World History 1 Ch 24. Medieval Civilization & Christianity L 1-10

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4. William the Conquerer's Domesday Book is evidence of_____.

his complete control over the land and people of England

2. Analyze the statements below and indicate which factor had the SMALLEST effect on the sudden expansion of waterwheels in Europe.

New building materials allowed for stronger waterwheels, therefore allowing them to be build in places previously unsuited for them.

5. What area was William the Conqueror originally duke?

Normandy, of modern-day France

1. Although conflicts had been brewing for years, the Great Schism officially occurred in what year?

1054 CE

2. What was the Dictatus Papae?

A church decree refusing secular rulers the right to appoint church officials.

2. Which of the following was a relevant target of the crusade declared by Pope Innocent III in 1209?

A middle-aged Cathar who lived in France.

2. What was Michael Cerularius' title when he was excommunicated by the office of the Pope, and he in turn excommunicated Pope Leo IX?

Patriarch of Constantinople

4. How could a decline in the literacy rate within Europe usher in an era of corruption within The Catholic Church?

People lost their ability to question religious authority without access to church texts.

2. Which French king stripped England's Plantagenet kings of much of their land holdings in France?

Philip II

3. Which of the following is the correct order of the different clergies in the Roman Catholic church (from least to most powerful)?

Priest, Bishop, Cardinal, Pope.

5. Which of these Roman Catholic clergymen cared for the daily needs of the parish?


4. Which Angevin king spent most of his reign fighting the Crusades?

Richard I

1. The Investiture Conflict was waged over:

Right to appoint church leadership

1. Which of the following is NOT true of the Pope?

The Pope is chosen by bishops.

3. Sam made a list of reasons why the Romans rarely used watermills. He made a mistake. Evaluate Sam's statements and indicate which one is WRONG

The Romans existed before the invention of the waterwheel.

5. The Filioque clause, with which the Eastern Church disagreed, dealt with which of the following?

The Trinity

1. How did the Black Death influence the need for mills in Europe?

The need for mills increased because of the resulting labor shortage.

4. Which of the following is the BEST reason why was there a rapid expansion of watermill construction in 11th century Europe?

There was a shortage of labor.

2. In what way was the role of the priests comparable to the bishops?

They both collected church taxes.

3. Why did the pope call for a crusade in the 11th century?

To take back control of the Holy Land.

2. Why did Otto III move the capital of the Holy Roman Empire to Rome?

To usher in a Roman revival

4. The Great Schism divided Christianity into _____.

Western Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy

3. Why is the Battle of Hastings significant?

William defeated King Harold II and took control of England in 1066.

2. What insight does the Harrying of the North give us into William the Conquerer's rule in England?

William was a ruthless leader that faced many revolts in which he killed thousands of people.

3. Why did the Eastern and Western church ultimately split, forming two distinct branches of Christianity?

An argument over Papal authority between the bishop in the West and the bishops in the East.

4. Who was NOT subject to prosecution by the Inquisition?

Anyone who agreed with Christian doctrine.

1. What was the highest position of authority within the Church of England?

Archbishop of Canterbury

1. What famous piece of art depicts the Battle of Hastings?

Bayeux Tapestry

3. Why did the nobility of England press King John to sign the Magna Carta?

Because it limited the power of the monarchy and protected the rights of England's nobility.

5. Why do you think the church condemned simony during the 1st Council?

Because it was a corrupt practice of selling church positions.

2. Why did Pope Alexander III dislike the Albigenses and Waldenses?

Because they said the Bible was the highest authority and that the Church has become corrupt.

3. How were the 2nd and 3rd Councils similar?

Both punished people who threatened church power.

5. How did Cathars differ from Catholics?

Catholics accepted the sacraments and the physical birth and death of Jesus, while Cathars rejected these dogmas.

3. What rather flimsy compromise was offered in an attempt to end the Investiture Conflict?

Concordat of Worms

4. Select the correct chronological order of the following decrees: Renewed the Crusades, condemned Arnold of Brescia, decided that a 2/3 majority in the College of Cardinals would elect the Pope.

Condemned Arnold of Brescia, decided that a 2/3 majority in the College of Cardinals would elect the Pope, renewed the Crusades.

4. In the Roman Catholic Church, a group of parishes was called a:


4. Why was the Investiture Conflict significant in church-state relations?

It limited the state's ability to abuse power by wielding the church's influence for personal benefit.

1. Which is FALSE about the Fourth Lateran Council?

It was held in the year 1139.

5. This Angevin King signed the Magna Carta of 1215.

King John

3. Which of the following most accurately summarizes the power struggles between kings and popes during the High Middle Ages?

Kings sought a united empire, while the pope fought for political power.

5. In medieval Europe, the labor saving benefits of windmills and watermills contributed to_____.

All answers are correct

1. Who was wife to the King of France and Henry II, King of England?

Eleanor of Aquitaine

1. Which of the following kings, raised by Pope Innocent III, ultimately had a difficult relationship with papal power?

Frederick II

4. Why would Thomas Becket have decided to flee England after the Constitutions of Clarendon were passed?

He first supported the Constitutions and then ultimately sided with the Pope against the king later on.

3. Which of the following is NOT true about Thomas Becket?

He sided with the Pope but eventually decided to affirm the Constitutions of Clarendon.

5. What was King Henry II attempting to achieve by passing the Constitutions of Clarendon?

He wanted to bring the clergy and its activities under the direct control of the crown rather than the church.

5. Which German king and Holy Roman Emperor challenged Pope Gregory but eventually ended up surrendering in the dramatic Walk to Canossa?

Henry IV

5. The Investiture Controversy was a power struggle between_____.

Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII

2. When Thomas Becket was chosen as Archbishop of Canterbury, what would have King Henry II most likely expected to happen?

In matters of conflict between the church and the crown, Thomas Becket would side with the king's perspective.

1. How did the 10th century differ to the 11th in regards to religion?

In the 10th century, people mostly lived in rural areas, while the rising number of cities in the 11th century caused an increase of accusations regarding heresy.

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