World Geography Middle East Test

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Describe the religious similarities of the major religions found here?

All monotheistic. Jew and Christian have same text (partially). All have holy cities. All stem from Judaism.

What is the Arab Spring and where has it recently taken place?

An Arab spring is an uprising against the current government. These usually start as protest but eventually become very violent wars. They have taken place in Arabic countries such as Syria, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen.

Describe the Moroccan government

Constitutional Monarchy although the King has the power to dismiss other government officials. Parliament has a lower house which is elected for 5 years, and an upper house which is elected for 9. The King is a direct descendent of Mohammed which gives him religious authority.

Why it's called the "Crossroads of Western and Muslim Culture"

Due to Morocco's proximity to Europe on the Strait of Gibraltar, they are known as the "crossroads of Western and islamic culture."

Who was Muammar Qaddafi?

He was the leader of Libya and was a dictator that started many wars. He was stabbed by Libyan citizens during the time of Libya's Arab Spring

What is the Aden Trading Port and what problems is it facing?

In Yemen. It was a huge trading port, but Somalian pirates have nearly decimated it.

What was the 6 Day War and who was involved?

Israel is fighting to maintain their independence against opposing countries such as Egypt. With the help of US intel Israel heard of an attack against them. They then launched a preemptive attack on the Egyptians and took their main bases. This caused the war to last only 6 days. This war has slowed down drastically and is no longer a full out war.

Why it's the "Middle East"

It was in the Middle of the silk road and is in the east.

Who are the Shi'a Muslims?

Minority of Muslims. Near 15-20%. Don't get along with Sunnis. They are largely conservative. Want descendant of Muhammed.

What is interesting about Israel's military?

One of the world's most powerful and technologically advanced militaries . This is needed because they are disliked by almost every Middle Eastern Country, but it is quite a small country to have such a strong military.

List some Major Empires of the Middle East

Persian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Syrian, Assyrian, Hittites

Describe the current Libyan Government

Transitional Government after the previous government led by Mommar Ghadaffi fell in 2011.

Describe the Religious Importance of the Region

Religion is extremely important in this region. It is filled with holy cities for Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Faiths. It is home to Mecca, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem.

Describe Lebanon's government Government

Republic. The Parliament is divided equally between Muslims and Christians. The Parliament elects the president to 6 year non-renewable term. The president selects other executive offices.

What occurred in the Iraqi-Iranian War?

Suddam Hussain (Iraq) attacked Iran after a change in leadership he lost and gained no land. He attacked because the change in leadership often causes a weak government and military but he was wrong. It started in 2003. Nothing came of it. When he didn't succeed Saddam Hussain attacked Kuwait.

What is the Aswan High Dam?

The Aswan Dam is an embankment dam situated across the Nile River in Aswan, Egypt. This dam stopped the yearly flooding during the summer. While it stops flooding it shrinks the nile river delta costing many ecosystems and eventually land.

Who are the Kurds?

The Kurds are a largely prosecuted group in the middle east. They have been persecuted in almost every middle eastern country, but their treatment is improving.There is speculation of the Kurds starting their own nation.

What happened in the Iranian Revolution?

The Movement to overthrow the Shah in Iran. The US somewhat supported the Shah, so this led to tense and hostile relations between Iran and the US after the Shah was overthrown. This also was when the Iranian Hostages were taken.

What does OPEC stand for? What is its job/goal?

The OPEC is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. They control oil prices throughout the globe by using the methods of supply and demand. Its members are middle eastern countries and few central american countries. The only oil producing countries that are not members are the US, Canada, and Russia.

Describe the effect the Persian Gulf has on the surrounding countries

The Persian gulf is very wealthy and home to one of the most wealthy countries the UAE. This is largely because the Persian Gulf is great for trade and the surplus of oil in the are. It is largely tertiary jobs involving oil.

Describe the Economics of the Sahara Desert

The Sahara desert is filled with oil and that is the main export of the region. They also export natural gas.

What is the Dead Sea?

The dead sea is the sea to the west of Saudi Arabia. It is a very huge trade route. It is a salt water lake. It is called the dead sea because of the amount of salt in the water. These salts are good for skin care

What and where is the Fertile Crescent?

The fertile crescent is the land between thee tigris and euphrates rivers in what is modern day Syria. Being between these two rivers the land was extremely fertile giving it its nickname. It was the place of the first civilization. Those who settled there originally settled there because of the land.

Who is Ataturk?

The first prime minister of Turkey. He modernized the country.

What is the Knesset?

The governing body of Israel. The people vote for a specific party to be the Knesset. The Knesset selects a Prime Minister and President of State.

Describe the Iraqi Economy?

They produce 80% of the world's dates, and produce a lot of oil which is their biggest source of revenue.

Describe Religious Conflict and why it's there

This region is filled with religious conflicts such as the war for Israel , and many other Arab Springs. This is caused by the amazing amount of religions here, and the surplus of holy cities so close to each other in Israel.

What is Abu Dhabi?

one of the wealthiest emirates/states in the world. The ruler of Abu Dhabi is the president of the UAE. It is the capital of the UAE. It is the 2nd wealthiest country in the world.

What does the Supreme Leader of Iran do?

Appoints many important government officials. This is what allows Iran to appear democratic while it is largely not.

Possible Essay

Arab Springs/ ISIS/ wars. Impact on other places.

Describe what happened during the Lebanese Civil War

Caused by the three main religious groups (Christians, Sunnis, and Shias) not having equal rights in the government. The result of this is the three groups now have equal places in the government.

What is Kuwait?

Kuwait Emirate that has been very successful and is led by an Emir. The way the government is run, it is almost like a democracy. 1752 is the founding and how did that help. Strong economy and government.

Describe the Federal Supreme Council?

Made up of 7 rulers from the various Emirates of the UAE. This is made up of the Emirates which are basically monarchs.

Who are the Sunni Muslims?

Majority. They are more liberal and want a proper leader. Don't get along with Shia muslims.

What is Turkey's climate?


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