World History A Unit 5

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What is another name for the first 10 amendments of the United States Constitution?

Bill of Rights

Which are aspects of both the Magna Carta and the United States Constitution? Select all that apply.

Both protected the rights of citizens. Both placed limits on government.

What were the consequences of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain? Select all that apply.

Britain became the leader in the iron industry, producing more iron than the rest of world. Entrepreneurs found new ways to start a business in a laissez-faire market economy.

Who served as chief editor of the Encyclopédie (Encyclopedia), one of the principal works of the Age of Enlightenment?

Denis Diderot

Which American inventor revolutionized the production of cotton with his invention of the cotton gin?

Eli Whitney

Who was the Mexican revolutionary leader who led peasant farmers against the government?

Emiliano Zapata

Which best describes Francis Bacon's contribution to the Scientific Revolution?

Francis Bacon paved the way for the Scientific Method by urging scientists to perform experiments to draw conclusions instead of relying on abstract theories.

Which identifies the political reformer whose challenge of Mexican President Porfirio Díaz began the Mexican Revolution?

Francisco Madero

What event created an opportunity for slaves in Haiti to revolt?

French Revolution

Which identifies the event that overthrew the monarchy of France in 1789?

French Revolution

Which accurately describes discoveries of Galileo Galilei?

Galileo used a telescope to discover moons orbiting Jupiter and craters on the moon.

What were the consequences of urbanization during the early stages of the Industrial Revolution? Select all that apply.

Garbage filled the streets due to a lack of sanitation services. Workers with families were forced to live in crowded tenements.

Which correctly identifies an important characteristic of Simón Bolívar?

He encouraged revolutions against Spanish imperialism in South America.

What was the significance of Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty, or give me death" speech?

It raised support for rebellion in the colonies.

Which English inventor revolutionized the textile industry with the "spinning jenny"?

James Hargreaves

What governmental practices led to the writing of the English Bill of Rights? Select all that apply.

James II had created laws restricting the right of Protestants to bear arms. The Crown had tortured the accused to receive confessions for crimes. James II created a standing army that killed hundreds of Protestants.

Which accurately describes a scientific discovery of Johannes Kepler?

Kepler discovered that planetary orbits were elliptical rather than circular.

Which accurately describe events leading to the Scientific Revolution? Select all that apply.

Knowledge gained from exploring new lands inspired the Scientific Revolution. Greek rationalism (use of logic and reason) inspired the Scientific Revolution.

Which ruler of France was known as the Sun King, led the golden age of art and literature, and presided over the court of Versailles?

Louis XIV

Who argued for women's equality during the Enlightenment period, including equal rights in education?

Mary Wollstonecraft

Who was the radical leader of the French Revolution, in a position of power in the National Convention and the Committee of Public Safety, responsible for mass killings during the Reign of Terror?

Maximilien Robespierre

What were the early effects of the Industrial Revolution on the working class?

Members of the working class were forced into unhealthy and dangerous living conditions.

Which accurately describes the Arab Empire's impact on the Scientific Revolution?

Muslim scholars preserved discoveries and philosophies of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Which accurately describes a scientific discovery of Isaac Newton?

Newton discovered the three laws of motion.

What are some reasons that the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain? Select all that apply.

Parliament passed Enclosure Acts, displacing many rural peasant farmers and their families. Great Britain had an abundant amount of natural resources, including coal and iron ore.

How did the Scientific Revolution impact people's views about absolute monarchies and government? Select all that apply.

People questioned the rule by divine right of European monarchs. People questioned the characteristics a ruler should have.

Which ruler in the late 17th century is best known for spearheading extensive reforms of Russia, including the creation of a centralized government and navy?

Peter the Great

Why did the English Bill of Rights include a provision that Roman Catholics could not be crowned?

Previous Catholic monarchs had persecuted English Protestants.

Read the sentences. From 1793 to 1794, the Committee of Public Safety took control of France's government and used the guillotine to execute suspected enemies of the French Revolution. This time period is known as the _[blank]_. Which option most accurately completes the sentence?

Reign of Terror

Which best describes René Descartes's contribution to the scientific method?

René Descartes was influential in the development of the scientific method, in which he relied on mathematics and logic rather than ancient teachings.

Which explains why the Latin American independence movements were allowed to grow unchecked?

Spain was preoccupied with fighting Napoleon in Europe.

What was an outcome of the Glorious Revolution?

The English Bill of Rights was established.

How did the Scientific Revolution affect politics in Europe?

The idea of divine right to rule was questioned.

Which factors contributed to the success of Latin American independence movements? Select all that apply.

The leadership of Simón Bolívar guided the revolutions. Rough terrain made it difficult for Spain to govern its colonies.

Which best defines deism?

a belief that God does not intervene with the laws of the universe

Which best defines the scientific method?

a process of research used to test a hypothesis and draw a conclusion

Which political theory allows for complete freedom of the individual and the absence of government?


In which political system does the government own all businesses and control the economy?


Which theory describes a sun-centered universe and planetary orbits around the sun?


Read the sentence. A tentative explanation for an observation or phenomenon that can be tested by further investigation or experimentation is defined as a _[blank]_. Which most accurately completes the sentence?


Which doctrine devised by Adam Smith argued that government should not interfere with economic matters?


Read the sentence. Because King James II had abused his power, the English Bill of Rights sought to increase the power of _[blank]_. Which terms correctly complete the sentence? Select all that apply.

parliament citizens

Read the sentence. A French intellectual of the Enlightenment period was known as a _[blank]_. Which most accurately completes the sentence?


Read the sentence. French women influenced Enlightenment intellectuals, government officials, and the wealthy middle class by hosting gatherings in drawing rooms in wealthy urban houses known as _[blank]_. Which most accurately completes the sentence?


Read the sentence. According to Rousseau, an agreement between citizens and the government in which citizens empower the government to make laws as long as it serves the people is known as _[blank]_. Which most accurately completes the sentence?

social contract

What are some of the similarities between the Magna Carta and the United States Constitution? Select all that apply.

social contract between the government and the governed separation of church and state trial by a jury of one's peers

Which movement prompted people to challenge medieval practices and views of the world and inspired a rebirth in learning, the arts, and, eventually, the Scientific Revolution?

the Renaissance

Which identifies a key turning point in the Haitian Slave Revolt?

the defeat of Napoleon's army by Toussaint Louverture's forces

What important idea, which served as the foundation of the United States Constitution, was based on precedents set by the Magna Carta?

the right to a fair and speedy trial

Which most accurately describes the governmental policies of Louis XIV of France?

to assume control, centralize the French government, and strengthen the French army

Why did the British Parliament create the English Bill of Rights?

to strengthen the rights of citizens

Which theological teaching stated that the church and the state are two separate spheres of influence that can advise one another, but each is its own distinct area?

two kingdoms doctrine

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