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What African territory did Belgium/King Leopold II imperialize to begin the Age of Imperialism in Africa?


What are spheres of influence?

China was divided under the control of European nations; focused on rivers and ports of trade.

In what area of Asia did the Europeans use spheres of influence?


What was the East-West belt for France in Africa?

France wanted to control an east-west belt of colonies stretching across north-central Africa linking the Atlantic to the Red Sea/Indian Sea.

Why did they want to attack France first?

France was seen as the stronger enemy and could mobilize quicker.

What was the Triple Entente?

France, Great Britain, Russia.

What was the "blank check" given by Germany to Austria-Hungary?

It showed that Germany was willing to support Austria-Hungary in every way.

Why did the US decide to remain neutral at the beginning of WWI?

It wasn't until April 1917 that the US joined the allied forces and declared war on Germany, they remained neutral because president Wilson wanted American to stay impartial.

What Central Powers country supported Lenin and his takeover of the Russian government?


What are the 5 M.A.I.I.N. long term causes of WWI?

M- Militarism A- Alliance System I- Imperialism I- Industrialism N- Nationalism

Define blockade.

an act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.

What is "no-man's land"?

an open area of land where you will get shot and die.

How do alliances and large militaries help maintain the balance of power?

countries who form an alliance do not go to war with each other as well as their forces combine in a war situation .

What was the purpose of the Berlin Congress?

created rules for colonization in Africa to avoid war.

What is imperialism?

extension of political, economic, and social influence abroad to foreign regions/ countries, often involves the creation of colonies empires or the annexation of new territory.

How did Kaiser William II change Germany's foreign policy after he fired Bismarck in 1890?

no longer was there an alliance between Russia and Germany, wanted to claim Germany's rightful place in the sun

Where was the above country imperializing?

they gained spheres of influence in Manchuria and Liaotung peninsula, annexed Korea and Taiwan

Explain Germany's Schlieffen Plan.

German war plan for a two-front war against Russia and France.

List the long-term effects of WWI.

League of Nations was formed, France received Alsace-Lorraine, Germany basically lost everything

Where is the Balkan Peninsula located?

Saudi Arabia

Where was the major imperialistic competition occurring?

Africa and Asia

What was Wilson's Peace Plan called?

14 Point Peace Plan.

Between what year and what year did WWI occur? (Frame your answer between the assassination and the armistice.)


What year did Russia officially drop out of WWI?


What year did the US decide to join WWI?


What year did fighting countries sign the armistice?


What regions of the world did the Europeans focus on for their imperialistic activities?

Africa, Asia?? caribean.

Define "total war".

All of a country's resources: political, economic, empirical, civilian: mobilized to achieve victory in the war.

Who won WWI?

Allied Powers

Which side did the US decide to join in WWI?

Allied Powers.

How does an entente differ from an alliance?

An entente is simply an agreement to not get involved, while an alliance gives military support.

What was the "spark" that started WWI?

Assassination of Franz Ferdinand (Archduke)

Why did the above nation develop a rivalry with AH in this region?

Austria was annexing Bosnia and Herzegovina (Slavic-speaking territories).

Who was the first country to declare war?


Why did Russia want to create a Big Bulgaria after they defeated the Ottoman Empire?

Big Bulgaria would have been a satellite state of Russia

What organization did he belong to?

Black Hand Group

Define balance of power.

Each country having equal power... created so it prevents one country from becoming too powerful

Cause: From 1898-1908 the aggressive foreign policy actions of Germany caused Great Britain to develop a closer political friendship with France.

Effect: A loose confederation of Great Britain, France, and Russia (Triple Entente) stood opposed to the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

Cause: The emergence of unified Germany upset the balance of power in Vienna. Bismarck feared that the French might desire revenge over their loss in the Franco-Prussian war.

Effect: Bismarck created the Three Emperors League (1873/1881) consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary (AH), and Russia.

Cause: Russia left the Three Emperors League in 1879. Bismarck wanted to protect Germany against France and Russia.

Effect: Bismarck made an alliance with Austria (The Dual Alliance of 1879) that was joined with Italy. (The Triple Alliance of 1882)

Cause: Bismarck wanted to reestablish good relations with Russia and continue to prevent the possibility of a two front war.

Effect: Bismarck signed the Reinsurance Treaty with Russia, hoping to prevent a French-Russian alliance that would threaten Germany.

Cause: Wilhelm II of Germany fired Bismarck as the chancellor of Germany.

Effect: Emperor William II embarked on a new, activist foreign policy dedicated to enhancing German power. William drops the Reinsurance Treaty.

Cause: William II intervened and demanded they back down and accept Austria's annexations or they would go to war with Germany.

Effect: Russia backed off of their support of Serbia because Russia was still militarily weakened from their defeat in the Russo-Japanese War.

Cause: Balkan states of Serbia and Montenegro declared war on the Ottoman Empire and they lost.

Effect: Russia declared war on and defeated the Ottoman Empire in 1876.

Cause: The Russians as protectors of their fellow Slavs and desiring to increase their own authority in the Balkans, supports the Serbs and opposed the Austrian action.

Effect: Serbia prepared for war against AH believing they had the support of Russia.

Cause: One of Serbia's major ambitions had been to acquire Albanian territory that would give it a port on the Adriatic.

Effect: The Great Powers held the London Conference in 1913. At this conference AH lobbied for the creation of Albania to block Serbian access to the Adriatic Sea.

Cause: Russia and the Ottoman Empire signed the Treaty of San Stefano that created a "Big Bulgaria". This Big Bulgaria would have been a satellite state of Russia. The other Great Powers called for a congress in Berlin to discuss the treaty.

Effect: The congress demolished the Treaty of San Stefano. Bulgaria was small. Serbia, Montenegro, Romania became independent states. Bosnia and Herzegovina are protectorates of Austria.

Cause: Wilhelm II allowed the Reinsurance Treaty to lapse with Russia.

Effect: The ending of the alliance brought France and Russia together.

On what continent did a majority of the fighting take place during WWI?


List the new countries of Europe that were created as a result of the Treaty of Versailles.

Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Turkey.

What were the stipulations of the Treaty of Versailles?

France gained Alsace - Lorraine, limited size of army (100,000), no manufacturing war materials, no submarines, no airplanes, no troops allowed in Rhineland, no navy and no draft, war guilt clause, Germany had to pay $31 billion dollars.

Who was the assassin of Franz Ferdinand?

Gavrilo Princip

What was the Zimmerman note and what did it stipulate?

Germany sent the note to Mexico. They wanted Mexico to join their side. Mexico can have the territory they lost from the Mexican-American war (Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona) if they help. Mexico would distract the U.S. by going to war with them to prevent them from going to Europe which helps Germany. Mexico denies invitation. They want Japan to also join the Central Powers but Japan is already an Allied Power. They want Japan to switch sides. Japan denies invitation.

Why did Great Britain enter WWI on the side of the Allied Powers?

Germany threatened and later invaded Belgium

What was the Dual Alliance?

Germany, Austria-Hungary

What was the Triple Alliance?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy.

Who were the major members of the Central Powers in WWI?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, The Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria.

What European nation had the largest global empire?

Great Britain

What was the North-South belt for Great Britain in Africa?

Great Britain wanted to control a north-south belt of colonies from Egypt to South Africa.

Who were the major members of the Allied Powers in WWI?

Great Britain, Russia, France, Italy (1915) - wanted territory from A.H., U.S. (1917), Japan, Serbia, Greece, Portugal.

What did imperialism create between the major European powers?

Heavy competition

What was the crown jewel of the British Empire in Asia?


What allowed for the rapid build up of military forces by the large European nations?


How did the German blockade affect Great Britain?

It blocked medicine of any supplies from getting to GB

How did the British blockade affect Germany?

It blocked the water trade routes.

What is propaganda and what is the purpose of propaganda?

It is posters or advertising hoping to gain soldiers in the army.

What Asian nation was involved in imperialism in East Asia?


What are buffer states?

Many colonies acted as buffers to protect India from foreign threats.

Define each of the 5 M.A.I.I.N causes.

Militarism The use of the military as a tool of foreign policy The increased influence of the military in the government and society The buildup of military forces Arms Race - army and navy If we have them, use them Balance of power Alliance System Military agreements between countries Typically defensive Maintained balance of power Acted as domino effect and pulled other countries into war Triple Entente - France, Great Britain, Russia Triple Alliance - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Imperialism Extension of political, economic, and social influence abroad to foreign regions/countries Often involves the creation of colonies/empires OR the annexation of new territory Africa, South Asia, SE Asia When European countries enter the war, they bring colonies with them = world war Industrialism* Rapid production of goods using machines Coincided with the development of the factory system and urbanization - concentration of labor Requires large amounts of raw materials Supports large armies with war material Nationalism Putting the interests of your own country ahead of the international interests (collective good) What is best for my country at this time?

Define neutral.

Not favoring a specific side/ or getting involved.

Give some examples of the common types of propaganda used during WWI.

Posters, radio, television messages.

What reasons did Europeans give for imperialism?

Prestige: Global empire Economy: raw materials, guaranteed markets, invest in colonial infrastructure Military: areas of strategic value Social Darwinism/Racism: superior races dominate "weaker" races Religious/Moral: desire to spread Christianity (RCC and Protestant) and missionaries spread European Civilization (capitalism and industrial) white mans burden .

What was the goal of Bismarck/Germany for European diplomacy after the unification of the German states?

Reestablish good relations with Russia and prevent possibility of a two front war

What country did Bismarck want to keep isolated from allies?


Who did France create an alliance with 1894?


What were the terms of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

Russia gave up large amounts of territory in Western Russia to Germany due to dropping out of war.

What are some of the countries located on the Balkan Peninsula?

Russia, Austria-Hungary, Serbia

Who was the protector of Serbia?


What ultimately resulted from Wilhelm II's foreign policy? World War I What Balkan nation became the new rival of AH in the region of the Balkan Peninsula?


With what country was the Black Hand affiliated with?


Why were the Soviet Union and the Central Powers NOT invited to the Versailles Peace Conference?

Soviet Union dropped out of war due to their civil war and Central Powers lost.

What happened with the sinking of the Lusitania?

Stopped German unrestricted submarine warfare in 1916 after sinking of the Lusitania (British ship)

Define unrestricted submarine warfare.

Submarines sink vessels such as freighters and tankers without warning.

What was the League of Nations?

The 14th point made by Woodrow Wilson, also called the general association of nations.

How did the foreign policy of Wilhelm II differ from the foreign policy of Bismarck?

The Bismarckian system focused on preserving peace and keeping France politically isolated (no allies/weak), allied with Russia, Bismarck was content on the continent. Wilhelm II's system focused on demolishing the Reinsurance Treaty and enhancing Germany's power, Wilhelm focused on conquest (empire).

What was the initial rivalry within the Balkans between AH and Russia?

The disintegration of the Ottoman Empire and territorial fears - both wanted to expand into the Balkan peninsula, Russia had shortest route to Constantinople

How are civilians affected by total war?

The govt controlled all aspects of society... Women utilized in the workforce to replace men at the battlefront .

What was "the White Man's Burden"?

The need or inclination to spread European civilization and religion to the rest of the world because they are the "superior" race

What type of warfare developed along the Western Front in Western Europe?

Trench warfare.

Why do historians refer to the Balkan Peninsula region as a "powder keg" prior to the year 1914?

Two major, conflicting powers (Austro-Hungary and Russia), were heavily involved in the conflicts of the region. Austria administered power over Bosnia, which Serbian nationalists claimed as a part of their country. Russia had promised to protect Serbia in event of war, and when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated, Austria declared war. This led to a chain reaction of war declarations that began World War 1.

What modern day international body is similar to the League of Nations?

United Nations.

Who were the Big Four countries at the Versailles Peace Conference?

United States, France, Great Britain, Italy.

Who led the Bolshevik (communist) revolution in Russia?

Vladimir Ulianov aka V.I. Lenin.

Who was the president of the US during WWI?

Woodrow Wilson.

What was the Reinsurance Treaty?

agreement of Germany and Russia to back each other up in war

What happened to the power of most of the governments of the major countries involved in WWI?

became more centralized and controlled ALL aspects of society

What were the three major contributions of the US to the Allied side?

convoy system used to help defeat the German submarines, loans and supplies, soldiers for combat.

List some of the "new" weapons of war for WWI.

machine gun, poison gas/gas mask, tank, airplane, submarine, flamethrower, magazine fed rifle, quick firing artillery.

What was the League intended to do?

maintain peace through collective security, encourage economic cooperation among member nations, work to resolve international problems in an effort to peacefully avoid war

What was the scramble for Africa?

race for European nations to control tracts of land on the African Continent.

How did industrialism fuel imperialism?

raw materials were needed as well as large amounts of goods were made and shared between countries (economic/social influence)

What event eventually pulled the US into WWI on the side of the Allied powers?

the sinking of the four U.S. merchant ships

Did the US favor one side over the other? If so, which side?

yes, Britain (Allied Powers)

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