Wildland 1

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Assign individual blame

A formal post incident critique should NOT be used to:

Only as a last resort to survive a fire entrapment

Fire shelters should be deployed:


Fire hydrants with an expected flow greater than 1,000 GPM will often be color coded

From the time they leave the station

Firefighters should begin to be vigilant to clues regarding the cause and origin of a fire:


Heat transfer by the movement of air is example of:

Local Knowledge

Knowing that a certain road in you jurisdiction is too rutted and narrow for you Type 1 engine would be an example of:

Large windows allow in more radiant heat than smaller ones

Part of structural triage includes the evaluation of windows because:


Playing fields, parks, golf course, or landscaped roadways are permanent ways of separating developments from the wildland and are often referred to as:

Concentrations of pesticides or other toxic chemicals

SCBA is heavy and provides only a limited amount of air, but it is required when fighting wildland fires near:

Dual gallonage combo nozzle

Select the nozzle that is available in 1 inch and 1 1/2 sizes and can produce anywhere from straight stream to a wide angle fog pattern.


The distance between the main fire and the wet line depends on all of the following EXCEPT


The fire is out and it's time to return to quaters. Identify the section that helps the IC demobilize resources in an orderly fashion:

A Penetrate

The water additive that breaks down surface tension and increases water's ability to soak into fibrous material faster is known as:

End up laying face down

There are several differences in the steps used to deploy a fire shelter in calm conditions versus windy conditions. However, the one step common to fire shelter deployment regardless of the conditions is that you should:

30/30 Rule

There is rule of thumb that states: When the interval between a ground flash and the thunder it produces is less than 30 seconds, take precautions against being struck for at least 30 minutes after the thunder cloud passes.

Already burned structures

There will be time when you simply do not have enough resources to protect everything. When trying to assign limited resources, all of the following should be high on your priority list EXCEPT

If you cannot stay out of the smoke

Under what circumstances should you use filter mask or other respiratory protection:

To prevent burning embers from entering the cab

What is the BEST reason for keeping the windows of an apparatus rolled up?

500 Gallons

What is the minmum water tank capacity for structural pumper?

First Responder, First Aid, and current CPR certification

What level of medical training is required at the Wildland Firefighting 1 Level?

Class A

What type of foam are you most likely to use for a wildland fires due to its excellent penetrating capabilities?

Attempt to identify the material by using binoculars

When fighting a fire in a wildland environment you see in the distance a fenced in areea with large cylindrical tanks. You are already uphill and upwind of the area. The first step you should take is:

Relay Pumping

When forcing water uphill, the best solution for overcoming back pressure is to use:

With a large white or orange T

When marking a paracargo drop zone, how is the drop point identified?

Keep hoselines as short as possible

When performing mobile attack on the fire's edge:

No more than 2 degrees

When preparing a winch, how many degrees to either side of the center line of the drum should you park the vehicle?

Direct traffic to prevent accidents

When smoke related traffic problems occur, you are often at the scene before law enforcement. What is the First thing you should do in this situation?

Structural firefighters should look for training opportunites with wildland firefighters

When tasked with wildland/urban interface fire suppression duties are:

Know the location of escape routes and safety zones

When the warning is signaled of an approaching fire, identify a personal survival technique that might save your life:

Using a drip torch for visibility

When visibility is poor, spotters should take all of the following safety precautions EXCEPT:

Behind the fire in the black

When you have started a firing operation, the ignition device should remain:

Three portable fire extinguishers

All of the following are NFPA 1906 Minimum requirements for portable equipment on wildland fire apparatus EXCEPT:


All of the following are common types of dozers EXCEPT:

Respiratory equipment

All of the following are considered part of the Minimum wildland fire fighting PPE EXCEPT:

Repair cracked or loose tool heads with glue or sealant

All of the following are proper care methods for hand tools EXCEPT:

Mandate filter mask to use to prevent CO exposure

All of the following are ways for a supervisor to minimize your exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) Except:

Use a tree for shelter from a retardant drop

All of the following precautions about drop zone safety are TRUE EXCEPT:

Crouch down while using a drip torch to insure ignition

All of the following statements about firing operations are true EXCEPT

Always use an undercut line for downhill lines

All of these are TRUE guidelines for downhill fireline construction and hose lays EXCEPT?

Type 2

An engine with a minimum crew of three, a 500 gpm pump, and 1,000 feet of 2 1/2 inch hose, or larger is a:

Drop tank

At the fire, water tenders normally dump water into?

Clearly identify escape routes and safety zones

Before starting backfiring or burning out operations:


Competely removing vegetation with heavy equipment is an example of managing fuels through the use of:

Strike Force, Task Force

Complete the following sentence with the correct set of terms. "______________ consist of all the same type of resource while a ____________ consists of any combination of resources".

High energy

Compressed air foam system (CAFS) are classified as what type of foam system?

Nurse Tender

Connecting a water tender directly to an engine to increase its attack capabilities is referred to as what type of operation?

Fire intensity and ROS are generally greater

Do you know how time of day impacts fire intensity and rate of spread (ROS) from midday until sundown?


Do you know what to do when you observe unsafe situations at a wildland fire? Identify the name of the mechanism that is in place to report and correct such situations:

Hard suction line

Drafting requires a:

Turned with the slope

During mop-up operations on a slope, if possible, logs near the fireline should be:

20 feet

Even if a pump is maintained in good condition, most fire apparatus can only draft from approximately:

100 gallons (400 L)

Except when you're operating in the black, how much water should be reserved in the apparatus tank for protection for the engine and crew?

105 degree field of view

Eye protection must meet the standard contained in ANSI Z87.1. According to this standard, the eye protection device you use must afford a:

Computer based fire modeling programs

Identify a means of developing a model of expected fire behavior:

When apparatus is parked and the engine is turned off

Identify a situation where it is appropriate to turn off apparatus headlights:

Reducing standing fuels by mowing or thining

Identify a way that fuel breaks can be used to manage fuel:

Fire is burning uphill, in a chimney, drainage, or a steep slop in deceptively light fuels

Identify conditions that are common denominators of fire behavior on tragedy fires:

Provides a backup line in case one fails

Identify the BEST reason for deploying two attack hoselines from each engine assigned to structure protection in the interface:

Fireground safety trumps the chain of command

Identify the TRUE statement below.

Low Energy

Identify the foam system that relies on the fire pump to provide pressure to flow the foam solution to the nozzle:


Identify the organizational element responsible for determining overall incident objectives


Identify the percentage of all wildland fires that are controlled by well planned initial responses:

Centrifigual, Priming Device

Identify the set of terms that BEST completes the following sentence. "When drafting with a ________ pump, you must use a _________ to create a vacuum.

Smoldering, Free Burning

Identify the set of terms that BEST fills in the blank in the following sentence. " A ___________ fire burns without flame while a ____________ fire burns rapidly and unchecked.

Power take off (PTO) pump

Identify the system that gives you pump and roll capabilities but determines pump pressure by the speed of the engine.

Midship transfer drive

Identify the system type that provides the greatest pumping capacity:

Span of Control

Identify the term describing the ability to manage a certain number of subordinates:


Identify the type of eye protection that provides the greatest amount of protection against foreign objects contacting or entering your eyes:


Identify the type of map to look at if you wanted to find out how steep the slopes of a certain canyon were:

Personnel Accountability

If different units work against each other, they could put each other in jeopardy. The ICS component that helps prevent this problem is:


If your IC is acting as the incident safety officer (ISO), you are probably engaged in what kind of attack?

Foam solution before it is discharged from the hoseline

In a compressed air foam system (CAFS), the compressor adds air to the:

Your position is over run by fire

In addition to attack lines, engines should have additional 1 1/2 inch hose line long enough to reach all the way around the engine. The best reason to have this extra hose line is in case:


In general, tractor plows cut a __________ swath than bulldozer.


In order to stop burning materials from rolling into unburned fuels, a control line built on a slope below a fire should be:

Rely on the fire pump to provide pressure to flow the foam solutions to the nozzle

Low energy foam system differ from high energy systems in that they:

Direct attack

Mobile attack is an example of:

Finance/ Administration

On large incidents, identify the section that may include units dedicated to time tracking, procurement, and cost analysis:

1/2 mile (0.8) per hour

Over moderate terrain in medium fuel, a dozer can construct a single pass fireline at approximately.

Quickly attack the flanks and/or the head of the fire

The BEST way to protect natural resources during a fire is to:

Helicopters drop water from a very low altitude on hot spots

The IC has decided to use aircraft to attack localized hot spots in close support of ground crews. The strategy the IC will MOST likely us in this situation is to have:

Personnel accountability

The ICS component that involves check-in, resource tracking, and assignment lists is:

125 Gallons

The NFPA standard on wildland fire apparatus requires them to carry a minimum of how much water?

NFPA 1906

The NFPA standard that covers wildland fire apparatus is:

Burning Out

The act of intentionally setting a fire to uninvolved fuels within the control line and between an approaching fire front to strengthen the control line is known as:

Drain Time

The amount of time it takes for a given amount of foam solution to drain from the foam mass is known as:

Intensity diminishes and crew regain control

The incident commander (IC) has stopped firing operations because it has become too intense for crews to control. Backfiring operations may resume when:

Control Line

The part of a wild land fire that consist of any and all constructed or natural barriers and the treated fire edge used to control a fire is known as the:


The tank partitions on water tenders are referred to as:


Which of the following plays the smallest role in Wildland fire spread?

Announce power lines down to alert personnel that a line is down

Which of the following statements is TRUE when fire fighting near downed power lines?

Water Shuttle

Which of the following water tender operations makes use of portable drop tanks?

Automatic controls may be programmed to periodically reenergize it in an attempt to restore service

Why is a deactivated power lin dangerous?

Close tightly around your wrists

Wildland gloves must meet the standards contained in NFPA 1977, according to this standard gloves must:

Each crew leader and leaders of engine crews

With regard to the on duty list, who should have a copy of the list?

Attack spot fires while they are still small by fully extinguishing or containing them

You are defending a structure that is in the spot fire zone of a Wildland fire. A control line has already been established around the structure but spotting-zone fires are possible. Identify the appropriate strategy for this situation:

Low expansion foam solution

You are involved in a mop-up operation in heavy fuel. What characteristics are you calling for in your foam?

A distance equal to one span between the poles

You have encountered a down power line and are uncertain that the power has been turned off. How far should you stay away from the downed power line?

Backpack pump

You may need to attack small fires and hot spots and to overhaul areas that are not within reach of hoselines. Identify a form of portable fire extinguisher that carries plain water or a foam and water solution:

2 to 1

Your crew leader or supervisor schedules work breaks for you as the work and working condition dictate. In general, the work to rest ratio should be:

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