World War II Study Guide

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VJ Day

VJ Day stand for. Ictory in Japan Day when Japan surrendered to the Allied Powers in 1945 after the atomic bombs were dropped by the United States on Japan.


Limits on things you can use.

Aircraft Carrier

A large ship that carries airplanes far from land. Airplanes can take off from the ship

The Battle of Iwo Jima

A major battle that occured in Feburary of 1945 in the Pacific theater during World War II. The Allied apowers defeated Japan. It was yhr bloddiest battle in the Pacifc Theater.

Pearl Harbor

A naval base in Hawaii. The Japanese bombed Pearl Habor. The result was that rhe United States entered World War II.


A period between 1939-1945 where Nazi Germany killed over 6 million Jews and 5 million other minories that lifed in Europe.

Concentration Camp

A prosion that Jews and other enemies of Nazi Germany would have to go. Most people were killed in these camps.


A type of government where the government controls everything.


Advertisments used to persuade people to do things.

How did Europe change two years after World War II began?

After World War II started, the map in Europe looked a lot different because Germany managed to take over a lot of different countries. For instance, two years after World War II began, Germany had control of France, many countries in Eastern Europe, and much of central Europ encluding Switerland. Their imperialist ambitions and their strong militeries help create this new landscape.

Why was D-Day an important day?

D-Day was an important day because that was the day that the Allied Powers atarted to attack Germany from the Western Part of Europe. This put a lot of pressure on the Germans because now they had to fight both the Eastern and Western part of Europe. Also, D-Dat is the biggest land invasion ever by and army.

Axis Powers

Germany, Japan, and Italy

Allied Powers

Great Britain, France, Soviet Union (Russia), New Zealand, Australia, and the United States.

Why was Hitler so popular in Nazi Germany?

Hitler was so popular because he promised the Germans a better life and more land for Germans. His speeches brought pride back to a froup of people that were mentally and economically depressed. In addition, he also developed a scapegoat (the Jews) for the German people to direct their anger at during these rought times.

Who did the Nazis blame for all the problems in Germany?

Hitler was so popular because he promised the Germans a better life and more land for the Germans. His speech brought pride back to a group of people that were mentally and economically depressed. In addition, he also developed a scapegoat (the Jews) for the German people to direct their anger at during these though times.

Atomic Bomb

Huge bombs that caused hide destruction in Japan after it was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Code Talkers

Navajo Native American who used their language as a secret Code to communicate messages that Japanese could not understand.


Not picking a side and staying out of war.

What was the opportunity cost of President Truman's decision to drop the Atomic Bomb on Japan?

President Truman wanted to end World War II. He knew he either has to decide to drop the atomic bomb or invade Japan because he thought that the price of invading Japan and losing thousands of Americans. Lives was less than the cost of bombinh Japan and destroying two cities. He wanted to save the lives of American soliders.

How did propaganda play a rolde in World War II?

Propaganda played a big role in World War II becuase bothe Aixs and Allied Powers used it to persaude and tak people into believing certain things, working for the war effort, and rationing the amount of food they eat. Propaganda was used durind World War II to get people to think and act a certain ways. For instance, there was propaganda to get people to buy their war bonds, plant victory gardens, become soldiers, and manu more things that would help the US win the war. In addition, propagando was used to make the Axis Powers really close to Japan and thr end of the war.

What happened during the Holocaust?

The Holocaust is when the Germand killed 6 million Jews in Europe. Jews were put in Concentration Camps where they were forced to builf things for the Nazi Germany. Many times Jews were worked to death or if they were too weak to work they would be killed too.

Who did the Nazis blame for all the promblems in Germany?

The Nazis and Hitler blamed the Jews and Socialist for all the problems and their depression. They thought the Jews were taking money from Germans and that is why the Germans were so poor. This created a lot of racism toward Jews and Socialist.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The President of the United States during the Great Depression and World War II.

Why were the Tuskegee Airmen so famous?

The Tuskegee Airmen were so important because they were the first African American fighter pilots in the US This was a big deal because in a time of Jim Vrow Laws, African American rights were not that big. The Tuskegee Airmen were very important for many reasons. For starters, they were the first Africn Americans pilots to fight on behalf of the United States during a war. They did this during a time of racial strife in America. In addition, they also gave the African American community a source of pride and hop that civil rights for all people may be achieved in the future.

Why did the United States enter World War II?

The United States enter World War II because he Japanese bombed US battleshipd and airplanes at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The US declared was on thr Axis Powers on December 7, 1941.


The act of taking over other countries to gain power and natural resources.

Why was the Battle of Iwo Jima so important?

The battle of Iwo Jima is so important because it was a major victory for the Allied Powers over Japan in World War II. It brough the Allied Powers really close to Japan and the end of the war.

Pacific Theater

The battles that took place in WWII in the Pacific ocean on the contineny of Asia near Japan.

Adolf Hitler

The chancellor of Germany, and the leader of the Nazi Party. He was a fascist leader that controlled evry part of German culture. He believed in imperialism.

Opportunity Cost

The cost that goes along with a decision .

Benito Mussolini

The fascist leader of Italy.

Eastern Front

The fight in the Eastern part of Europe. The fight was between Germany and the Soviet Union.

Western Front

The fight in the Western part of Europe. The fight was between Germany and the United States, Great Britain, Canada, and Australia.

Tuskegee Airmen

The first African American fighter pilots. They fough in Worl War II.

Japanese Internment

The force movement of Japanese Americans in prison camps during WWII.


The leader of Japan. He was a nationalist that believed in imperialism.

Winston Churchill

The leader of the Great Britain diring World War II.

Josef Stalin

The leader of the Soviet Union (Russia) during World War II.

Harry Truman

The president of the United States who decided to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan during World War II (1945)

VE Day

VE Day stands for Victory in Europe Day when the Aix Powers in Europe (Germany and Italy) surrendered to the Allied Powers in the spring of 1945

Rosie the Riveter

The symbol for the working women during World War II. She was used in propaganda. Her goal was to persuad women to help out in the war effort, and go to war.


The time on June 6, 1944 when Allied Powers opened up the Western front and attacked the Nazis (Germany). The attack took place on the beadhes of Normany France.

Island Hopping

When the Allies went from island to island in the South Pacific in order to get closer to Japan.

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