World History middle ages and renaissance

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What were some of the obligations under the fudal system?

Peasants/serf had to work the land Knights had to follow the code of chivalry

What where some results of the Protestant reformation?

People learned how to read. People started to question the indulgence. Lurthernism started

What where some causes of the Protestant reformation?

Questioning spirit, the printing press, abuse of the Catholic church, and the 95 theses

What ideas did Niccolo Machiavelli express in his manual the Prince?

The end justifys the means

Why did Anti-Semitism rise during the middle ages?

The holy inquisition indirectly started the idea of Anti-Semitism

What was the council of Trent?

A commission of cardinals and bishops to report on the reforms needed for the church

What is predestination? Who started it?

Belief that god had picked a group to be saved. John Calvin

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Eastern Empire was renamed what?

Byzantine empire

What was the capital of the Byzantine Empire?


What are some characteristics of Gothic architecture?

Delt with religion. Some forms of gothic architecture was stained glass windows, painted arches, and flying buttresses

Why is social order important in the feudal system?

Each group had an obligation

What are some characteristics of humanism?

Emphasize the worth and uniqueness of an individual. Put emphasis on the individual as a reasoning and thinking person. People should develop their potential to the fullest

Due to the crusades, between what two places did trade increase between?

Europe and middle east

Why is the crusades called history most successful failure?

European learned things from the Muslim.

What did art, music, and philosophy of the Middle Ages usually deal with?


What is a guild?

Governed prices and wades in town

How was creativity of the arts encouraged during the renaissance?

Greek and Roman intrest was renewal.

What two cultures did the people of the renaissance look back to for guidance and creativity?

Greek and Roman.

What did Martin Luther's 95 theses called for?

How the indulgences where wrong and not in the bible.

How did humanists differ from the medieval philosophers?

Humanists was about the individual while medieval was about the religion

How did the wealthy patrons start the renaissance?

It help sponsor and commission artist

What does the end justifies the means mean? Who said it.

It means you have to do whatever to stay in power. Niccolo Machiavelli.

Due to the crusades what happened to feudalism?

It started to decline

What problems did Luther have with the sale of indulgences?

It wasn't in the bible

Who was considered to be the perfect renaissance man?

Leonard da Vinci

What are some characteristics of feudalism?

Limited mobility, emphasis on social order, each social class had an obligation, power was based on class relationships, ver rigid class system, land was exchanged for military service and loyalty.

What was the economic system of the Middle Ages?


Who is responsible for the start of the Protestant reformation?

Martin luther and Johannes Gutenberg

What important body of water was crucial to the trade during the renaissance?

Mediterranean sea

How did the development of cities and towns increase trade and commerce?

More people came to that area to trade

What are some characteristics of renaissance art?

Not about religion, more about realism

What are some characteristics of the renaissance?

Renewal of greek and roman interest. Simulated by a spirit of inquiry and questioning. Painter sought realism and creativity in artwork

What are the reasons feudalism began?

The absence of a monarch and strong central government.

What was the arts like during the renaissance compared to that of the Middle Ages?

They sought realism during the renaissance while it was about religion during the middle ages

During the Middle Ages what responsibilities did the Roman Catholic church have? (POSITIVE)

They were the state basically. Provided service to people and unity, order, and stability.

What was the goal of the crusades?

To get the holy land of Jerusalem

What are some important results of the crusades?

Trade increased between Europe and the middle east, decline in feudalism rise in monarchs!

In the feudal system an individual status is based on what?

What class they were born in to and the amount of land and wealth you possessed.

Why was land important in the fudal system?

You can get military service and loyalty. You could get power.

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