World History Quiz Questions for Exams

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Although not technically rejecting aristocratic rule, Confucius believed that a primary basis for granting the right to participate in government should be a. force b. wealth c. birth d. merit

d. merit

The Greeks, led by the Athenian fleet, defeated the Persians a. at the pass of Thermopylae b. at Euboa c. at Syracuse d. near the island of Salamis

d. near the island of Salamis

Greek religion was characterized by a. a total lack of spiritual perspective b. a lack of practicality c. public apathy d. polytheism, rituals, sacrifice, and festivals

d. polytheism, rituals, sacrifice, and festivals

On a practical level, reincarnation a. destroyed the caste system b. weakened the authority of Jainism c. prevented the assimilation of the poor into Indian society d. provided hope for the lower class

d. provided hope for the lower class

According to the Zhou concept of the Mandate of Heaven, a. territorial chieftains chose kings from the members of the Grand Assemblage b. the gods ruled that all must obey the king without question c. the king, as a god, was the arbiter of the use of power on earth d. the king was expected to rule in a compassionate and effective manner because he was selected by the gods to rule in order to maintain the order of the universe

d. the king was expected to rule in a compassionate and effective manner because he was selected by the gods to rule in order to maintain the order of the universe

All of the following are correct about warfare in ancient Greece *except* a. a willingness to engage the enemy head-on, thus deciding a battle quickly b. the use of heavy infantry c. the employment of citizen-soldiers in battle d. the use of light infantry in battle because of greater mobility

d. the use of light infantry in battle because of greater mobility

Spartan society a. adopted democracy a century earlier than in Athens b. was the 1st ancient society to attempt to save all premature and crippled infants c. passed the Lycurgan reforms, which made all women voters d. was organized as a military state

d. was organized as a military state

The Indian priestly caste was know as the a. brahmin b. pariah c. kshatriya d. volcana

a. brahmin

Ashoka a. changed his personal values and governmental policies after becoming a Buddhist b. was the founder of Jainism c. was a vaisya d. was the only Indian emperor who had tried to foster trade

a. changed his personal values and governmental policies after becoming a Buddhist

the government of Rome a. was originally a monarchy but later became a republic b. was ruled by the upper-class plebeians c. was developed as a monarchy under the Celts d. contained an element of republicanism from its beginnings

a. was originally a monarchy but later became a republic

Which of the following statements is a valid observation about Brahman? a. He was the Creator b. He was a contemporary of the Buddha c. He demanded monotheism d. he spread Hinduism to China along the Silk Road

a. He was the Creator

The Athenian leader whose funeral oration lauded Athenian democracy was a. Pericles b. Antigone c. Cleisthenes d. Knosses

a. Pericles

The founder of Buddhism was a. Siddhartha Gautama b. Mahauira Krishna c. Ashoka Gupta d. Chandragupta Maurya

a. Siddhartha Gautama

The people who created the first Mesopotamian civilization were the a. Sumerians b. Akkadians c. Egyptians d. Babylonians e. Nubians

a. Sumerians

the term *polis* describes a. a community of citizens in which political, economic, social, cultural, and religious activities were performed b. a province of the Persian empire c. the term for a 30-man infantry unit d. the original name for the city of Troy

a. a community of citizens in which political, economic, social, cultural, and religious activities were performed

Hammurabi did all of the following *except* a. become Pharaoh of Egypt during the Middle Kingdom b. "divide and conquer" his enemies as he returned Mesopotamia to unified control c. establish his new capital at Babylon d. work to stimulate economic revival and enhance the irrigation system

a. become Pharaoh of Egypt during the Middle Kingdom

The Hellenizing Process a. created Greco-Macedonian domination of the population centers of the middle east b. was hindered by the establishment of Greek Cities throughout the Middle East c. encouraged the spread of democracy d. was of greatest importance in rural areas

a. created Greco-Macedonian domination of the population centers of the middle east

Cyrus the Great a. created a great Persian empire b. enslaved the Jews c. used merciless policies that caused him to be hated by the people he conquered d. established the Ptolemaic Dynasty e. permanently conquered Greece

a. created a great Persian empire

In *The Republic*, Plato a. created a utopian, ideal state composed of three social classes b. established a theoretical structure for rigid gender distinctions c. advocated laissez-faire capitalism d. bitterly attacked the people of Sparta

a. created a utopian, ideal state composed of three social classes

Roman imperialism was characterized by a. diplomacy, strategic fortifications, road construction, and allied military support b. the successful employment of the phalanx c. a desire to improve the economics of conquered people d. pure accident and fate

a. diplomacy, strategic fortifications, road construction, and allied military support

The annual flooding of the Nile River a. enabled Egyptian civilization to thrive by leaving deposits of fertile silt b. was an unwanted event that occurred suddenly and generally without warning c. did not require an organized irrigation system d. produced many large urban centers that served as havens from the raging waters e. inhibited the evolution of civilization in ancient Egypt

a. enabled Egyptian civilization to thrive by leaving deposits of fertile silt

Paleolithic peoples a. engaged in artistic activities, as indicated by surviving cave paintings b. lacked the use of fire, which significantly retarded their pace of development c. perfected techniques that allowed them to hunt very large dinosaurs with total success d. lived in brick structures e. used bronze for tools and weapons, but not copper

a. engaged in artistic activities, as indicated by surviving cave paintings

Mummification was to a. help ensure that one could continue to live despite the death of the physical body b. assure against the return of the *ka* c. prevent the vital force of the physical body from returning d. prevent the vital force of the physical body from departing e. prevent decomposition during the immersion in the Nile or exposure to the sun

a. help ensure that one could continue to live despite the death of the physical body

By about 700 BC, which of the following replaced the aristocratic cavalryman in Greek warfare? a. hoplites b. mercenaries c. helots d. Macedonians

a. hoplites

Rome was a. in legend, defended by the extreme bravery of Horatius b. located in the valley of Attica c. founded by the Etruscans d. located on the plain of Latium

a. in legend, defended by the extreme bravery of Horatius *OR* d. located on the plain of Latium

The idea of the Mandate of Heaven was a. introduced by the Zhou dynasty and it served to legitimize its power b. a concept that lasts only a short time in Chinese history c. contained in the *Rites of Mao* d. introduced in the Bhaghavadgita

a. introduced by the Zhou dynasty and it served to legitimize its power

Which of the following statements is *not* an accurate characterization of the Greek *polis*? a. it played a significant role in unifying all Greeks throughout the entire region under a single government b. it could vary in size from a few square miles to hundreds of square miles c. it was a communal environment of individuals, some who were citizens with rights, others who were citizens without rights, and others who were not citizens d. it developed simultaneously with the creation of the new system of Greek military organization

a. it played a significant role in unifying all Greeks throughout the entire region under a single government

Which of the following is *not* true about cuneiform? a. it used the Cyrillic alphabet b. it was used for record keeping c. it was used for teaching d. it was used to record Mesopotamian literature e. it was developed by the Sumerians

a. it used the Cyrillic alphabet

For Confucius, the main thing to concentrate on was the a. nature of the real aspects of daily living b. the Middle Way c. metaphysical concepts of heavenly existence d. relationships of religious thoughts and values

a. nature of the real aspects of daily living

The beginnings of civilization in China were a. possibly first experienced under the Xia dynasty b. under the political organization of the Qin c. came from the Shang dynasty's exploitation of the nomads d. the result of a concentrated development of the Kunming bureaucratic arrangements

a. possibly first experienced under the Xia dynasty

Examples of Zhou advances in agricultural technology included the a. technique of leaving fallow land to better use soil nutrients b. planting of corn and yams c. permanent ending of flooding along the Yellow river d. use of artificial fertilizers and stirrup harnesses

a. technique of leaving fallow land to better use soil nutrients

During the Zhou dynasty, China a. undertook large-scale water control programs to regulate the flow of rivers and distribute water to the fields b. continued to consider merchants as the property of the Buddhist monasteries c. was conquered by the Aryans d. abolished slavery in order to increase agricultural production

a. undertook large-scale water control programs to regulate the flow of rivers and distribute water to the fields

Egyptian hieroglyphs a. used sacred characters as picture signs b. employed the use of an alphabet c. were written only on a paper made from the papyrus reed and oak bark d. were introduced by the Amorites e. were borrowed from the practices of the Phoenicians

a. used sacred characters as picture signs

the 3rd-ranked caste, usually viewed as the merchant caste, was the a. vaisya b. pariah c. kshatriya d. sudra

a. vaisya

Mycenaean civilization a. was founded by Indo-Europeans who migrated into Greece as early as 1900 BC b. was destroyed by the Ionian greeks c. had its major trading center on the island of Crete d. first developed in eastern Asia Minor

a. was founded by Indo-Europeans who migrated into Greece as early as 1900 BC

the term that refers to the system of large, joint families in India is a. varna b. boyar c. guru d. jati

d. jati

The Assyrian army a. was renowned for its ability to besiege enemy cities b. could deploy only a few 1,000 troops in major campaigns c. customarily used diplomacy and negotiation in its largely peaceful campaigns d. was unable to conquer Egypt e. defeated the Persians on the banks of the Tigris River

a. was renowned for its ability to besiege enemy cities

The use of fire may have begun about a. 2,000,000 years ago b. 500,000 years ago c. 100,00 years ago d. 25,000 years ago e. 10,000 years ago

b. 500,000 years ago

By the time he died, at the age of 32, Alexander had conquered all *except* a. western Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt b. Central Gaul c. ancient Mesopotamia, including Babylon, Susa, and Persepolis d. modern-day Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Israel, and other areas

b. Central Gaul

Macedonia's Philip II gained control of Greece by his victory in 338 BC at the Battle of a. Marathon b. Chaeronea c. Gaugamela d. Actium

b. Chaeronea

The Nile Delta, about 100 miles from the Mediterranean, was called a. Greater Egypt b. Lower Egypt c. Upper Egypt d. Central Egypt e. Axum

b. Lower Egypt

the myth of Persian invincibility was broken at a. Macedonia b. Marathon c. Persepolis d. Mycenae

b. Marathon

A famous grammar written by the Indian scholar a. Ashoka b. Panini c. Arjuna d. Gandhi

b. Panini

Which of the following statements is *not* a correct observation of Greek-Macedonian affairs? a. Alexander ended the Greek rebellion that developed after the assassination of Philip II b. Philip II's assassination ended all Greek involvement in a Macedonian-led invasion of the Persian Empire c. Philip II permitted the Greek city-states to control their domestic affairs, but he took control of all foreign developments d. the rapid spread of Macedonian control under Philip II provoked the Greeks to resist

b. Philip II's assassination ended all Greek involvement in a Macedonian-led invasion of the Persian Empire

The earliest of the Vedas was a. Bodhiyara b. Rig Veda c. Ramayana d. Upanishads

b. Rig Veda

The language of the Vedas was a. Gujarati b. Sanskrit c. Farsi d. Prakrit

b. Sanskrit

Ancient Chinese civilization originated in the valleys of the a. Nanjing and Hunan rivers b. Yellow and Yangtze rivers c. Yangtze and Mekong rivers d. Indus and LuMai rivers

b. Yellow and Yangtze rivers

The lengthiest dynasty in Chinese history was a. Qin b. Zhou c. Shang d. T'ang

b. Zhou

In contrast to the Old Kingdom, the role of the Pharaoh in the Middle Kingdom was that of a. an inaccessible god-king b. a shepherd, a provider of public projects and assistance c. a symbolic fisherman for his people d. a warrior-king e. a sacrificial scapegoat

b. a shepherd, a provider of public projects and assistance

*The Epic of Gilgamesh* was a. the formal title of the Osiris myth b. an epic poem from Mesopotamia dealing with the search for immortality c. a creation myth developed by early Phoenician thinkers d. the first Egyptian literary masterpiece e. a code of laws established by the Babylonian ruler, Gilgamesh

b. an epic poem from Mesopotamia dealing with the search for immortality

The ultimate goal of Hindus is to a. attain eternal life by exchanging one's karma for Atman b. attain an ultimate spiritual reunion with the Great Universal Soul c. be reborn again and again d. achieve enlightenment in the Western Paradise

b. attain an ultimate spiritual reunion with the Great Universal Soul

Ancient Chinese villages were organized on the basis of a. nuclear family units b. clans c. phratries d. race

b. clans

What do Zoroastrianism and Judaism have in common? a. the concept of polytheism b. emphasis on good and evil c. a common worship of the god, Yahweh d. individual judgement of souls after death by Osiris e. the belief in unoriginal sin

b. emphasis on good and evil

what "modern" idea was advanced by Confucius over 2,000 years ago? a. a virtuous government will sadly but inevitably make its people corrupt b. government depends on the will of the people c. political democracy is the only form of government d. Barbarians must not be accepted but crushed by military power

b. government depends on the will of the people

The earliest hominids a. lived in Asia b. lived in Africa c. used iron tools d. are know as *homo sapiens* e. evolved 1,000,000 years ago

b. lived in Africa

The earliest Aegean was located a. in the Peloponnesus b. on Crete c. on the island of Delos d. in Macedonia

b. on Crete

Cleisthenes a. was Sparta's greatest legal reformer b. reformed Athenian government thus creating the foundation for political democracy c. was a distant relative of both Homer and Pericles d. invaded Boeotia from his secret base in Helvetia

b. reformed Athenian government thus creating the foundation for political democracy

In ancient Greece, tyrants a. always promoted the interests of the aristocracy b. served in a transitional role from oligarchy to democracy for many city-states c. were replaced by kings d. were of peasant or slave origin

b. served in a transitional role from oligarchy to democracy for many city-states

Sparta was located in a. the Attica Peninsula b. the Peloponnesus c. Boeotia d. the Strait of Corinth

b. the Peloponnesus

Which of the following accurately describes the gender relationships in ancient Indian society? a. the practices concerning education, priesthood service, and property inheritance demonstrated egalitarianism between the genders b. the superiority of males over females was manifested in all areas of marital life c. a woman achieved "free" status at the age of 20 d. descent was matrilineal

b. the superiority of males over females was manifested in all areas of marital life

The 3 "twice-born" castes were a. sudra, ashakan, and pariah b. vaisya, kshatriya, and brahmins c. sudras, brahmins, and kshatriya d. Sikh, Hamar, and Maltese

b. vaisya, kshatriya, and brahmins

The caste system a. was a central element of Buddhist belief b. was applicable to every member of Indian society c. originated in Macedonia d. was unsuccessfully opposed by Aryan warriors' wives

b. was applicable to every member of Indian society

Greek philosophy a. is perhaps best known today for the ideas contained in the work of Polyclitus b. was distinguished by the ideas of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle c. was characterized by a lack of leading thinkers d. has not made as lasting an impact as that of Mesopotamia

b. was distinguished by the ideas of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

A key difference between Buddhism and Buddhism was that Buddhism a. believed in an unyielding caste structure b. was simpler, as it rejected the numerous Hindu gods c. originated in Mongolia, Siddhartha's birthplace d. claimed that each individual possessed an individual, reincarnatable soul

b. was simpler, as it rejected the numerous Hindu gods

Archimedes a. affected global location through the use of levers b. worked on the geometry of cylinders and spheres and the value of *pi* c. determined the value of karma, in its role as a constant in mathematics d. calculated the circumference

b. worked on the geometry of cylinders and spheres and the value of *pi*

Asceticism eventually evolved into the modern practice of body training know as a. karma b. yoga c. satya d. sati

b. yoga

Which of these ancient civilizations survived, intact, until the twentieth century? a. Aztec b. Aryan c. Chinese d. Hittite

c. Chinese

The Chaldean King who rebuilt Babylonia as the center of his was a. Cyrus b. Rameses II c. Nebuchadnezzar II d. Ashurbanipal I e. Marquil VI

c. Nebuchadnezzar II

One of the Hellenistic kingdom that succeeded Alexander was that of a. Attalid Kingdom of Pergamum in Persia and the east b. Seleucids in Egypt c. Ptolemies in Egypt d. Etruscans in Italy

c. Ptolemies in Egypt

The tragic Greek tale of a man who killed his father and married his mother was written by a. Aeschylus b. Euripides c. Sophocles d. Thespis

c. Sophocles

Confucius a. was defied by the Chinese government within 5 years after his death b. was a cousin of Siddhartha Gautama c. assumed that all humans had their own Dao d. was Qin emperor

c. assumed that all humans had their own Dao

Greek geography a. helped to produce a civilization that was composed of cooperative and peaceful communities b. prohibited a relationship with the sea that produced colonization c. contained mountainous areas that impeded Greek unity d. discouraged emigration

c. contained mountainous areas that impeded Greek unity

The central aspect of the Neolithic Revolution was the a. first development of hunter-gathering cultures b. successful invasion of northwestern Africa by Turkish nomads from central Asia c. emergence of systematic food production through the domestication of plants and animals d. use of fire and the cooking of food e. development of writing

c. emergence of systematic food production through the domestication of plants and animals

Gautama said that the way to avoid suffering was to end desire by a. practicing karma exercises b. practicing excessive asceticism c. following the "Middle Path" d. avoiding agricultural projects

c. following the "Middle Path"

Daoism a. became the philosophy of government under the Qin dynasty b. was first established by Mencius c. has the *Dao De Jing* as its primary document d. has the same view of the nature and meaning of life as Confucianism

c. has the *Dao De Jing* as its primary document

Thucydides believed that a. human nature showed no signs of order b. there was an exact pattern of repetition in all human affairs c. historical writing should be objective, accurate, and factual d. truth was virtue

c. historical writing should be objective, accurate, and factual

During the Old Stone Age, a. only Egypt had an advanced agricultural economy b. both men and women hunted wild animals c. hunting and gathering was the way most people supported themselves d. humans lived only in the southernmost parts of Africa e. communication was maintained through the use of Cuneiform

c. hunting and gathering was the way most people supported themselves

Homer's legacy to the Greeks was a. the first work to use the Cyrillic alphabet b. an accurate historical record of past Greek events c. important in inculcating the aristocratic values of courage and honor d. actually written by a Phoenician trader

c. important in inculcating the aristocratic values of courage and honor

The Phoenicians a. were great builders of several long-lasting empires b. established numerous Black Sea colonies c. invented an alphabet d. were skilled mercenary warriors e. conquered the Sea Peoples of Egypt

c. invented an alphabet

the Indian warrior caste was know as the a. vaisya b. pariah c. kshatriya d. brahmin

c. kshatriya

the ultimate result of the formation of the Delian League was to a. limit commercial opportunities throughout the region b. strengthen trade ties with the Persians c. make Athens the dominant city-state in the region d. create a cultural alliance of equal and independent city-states in Asia Minor

c. make Athens the dominant city-state in the region

During the Greek Dark Age, a. the Persians settled in Macedon b. Minoan Crete took over the Greek mainland c. many Greeks left the mainland for Ionian and Aegean islands d. the Romans infiltrated the Peloponnesus

c. many Greeks left the mainland for Ionian and Aegean islands

In their effort to uncover the will of the gods, the ancient Greeks made use of a. prophets b. spiritualist c. oracles d. shamans

c. oracles

Under Pericles, a. Athens conquered Sparta b. Thucydides developed the first comedy c. the Delian League was used to expand Athenian imperialism d. Sparta dominated the Greek world

c. the Delian League was used to expand Athenian imperialism

the term "the Dao" in China means a. incredible beauty b. karma c. the Way d. the How

c. the Way

Which of the following were among the basic characteristics of the first civilization? a. the development of the Phoenician Alphabet b. the use of iron tools and weapons by 3500 BC c. the development of cities d. the discovery of fire e. the invention of pottery

c. the development of cities

the most enduring achievement of Indian science and mathematics was: a. the fact that the sun is a star b. the 3 states of matter c. the discovery of the so-called "Arabic" # system which we use today d. important observations of the orbit of Mars

c. the discovery of the so-called "Arabic" # system which we use today

Which of the following was true about the Shang government? a. the local chieftains were responsible for defending the empire b. the government was ruled by a king so powerful that he needed only a handful of officials to administer all of China c. the king was viewed as an intermediary between heaven and earth d. the king had an army of 2,000,000 soldiers to help him govern

c. the king was viewed as an intermediary between heaven and earth

In early China, it was believed that the universe was divided by two primary forces a. heaven as the *qing* and earth as the *ming* b. the sun as the *tang* and the moon as the *tin* c. the sun as the *yang* and the moon as the *yin* d. the sun as the *tin* and the moon as the *tang*

c. the sun as the *yang* and the moon as the *yin*

All of the following was true about the Peloponnesian War *except* a. a plague killed 1/3 of the population of Athens b. Athenians were defeated and their city wall torn down c. the ultimate result of the war was a unified Greece headed by the city of Thebes d. the foundation of Spartan strategy was the exploitation of its strength in fighting face-to-face military confrontations on land

c. the ultimate result of the war was a unified Greece headed by the city of Thebes

Which of the following accurately characterizes ancient Egyptian civilization? a. its geography and topography made for great political and social insecurity b. there was little continuity because of the Niles's horrific floods c. there was a sense of security and a feeling of changelessness d. it considered religion unimportant as the emphasis was life in the here and now e. there were few opportunities for trade

c. there was a sense of security and a feeling of changelessness

Mesopotamian religion a. played a limited role in its culture b. was monotheistic in nature c. was reinforced by the intensity of the region's environment d. employed divination to maintain people's uncertainties about the gods' behaviors e. believed that the world was controlled by two competing gods

c. was reinforced by the intensity of the region's environment

The Assyrian Empire a. developed in the central desert region of the Arabian peninsula b. expanded northward from its original homeland to the Baltic Sea by 700 BC c. was skilled at waging both conventional and guerrilla warfare d. was the greatest trading center of the ancient world e. briefly occupied southern Greece

c. was skilled at waging both conventional and guerrilla warfare

Shang dynasty rulers a. were the descendants of raiders from the Indian subcontinent b. had little real power after the first year of their reigns c. were often buried with 100s of their retainers d. were finally overthrown by a Mongol dynasty about 200 BC

c. were often buried with 100s of their retainers

the conversations between Confucius and his disciples are found in the a. *Book of Songs* b. *Book of Changes* c. *Way of the Dao* d. *Analects*

d. *Analects*

Which of the following was the leading cultural center of the Hellenistic world? a. Thebes b. Athens c. Isfahan d. Alexandria

d. Alexandria

"If the government seeks to rule by decree, and to maintain order by the use of punishment, the people will seek to evade punishment and have no sense of shame. But if the government leads by virtue and governs through the rules of propriety, the people will feel shame and seek to correct their mistakes." This statement reflects the ideas of a. Legalism b. Zhousim c. Daoism d. Confucianism

d. Confucianism

The legendary "3 sovereigns" of prehistoric China were a. Shen Nong, Ling Pioa, and Shong Tui b. Fu Xi, Ling Pioa, and Shong Tui c. Chiang, Deng, and Sun d. Fu Xi, Shen Nong, and Huang Di

d. Fu Xi, Shen Nong, and Huang Di

If one lived in a way that was harmonious with the natural law, or was submissive to the will of God, then one was living a life of virtue. The preceding statement would be a position advocated by the a. Zoroastrians b. mystery religions c. Hellenists d. Stoics

d. Stoics

A set of commentaries on the Vedas that emphasized spiritual meditation were the a. Rigveda b. Kamasutra c. Mahabharata d. Upanishads

d. Upanishads

The "well field system" a. was developed only in the first century, in response to the rise of socialist thought b. was a water-diversion system which insured that every farm had the amount of water it needed c. was an animistic belief designed to protect the health of the land d. allowed peasants plots of their own to work, as well as working the lands of their lords

d. allowed peasants plots of their own to work, as well as working the lands of their lords

Ancient Mesopotamian society a. was predominately industrial b. employed trade and barter only to a very limited extent c. lacked a specific class structure d. developed an extensive irrigation system e. was intirely

d. developed an extensive irrigation system

The members of the caste known as the untouchables, or pariahs, were a. required to have a minimum of 5 children during their lifetimes b. given extensive opportunity to achieve social mobility c. so holy that they would be contaminated if touched even by high priests d. given jobs such as handling dead bodies or collecting trash

d. given jobs such as handling dead bodies or collecting trash

The purpose of the Vedas was to provide a. commentaries on the tribal Aryan religious beliefs b. the historical legacy of the Hindu tradition c. the story of the decline of Harappa d. hymns and ritual sacrifices for tribal Aryan religious ceremonies

d. hymns and ritual sacrifices for tribal Aryan religious ceremonies

Which of the following is an accurate statement about classical Greek architecture? a. it was decidedly unclear and confusing b. it was turbulent c. it was mainly constructed of wood and iron d. it reflected calmness, clarity, and freedom from excessive detail

d. it reflected calmness, clarity, and freedom from excessive detail

Scholars have found a larger, highly significant Neolithic urban center at a. Nairobi b. Mumbai c. Hokkaido d. Machu Picchu e. Catal Huyuk

e. Catal Huyuk

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