world war 11 and post-war AMERICA

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Allen Ginsberg (Howl ,Beatniks)

"Howl"; viewed as spokesman of the Beat Generation, book seized by American government for obsenity charges; about America's false hopes and broken promises

Migration to Sunbelt

-15 state area stretching in a smiling crescent from virginia through Florida, texas, arizona, and california -increased population rapidly -came in search of jobs, climate, and lower taxes -aerospace and military

Truman Doctrine

1947 - Stated that the U.S. would support any nation threatened by Communism.Civil war in Greece.Turkey under pressure from the USSR for concessions in the Dardanelles.The U.S. gve Greece &Turkey %400 million in aid .

Korean War

1950 to 1953, North Korea invades south Korea invades south korea.North korea was a communist nation and south korea was a democracy.First war of containment pplicy to stop communism.Police Action not a declared war.President Truman leads United Ntions General Douglas MacArthur commands US. and UN troops , caied forgetten war.stalemate by 1953. Pres.Eisenhower negotiated end to war .Divided at 38 parrel . Communism contained .Remains divide tody.

Automobile Impact (Interstte Highwayact 1956,suburbs,Levittowns,Comsumerism,white Flight)

1956 Eisenhower 20 yr plan to build 41,000 mi of highway, largest public works project in history.These highways did much to change the economic and social structure of America. They helped businesses and families move from downtowns to suburbs, from Main Street to Wal-Mart.Residential areas surrounding a city. Shops and businesses moved to suburbia as well as people. Levittown was the first suburb.the theory that an increasing consumption of goods is economically beneficial. buying more was equated with success.

Beatniks (1950s counterculture)

A group of rebellious writers and intellectuals. They advocated spontaneity, use of drugs, and rebellion against social standards.

Executive Order 9981

A regulation issued by President Truman in 1948 that stated that in the armed forces, everyone was to be treated equally in treatment and in opportunity no matter the race, religion, or nationality of the person. Before this document was established, there was much discrimination in the armed forces. For example, from the Civil war to the end of World War II, African Americans who wanted to work for the armed forces were segregated from whites. Therefore, they were not able to train or fight in the same areas as whites. Eventually by World War II the segregation started to die down because people had pointed out the hypocrisy of a segregated military fighting against racism in Nazi Germany. Thus, this document was created. Since the Korean War, the armed forces have no longer been segregated.

Great Migration (Detriot Race Riot,1943,white flight)

African Americans again shifted from south to north,creating racial tension as they sought war industry jobs and housing .1943 Detriot race riot is an example of this tension .Result 34dead, federal troops have to break it up, 100,000 plus rioted and fought in city park.

Joseph stalin (totalitarian government,communism)

After V.I. Lenin died in 1924, Joseph Stalin took control of the Soviet Union His goals included both agricultural and industrial growth Stalin hoped to transform the USSR from a backward rural nation to a major industrial power. In the first year of his "5-year plan" Stalin placed all economic activity under strict state control By 1937, Stalin had achieved his goal- USSR was the world's 2nd largest industrial power.In his desire to purge (eliminate) anyone who threatened his power, Stalin was responsible for the deaths of 8 - 13 million of his own Soviet citizens Millions more died of famine caused by his economic policies.In a totalitarian state the government suppresses all opposition and has strict control over the citizens who have no civil rights.The final state of social evolution according to Marx, in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed according to need.

Jonas Salk (baby boom)

After the war, families had tons of babies, creating this. Led to a 20 % population growth during the 50s and led to increasing consumer demand.First to introduce an effective vaccine against Polio. (Distributed free to the public in 1955)

social conformity(cult of domestically,Benjamin spock,Livittowns,Television,the corporate man

American workers found themselves becoming standardized Called the "Organization Man," the modern worker struggled with a loss of individualism Businesses did not want creative thinkers, rebels or anyone that would "rock the boat".Many parents raised their children according to the guidelines of pediatrician Dr. Benjamin Spock He thought children should be allowed to express themselves and parents should never physically punish their kids.The 1950s was known as the "Golden Age of Television" Comedies were the main attraction as Milton Berle, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz were very popular

Tuskegee Airmen

Among the brave men who fought in Italy were pilots of the all- black 99th squadron -the Tuskegee Airmen.THe pilots made numerous effective strikes against Germany and won two distinguished Unit citations.

German strategy(Blitzkrieg)

As day broke on September 1, 1939, the German Luftwaffe (air force) roared over Poland raining bombs on airfields, military bases, railroads and cities German tanks raced across Polish countryside.Too late to save Poland, the Allies focused on getting troops to the front in time to stop Germany's Blitzkrieg strategy (Lightning War - fast moving tanks and powerful aircraft)

Dr.Benjamin Spock

Author who popularized motherhood in his prevailing widely consulting books such as Baby and Child Care, first published in 1946. This book advised women to stay at home with their children.

Potsdam Conference

Big 3 agreed to divide Germany into zones after the war.stalin agreed to free election in Eastern Europe. Recognized Soviet Unions rights to war reparation from eastern Germany.

Taft-Hartley act

Condemned by Labor leaders as a "slave labor law". It outlawed the "closed" shop, made unions liable for damages that resulted from jurisdictional disputes among themselves, and required union leaders to take a non-communist oath.

Battle of the Atlantic (USS North Carolina )

Conflict between British and American ships and German U-Boats. Germany suffered heavy losses, due to the innovations of radar and codebreaking within Allied ranks.

D-Day(Omaha Beach)

D-Day was the largest land-sea-air operation in history .Despite air support ,German retaliation was brutal especially at Omaha beach within a month ,the Allies had landed 1 million troops,567.000tons of supplies and 170,000 vehicles.

United Nations

Designed to create and sustain peace in the world.U.S. ,Russia,British,France,and china have permanent position in the united security council

1950s economy:(White-collar jobs,Franchises,Conglomerates )

During the 150s,business expanded rapidly.More and more people held white-colar jobs-clerical,management,or professional jobs.The fields are sales,advertising,communications eploded. Conglomerate,major corporations that include a number of smaller cmpaniesin unrelated fields,emerged in the 1950s.One conglomerate,international telephone and telegraph (ITT),bought rental car companies and hotel chains.Another strategy for business expansion was franchising.A franchise is a company that offers similar services in many locations.Fast food restaurants developed the first franchises in America

Baby boom

During the late 1940s and through the early 1960s ansd birth rate in the U.S. soared .At its height in 1957 ,a baby was born in America every 7 seconds.

Military -industrybcomplex

Eisenhower first coined this phrase when he warned American against it in his last State of the Union Address. He feared that the combined lobbying efforts of the armed services and industries that contracted with the military would lead to excessive Congressional spending.

Emperor Hirohito(Japan)

Emperor Hirohito's reign lasted from 1926-1989 Hirohito followed tradition and chose a name for his reign His reign was called "Showa", or "Radiating Peace" However, he began a military buildup with several attacks on China and a dream of Pacific domination.In 1931, Japan attacked the Chinese province of Manchuria Swiftly Japan captured the province which is roughly twice the size of Texas .

Marshall Plan

European Recovery Program Secretary of state George Marshall .The U.S. should provide aid to all Europeans nations that need it.This move is not against any country or doctrine ,but against hunger, poverty ,desperation ,and chaos. $12.5 Billion of US. AID to western Europe extended to Eastern Europe &USSR.but this was rejected.

Neutrality Acts (FDR reasns for neutrality)

FDR's polices in the early to mid 1930s reflected a desire to remain out of the growing conflict in Europe He recognized the USSR diplomatically in 1933 (exchanged ambassadors) He lowered tariffs He withdrew armed forces from Latin America.Congress, too, pushed neutrality Congress passed a series of Neutrality Acts The first two acts outlawed arms sales or loans to nations at war The third act outlawed arms sales or loans to nations fighting civil wars .

Sputnik(NASA,Apollo Missions)

First artificial Earth satellite, it was launched by Moscow in 1957 and sparked U.S. fears of Soviet dominance in technology and outer space. It led to the creation of NASA and the space race.(1961-1975) Program of manned space flights run by America's National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The project's highest achievement was the landing of Apollo 11 on the moon on July 20, 1969

Ike Eisenhower(I like Ike)

Former U.S General who led the Allied forces in D-Day during WWII who was the Republican candidate for president in the election of 1952 with the slogan "I like Ike". He won over Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic candidate. As president, he filled his cabinet with successful corporate executives and was criticized for leaving important decisions to others, although proven untrue. In domestic policies, he described his approach as "modern Republicanism", and authorized the interstate highway system. He left business alone to prosper, which it did. His foreign affairs mostly concerned the Cold War and adopted the Eisenhover Doctrine. He won reelection in 1956.

V-E Day

General Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich.On May 8 1945,the Alles celebrated V-E Day victory in Europe Day .The war in Europe was finally over.

Battle of iwo jima

General MacArthur and the Allies next turned to the island of Iwo jima.The island was critical to the allies as a base for an attack on Japan.It was called the most heavily defended spot on earth.Allied and Japanese forces suffered heavy casaulties.

U-boats(How did these influence U.S. decision to join war)

German U-boats traveled in "wolf packs" at night torpedoing U.S. weapon shipments headed for the Britain and the USSR 100 plus sailors on U.S. ships killed FDR OK'ed U.S. navy warships to attack German U-boats on site .

General Dwight D. Eisenhower(role in WWII)

He was the US.general who led the attack in North Africa in Nov. of 1942. He was the master organizer of the D-day invasion in Europe june 6,1944.He ran for the Republi ticket in the 1952 and the 1956 eections and won.

Mein Kamf (Hitler )

Hitler explained his beliefs in his book, Mein Kampf (My Struggle) He wanted to unite all German-speaking people under one grand Empire He wanted racial purity - "inferior" races such as Jews, Slavs and all non-whites were to form a work force for the "master race" - blond, blue-eyed "Aryans"At the end of WWI he was a jobless soldier drifting around Germany In 1919, he joined a struggling group called the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis) (Despite its name the party had no ties to socialism).Hitler's ability as a public speaker and organizer drew many followers He quickly became the Nazi Party leader Calling himself "Der Fuhrer" (the leader) he promised to return Germany to its old glory.

battle of Okinawa

In April 1945,U.S. marine4s invades Okinawa. The japanese unleashed 1,900 Kamikaze attacks sinking 30 ships and killing 5,000 seamen .Okinawa cost the Americans 7,600 marines and the Japanese 110,000 Soldiers.

Yalta conference

In February 1945, as the Allies pushed toward victory in Europe ,an ailing FDR met with Churchill and stalin at the black sea resrt of Yalta in the USSR .A series of compromises were worked out concerning postwar europe.stalin agreed to help the Us in the war against japan and to join the united nations.

Great Arsenal of Democracy (Cash and carry provision,lend-lease acts)

In September of 1939 (invasion of Poland), Roosevelt persuaded Congress to pass a neutrality act with a "cash & carry" provision that allowed nations to buy U.S. arms and transport them in their own ships. To support Britain, FDR established a "Lend- Lease Plan" which meant the U.S. would lend or lease arms to nations whose defense was vital to America America was becoming the "Great Arsenal of Democracy" supplying weapons to fighting democracies .

Rock n,roll ( Chuck Berry,Elvis Presley)

In the early and mid -fifties,Richard Penniman,Chuck berry ,Bill Haley and the comets ,and especially Elvis Presley brought rock and rollto the forefront .They driving rhythm and lyrics featuring love ,cars.Presley,s rebellious style captured young audiences.Girls screamed and fainted, and boys tries to imitate him.

General Agreements on Tariff and Trade (GATT)

Increase global trade around the world

Declaration of the United Nations December 7,(Pearl Harbor,reasons why Pearl Harbor was attacked)

International body formed in 1945 to bring nations into dialogue in hopes of preventing further world wars. Much like the former League of Nations in ambition, the UN was more realistic in recognizing the authority of the Big Five Powers in keeping peace in the world. Thus, it guaranteed veto power to all permanent members of its Security Council—Britain, China, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States. (923).7:50-10:00 AM, December 7, 1941 - Surprise attack by the Japanese on the main U.S. Pacific Fleet harbored in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii destroyed 18 U.S. ships and 200 aircraft. American losses were 3000, Japanese losses less than 100. In response, the U.S. declared war on Japan and Germany, entering World War II.


It was based on ideas of collective security ,an attack on one member is an attack on all members. This idea would hopefully deter any communists aggresion against NATO members.U.S.,Belgium , Britain , Canada ,Denmark,france,ireland ,Italy,Luxemberg ,Netherands, Norway,Portugal, Norway,Portugal, 1952;greece and Turkey ,1955;West Germany, 1983:Spain.

Battle of Midway

Japan,s next thrust was toward midway island northwest of Hawaii.Admiral chester Nimitz,the commander of the American naval forces in the pacific ,moved to defend the island.The Americas won a decisive victory as their planes destroyed 4 Japanese aircraft carriers and 250 planes.

Office of Price Administration (OPA)

The OPA froze prices on most goods and encouraged the purchase of war bonds to fight inflation.

Citizens helping on Homefront (Collection drives,Rationing,war bonds)

The WPB also organized nationwide drives to collect scrap iron,tin cans,paper ,rags and cooking fat for recycling .Additionally,the OPA set up a system of rationing .Households had set allocations of scarce goods,gas ,meat,shoes,sugar ,coffee.The OPA froze prices on most goods and encouraged the purchase of war bonds to fight inflation.

War production Board (WPB)

The WPB which decided companies would convert to wartime production and how to best allocate raw naterials.

Munich conference and Agreement

The area near Czechoslovakia that was mainly German ethnicity that Germany took.,The Munich Agreement was an agreement between Chamberlain and Hitler that Germany would not conquer any more land, and if did, would declare war.

Battle of the Bulge

The battle of the bulge ranged for a month .the Germans had been pushed back .little seems to have changed but in fact the Germans sustained heavy losses .Germany lost 120,000 troops,600 tanks,12


The incident when an American U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union. The U.S. denied the true purpose of the plane at first, but was forced to when the U.S.S.R. produced the living pilot and the largely intact plane to validate their claim of being spied on aerially. The incident worsened East-West relations during the Cold War and was a great embarrassment for the United States.

Manhattan project

The most important achievement of the OSRD was the secret development of the atomic bomb .Einstein wrote to FDR warning him that the Germans were attemting to develop such a weapon.The used to describe American effoprts to build the bomb was the Manhattan project.

Treaty of Versailles,(Isolationism,rise of hitler)

The peace settlement that ended World War I (Versailles Treaty) failed to provide a "just and secure peace" as promised Instead Germany grew more and more resentful of the treaty that they felt was too harsh and too punitive.Meanwhile in Germany Adolf hitler followed the same path of Mussolini.At the end of ww1 he was jobless soldier drifting around Germany.In 1919,he joined a struggling group called the NAZI .Hitler,s ability as a public speaker and organizer drew many followers.He quickly became the NaziParty leader calling himself the leader.He promisedto return Germany to its old glory.isolationism A national policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs. Americans were extremely isolationist in the period leading up to WWII.

Selective service

The selective expanded the draft and eventuall provided an additional 10 million soldiers.

Nuclear Family

The term nuclear family is used to distinguish a family group consisting of most commonly, a father and mother and their children, from what is known as an extended family. Nuclear families can be any size, as long as the family can support itself and there are only children and two parents.

Allied Powers


Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD)

To bring scientists into the war effort .it focus was on radar and sonar to locate submarines .Also the scientists worked on penicides like DDT.

G.I. Bill(Levittowns,baby boom)

To help returnining servicemen ease back into civilian life,congress passed the GI bill of rights .The act provided edcatin for 7.8 million vets.During the late 1940s and through the early 1960s ansd birth rate in the U.S. soared .At its height in 1957 ,a baby was born in America every 7 seconds.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki(unconditional surrender)

Truman warned japan in late July 1945 that without a immediate japanese surrender,it faced prompt and utter destruction. On August 6(Hirosima)and August 9 (nagasaki ) a B- 29 bober dropped Atomic bombs on Japan.Japan surrendered days after the second atomic bomb was dropped.General MacArthur said "Today the guns are silent. The skies no longer rain death. the entire world is quietly at peace.

Navajo Code Talkers

U.S. military used the Navajo language as a code to transmit messages. Tribe members went with troops to help transmit messages. Only wartime code never broken.


USSR,Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia , East Germany, Hingary, Poland , Romania.

Women,s roles in WWII(Women,s Auxillary Army Corps,Rosie the Riveter)

Under this program women worked in non-combatroles such as nurses,ambulance drivers,radio operators and pilots.A model dressed in overalls who became the cover girl for the intense publicity campaign that was launched by the government to draw women into traditional male jobs

Executive order 9066(Internment camps,Korematsu v.Unoted States

When the war began, 120,000 Japanese Americans lived in the U.S. mostly on the West Coast.After Pearl Harbor,many peple were suspicious of possible spy activity by Japanese Americans into 10 reloction centers .it upheld governmet interment poicy as necessary for national security

Ralph Elison (The invinsible Man ,Beatniks)

an African-American author who wrote Invisible Man arguing that a black man can't be seen as a real man


in World War II, the nations of Germany, Italy, and Japan, which had formed an alliance in 1936.

Suez crisis

international crisis launched when Egyptian President Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, which had been owned mostly by French and British stockholders. This crisis failed without aid from the United States and marked an important turning point in the post-colonial Middle East and highlighted the rising importance of oil in world affairs

General Douglass MacArthur

led the Allied invasion of North African and planned and executed the D-Day invasion at Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge.

Appeasement policy (Non-Aggression Pact,Invasion of poland)

policy of appeasement - or giving up principles to pacify an aggressor.Secret agreement between German leader Hitler and Soviet Leader Stalin in 1939 not to attack one another and to divide Poland. Significant because the pact allowed Germany to take Poland without any interference from the USSR, allowing further power to be gained.Germany invaded, breaking their agreement, so Britain and France declared war, starting World War II, invaded Poland Sept. 1,1939. After signing the non-aggression pact HItler had a surprise attack, German tanks and troops rumbled across the Polish border.

Drive Ins

reflected America's love for the car, drive in resturaunts started in the 1950s and quickly turned into fast-food chains.

jonas salk (baby boom)

salk was an American biologist and physician best known for the research and development of a killed-virus polio vaccine.During the late 1940s and through the early 1960s the birthrate in thje US soared.At its height in 1957,a baby was born in Amertica every 7 seconds.Baby boomers represents the largest generation in the nation,s history.

A.Phillip Randolph (Executive Order 8802)

signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on June 25, 1941 to prohibit racial discrimination in the national defense industry. It was the first federal action, though not a law, to promote equal opportunity and prohibit employment discrimination in the United States


the act of pushing a situation to the verge of war in order to threaten and encourage one's opponent to back down.

Levittowmns (racism,conformity

utilized mass production techniques to build inexpensive homes in suburban NY to relieve postwar housing shortage; became symbol of movement to suburbs; conformity of houses; diverse communities; home for lower-middle class families

Social conformity(Cult of domesticity,Benjamin spock,Levittowns,Television,The Corporate man)

women believed to belong in the home, scientific "evidence"; widespread in magazines, TV.levittowns suburbs, inexpensive cookie cutter homes, white flight.American biologist and physician best known for the research and development of a killed-virus polio vaccine, the eponymous Salk vaccine.Helped biological studies and saved many lives.The 195s was known as the golden age of Television .Comedres were the main attraction as milton berle ,lucille ball and Desi Arnez were very popular.the corporate man goes to work and expect food on the table .leave it to beavers.

John Kenneth Galbraith (The Affluent society,Beatniks )

wrote about the failure of wealthy americans to address the need for increased social spending for the common good.

John Keats,(Beatniks,THe crack in the Picture Window )

The Crack in the Picture Window, assault against the life in the huge new suburban developments, ridiculed Levittown, concluded that suburbanites were living in a homogenous, postwar Hell

Berlin Blockade (Berlin airlift )

Presodent Truman decided to avoid the blockade by flying in food and other supplies to the needy people of west berlin.At times, Over 5,000 tons of supplies arrived daily.

Wiston Churchill

Prime Minister Winston Churchill who said Europe had adopted a dangerous policy of appeasement - or giving up principles to pacify an aggressor.

Bracero program (zoot suit Riots)

Program established by agreement with the Mexican government to recruit temporary Mexican agricultural workers to the United States to make up for wartime labor shortages in the Far West. The program persisted until 1964, by when it had sponsored 4.5 million border crossings.The war triggered the greatest mass migration in American history.120,000 Mexican immigrants brought here to work on farms due to farm labor shortage from war . 1943 riots broke out after American servicemanen attacked Mexican immigrants.

Red Scare :(House Un -american Activities committee,McCarthyism,Oppenheimer Case Rosenberg case,Hollywood Ten)

Red scare was Americans response to the fear of Communism foolowing world war 1 and world war ii. Soviet Union emerged stronger after wwII , which raised concerns. Americans began to question how loyal other Americans were.Signs ofdisloyalty were seen as a threat to nationalist security and helping the communists.Hollywood ten is a groupm of left-wing writers,directors,and producers refused to answer question from HUAC,invoking their 5th amenments rights.J .Robert Oppenheimer led the Manhattan Project during WWII to creare atomic bomb.He knew communists but he himself was nevera communists.The U.S. govermment refused to give him access to classified documents after this was discovered.Huge debate started in U.S. over whether they were actually guilty of espionage or were they just being treared this way because they had different political beliefs and were Jewish.IN 1990S,hard evidence was found that both did actually play a role in selling military se rets to soviets.McCarthyism believed the state Department was infested with communists.He claimed he had a list of names.At first said there were 205 state department. Employees that were communists.Then said ,there were 205 threats,but pnly 57 employees that were communist .McCarthy never did actually produce a list.This ewas just a political move to gain popularity for himself and help him get re-elected in 1952.

Reparations,(Treaty of Versailes,Dawes plan ,Rise of Hiitler)

Reparations are money paid by a defeated nation for damages done to another nation as a result of war with the defeated nation payment for repair.Germany had to pay 6,600Euro million for the damage caused by the war.The peace settlement that ended World War I (Versailles Treaty) failed to provide a "just and secure peace" as promised Instead Germany grew more and more resentful of the treaty that they felt was too harsh and too punitive.eanwhile in Germany Adolf hitler followed the same path of Mussolini.At the end of ww1 he was jobless soldier drifting around Germany.In 1919,he joined a struggling group called the NAZI .Hitler,s ability as a public speaker and organizer drew many followers.He quickly became the NaziParty leader calling himself the leader.He promisedto return Germany to its old glory.German economy was too weak to pay the reparations and to rebuild its country. USA and Britain came up with the plan whereby USA will give loans to Germany to kick start economy, Germany then pays reparations to Britain and France with which Britain can pay back its denbts to USA.

TV Guide

TV advertising soared from $170 million in 1950 to nearly $2 billion in 1960.TV Guide magazine quikly became the best selling magazine frozen TV dinners were introduced in 1954 ,these complete ready -to- heat meals on disposable aluminium trays made it easy for people to eat without missing their favourite shows.

Golden Age of Television

The 195s was known as the golden age of Television .Comedres were the main attraction as milton berle ,lucille ball and Desi Arnez were very popular.

Kamakaze attack

The Americans continued leapfrogging across the pacific toward Japan .Japanese countered by employing a new tactic kamikaze attacks pilots in small bomb-laden planes would crash into allied ships.

Adolf Hitler (Nazi Germany,Third Reich )

Meanwhile in Germany, Adolf Hitler followed a similar path to Mussolini At the end of WWI he was a jobless soldier drifting around Germany In 1919, he joined a struggling group called the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis) (Despite its name the party had no ties to socialism).Hitler's ability as a public speaker and organizer drew many followers He quickly became the Nazi Party leader Calling himself "Der Fuhrer" (the leader) he promised to return Germany to its old glory.Hitler explained his beliefs in his book, Mein Kampf (My Struggle) He wanted to unite all German-speaking people under one grand Empire He wanted racial purity - "inferior" races such as Jews, Slavs and all non-whites were to form a work force for the "master race" - blond, blue-eyed "Aryans".Once in power, Hitler established the Third Reich, or Third German Empire The first was during the Middle Ages and the Second came with the Unification of Germany in 1871 According to Hitler the Third Reich would last 1,000 years.

Benito Mussolini(Fascism)

Mussolini seized power, taking advantage of high unemployment, inflation and a middle-class fear of Communism.Mussolini was a strong public speaker who appealed to Italian national pride By 1921, Mussolini had established the Fascist Party -- Fascism stressed nationalism and militarism and placed the interest of the state above the interests of the individual.

Holocaust (Nuremberg Laws)

On April 7, 1933 Hitler ordered all non-Aryans removed from government jobs Thus began the systematic campaign of racial purification that eventually led to the Holocaust - the murder of 11 million people across Europe (more than half of whom were Jews). Anti Semitic (hatred) laws against Jews, originated by the Nazi Government in 1935.based on the belief of scientific racism. Separate Jews from Germans (Aryans) Deprived Jews of German citizenship.

Operation AJAX

Operation Ajax was the US's CIA attempt to overthrow the Iranian democratically elected leader known as the Mosaddegh who was against western/British and US influence, and install a leader sympathetic to the west and the united states in an attempt to maintain the flow of oil from Iran to the US. Mosaddegh nationalized oil companies in the 1950's sparking the joint anglo/us operation. This is significant because in 1979, the Iranians revolted and overthrew the leader installed by the us causing the hostage crisis in which the us cut diplomatic ties with iran which are still cut today.

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