ww unit 1

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sub rosa (adj., n.)

happening or done in secret syn: confidential, private ant: open, public

surreptitious (adj.)

kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of syn: secret, sly ant: open, honest

volatile (adj.)

liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse syn: tense, uncomfortable, explosive ant: stable, calm

stentorian (adj.)

loud and powerful syn: booming, blaring ant: soft, quiet

trite (adj.)

overused and of little port syn: cliche, ordinary, routine ant: original, fresh, imaginative

taciturn (adj.)

reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little syn: untalkative, quiet ant: talkative, loquacious

somnolent (adj.)

sleepy; drowsy syn: tired, groggy ant: alert, awake

veracious (adj.)

speaking or representing the truth syn: true, honest, correct ant: untrue, dishonest, false

vitiate (v.)

spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of syn: destroy, corrupt, flaw ant: reconstruct, repair, mend

voluble (adj.)

talking fluently, readily, or incessantly syn: talkative, verbose, chatty ant: taciturn, uncommunicative, mute

succulent (adj.)

tender, juicy, and tasty syn: lush, fresh ant: dry, tasteless

tenacious (adj.)

to keep a firm hold on something syn: powerful, tight ant: loose, weak

tacit (adj.)

understood or implied without being stated syn: hinted, suggested, implicit ant: explicit, stated

vociferous (adj.)

vehement or clamorous syn: outspoken, vocal, frank ant: silent, quiet

tenuous (adj.)

very weak or slight syn: slight, fragile, insubstantial ant: convincing, strong, substantial

voracious (adj.)

wanting or devouring great quantities of food syn: avid, hungry, ravenous ant: satisfied, content, stuffed

ungainly (adj.)

awkward, clumsy syn: graceless, inelegant, gawky ant: elegant, neat, graceful

vituperative (adj.)

bitter and abusive syn: insolent, rude, slanderous ant: temperate, civil, polite

trepidation (n.)

a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen syn: worry, tension, dread ant: calm, composure

virulent (adj.)

a. extremely severe or harmful in its effects syn: toxic, deadly, lethal ant: harmless, safe, nontoxic b. bitterly hostile syn: malicious, evil, malevolent ant: benevolent, caring, thoughtful

sundry (adj., n.)

a. of various kinds; several syn: assorted, various ant: few, excess b. various items not important enough to be mentioned individually

tepid (adj.)

a. slightly warm; lukewarm syn: lukewarm, warmish, room temperature ant: hot, cold b. showing little excitement syn: unenthusiastic, halfhearted, uninterested ant: excited, enthusiastic, energetic

vestige (n.)

a. trace of something that is disappearing syn: remnant, relic, fragment ant: large amount, abundance b. the smallest amount syn: trace, scrap ant: multitude, much

supercilious (adj.)

behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others syn: arrogant, conceited ant: humble, modest

wanton (adj.)

deliberate or unprovoked syn: willful, malicious, spiteful ant: justifiable, chaste, moral

truculent (adj.)

eager or quick to fight syn: aggressive, pugnacious, hostile ant: calm, docile, friendly

superfluity (n.)

excessively large amount of something syn: excess, overabundance ant: lack, shortage

squalid (adj.)

extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect syn: filthy, grimy ant: clean, spotless

wary (adj.)

feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems syn: cautious, careful ant: inattentive, trustful

upbraid (v.)

find fault with someone syn: scold, reprimand, chastise ant: congratulate, uplift, welcome

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