World History 108 self test

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Although Syria claims the Golan Heights, ______________ has occupied it since 1981.


Anti-Communists in Nicaragua formed a group of freedom fighters called the _____________ to oppose the Communists Sandinista government.

15, 6

At its peak the Soviet Union consisted of _____________ republics and controlled ______________ satellite nations.

Czech, Slovakia

Czechoslovakia peacefully split into the ________________ Republic and ________________________.

European Unions

EU, or ______________________________________, nations are trying to unite their resources in a single economy.


Fighting in those nations was most severe in _________________________.

Biblical education

God is using ______________________ to carry His Word to many nations of the world.


Most African nations were ___________ colonies before obtaining independence.

North American Free Trade Agreement and Mexico, the United States, Canada

NAFTA, or the ________________________________________, removed all restrictions on trade among ______________, ________________, ___________________.

Enduring Freedom

Operation ___________________________ forced the Taliban from power in Afghanistan.


The Canadian province of _______________, which has a predominantly French culture, voted on and defeated a referendum for separation in October 1995.

Rwanda, Burundi

The Tutsi and Hutu tribes created tensions and fighting in __________________ and _________________.

Berlin Wall

The ________________________ was erected because so many people were escaping from East Germany through West Berlin.

Persian Gulf War

The _____________________________ followed Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990.


The belief that man can rule himself without the help of ___________ is basic to Communism.


The modern nation of Israel has existed only since ____________.


The year ___________ was the year of revolution in Communist nations.

15, Commonwealth of Independent States

Today 12 of the _____________ independent nations formed from the Soviet Union are members of the CIS, or __________________________________________________________.


Yugoslavia split into __________ nations, but its breakup was not peaceful.

United States

_______ Barack Obama


_______ Stephen Harper


_______ Yasir Arafat


_______ Year Hong Kong was returned to China


_______ Year Panama took control of the canal


_______ reunited after the fall of Communism

Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia

_______ split after the fall of Communism

Nov. 2008

________ Barack Obama elected President of United States

Nov. 1989

________ Berlin Wall falls


________ Binyamin Netanyahu

Oct. 1990

________ Germany is unified

Great Britain

________ Gordon Brown


________ Hosni Mubarak

Aug. 2005

________ Hurricane Katrina

Sept. 1995

________ Israel agrees to return part of West Bank to PLO

Dec. 1981

________ Israel annexes Golan Heights

South Africa

________ Jacob Zuma


________ Lech Kaczynski


________ Muammar al-Qaddafi

Jan. 1991

________ Persian Gulf War begins

Dec. 1991

________ Soviet Union ceases to exist


________ Vladimir Putin

March 2000

________ Vladimir Putin elected president of Russia

Sept. 2001

________ World Trade Center destroyed

Dec. 1991

________ creation of the EU

Apr. 1989

________ demonstrations Tiananmen Square

Dec. 2004

________ earthquake near Sumatra, Indonesia


________ formerly known as Burma


________ largest nation with a Communist government


________ last African nation to achieve independence


________ last Central American nation to achieve independence


________ wrong because all people are created in God's image

May 1993

_________ Eritrea becomes independent

Oct. 2001

_________ Operation Enduring Freedom

Apr. 1994

_________ South Africa's first nonracial elections

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