WMST 101: Midterm

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Family and Medical Leave Act

Legislation providing 12 unpaid weeks of leave (assuming no other family medical emergency already used up this leave). Companies with fewer than 50 paid employees are exempt from this.

Traditions and Customs

These are practices that have shifted and changed despite seeming timeless or constant.


These change culture by changing their practices, ideas, perspectives, and commitments.


These include birth control/contraception, abortion, choice to reproduce, rights to children, healthcare, etc. These are reproductive ___________

chromosomal differences

1 out of 1,000 babies are born with ____________. -can be in deviations from xx / xy patterns, such as xxy, etc., manifest in ambiguous reproductive organs, be shown in production and levels of testosterone, and be completely unknown unless medical intervention occurs

14th Amendment

1868 Amendment to the United States Constitution -Overturned Dred Scott vs Standford (1857) legislation and granted African Americans citizenship. -Includes a Due Process Clause that prohibits government from depriving persons of life, liberty, or property without certain steps being taken to ensure fairness.


Refers to social roles given to people with "male" and "female" bodies to make them men and women.


Refers to the attributes of the body

Temperance Movement

Related to the first wave of feminism, this movement developed in the context of industrialization and urbanization as well as rural economic struggles. Major points included: 1. Control over household finances 2. Seeking to end domestic abuse

Anti-War Movement

Related to the first wave of feminism, this movement sought an end to World War I.

Abolitionist Movement

Related to the first wave of feminism, this movement split the Women's Movement over the 15th Amendment and sought equality for African-Americans and an end to slavery. Major points included: 1. Universal suffrage 2. Equality and freedom (proto-Civil Rights activism)


Reproductive rights were a central issue during _____ wave feminism. Reproductive rights were linked to educational and professional opportunities. Reproductive rights made visible and protested the forced sterilizations and other methods to stop some women from reproducing.

social construct

The ways society determines categories and assigns meaning to those categories; these categories can include gender, race, sexual identity, social class, nationality, etc. The ideas produced in societies in a particular time and place.


"In 2011, only 11 percent of private sector workers and 17 percent of public workers reported access to paid maternity leave through their employer. " Of these, only ______ of first-time mothers can take paid leave when they give birth.

Title IX

"_____________ is a law passed in 1972 that requires gender equity for boys and girls in every educational program that receives federal funding." Federal funding includes any kind of federal financial aid to students, money for athletics, funding for accessibility services, etc. (not just sports) Coverage includes: 1. Access to Higher Education 2. Athletics 3. Career Education 4. Education for Pregnant and Parenting Students 5. Employment 6. Learning Environment 7. Math and Science 8. Sexual Harassment 9. Standardized Testing 10. Technology

slut shaming

(Attitude) if women do have sex with men, then they are viewed (sometimes) positively for being sexually available, but mostly are viewed as sluts, loose, sexually available, as whores/prostitutes, as deserving of sexual violence, as legitimate targets of social censure, etc.

Virgin Mary complex

(Attitude) if women don't have sex with men, they are simultaneously valorized and accused of being cold, frigid, scared, timid, controlling a problematic sexuality.


-Every culture on earth organizes sex, sexuality, and _________ on a social level - or attempts to. -Women have always taken measures to control their own _______, at times resisting how society seeks to organize and control women's _________, and there is no reason to believe that women will stop resorting to these measures, legal or not.

Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments (1848)

1. Authored by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. 2. Mirroring the language and form of the Declaration of Independence (also used analysis of human freedom from abolitionist movement). 3. Arguing that women were denied full personhood in society without complete citizenship rights (voting, property, child custody, divorce, professional occupation, etc.)

Ideas about Women in the First Wave- Cons

1. Belief in mental and intellectual inferiority 2. Fear that women would vote to close down saloons if they had the power to do so 3. Idea about women and domesticity (importance of why the West adopted the women's vote first) 4. Idea of the slippery slope: if women could vote, what other kinds of political and social power would they desire next?

Ideas about Women in the First Wave- Pros

1. Morally superior to men (religious morals) - the public sphere would benefit 2. More socially responsible and conscious than men - children's issues, etc. 3. Less likely to become corrupted 4. Important for swaying important political votes...

western states

1915- Women in _____________ were granted the vote first because in the land grab the white pioneers needed every body to count in order to claim more land. Also, because women did more manual labor that was similar to the labor of men on farms, etc, there were slightly more liberal ideas about women's labor and rights.

2nd Wave of Feminism

1960s - 1980s 1. ACCESS: Educational Opportunities, Workplace Opportunities, Fertility Control. 2. Corresponded with Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam Protests. 3. Included the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment), Miss America Parody in 1968-1868 in Atlantic City, NOW (National Organization for Women), The BITCH Manifesto, and eco-feminism

Griswold vs. Connecticut

1965 Supreme Court Case: Allowed married couples to have access to contraception without proving medical necessity. Based on the right to privacy.

Loving vs Virginia

1967 Supreme Court Case: Challenged anti-miscegenation laws, legalizing inter-racial marriage. Based on issues of access to equal rights.

Roe vs. Wade

1973 Supreme Court Case: Legalized abortion during the 1st trimester of pregnancy and legalized abortion during the 2nd trimester that was based on the pregnant woman's health. Based on the right to privacy: -The privacy protected here is under debate. The original understanding was that the pregnant woman's privacy of choice was protected, but there is also an understanding that the doctor's right to privacy as a medical practitioner is protected. -It has been subject to amendments and attempted amendments since it passed. -After viability of the fetus (the likely ability of the fetus to be able to survive outside and separated from the uterus), the potential of human life could be considered as a legitimate state interest, and the state could choose to "regulate, or even proscribe abortion" as long as the life and health of the mother was protected.

3rd Wave of Feminism

1990s-Present 1. Revived after the anti-feminist backlash of the 1980s. 2. Part of the larger movements to question social categories, to focus on identity issues, and to continue larger fights for civil rights and general social equality. 3. Post-colonial and post-modern, destabilized constructs, ambiguity and performance vs. reality, feminism(s)

1st Wave of Feminism

19th - 20th Century 1. Voting Equality as an avenue to increased rights for women, equal to those of men. 2. Corresponding with labor rights movements, suffrage for African Americans, and temperance movements.

Lawrence vs Texas

2003 Supreme Court Case: Invalidated sodomy laws Based on the right to privacy

The Personal is Political

A frequently heard feminist rallying cry, especially during the late 1960s and 1970s. The exact origin of the phrase is unknown and sometimes debated. Many second-wave feminists used the phrase "_________________" or its underlying meaning in their writing, speeches, consciousness-raising, and other activities. This concept has to do with both understanding political forces and their impacts on daily lives and choices while also breaking down the silence around the private/public dichotomy when it comes to issues like reproduction and sexuality.


A movement for social equality that centralizes women and girls, but which seeks greater justice, opportunity, and equality for all people.


A reductive idea of what a __________ is ties into the simplification of identity categories - particularly those categories marked by oppression - encouraged by patriarchy.

birth rates

According to Betsy Hartman, high ________ may be a signal that people's survival is endangered. High __________ can stem from lack of social safety net (more children=security), son preference, high infant and child mortality rates, subordination of women, etc.


According to Hesketh et al., reasons for ____ preference in some countries include higher wage-earning capacity, continuing the family line, taking responsibility for parent care, cultural reasons, etc. This ____ preference may be responsible for increased sex-selective abortions and a male surplus in the reproductive age group.


According to Patricia Hill Collins: We often understand our own oppression, but we often don't see our own _________ or how our thoughts and actions "uphold someone else's subordination."


According to Patricia Hill Collins: ____________ is situational and contextual; "Race, class and gender may all structure a situation but may not be equally visible and/or important in people's self-definitions."


According to Patricia Hill Collins: Move away from "_______ analysis of oppression" -Involves dichotomous thinking which is part of the problem -We have "both/and" identities, where we hold multiple identities in any given moment, not "either/or" identities. -We have to understand our own "both/and" identities to recognize other people's oppression and our own privilege.


According to Patricia Hill Collins: Move away from "________" differences Dominant / subordinate analyses overlook the ways in which different kinds of privilege and oppression work together.


According to Patricia Hill Collins: We have to build empathy towards other points of view without _____________.


According to Silliman et al., the mainstream, mostly white reproductive rights movement's emphasis on individual _________ obscures social context and state power.

Doctors, industrialists, eugenicists

According to Susan Davis, these three key groups established male control of women's fertility during the Industrial Revolution: 1. __________ wanting to monopolize health care (especially from midwives); 2. __________ wanting more workers; 3. __________ wanting more reproduction in key groups of society.


According to author Judith Lorber, "for humans, the _________ is the natural."


Among many new movements during the 2nd Wave, including the Vietnam War protests, Civil Rights, Indigenous Rights, and Gay/Lesbian Rights, a question of ____________ emerged- which issues were most important for society to address?

Seneca Falls Convention (1848)

An early and influential women's rights convention, the first to be organized by women in the Western world, in Seneca Falls, New York. It spanned two days: 19 July 1848 and 20 July 1848. New York women, upon the occasion of a visit by Philadelphia-based Lucretia Mott, a Quaker famous for her oratorical ability, planned the event. Mott's oratorical ability was rare for this era during which women were often not allowed to speak in public. Female Quakers local to the area organized the meeting along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a skeptical non-Quaker.


Angela Davis argues that domestic population policy of the United States, which has included forced sterilizations and other measures, stems from the problematic history of ___________.

Susan Davis

Author of "Contested Terrain: The Historical Struggle for Fertility Control"

Laura Hershey

Author of "Disabled Women Organize Worldwide"

Betsy Hartmann

Author of "Family Matters"

Tamara Mann

Author of "Heartbeat: My Involuntary Miscarriage and 'Voluntary Abortion' in Ohio"

Amartya Sen

Author of "Missing Women- Revisited"

Allan G. Johnson

Author of "Patriarchy in Short"

June Jordan

Author of "Report from the Bahamas"

Angela Davis

Author of "Reproductive Rights"

Carole Vance

Author of "Social Construction Theory"

Judith Lorber

Author of "The Social Construction of Gender"

Martha Rampton

Author of "The Three Waves of Feminism"

Leslie Feinberg

Author of "We are All Works in Progress;" argues that gender is not simply a social construct, but "the poetry each of us makes with the language we are taught."

Hesketh et al.

Authors of "Consequences of Son Preference and Sex-Selective Abortion in China and other Asian Countries"

Silliman et al.

Authors of "Women of Color and their Struggle for Reproductive Justice"

Belva Lockwood

Before women had the vote, this woman ran for the presidency in 1884 and 1888.

CARASA (Committee for Abortion Rights and Against Sterilization Abuse)

Beginning as CESA (Committee to End Sterilization Abuse), this organization worked on reproductive justice issues such as abortion and sterilization abuse, building some unity across race/class lines and with lesbian activists

The Feminine Mystique

Betty Friedan's 1963 book: 1. Challenged the idea that women should be relegated to "bored housewives" and advocated that [white, middle class, educated] women were wasting their intellect and potential at home. 2. Credited with sparking the 2nd Wave in the US

Sisterhood is Global

Book published by Robin Morgan in 1984 as a compilation of articles on global feminism. Key ideas of the book are that there are key oppressions all women face, international feminism is one movement, and that there is an understood set of experiences that define who/what a "woman" is. (Not an example of an intersectional feminist approach).


Cost per month for day care in Chapel Hill alone

August 18, 1920

Date that the 19th Amendment was ratified, which gave women suffrage. World War I ended in 1918, ending one of President Wilson's main reasons for not wanting to push through the Women's Vote - i.e. didn't want to rock the boat during war time despite many feminist protests and activist activities.

"Ain't I a Woman?" (1851)

Delivered by Sojourner Truth, 1851 Women's Convention, Akron, Ohio Revealed the contradictions and assumptions about citizenship, personhood, and gender identity - i.e. the social difference in being a white, middle class woman, and being an African-American woman who was an emancipated slave turned activist.


Doctors frequently advise parents to "correct" for ambiguous genitalia via surgery and hormone treatment in order to create a "clearly" sexed body - male or female. This means that parents and doctors have to choose which sex to favor - usually doctors advise choosing _________.

fertility assistance

During the 3rd wave (and before) there is an upsurge in medicalized ________________. -Assistance to married couples who weren't getting pregnant -Assistance to lesbian couples with artificial insemination -Assistance to single women who desire children -Often expensive services that the U.S. expects individuals to pay for; not the same in some pro-natalist countries.

Two-Spirit (Mostly Southwest)

Examples include the nadle within Navajo culture and lhamana in the Zuni culture; exemplified an embodiment of the spiritual belief of male and female balance and harmony. These people often were mediators for their community. Once held social and religious importance, often acted as healers or as religious leaders. Usually a female spirit (or nature) in a male body. Wears both masculine and feminine identified clothing, and does a mix of gendered work. NOT necessarily associated with homosexuality; example of cross-cultural gender categories.

biological fact

First of two primary theories about how we should think about sex: There are 2 sexes, and everyone fits into one of these 2 categories with a few unusual abnormalities/exceptions.

Labor Secretary from 1933-1945, 1st Woman appointed to a US Cabinet

Francis Perkins


Group in India and Pakistan; Viewed as neither men nor women, but as a distinct gender category. _______ are often castrated. Before European colonialism, ______ had a respected social and religious role, and ceremonial responsibilities at weddings and at the birth celebrations Currently, _______ are highly marginalized, are often bullied as children which leads to dropping out of school, and find work as performers, singing at ritual events (weddings), and as sex workers; example of cross-cultural gender categories.


Humans live in a world that we understand entirely through _________ (or the social).

Third Gender

Identity group recently allowed access to citizenship cards in Nepal; example of cross-cultural gender categories.

white women

In 1851 when "women" were referenced in politics the reference was to _____________, and the fight against slavery focused on African American men.

paid maternity leave

In 2011, only 11 percent of private sector workers and 17 percent of public workers reported access to ______________ through their employer.

50, 26

In the US, almost __ percent of families had two working parents in 2010, and __ percent of households were headed by single parents.


In the US, the focus on Reproductive Politics has primarily been on issues of _________: 1. ________ to safe and legal abortions 2. ________ to the morning after pill 3. ________ to birth control 4. ________ to health, legal, and social services necessary to make decisions about fertility and reproduction.


In the ______ wave of feminism, political and social access to reproductive rights continued to be fought for. Concerns over safe sex and sexual health arose with the emergence of HIV and its link to other STIs, the importance of sexual health for increasing numbers of women becoming sexually active before marriage, and making different kinds of reproductive choices within marriage, and there continues to be a growing awareness of the role of health insurance and other benefits for both mothers and young children.

Santhi Soundarajan

Indian Middle Distance Runner Her silver medal from the 2006 Asian games was revoked after Gender Testing showed that she had male sex characteristics which she was unaware of until receiving the results. In 2007, she attempted suicide. Currently works as an athletic coach and is accepted by her family and social networks as female.

Audre Lorde

Intersectional feminist writer and activist who wrote: "The oppression of women knows no ethnic nor racial boundaries, true, but that does not mean it is identical within those differences." She acted as a huge influence on Patricia Hill Collins as well. Some of her works include Sister Outsider, "An Open Letter to Mary Daly," and "There is No Hierarchy of Oppressions."

Patricia Hill Collins

Intersectional feminist writer who published the influential book Black Feminist Thought in 1990. She set up a framework of influential, radical, and important African- American women writers/thinkers to discuss the structure of Black Feminism. In the process, she gave a very important understanding of intersectionality.

Dorothy Allison

Intersectional feminist writer who talks of the shame and the desire to disappear as someone among the extremely poor in her essay "A Question of Class." Her writing includes themes of class struggle, sexual abuse, child abuse, feminism and lesbianism. She is a self-identified lesbian femme.


Key idea of third wave feminism: Everyone has ________, and we are all shaped by society's determination of what our __________ "is."

social critique

Key idea of third wave feminism: The importance of ______________ in new forms: Riot Grrrl, Zines, Entrepreneurship (3rd Wave Foundation), the arts (making movies, music, etc.)


Key idea of third wave feminism: _________ isn't a large, unified movement, but a series of movements where "equality" takes on specific meanings.

The Combahee River Collective Statement

Key text of second-wave feminism penned by the Combahee River Collective; used intersectional framework to discuss interlocking systems of oppression and Black feminism; topics include the genesis of Black feminism, core beliefs, problems in organizing Black feminism, and issues/projects

Gender Gap Index (GGI)

Measure of gender development from the UN; compares access to resources across gender lines

Gender Development Index (GDI)

Measure of gender development from the UN; compares literacy, life expectancy, and income weighted across gender disparities

SRB (Sex Ratio at Birth)

Measure of number of boys born to every 100 girls


Number of Women's Studies programs in the United States.


Number of Women's Studies programs internationally.


Number of weeks of paid maternity leave provided by the United States.


One of the biggest concerns of the 2nd wave of feminism (same keyword throughout): 1. __________ to higher education and the opportunities in the work place that require higher education. 2. __________ to contraception in order to control fertility in order to stay in university, in jobs, etc. without having to leave to care for children. 3. __________ to Equal Rights as women, but also in the context of the many other equal rights movements happening at the same time as the Women's Movement - Identity Politics and Equality.


Our society promotes the idea that we all operate in a world where _______ is an uncompromised set of options we rationally navigate among. This can be compromised when it comes to reproductive _________, especially in terms of sterilization abuse, mental health/physical conditions making pregnancy dangerous for mother and child, lack of capacity for child care, etc.


Patriarchy does not mean that _____ (as individuals or as a group) are personally responsible for the oppression of women. We all participate in the system, which is larger than our individual actions or beliefs, but we all have to take responsibility for the system and how it operates.


Percentage of US counties not served by an abortion provider in 2005.

Simone de Beauvoir

Said this quote: "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman."

beauty norms

Second Wave of Feminism: Desire for women to have parallel and equal rights as men. Many feminists at this time challenged ______________ that were seen as sexist and restricting women's access to these equal rights.

sex, gender

Second Wave of Feminism: Separation of "______" and "_________" as categories and ways of understanding identity.

material on which gender operates

Second of two primary theories about how we should think about sex: Sex is our physical body that is determined by biology, etc. while gender is how society interprets the sexed body.

The Second Sex

Simone de Beauvoir's 1949 book: 1. Historical and philosophical examination of women throughout history 2. "One is not born a woman, but becomes one." 3. Credited with starting the 2nd wave feminist movement transnationally


Social construction of ____: we create a knowledge and value system around medical science that determines the characteristics and qualifications for each of the two sex-categories we have (male and female)


Social construction of _____: societies have a set of expectations for how men act, and for how women act with some margin of overlap but clear values informing how these categories are constructed (and then change).


Socially constructed categories have _____ based on how we distinguish what is included and excluded, and by the _____ given to one category over others. (We believe that these categories are absolute with clear borders; white vs black, gay vs straight, man vs woman, etc.)

Caster Semenya

South African Middle Distance Runner: Gender Testing occurred after complaints about her "masculine" appearance, and those tests determined that she had both male and female sexual characteristics. _________ had no womb or ovaries, according to the report, and had undescended testes, causing her to have triple the levels of testosterone of other female athletes. Semenya was cleared to compete as a woman in the 2010 after "treatments."

1st Women's Studies Program

Started in 1970 at San Diego State University because of student activism (along with civil rights and anti-war movements). Topics included political equality, and especially women's equality with men across society.


Term added to the title "Women's Studies" in the late 1990s and early 2000s, noting that this plays a role for everyone in society, not just women. Also impacts how we think about issues like "Violence Against Women."

Oberlin College

The first co-ed institution to enroll women and African Americans (1833).


The genitalia, internal reproductive organs, chromosomes, and hormones of the physical body. A person is "male" or "female" based on visual criteria (genitals, secondary sex traits), and medical determinations (internal reproductive organs, chromosomes and hormones). The "norm" is that women have xx chromosomes, while men have xy chromosomes.


The idea that oppressions are interlocking and inform one another (Combahee River Collective). Characteristic of the Second Wave of Feminism.


The process though which we continually assign and negotiate the values and meanings associated with differentiated categories of bodies, and through which we organize society. -A set of social values and ideals mapped onto specific bodies that we internalize and constantly work with -In Western society, it is assumed that if you have a male body you are a boy/man and that you exhibit masculinity, and if you have a female body that you are a girl/woman and that you exhibit femininity


The tax write off for children is much _____ for low-income families than for middle class and high-income families.

Margaret Sanger and Emma Goldman

These women were early leaders in the fertility control movement during the first wave of feminism; one from a eugenics/family limitation standpoint, the other from an anarchist/socialist standpoint.

add _____ and stir

This approach does not work. Real inclusion is harder, involves listening, and engaging in the hard work of shifting perspectives.

Women's Studies Approach

This approach is feminist, interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and emphasizes the similarities among women, but also asserts the important multiplicity of the way women view their gender identity and how they connect gender to their lived experiences.


This class is about how ______ might want to participate in changing our culture and participating in feminist movements to change global trends.

Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment

This committee authored the "Call for a New Approach," calling for new ways of conceiving ideas like "population control" and environmental degradation in less offensive and harmful ways


This includes fighting sterilization abuse, talking about "choice" in a social context, stereotypes about sexuality, government expenditures, STIs, women in prison, the age of consent, etc. These topics are considered under reproductive ________.

Separatist Action

This includes forming Women's Organizations, starting women's publications, women's history and scholarship projects (Women's Studies Programs), suggestions of communes and other separate social and political spaces for women. Characteristic of the Second Wave of Feminism.


This is a system that includes cultural ideas about gender hierarchies, that informs the unequal distribution of power across society, and rewards and privileges the forces of oppression that controls resources and access to power. This system is male-centered, male-dominated, and male-identified. It is a system focused on control (of people, of resources, of power, of the right to shape ideology and values, etc.).

Leslie Feinberg

This person is a transgender communist activist, speaker, and author. _________'s first novel Stone Butch Blues is widely considered a groundbreaking work about gender, and _________ is the author of the reading "We are All Works in Progress."

Beverly Guy-Sheftall

This person is the founding director of Spelman's Women's Research and Resource Center and the Anna Julia Cooper Professor of Women's Studies; example of intersectional feminist approach.

Alexandra Kollontai

This person was a Bolshevik and Soviet Ambassador to Norway; she questioned the primacy given to a Women's Movement when other oppressions appeared more significant to her, especially oppression based on class. She authored the reading "Feminism and the Question of Class"


This philosophy: 1. Is concerned with the liberation of women and girls from gender-based discrimination. 2. Understands that gender affects all people - women, men, transgendered, etc. - and seeks to address the interconnected elements that have adverse impact on society as a whole. 3. Is theory, activism, practice, and a social movement (or several social movements) 4. Is an approach that centralizes women and girls, but seeks to address social inequalities broadly.

Radical Feminism

This political philosophy often includes large public protests, individual acts of resistance and challenging social norms, pushing for political action. Characteristic of the Second Wave of Feminism.

Columbia University

This was the last university (accepting federal funds) in the US to go co-ed in 1983.

3rd Wave of Feminism

This wave of feminism is focused on questioning categories. 1. Redefining "gender" and the politics around gender categories, sexual identities, sexual practices, etc. 2. Re-thinking identity categories and politics 3. Redefining "feminine" in relation to feminism Use of make up, styles of clothing, reclaiming derogatory language as an act of empowerment, etc. 4. Extending feminism to a wider array of political issues 5. Focus on Questioning, Challenging, Increasing Inclusivity, and Broadening the Issues.

Sojourner Truth

This woman was a key figure of the first wave of feminism (also early example of intersectional approach). 1. Born Isabella Baumfree as an enslaved person in upstate New York 2. 1st language was Dutch (questions about the southern dialect that her speeches were transcribed as) 3. Escaped to freedom with her daughter in 1826 4. Enslaved people were fully emancipated in NY in 1827 5. Won a lawsuit against a white man to free her 5 year old son, Peter, from illegal sale after emancipation to a man in Alabama, and to reclaim her guardianship over him 6. Delivered the "Ain't I a Woman" speech in 1851 at the Ohio Women's Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

This woman was a key figure of the first wave of feminism. Her rebellion came mostly from within her class privilege. She was an American social activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early women's rights movement. Her Declaration of Sentiments, presented at the first women's rights convention held in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, is often credited with initiating the first organized women's rights and women's suffrage movements in the United States.

Susan B Anthony

This woman was a key figure of the first wave of feminism. She received support and education due to her family's Quaker beliefs. She was a prominent American civil rights leader who played a pivotal role in the 19th century women's rights movement to introduce women's suffrage into the United States. She was co-founder of the first Women's Temperance Movement with Elizabeth Cady Stanton as President. She also co-founded the women's rights journal, The Revolution. She traveled the United States and Europe, and averaged 75 to 100 speeches per year. She was one of the important advocates in leading the way for women's rights to be acknowledged and instituted in the American government.

CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women)

UN treaty adopted in 1979, ratified in 1981, which is a set of standards as a template for national policies, practical effectiveness mixed (US signed but did not ratify)

child care

We have no easily accessible, affordable, or subsidized __________ for children under 2 or 3 years of age.

paid maternity leave

Without guaranteed ________________, many working women face significant financial hardship by having to choose between their paycheck and their families.


Words like "slut," "whore," and "prude," work to ________ women's sexuality. Very few, if any, equivalents exist for men's sexuality.


Year that Women's Studies became a department at UNC.


Year that department name was changed to "Women's and Gender Studies" at UNC.


Year that the UNC Women's Studies Department began as the Curriculum in Women's Studies.


________ is always shaped under the influence of other identity factors, including class, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, etc. [Cultural factors]

Rebecca Walker

___________ (daughter of Alice Walker) cites Rodney King and Anita Hill as two public events that reignited her feminism. (Example of persistent racism and sexism in America)


_____________ goals of feminism (according to Carole Vance): 1. Attack gender system and its primacy in organizing social life; 2. Defend women as a group.


______________ asserts that men and women are explicitly and unalterably different, and that to create order in society one gender has to be elevated above the other/s. In this process, the "lower" gender is routinely devalued in the roles assigned to it. (This is a specific social system).


______________ is a process that is constantly changing and reconstituting itself through our actions. (This is a specific social system).


_______________ is the analysis of interlocking oppressions and privileges that creates someone's identity and understanding of the world; these are constantly shifting based on context and situation.

Women's Colleges

___________________ provided higher education to women from privileged settings equivalent to Ivy League colleges starting in the mid-to-late 1800s.

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