Working in Teams

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The attribute LEAST likely to be found in a team that is functioning in a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE manner is:


Which diagram would you use to show sub-tasks of a project?

Swim lane

Examples of Signal Types

Wifi, 3G, 4G

Which of the following is a good way to pay attention?

"listen" to the speaker's body language

True cohesive teams demonstrate? (3)

1. They trust one another.2. They engage in unfiltered conflict around ideas. 3. Hold each other accountable for delivering against those plans.

establishing ground rules in HIT are important because:

All are aware of what is needed to meet the team goals and outcomes

Def Communication

An observable exchange of info and subtle interactions of power, attitudes, and values/

An Example of an ineffectice role?


Examples of tools for interaction that are asynchronous

Basecamp, Sharepoint, Confluence

Important features of team members? (4)

Communication, Coordination, Distinctice Roles, Shared Norms.

Def Coordination

Embracing and incorporating member variety and different perspectives of members to accomplish a common goal.

Def Lack of collaboration

Every person for himself/herself; lose sense of unity or camaraderie on the team

T/F? A functional team can be leaderless.


T/F? One of the team's first steps is to define the recruitment plan for new members.


T/F? Teams should not disband, even when they have reached the performing stage.


Which diagram shows cause and effect?


Def Concurrent leadership

In an organization, more than one leader operating at the same time

Def Morale deterioration

Muted level of commitment and enthusiasm by other teams

What can exist in health care enviroments due to clinical responsibilities, tranining needs, and issues of patient safety and confidentiality

Potential for conflict

A shared mental model is key for team members primarily because ?

They all need to have the same understanding of the plan

T/F? Building a layer of trust within a team is crucial to a team achieving results.


The difference between a, "group," and a, "team," is

a team thinks, does, and reacts like a single entity.

The five key points to active listening include: pay attention, show that you are listening, defer judgment, and respond appropriately. What activity is missing from this list?

clarify what you heard

The use of reflecting back what you heard by paraphrasing is best described as a means to do which of the following?

clarify what you heard

sustaining high performance is possible by targeting the following activities?

develop a compelling saga, don't allow tools to run the team, build partnerships, engage in ultra preparation

The element of assertive communication that demonstrates interest and shows sincerity is?

eye contact

Characteristics of effective teamwork (3)

org structure, individual structure, team processes

When team members share leadership roles, the team is most likely to be in which one of the following stages?


Significant impact can be made on the success of a high performance team by doing ?

spend 3 percent of your work week designing and assessing performance on team ground rules and action plans

When the team leader is under pressure from more vocal team members, the team is most likely in which one of the following stages?


In order to communicate for results it is suggested that team members work on all but which of the following skills?

strong "we" statements

The value of the phrase to, "put your eggs in one basket," regarding high performance teams is best classified by which of the following statements?

teams should deal with challenges in a way that is unique and not follow the routine or processes of other teams

How might you decide if a problem-solving exercise would be better handled by an individual versus the team (or a portion of the team)? (2)

1. Assess the nature and complexity of the problem. 2.Determine if the problem is a single-focused question or request that a member of your team can address directly

desirable characteristics in a leader? (3)

1. Challenge and change 2.Generation of a critical mass 3. Having conviction

At a minimum teams need all of the following (3)

1. Clearly stated vision and goals 2. Clear understanding of team members roles and functions 3.A system of reinforcement and celebration

The, "Handoff," period is said to be one of the most dangerous times for a patient because? (3)

1. Communication sometimes fails during a handoff 2. Data is sometimes missing from the record 3. There is often times a lack of clarity about who is responsible for the patient

Mind mapping is used by many teams to? (3)

1. Improve note taking in team meetings 2. Promote creative problem solving 3. Support problem-solving

A leaders improperly thought out efforts can lead to the following? (3)

1. Increased negativity 2. Reduced team functioning 3. Reduced management credibility

Strategies to manage dysfunctional teams? (3)

1. Listen intently 2. Create a safe discussion space. 3.Collaborate on the best solutions.

To crystallize the underlying problems when you are dealing with dysfunctional teams, you could _____. (3)

1. Name the real problems that are causing the behavior. 2. Ask someone who is not part of your team to interview team members in confidence. 3. Try a web conference tool to enable anonymous input

Creating an action plan in your team building efforts helps to (3)

1. Prepare for team-building events 2. To provide the needed support and follow-up to ensure success 3. Have a lasting impact on your team's success

HIT guide rules for a team (3)

1. Project objectives are measurable 2. The project work plan is clearly defined 3.The project objectives can be achieve in a short term

Effective team building activities (3)

1. Workshops to enhance team communications and enhance the team's ability to manage conflict 2.Team celebrations to recognize and reward team milestones 3. Retreats to help the team examine and enhance its effectiveness

High- performance teams exhibit all the following dimensions

1. are developed by each and every team member working together 2.require high levels of individual commitment to tasks 3.all members have share in controlling the team

High-performance teams require a structure that includes the following

1. clear purpose, 2.specified tasks, 3. distinct roles

Leading a team into a successful future should include what activites. (3)

1. develop a sound strategic vision with adaptable processes 2. establish forums for immediate review and feedback 3. make use of cross discipline teams

Steps that can lead to successful change? (4)

1. increase urgency, 2. build the guiding team, 3. get the vision right, 4. communicate for buy-in

The importance of using "I" statements to appropriately express your needs and feelings may include (4)

1. indicate ownership, 2. do not attribute blame, 3. focus on behavior, 4. identify the effect of behavior

The advantages of assertive communication (4)

1. it helps us feel good about ourselves and others on the team 2. it leads to the development of mutual respect 3. it helps us achieve our goals 4. it minimizes hurting and alienating other people

High performance is described by the following

1. not a destination, but a goal to experience, 2. Preparation is key 3. will push the limits on team effectiveness

Reasons to use feedforward as a tool to improve team performance (4)

1. we can change the future, not the past 2. it is more productive to help people be "right" than prove they were "wrong" 3. it can come from anyone who knows about the task 4. people do not take feedforward as personally as feedback

Stages in a team life cycle (4)

1.forming, 2. storming, 3. norming, 4. performing

True of tools for collaborative document development

1.paper trails are replaced by immediate and permanent records 2. some people are initially discomforted by these tools 3. commitment is typically required from senior management

Good communication in a team requires ?

A high level of self-awareness

Def Compassionate leadership

A leader that extends uncompromising commitment to preserve the dignity of others

Def Social Relationships

A network within and beyond teams that enhance individuals access to strategic info, facilitate a btter understanding of teams tasks and increased belief in teams effectiveness

Which of the following is mainly used as a tool for synchronous collaboration?

Adobe Connect

Def Collaborative leadership

All members of the team advocate a point of view and believe they can contribute to the common good

A SWOT analysis can assist in creating a robust and multidimensional team. This is due in part to the strength of a SWOT in _____.

Allowing factors from outside of the organization and inside the organization to be assessed, therefore strategically pointing out different stakeholders to include on the team

Def Orientor

An individual who asks "what topic are we discussing?"

Def Summarizer

An individual who brings together everyone's ideas

Def Evaluator

An individual who determines the progress the group is making towards meeting their aims and goals

Def Initiator

An individual who is always starting something

Def Analyzer

An individual who takes a look at the group processes, the effectiveness of the entire team, and the quality of the individual and collective contributions.

Def Conflict MGMT

Any action taken to minimize the impact of dissention created when 2 or more values, prospectives, and opinions are contradictory in nature and havent been aligned or agreed about.

The BEST time to provide feedback after an incident is

As soon as possible after the event.

Using a "mind map" approach across a team is _____.

Best done by individuals initially rather than as a team

The best communication tool to get critical information to a specific individual during an emergency or complex procedure is:

Call out

Because leadership is shared in high-performance teams, individual members must contribute in all BUT which area?


Teams can be viewed as a 3 stage system that includes?

Input-resources teams use, throughout-care of internal processes, output-production of specific products

Situation modeling enhances the work of teams because?

It encourages the sharing of information and situational awareness across the team.

The TeamSTEPPS resource cites that medical error is enhanced by

Lack of clarity about who is responsible for decision-making

Def Constant crisis mode

Management team spends most of their time on fire-fighting instead of proactive planning for next generation products and services

Def Dictatorial leadership

Management that does not allow disagreements out of insecurity or arrogance

Def Collective leadership

Members of a group, motivated by a common purpose, begin to build relationships with each other that allow them to co-construct their shared purpose and work

Which tool is best suited for helping a team to think creatively by putting thoughts into a physical representation?

Mind mapping

In regards to TeamSTEPPS implementation as a three-phase project, phase two is primarily concerned with:

Planning, training and implementing

Perf. Feedback should inlcude? (4)

Provide timely and accuract info, use open communication channels, target team performance, focus on the future

Def Decision-Making

Setting a course of action or opinion of choice based on the common knowledge and skills of the team that is a sound solution to a problem, as unbiased as possible, and addresses goal.

Def Team (4)

Small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to common purpose, performance, goals, and approach.

Examples of Tools for collaborative document development

Socialtext, Kablink, Colaab

At which stage might a team splinter into subgroups, with members struggling for power and control?

Storming Stage

What does SWOT analysis stand for?

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

Mind maps are useful for several reasons, but key use include _____.

Summarizing information

Def No 360 degrees feedback

There is limited or no mechanisms in the team to obtain performance feedback from different levels (leadership to team members)

Def Cohesion

This attribe acknowledges members' personal attraction to the team and the task. Members'cooperate interdependetly around the teams's task in order to meet team goals.

Def Performance Feedback

This is accurate and timely information provided to the team about the teams expected and exhibited performance in order to maintain their effectiveness

T/F? Effective team members acknowledge and confront conflict.


T/F? In the changing face of teams, each team member is both a giver and a receiver.


T/F? Key objectives for a team should match the mission.


T/F? Leaderful concept describes situations where leaders serve at the same time and all together.


T/F? Teams are becoming central to high performing organizations.


T/F? Teams go through different stages before they perform optimally.


T/F? Teams that are lacking trust are incapable of engaging in unfiltered, passionate debate about key issues.


T/F? There are many leadership types and styles.


What is required by the leader of the team to build a team-building enterprise?

Understand that management may have to change, too, to build an effective team

Multi-team systems are common in healthcare because?

Various team members belong to various teams depending on the work at hand.

The ultimate final stage in the life cycle of teams is most commonly referred to as which of following?


When the team leader takes a more directive approach, outlining how the process will develop and laying down a clear structure, the team is most likely in which one of the following stages?


three main components of any team's work include

goal, methodology, resources

Important activities in the final stage of a team's life cycle should include all BUT which of the following?

ignore insecurities about moving on

One way to insure that teams enhance their ability to perform ?

invite constructive feedback and feedforward from team members

Providing feedback should follow these three rules: it should be timely, it should address the issue at hand, and only the issue at hand, and _____. What choice is the optimal response for the missing rule?

it should be seen as a two-way street

At a minumum, individual partcipation in teams requires? (4)

self-knowledge, trust, commitment, flexibility

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