World history chapter 1

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Why did the British participate in the Crimean War?

They did not want the Russians to control the Black Sea.

The French middle class and peasantry belonged to the ________Estate.


The Songhay Empire's major trading center was


In what ways did European colonizers expand their colonies?

Transportation Warfare Communication Ethnic and cultural divisions between native peoples

This present-day nation was home to the Ottoman Empire.


The Buganda Empire is known today as _____.


This Swiss reformer was killed in battle.

Ulrich Zwingli

In Haiti, Vincent Oge demanded the right to _____.


Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain?

With coal to burn for the energy of factories, a healthy population as a workforce, and transportation networks, the stage was set.

In 1824, Mexico became __________

a Republic

Participants in the Decembrist Revolt wanted to establish _____.

a constitutional monarchy

Select the sentence below that best summarizes radical Islamic fundamentalism.

a form of Islam that clings to a strict literal interpretation of the scripture

The 1807 Slave Act _____.

abolished the British slave trade

Two things that enabled the Portuguese to begin overseas exploration were:

advanced navigation techniques better cartography

The storming of the Bastille occurred _____.

after members of the third estate declared themselves to be the National Assembly

select the ways that the U.S. has responded to terrorism.

air strikes volunteers helping the injured and refugees invasion pre-emptive airstrikes

The term 'suffrage' refers to the voting rights of _________.

all people

Before the 1848 revolution in France, France and the rest of Europe experienced _____.

an economic depression

As a result of the 1905 Revolution, _____.

an elected legislature called the Duma was formed

Karl Marx is best know as being a(n) _____________.

author and philosopher

The 1848 Springtime of Peoples were attempts by the citizens of numerous states to

begin their own revolutions.

Karl Marx predicted that the proletariat would overthrow the _____


Urban slavery was well-developed in Spanish America and_______


From this lesson, in what ways did the suffragettes try to further their cause?

by participating in hunger strikes, by chaining themselves to railings

What were three typical reasons for a person to become a slave?

criminal acts to pay off debts prisoner of war

The God-given right to rule is called _____.

divine right

In a factory that produces jeans, one worker cuts out the pieces of fabric based on a pattern, another worker sews the pieces together, another adds the zipper, another steams the fabric, and so forth. This is an example of _____.

division of labor

Place the emperors of the Mughal Empire in the order they appeared.

earliest: Babur second: Hamayan third: Akbar fourth: Jahangir fifth: Shan Jahan sixth: Aurangzeb

Olympe de Gouges wrote a "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen" in 1791, declaring that women were also citizens and should have rights equal to those of men. She was then_________________.

executed by the guillotine

What are two factors that hastened the end of the Ottoman Empire?

falling behind in military tactics and weaponry the development of European overseas trade

Which of the following was not a reason for the fall of the Mughal Empire?

famine and natural disasters --------- civil wars financial issues construction of too many buildings

The 1842 Coal Mines Act _____.

forbade the employment of women and boys under 10 years of age in the mines

How long was the average workday during the early years of the Industrial Revolution?

fourteen to sixteen hours

What reforms did the Young Turks demand?

free public education the right to vote emancipation of women

From this lesson, what could workers do to win higher wages and better working conditions?

go on strike

Brazil turned out to be very profitable for Portugal because of _____.


The two most important items traded in Songhay were _________

gold salt

What European goods were exchanged for African slaves?

guns iron cloth

human progression

hunter-gathering tribes small towns and nomadic groups city-states and small kingdoms empires nation-states

According to this lesson, history is the story of people, their _____ and _____. (Select all that apply.)

ideas interactions

Which of the following was NOT one of the Western ideas accepted by the Chinese intellectuals? utilitarianism democracy liberalism


When did radical Islamic fundamentalism really begin?

in the mid-20th century with three influential Muslim thinkers

The two main kinds of slavery were _____.

indentured and chattel

According to the lesson, the lessening of punishment for a wrongdoing is called a (an) _____.


The Ming government chose to adopt a policy of _____.


The word Aryan actually refers to _____.


The United Nations finances itself through ______.

membership fees voluntary contributions

The economic system where colonies supply goods to the mother country is called _____.


What are three things that affect oil prices today?

natural disasters that affect refineries greater demand for oil war and terrorism

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was the _______ of Napoleon Bonaparte.


Which of the following characterizes life in the early industrial cities?

overcrowding tenement houses

Two things that were introduced to the Old World from the New during the Columbian Exchange were _____.

potatoes corn

The most important thing Hongwu did in changing the Chinese government during the Ming Dynasty was getting rid of the _____.

prime minister

To change or improve something by correcting faults or removing abuses is to _____.


The migrations from Asia caused a significant mingling of _____.

religions and cultures

The two main reasons for finding another trade route were _____.

religious economics

Autocratic rule was seen in Russia as_____

rule by a single leader with unrestrained power.

Humayun ruled the empire twice, and in the second reign he was able to ______________.

secure the borders well

The English Bill of Rights gave Parliament absolute _________over government institutions and law.


In 1830, the French king Charles X _____.

suspended the legislature censored the press

The transatlantic slave trade was part of a triangular trade that developed between Europe, Africa, and_______________

the Americas

Prior to the 20th century, the largest intercontinental migration of people in history was _______________.

the Atlantic slave trade

Mary Wollstonecraft was inspired by _____.

the French Revolution

The republicans in Rome were driven out by _____.

the French army

1 Francisco Coronado 2. Hernando de Soto 3. Vasco Nunez de Balboa 4. Christopher Columbus

the Grand Canyon the Mississippi River the Pacific Ocean Cuba

Erasmus wrote a new version of _____.

the New Testament

The Trans-Siberian Railway covered a distance from Eastern Europe to ______________

the Pacific

Who were the first Europeans to arrive on Africa's west coast?

the Portuguese

During the Industrial Age, factory owners, entrepreneurs, and investors belonged to what social class?

the middle class

The goals of the nineteenth-century women's movement included _____.

the right to vote fairness in property laws

In the Triangular slave trade, which length was known as the Middle Passage?

the transport of slaves across the Atlantic to the Americas

Why did Louis XVI call a meeting of the Estates General?

to discuss France's tax system

The goal of the Frankfurt Assembly was _____.

to unite the German states

For a nation to prosper, it must with its neighbors.


Under the encomienda system, victorious conquistadors were made ______ over the land.


Thomas More, who died for what he believed in, coined the word _____.


During the French Revolution, radicals _____.

wanted to establish a french republic

1. Alexander II 2. Nicholas I 3. Nicholas II 4. Alexander III

was assassinated in 1881 put down the Decembrist Revolt son of Alexander III began a program of Russification


- David, a 17-foot-tall marble sculpture - Pietá, a marble statue of Mary holding the dead body of her son Jesus - The Last Judgment and scenes from Genesis painted on the walls and ceiling of the Sistine Chapel - Architectural work on St. Peter's Basilica in Rome

4 major powers

- The Dutch - The English - The French - The Russian

Which of Marx and Engle's ideas were influencial in the 1917 Russian Revolution? Choose all correct reponses.

- They wrote of a society in which social classes and the state disappear. - They wrote of a society in which property is owned by all the people. - They wrote of all property being used for the benefit of all the society's members.

The Plan de Iguala was designed to guarantee _____.

- an independent Mexico with a constitutional monarchy - Catholicism as Mexico's state religion

Why did some people oppose women's right to vote?

- because they believed women were too -emotional to vote - because they believed that women needed to be protected from political life

In what ways did Quakers draw attention to the issue of abolition?

- by boycotting slave-grown sugar, - by writing petitions to Parliament

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen _____.

- declared freedom of speech, press, and religion - was modeled after the U.S. Declaration of Independence

Select all issues that led to the French Revolution.

- resentment toward French monarchy - an economic crisis in France - resentment toward social structures

Russian czars eliminated opposition to their rule by relying on _____.

- strict censorship - a secret police force

Alexander III's program of Russification _____.

- targeted the empire's non-Russian population - emphasized the use of the Russian language

What contributed to France's financial crisis in the late 1700s?

- the lavish spending of the royal court - aid given to the U.S. colonists







.......................CHAPTER 2....................................


...........................CHAPTER 4...........................................


..............CHAPTER 3...................................................................


........................................CHAPTER 5......................................


1. Joseph II 2. Catherine II 3. Frederick II

1) Germany 2) Russia 3) Prussia

executive legislative judicial civil service examination control

1) a president and his cabinet 2) elected representatives 3) conduct legal matters and protect the constitution 4) used for selecting able government officials; 5) preventing illegal practices in government.

About what percentage of slaves died while enroute to the New World from Africa?


In what year was a law passed in Britain prohibiting night work for all children under eighteen years of age?


Which of the reforms of Khrushchev and Gorbachev were MOST similar?

A profound desire to see the USSR standard of living increase

Where was Olaudah Equiano born?


Who launched warring raids to acquire Africans to sell into slavery?

African slave traders

The Palmares Kingdom was composed of escaped ________ .

African slaves

This Mughal emperor set the precedent of being tolerant toward other religions.


Which city below was not one of the Songhay Empire's major


This Mughal leader desecrated Hindu temples and forced people to convert to Islam.


How did the Gutenberg press first help the Reformation take root?

Bibles were printed.

Russia's age of imperialism included sea ports in the _____.

Black Sea Pacific Ocean

What were two terms of the peace treaty?

Borders of some European nations changed. The League of Nations was formed.

European slave trading became a major issue in the colony of _____.


The African colony of Palmares was located in this country.


The Indian National Army fought against the ______ in World War II.


These two major religions grew steadily because they were able to assimilate and coexist with other religions.

Buddhism and Hinduism

The kingdom of 52 clans was also known as the ______ Empire.


This Portuguese explorer discovered Brazil.


Adam Smith's ideas serve as the basis for what type of economic system?


The largest number of enslaved Africans were sent to _____.


Who wrote the novels Hard Times and Oliver Twist?

Charles Dickens

What French king followed Louis XVIII?

Charles X

The leader of the Republic of China before and immediately after World War II was _____.

Chiang Kai-shek

The first documentation about slavery in human history can be found in the ______ .

Code of Hammurabi

The _____ Exchange was the mass trading of flora, fauna, people, and diseases between the New World and Old World.


Portugal denied this explorer's request to sail to the New World.


People who were of European ancestry that were born in the Americas were called _____.


In the Austrian Empire, what group(s) wanted to establish an autonomous state?

Czechs Hungarians

The Council of Trent was called to:

Determine what heresies the Reformers taught Reaffirm the Catholic Church's teachings

This explorer discovered a way around the African southern tip.


This company became the richest company on Earth.

Dutch East India Company

The Magna Carta paved the way for a parliamentary form of government in _____.


The two Opium Wars were between China and _____


1. John Wycliffe 2. John Hus 3. Martin Luther 4. Ulrich Zwingli 5. John Calvin 6. John Knox

England Czechoslovakia Germany Switzerland France Scotland

The Seven Year's War shifted the balance of power in favor of the _____.


The Safavid employed two to help modernize their military.


What three regions did Zheng He travel to on his naval expedition?

Europe, India, and Africa

What are the characteristics of a Communist society?

Everyone's basic needs are met,. The government withers away., Social classes disappear.

Why did factory owners prefer to employ women?

Factory owners could pay women lower wages than men.

What are two characteristics of the commercial revolution that took place during the Ming Dynasty?

Foreign trade with Europe began. Blue-and-white Ming porcelain became very popular.

1. Georges Clemenceau 2. David Lloyd George 3. Woodrow Wilson 4. Vittorio Orlando

France Great Britain U.S. Italy

What nations claimed to protect Christian interests in the Ottoman Empire?

France and Russia

This enlightened monarch was an accomplished flutist, allowed freedom of the press, and made sure that judges were properly educated.

Frederick II

The 'divide and rule' policy employed by the English was developed by the _____.


The 1791 French constitution limited the powers of the _____.

French Monarch

Prince Clemens von Metternich was chief minister of the _____ monarchy.


The Industrial Revolution brought masses of people from the countryside to the cities. Why?

In hopes of getting a job at the factory.

Two characteristics of the Spanish encomienda system were:

Indigenous people got to keep their land. Victorious Spanish became trustees of the land.

______, cultures, societies, and the world change through times of conflict and cooperation


Even though France lost its territories in North America and India, it was able to keep them in _____.


The struggle between Sunni and Shiite Muslims in this time period centered on the nation of _____.


_____ continued to be the primary religion of the Middle-East region.


The Byzantine capital of Constantinople had its name changed to_______ after it fell to the Ottomans.


This Mughal emperor was the one who agreed to allow the English to set up a base of operations for trade in India.


The name of the powerful military force in the Ottoman Empire was _____.

Janissary Corps

The three main religions that were in conflict in Spain were:

Jews Catholics Muslims

The printing press was invented by _____.

Johannes Gutenberg

This Chinese emperor wrote the most complete dictionary and ruled longer (sixty-one years) than any previous leader.


Imperialism needed two things to work. They were:

Land trade

This monarch reigned longer than any other major European leader, and he created the legal code of his country.

Louis XIV

Who became king of France after Napoleon was exiled?


A book about an ideal leader, The Prince, was written by _____.


The Songhay Empire replaced the ___ Empire


The Ming Dynasty fell to ______ invaders who began the Qing Dynasty.


What are two lasting legacies of Portugal's

Many indigenous cultures lost their land. It showed that a small country can make a big impact.

What groups joined together to form the "Young Turks"?

Many people of progressive thought seeking a constitution and European style of life.

Who was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety?

Maximilien Robespierre

The two holiest cities of Islam are _____.

Mecca and Medina

The United Provinces of Central America was established after Central America seceded from ___________


Who issued the "Grito de Dolores"?

Miguel Hidalgo

Zhu Yuanzhang was the Chinese peasant who led the rebellion that began the _____.

Ming Dynasty

The use of machines had what impact on production of goods?

More goods could be produced in a short amount of time.

English presence in India hastened the fall of the __ Empire.


Name three characteristics of the encomienda system.

Natives paid tribute to the conquistadors. Conquistadors became trustees of the land. Indigenous population got to keep their lands.

England and France originally explored North America looking for the _____ Passage to the Orient.


________ became a major issue of contention between the Qing Dynasty and the British.


In 1900, the majority of Russia's population belonged to the _____.


This Spanish conquistador conquered the Incas.


This explorer was looking for the Fountain of Youth in Florida

Ponce de Leon

European imperialism was started by _____.


What country controlled the land at the time of Brazil's independence in 1822?

Portugal. Brazil was colonized by Portugal

Four distinct characteristics of any society are:

Religion Culture Economics Politics

After the ___ Rebellion, the British government took over political control of India.


The Taj Mahal was built by this emperor for a tomb.

Shah Jahan

Where did Czar Nicholas I exile suspected dissenters?


What currently practiced ideology has its roots in the French Revolution?


Which of the following were findings of the Council of Trent? Select all that apply.

Sola Scriptura All clergy needed to get a proper education.

When it was a French colony, Haiti was called _____.

St. Domingue

While the threat of future pandemics is present, how can countries prepare to protect their population? Select all correct responses.

Take part in awareness and detection programs Invest in vaccine research Maintain a supply of anti-viral medications Create an alert system

The first nation built on a capitalistic system was _____.

The Netherlands

During the revolution in Italy, Pope Pius IX was forced to flee the Vatican. Why?

The Revolution instituted a short-lived Roman Republic.

Adam Smith wrote _____.

The Wealth of Nations

Why was the Revolution of 1905 called "the dress rehearsal for the 1917 Revolution"?

The actors, the masses, peasant unions, and soviets, were all the same with unresolved issues.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the new traditional economic system? The economic decision making is closely associated with an established religion. Advancing technology is responsible for the changes to old traditional economic systems.

The government will control the means of production.

Due to what conditions were slaves brought into Brazil to work the

The indigenous workers had died from exposure to diseases from Europe.

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