What is Technology? test
Materials Technology impacts
Positive: able to reuse recycled materials to help the environment Negative: don't know how the materials will behave over long periods of time
Communication Technology impacts
Positive: digital cameras allow you to edit and print only the pictures you like Negative: computers, printers, and digital cameras make forgery and plagiarism easier
Agricultural Technology impacts
Positive: fertilizers can make plants produce more food per acre Negative: fertilizers have found their way into ground water, polluting good drinking water
Nanotechnology impacts
Positive: implanted sensors continuously sense and adjust medical treatment Negative: implanted sensors impede privacy
Biotechnology impacts
Positive: improves quality of life, vitamins, vaccines, medications Negative: side effects of some medications--nausea, shortness of breath, etc
Information Technology impacts
Positive: information is easy to access Negative: Harder to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources
Manufacturing Technology impacts
Positive: new products help to make our life easier and increase leisure time Negative: many industries use materials that can harm the environment
Construction Technology impacts
Positive: provides shelter, improves roads, creates employment opportunities Negative: noise and debris, traffic problems, accidents and injuries
Environment Technology impacts
Positive: recycling improve water and air quality Negative: recycling disposal of garbage is more complicated and time consuming
Transportation Technology impacts
Positive: traveling long distances faster Negative: accidents
Energy and Power Technology impacts
Positive: without energy and power, most technologies would not exist or work Negative: overuse of nonrenewable resources
Medical Technology impacts
Positive: x-rays make it easier to diagnose injuries Negative: too many x-rays can cause cancer
What is technology?
Products and processes created by engineers to move our needs and wants
What is the difference between technology and science?
Technology is the study of our human-made world and what can be, whereas science is the study of our natural world and what is
Construction Technology definition
builds structures that support loads and protect us from the environment
Manufacturing Technology definition
changes natural or synthetic materials into usable products
Environmental Technology definition
creates tools to minimize the effect of technology on the development of living things
Medical Technology definition
creates tools to treat disease and injury
Materials Technology definition
development of materials with outstanding combinations of mechanical, chemical, and electrical properties that make other advances possible
Energy and Power Technology examples
e.g. chemical (gasoline), mechanical (motion), hydraulic (uses a liquid)
Manufacturing Technology examples
e.g. clothing, vehicles, food
Transportation Technology examples
e.g. flight (airplane, rocket), land (train, subway, bicycle, car), vehicle (conveyer belts, pipelines)
Biotechnology examples
e.g. genetic engineering, bionics
Construction Technology examples
e.g. houses, bridges, roads
Environment Technology examples
e.g. hybrid vehicles, conservation, waste management (recycling)
Agricultural Technology examples
e.g. irrigation, food preservation, weed insect control
Medical Technology examples
e.g. lasers, prostheses, medications
Communication Technology examples
e.g. magazines, photography, video games
Materials Technology examples
e.g. mosquito repellent clothing, artificial skin graphs for burn victims, advanced building materials such as composite decking
Nanotechnology examples
e.g. sensors, nanobot, molecular manufacturing
Information Technology examples
e.g. television, internet, cell phones
Energy and Power Technology definition
energy is the ability or capacity to do work. power is the rate at which energy is transformed from one form to another
Communication Technology definition
giving or exchanging information
Nanotechnology definition
manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular level
Agricultural Technology definition
produces plants and animals for food, fiber, and fuel
Transportation Technology definition
provides a way for people, animals, products, and materials to be moved from one place to the next
Information Technology definition
the process of gathering and storing data to be used in various forms
Biotechnology definition
transforms living things into products or new forms of life