World History: Semesters 1 & 2

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What was the relationship between Henry II and William I?

Henry II was the great grandson of William I

Which French King issued the Edit of Nantes in 1598 that granted the Huguenots religious toleration?

Henry IV

Which archeologist discovered the city of Troy?

Heinrich Schliemann

How much of the city-state did that building take up?


What year was the Roman Empire divided and who was responsible for it?

285 A.D, Diocletian

How many popes were claiming to be the successor of Peter after the decision of the Council of Pisa in 1409?


The Apostolic Church referred to what time?

30 A.D - 100 A.D

Where did the U.S. and the Soviets divide Korea after World War II?

38th parallel latitude

The Aryan social structure was made up of how many classes of people?


What was the Hellenistic culture?

A blend of cultures

Which is the BEST characterization of the conflict in Cambodia?

An ideological conflict that became a genocide

What are Moluccas?

An island chain in present-day Indonesia

Noah sent out a dove, what did the dove bring back?

An olive leaf

Which of the following reasons was NOT why the Schlieffen Plan failed?

Austria-Hungary entered the war late and failed to give Germany support in the east.

After the speech at the University of Paris, Calvin was required to flee for his life. Where did he go?

Basel, Switzerland

Which country invaded and conquered Vietnam in 111 B.C. and remain in control for the next 1,000 years?


What triggered the Opium War between Britain and China?

China attempted to stop Britain from trading opium with China.

South Korea and U.S. forces, under the command of General Douglas MacArthur, were able to push the North Korean forces back to the Yalu River. What caused it to be pushed back to the 38th parallel?

China joined the North Korean army.

Which of the following was NOT part of the Treaty of Nanjing?

China was allowed to close it's boarders to Western trade.

Name two of the three historical time periods of Rome

City-States, Republic, and Empire

Who taught about filial piety, the respect for parents, as one of the five key relationships between people.


Which of the following believed that the increase in children would lead to an increase in the labor force, which would led to a decrease in wages, leading to a higher poverty level?

David Ricardo

What date was the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Dec 7, 1941

What event led to the end of the United States occupation of Japan?

Conflict in Korea.

What was the negative effect of British rule over India?


What was the "Tennis Court Oath"?

Delegates of the National Assembly promising to meet as the new representative body of the French people

Of all forms of government, which form does fascist states believe would lead to corruption and weakness?


The common substance are atoms.


Other than hieroglyphics, what other languages was found on the Rosetta Stone?

Demotic and Greek

Who developed a 28-volume Encyclopedia in an attempt to educate the people to his philosophy of thinking?

Denis Diderot

What was the name of the plane used to drop the atomic bombs on Japan?

Enola Gay

Which of the following was NOT a Puritan social ideal in England during the Commonwealth?

Equal rights between men and women.

Other than independence, what else did Gandhi want for Indians?

Equal rights for all castes

What was the significance of the August 4 vote of 1789 in the National Assembly?

Equality of all male citizens before the law

He is the father of geography. He calculated the circumference of the earth.


Name the three types of monastics and what they believe?

Eremitic, Cenobitic, and Keltics

After the Punic wars, Rome was committed to a policy of "imperialism." What does imperialism mean?

Establishing control over foreign lands

Why did many new nations in Africa have difficulty building democratic governments?

Ethnic divisions created by old colonial boundaries often caused distrust and unrest.

Which of the following contributed to the rise of authoritarian rule in Eastern Europe?

Ethnic rivalries caused unrest within independent nations.

He wrote the first geometry book.


Which of the following was NOT an effect of imperialism on the local colonies?

European imperialism strengthened local traditional cultures by introducing western education.

Who has a worldview?


A medieval pope could condemn someone to hell in the after life by withholding the sacraments. This was known as a(n)


Catherine the Great built on Peter the Great's accomplishments by

Expanding Russia borders by acquiring new territory and expanding serfdom.

What was the cause of Latin American's booming economy in the early 1900s?


French speaking writers from West Africa and the Caribbean who were living in Paris founded the negritude movement. In it, writers

Expressed pride in their African roots and culture and protested colonial rule

Which of the following is a characteristic of a totalitarian government?

Extreme nationalism

Dunkirk is in which country?


William was from Normandy. What country is Normandy located in?


What was the 100 Years War about?

France against England over the French throne

How did French nationalism increase tensions in Europe?

France considered Alsace and Lorraine to belong to France, rather than Germany.

Which of the following was NOT one of the results for France because of the Franco-Prussian War?

France gained its independence from Prussia

What was Operation Sea Lion?

German invasion of Britain.

What was Operation Barbarossa?

German invasion of the Soviet Union.

What was Peter the Great's main goal for Russia that he failed to accomplish, but his successor, Catherine the Great was able to obtain?

Gain control of territory with a warm-water port.

Pan-Arabism was a nationalist movement built on the shared heritage of Arabls who lived in lands from the Arabian Peninsula to North Africa. Today the area includes all of the following except...


Byzantine heritage was a combination of Christian beliefs with which culture?


Which of the following cultures does the Renaissance have an interest in?

Greek & Romans

Who invaded Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period?


Tsar Alexander II declared that it is "better to abolish serfdom from above than to wait until it will be abolished by a movement from below." Which statement below best explains his words?

If he did not abolish serfdom, then the serfs would rise up against the government.

Who was the first person to call the church "Catholic"?


What was Pope Gregory VII original name?

Ildebrando di Soana

The Trojan war was recorded in what document?


What is the difference between baptism by immersion and baptism by infusion?

Immersion is whole body in water, infusion is sprinkling

What is the fish symbol and what does it mean?

Ixoye, it means Jesus Christ, Son of God, and Savior

Who was the king that was forced to resign and flee to France during the Glorious Revolution?

James II

Who came up with the 4004 B.C. date of creation?

James Ussher

Who had the Great Sphinx built?


Who made the decision to redistribute millions of acres of lands to peasants under the communal land program?

Lazaro Cardenes

What was the main problem with Britain's democracy that led to the Reform of 1832?

Less than 5% of the population could vote.

One reason it took so long for French women to gain the right to vote is that

Liberal men were concerned that women would vote conservatively.

What does "blitzkrieg" mean?

Lighting war

What makes the discover of Lucy untrustworthy?

Lucy is untrustworthy as no one knows where she came from. She doesn't even have all of her bones

What did the Council of Ephesus of AD 431 decide about the Pelagian Controversy?

Man inherits the sinful nature of Adam

What does Bolsheviks mean?


How was France's Second Republic divided from the start?

Peasants and the upper-middle class did not believe in rights for workers.

What part of the Greek peninsula is the Spartan polis located?


Alexander Fleming


What common goal did the revolutions throughout the Austrian Empire have?

People demanded independent governments and written constitutions that defended basic rights.

With which statement would Enlightenment thinker, John Locke, have agreed?

People have the right to overthrow a government that violates their rights.

What happened in Keyna?

People protested the loss of their land to white settlers

What social change was introduced during the Medieval period due to the increase in trade and businesses?


Who raised an army of volunteers, called the "Red Shirts", to take control of Sicily?

Guiseppe Garibaldi

Who was the first nationalist that attempted to unit Italy since the Roman times by founding Young Italy?

Guiseppe Mazzini

Which powerful Indian empire brought the Golden Age?

Gupta Dynasty

What verse of the bible tells us that we cannot take our possessions with us after death?

1 Timothy 6:7


A business organization in an area such as shipping, mining, railroads, or factories

What decision did Caesar make when he crossed the Rubicon river?

He decided to attack Rome with his army

How did Victor Emmanuel contain political unrest after unification?

He extended voting rights and instituted social reforms.

What part of the government did the father of democracy add to Athens?

He gave power to the assembly. He also limited the assembly to 500 people

What did Julius Caesar do to insure loyalty with Pompey?

He had his daughter marry

What did Philip do to Pope Boniface VII after he issued the Unum Sanctum?

He had the pope arrested

Why did Charles I need so much money?

He needed money to finance the war (from the American revolution)

Which of the following did Peter the Great NOT do in order to westernize Russia and bring it out of the medieval period to a powerful European and Asian power

He negotiated several peace treaties with European nations, like France, Britain, and Spain.

What did Diocletian do in 303 A.D and what was he attempting to do?

He outlawed Christianity, he attempted to eradicate it

Which of the following is NOT true about Martin Luther

He produced a new Greek edition of the New Testament and a Latin translation of the Bible

How did Einstein's theories challenge accepted views of the universe?

He proposed that measurements of time and space were relative rather than fixed.

Why did Christianity spread so quickly in the first century?

Hellenistic culture (blending of cultures), the Pax Romana and the building of roads allowed Christianity to spread quickly. They also had a singular Greek language. Epicureanism was also the philosophy of life, and people were glad to move from a polytheistic to monotheistic religion

Who developed a method to turn iron into steel?

Henry Bessemer

Used the assembly line to mass-produced cars

Henry Ford

Marie Curie


What new invention made transporting goods more preferred than the use of canals?


How was cultural nationalism reflected in Mexico? And what did it do?

Revival of mural paintings, wall art reflected Mexican culture and history

Which of the following was an affect of Allied defeats and high casualty rates on the Eastern Front?

Russia experienced a revolution and dropped out of the war.

Which of the following refers to the ability of individuals to move up the social scale?

Social mobility

What was Solon's main social reform?

Social reforms, he creates assemblies for free-male citizens to debate about important issues

Whether "women were treated equal to men" would be under which cultural element?

Social, it could also be under politics because it may include aspects such as voting

Vasco da Gama traveled around the Cape of Good Hope. Where is the Cape of Good Hope located?

Southern tip of Africa

What was John Calvin's main doctrine that led to "Calvinism?"

Sovereignty of God

The real power of the Spartan oligarchy was in which group of individuals?


What was the main type of traded items that drove Europe to exploration?


What did Gandhi make the symbol of the nationalist movement?

Spinning Wheel

Who was known as the "Prince of Preachers" and pastored the largest church in London during the 19th century?


One appeal of Fascism to Italians was its promise of

Stable government.

Which of the following refers to the level of material goods and services available to people in a society?

Standard of living

What was one way that James Watt's steam technology contributed to the Industrial Revolution?

Steam engines improved the shipping of goods, like the use of steam powered trains and boats.

Name two things that Caesar Augustus did to strengthen the economy?

Stopped pirates, expanded roads and postal service, and standardized currency

Which of the following is NOT part of fighting Flared for Mexico

Strengthened government control over the economy

Define mercantilism?

Strict government regulation

Which of the following is NOT descriptive of Soviet Union economy during the Stalin era?

Strong international trade

Which of the following was NOT a description for Bangladesh?

Strong military relationship with Pakistan.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the United States Constitution?

The Constitution created four branches of government.

During the Cold War, John F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro, and Nikita Khrushchev struggled over an event, called

The Cuban Missile Crisis

Which of the following weakened the Weimar Republic?

The Weimar government tried to help workers by printing more money, which caused the German mark to lose value.

Which of the following is NOT one of the three main geographic regions that shaped early Russian life?

The West Basin

After the fall of the Roman empire, how did the East and the West change politically?

The West became the Holy Roman Empire, and the East became the Byzantine Empire

After the fall of the Roman Empire, how did the East and West change religiously?

The West became the Roman Catholic Church, the East became the Eastern Orthodox

Who was the leaders of the Eastern and the Western church?

The West had the Pope, the East had the Emperor

Why do Islamists oppose secular government and culture in the Muslim world?

The Western culture and capitalism undermined traditional Islamic society.

In the War of Roses, which color rose represented which noble house?

The York family was white, the Lancaster was red

What does transubstantiation mean?

The change of bread to the body of Christ and wine to the blood of Christ

Why did Martin Luther choose that particular day of the year?

The church would be full

How did the Soviet Union survive the German Blitzkrieg?

The cold winter stopped the German army.

Nationalism contributed to the decline of the Hapsburg Empire because

The empire became paralyzed by nationalist unrest.

Why was the war called the "War of Roses"?

They had roses on their shields

Why were aircraft carriers important to winning the war in the Pacific?

They had the ability to launch aircraft from their decks.

Why did Africans fight on behalf of their colonial rulers?

They hoped that it would lead to more rights and opportunities

What happens to the Spartan boys that reached the age of 7?

They joined the military

What was NOT some of the main reasons France was in serious economic trouble in the late 1700s?

The bourgeoisie was spending lavishly on social gatherings.

In light of government and church censorship, wow did people, like Madame Geoffrin, in the middle and upper class societies spread enlightenment ideas?

They met in salons

What important global role did India and Pakistan play after independence?

They organize the international Cold War nonalignment movement.

How did both Turkish and Persian nationalists fight to change their governments?

They overthrew traditional monarchs and named new rulers.

Which answer best describes how the people participated in changing their governments in Eastern Europe and Russia?

They participated in protests and strikes.

What did the United States Congress do to keep the U.S. from entering World War II?

They passed the neutrality acts, stating that they would only assist countries who were fighting for their freedom.

In the late 1800s, European powers saw growing rivalries. What did they do in an attempt to alleviate the atmosphere of fear and distrust?

They protected themselves by forming alliances.

Early in the Industrial Revolution, how did members of the working class react to their new experiences in industrial cities?

They protested and found comfort in religion.

U.S. Leaders withdrew troops from Vietnam because

They realized that they could not win the war.

Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany after the invasion of Poland?

They realized the policy of appeasement failed.

How did cultural nationalism change Latin American writers, artists, and thinkers?

They rejected European influences and took pride in their own culture, with its blend of Western and Native American traditions.

In the 1920s, what was the feeling that led Latin American writers, artists, and thinkers towards European influences?

They rejected it

How did the monarchs of Europe react to the French Revolution?

They saw the French Revolution as a threat to their absolute monarchy, so they attempted to stop the revolutionary ideas from spreading and help the French monarchy.

Why did U.S. leaders play the China card?

They saw the Soviet Union as a greater threat.

How did Rome build their navy?

They stole their ships from other navies

Which of the following was NOT how the communists used brutality and terror to win the Russian Civil War?

They tried to assassinate Lenin.

How did reformers seek to change China in the late 1800s?

They tried to modernize industry, the economy, and government.

Where were the Pilgrims originally headed?

They wanted to go to a place just slightly north of Jamestown

Why did many members of Mexico's elite class support the Mexican Revolution?

They wanted to reduce foreign control of Mexican business.

How did the middle class view Napoleon?

They welcomed his economic reforms.

Which of the following is the best description of Hapsburg Austria?

They were a diverse empire with divided land and culture.

How did Germany feel about the Treaty of Versailles?

They were angry because it blamed Germany for the war

What eventually happened to Louis XVI and Marie Antionette?

They were beheaded

How were the Brits seen about how they dealt with protests?

They were criticized for reacting harshly

What did Arius mean when he stated that the relationship between God and Jesus was heteroousian?

They were different

What did Henry II establish in England to give him authority over the church and the nobility?

The royal courts

Name the two reasons why the location of Rome is strategic

The sea provided trade routes, the Alps provided protection

A key component of the U.S. government under the Constitution is

The separation of powers among different branches of government.

What was the major theme of Mexican muralists such as Diego Rivera?

The struggles of the Mexican people for liberty

What is unique about how Christopher Nolan directed the Dunkirk film?

The timings. Something about like the land taking a week, the navy taking a day, and the airplanes taking an hour.

During the 1960s, what happened to U.S. government social programs?

They were expanded.

What was France's economic situation during the late 1700s?

They were in debt because they were spending too much money and not doing much about it.

What happened to Christians after 250 A.D?

They were persecuted state-wide

What was Italy most upset with after World War I?

They were upset because they did not get all the territories promised to them if they join the Allied powers.

What is the primary reason that concentration camps were created in 1933?

They were used as detention centers for political prisoners.

What role did women play in the war effort during World War I?

They worked in war industries, manufacturing weapons and supplies.

How did the enlightenment thinkers combat government and church censorship in order to spread their ideas?

They wrote their ideas in fictional novels.

According to the dream in the bible that predicted the Greek empire, what part of the statue represents the Greek empire and what material was it?

Thighs of Brass

Why did conflict in Italy continue even after unification?

There were still many regional differences.

How did the collaboration of Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin help end World War II?

They adopted a unified strategy to defeat the Axis powers in Europe.

How did the Industrial Revolution change the lives of men, women, and children?

They all worked long, hard hours in dangerous conditions.

What did the Emperors of Eastern Rome argue about with the Popes of Western Rome?

They argued about who was in charge

How did Arab nations respond to the creation of Israel?

They attacked Israel.

How did Westerners justify their right to rule over the other people?

They believed that Western culture was superior to others.

How did the social classes view the Weimar Republic?

They blamed the government for the Treaty of Versailles and war reparations.

What was one similarity between Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt and Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran?

They both took steps to reduce foreign influence in their nations.

Which statements best describes a similarity between fascist and communist governments?

They both used terror and indoctrination to keep power.

Why were the first factories more efficient than the earlier putting-out system?

They brought workers and machines together in one place.

How did enclosures contribute to the development of the Industrial Revolution?

They consolidated smaller fields to gain larger pastures that could cultivate more efficiently.

How did other countries react to Britain's reaction to the Salt March?

They criticized Britain

How did Stalin's five-year plans affect industry and agriculture?

They decreased the output for agriculture but improved industry.

Which statement best describes Western countries' attempts to end the Great Depression?

They developed programs that lessened suffering but did not solve all the problems.

How did the Western powers react to the Pan-African Congress's request to approve a charter of rights for the Africans and an end to colonialism?

They didn't approve it

What are the causes of the persecution of the Christians?

They didn't worship the emperor, nor did they worship/buy idols. They also did not attend social events such as gladiatorial games. Christianity was also an internal faith

How did the majority of British people view Indian culture?

They dismissed Indian culture as inferior to their own.

After Louis XVI was forced to travel to Paris, what was the main reform attempt by the National Assembly to solve the financial crisis in 1791?

They drafted the Civil Constitution to take church land, clergy became elected officials, and papacy was no longer in charge.

How did European governments exploit African colonies?

They exploited mineral resources and forced Africans off the best land

What did European governments do to the African colonies?

They exploited the mineral resources of Africa, sending raw materials to feed European factories

Why did the women who marched on Versailles want King Louis XVI to return to Paris?

They felt the king, who lived a life of luxury at Versailles, was out of touch with what was really happening in the country.

How did Charles V and Philip II expand the Spanish state?

They fought wars and tried to expand Catholicism.

Why did the United States establish the NATO alliance?

To establish a strong democratic presence in Eastern Europe.

What could be the youngest age that a factory might employ a person?

Typically 7-8, but there are cases where children were like 5 years old

What new Germany inventions was used against the British navy?


How did the new technology of splitting the atom end World War II?

U.S. scientists created a new bomb that was used against Japan.

Who is considered the high priest?

Ulrich Zwingli

In what building did the Sumerians conduct both government affairs and religious ceremonies?


What was the Good Neighbor Policy?

Policy in which American President Franklin Roosevelt promised that the United States would interfere less in Latin American affairs

What was the result of the agricultural improvement of introducing the iron plow and horse in the 800's?

Population growth

Who studied illnesses (Father of Medicine)?


What were the two Japanese cities that were destroyed by the atomic bomb?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Why did Mao's reforms, the Great Leap Forward, fail?

His bad policies along with poor weather led to famine, and many people died.

After the death of Charles VI of Hapsburg Austria in the early 1700s, who became the next ruler?

His daughter, Maria Theresa.

Why did Gandhi become such an influential leader in the Indian independence movement?

His emphasis on equality had widespread appeal.

Why is Ulrich Zwingli known as the "people's priest?"

His views aligned with the "people's"

Why was the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand important?

It caused Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia.

By what date were women given universal suffrage in England?


The Rowlatt Acts was passed in...


Which amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives universal women suffrage?

19th amendment

Who was the first person to circumnavigate (sail around) the world?

Ferdinand Magellan

Japan became an economic power by

Keeping its tariffs high.

What is the period of time called before the invention of writing?


Who was the main sun god?


What was Elizabeth I's religious beliefs?

She was protestant

What is another name for the American Revolution?

The War of Independence

What is Pan-Arabism?

The emphasis on the united of Arabians

When the archbishop of Canterbury died, who did Henry II appoint?

Thomas a Becket

Which of the following is the exact definition that the textbook gives for "totalitarianism"?

"A one-party dictatorship regulates every aspect of the lives of its citizens."

What was the appealing message that Marcus Garvey preached?

"Africa for Africans"

Ernest Hemingway

"The Sun Also Rises" - young people laced deep convictions

According to William Shakespeare, what was Julius Caesar's last words?

"Et tu, Brute" (You too, Brutus?)

T.S Eliot

"The Waste Land" - portrayed the modern world as empty

The difference between "glasnost" and "perestroika" is

"Glasnost" created greater freedom of expression; "perestroika" reformed the government and economy.

Indians called Mohandas Gandhi "Mahatma", meaning____.

"Great Soul"

What the most famous quote of Louis XIV of France?

"I Am the State"

What did admiring Indians come to call Mohandas Gandhi?


F. Scott Fitzgerald

"The Great Gatsby" - emptiness of the 1920s

What was the major Indian rebellion against Britain called?

"The Salt March"

The battle cry of the Zapatistas, as these rebels were called, was "Tierra y libertad!" which means_____.

"land and freedom"

In World War I trench warfare, what was the name of the land between the opposing trenches?

"no man's land"

When was the Treaty of Serves signed?


How many years of military service is required of each male citizen?

10 years

How many centuries and Roman soldiers are in a Legion?

100 legionaries in a century and 4,000-6,000 legionaries are in a legion

What year did the British archeologist discover the city of Ur?


How many colonies did England own in America when the American Revolution started?


About what time frame was the Reformation?

1500 A.D - 1700 A.D

Western nations industrialized mostly during which time period?


Which of the following years did France NOT have a revolution that overthrew their leader?

1848 - end of Louis Philippe

What year did Gandhi set out with 78 followers on a 240-mile march to the sea?


What was the Salt March?

1930 Gandhi gathered people to march out against the British government as a whole

When did the new world war explode/start?


The Good Neighbor policy survived until


What year was the end of World War II?


During Noah's Flood, how many days did it rain on the earth?


When was the New Testament completed?

451 A.D

What year did the Roman Empire finally fall to the invading Germanic tribes?

476 A.D

What year was the fall of Rome and who was the last true Roman emperor?

476 A.D Romulus Augustulus

What day of creation did God create the sun, moon and stars?

4th day

The basic Roman military unit was called a Legion, which included how many soldiers?


When did the Petrine Succession begin?

590 A.D

What was the name of Zwingli's document?

67 Articles

What day of creation did God create Eve?

6th day

How many pairs of clean animals were brought on the ark?


How many followers did Gandhi set out on March 12, 1930?


How many people were on Noah's ark?


When did Charlemagne die?

814 A.D

What are the doctrines that Martin Luther promoted?

95 theses

What was the cause of the "Kristallnacht," or "Night of the Broken Glass"?

A German Jew shot and wounded a German diplomat in Paris.

What is a Polis?

A Greek city-state

What was the War of Roses about?

A civil war between the York and the Lancaster families over the throne

Give a basic definition of the Protestant Reformation.

A movement that protested against the corrupted church

How as Philip II of Spain viewed as a leader?

A dedicated absolute monarch, claiming divine right

What type of leader was Benito Mussolini?

A dictator that help power through fear

Who is Anne Frank?

A famous story about a Jewish girl and her family that hid from the Nazis for two years.

What is a "Capet"?

A king

Who is Spartacus?

A gladiator that lead the rebellion against the Romans

What was the Dreyfus Affair?

A government scandal to falsely accuse a Jewish officer in the French army of treason.

What was the Paris Commune of 1871?

A group of rebels that wanted to create a new socialist order.

What did the Dreyfus Affair revealed about French society?

A growing anti-Semitic movement.

Which of the following best describes France's government according to the Constitution of 1791?

A limited monarchy

Name the reasons why England feels that they have authority to rule France.

A majority of the kings of England had family ties with France

What is apartheid?

A policy of rigid segregation of nonwhite people in the Republic of South Africa

What was the salt march?

A march led by Gandhi collected salt and sold it on the streets, leading to many Indians being in jail

What was the Yalta Conference?

A meeting of the Big Three to determine the end of the war in Europe.

What is The Deluge?

A reference to Noah's flood

When a child becomes a king in England, who helps oversee his kingship?

A regent

Which of the following was most responsible for Napoleon's rise to emperor of France?

A series of military victories against Austria

What was the Berlin Airlift?

An attempt to provide food and fuel to the communist blockade of Berlin.

Lenin believed that the socialist revolution could succeed in Russia if

A small group of dedicated revolutionaries, known as the Bolsheviks, controlled the government.

Which of the following was NOT one of the political institutions that arose in Britain as they began their evolution as a constitutional government?

A strong monarchy.

What is a pedagogue?

A tutor

The final defeat of the Nazis was due to the

Ability of Allied forces to surround Germany.

Who developed the idea of Capitalism?

Adam Smith

During A.D.100 and 700, what materials did the Moche people use to build the largest structures in the Americas?


Name two of the three bodies of water around the Italian peninsula

Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea, and the Tyyrhenian Sea

Name two of the three bodies of water that surrounds the Greek Peninsula.

Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, Mediterranean Sea

Who did the Soviets invade in the 1979?


What is the negritude movement?

African artists and writers express their pride in African heritage

Which of the following is NOT a true statemen about the Philippines.

After the Philippines gained its independence, they received constant military and economic aid from Britain.

What was the name of the Athenian market place?


In the Good neighbor Policy, the United States

Agreed to stop interfering in the affairs of Latin American Nations

Which British industry was the first to industrialize?


Gandhi's actions in the independence movement were largely inspired by

Ahimsa and civil disobedience.

Which of the following was NOT one of the new military technology of World War I?

Aircraft Carriers

Patented the telephone

Alexander Graham Bell

Who led the Greeks to conquer the Persians?

Alexander the Great

Who invented dynamite?

Alfred Nobel

Who was the first king to unite England?

Alfred the Great

Which of the following was NOT a right demanded in the French Declaration of the Rights of Man?

All citizens, men or women, to be equally eligible for all public offices.

Which of the following were NOT part of Roman law and justice that developed into basic principles of today's American judicial system?

All guilty criminals are executed

The constitution made by Venustiano Carranza enforced all the following except

All large estates were going to stay as one estate

Germany, France and Russia were drawn into the war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia as a result of the

Alliance system.

How did the Spanish conquistadors treat the native Americans?

As a conquered people

How did Johann Gutenberg's printing press become a cause of the Reformation?

Allowed for knowledge to spread quicker

In contrast to Lenin's "war communism," his New Economic Policy of 1921

Allowed small businesses to reopen for private profit.

Which action best represents the policy of appeasement followed by Britain and France prior to the start of World War II?

Allowing Hitler to annex the Sudetenland as part of the Munich Agreement

What was the main accomplishments of Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone?

Almost-universal male suffrage

What is the complete title of Adam Smith's book on capitalism?

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Question What was the Good Neighbor Policy?

An agreement where the United States promised not to interfere with Latin affairs

What are coalition governments?

An alliance of various political parties to form a government.

Everything has a common substance, but he did not know what it is. All life evolved from the sea.


The common substance is air.


List the 6 time period (eras) with their corresponding dates:

Ancient World: 4004 B.C - 500 B.C Classical World: 500 B.C - 500 A.D Medieval World: 500 A.D - 1100 A.D/1500 A.D Expanding World: 1100 A.D/1500 A.D - 1650 A.D Wide World: 1650 A.D - 1900 A.D Modern World: 1900+ A.D

In 1939, when a new world war exploded, what did NOT happen

Angry nationalists planned to revolt and storm Britain

Which of the following does a river NOT provide to the early civilizations?

Animal husbandry

What does A.D. stand for and what does it mean?

Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord)

What is the study of the development of people and their societies?


What word do we use when an inanimate object takes on human characteristics?


What were the Nuremberg Laws?

Anti Semitic laws placing heavy restrictions on the Jews.

Stalin used the Great Purge and "show trials" to eliminate

Anyone he saw as a threat to his power.

What was a person called that supported the faith and refuted false doctrines?


Which event was a root cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

Arab rejection of the UN partition plan

Which group would have been most likely to support the following statement from the Balfour Declaration? "We should do nothing that will prejudice the religious or cultural rights of communities existing in the Palestine Mandate."

Arab residents of Palestine Mandate

Why did the Pan-Arab movement face challenges?

Arabs were generally not united

Who was assassinated on June 28, 1914, causing the start of World War I?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

He contributed to our understanding of physics by learning about levers and pulleys.


He believed in a heliocentric solar system.


He came up with the plant and animal classification system and was the teacher to Alexander the Great.


Who was Plato's most famous student?


The Inca built a network of roads through the deserts and mountains because it allowed news and __ to travel quickly throughout the empire.


About what date did the Sumerian civilization begin?

Around 3500-3000 B.C (around Noah's Ark)

What happened to Robespierre at the end of the Reign of Terror?

Arrested and executed

What are the Chinampas that the Aztec built for their capital city?

Artificial islands for more farm land

Which civilization does the "Vedas" teach us about?


How does the Greeks view the priestly class?

As government officials

How did Austria's alliance system influence Austria's decision to send Serbia an ultimatum?

Austria had support from Germany.

Which of the following was most effective on making manufacturing efficient and faster?

Assembly line and division of labor

Name two of the three goals of Pericles.

Athenian democracy, commercial empire, and glorify Athens

Enrico Fermi

Atomic fission

Name the northern portion of the Greek Peninsula.


What title was given to Octavian when he became the empire of Rome that no other emperor had?


Which of the following was the largest Nazi death camp?

Auschwitz, Poland

Which of the following nations was NOT part of the Triple Entente?


What was the name of the time when the pope was required to rule out of France?

Avignon Papacyu

What was the statement issued by the British government in 1917 supporting the idea of a homeland for Jews in the Palestine Mandate?

Balfour Declaration

Which of the following nations gained it's independence from Pakistan in 1971?


As Medieval trade increased, which new business was also needed?


What did Charlemagne do to help the church increase their membership of believers?


Give two example of the sacraments that the RCC required in order to earn eternal salvation?

Baptism and conformation from the holy spirit

List the 7 Sacraments:

Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage in the Church, Holy Order, Extreme Unction, Penance, Holy Eucharist

What caused the Romans to build a wall around the city of Rome?

Barbarians sacked the city in 390 B.C

Who originated the idea of separation of powers through three branches of government in his book, The Spirit of the Laws, in 1748?

Baron de Montesquieu

Which of the following was NOT one of the art styles of the 1920s?

Baroque art

Which statement best summarized the difference between baroque and rococo art?

Baroque paintings were grand and complex, while Rococo paintings often showed noble subjects in charming rural settings.

What battle and date did William defeat Harold, becoming the next king of England?

Battle of Hastings (October 14, 1066)

What is "socialist realism" during the Stalin age?

Censorship of the arts

What major battle did Charles Martel win that earned him his title?

Battle of Tours

Why did Austria declare war on France on April 20, 1789?

Because Marie Antoinette was the king of Austria's brother, and he was scared that they were mistreating her.

Why did Wilhelm (William) II ask Bismarck to resign?

Because Wilhelm (William) II believed that his authority to rule came from God.

Why did Bangladesh separate from Pakistan?

Because ethnic and political differences divided East and West Pakistan

Why did Otto von Bismarck initially sign treaties with other nations?

Because he was concerned that France would seek revenge for losing the Franco-Prussian War.

Why did Benito Mussolini called his new political party the Fascist Party?

Because it was named after a Roman ax that symbolized unity and authority.

Why was the Balkans known as the "Balkan Powder Keg"?

Because of all the political unrest and wars in the region.

Why was it initially difficult to beat the Japanese?

Because the Japanese showed that they would fight to the death rather than surrender.

Why did the Third Estate want the Estates-General to meet as a single body?

Because the Third Estate was constantly being out voted by the other two Estates, two to one

Why is China's main river called the Huang He or Yellow River?

Because the soil is yellow

Besides assigning loyal governors and strengthening the economy, name two other reforms of Caesar Augustus.


How does geography pose challenges for Bangladesh?

Being a few feet above sea level at the Ganges Delta results in frequent floods and tropical storms.

For people that practice baptism by immersion, what do they believe that practice represents?

Being reborn when coming back up

Which was the first European nation after Britain to industrialize?


What were the results of the Belgian and Polish revolutions of 1830?

Belgium won their independence while Poland did not.

What makes us righteous according to Romans 1:16-17?

Believing in the gospel

What was the philosophy of Machiavelli's book, "The Prince?"

Better to be feared than loved

What was Otto Von Bismarck's goal in forming alliances with Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Italy?

Bismarck's goal was not to only just isolate France, but this would also allow the countries he allied to gain more power. This would lead to increased tensions throughout Europe

Which deadly disease appeared in the mid-1300s killing one-third of all Europeans?

Black Death

What is the German word for "lightning war"?


Which of the following is NOT an artifact?


Write a short paragraph explain the different between the legislative branches of France, England, and the United States.

Both France and England have parliaments, the US however has the congress. France has 3 houses, both England and the United States have 2 houses

What is one reason that peace between Israel and the Palestinians has been so difficult to achieve?

Both Israel and the Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their capital.

By the mid-1700s, there were five dominate European powers. Which of the five DID NOT rule by absolute monarchy during this time?


During the Napoleonic Wars, much of Europe came under the control of France, except for which nation?


What country led the 1st Industrial Revolution?


Which group did NOT call on the Paris peacemakers to approve a charter of rights for Africans and an end to colonialism?


Who became the first country to abolish slavery by the early 1800s?


What did Britain do when Germany bombed London for over two months in 1940?

Britain did not give up and withstood the attack.

What promise did people think the Balfour Declaration was going the make but resulted otherwise?

Britain would be establishing a Jewish homeland

When calling on the Prais peacemakers to approve a charter of rights for Africans and an end to colonialism, delegates were sent from all these places except


Who were the main group of people that the French fought in the French and Indian War?


What good did Gandhi initiate a boycott against?

British Goods, cotton textile

What does the Pax Britannica mean?

British Peace

What was one of Britain's primary contributions to industrialism?

British inventors developed new machines for the textile industry that led to the factory system.

Which religion was most widespread in Japan during the time of the Shogun?


Which country had the greatest influence on Korean culture because of it's close location?


The West Germans rebuilt their country

By building new factories.

How did France's radical revolutionaries try to seek power and protect the revolution?

By dealing harshly with enemies of the revolution and advocating for a republic

How did Bismarck unify the German states?

By defeating Denmark, Austria, and France.

How can OPEC influence global events?

By its control of oil prices and availability.

How has Malaysia avoided extreme violence, despite being an ethnically diverse nation?

By maintaining an equal distribution of wealth among all ethnic groups

How did the Korean navel ships defeat the invading Japanese navy?

By sailing their armored ships into the Japanese fleet

Which Emperor was in charge when Jesus Christ was born?

Caesar Augustus (Octavian)

What is the current day capital of Egypt?


Which Christian denomination stemmed from John Calvin's teaching?


In the mummification process, what was the name of the jars where the internal organs were stored?

Canopic Jars

What did the Constitution of 1917 NOT address?


After this time, what new church position was established above the pope?


What is the latin version of Charlemagne's name?

Carolus Magus

What is it called and what does it represent when you see a circle around Egyptian words?

Cartouche, it represented a Pharaoh's name

Where did the Christians go into hiding to worship?


What was Mary Tudor's religious beliefs?


The Treaty of Sevres

Caused the empire to loose Arab and North African lands.

What is one example of Cavour's helping the cause of Italian unification?

Cavour worked secretly with the French to push Austria out of northern Italy.

What type of entertainment was done at the Hippodrome?

Chariot races

Who became the king of the Franks, united his kingdom by fighting off invaders, spread Christianity, and was crowned by the pope as the new emperor of the Romans?


What important event happened on Christmas day, A.D. 800, placing the church's authority over the political authority of the Frankish Kingdom?

Charlemagne was crowned the Roman Emperor

What was the relationship like with Parliament when Charles I became king of England?

Charles I clashed with Parliament over the need to raise money.

What was the final act of the English Civil War?

Charles I was beheaded.

Who was the first Major Domo who becomes the king?

Charles Martel

Which event was one of the causes of the French Revolution in 1830?

Charles X suspended the legislature and restricted the press.

What did the Greeks call Khufu?


What are Harijans, which is what Gandhi called outcasts?

Children of God

What did Gandhi call the outcasts?

Children of God

In 1894, which nation did Japan go to war with in the Sino-Japanese War?


How did warlord uprisings and foreign imperialism lead to the 1919 May Fourth movement in China?

China's weak leadership was blamed because they could not stop foreign invasion.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Ming dynasty?

Chinese products, including gunpowder and porcelain, were traded to Europe because of the writings of Marco Polo

Which of the following was NOT an aspect of the triangular trade route?

Chinese silk and porcelains

A knight was expected to follow which code of ideal conduct that required them to be brave, loyal, and honest, to fight fairly, to treat captured knights well, and to protect the weak?


What do we call the code of conduct for a knight during the medieval period that we would say today in terms of how a man should treat a woman?


Which Korean dynasty was the longest-lasting and final dynasty?


Who began the vast global exchange of the 1500s and 1600s that would profoundly affect the world?

Christopher Columbus

Name one of the three estates of the French Estates General.

Church leaders

Other than dressing in common clothing and speaking in the common language, what other reforms did Zwingli promote?

Church leaders could marry

How did Winston Churchill respond to the Munich Pact?

Churchill was strongly apposed to the Munich Pact.

What often developed around factories in the 1800s?


Who is known as the father of democracy?


Who was the first Merovingian king that united the group that lived in modern day France?


Name a natural resource that contributed to the cause of the Industrial Revolution by allowing more efficient stream engines?


What important resource was used to help develop the steam engine, which became vital during the Industrial Revolution?


The governments during the Third Republic were unstable because

Coalitions of governing political parties fell apart.

In order to boost China's agriculture, Mao adopted which Soviet practice?


How did Western imperialism affect the culture of the colonies?

Colonized people were encouraged to adopt Christianity and European culture, and local traditions weakened.

Name two of the three major architectural accomplishments?

Colosseum, aqueducts, and Pantheon

All of Julius Caesar's victories were compiled into six books, called...

Commentaries on the Gaelic Wars

What does C.E. stand for?

Common Era (same as A.D)

After the October 1917 Bolshevik revolution, the Bolsheviks gained control of the government and was renamed as the


Which element of Olmec culture did the Mesoamerican people NOT adopt?


Where did the Nazis send the Jews they did not want in their country?

Concentration Camps

What is the difference about doing something consciously or subconsciously?

Consciously: Being aware of actions (on purpose) Subconsciously: Doing something naturally without realizing (habits, etc.)

Which of the following was another word for "the draft," which required people to serve in the army.


Which Roman emperor issued the Edict of Milan in AD 313 giving religious freedom in the Roman Empire, which stopped the persecution of the Christians?


What important event happened in AD 313 for the Christians?

Constantine legalizes Christianity in the Edict of toleration

What was Byzantium renamed after Constantine called it New Rome, but before it was called Istanbul?


Which of the following factors helped the Allies win World War II?

Controlling wartime production goals at home making a commitment to total war

What did Gandhi believe love could do?

Convert even the worst wrongdoer to the right course of action.

List one of the two significant laws to protect the people listed int he document that King John signed

Could not tax without permission, everyone had a right to a jury

Which of the following did the New segregation policy NOT restrict for the South Africans?

Could not wear light-colored clothes

Name what rights the Roman women had and what right they didn't have

Could own property and could become citizens, but were not allowed to vote

What was the name of the group that was called by Constantine in 325 A.D to resolve the Arian Controversy?

Council of Nicea

Give one of the three reasons why William the Conqueror should be the next king of England.

Cousin of Edward, Married Alfred the Great's descendant, and he was the son of Robert I

Besides Julius Caesar, who else was in the 1st triumvirate?

Crassus and Pompey

J. Robert Oppenheimer

Created the atomic bomb

Improvements in technology, like cartography, help with exploration. What do cartographers do?

Creates maps

Where did the Minoans live?


Since the end of the Cold War,

Cuba has remained committed to communist ideals.

What are two of the three main elements of World History?

Culture, Geography, and Chronology

What is the name of the Sumerian writing?


In the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan and the Republican Party

Cut taxes and social programs.

What was the final decision of the Munich Pact?

Czechoslovakia gave the Sudetenland to Germany without a fight.

What was the name of the document that John Calvin wrote that explained his beliefs?


Other than the Medieval period, give one more name for this time period

Dark/Middle Ages

Which emperor divided the empire into East and West?


Who divided the Roman empire in AD 284?


In 1912, a political party called the African National Congress did NOT

Discuss problems for reformation in the South African community

Women suffragists were

Divided over the use of violence to achieve their goals.

From where did Cromwell claim the right to rule?

Divine right from God

List the doctrines that Zwingli believed?

Doctrines of the Catholic Church

What did William establish in England that eventually led to taxation?

Domesday book (a census)

Explain the difference between a domestic manufacturing system verses a factory system?

Domestic manufacturing system is where people would be at home producing goods, compared to a factory system which is far more efficient, which in general lead to cheaper prices so more people could afford them.

Who persecuted the Christians because the Jews would not pay taxes?


In North America, the Adena and the Hopewell of the Northeast farmed in the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys. They built __, which were large piles of earth, shaped into burial mounds, bases for structures, and defensive walls.


What was the first United States' military attack on Japan after Pearl Harbor?


Name two of the three types of Greek pillars.

Doric (wide columns), ionic (skinny columns), and corinthian (fancy columns)

Who gave the "I have a dream" speech?

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

What was the Boxer Rebellion (1900) about?

Driving out all of the foreigners in China

What was the first major British led rescue mission that saved over 300,000 troops?


Why did the Arabs feel betrayed by the West?

During WWI, some Arab leaders helped the Allies against the Ottoman empire, however, France and Britain had secretly agreed to take over Arab lands within the Ottoman Empire.

Why did fighting continue after Angola achieved independence?

During the Cold War, the U.S. and USSR financed rebel groups.

Why did some Latin American nations despise the US?

During the Mexican Revolution, the United States supported the leaders who favored American interests.

Which of the following was NOT part of the "Big Three" of World War II?

Dwight Eisenhower

Where did Christopher Columbus want to travel to when he left Portugal?

East Indies

After Pakistan gained it's independence in 1947, what made their nation unique?

East and West Pakistan was separated by India.

Which of the following was NOT a problem Italians faced after unification?

Economic changes

As communism declined around the world, what type of reforms did China do?

Economic reforms

Name two of the three economic reforms of Solon.

Economic reforms (frees debt and encourages trade), social reforms (creates assemblies), and a legal system (creates a judicial system)

What was the main cause of the fall of the Soviet Union?

Economic turmoil and overspending with the military

Who did Edward the Confessor marry?


Which nation controls the Suez Canal that provides the shortest sea route between Europe and Asia?


Which of the following was NOT part of the Roman origins?


Who did Henry II marry?

Eleanor of Aquitaine

What made the Carthaginian general, Hannibal, invincible?


The Great Reform Act of 1832

Eliminated rotten boroughs and redistributed seats in Parliament.

Who lead the peasant revolt in the southern Mexico?

Emiliano Zapata

The Kellogg-Briand Pact was designed to

End wars between countries.

Who was winning the 100 Years War in the beginning of the war?


All of the following was a contribution or a result of The Thirty Years' War, except

England decided to take the opportunity to launch an attack on Spain.

The idea of "laissez-faire" economics came from which of the following philosophy?


Large machines led to what new cultural concept?


Is creation a science or faith?


What is the basic Gospel message according to Romans 1:16-17?

Faith leads to salvation

Name two of the four images on the jars that are used to store the pharaoh's organs.

Falcon: Intestines Jackal: Stomach Baboon: Lungs Human Head: Liver

What was the main cause of the "Great Fear" of France during they late 1700s?

Famine and poverty

Under Mussolini, Italy became a

Fascist dictatorship.

What does Atatürk mean?

Father of the Turks

What does "pater-familias" mean?

Father of the family

What was the "red scare"?

Fear of communism

How did Benito Mussolini become the leader of the Italian government?

Fearing a civil war, King Victor Emmanuel III asked Mussolini to form a government as prime minister.

Why did the British partition of India cause a refugee crisis?

Fearing violence, Muslims and Hindus each left areas where they were in the minority.

What is the name of the land that encompasses Mesopotamia, Canaan, and Egypt?

Fertile Crescent

Give two of the three ways the Nile river was used in Egypt?

Fertile land, food, and transportation

What type of society is the Japanese Shogun and Samurai?


Which of the following was NOT part of the Commercial Revolution of the 1500s?


Which of the following is NOT a duty of the French intendent?

Fight in the army

What are Shikh article of faith called?

Five Ks

Which of the following was NOT one of the problems in Japan during the 1920s?

Floods destroyed large farmlands and crops.

Said, "The very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm" and insisted on better hygiene in field hospitals.

Florence Nightingale

What did the medieval Christian church teach that was needed for salvation?

Following the sacraments

What did the Zapatistas cry out for?

For land and freedom

How does the law of competition affect the quality and price of a product?

For more competitive products, consumers are more likely going to buy a higher quality product at a cheaper price. No one is going to buy a low quality product at a ridiculous price.

Why did Hitler nullify the Nazi-Soviet Pact by invading the Soviet Union?

For natural resources and crushing communism

Why was 1550 to 1650 known as Spain's siglo de oro, or "golden century"?

For the brilliance of its arts and literature.

What policy did Stalin follow to bring agriculture under state control?

Forced collectivization

There were few recessions in the post World War II United States because

Foreign trade was booming.

Admiring Indians came to call Mohandas Gandhi, " Mahatma", or

Great Soul

By the 1700s, what was France's economic situation?

France was largely in debt and bankrupt.

Why did France surrender to Germany?

France was overrun by German and Italian forces.

Who is the current pope?


Question Who was murdered in 1913 by one of his generals?

Francisco Madero

Which liberal reformer demanded free election?

Francisco Madero

How did the U.S. government react to the Great Depression?

Franklin D. Roosevelt started the New Deal program.

What did Francisco Madero demand?

Free elections

Define Capitalism.

Free trade, being free of government regulation

What was the official language in the English court after William became king?


Who were the Huguenots?

French protestants

What was the attitude of the Taino people towards the Spanish?


Using a telescope, who proved that the sun was the center of the solar system?

Galileo Galilei

Who spoke to the people throughout India about the core of every religion being Truth, non-violence, and the Golden Rule?


Who or what was "Desert Fox"?

General Erwin Rommel

Who was the Mongol chieftain that united the Mongol clans that dominated most of Asia in the early 1200s?

Genghis Khan

Who was the monarch of England during the American Revolution?

George III

Who developed steamed power locomotives?

George Stephenson

What event caused United States President Woodrow Wilson to cut off diplomatic relations with Germany?

German U-boats sank the Lusitania.

Austria and Prussia came from which European territory?

German states

Name the two main reasons why the United States entered World War I.

German unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmerman letter

Which of the following statements best describes Nazi ideology?

Germans comes from a superior race and need to destroy their enemies.

How did World War I contribute to the events leading up to World War II?

Germans hated the Versailles Treaty and supported Hitler's actions to defy it.

Martin Luther is from which country?


Originally, Catherine the Great of Russia was born in which European Nation?


What happened to Germany because the struggles between democratic United States and communist Soviet Union?

Germany became divided.

Which of the following was NOT an impact of the Napoleonic invasion of the German states?

Germany immediately unified into a powerful nation that was able to defend against Napoleon's army.

Which of the following was a result of Germany's involvement in the Spanish Civil War?

Germany was able to test out the capabilities of its weapons.

Which of the following was NOT one of the causes of the March 1917 revolution in Russia that caused Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate the throne?

Germany's invasion of St. Petersburg

Which of the South Saharan African nations was the first to gain independence?


Which of the following accurately compares the paths to independence of Ghana and Algeria?

Ghana achieved independence peacefully, while Algeria achieved independence through armed struggle.

What did King John give to Pope Innocient III that gets the nobility of England upset with him?

Giving up England as a fief

For a Christian, who determines right and wrong?


Kings that embraced the idea of "divine right," received their authority to rule from


Who do we believe is the author of history?


What did the Council of Nicea in AD 325 decide about the relationship between God and Jesus?

God and Jesus are the same essence

What does the incarnation mean?

God becoming flesh; A spiritual being becoming physical

How does this school believe that this universe began?

God created the universe

How does Sabellianism try to resolve the trinity?

God is in three different forms

Explain the "priesthood of the believers."

Going to priest to talk to God

Which of the following gives the correct sequence of events describing the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe in 1988-1989?

Gorbachev initiated "glasnost," the Hungarians introduced reforms, East Germans protested, and the Berlin Wall fell.

Medieval architecture evolved from the fortress-like churches to which style?


The inventor of the four wheel "horseless carriage"

Gottlieb Damiler

What did admiring Indians call Mohandas Gandhi?

Great Soul

What does Mahatma mean?

Great Soul

What does "Magna Graecia" mean?

Greater Greece

What policy is Gorbachev calling for in this statement? "Without glasnost there is not, and there cannot be, democratism, the political creativity of the masses and their participation in management." - Mikhail Gorbachev

Greater openness

Which of the following was a benefit to the working class because of social mobility?

Greater political rights, like voting.

Which of the following nations did NOT have a revolution in 1848?


Which of the following was not one of the major issues addressed in the Constitution of 1917?


Which of the following was NOT a section addressed by The Constitution of 1917?

Government structure

One effect of "glasnost" was that

Governments in Eastern Europe introduced reforms.

How can total war increase the power of government and have a lasting political impact?

Governments took on a stronger role in the nation's economy and culture.

Which of the following is NOT true about Serbia gaining their independence in the early 1800s?

Greek forces helped put down the Serbian revolt.

What did Gregory VII do to Henry IV when Henry attempted to appoint his own bishops in Germany?

Gregory VII excommunicated them

Invented the radio

Guglielmo Marconi

Which Chinese dynasty was known as the Golden Age?


When God sent the first plague of Egypt and turned the Nile to blood, it showed which Egyptian god did not have power?


Who is the advisor to Edward the Confessor?

Harold II

Who was the only female pharaoh?


Why was Adolf Hitler put in prison?

He attempted a coup d'etat in Munich.

What did Marx predict was the future of the proletariat?

He believe that the proletariat would rise up against the bourgeoisie and take control of production, creating a classless society, ending the struggle over wealth and power.

Why was James I resistant to working with Parliament?

He believed in the absolute power of the kings through divine right.

Which was a cornerstone of Hitler's anti-Semitic beliefs?

He believed that Jews were the blame for Germany's defeat in World War I.

What did John Stuart Mill see as the proper role of government?

He believed the government should prevent harm to others and improve the lives of the working class.

Which of the following was one of the ways Louis XIV increased his power as an absolute monarch?

He brought nobles under his control.

Which action of Hitler was a direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles?

He built up the German military.

How did Senghor foster African pride?

He celebrated Africa's rich cultural heritage and rejected negative views of Africa spread by colonial rulers

What did Ram Mohun Roy do to be known as the founder of Indian nationalism?

He combined Indian and western cultures.

How did Hitler die?

He committed suicide.

During the Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day, how did Henry IV prevent from being executed by the Catholic soldiers?

He converted to Catholic

What did Philip II do to eliminate feudalism in France?

He created a currency system

What did William Booth start to help the poor?

He created the Salvation Army

Why did Stalin target the Russian Orthodox Church?

He saw the Church as a threat to his power because they were mostly supportive of the tsars.

What did Constantine see in the sky before his final battle with Galerius?

He sees a cross with the Latin words that translate to "in this sign, you will conquer"

What actions did Charles X take in 1830 that led to a French rebellion?

He suspended the legislature.

What does Philip the Fair of France do to show that he had more authority than the church, which resulted in the Pope issuing the Unum Sanctum?

He taxed them

Which of the following BEST describes Peter the Great's approach toward westernization?

He used autocratic power (unlimited authority) to centralize royal power and forced the boyars to adopt westernization.

How did Charles Martel raise an army?

He used feudalism

What was Wilhiem II's goal in expanding Germany's navy?

He wanted to create a fleet larger than Britain's

Why does Harold feel that he should be the next king of England?

He was Edward's advisor

What position did Pepin of Heristal hold and what was the significance of that position?

He was a butler to the king and took care of the palace, his title was Major Domo

According to Pope Gregory VII, what does he believe about his relationship with the kings of earth?

He was above the king of the earth

Why was Cavour concerned about Garibaldi's success in southern Italy?

He was afraid Garibaldi would create a separate republic.

What ultimately happened to Charles I after the English Civil War?

He was beheaded.

Question What led to Francisco Madero's death in 1913?

He was considered too liberal for conservative people and not radical enough for revolutionaries.

What happened to Spartacus?

He was crucified

How did Pope Francis become the pope?

He was elected

What happened to King James II during The Glorious Revolution?

He was forced to resign and flee

How was Charles II received by England when he return as king?

He was well received and popular.

Who led the English Reformation by asking the pope to annul their marriage?

Henry VIII

Who conquered the Aztecs in Mexico?

Hernan Cortes

Father of History.


Who is the "Father of History"?


What is the formal name of Ancient Egyptian writing?


Name two of the three titles that the pharaoh has?

High Priest, God of Egypt

What is ahimsa?

Hindu belief in nonviolence and reverence for life

Which of the following religions practiced polytheism?


Father of medicine.


What does Hagia Sophia mean?

Holy Wisdom

Who originally told the story of the Trojan war?


Who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?


Name two of the three ancient Greek historical time periods.

Homeric, Hellenic, Hellenistic

Where did the first century church meet?


Humans are a part of which of the following groups?


Which house of Parliament does the Puritans primarily participate in?

House of Commons

List one of the two houses in England's Parliament.

House of Commons and House of Lords

Who discovered King Tutankhamun's burial chamber?

Howard Carter

Who was the English missionary to China?

Hudson Taylor

Who started the Capetian line of kings?

Hugh Capet

The Greek gods struggle with what aspect of humans?

Human desires

How did Nero persecute the Christians?

Human torches

In terms of religion, what was the ideology of Marx's Communism?


What intellectual movement was at the heart of the Renaissance?


Name the three basic types of worldview.

Humanism, Pantheism, Theistic

What is the main feature of a constitutional government?

Its power is defined and limited by law.

One purpose of the German Social Democratic Party was to

Improve conditions for the working class.

How did the poor eventually get better medical care during the Industrial Revolution?

Improved hospitals care with sanitation and cleanliness.

What was the significance of the Long Parliament?

Its struggles with Charles I led to the English Civil War.

Which of the following is NOT a true statement about women in the Muslim Middle East countries?

In most countries, women still have not gain equality before the law.

Who became the first tsar of Russia?

Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible)

How did the first Opium War (1839) start?

In a nutshell, the Chinese seized and the opium and had it destroyed. Then, Britain got mad at them.

How was the conflict in Darfur similar to the conflict in Rwanda?

In both conflicts, the government targeted a minority group in an effort to eradicate it.

What was the one long-term benefits of the Industrial Revolution?

In industrial countries, the overall standard of living improved.

How did the failure of Germany's Schlieffen Plan to quickly defeat France affect the future course of the war?

It caused Germany to split it's army between east and west, which prolonged the war.

Which of the following did NOT led the massive migration of people from farms to cities?

Increase in labor unions

The Opium War was significant for Britain because it led to

Increased power and trading rights in China.

Which country was the greatest influence on Southeast Asia?


What was the main impact of the Amritsar massacre on the Indian independence movement?

It convinced many Indians that they needed full independence.

What are the sepoys?

Indian soldiers

Under which type of imperial rule did Great Britain practice?

Indirect rule

What effect has ethnic and religious diversity had on the conditions in Indonesia?

Indonesia has experienced deadly violence as a result of infighting.

What did Johann Tetzel sell that helped the church earn money?


The earliest Indus civilization emerged around 2600 B.C. around which river valley?

Indus River

What Roman Catholic doctrine did Conrad Grebel teach against?

Infant baptism

What was the significance of the Magna Carta?

Influences modern day government

Which pope was the height of Papal power by the 1200s?

Innocent III

Which of the following term is a mutual dependence of countries on goods, resources, and knowledge from other parts of the world?


What modern day country would be the possible location of the Garden of Eden?


What did the Darby family contribute to the Industrial Revolution?


What did many Native American groups of the Northeast form to stop constant warfare?

Iroquois League

Who showed that gravity keeps the planets in their orbits around the sun?

Isaac Newton

Which military strategy did the United States take with Japan that was led by General Douglas MacArthur?


What was the result of the "Six Day War of 1967"?

Israel gained more land

What was the significance of Philip II eliminating feudalism in France?

It allowed for more royal power

Which of the following was NOT an effect caused by the Rowlatt Acts in 1919?

It allowed for the Congress Party and Muslim League to cooperate

How did the rise in education bring about an intellectual cause of the Reformation?

It allowed for the rediscovery of the Classical Manuscripts

What does abolishing the Corn Laws, tariffs on imported goods, do to Britain?

It allowed free trade with other countries, lowering the cost of food.

How did Germany increased its power in the late 1800s?

It became an industrial giant.

How did the PRI contribute to Mexico's government?

It brought stability to Mexico and carried out many desired reforms.

How did the Pan-African Congress work to end colonial rule?

It called on colonial powers to approve a charter for African rights.

What did the Zollverein economic union do for Prussia?

It dismantled tariff barriers between many German states.

What was one way that the French Revolution changed life in France?

It eliminated the feudal "noble" class privileges.

What effect did the Salt March have on Britain?

It embarrassed them

How did the Scientific Revolution lead to the Enlightenment?

It encouraged people to use reason to solve problems.

What was the impact of the English Bill of Rights on the development of democracy in England?

It ensured Parliament's total control over the monarchy.

What was the result of Gandhi's Salt March on March 12, 1930?

It failed, Gandhi was imprisoned, but people were influenced and they continued to march

What was the results of the "Chartist Movement"?

It failed.

What was the Muslim Brotherhood?

It fostered a broad Islamic nationalism that rejected Western culture and denounced corruption in the Egyptian government

How did the Munich Pact affect Europe?

It further encouraged Hitler's aggressive policies.

What was the Ballot Act of 1872?

It gave people the right to keep their vote secret, which was better for workers. (Example would be workers voting for wage increase and getting fired for doing so)

Name two reasons for the name, "Fertile Crescent."

It had fertile land, suitable fo farming. It was shaped like a crescent (encompassed Egypt, Canaan, and Mesopotamia)

Which of the following is NOT true of the prehistoric period?

It included the Industrial Revolution

How did new military technology influence the fighting in World War I?

It increased the number of casualties.

What was one effect of the Négritude movement?

It inspired many Africans to protest colonial rule.

How did farming change the lives of Neolithic people?

It led to becoming less nomadic

How did the English Civil war change England's government?

It led to the creation of a republic, known as the Commonwealth, under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell.

What effect did Western-style education have on the Indian elite?

It led to the development of a nationalist movement.

What does "lugal" mean and what is it?

It literally means "big man", and it was typically a warrior king

How did U-boat attacks affect the fighting on land?

It lost supplies to the sinking of ships.

Explain James' "Divine Right of Kings" theory. What does it mean to rule by "Divine Right of Kings"?

It means that God gives the monarchs the power for them to rule. This way, the people under the king would actually listen to him.

What was the result of the Treaty of Nanking and Tianjin?

It opened up and allowed western trade with China

Which answer best describes how the Dreyfus Affair divided French society?

It pitted Royalists and the Church against liberals and republicans.

How does a policy such as "Russification" lead to increased nationalism?

It prompts people to fight for their own cultural and national identity.

What did the Act of Supremacy do?

It put Henry VIII as head of the Church of England

Which best describes the impact of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?

It put into practice ideals of the Enlightenment.

After the American Revolution began, which of the following actions did the Continental Congress take FIRST?

It raised an army and put George Washington in charge.

Which of the following was an effect of British resistance to Germany?

It saved Britain from a German invasion.

What is the significance of Pepin the Short getting crowned king?

It showed that the pope had more power than king

Why was the storming of the Bastille an important event in the French Revolution?

It signaled the end of the absolute monarchy.

Which answer best describes how the concept of liberty influenced Eastern Europe in the late nineteenth century?

It sparked nationalist and revolutionary movements.

How did the Treaty of Versailles affect the Ottoman empire?

It took away Ottoman land and redistributed it as mandates to Allies.

How did Germany's invasion of Belgium bring Britain into the war?

It violated the treaty that Germany had signed with Britain and France to keep Belgium neutral.

What was the purpose of the Pantheon?

It was a religious building, it had a dome and an oculus

What is the significance of placing the papal throne in France?

It was controlled by the French

According to the text, what challenges did the Chinese republic face after the fall of the Qing dynasty?

It was often involved in internal wars or war with foreign invaders.

What happened to Lenin's body after he died in January 1924?

It was preserved by Joseph Stalin and put on permanent display in the Red Square

What made Manchuria attractive to the Japanese?

It was rich in natural resources.

Why was the League of Nations significant?

It was the first attempt to create an organization where nations worked together for peace.

What is the significance of the document that King John signed?

It was the first document that would limit the king's power

Why did Charles V divide the Hapsburg Empire?

It was too big for one person to rule.

Why did the first attempt to form a government with The Articles of Confederation fail?

It was too weak.

Name the political causes of the Reformation?

It would oftentimes challenge authority

Which of the following best describes the conditions in Italy after World War I that helped Mussolini come to power?

Italians were tired of social unrest and economic instability.

By the time Otto the Great became the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, where was the empire dominantly located?


Which country did the Renaissance begin in?


Which of the following was NOT one of the five permanent members of the United Nations?


Which of the following was NOT a reason for the Allied victory in Europe?

Italy decided to change from the Axis Powers to the Allied Powers.

Prince Metternick of Austria found the idea of Italian unification impossible because

Italy had been divided culturally and economically for hundreds of years.

What was the first English colony in North America?


What was the name of the first English colony in America that was settled in 1607?


Which of Henry's six wives did he finally have a son with, named Edward?

Jane Seymour

Which country issued the Twenty-One Demands to China?


Which nation attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor?


Which of the following countries are NOT part of Southeast Asia?


What was the Bataan Death March?

Japan forced Filipinos to march more than 60 miles.

Where in the bible does it state that Jesus is the Word and is God?

John 1:1

What type of music embodied the Western "Roaring Twenties" movement?


Under Louis XIV, who was the finance minister that helped the economy grow?

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

Who believed that people in their natural state were basically good and was corrupted by the evils of society, especially the unequal distribution of property?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Why is Jerusalem so important to both Israelis and Palestinians?

Jerusalem is religiously secret to both groups.

The Jews believed in a coming Messiah. Who does the Christians believe is the Messiah?


According to the bible, who is the chief corner stone of the church?

Jesus Christ

From 1919 to 1940, both the Zionist Movement and the effects of the anti-Semitism in Europe encouraged

Jewish immigration.

Which of the following statements represents an example of "silent" Jewish resistance?

Jewish people meeting in secret to celebrate their religion and culture.

Anti-Semitism is prejudice against which group of people?


During the Cold War, which of the following did the United States support in China?

Jiang Jieshi and the Nationalist

Who was responsible for organizing and rallying the French army?

Joan of Arc

Who was the 17-year-old that led France to win battles?

Joan of Arc

Who printed a complete edition of the Christian Bible using a printing press with movable metal type?

Johannes Gutenberg

Who developed the doctrine of predestination, wrote the Institutes of Christian Religion, and setup of a theocracy in Geneva?

John Calvin

Other than the Father of Enlightenment, name another Enlightener and his philosophy.

John Locke, his philosophy was actually pretty similar to Voltaire's, they both argued for the use of reason when it came to government.

Who originated the idea of communism through his book, The Communist Manifesto, that communism would bring a classless society in which the means of production would be owned in common for the good of all?

Karl Marx

Who was considered the most radical of the enlightened despots because he/she dealt directly with his subjects to understand their problems?

Joseph II

Discovered how antiseptics prevented infection and insisted that surgeons sterilize their instruments and washed their hands before operating.

Joseph Lister

Who succeeded Lenin to become the new leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)?

Joseph Stalin

Who was the communist leader of Russia during World War II?

Joseph Stalin

Who was the Roman military commander that conquered the Gauls, became a dictator, and was assinated in 44 BC?

Julius Caesar

The Byzantine Empire reached it's height under which emperor?


Who was the most influential Byzantine emperor?

Justinian the First

What is the meaning of Justinian's Corpus Juris Civilis?

Justinian's body of civil law

Received a patent for the first automobile, which had three wheels

Karl Benz

WW1 effected African people's situation by

Keeping it mostly the same or even worsening.

During the Revolution, President Woodrow Wilson of the United States did NOT

Kill 16 Mexicans

Who was the governor of Jerusalem when Jesus was born?

King Herod

Who signed the Magna Carta?

King John

Who became king of England after Henry II died?

King Richard

Who led West Germans as they rebuilt cities, factories, and trade after World War II?

Konrad Adenauer

What did Bismarck start to make the German Catholic population loyal to the government over the church? (Also known as "battle for civilization.")


What is a "Gulag"?

Labor camps

During the 1800s in Britain, what reforms improved the lives of children?

Labor laws and education

Early in the Industrial Revolution, which of the following did the working class NOT have to organize workers to bargain for better pay and working conditions?

Labor unions

What does "Tierra y libertad!" mean?

Land and freedom

What does Mesopotamia mean?

Land between the rivers

What is a "fief"?

Land grant

What is a fief?

Land grants

The Constitution in 1917 addressed what 3 major issues?

Land, religion, labor

What did the constitution of 1917 address?

Land, religion, labor

What three major issues did the Constitution of 1917 address?

Land, religion, labor

During the Medieval period, which language remained the language of Europe's scholars and churchmen?


Which tribe started the Roman Republic?


What was the Roman philosophy of stoicism?

Loyalty and duty to the empire

What is a Roman soldier called?


Which of the following Renaissance artist painted The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa?

Leonardo da Vinci

Which of the following agricultural revolution did NOT contribute to population growth?

Less European wars

How did Oliver Cromwell rule England as it's Lord Protector?

Like a dictator.

What factors helped Britain become a global power?

Limited trade restrictions, location, territorial expansion

What further awakened nationalism and self-confidence among Africans?

Literary movement called the Negritude movement

Works like The Prince from Niccolo Machiavelli or The Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione developed what aspect of the Renaissance movement?


What does Christians mean?

Little Christ; Christ followers

What was the Roman philosophy of epicureanism?

Live in the present, because there is no afterlife

Name the Roman writer what wrote about Roman history?


Which of the following influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence?

Locke's idea of popular sovereignty

Linked microbes and disease, created vaccines, and developed a method to kill disease-carrying microbes in milk

Louis Pasteur

In early 19th century France, which of the following monarchs was was know as the "citizen king", who extended suffrage and policies that favored the middle class?

Louis Philippe

In the main court of the Palace of Versailles, who was the statue sitting on a horse?

Louis XIV

Who was known as the "Sun King?"

Louis XIV

What European palace or city did Peter the Great use as a model for St. Petersburg of Russia?

Louis XIV's Palace of Versailles.

What does "philosophers" mean?

Lovers of wisdom

What was the main goals of reforms in the British criminal justice system during the 1800s?

Lower the number of harsh death penalty

If you are selling the latest video game and you have a large inventory, but very few people are interested in purchasing it, what should you do to help sales?

Lower the prices, or increase it's quality by adding updates, DLCs, and stuff like that

Name 2 new military technology that was developed and used during World War I.

Machine guns and U-boats

What made the "putting-out system" in Britain obsolete?


Which of the following is NOT one of the four factors of production?


What does the French Parlement do?

Made a judicial system

Rationing and war bond drives were two ways that the Allies

Made sure they had the resources needed to support the war effort.

What document did King John sign?

Magna Carta

Which type of Indian religion was the first to spread to China?

Mahayana Buddhism that pictured compassionate gods

The earliest civilization develop near

Major rivers

What is the smallest piece of land in the feudal system where a knight might live?


What was NOT an impact of the African slave trade?

Many African merchants became wealthy selling slaves to the Europeans

What were the results of the persecution?

Many Christians died but the gospel spread faster

Which of the following was NOT a result of World War I?

Many European nations united to reconstruct

What is the main cause of ethnic and sectarian violence in the Middle East?

Many different religions.

What was one Long-term effect of the Long March?

Mao won support because he treated peasants fairly.

What day and what was it called when Julius Caesar was assassinated?

March 15, Ides of March

Who led the British conservative party that cut back on the welfare state?

Margaret Thatcher

Besides Octavian, who else was in the 2nd triumvirate?

Mark Antony and Lepidus

What are the New Testament Canons?

Mark of Apostolicity, it has to edify, and it has to follow the rules of faith

Who is known as the "hero of two worlds" that led the National Guard in Paris who fought against the royal guards in Paris?

Marquis de Lafayette

Who opposed John Calvin's teaching of election (the doctrine in which God chooses us to salvation)?

Martin Luther

Which of the following is NOT true of Soviet society under Stalin?

Marx's vision of a classless society was achieved.

Who wrote a book, entitled A Vindication of the Rights of Women, that called for equal education for girls and boys?

Mary Wollstonecraft

What passage from the Bible did the Church use to justify the position of the Pope?

Matthew 16:18

What verse was used to set up the monarchial bishops?

Matthew 16:18

What verses was the first time the word "church" was used?

Matthew 16:18

What military advantages helped Western nations dominate much of the world in the late 1800s?

Maxim machine guns, repeating rifles, and steam-driven warships

What was the name of the document that the Pilgrims wrote before they established their new colony?

Mayflower Compact

How did France's social divisions in the late 1700s contribute to the French Revolution?

Members of the third Estate were dissatisfied with social and economic inequality.

Who united Egypt?


What does the "Pax Romana" mean and when was it?

Peace of Rome, 30 B.C - 180 A.D

The Aztec civilization began in the Valley of


Which of the following is NOT one of the countries that the earliest river valley civilizations developed in?


Who invented the first dynamo, a machine that generates electricity?

Michael Faraday

Who was most instrumental in bringing to light the harsh labor conditions of the children in his 1833 report?

Michael Sadler

Which of the following artist sculpted David in marble and painted murals on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?


What type of new social class developed during the Industrial Revolution?

Middle & Urban working class

Third Estate

Middle Class and below

Which Egyptian political period was the time of Joseph?

Middle Kingdom

By the end of the Medieval Period, who were the new group of people that resented the church leadership?

Middle class merchants

Which decisive battle in the Pacific turned the war in favor of the Axis Powers (U.S.) and crippled the Japanese naval fleet?


What is one way in which militarism influenced the nations of Europe prior to World War I?

Militarism contributed to a European arms race.

What was Spartan society based on?


Why did most of the uprising fail in 1848?

Military force was used against revolutionaries who didn't have mass support.

As tension between the European nations grew, which aspect of the government did leaders turn to for advice?

Military leaders

What was the benefits of becoming an ally of Rome?

Military protection, road infrastructure, and half citizenship

Which statement best describes child labor during the early years of the Industrial Revolution?

Mines and textile factories employed large numbers of children.

Which Chinese dynasty expanded their sea fairing fleet that traveled as far as East Africa?


Which dynasty did Li Zecheng end when he attacked Piking?


What was Edward I most memorable for?

Modeling parliament

What were Ataturk's goals for Turkey?

Modernize Turkey along Western lines and to separate religion from government

What was Ataturk's goal after he took power in Turkey?

Modernize and westernize Turkey

Which of the following was NOT one of the ideals supported by the Liberals of 19th century Europe?

Monarchial government stability and the prevention of revolution

What is the difference between a Monarchy and a Dictatorship?

Monarchies are based off bloodline, while dictatorships are just purely on power

After the Napoleonic Wars, what type of government did France have?



Money used to invest

The Thirty Years' War ended with which treaty?

Peace of Westphalia

Following World War I, wester art generally became

More abstract.

During the 1920s, Japan became

More prosperous and more democratic.

Why was Napoleon unable to successfully establish a French empire in Europe?

Most nations' people resented the imposition of French culture.

According to Greek mythology, where do the Greek gods live?

Mount Olympus

What did the French government do to the church under the leadership of Pope Clement V?

Moved the papal throne to Avignon, France

Who was one of the most influential leaders of India's large Muslim population?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Who was one of the most influential people within India's Muslim population?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

What was Muhammed Ali Jinnah the leader of?

Muslim League

The Spanish Inquisition, led by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, was a campaign against which group of people?

Muslims and Jews

Who was the fascist leader of Italy during World War II?


How did Benito Mussolini help economic businesses and increased production?

Mussolini brought the economy under government control.

Who was considered the "father of the Turks"?

Mustafa Kemal

What was the main factor that discouraged the use of nuclear weapons in the Cold War?

Mutually assured destruction

The Trojan war of 1250 B.C. was between Troy and which group of Greeks?


What type of information did the Maya scribes carve on their stela?

Names of rulers and dates

Who became the next dictator of France after the French Revolution?


What was the ultimate result of The Revolution of 1848 in France?

Napoleon III established the Second Empire.

Which of the following was NOT descriptive of France's Second Empire?

Napoleon III was able to repel the Germans in the Franco-Prussian War, gaining key territory like Alsace and Lorraine.

Which answer best describes how the Second Empire became the Third Republic?

Napoleon III was captured and republicans declared an end to the Second Empire.

What was the main difference between how Napoleon was crowned emperor by the church verses how Charlemagne was crowned emperor by the church?

Napoleon crowned himself, making the statement that he owed his throne to no one but himself.

Which of the following is NOT true about Napoleon's legacy?

Napoleon was able to establish a French empire in Europe.

What was going on with the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans during the 1800s?

Nations in the Balkans were gaining their independence from the Ottoman Empire.

What did the Enlighteners call the unchanging principles, discovered through reason, that govern all human conduct.

Natural laws

Who in the bible had a dream that predicted the Greek empire?


Who was the first emperor to persecute Christians and why did he do it?

Nero, be used them as the scapegoat for Rome's fire

From which western nation did Indonesia gained it's independence?


What did the French initially call Canada?

New France

Moses lived during which Egyptian political period?

New Kingdom

Which Egyptian political period was the time of Moses?

New Kingdom

What was not around in the first century that would've help with the false doctrines that entered the church?

New Testament

What event finally brought the U.S. into World War II?

Pearl Harbor

Why did big business emerge during the Industrial Revolution?

New technologies required the investment of more capital.

Which Soviet leader called for a "peaceful coexistence" in the 1950s and 1960s?

Nikita Khrushchev

Invented a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine

Nikolaus Otto

What is the name of the main river in Egypt?


Define Laissez-Faire

No interference from the government when it comes to the economy

What is Monarchianism and what was it trying to resolve?

No trinity

Do women get suffrage?

No, but they received some rights

Were the Muslim religious leaders in support of this cultural change?

No, they condemned it.

Were the Arabs united during the Pan-Arab Movement?

No, they identified with their respective tribes, sects, religions.

What was Gandhi's philosophy based on?

Nonviolence and reverence for all life

Gandhi preached a philosophy of...

Nonviolent protest

What happened on June 6, 1944?

Normandy Invasion

The United Nations intervened in North Korea because the

North Koreans invaded South Korea.

Why did Korea remain divided after the Korean War?

North and South Korea negotiated a ceasefire but not a peace treaty.

Artists, like Jan van Eyck, Peiter Bruegel, and Albrecht Durer (German Leonardo), represented which of the following Renaissance artists?

Northern Renaissance Artists

The main difference between the Aztec and Mayan was that the Mayans were

Not an empire

Who became the first Roman emperor in 27 BC and created a stable government?


What date did Martin Luther nail the 95 Thesis on the door of the Wittenberg church?

October 31, 1517

Please describe the Roman republic and how it attempted to balance its government?

Office of Consul - Monarchy (2 kings) Senate - Aristocracy/Oligarchy (100 senators) Assembly - Democracy (All male citizens) Dictatorship - Tyranny (6 months)

What natural resources gives the Middle East nations global importance?


During the English Civil War, who led Parliament to victory?

Oliver Cromwell

Who turned the war in favor of Parliament?

Oliver Cromwell

What was Athens main economic product?


The earliest American civilization was?


Which of the following was NOT a benefit of the European Union, formally known as the European Community?

Organized a united militia as a common defense against communism

How did the Greeks honor the god of Zeus that we still have today?


Prohibition intended to solve the growing rebellious culture of the United States, instead it resulted in

Organized crime.

What is the Unum Sanctum?

One salvation - one could not gain salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church

What was the main goal of the Romans?

One world government

During the reign of Rus king Vladimir, which religion became the main religion in Russia?

Orthodox Christianity

Who is the god of the underworld?


Industrialization spread because

Other nations wanted to have the same economic opportunities that Britain enjoyed.

Who was known as "The Iron Chancellor"?

Otto von Bismarck

What are the 6 sub-elements of culture?

PERSIA: Politics, Economics, Religion, Social, Innovation, Arts

In 1947, Britain partitioned India into two independent nations. What new nation came from this partition?


In which movement did the Arab's seek to unite all Arabs into one state?


What was the main form of Arab nationalism called?


What is the name of the mega continent when all the current continents were connected?


Which best describes the initial Aryan religion?


What type of religion is Japanese Shinto?


What is the name of the property that the Roman Catholic Church owned during the Medieval Period?

Papal States

What is the name of the property that the Roman Catholic church owned during the Medieval period?

Papal States

What modern day city is the "Ile de France"?


What did Earl de Montfort establish under Henry III's rule?


What did Pan Arab movement tend to identify with?

Particular tribe or religion

Which Roman class was Julius Caesar?


Originally, the Roman senate was made completely from the upper class society, which were called


Describe the type of people in each class of the society

Patricians were the ruling and noble class Plebeians were farmers, soldiers, artisans, and merchants

Which apostle was mostly credited with the spread of the gospel in the first century?


Who was the most influential person in spreading the message of Jesus Christ?


Explain the sales of indulgences.

Paying to absolve ones sins

Under who's skillful leadership brought Athens into the golden age?


Which of the following did the Renaissance artists discover and apply to make objects look further away by drawing them smaller?


Who used his power to put Russia on the road to becoming a great modern power?

Peter the Great

Which Macedonian king brought all of Greece under his control in 359 B.C.?

Phillip II

Who did the Pope give King John's crown to?

Phillip II

What were the physical conditions like in the factories during the Industrial Revolution?

Physical conditions during the Industrial Revolution were not the best. Machines typically did not have any of the modern safety features we have on our machines today, which would lead to accidents like people losing fingers, arms, or even their lives. The grueling amount of time that people would have the spend working in these factories could be 12+ hours per day, that is before the reforms

What type of writing do the Sumerians have?


How did the Soviet Union handle critics of its policies?

Placed them in prisons

What was Hitler's "New Order"?

Placing Aryan led governments in conquered lands.

What line of kings did Henry II start?

Plantagenet Kings

What are haciendas?


He believed that perfection only existed in the spiritual world.


Besides the upper patrician class, what was the name of the middle class?


Who came up with the idea to give the Christians 3 changes to deny their faith?

Pliny the Younger

Name two advancements of the Minoans.

Plumbing and flushing toilets

What is a dynasty?

Political family

Which of the following was NOT one of the three root causes of the Great Depression?

Political revolutions

Who was burned alive under Marcus Aurelius' persecution?


What is the belief in many gods?


What was the working conditions like during the industrial revolution?

Poor and dangerous

What was the main cause of the collapse of the Roman Republic?

Poor leadership and a large slave industry

Name the 4 reasons why the Roman empire fell

Poor leadership, economic issues, people were wasteful, and they were invaded by German tribes

Give two characteristics of Western Europe during the Medieval Period

Poor, uneducated, and disorganized

During the Middle Ages, which two groups of people increased in power resulting in conflict?

Pope and Emperor

Which of the following did the constitution of 1917 NOT address?


Which of the following is NOT a quality of Leopold Senghor?

Preached a forceful, appealing message of "Africa for Africans"

The chief goal of the Congress of Vienna was to

Preserve the peace through a balance of power and protecting the system of monarchy.

The United Nations was formed primarily to

Prevent future wars.

Who believed that the Portuguese could convert Africans to Christianity?

Prince Henry

Which of the following was NOT an obstacle to Italy's unity in the early 1800s?

Prince Metternick of Austria.

Identify two major effects of new technology on business during the Industrial Revolution.

Production became faster and less expensive.

What position did Martin Luther hold at the University of Wittenberg?


Father of humanism.


Which of the following is the growing Russian class of factory and railroad workers miners, and urban wage earners?


What was the name of the lowest Roman class and who was in it?

Proletariats, slaves

What did governments use to spread ideas to promote a cause or to damage the reputation of the enemy.


The Declaration of Independence stated that governments were formed to

Protect each individual's natural rights.

Under which type of imperial rule would Westerners leave the local rulers in place but were expected to follow the advice of European advisers on issues such as trade or missionary activity?


What did the African National Congress do?

Protest unfair laws and demand a change to South Africa's white government

Which new nation emerged as a Protestant German-speaking power in the north where the royal power ruled absolutely reducing the powers of the Junkers, their nobles?


Who won the Franco-Prussian War?


Sigmund Freud


Who was the Ptolemaic Period named after?


What does "Res Publica" mean and what is its significance?

Public affairs, it was the people's affairs. It's also known for

What did the Spanish call the villages that the North American Ancestral Puebloans build using stone and adobe bricks?


What was the name of the group of people that wanted to remove all the Catholic rituals and symbols from the Church of England?


Which of the following musical composers was NOT influenced by the Age of Reason?

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

He came up with The Pythagorean Theorem.


The Inca officials kept records on colored, knotted strings, called


Which of the following was NOT one of the steps Cavour took to promote Italian unity?

Reformed Sardinia's economy.

What was the name of the time that Robespierre ruled as a dictator?

Reign of Terror

Through the reading of the Karma, what does the Hindu belief say that a person will go through before they reach Moksha, the union with Brahman


The Constitution of 1917 addressed what three main issues?

Religion, land, and labor

What is a pagan religion?

Religions that have no God

Which of the following was NOT a type of nationalism to rise in Latin America in the early 20th century?

Religious Nationalism

Which of the following is NOT a cause of the Protestant Reformation?

Religious wars between the Catholics and other religions

What is the "Areopagus"?

Remnants of the oligarchy council

Name the three elements of science.

Repeatable, Measurable, and Observable

Which was NOT an ancient Greek form of government?


Which of the following was one of the sources of upheaval for the new Chinese Republic in the early 1900s?

Resentment toward Japanese foreign imperialism

In the early 1900s, Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen) proposed the Revolutionary Alliance to rebuild China on "Three Principles of the People." Which of the following is NOT one of the three principles?

Retain the monarchy

In 1925, what ambitious army officer overthrew the shah and set his own dynasty with him as the shah?

Reza Khan

Zimbabwe was originally British-ruled, known as


Who was the cardinal, appointed by Louis XIII, that increased royal power by destroying the authority of the nobles and Huguenots?


How was imperialism a cause of World War I?

Rivalry over overseas territories increased tensions in Europe.

Identified the bacterium that caused tuberculosis

Robert Koch

Which of the following is NOT a one of the "captains of industry" that developed large monopolies?

Robert Koch

What religion was represented between the East and West sides of Rome?

Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox

Who and what was the Punic Wars about?

Romans fought against the Carthaginians over control of Sicily

Who won the Punic Wars?


According to Rome's mythical legend, who's name was the capital city of Rome named after, and what did he do to be allowed to name the city?

Romulus, he killed his brother Remus

Both the French "splendid century" and the Spanish "golden century" were marked by

Royal patronage of the arts.

Name the three types of English colonies.

Royal, proprietary, and self-governing

What is a triumvirate?

Ruled by three

The Industrial Revolution changed

Rural villages into towns and cities.

Spurred by the ideas of liberalism and nationalism in the 1800s, several groups of people or nations rebelled in order to gain their independence from the old monarchy. Which of the following was NOT an early 1800s group in rebellion?


Which Allied nations was not allowed to participate in the Paris Peace conference of World War I?


Which of the following nation was NOT part of the Tripartite Pact that eventually became the Axis Powers of World War II?


Which of the following nation was NOT part of the Triple Alliance?


Which of the following nations was NOT one of the initial Axis powers?


What was the "scorched-earth" policy?

Russia burned crops and villages as they retreated back to Moscow.

Why did Lenin feel he needed to adapt Marxist ideas to fit Russian conditions?

Russia did not have a large force of urban workers.

Why did the people initially hate Marie Antionette?

She was from Austria

After the Bolshevik revolution, what did Lenin do with regards to Russia's involvement in World War I?

Russia withdrew from the war.

Which factor was a cause of BOTH revolutions in Russia in 1917?

Russia's involvement in World War I

Who eventually liberated Auschwitz in January 1945?


Which of the following is the imposition of Russian culture on the diverse Soviet empire?


Which of the following is NOT an aspect of medieval feudalism?


The 1991 Gulf War

Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait

The Iran-Iraq War in 1980

Saddam Hussein seized a disputed border region

The Iraq War of 2001

Saddam Hussein was removed from power by U.S. organized international coalition

Developed the telegraph

Samuel Morse

What is the name of the Indian custom where a widow joined her husband in death by throwing herself on his funeral pyre?


What did Modandas Gandhi call his tactic of nonviolent, or passive, resistance?


Which was NOT one three religious vows of the Benedictine Rule that was followed in the monasteries and convents?

Scripture reading

Which of the natural laws of economics would get an employee to work harder for a company?

Self interest

What was the key principle of the Fourteen Points?


Which of the following was NOT Noah's sons?


Which Chinese dynasty developed and used horse-drawn chariots and warriors with leather armor and bronze weapons?


Which of the following best describes the reign of Queen Victoria?

She embraced a strict code of morals and manners that came to embody the values of the time period.

Who was responsible for building The Great Wall of China?

Shi Huangdi

Stalin promoted socialist realism in order to

Show Soviet life positively and promote hope in a Communist future.

Whose teaching became the basis of Buddhism?

Siddhartha Gautama

What was the name of the British archeologist who discovered the city of Ur?

Sir Leonard Woolley

What was the Hindu caste system?

Social groups

Which of the following was NOT one of the Three Principles of the People as stated by Sun Yixian?


He was condemned to death by drinking hemlock.


What was the initial result of the collapse of the Soviet Union on the middle east conflicts between Israel and some of the surrounding Arab nations?

Some Arab government negotiated a peace agreement with Israel.


Someone who manages and assumes the financial risks of starting new businesses

What is satyagraha?

Soul force

Which part of Egypt is the upper Egyptian city-state?


In which area of Africa did the African National Congress protest unfair laws?

South Africa

During the Cold War, much of Africa gained its independence peacefully, except for

South Africa.

The term "boat people" refers to

South Vietnamese who fled the communist victors.

Which direction does the water flow in Egypt?

South to North

Which of the following is the name for the Russian councils of workers and soldiers?


Which two provinces did Julius Caesar become a governor over?

Spain and Gaul

How did Spain resist Napoleon's invasion?

Spain used guerrilla warfare to ambush French supply trains or troops.

Which of the following term is a movement to communities outside an urban core?


Noah probably started which ancient civilization?


What did Louis XIV of France use as his symbol of absolute power?


Who was known as "the father of modern China"?

Sun Yixian

Who was the first president of China's first republic, after the fall of the monarch in 1912?

Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen)

Everything can be reduced to the primary substance of water.


What belief of Innocient III does I Timothy 2:5 correct?

That he put himself as the bridge between God an mankind

According to Pope Gregory VII, what does he believe about the Roman Catholic Church?

That it could not do any wrong

Which two groups continue to clash in Iraq, even after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein?

Sunnis and Shiites

As the Allied countries committed to total war, which of the following was NOT a goal?

Suspending early childhood education so they children could help in the military factories

What did Orville and Wilbur Wright invent?

Sustained flying machine

What was the initial cause of the Syrian Civil War?

The "Arab Spring."

What was the spectacular building and great monument of the Mughal empire that Shah Jahan built?

Taj Mahal

Which two Chinese dynastic were considered China's Golden Age?

Tang and Song

Place the following four Chinese dynasty in the correct order of chronological rule by clicking and dragging the choices:

Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming

What was Nazis' main social policy to indoctrinate the public?

Taught children Nazi ideology

What was the main reason for the middle class merchant to resent the church?


Which of the following are multistory buildings divided into apartments with no running water?


Which of the following statements best explains the conditions of the French government that led to the Reign of Terror?

The Committee of Public Safety had absolute power.

Gertrude Stein

The "lost generation"

How did the alliance system contribute to the outbreak of World War I?

The Alliance system contributed to the outbreak mainly because it increased tensions. The Central powers would be the Triple Alliance (Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary) and a couple of other countries while the Allied Powers would include the Triple Entente (Britain, France, and Russia) and a lot more countries. When you have all of these world powers in different alliances, the tensions are going to increase, and the slightest thing will probably cause war. Therefore it can be deduced that the major cause of World War I was the tensions/rivalry between the two alliances, and what ultimately set things off was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand (aka the Balkan Powder Keg)

The United States declared war on Japan in 1941. Why did it take until 1945 to defeat Japan?

The Allies had agreed to concentrate first on the war in Europe.

How did the entrance of the Ottoman empire on the side of the Central Powers affect the war?

The Allies lost a valuable supply line to Russia.

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Tang and Song dynasties?

The Warring States

Which of the following statements are NOT true about the military strengths and weaknesses of the American colonists during their war with Britain?

The American colonists were better trained.

Why did Americans believe they had the same rights as English citizens?

The Americans considered themselves English citizens.

What is the term for the period of political and social unrest in the Middle East that began in 2011?

The Arab Spring

Which of the following events led to the displacement of many Palestinians?

The Arab rejection of the two-state solution in 1947

What struggle did the Pan-Arab movement face?

The Arabs were not united

Which battle dealt a devastating blow to the Japanese, such that they were never able to launch any more offensive operations?

The Battle of Midway

What was the turning point in the war for the Soviet Union?

The Battle of Stalingrad

How did the British relationship to India change after the Sepoy Rebellion?

The British ended the rule of the East India Company and the British crown ruled India.

Why did the colonists object so strongly to the ideas of taxation without representation?

The British government was imposing its laws on the colonies without any say from the colonists.

What caused the Sepoy Rebellion?

The British wanted Indian soldiers to use rifle cartridges that were greased with animal fat.

First Estate

The Church

How did the Church view the Enlightenment?

The Church condemned the Enlightenment for undermining religion.

What was the purpose of the Crusades?

The Church to attempt to reclaim the Holy Land

Desegregation of public schools were apart of which movement in the United States?

The Civil Rights Movement

What did "The Iron Curtain" symbolize?

The Cold War fear of communism.

What was the largest Jewish resistance in 1943?

The Warsaw Ghetto

How did the Directory's actions ultimately lead to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte?

The Directory was weak and corrupt, so the politicians turned to Napoleon for help.

How was the Eastern Front different from the Western Front?

The Eastern Front did not have trench warfare like the Western Front.

Socialism grew out of what philosophical idea?

The Enlightenment

One of the rights listed in the English Bill of Rights is the Freedom of Speech. Where could a similar right be found in the American Bill of Rights?

The First Amendment, Freedom of Religion would be another right

What eventually ended the French Second Empire of Napoleon III?

The Franco-Prussian War

After the fall of the Roman Empire, what new group formed in the territory we call "France" in modern times?

The Franks

After the fall of the Roman empire, which Germanic tribe defeated the Guals and the Muslims, later to become France?

The Franks

What are the "bourgeoisie"?

The French Middle Class

Why did support for Hitler increase in the early 1930s?

The German people wanted a strong leader to end economic crisis.

What event triggered political changes in Latin America?

The Great Depression

What happened in A.D. 1054?

The Great Schism (The first church split)

Roman art and architecture surpassed (became better) than which civilization that it was originally modeled after?

The Greeks

Roman religion was polytheistic and closely resembled which other civilization?

The Greeks

Why did the Japanese invasion help unify the Chinese temporarily?

The Guomingdang and the Communist had a common enemy.

Hitler promised that the "Third Reich" would rule Europe for a thousand years. What was the "First Reich"?

The Holy Roman Empire

What was Maximilien Robespierre also called?

The Incorruptible

How did the Industrial Revolution impact the living conditions?

The Industrial Revolution led to factory systems, which would allow the manufacturing of goods at way cheaper costs so that more people could afford to purchase them. There would be advancements in the health of the general human race, causing death rates to go down and population to soar. The middle class' lifestyle also changed significantly, they could have their own houses, etc. But for the lower classes, it can be said that it probably got worse as the tenements sounded like pretty terrible places to live in.

What was one of Julius Caesar's main contribution that we still use today?

The Julian Calendar

After Japan seized Manchuria from China in 1931, the League of Nations condemned the aggression. Which of the following is NOT a true statement:

The League of Nations organized an army to help defend China from Japanese aggression.

Which of the following was NOT a crisis of the Medieval church?

The Reformation

What was final outcome of Philip II's huge Spanish armada to invade England under the rule of Elizabeth I?

The Spanish Armada was defeated by the smaller faster English ships and the weather.

Nations in Western Europe was able to rebuilt after World War II with the help of

The Marshall Plan.

Joseph lived during which Egyptian political period?

The Middle Kingdom

What territorial changes resulted from the ending of the Thirty Years' War?

The Netherlands and the Swiss Confederation became independent states.

The Neolithic Revolution occurred during which of the following times?

The New Stone Age

Second Estate

The Nobility

Which of the following was NOT an obstacle to peace between Israel and Palestinians?

The Oslo Accords

What was Pericles main building project?

The Parthenon

What was the main difference between the two religious groups of the Roman Empire?

The Roman Catholic Church maintained leadership under the pope, the Eastern Orthodox maintained leadership under the Emperor

What is the significance of "Magna Graecia?"

The Romans adopted Greek cultures because of the Greek colonies

Write a brief paragraph describing what the Romans thought about Octavian through his statue?

The Romans thought that he was basically a god. The statue features Octavian wearing elegant clothing/accessories and had an angel clinging to him, which symbolizes that he is great and majestic (thus the origin of his name Augustus)

What is one way Russia's lack of industrialization impacted the war?

The Russian army had difficulty traveling and lacked proper military equipment, like rifles.

Which event allowed for Germany to begin focusing its forces on the Western Front?

The Russian revolution led to a treaty with Germany.

What major event took place on March 12, 1930?

The Salt March

The Industrial Revolution was a result of

The Scientific Revolution.

Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?

The Senate feared his power and popularity, and he was only supposed to be a dictator for a maximum of 6 months

What was the Soviet's response to the development of NATO?

The Soviets formed the Warsaw Pact.

When Eastern Europeans revolted in the 1950s and 1960s,

The Soviets responded with military force.

How was the Taiping Rebellion different from the Boxer Uprising?

The Taiping Rebellion targeted the Qing dynasty while the Boxer Uprising targeted foreigners.

What 1929 event helped spark the Great Depression?

The U.S. stock market crashed.

What was the relationship between Latin America and the United States?

The US only interfered when it benefitted them

What is the Good Neighbor Policy?

The US would stop interfering with Latin American affairs

How was the Jewish state established in 1947?

The United Nations divided Palestine between Arabs and Jews.

What event in 1917 most benefited the Allies?

The United States declared war against Germany.

What happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki that convinced the Japanese to surrender?

The United States dropped the atomic bomb on those cities.

Which of the following accurately describes the sequence of events that led to U.S. involvement in Vietnam?

The United States first sent only aid and military advisors to assist the South Vietnamese in their struggle; however, after a U.S. warship was torpedoed, the U.S. sent troops.

What was the immediate effect of the Lend-Lease Act?

The United States provided critical war materials to Great Britain and the Soviet Union.

Which of the following is an example of the policy of containment?

The United States supporting Greeks fighting communism

Why did Japan attack the United States?

The United States was interfering with Japan's plan to expand its empire.

Why did Vietnamese fight the French in Indochina?

The Viet Minh wanted independence.

Besides unrestricted submarine warfare, what other event caused anti-German sentiment to grow in the United States, bringing them into the war?

The Zimmermann letter

What did the middle class receive after the class conflicts that ended in 287 B.C?

The ability to make laws

What is the definition of topography?

The arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area

Give a brief summary of Dunkirk during World War II. What was the background? What was it about? What was the final outcome?

The background of Dunkirk is that the British and French were being pushed by the German army, all the way up to Dunkirk, which was located at the coast opposite of Britain. The British decided that it would be the best of their interest to rescue all the men on Dunkirk and retreat, which allowed them to save 300,000 soldiers. In the end, the rescue operation was deemed a success, but the war was still not over.

What is polytheism?

The belief in many gods

What does the Hebrew/Jewish Passover celebrate?

The coming Messiah

What two symbols do you see in many churches today that Constantine revered and introduced to the church?

The cross and statues

What is the significance of "virtue of gravitas?"

The cultural values are important

What happened on St. Bartholomew's Day?

The day that 3,000 Huguenots were massacred

Which of the following was NOT a cause for Western imperialism?

The desire to help other nations industrialize

What was the one effect of Latin American economic nationalism?

The development of domestic industry

What was the main accomplishment of the Hagia Sophia?

The dome of the Hagia Sophia was the biggest dome at the time

Why did the United States feel that they should support South Vietnam?

The domino theory

After the Great Schism of 1054, the Eastern Orthodox Church was led by which individual?

The emperor

What immediate cause made it easier for Chinese to overthrow the Qing dynasty in 1911?

The emperor was a two-year old boy.

What is Pan-Africanism?

The emphasis on the united of Africans

What was Hitler's "Final Solution to the Jewish question"?

The extermination of all European Jews.

What is the Petrine Succession?

The false understanding that Christ gives his authority to Peter

Under the rule of Benito Mussolini, which of the following was NOT a goal of Fascist society?

The family unit was more important than the state

In The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith argued that

The free market should regulate business activity.

What was the main postwar issue that caused the Western Allies and the Soviet Union to disagree?

The governments in the Eastern European nations

What aspect of the judicial system did Henry II start that we still use today?

The jury system

Adam Smith defined the free market as an economic system in which

The market functions with little or no government interference.

Who is Vigil?

The greatest Roman author

The decline of warfare and the increase in trade resulted in what new medieval improvement?

The growth of cities

Which development helped improve working conditions in many mines and factories during the late 1800s?

The growth of labor unions

What is one factor that has led to increased conflict and division in some areas in the Middle East?

The growth of radical Islamic fundamentalism

During the French Reign of Terror, what instrument was used to execute traitors of the republic?

The guillotine

What does "Martel" mean?

The hammer

What was the cause of famines within the African regions?

The increase in production of cotton rather than food benefitted the European colonies

What is one way in which the Israeli-Palestinian conflict affected Lebanon?

The influx of Palestinian refugees contributed to the unrest in Lebanon.

What was one long-term effect of the Salt March?

The international attention forced Britain to grant Indians some rights.

What was D-Day?

The invasion of Normandy

When Queen Victoria stated that the lower classes "earn their bread and riches so deservedly that they cannot and ought not be kept back," what did she mean?

The lower class deserves social and economic reforms.

What main concept did the French Enlighteners develop in the early 1770s?

The main concept would probably be natural rights or the fact that the government protects the people's rights.

Why were people unhappy with Porfirio Diaz's rule?

The majority of Mexicans were Indian peasants who lived in desperate poverty

What was the lord's estate known as?

The manor

Socialism is based on the belief that

The means of production should be shared by everyone in society.

What is the concern about Zwingli?

The nature of sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist

A main economic cause of the new imperialism of the 19th century was

The need for raw materials for industrial production.

What was Winston Churchill referring to when he said, "balance of terror."

The nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union.

What is one way in which oil wealth has affected the nations of the Middle East?

The oil-rich monarchies on the Persian Gulf have become extremely wealthy.

Define Worldview.

The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world

What event launched the Islamic Revolution in Iran?

The overthrow of the Shah by Islamist activists

Who were the clergy or church leaders of the church in the East?

The patriarchs

What is the main reason Mao Zedong was able to make China communist?

The peasants supported him because he promised them land.

In a Republic, who chooses the officials (or representatives)?

The people

What does Galatians 4:4 talk about?

The perfect timing of the coming of Christ

Which of the following was NOT how the cities were changed because of industrialization?

The poor was able to live in the suburbs, pleasant neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city

As the early church came together as a structured church, who claimed authority over all other bishops?

The pope

Pepin the Short was crowned king in 754. Who crowned him as the king of the Franks?

The pope

Who was the head of the church located in the city of Rome after the fall of the Roman Empire?

The pope

When King John of England tried to appoint the next archbishop of Canterbury, what did Pope Innocent III do to England?

The pope placed an interdict

What is the philosophy of monasticism?

The practice of living apart from the world

What was the Arian Controversy of A.D. 318 about?

The relationship between God and Jesus

Which of the following was NOT a reform in 19th century France?

The removal of corruption within the Third Republic.

What was the Chinese "dynastic cycle"?

The rise and fall of dynasties

In the Roman republic, who was able to veto (or block laws)?

The tribunes

What was one effect of the Great Depression in Japan?

The ultranationalists gained power.

What was the "Dual Monarchy" that Ferenc Deak help create?

The union of Austria-Hungary

What is one reason many African nations were able to gain independence through largely peaceful means following World War II?

The war had drained European resources and made them less willing to fight.

What was the main difference between Mao's view of Communism and Stalin's view of Communism?

The way they viewed the peasant class.

What did Athanasius mean when he stated that the relationship between God and Jesus was homoousian?

Their essence is same

What did Eusebius mean when he stated that the relationship between God and Jesus was homoiousian?

Their essence is similar

How was the pharaoh's life judged in the afterlife?

Their hearts were weighed and compared against the feather of truth

What did the Egyptian pharaohs write on the inside wall of their burial tomb?

Their life

Albert Einstein

Theory of relativity

The U.S. economy is different from the former Soviet Union's economy because in the United States,

There is more economic freedom.

Which of the following was NOT a result of British rule over India during the 1800s?

There was constant fighting in the countryside.

Which of the following BEST characterizes the situation in the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s?

There was very little political freedom, and the economy was stagnating.

After Africa gained their independence, why did the one-party rule lead to repression and tyranny?

There were no opposition, like in multi-party nations.

Who was the principal author of the American Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson, but some other people like John Adams and Benjamin Franklin also helped

Who's laissez-faire idea of population control to decrease poverty was ultimately proven wrong as both population and food supply both increased?

Thomas Malthus

Who developed the first steam engine?

Thomas Newcomen

Who is the most famous scholastic, who wrote "Summa theological" to prove that faith and reason could exist in harmony?

Thomas Aquinas

Who invented the first electric "incandescent" light bulb?

Thomas Edison

Who believed that because people were naturally evil, a strong government was needed to forced people into a social contract?

Thomas Hobbes

What type of topography is Indonesia?

Thousands of islands.

What is the name of the land that Constantinople was located on?


How did the communists manage to survive Jiang's "extermination campaigns"?

Through an epic retreat, called the Long March

How did Lenin adapt Marxist ideas into Russian society and government?

Through the Bolsheviks

How did the European clean their chimney during the Industrial Revolution?

Through the use of child labor

Which Emperor was in charge when Jesus Christ was crucified?


What two rivers are located in Mesopotamia?

Tigris and Euphrates

What two rivers are possibly still in existence that was listed from the Garden of Eden?

Tigris and Euphrates

How did radicals such as Robespierre justify the use of terror?

To achieve and protect the ideal republic

What was the main reasons for Henry VIII and Elizabeth I to work with Parliament?

To ask for money.

What type of job is required for Spartan boys?

To be a soldier

What does "anabaptist" mean?

To be baptized again

Why did Ghandi call the Indians to boycott?

To boost local Indian industries and help restore Indian pride

What was the goal of the Arab Spring of 2011?

To bring about democracy in the Middle East.

What was Bismarck's message in his "blood and iron" speech?

To build up the army

What does Matthew 23:9 state and how does it conflict with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church?

To call no one your spiritual father, the Roman Catholic Church called the pope father

What was the purpose of the Roman aqueduct?

To carry water

Why did England invade France in the Hundred Years' War?

To claim the French crown

What was the main goal of the Truman Doctrine?

To contain communism to the nations that the Soviet already occupied.

What was the main purpose of the Mayflower Compact? In other words, what did the Pilgrims promise each other to do when they landed?

To create their own civil government

What was the final decision of the Council of Constance?

To declare its legality and its right to supreme authority in the Roman Church

While the royal family was in Paris, what did they attempt in June 1791?

To escape

The main goal of the Zionist movement was

To establish a Jewish homeland.

What was the main goal of the D-Day invasion?

To force Germany to fight on two fronts

Why did Japan invade China?

To gain more resources to become an industrialized nation like the West.

What was the purpose for dividing the empire and placing an emperor with a Caesar over each part?

To help manage

What was the purpose of the war crimes trials?

To hold Axis leaders accountable for their wartime actions.

Why did President Franklin Roosevelt promote the Good Neighbor Policy?

To improve relations between the United States and Latin America

What was Joseph Stalin's "five-year plan"?

To increase the economy by bringing all businesses and distribution of resources under government control

What was the goal of Henry II?

To increase the king's power

At the end of World War I, the European powers were given "mandates" over the Middle East nations. What was the stated goal of the mandate system?

To move the mandates gradually toward independence.

Why did Emiliano Zapata, Francisco "Pancho" Villa, and Venustiano Carranza form an alliance?

To overthrow Victoriano Huerta, who ruled as a military dictator

Which of the following was NOT one of the two main goals of the American military government that occupied Japan?

To punish the Japanese leaders as war criminals

What was the main goal of the 1960s Cultural Revolution in China?

To purge China of "bourgeois" tendencies.

In the early 1800s, the main goal of conservatives was

To restore power to monarchies.

What was the purpose of the policy of nonalignment?

To separate smaller independent nations from the Cold War superpowers

Why did the radical Legislative Assembly declare war on Austria and then Prussia in 1792?

To spread the revolution and destroy tyranny abroad

What does abdicate mean?

To step down from power

What was the main goal of the Marshall Plan?

To strengthen democracy by giving food and financial aid to the European nations.

The Congress of Vienna in 1815 was a group of powerful rulers of Europe, along with officials, noble landowners, and church leaders, that formed the Concert of Europe, which was the conservative ruling class of Europe. What was the primary goal of these conservatives in the Concert of Europe?

To support the political and social order of monarchies that existed before the French Revolution and Napoleon.

What was the goal of the crusades?

To take back the Holy Land from the Muslims

What was Chancellor Otto von Bismarck's main goal?

To unify Germany

How did the Europeans dominantly use the African slaves?

To work the large tobacco and sugar plantations in America

While giving a speech at the University of Paris, list the main doctrines that Calvin mentioned?

Total Depravity, Unconditional Education, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of Saints

What was the main economic activity of the Byzantine Empire?


Which of the following things did Atatürk NOT replace during the westernization of Turkey?


Which of the following did Mahatma Gandhi NOT promote?

Treatment of the Harijans

What did the Mycenaean use to finally conquer the city of Troy?

Trojan Horse

Who was the President of the United States that decided to use the atomic bomb on Japan?


What does "faith" mean?

Trust in someone or something (often times something you beyond ones control)

What is the most basic definition of faith?

Trust in something (most of the time it's something you cannot control)

Who ended up becoming the king after the War of Roses?


Mount Ararat, where Noah landed, is located in which modern day country?


In order to move goods faster, what did British entrepreneurs initially build that eventually linked every part of the country together?


By 1945, which of the following was NOT one of the nations that controlled Africa?

United States

By the 1900s, which nation manufactured about 30 percent of the world's industrial goods, surpassing Britain as the leading industrial nation?

United States

From which western nation did the Philippines gained it's independence?

United States

IN the late 1800s, western nations carved up China, known as the Sphere of Influence. Which nation did not participate and proposed an equal trade with China, known as the Open Door Policy?

United States

The United Nations is located in which nation?

United States

Which major nation did not join the League of Nations, causing it to be weakened with no real power?

United States

Which nation passed the Neutrality Acts of the 1930s?

United States

Which of the following nations was the most economically prosperous during post World War I?

United States

Which post World War II nation became an economic leader?

United States

Who won the battle at Midway?

United States

The "Cold War" was dominantly between which two nations?

United States and Soviet Union

What does Catholic mean?


Which of the following is NOT common in a totalitarian government?

Universal suffrage

What is Donatism?

Unpardonable sins for people who were denied their faith before persecution

What is the name of the most powerful Sumerian city-state?


How did city life change during the last 1800s and early 1900s?

Urban workers began to move to the suburbs.

Which of the following is the movement of people to the cities?


What is The Great Schism?

Urvan VI and Clement VII claiming to be the successor of St. Peter

Germany's rapid success in the first months of the war was largely due to the

Use of the blitzkrieg, which caught countries unprepared.

How did William raise an army?

Used Feudalism and promised land to people

Which of the following is the idea that the gold of society should be "the greatest happiness for the greatest number" of its citizens?


Who became the leader of the Bolsheviks?

V.I. Lenin

After the time of the Old Kingdom and the building of the pyramids, where were the pharaohs buried?

Valley of the Kings

Give two Roman social values

Valued strength over beauty and usefulness over elegance

What is the name of the person that give service to a lord under the feudal system?


Who was the leader who signed a constitution for Mexico after a successful rebellion?

Venustiano Carranza

Many Northern Renaissance writers wrote in everyday language of ordinary people. Desiderius Erasmus translated the bible into this form.


What was the result of the Allies' intervention in Russia's civil war?

Very little, because the Reds appealed to nationalism and urged Russians to drive out the foreigners.

Who ultimately united Italy and was crowned king in 1861?

Victor Emmanuel

What was life like in France in the later part of 1792 leading towards the execution of the king and queen?

Violence increased

After the British partition of 1947, how would you describe the relationship among nations like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Kashmir.


Which German tribe attack the city of Rome and killed the last emperor?


What political position did Joseph become?


Who believed in freedom of speech and was imprisoned and exiled because his critical statements offended the government and church?


Who is the father of the Enlightenment?


What was the result of the Jews proclaiming the independent State of Israel?

War between the Arabs and Israeli.

Describe the post-war League of Nations.

Weak and ineffective

Large-scale revolts were rare, protests...

Were common.

What was Ghandi's philosophy reflected off of?

Western and Indian influences

Which of the following is a reason why Western countries refused to accept more refugees in the late 1930s?

Western countries were burdened with the effects of the Great Depression.

What was the main cause of the Indian nationalist movement that eventually ended western foreign rule?

Western education in ideals such as democracy.

What was the effect of Lenin forming the Comintern?

Western powers became suspicious of the Soviet Union.

Which of the following did Ataturk and Reza Khan NOT mandate in their respective countries?

Western religions

How did Western imperialism spread through Africa and Asia so quickly?

Westerners had stronger economies, governments, technology, and military.

What did Metternich mean when he said, "When France sneezes, Europe catches cold"?

When France has a revolution, the rest of Europe follows with rebellion.

What is "deficit spending"?

When a government spends more money than it takes in.

What was the turning point in the American war against Britain?

When the French began helping the American colonists after the Battle of Saratoga.

What is the Easter Controversy?

When to celebrate Easter

What is the Pelagian controversy?

Whether Adam brought the nature of sin into the world

What was a large economic problem with the Roman republic?

Widespread use of slave labor

Which of the following was NOT one of the "Big Four" at the Paris Peace conference of World War I?

Wilhelm II

Who was the most famous English poet and playwright, who wrote works, like A Midsummer Night's Dream and Macbeth.

William Shakespeare

In 1066, who successfully invaded England from France?

William the Conqueror

What were the Fourteen Points?

Wilson's plan for ending the war and preventing future wars

To achieve his reforms, Ataturk ruled

With an iron hand.

Who was the first Chinese student to study in the U.S., graduating from Yale University?

Yung Wing

Which of the following statement is NOT true about Italy's invasion of Ethiopia?

With the help of the Ottoman empire, Ethiopia was able to mount a defense against the Italian invasion.

What are flappers of the 1920s?


Which group of people lost the most rights under the Napoleonic Code?


Who is "Rosie the Riveter"?

Women that worked in the military factories

What is true about the Women during the Constitution of 1917?

Women who had the same jobs as man had the same salary to them

What was the main reason for the independence of the British colonies, like India, during the Cold War?

World War II had weakened European military an financial resources for them to hold onto their colonies. World War II had weakened European military an financial resources for them to hold onto their colonies.

In a laissez-faire society, how would the employees get reforms done to the working conditions?

You and your fellow employees could go on strike

What does YMCA stand for?

Young Men Christian Association

Trench warfare led to a stalemate on the Western Front because

it was difficult for either side to launch an offensive.

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