive thoughts

In this chapter, we will look to living a healthy lifestyle as a privilege and an opportunity, not a chore. It could be a challenge to think of being physically active and eating well as drudgery or no fun. Those who just love living these healthy lifestyle behaviors are fortunate folks. The hard work most of us need to do is on our attitudes. If we can be positive about doing what it takes to be healthy, we are well on our way to wellness.


Integrative medicine is the practice of healing the whole individual, not just treating the ailment. A science-based approach, integrative medicine addresses all dimensions of a person's life, especially how a patient's mind, body, and lifestyle affect their health. Physicians and other health care providers are increasingly embracing the approach of integrative medicine because it addresses the contributing factors that cause disease, not just the disease itself. NIH reported a study done in 2007 that indicated that 38.3 percent of adults (about 4 in 10) and 11.8 percent of children (about 1 in 9) are using some form of integrative medicine.

Dyer poses these questions that form the essence of the Excuses Begone! paradigm. Think of an excuse you use and take it through these questions.

Is it true? (Probably not.) Where did the excuse come from? (I allowed it.) What's the payoff? (I get to avoid risks and stay the same.) What would my life look like if I couldn't use this excuse? (I'd be free to be myself.) Can I create a rational reason to change? (Easily.) Can I access universal cooperation in shedding old habits? (Yes, by simply aligning with my source of being.) How can I continuously reinforce this new way of being? (By being vigilant.) Take the excuse through these questions and this thinking process as many times as necessary to set the foundation for your willingness to eliminate that excuse.

The Power of Being Aware

It is amazing what awareness will do. Dyer discusses a study done at Harvard University and reported in Psychological Science in 2007. The study involved 84 women room attendants at seven hotels. Half of the women were told that their work met their daily requirement for fitness and the other half were not given that awareness. This was the only intervention of the study; there was no change in the normal routines of any of the women. In just 4 weeks, the researchers found that in the group whose awareness was raised regarding their physical activity there was a significant decrease in key parameters including body fat, BMI, blood pressure, and weight. The researchers called their study "Mind-set Matters: Exercise and the Placebo Effect."Dyer poses these questions that form the essence of the Excuses Begone! paradigm. Think of an excuse you use and take it through these questions. Is it true? (Probably not.) Where did the excuse come from? (I allowed it.) What's the payoff? (I get to avoid risks and stay the same.) What would my life look like if I couldn't use this excuse? (I'd be free to be myself.) Can I create a rational reason to change? (Easily.) Can I access universal cooperation in shedding old habits? (Yes, by simply aligning with my source of being.) How can I continuously reinforce this new way of being? (By being vigilant.) Take the excuse through these questions and this thinking process as many times as necessary to set the foundation for your willingness to eliminate that excuse.

Get Regular Checkups

It is wise to have checkups and screenings done by qualified medical and dental personnel on a regular basis (Figure 7). This is a prudent part of your prevention program. Choose medical personnel who share your same philosophy. If you are well informed and want a significant role in choosing medical interventions, find medical personnel who will relate to you in this way. If you like a more autocratic approach in which the doctor will make the decisions for you, this is another option available to you. Apply these same principles as you look for a dentist. - Getting annual physical examinations by your doctor is an important part of lifestyle medicine. - Dental health is a significant part of your overall health. As in all other health practices, it is better to prevent problems with your teeth and gums than to have to repair them. If you have serious troubles with your teeth or gums, this can cause problems throughout your body. Oral bacteria can be linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, endocarditis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, and other conditions.When you are selecting a health care provider, here are things that you can do: Go to your university's health center, where you can be treated for illness or minor injuries, like a sprained ankle. The primary care providers there can refer you to a specialist if you have a medical condition that is more serious. If you have health insurance, the insurance company will likely have a network of physicians with whom it works. Check the company website or call to get a list of physicians near where you live. It is usually cheaper to go to a physician in your insurance company's network. Get referrals from friends or relatives and ask them why they like their doctor. What they say about their doctor will help you figure out if their physician is the right fit for you. Consider the health care provider's office hours, communication style, location, and approach to treatment (conservative versus aggressive). Does the health care provider promote wellness and prevention, or is he more focused on disease treatment? Being comfortable and open with your primary health care provider is important, so it is important that you find someone you trust and to whom you can talk.


It's likely you've already had some experience in the U.S. health care system and know how complex it is. Since the end of the 19th century, the quality of health care—the knowledge of the human body, types of treatments, training of health care providers, and new technologies—improved dramatically. How we access and pay for those health care services have undergone significant change.More than 100 years ago, when a person became sick, they would go to a family doctor or the doctor would visit the patient at home. The patient or family would pay the doctor directly with cash or by bartering another good or service. Today, the U.S. health care system consists of levels of health care spanning a range of health care specialists and types of health care organizations. We see our doctor in a clinic or a hospital.The cost of health care and how we pay for it has also changed dramatically. There is much to learn to be able to get insurance coverage and to be able to select doctors that will be able to give you the best care.

Side Effects of Medication

Known risks of pharmaceutical drugs are called side effects. As we gain a deeper understanding of the complexity of the body, calling a complicating factor of a drug a side effect is misleading. A hormone or other substance may function differently in different parts of the body. The pharmaceutical drug is going to act on the target tissue or organ wherever it occurs in the body. When it acts on something other than the intended target and produces a detrimental effect, this is what is called a side effect. Nevertheless, a side effect is an effect of the drug, whether intended or not.A sad but true example of this is the synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that was given extensively to women to help them deal with menopause. Although the intended target was the reproductive system, after years of use it was discovered that estrogen plays a significant role in the circulatory system, too, and many women on HRT developed cardiovascular disease and strokes.In a widely referenced article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield reported that 225,000 and possibly more deaths occurred in the United States due to iatrogenic causes. Iatrogenic means an adverse effect to the patient caused by the medical treatment being administered. In her listing of the causes of these deaths, she reported that 106,000 were due to the negative effects of drugs.

Philosophy of Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle medicine and preventive medicine are meant to prevent disease and mitigate other risks to your wellness. It may seem odd, but this is quite a different philosophy from medicine designed to cure disease. Typically, our medical system philosophy has been to help people after they have become ill. Lifestyle medicine philosophy begins with the concept that humans are by design meant to be healthy and not sick. Each human being is equipped with an immune system that, if working properly, will facilitate healing.Barring unusual circumstances, if people incorporate into their lives the kind of healthy lifestyle behaviors that we have discussed in this book, they will enjoy a good measure of health throughout their lives. Lifestyle medicine focuses on helping people live healthy lives. The preventive medical system gets involved in the lives of people before they get sick, believing that we do have the capacity to be healthy.

The Practice of Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle medicine is one of the 24 specialties recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABSM). The three recognized areas of specialization include general preventive medicine and public health, aerospace medicine, and occupational medicine. After completing the usual medical degree requirements including residency and internship programs, an individual is required to pass the preventive medicine board examination to be qualified to practice in the field.Preventive medical doctors and health professionals have tended to focus more on population-wide concerns rather than individual patients. Preventing the transmission of disease and curtailing major outbreaks of disease in the population have been major thrusts. Because insurance coverage is being provided for individual prevention efforts, health care providers are starting to focus more on individual patients. Preventive medicine professionals tend to think in terms of the whole being—body, mind, and spirit (Figure 6). This makes sense since their philosophy is to promote a healthy lifestyle. - Preventive medicine includes disease prevention within populations, but also focuses on helping individuals build healthy lifestyles for their body, mind, and spirit.

Over-the-Counter Medications

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, or non-prescription drugs, deal mainly with relief of symptoms of colds or flu, pain, body aches or itches, nausea, or constipation. It is always wise to talk with your health care professional before using any medications, and especially if you are taking prescription drugs, are pregnant, or elderly. Risks to your health may occur from possible interactions of OTC medications with other medications, or even with the food and drinks we ingest. It is important that you never take more than the recommended dosage nor use the medication longer than recommended. Be sure to comply with any restrictions in activity recommended on the label, such as not driving when taking the medication.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates OTC medicines and prescription medicines. Prescription medicine, by definition, is licensed medicine that is regulated by legislation that requires a prescription to obtain the medicine. Drug companies must test all drugs and comply with FDA regulations. The FDA approves the drug if it determines that the health benefits of the drug outweigh the known risks of the drug.

Placebo effect

Placebo is Latin for "I shall please." The placebo effect is evidenced when a person does get better when there was no apparent intervention. A placebo is defined as a dummy medicine or substitute for the real thing. As in the study of the 84 hotel room attendants, there was no intervention other than telling the women that their physical activity met daily requirements. In other studies, a patient is told that a medication will make them better and, although it is nothing more than a sugar pill, they get better.The Nocebo effect is just the opposite. A patient is told that this treatment may not work or may work against them, and they tend to get worse. People who have studied the placebo effect have discovered mechanisms of the power of beliefs. There are measurable changes in the release of endorphins and cortisol, among other neurochemical changes, which in turn reduce the negative effects of stress.Dr. Walter Brown, clinical professor of psychiatry at the Brown University Program of Medicine, has researched and written extensively on the placebo effect. Dr. Brown believes that along with a reduction in distress, the patient benefits from experiencing the comfort of being in a healing environment. He also believes that some of the positive effect may be due to conditioning, and much of the effect may be due to expectation (Figure 3). People who expect to improve have a greater likelihood of improving. - People who take a holistic approach attribute the placebo effect, in part, to the impact that hope has on healing. They do not see the placebo effect as a false positive, but rather as evidence that the body, mind, and spirit are integrated and clearly working together. Others dismiss the placebo effect saying that it is just bad science or measuring errors. Placebos continue to be controversial ethical dilemmas because of the possible deception involved. It is also because this type of thinking may encourage some people to neglect or harm their well-being by being enticed to engage in behaviors or take substances that are not scientifically credible.Dr. Andrew Weil, founder and director of the University of Arizona's Integrative Medicine Program, has this to say regarding placebos: To dismiss the placebo effect is to say "that the mind has no great influence on the body. My vision is that ... the placebo effect is very important...Placebo responses are pure healing responses from within that are elicited by belief. The best medicine is getting the maximum healing response with the least intervention. So, we should be finding ways of giving people gentler treatments or at least the gentlest treatments demanded by the situation and getting the maximum placebo response."

Free Yourself from Fatalistic Thinking

Ridding ourselves of fatalistic- or deterministic-type thinking will free us to put our excuses behind us, such as "I'm not good enough/athletic enough/capable enough, I'm getting too old, I just don't have time, I was born (or raised) this way, I can't change." As Dyer has written, "any thought patterns that do not enhance and expand your joyous development are excuses." We can become what we believe, even genetically, according to Dyer and Lipton. Try this affirmation: "I am much more powerful today than the old programs and mind viruses that I absorbed in my childhood."It is time to eliminate blame from your life. You have the power to choose. When you blame, you are denying that power; you are giving your power to someone or something else (Figure 2). Be willing to give yourself permission to express the power of your positive choices. As you rid yourself of blame, you will rid yourself of much negativity. When you believe in your power to choose, you will find that you are more compassionate, more interested in being kind to others and respecting their power to choose. Several of the health-related principles put forth by Dr. Dyer to help us be rid of excuses include "be willing to allow health, happiness and success to flow into your life, and live here and now in your mind as well as in your body." - "I am much more powerful today than the old programs and mind viruses that I absorbed in my childhood." - Make wise choices, not lame excuses.

Use Medications Wisely

Since the early 1900s, drugs have become a central feature of our medical system. Often people just assume that they will need some form of drug to be healthy. This includes mental conditions as well as physical conditions. As a society, we are spending $8.2 billion annually just on medication for depression. According to the National Center for Health Care Statistics, 48.7 percent of all people in the United States used at least one prescription drug in the last 30 days (Figure 9).Certainly, there are those whose lives are preserved strictly because of having the right medication. On the other hand, an over-reliance on medication may keep us from seeking safer and less expensive forms of health and healing. Our dependence on medications may be more a matter of economics perpetuated by the trillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry than sound health care principles based on the latest scientific discoveries that are giving us a more complete understanding of the complexities of our whole being. - Make sure you understand and follow the directions for all medications your doctor prescribes for you, including over-the-counter treatments.

Taking Supplements

Some nutritionists recommend that every adult take a daily multivitamin in addition to eating well, but never think the vitamin supplement takes the place of eating well. The multivitamin will ensure that you get those key vitamins that are difficult to get in sufficient amounts from food such as folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and vitamin E.Other nutritionists maintain that with a healthy diet, adults do not need to take any vitamin supplements. Supplements do not provide the phytochemicals that are found only in whole foods. The decision whether to take a daily multivitamin is an important topic to discuss with your health care provider.An excess of vitamins or minerals can lead to toxicity and other serious health complications, such as kidney stones. Be wise in your selection of synthetic vitamins or minerals to supplement your healthy diet. Look for the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) logo when purchasing vitamin supplements. USP sets standards for all prescription drugs, OTC drugs, and dietary supplements.The FDA does not test and regulate supplements as it does prescription medicine. Therefore, the required research and controls necessary to ensure the safety and efficacy of supplements are not in place. Because of this, some people may erroneously assume that supplements are harmless. Your best choice is to avoid potential harmful risks and save your money to buy good food.Any kind of short-cut supplementation for building muscles, losing weight, or performance enhancement should be avoided unless recommended specifically for you by your physician. These can be particularly detrimental to your health causing very serious problems such as cancer and heart problems.

The Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) is a U.S. federal law passed in 2010 that is designed to increase the number of Americans with health insurance and lower the cost of health care. The ACA was also designed to protect people from losing their insurance and enable people to purchase health insurance when otherwise they could not afford to do so.The ACA provides these benefits to all Americans: You cannot be denied insurance if you have a pre-existing health condition; Young adults can remain on their parents' insurance plan until they turn 26 years old; Your insurance policy cannot be canceled because of an innocent mistake on your health insurance application; You can more easily appeal decisions by insurance companies to deny payment of an insurance claim; Annual or lifetime limits cannot be put on your health insurance benefits. To learn more about these benefits, visit HealthCare.gov.

Dr. Randy Jirtle and Dr. Robert Waterland.

Their research was done with agouti mice, so called because they carry the agouti gene. The mice are yellow, obese, and predisposed to diabetes and cancer. Jirtle and Waterland experimented to see if they could affect the offspring of a pregnant agouti without altering the DNA of the baby mice. They accomplished this feat by feeding the pregnant mouse a diet that shut down the expression of the agouti gene. She bore thin, brown, baby mice that had the same DNA as the fat yellow babies previously born to her. Another interesting aspect of their research was that their intervention could affect this change through multiple generations.Jirtle uses a computer analogy to describe the phenomenon of epigenetics. He likens the DNA to the hardware and the epigenome to the software. The epigenome is the energy signals and cellular components that act to either express the DNA or suppress the expression of the DNA. Lipton referred to a related group of researchers as signal transduction scientists. These scientists are exploring the cell membrane to better understand the complexities of the epigenome.

Factors That Affect Cost of Health Insurance

There are many factors that affect the cost of insurance. From an insurer's perspective, cost is driven by risk. People who are young, healthy, and practice healthy behaviors are less likely to become seriously ill or injured, so they are also less likely to use expensive health care services. Older people or people with a history of health problems or unhealthy behaviors are more likely to use expensive health care services.A premium is the amount of money you pay each month to a health insurance company for health insurance. The amount is determined by risk, so young, healthy people are charged premiums that are less expensive than older people and people who are less healthy. Before the Affordable Care Act, which was passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2009, some insurance companies would not cover some high-risk people, especially people with pre-existing health conditions.Many health insurance plans will also require you to pay a deductible and co-pay for doctor visits and other costs. A deductible is an annual amount that you must pay before your insurer will begin to pay your medical bills. For example, if your annual deductible is $500 and your total medical bills are $750, you would pay $500 and the insurance company would pay $250 after you paid the deductible amount.Co-pay is your share of a medical expense that you pay. For example, if the insurance company pays 80 percent of the cost of treatment, you are responsible for paying the remaining 20 percent.Monthly premiums are an important consideration as to which insurance you choose but there is more to making your decision. What benefits do you receive? Are they benefits that fit your situation? How much will you pay to cover the amount not covered by the insurance? What decisions do you need to make when you need to establish insurance in your own name?There are numbers of websites to help you in making wise choices. The Agency for Health Care Research and Quality is a good resource to learn more about the health care system (Figure 8). The U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources publishes a website with a lot of good information (www.hhs.gov/healthcare/index.html). - The Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHCRQ) invests in research, data analytics, and educational tools to make health care safer and improve quality

High deductible or catastrophic plans.

These plans offer insurance with low premiums, but the deductibles—the medical expenses that you must cover before the insurance company pays—are high - This coverage protects you if you suffer a serious illness or injuries that require significant and long-term medical treatment. If you are young, healthy, and avoid risky behaviors, these plans may be a good option.

Meridian System

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has identified a system of 12 primary energy pathways called meridians (Figure 12) that do not correspond to any anatomical system known in Western medicine. There are also secondary pathways that make up the entire meridian system.Good health results when vital energy, known as chi, flows through the meridians. When chi (pronounced chee) is blocked and not flowing freely through the meridians, the person is not enjoying harmony and experiences disease. The recognition of meridians and chi indicate the holistic thinking that has traditionally been a part of Eastern medicine.Dr. Ted J. Kaptchuk has written The Web That Has No Weaver, a book giving a detailed understanding of Chinese medicine. In it he examines the philosophy as well as the practices of TCM. When talking about the Eight Principal Patterns a doctor uses to assess the disharmony or illness of an individual patient, Kaptchuk writes, "They allow the physician to penetrate the abstract principles of Yin and Yang, principles that are so simple, yet so hard to grasp because they presume to be the general laws of totality, of everything around us and inside us, in our bodies, our minds, and our spirits." - Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on 12 primary energy pathways called meridians that flow throughout the body

The ACA provides these benefits to all Americans:

You cannot be denied insurance if you have a pre-existing health condition; Young adults can remain on their parents' insurance plan until they turn 26 years old; Your insurance policy cannot be canceled because of an innocent mistake on your health insurance application; You can more easily appeal decisions by insurance companies to deny payment of an insurance claim; Annual or lifetime limits cannot be put on your health insurance benefits.

Lifestyle interventions

adoption of healthy behaviors to prevent or treat a disease. - include eating nutritious food, being physically active, managing stress, not smoking, and finding meaning and balance in life. also means relying less on prescription and drugs.


adverse effect to the patient caused by the medical treatment being administered. - 106,00 due to neg effect of drugs


annual amount that you must pay before your insurer will begin to pay your medical bills. - For example, if your annual deductible is $500 and your total medical bills are $750, you would pay $500 and the insurance company would pay $250 after you paid the deductible amount.

genetic determinism

belief is that our DNA basically determines our well-being or lack of well-being

allopathic medicine


meridian system.

energy transported throughout body in TCM

genes are shaped, guided, and tailored by

environmental learning experiences.

three recognized areas of specialization

general preventative medicine, public health, aerospace medicine, and occupational medicine

Dr. Ted J. Kaptchuk has written The Web That Has No Weaver

giving a detailed understanding of Chinese medicine. In it he examines the philosophy as well as the practices of TCM. When talking about the Eight Principal Patterns a doctor uses to assess the disharmony or illness of an individual patient, Kaptchuk writes, "They allow the physician to penetrate the abstract principles of Yin and Yang, principles that are so simple, yet so hard to grasp because they presume to be the general laws of totality, of everything around us and inside us, in our bodies, our minds, and our spirits."

basic elements of the U.S. health care system

how you would select and use health care providers, health insurance, and medicines.

signal transduction

information pathways consisting of signals from outside the cell that transform functions within the cell.

lifestyle medicine (LM)

involves the use of lifestyle interventions in the treatment and prevention of disease.

Tertiary care

is another level of health care that is designed to treat more complex situations. Tertiary care usually includes a network of health care specialists, sophisticated diagnostics, and treatments. - advanced procedures technology and facilities.

Prescription medicine, by definition, is

licensed medicine that is regulated by legislation that requires a prescription to obtain the medicine. Drug companies must test all drugs and comply with FDA regulations. The FDA approves the drug if it determines that the health benefits of the drug outweigh the known risks of the drug.

(NCCIH) has funded research on acupuncture for treatment of

low-back pain, osteoarthritis of the knee, pain after oral surgery, pain from fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, menstrual pain, and ovarian cancer pain.

Preventive medicine

medical efforts to promote healthy lifestyles.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

medical practice taken in china for years

12 primary energy pathways called

meridians, do not correspond to any anatomical system known in Western medicine.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines,

non-prescription drugs

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs).

organizations with networks of health care providers that you are required to use. - The cost is low so long as you use a doctor in the network. If you go to a physician outside the network, you will likely pay most or all the cost. In an HMO system, you must get a referral from a primary care physician to see a specialist. HMOs are less expensive, but also less flexible.

An excess of vitamins or minerals can lead to

oxicity and other serious health complications, such as kidney stones. Be wise in your selection of synthetic vitamins or minerals to supplement your healthy diet. Look for the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) logo when purchasing vitamin supplements. USP sets standards for all prescription drugs, OTC drugs, and dietary supplements.

integrative medicine

practice of healing the whole individual, not just treating the ailment.

Integrative medicine approaches are more closely aligned with

principles of quantum physics


procedure or treatment designed to expand knowledge & relieve suffering.


provides health insurance and medical care for those with low incomes and those with exceptionally costly medical bills

1.) Q: Indicate whether each of the following individuals will mostly likely need to see a primary care, secondary care, or tertiary care provider.

sam was diagnosed w cancer and needs to begin treatment: SECONDARY julie is feeling ill and believes she has the flu: PRIMARY ahmed didn't make the track team due to a foot disorder: SECONDARY travis has a rare disorder and needs to see several specialists and undergo many treatments: TERTIARY kelly is about to begin college and needs immunizations: PRIMARY

Primary care services

services include preventive care, such as regular examinations and blood tests that are designed to assess health risks and act to reduce the health risk. As we discussed earlier, primary care providers are increasingly practicing lifestyle medicine, coaching their patients to prevent disease by adopting healthier lifestyles.If your primary care provider believes your medical condition is more complex or persistent, then she will refer you to a specialist or a secondary care practitioner.

side effect

side effect is an effect of the drug, whether intended or not


started as an amendment to the Social Security Act. It provides health insurance benefits to retired people 65 years and older, people under age 65 with disabilities, and people of all ages with End-Stage Renal Disease

The FDA does not test and regulate

supplements as it does prescription medicine


the amount of money you pay each month to a health insurance company for health insurance - determined by risk, so young, healthy people are charged premiums that are less expensive than older people and people who are less healthy. Before the Affordable Care Act, which was passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2009, some insurance companies would not cover some high-risk people, especially people with pre-existing health conditions.

Primary care

the diagnosis and treatment of common illness, such as the flu, allergies, hypertension (high blood pressure), and minor injuries. - A doctor who provides general medical care and coordinates other health care. provider is a health care practitioner who will evaluate your health, and diagnose and treat common medical conditions, such as the flu, allergies, or high blood pressure. FIRST person you go to when you have a medical problem. - family practice, pediatricians (children), internists (all ages and conditions), obstetricians and gynecologists (womens health), nurse practitioner (grad degree in advanced nursing_

Secondary care

the next level of the health care system in which practitioners have knowledge and training in a specific area of medicine. For example, a psychologist specializes in mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety. A podiatrist treats foot disorders. An oncologist treats cancer patients.

Supplements do not provide

the phytochemicals that are found only in whole foods

integretive medicines

the practice of healing the whole individual, not just treating the ailment - addresses all dimensions of a person's life, especially how a patient's mind, body, and lifestyle affect their health.

Holistic placebo

they do not see the placebo effect as a false positive, but rather as evidence that the body, mind, and spirit are integrated and clearly working together.


your share of a medical expense that you pay - if the insurance company pays 80 percent of the cost of treatment, you are responsible for paying the remaining 20 percent.

U.S. medical system

Access to health care is important to your well-being and it is important that you know how to use the health care system in a pro-active way. The U.S. medical system offers some of the best-trained health professionals and cutting-edge treatments in the world. Traditionally, doctors and nurses are perceived as healers of the sick and injured. Why would you see them when you are healthy?As discussed in other chapters of this textbook, your attitudes and behaviors are important to your health care. Being positive, knowledgeable, and pro-active about your health will not only reduce your chance of getting sick or injured, but it will enhance other areas of your life.


According to the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) lifestyle medicine (LM) "involves the use of lifestyle interventions in the treatment and prevention of disease." The ACLM promotes these interventions, which are the adoption of healthier behaviors that are known to reduce the risk of chronic disease (Figure 5). Lifestyle interventions include eating nutritious food, being physically active, managing stress, not smoking, and finding meaning and balance in life. Lifestyle intervention also means relying less on prescription and other kinds of drugs.Lifestyle medicine is becoming the preferred approach to the prevention and treatment of most chronic diseases. Preventive medicine is another term used to describe medical efforts to promote healthy lifestyles. - The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (www.lifestylemedicine.org/) promotes the therapeutic use of lifestyle to prevent, treat, and reverse lifestyle-related chronic disease.


Acupressure is acupuncture using touch rather than needles. An acupoint is pressed, usually by a finger, for about 1 minute. Like massage, the health professional is striving to find points of imbalance in a person and then restore harmony to the individual. Acupressure can be used for headaches, sinus problems, digestive problems, and most kinds of pain. It is easy to learn, and it is possible to give yourself treatments.


Acupuncture has been a key part of TCM for thousands of years. Basic acupuncture involves putting extremely thin metal needles into specific anatomical points on the meridians throughout the body (Figure 13). Needles in these points move the vital healing energy, the chi, through the meridians to every part of the body. The meridians correspond to respective internal organs. The NIH says that acupuncture is used by thousands of physicians, dentists, acupuncturists, and other practitioners and is generally safe when done by a qualified professional.Acupuncture has been particularly effective for alleviating pain. Most people use it for back pain, but also for joint pain, neck pain, and headache. In China, acupuncture is routinely used as an anesthetic during surgery. The National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Medicine (NCCIH) has funded research on acupuncture for treatment of low-back pain, osteoarthritis of the knee, pain after oral surgery, pain from fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, menstrual pain, and ovarian cancer pain. Studies are also using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology to analyze brain activity during acupuncture treatments. An analysis of 40 scientific studies concluded that acupuncture is effective in preventing or limiting nausea and vomiting. - Acupuncture involves placing extremely thin metal needles just under the skin at specific points on the body, focusing on the meridians, to improve energy flow. Acupuncture is effective to alleviate pain.

Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs).

Also known as Point of Service (POS), these plans have a network of health care providers, but also give you the choice to see physicians outside their network and usually you can see an in-network specialist without a referral. - These plans tend to be more expensive than an HMO but give you a larger list of health care providers from which you can choose.

synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that was given extensively to women to help them deal with menopause

Although the intended target was the reproductive system, after years of use it was discovered that estrogen plays a significant role in the circulatory system, too, and many women on HRT developed cardiovascular disease and strokes.In a widely referenced article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield reported that 225,000 and possibly more deaths occurred in the United States due to iatrogenic causes.


American Board of Medical Specialties


American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Placebo effect

An improvement in one's health or life that is due to an unidentifiable medication or treatment.

Prescription Drug Abuse

Another serious concern is the increasing rate of prescription drug abuse. It is estimated that 20 percent of people in the nation have used prescription drugs for non-medical reasons. Stimulants, sedatives and tranquilizers, and narcotic painkillers are all potentially addictive. The use of opioids, which include prescription pain relievers oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, fentanyl, and others, is an epidemic in the United States. In 2015, 2 million people had a substance abuse issue using an opioid and over 20,000 people died from opioid-related drug overdoses - Abuse of opioid drugs has become epidemic in the United States. Source: National Center for Health Statistics, CDC - This growing problem may be due to increased prescribing of medicines by doctors and online pharmacies dispensing prescription drugs without requiring a prescription. Criminal behavior might accompany the fears and obsessive nature of addictions. If a person alters a drug prescription, it is a felony. This means the crime could result in a prison sentence.A growing public health issue is antibiotic resistance, which has resulted from the misuse and overuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics only effectively treat bacterial infections (Figure 11). Antibiotics are not effective against viral infections. Antibiotic resistance means that harmful bacteria are changing in a way that renders the antibiotic ineffective against them. According to the FDA, "examples of the types of bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics include the species that cause skin infections, meningitis, sexually transmitted diseases, and respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia." The FDA - Antibiotics are effective against bacterias but are ineffective against viruses. The overuse of antibiotics in recent years has led to bacterial strains that are resistant to antibiotics. This makes it difficult to effectively treat bacterial infections.

Government Health Care Programs

At the beginning of the 20th century, health care insurance in the United States didn't exist as we know it today. During the 19th century, some employers, unions, and fraternal organizations created "sickness funds" to which workers contributed a percentage of their wages. If a worker became sick or injured, he would receive 60 percent of his wages. By the beginning of the 20th century, the federal government estimated that 20 percent of workers were covered by these kinds of insurance plans.Between 1910-1915, 32 states passed legislation that created workers' compensation insurance programs. These laws made employers responsible for workplace injuries and enabled employers to buy insurance from the state. However, efforts by some states to expand compulsory insurance programs failed.Instead, private health insurance took root, starting with hospital service plans, which charged people a small monthly fee to cover future hospital costs. Later groups of physicians and other health providers offered pre-paid group practices to workers and their families. During the 1940s, the availability of employer-paid health insurance expanded under programs funded by employers. Employers used health insurance as a benefit to attract workers and it was a bargaining chip for the growing labor unions. It was during the 1940s and 1950s that the employer-paid health insurance that is central to today's health care system took root.

Medicare and Medicaid

By the 1960s, almost all insurance premiums were based on the health risk of the insured. That is, people who had a low risk of getting sick paid less while people who had higher risk paid more. The elderly and people with health problems had to pay more for insurance, if they could afford it.During this time, many disabled people, families with children, pregnant women and low-income working people could not afford medical care. Approximately half of all seniors were uninsured. Without health insurance, people feared that an illness or an injury could lead to poverty.In 1965, the U.S. Congress passed laws that created the Medicare and the Medicaid insurance programs. Medicare started as an amendment to the Social Security Act. It provides health insurance benefits to retired people 65 years and older, people under age 65 with disabilities, and people of all ages with End-Stage Renal Disease. Medicaid provides health insurance and medical care for those with low incomes and those with exceptionally costly medical bills. Both Medicaid and Medicare cover over 100 million people, 1 of every 3 Americans.

Chi Gong

Chi Gong is a form of standing meditation and exercise that primarily involves acupuncture points. It is believed that Chi Gong restores the flow of chi in the meridians much as acupuncture does.


Chiropractic has been practiced for over 100 years but has had a difficult time being accepted in the medical community. The basic premise of this form of health care is that proper alignment in the spine and musculoskeletal system promotes overall general health in the individual (Figure 14). Problems in these areas will cause deterioration in health. Manual manipulation of the spine and other joints by the chiropractor can offer relief of pain and restore normal function. Done by a qualified professional, these manipulations are safe.Chiropractors often also use acupuncture and other forms of treatment to benefit their patients. A basic philosophy of chiropractic is that if given the proper support, the body has the inherent capacity to heal itself. Doctors of chiropractic must complete a 4-year graduate program and pass the board examination for licensing. - Chiropractic focuses on proper alignment of the spine and other parts of the body's musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic adjustments can restore proper alignment and normal functioning.


Control over (epi) genetics: changes in gene expression from sources other than the DNA sequence w no accompanying change to the DNA - area of biomedical research that is challenging the whole concept of genetic determinism

Applied Kinesiology or Muscle Testing

Developed in 1964 by George J. Goodheart, applied kinesiology is a form of diagnosis used in concert with other forms of medical diagnosis. The practitioner applies manual pressure on the outstretched arm or leg of the patient. A problem is detected if the patient cannot hold the limb strong with the application of just light pressure.Chiropractors use this technique to assess low-back pain and problems, and problems in other areas of the body. It has also been used to identify allergies in children and adults. Medical doctors, nurses, physical therapists, neurologists, and oncologists also use muscle testing as a diagnostic tool.

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an emotional version of acupuncture. As emotional challenges are addressed, physical ailments are alleviated as well. EFT is a form of counseling intervention that utilizes ideas from acupuncture, neurolinguistic programming, and energy medicine. Gary Craig originated EFT and has written the EFT Handbook. In a typical EFT session, you focus on a problematic thought or feeling while tapping with your finger on a specified point on the meridians. While some people have had good results with EFT, it has not been established as a credible form of healing by psychologists.


Epigenetics is an area of biomedical research that is challenging the whole concept of genetic determinism. With the excitement of the Human Genome Project, it seems that many are of the mindset today that if we can just find the right gene we will have the answers to our problems. The underlying belief is that our DNA basically determines our well-being or lack of well-being. This is what is meant by genetic determinism.Epigenetic scientists have demonstrated that because the DNA in cells is not self-emergent, DNA needs a signal of some sort so that it can express itself. This means that something beyond the DNA selects, modifies, and regulates gene activity. The signals or triggers can be just about anything in the environment such as chemicals, hormones, frequencies, thoughts, or feelings. These triggers regulate the gene activity but do not alter the DNA sequencing (Figure 4). There is so much yet to be discovered by this new direction in science. In 2008, there were 16,000 papers published in the field of epigenetics. This is 40 times the number of studies reported less than 10 years ago. - Epigenetic scientists are studying the signals that activate specific genes in our DNA. Such signals or "triggers" can range from chemicals and hormones to frequencies, thoughts, or even feelings. - One study that has already become a classic in this emerging field was done by Dr. Randy Jirtle and Dr. Robert Waterland. Their research was done with agouti mice, so called because they carry the agouti gene. The mice are yellow, obese, and predisposed to diabetes and cancer. Jirtle and Waterland experimented to see if they could affect the offspring of a pregnant agouti without altering the DNA of the baby mice. They accomplished this feat by feeding the pregnant mouse a diet that shut down the expression of the agouti gene. She bore thin, brown, baby mice that had the same DNA as the fat yellow babies previously born to her. Another interesting aspect of their research was that their intervention could affect this change through multiple generations.Jirtle uses a computer analogy to describe the phenomenon of epigenetics. He likens the DNA to the hardware and the epigenome to the software. The epigenome is the energy signals and cellular components that act to either express the DNA or suppress the expression of the DNA. Lipton referred to a related group of researchers as signal transduction scientists. These scientists are exploring the cell membrane to better understand the complexities of the epigenome.To this point, an awareness from epigenetics and signal transduction scientists is that genes are "shaped, guided, and tailored by environmental learning experiences." The hardware (gene) is directed for good or ill by the software (epigenome). Lipton acknowledged that while he was studying the cell's brain (the membrane) and gaining an increased understanding of the human brain, Dr. Candace Pert in her "elegant experiments" was studying the human brain and gaining an increased understanding of the cell's brain. Lipton's Biology of Belief closely parallels the concepts of Pert's Molecules of Emotion. These new directions in science are giving us increased knowledge of the reality of the interactive nature of our whole being. This increased knowledge should also motivate us to be more confident that we can indeed create a healthy lifestyle for ourselves and for our posterity.

When you are selecting a health care provider, here are things that you can do:

Go to your university's health center, where you can be treated for illness or minor injuries, like a sprained ankle. The primary care providers there can refer you to a specialist if you have a medical condition that is more serious. If you have health insurance, the insurance company will likely have a network of physicians with whom it works. Check the company website or call to get a list of physicians near where you live. It is usually cheaper to go to a physician in your insurance company's network. Get referrals from friends or relatives and ask them why they like their doctor. What they say about their doctor will help you figure out if their physician is the right fit for you. Consider the health care provider's office hours, communication style, location, and approach to treatment (conservative versus aggressive). Does the health care provider promote wellness and prevention, or is he more focused on disease treatment? Being comfortable and open with your primary health care provider is important, so it is important that you find someone you trust and to whom you can talk.


Having completed this chapter, expected outcomes for you include: Experiencing the powerful effect that your beliefs have on all aspects of your life and dimensions of your being. Understanding epigenetics and realizing that your destiny, your health, and the positive aspects of your life are very much in your own hands. Considering possible benefits from complementary and alternative medicine in addition to conventional medicine. Developing the skills and making a commitment to being physically active now and throughout your life. Making your own commitment to living a healthy lifestyle.

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