World History SOL Review

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Byzantine influence on the Slavs was made easier by the development of what?

The Cyrillic alphabet

Many archaeologists believe that writing developed to do what?

To pass on information, record trading transactions, and record laws

Who is the Roman Counterpart to Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Fertility?


Scandinavians who invaded Europe were called what?


The Sunni-Shi'a division of the Islamic religion was a result of what?

A dispute over who would be caliph

What is the Dome of the Rock used as?

A muslim mosque

Machiavelli supported the idea of what through his writings in the Prince?

Absolute power

Who is the Roman Counterpart to Apollo, God of Prophesy, Music, and Healing?

Apollo !

Shinto is practiced in Japan and coexists with which other religion?


All of the following were true of the Age of Charlemagne except what?

Charles Martel became king of the Franks

The foundation for the rise of universities in Europe was laid by whom?

Church scholars

The decisions of judges in England's royal courts formed a body of law known as what?

Common law

Where was the Church of Holy Wisdom located?

Constantinople and today is called the Hagia Sophia

Who is the Roman Counterpart to Artemis, Goddess of Hunt?


Which religion contributed to the unification of Russia?

Eastern Orthodox

What was not one of the purposes of the Christian monasteries during the early Middle Ages?

Enforcing civil law

What Northern Renaissance writer wrote The Praise of Folly that criticized the Pope and church as being corrupt?


True or False: After Solomon death, the twelve Israelite tribes divided themselves between Jerusalem & Judah.


A teacher using the Socratic method would most likely do what?

Force students to defend their statements

The concepts of zero and infinity were developed during the reign of the ______ in India.


What Andean civilization created a center for worship at Machu Picchu?


What were some of the results of the crusades?

Increased demand for Middle Eastern products, more goodos produced in Europe to trade in Middle East, and use of credit with expanded banks

Which religion spread through half of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Asia Minor, and some of the Middle East?


Why was the peninsula of Constantinople in such a strategic place?

It provided an easily fortified site on a peninsula bordering a natural harbor

Where was the capital of the ancient Roman Empire located?


The Crusades began when Pope Urban asked knights to fight the Muslims to take control of what?


What Renaissance man was the 1st to use the moveable type to print books?

Johannes Gutenburg

What happened March 15th, 44 BC?

Julius Ceaser dies

Who is the Roman Counterpart to Hera, Goddess of Marriage?


Who is the Roman Counterpart to Zeus, the Supreme God?


A major civilization in East Africa that was a contemporary of the Egyptians was what?


What Renaissance man was an architect, engineer, painter, sculptor, scientist, anatomy, and inventor, but is most famously known for his creation of the Last Supper and Mona Lisa?

Leonardo da Vinci

What Renaissance author declared, "and in the actions of men, and especially of princes, . . . the end justifies the means" and wrote the Prince?


Who is the Roman Counterpart to Ares, God of War?


What kingdom's ruins are often difficult to find because of their location in a dense, rapidly growing rainforest?


What were the major differences between Medieval art and Renaissance art?

Medieval art is more religious/cartoonish looking, while renaissance art is realistic art that depices events through depth

What Renaissance painter and scupltor created St. Peter's Basilica and frescos on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican?


Who is the Roman Counterpart to Athena, Goddess of Childbirth, War, and Domestic Arts?


Who is the Roman Counterpart to Poseidon, God of the Sea?


The Harappan civilization is located in modern day ___________.


The cave paintings found in France were most likely created by whom?

Paleolithic Man

Who invented the imperial bureaucracy?


What Italian Renaissance writer wrote sonnets about daily life?


What Renaissance painter did beautiful frescos at the Vatican and School of Athens?


How did Justinian expand the Byzantine Empire?

Reconquered former Roman terrorites

A major difference between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance was that the Northern artists portrayed more what?

Religious subjects

What became the unifying force in western Europe after Roman authority declined?

Roman Catholic Church

What was the most important thoroughfare that reached from Persia to Asia Minor covering 1500 miles?

Royal Road

Less is known about the Harappans than the Egyptians or Mesopotamian because of what?

Scientists inability to decipher their pictograms

What Northern Renaissance humanist writier wrote Utopia?

Sir Thomas More

At its height, the Western Roman Empire included what?

Territory across Europe to the British Isles

Which battle halted the spread of Islam into Western Europe?

The Battle of Tours

What happened during 1453?

The Byzantine Empire fell to the Ottoman Turks

What is an Islamic piece of architecture, built in Jerusalem?

The Dome of the Rock

What happened 476 CE?

The Roman Empire fell

What geographic feature was a barrier between West African kingdoms and the Muslim Empire?

The Sahara Desert

What happened during 1054?

The church split into East and West

Education became more secular during the Renaissance. What does this mean?

Those outside the church took over education

What Northern Renaissance playwrighter wrote about medieval legends and the history of England?

William Shakespeare

Who was the feudal lord who invaded and conquered England in 1066?

William of Normandy

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