Who Were the Enlightenment Philosophers?

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3. What does Baron de Montesquieu's idea of "checks and balances" refer to?

3. "Checks and balances" refers to Montesquieu's idea that the separation of powers allows different parts of government to hold each other accountable, or 'check up' on each other. Since the power is distributed amongst different groups of people, no one group can gain too much power and become corrupt.

John Locke

-People are born equal with natural rights: life, liberty, property -government should protect peoples rights. - government should be made by the consent (opinion) of the people. -influenced Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

-People are born good, happy, free, and equal (but can be corrupted) - therefore people should be trusted to vote -people should have a social contract (Agreement) with the government -government should be a direct democracy

Thomas Hobbes

-People are born selfish, wicked, evil, bad, untrustworthy - Therefore, people need one strict ruler to keep everyone safer. (Absolute Monarchy)


-people are born equal, but society makes them corrupt and power hungry. -therefore, we need a government that has 3 branches to divide the power up. - separation of power


-people are born smart and free (to make their own decisions) -therefore, they should have a government that gives them as many rights as possible (Freedom of thought, freedom of religion, tolerance)

1. What were Baron de Montesquieu's views on government?

1. Baron de Montesquieu believed that power in the government should be divided amongst different groups of people. The laws should be made by one group (Legislative Branch), the laws should be interpreted by a separate group (Judicial Branch), and the laws should be carried out by another group (Executive Branch).

1. What does Thomas Hobbes believe about human nature?

1. Thomas Hobbes believes that people were naturally selfish and wicked. He believed that, without strong governments to control them, people would be constantly at war with one another.

2. What does Baron de Montesquieu's idea of "separation of powers" refer to?

2. "Separation of powers" refers to Montesquieu's idea that power in the government should be divided amongst different groups of people.The laws should be made by one group (Legislative Branch), the laws should be interpreted by a separate group (Judicial Branch), and the laws should be carried out by another group (Executive Branch).

2. What contributions did John Locke make to American government?

2. John Locke contribute the ideas of natural rights - "life, liberty, and property." Locke believed that the purpose of government was to protect these rights and that if the government failed to do so, people had a right to overthrow it. These ideas were the basis of American democracy.

2. What type of government did Thomas Hobbes believe in and why?

2. Thomas Hobbes believed in the need for an absolute monarchy. This is because he thought that there needed to be a strong ruler to keep citizens under control. Because of his strong views on human nature, Hobbes wanted a government in which the leader could impose order and demand obedience.

3. Which of John Locke's beliefs are reflected in the quote below? "The preservation of life, liberty, and property is the ultimate purpose of government. These absolute and natural rights belong to all people. It is clear than an absolute monarchy, which some men consider the only government in the world, is inconsistent with the purpose of society." - John Locke

3. The quote illustrates (shows) John Locke's ideas about natural rights because it explains that the governments role is to protect life, liberty and property. The quote also shows that Locke believes that humans are good and able to govern themselves. Because of this view, Locke did not like absolute monarchy and preferred the idea of self-government.

3. Which of Thomas Hobbes beliefs are reflected in the quote below? "During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man.

3. This quote shows Thomas Hobbes belief that society would be in chaos without a strong leader. The quote connects Thomas Hobbes views on human nature with why he advocated for such a powerful leader in government.

4. What impact did Rousseau have on world history?

4. Rousseau's idea that all people were equal and should have a say in the government inspired the French Revolution.

Enlightenment Definition

A period in history when human reason was valued. during this time, there were many new ideas about politics (govt.), human nature, science, and religion.

Mary Wollstonecraft

Human nature: -women are equal to men and can think! (even though if they are weak physically) - Humans were shaped by their environment (society) - Men + oppressive society --> corrupt women - education can improve them Government: -should protect women's rights - provide education for women - women must participate in society + politics - women must have representatives in government.

1. What does Jean-Jacques Rousseau believe about human nature?

1. Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that humans are born good, but are corrupted (made bad) by society.

1. What does John Locke believe about human nature?

1. John Locke believes that humans could learn from their experience and improve themselves. He believed that people had the natural ability to govern themselves and look after the welfare of society.

2. What were Jean-Jacques Rousseau's views on government?

2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that governments needed to get authority to rule from the people that they ruled. In other words, citizens of a country must give their permission to be ruled by a particular government. If they did not give their consent, the government was not acceptable.

4. What was Baron de Montesquieu's impact on modern government?

4. Montesquieu's principles of "separation of powers" and "checks and balances" were incorporated in the United States Constitution. The US has three branches of government, as Montesquieu recommended. (Congress leads the Legislative Branch, the Supreme Court leads the Judicial Branch, and the President and his or her team is the Executive Branch.)

3. What ideas were in Rousseau's book, The Social Contract?

3. In his book, The Social Contract, he argued that people make a contract with the government. People agree to give up some of their freedoms in order to receive benefits from the government.

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