World War 1

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A country's army. Glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war and ready. This made citizens feel patriotic. By 1890, nations believed to be great you must have a powerful military.


A region in the Ottoman Empire, it is a sea strait and gateway to Ottoman capital, Constantinople.


Allied themselves with Germany


An agreement to stop fighting. November 11, 1918, WWI came to an end as French commander of the Allied Forces met with the new commander of the German forces (Central Powers) and made an "armistice", an agreement to stop fighting.

Western Front

Area of WWI known for its "stalemate" that lasted much longer than anyone expected. It was the battle in Northern France between France and Germany. Germany had thought it would quickly defeat France...but they were surprised. At first Germany's Schlieffen Plan worked, but then France got intelligence (information) about where Germany's army was going next, and the Allies attacked Germany, and then Germany retreated.

Eastern Front

Battle on the German-Russian border. Russia + Serbia fought Germany, Austria and Turkey. It was a more "mobile" war but also lasted very long, lots of casualties, and a stalemate.

Triple Entente

Britain's alliance with France and Russia (which were on the two borders of Germany) created a situation where Britain did not have to fight with France and Russia, but they were assured that France and Russia would NOT fight against Britain!

Naval Blockade

British Naval blockade of British navy ships that blocked transportation of food into Germany. By 1917, the war had shifted to the seas/oceans and not as much on land.


British passenger ship called Lusitania. In 1915, a German submarine (U-boat) sank the passenger ship, killing 1200 people, including 128 Americans. The U.S. was outraged.


Capitol of the Ottoman Empire


Countries suppresses/squashed any anti-war stories and the news only allowed one sided information. The information was made to keep morale up and support for the war up.

Vladimir Lenin

Eight months after the army stopped fighting, a second Revolution (March Revolution) took place in Russia, and a Communist leader named Vladimir Lenin took over power. Lenin was part of the Bolsheviks who said "all power to the Soviets". Lenin gave farmland back to the peasants and control of factories back to the workers. Lenin also insisted on ending Russia's involvement in the war. He offered Germany a truce/peace treaty (see Treaty of Brest-Litovsk).

Second Battle of Marne

Failed final push by the Germans into France at the Marne River, 40 miles outside of Paris. Germans thought they were close to victory. But, the Allies had just added 140,000 U.S. soldiers and launched a counter-attack, and won! The German soldiers were exhausted and hungry after 3 years of war. The Allies addition of strong, fresh troops proved extremely helpful.

Triple Alliance

Germany formed alliance with Austria-Hungary and isolate France from them. Otto von Bismark created a strong, unified Germany and he wanted to isolate out France.

Zimmerman note

Germany's Foreign Secretary sent a secret note to Mexico that was decoded by the British. The British gave the information to the U.S. U.S. citizens then called for war against Germany. The U.S. sided with Britain and France who had governments similar to their own, plus they traded more goods with Britain and France. The Zimmerman note was the final straw that got the U.S. to join the war in 1917. The note told Mexico that if they would become allies with Germany, then Germany would help them get their land back from the U.S.

Schlieffen Plan

Germany's military plan to fight a two-front war. The army would put more troops west by France to defeat France first. Then the German army would go to Russian border and fight them second. Since the French already had troops along the French-German border, Germany tried to invade Belgium and go through them and then into France. BUT, Belgium refused to let Germans enter and THIS brought Great Britain (Belgium's ally) into the war. Britain declared war on Germany August 4, 1914.

Kaiser Wilhelm II

He became Chancelor of Germany and pushed Otto von Bismarck out of power. The main cause of World War I is called M.A.I.N. These are militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism. Militarism means proving your strength to the world. An example is how European countries believed it was important to have a strong military that is also ready to fight at any time. Alliances is having a relationship with another country and then deciding to back them up in war. Imperialism is the struggle for power over land. In this era after the Industrial Revolution wanted to be more powerful and compete with each other. Nationalism is pride in your country. An example is men seeing signs to join the army and feeling patriotic, so they joined it.


Hungary/Austria Hungary declared war against Serbia (where killer/terrorist was from).

What led to the end of World War I?

In 1915, all major countries saw that the war was not ending soon, so they looked for other countries to be their allies (like the U.S. and Italy) to "tip the balance" in their favor.

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

In 1917, the focus of war shifted to the seas. Germany put their ships around Britain and said they'd sink any ships near Britain without any warning. Plus, the Germans sank 3 U.S. ships. This also outraged the U.S. and the U.S. President.

Provisional Government

In the Czar's place, a new but early "provisional" government was begun in Russia. They planned to continue fighting in WWI, but the army had lost 5.5 million soldiers, so the Russian Army refused to continue fighting the war.

Czar Nicholas II

Leader of Russia stepped down in 1917 after civil unrest (uprising of the people). Faced with the possibility of a revolution, Czar Nicholas II stepped down from his throne.

"Peace, Land, and Bread"

Lenin's slogan for the March Revolution/Bolshevik Revolution where he promised the people "peace, land, and bread". This meant no more war with Germany, land back to the farmers, and enough food for all. The soviets loved him!

Archduke Ferdinand

Murdered almost leader of Austria. He and his wife were assassinated before he took over power of Austria-Hungry. This "spark" ignited a giant blaze across Europe and set off a chain reaction that started WWI. The killer disliked was from Serbia and wanted Austria out of Serbian rule, so he killed the heir to the throne (son of current leader). This made Germany's leader, Kaiser Wilhelm, very angry so he offered Germany's support of Austria. Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia (where killer/terrorist was from).

First Battle of Marne

Russian withdrew from the war in 1917 to begin the Russian Revolution, Then Germany concentrated on the Western front, beginning a massive advance over the Marne River. Also, the USA entered the war at Marne, including 140,000 US soldiers. Finally, Germany is defeated after the Americans became involved and pushed Germany back.

Modern Warfare

Technology that was aimed at taking massive/tons of casualties through new weapons.

No Man's Land

The space between the trenches became known as "no man's land".


This other side was known as "Allies". Great Britain, France, Russia. Soon Japan joined the Alliance, and then Italy.

Central Powers

This side was Germany and Austria-Hungary. This one side was known as Central Powers because of their location in central Europe.


To have a strong military that can step into battle quickly.

Treaty of Brest/Litovsk

Treaty signed between Russia and Germany to end their war. It was very bad for Russia as they had to give up lands. (Later the treaty was deemed invalid)

Chain Reaction

When Austria declared war on Serbia, then Russia moved its army to the Austrian/Russian border. Russian expected that Germany would join with Austria against Russia, so Russia put its army (mobilized) along the German border too. Germany felt that when Russia mobilized its troops along Germany's border that Russia declaring war AGAINST GERMANY too.

Armenian Massacre

a Christian country in the Ottoman Empire that had tens of thousands of its Christian citizens killed by the Turks. Then when the Armenians pledged support to the Turks enemies, the Turks deported 2 million people and 600 thousand died from starvation or killing. The Ottoman Empire wanted to gain back land and expand its Empire again. Armenians were a small country in the Ottoman Empire that wanted freedom but instead got killed by the Turks. Then, the Allies tried to gain control of Constantinople, the capital of the Ottoman Empire, but they failed to do so. They tried to take over Dardenelles. A Battle of Gallipoli attempted to win access to the Dardenelles and an open route/strait to Constantinople but failed. Finally, in 1918 the Ottoman Empire collapsed and made new countries (like Turkey) and freedom in the Middle East. Britain gained control of these colonies. The map of Europe was changed when the Ottoman Empire was no longer an empire.


a deep devotion to one's nation/country, it can unify but also create competition between nations

Trench Warfare

a type of warfare where soldiers fought each other from trenches. Also, armies often lost many soldiers (killed) but gained very little land. Men slept in mud, washed in mud, ate in mud, and they had rats, little food and couldn't sleep.

March Revolution

in March, 1917 under Czar Nicholas II, (who dragged Russia into WWI), women workers went on strike, then riots began over shortages of bread and fuel for heat. Soldiers were supposed to fire guns at the rioters but instead joined the rebellion! The city protest became a national uprising. Then, Czar Nicholas II decided to step down from his throne.


local groups of peasants, soldiers and workers who wanted changes - more land, no war, etc. Also called "revolutionaries".


nations of Europe competed with each other fiercely for colonies in Africa and Asia

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