Word 1: Copy,Cut, and Paste tools
List the four steps in the copy and paste process
1. Select the information 2. Copy the information 3. Go to the desired location 4. Paste the information.
A storage area that temporarily stores the items for a user to paste in another location of the document or office file.
Where would you click to open the Navigation Plane?
Click "Find" on the home tab.
What are two important aspects of writing?
Correct spelling and proper grammar
How are clarity and conciseness issues indicated?
dotted underline
lists synonyms for words
words with similar meanings
List the 4 steps of the cut and paste process
1. Select the information 2. cut the information 3. go to the desired location 4. paste the information
Cut selected text
a blue underline
How are grammar errors that are not Auto corrected indicated in a document
a red underline
How are spelling errors that are not Auto corrected indicated in a document
When should you add a word to the Office dictionary verse ignoring it?
If you know you will use the word again.
What happens to original information when it is copied?
It creates a duplicate of the information.
What happens when the "ignore all" option is chosen from the spelling menu?
It ignores all flagged errors of the same type.
What is the benefit of manually running a spelling a grammar check on the whole document?
It is faster and takes you through every error.
What happens when the "Add to Dictionary" option is chosen from the Spelling menu?
It is then considered a valid spelling in all Office documents
Opens the navigation pane
Opens the replace tool
Paste what you last copied or cut
How can you view a list of corrections for possible errors?
Right click on the error.
What is the replace tool?
The replace tool allows you to find and replace text in your document.
What is the purpose of Find options?
They allow you to tailor how you want the Find tool to work for you
When would you need to use the Find tool?
To find specific information to change or update.