World Geography Monsoon Asia

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What is the Three Gorges Dam?

A dam that was built on China's Yangtze River

What state is Japan slightly smaller than?


How did imperialism in India differ from imperialism in Africa or China?

China and Africa were conquered by many countries, were as India was imperialized by one.

What is the largest practiced religion in Monsoon Asia?


What is the second largest country in Japan?


What is the largest island of Japan?


How is Japan's population distribution similar to that of the rest of the world?

Most people live on the coast.

What is the Great Leap Forward of 1958?

A plan to turn China into a modern industrial giant


A seasonal wind. Summer monsoon winds in south Asia usually bring rain to that region.

Where is the "Silicon Valley" of India?


Where does China obtain 65% of its energy needs?

Burning coal

What are the two most populous countries in the region?

China and India

What are the benefits of the dam?

Clean energy, flood control, and shipping

What inventions are part of the global IT revolution?

Computers, satellites, cell phones, and the Internet

What type of government does Japan have?

Constitutional Monarchy

How has population density affected people even after death?


What is unique about Japan's life expectancy?

Despite all of the population density problems, it has one of the highest life expectancy in the world.

What method did Gandhi use to protest British rule?

Ghandhi encouraged Indians to boycott British goods and protest British rule peacefully.

What is the time difference between Easton, Massachusetts in India?

India is 9 1/2 hours ahead of Massachusetts.

What effects did the One-Child Policy have on China?

It didn't meet its goal, but instead impacted China negatively.

What is the One-Child Policy?

It limited married couples to have only 1 child. Couples that obeyed this policy were rewarded while couples that didn't were punished.

What happened on December 7th, 1941?

Japan attacked the U.S. Navy at Pearl Harbor. As a result, the U.S. joined WWII.

How does Japan try to meet everyone's needs when land is so limited?

Japan has started building up on top of or under old buildings to save space. People in Japanese homes also use rooms for more than one purpose.

What is the tallest mountain in the world?

Mount Everest

What is the tallest mountain in Japan?

Mount Fuji

What is the most commanding physical feature of Monsoon Asia?


How does population density affect transportation in Japan?

Public transportation is crowded, and the only other option is to sit through traffic.

How is Tokyo addressing its garbage problem?


What is the fourth largest island in Japan


What are the two major religions in Japan?

Shintoism and Buddhism

What policy has been MOST successful in China's gross domestic product?

Special Economic Zones

What is the third longest river in the world?

The Chang Jiang (Yangtze River)

In what mountain range is the tallest mountain in the world?

The Himalayas

How do you calculate physiologic population density?

The population of a country divided by its arable land area

What is the orographic effect?

The precipitation that occurs when moist air rises up the side of a mountain

What was the goal of the One-Child Policy?

To bring China's rate of natural increase down to zero population growth


To hire someone outside of a company to do work that was once done in the company

Comparative advantage

To offer services more cheaply or effectively

Rate of natural increase

the percentage by which a population grows in a year

Zero population growth

when the birth rate equals the death rate

How is Japan adapting to their transportation needs?

They hire "pushers" to push people into the train upon arrival. In Tokyo, you also are not permitted to own a car unless you can prove that you have a place to park it.

Where does the third longest river in the world empty?

The Pacific Ocean

How does the size of the US compare to the size of China?

They are roughly the same size.

How many time zones are there?


How many people live in Monsoon Asia?

3.5 billion

Arable land

land suitable for growing crops

How many countries are there in Monsoon Asia?


What is the third largest island in Japan?


When did European countries start colonizing Monsoon Asia?

Late 1400s

What are some advantages to hiring Indian IT workers?

Low wages, English speakers, and a trained workforce

What is the Raj?

The Raj is the era of British colonial rule over India from 1858 to 1947.

What country consumes the most energy in the world?

The United States

What does atmospheric pressure measure?

The weight of the atmosphere pressing down on any point on Earth's surface

What is the name of Japan's currency?


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