World Geography

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Atlas Mountains

a mountain range in northern Africa between the Mediterranean and the Sahara Desert

Ural Mountains

a mountain range in western Russia extending from the arctic to the Caspian Sea This north-south range separates Siberia from the rest of Russia. It is commonly considered the boundary between the continents of Europe and Asia.


a republic in southeastern Europe that was formerly part of Yugoslavia


a republic in the western Balkans in south-central Europe in the eastern Adriatic coastal area


a resource base is the selection of raw materials available for domestic use and industrial development for a region

Europe: Rise of European Global Power

a. Capitalism origins Mediterranean and western Europe b. Mercantile Capitalism (gold and silver) began in 1418 in Portugal c. Era of colonialism and imperialism d. Potato and maize bigger yields


A large peninsula in southeastern Europe containing the Balkan Mountain Range,


A large, Greek island that sepereates the Mediterranian and the Aegean Seas from each other.

Mediterranean Sea

A large, almost landlocked arm of the Atlantic Ocean touching Europe, Asia, and Africa A large body of water bordered by Europe, Asia, and Africa A body of water north of Africa


A mountain range in Southern Euriope on the Iberian Peninsula. They form the border between Spain and France to the North. mountains that border france and spain


A republic in central Europe. A country just east of Germany


A republic of Western Europe 62 million, shaped like a hexagon, atlantic and mediterranean coast, scattered cities

Rhine River

A river in Western Europe that flows from eastern Switzerland into the North Sea.

Jordan River

A river that flows down from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea. This river plays an important role in the history of Israel.John the Baptist carried on his ministry here, and this is where Jesus was baptized. A body of water that was crossed to enter of Canaan Body of water which runs north to south through Israel; in a straight line, it would be 65 miles, but it is over 200 miles long due to its winding path a river in Palestine that empties into the Dead Sea

Seine River

A river that flows from eastern France northward into the English Channel


A vital strait connecting the Black Sea and the Mediterranean the strait between the Aegean and the Sea of Marmara that separates European Turkey from Asian Turkey Between Asia Minor and Macedonia. Surrounded by the Aegean Sea.


the small country int he Pyrenees mountains nestled between France and Spain


the volga river is frozen over during the winter months in Russia


- the southernmost and largest part of the island of Great Britain.

Caucasus Luxembourg




St. of Malacca



1. Natural Environment 2. No part more than 320 miles from coast 3. North Atlantic drift a.Western coastal countries have mild winters and warm summers 4. Mediterranean coastlands a.Winter-rain. Summer-drought.

Europe (15-17)

15. Microstates: Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein and Vatican 16. Demographic transition 17. Fertility below population replacement

Europe (5-10)

5. Interior winters can be severe. 6. Global warming and raising sea level a.Venice gradually subsiding. 7. Geologic variety a.Alps form highest ranges b.Pyrenees and Apennines part of range c.To north, mostly lowland 8. Long coastlines and navigable rivers a.British isles once part of continent b.Seas reach inland c.Estuaries, where river meet the sea d.River valleys facilitated trade e.Danube- longest but not in developed countries f.Rhine-worlds busiest 9. Fertile Soils a.River deposits and less in northern plains b.Fir and pine trees acidification 10. Urals-dividing line Europe and Asia


80 % of this country covers the Iberian Peninsula Christianized as part of the Roman Empire. Tradition has it that St. James the Greater/St. Paul brought religion to the land. Time of Christ - 700s (8th c.) Christianity flourished. Then Muslims conquered the territory until 1492 (Queen Isabella). In Europe


A Balkan republic in southeastern Europe. "developing" country in the Balkan Peninsula

Aegean Sea

A body of water by Mediterranean Sea that touches the borders of Greece & Asia Minor. It also has many islands in it, including Crete.


A kingdom located just north of Greece. It had a rough terrain and a cold climate. A region located north of Greece with cold climates and rough territory


A large Italian island in the Mediterranean Sea west of Italy, ruled by Carthage in 200s B.C.; later seized by Rome; the Kingdom, which included parts of mainland Italy, led the drive for Italian unification in the second half of the 1800s. An island in the Mediterranean west of Italy

Lake Victoria

Africa's largest lake which is located in a rift valley.

Lake Tanganyika

Africa's second-largest lake by area, it is also the second-deepest in the world, surpassed only by Lake Baikal.

Europe Area and Population

An appendage or a subcontinent of the worlds greatest landmass, Eurasia

Arctic Ocean

An ice-covered ocean north of the continents of North America and Eurasia. ice covered waters surrounding the north pole Coldest ocean Body of water that lies North of Alaska.


An island in the Mediterranean Sea off the southwest tip of the Italian peninsula - strong in the farming sector

Atlantic Ocean

An ocean extending west of North and South America and east of Asia and Australia An ocean bounded by North America and South America in the Western Hemisphere and by Europe and Africa in the Eastern Hemisphere.


Area in Central Europe that was divided up among many Princes. Although they were united under the Hapsburg rule of the Holy Roman Empire in name, they failed to be united during the Northern Renaissance.


Bartering increased in Russia when the value of the rubble declined

Scandinavian Peninsula

Body of land in northern Europe that is surrounded by the Arctic Ocean and Norwegian Sea to the west, the North Sea to the south, and the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia to the east. Contained within it are the countries of Norway and Sweden.


City in Italy where the Pope lives An independent state within the city of Rome


Devolution is possible in the caucasus region of Russia


During times of uncertainties, Russian families are not having large numbers of children


English is the lingua franca of Europe

Volga River

Europe's longest river A Russian river longest in Europe flows into the Caspian sea It flows through Nizhy Novgorod and Kazan before emptying into the Caspian Sea. (Ziad) One of the most important rivers in Russia/Caucasus

Europe's Subregions

European Core Northwestern and north central Europe consisting of united kingdom, Ireland, France, the Benelux countries, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany Microstates: Andorra, Monaco, and Liechtenstein Northern Europe—Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland Southern Europe—Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Malta, and Cyprus Eastern Europe—Estonia, Kosovo, Bosnia... etc.


French island in the mediterranean sea, coast of italy where napoleon was from. Island West of Italy, smaller of the two islands, in the Tyrrhenian Sea French island that is located southeast of France French island located west of Italy


the po river is located in the industrial area of italy


Greece and turkey control cyprus


Greed according to Marx, would be a factor contributing to the proletariat overthrowing the bourgeoise


Kattegat and Skagerrak provide an outlet to the North Sea

The Europeans

Largest countries are Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy o Populations range from 82—60 million o Representing half of Europe's population o About 87% of the population of the US o Approximate population of 532 million o Density in population varies but overall is greater than the world average

Bosporus Alps

Mountains run through Austria France Germany Italy Liechtenstein Slovenia Switzerland


the practice of agriculture and animal husbandry both originated in the tigris-euphrates and southwest asia regions

Elbe River

Part of the iron curtain between East and West Germany a river in central Europe that arises in northwestern Czechoslovakia and flows northward through Germany to empty into the North Sea

Iberian Peninsula

Peninsula in southwestern Europe occupied by Spain and Portugal

Po River

River in northern Italy that flows to the Adriatic Sea.


River that rises in Switzerland and flows through France before emptying into the Mediterranean Sea river in southern france

Black Sea

Sea located between Europe and Asia north of Turkey. important warm water sea that flows into the Mediterranean


Southern Slavic nation seeking independence; annexation by Austria-Hungary creates war in the Balkans; housed parade that killed Ferdinand

St. of Gibraltar

The Strait of Gibraltar is the only leading passage of water into the Mediterranean Sea, very important


The extreme northeastern sector of Asia, including the Kamchatka Peninsula and the present Russian coast of the Arctic Ocean, the Bering Strait, and the Sea of Okhotsk. vast asian region of russia

Saudi Arabia

The holiest spot on earth for the muslims because of Mecca and the Kaaba Worlds largest country


The rivers framing Mesopotamia, flow southeastward to the persian gulf.

Danube River

The second-longest river of Europe. It flows from southern Germany east into the Black Sea.

Nile River

The world's longest river, which flows northward through East Africa into the Mediterranean Sea A river in E Africa, the longest in the world, flowing N from Lake Victoria to the Mediterranean. Lots of resources surrounding, 4,000 miles in Uganda, Sudan, and into Egypt

Thames River

This largest river in England runs through London and empties into the North Sea.

Strait of Dover

Where the English Channel ends and the North Sea begin strait between southwestern uk and france/belgium the most narrow section of the English channel

Europe: European Union

a. Common market 1957 to EU 1993 b. Pooled resources and markets c. Eliminated tariffs between member d. Eased limits on movement of labor and capital e. Need work permit from host country f. common currency not totally accepted g. 2004-10 eastern European states joined h. farm subsidies i. not given same movement privileges j. high taxes for free public services

Europe: Westphalian System of 1648

a. End of 30 years war between roman catholics and protestnats b. Established a system of international relations and idea of becoming a country vs nation state—boundaries c. Led to development of nation-states in Europe d. Nations are people. States are countries. e. Printing press and language f. Gunpowder required soldier to work as a team g. Nationalism and conflicts

Europe (11: Peoples)

a. Greeks b. Celtic-same time as the greeks i.Central and western Europe ii.Names-Bohemia, Gaul, Alps, and Rhine c. Romans i.Owning land= signifies wealth ii.Road system 1.Caused spread of Christianity—accepted all people iii.Army Camps- London and Paris iv.Latin (Romance Languages) v.AD 381, adopted Christianity vi.Vatican d. Jewish peoples lived in Europe since Roman times. e. Germanic people i.North of Danube, east of Rhine ii.Sacked Rome in AD 410 iii.Franks took over Gaul. iv.Visigoths and lombards- Italian peninsula v.Angles and Saxons- british isles vi.Vikings vii.Protestantism f. Slavs i.Elbe to Adriatic coast and Balkan peninsula ii.Poles Czechs, Slovaks-western slavs iii.Slovenes, croats, serbs and Bulgarians- southern slavs iv.Russians, ukrainiansm and belarussians-eastern slavs

Europe: Industrial Evolution

a. Machinery increased activity b. Urban-industrial centers c. Banking and investment d. Canals to railroads e. Began in great britain f. Did not transfer technology to colonies

Baltic Sea

an extension of the Atlantic Ocean in northern Europe that is connected with the North Sea between finland and swedan


assimilation is when immigrants give up the ways of their adopted country tot he ways of their new country


body of water (Sea) between denmark and sweden an arm of the North Sea running north to south between Denmark's Jutland Peninsula on the west and the coast of Sweden on the east.The ports of Göteborg and Halmstad, Sweden, and Aarhus, Denmark, are on the Kattegat.

Red Sea

body of water between northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula that was a key source of trade between Africa and East Asia A long piece of the Indian Ocean between northeast Africa and Arabia

English Channel

body of water that separates France and England


country located between Switzerland and Austria


early industrial growth in russia concentrated on quantity not quality

The Sudd

elastic rebound in reference to earthquakes


english replaced french as the lingua france of the world


feudalism in europe evolved to provide stability and order and to defend rural areas against raiders


flat country above Italy


germany is russias biggest creditor


the renaissance began in italy during the 14th century

Lake Tana

lake in Ethiopia; established as a major water source for the Nile River


little country next to Germany A constitutional monarchy in western Europe on the North Sea 17 separate provinces in the northwestern corner of Europe. Also called the Low Countries.


mountain system along boundary between Slovakia and Poland; extending through Ukraine and East Romania a major mountain chain in central and eastern Europe


small country next to france A nation in between France and Germany that gained its independence in 1832 and signed a treaty to remain neutral through European wars—Germany violated this treaty when they invaded this nation while attempting to get to France


smallest country in the world

Bab al Mandeb

southwestern tip of Yemen, between Red Sea and Gulf of Aden is a straight between Yemen and the horn of africa


strait running between Norway and the coast of Sweden and Denmark's peninsula


subsidies are payments to farmers to lower their cost of production


switzerland is not a member of the european union


the british kept catherine the great from reaching an outlet tin the indian ocean


the euro is not accepted in denmark


the french revolution led tot he first major infusion of the common people in the political processes in europe

Loire River

the longest river in France


the mass production of sugar generated enormous wealth that helped fund early industrialization in britain


the mountains that run all the way down the "boot" from north to south; not as rugged as Greece so its easier to pass through and had large flat plains that were good for farming


the north european plain is the most extensive landform in europe

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