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Causes of WWI (MAIN)

"MAIN" M- militarism Refers to the building up of a country's army and or naval forces Creating new weaponry and war technology The glorification of armed strength dominated the thinking of many European leaders They believed that only the use of force could solve problems among nations According to these leaders, a military nation usually got what it wanted Prussia proved through wars with Denmark, Austria, and France Italy learned this from its imperialistic ventures in Africa In the late 1800s, European nations built reserve armies of soldier who were drafted, given military training, and then returned to civilian life. These soldiers would be ready at any time now If one nation mobilized, or organized resources for combat, other nations would do the same for their own protection. It was a cyclical process that was difficult to stop once it began s As international rivalries intensified, each European nation believed it necessary to keep its armed forces stronger than those of any potential enemy Armies grew larger; fortifications of national boundaries multiplied EXAMPLES: Germany began to build a large and modern navy to rival that of GB; US, Japan, and Italy did the same; GB responded by expanding its army even more A- Alliances When countries agree to defend one another whether or not they are directly attacked Gets every country in trouble (*2 big alliances) Triple Alliance Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary Italy- was a weak link, but they let them in to isolate France s France became uneasy and wanted allies Triple Entente France, Russia, and GB France & Russia - together because Russia went through a difficult economic crisis sand France lent them the money to get help from them in return; then GB and France came together because GB want's France's Morocco Britain is Belgium's protector; has an invested interest- GB gets involved and joins officially when Belgium is invaded Dual Alliance Germany and Austria-Hungry Created by Otto Von Bismarck Three Emperor's League Agreement of emperors of Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary The Reinsurance Treaty of 1887 Provides neutrality to Russia and Germany if either one becomes involved in a defensive war Only alliance to try and protect the parties involved imperialism Different countries upset they didn't get enough territories Countries will now want to fight over natural resources In the early 1900s, the imperialist nations came to the brink of war several times as they scrambled to partition Africa among themselves Germany and France, for example, narrowly avoided war over their rival claims to Morocco on two occasions between 1905 and 1911 Germany wants more territory They managed to settle each incident with makeshift compromises that usually left one of the participants dissatisfied N- Nationalism Strong pride for one's country More land = more power Small minority groups in Europe are going to want to become independent nations After Napoleonic wars, nations are going to begin to have more pride One national government was ruling over many different nationalities, Example: Balkans/ the "Powder Keg of Europe" Austria-Hungary had expanded its territory into the Balkans Wanted to take over Serbia, Baznia, and Perezgoznia Take over the two, and Serbia is very upset Serbia wants something called Pan-Slavism (which means Serbia wants all of the Slavic nations to become one big nation separate from Austria-Hungary) Austria-Hungary taking over; it's a big nation Serbia says weren't not Austrian or Hungarian, we don't want to be with you Russia = slavoic nation SO if you're Serbia, you're going to ask Russia for help and makes an alliance Russia is like the big brother to Serbia New Slavic nations - weak, carved after Ottoman empire -Italy was one nation that nationalism affected -Italy wanted to unify themselves under one government -This was not out of reach because they all shared similar cultural aspects -Germany was another country that unified -Three big wars are fought -Ended with German unification


**Battle where the first tanks are used** Involved: Great Britain, France, Germany What lead the battle? French and British armies joined at the Somme river. France and fight the Germans. End result: almost no gain on the front, mainly a depletion of troops


**First battle where poison gas is used** Involved: Germany vs. Britain (the allies) What lead the battle? British forces set off giant mines under German lines, wanted German land Haig led the battles for land (First and second Battles of Ypres set on by Germans) End result: Gains for the Allies


- ideas, facts, or rumors spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; one-sided information to get a point across • Connection: To sit the patriotism of people, governments made wide use of propaganda. Newspapers and popular magazines portrayed the enemy as brutal and subhuman, while praising national aims and achievements. Soon the US only traded with the Allies, who paid for the most goods with the money borrowed from American interests. Britain's propaganda impressed American's far more that Germany's. Graphic stories of German atrocities angered Americans (most of the stories were not true, but Americans believed them because the US got most of its war sources from GB). In 1917 the issue of American involvement was settled. (refer to reading....)

Gavrilo Princip

Bosnian Serb who assassinated the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, sparking WWI

G) "war guilt" clause

Germany had to admit full responsibility for the war Germany had to pay $5 billion, which later increased to $33 billion Lost considerable territory along its northern, western, and eastern borders, and overseas colonies Agreed not to fortify Rhineland Saar Valley given to League of Nations Poland to Germany's land Could not have any arm Abolish conscription Could not maintain reserve army Not allowed to manufacture weaponry (heavy artillery, tanks, airplanes, or poison gas, or submarines and naval warfare ships)

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne (going to take over) Him and his wife were assassinated on their way to visit Sarajevo on a mission of goodwill by Gavrolp Princop (Black Hand Group)s June 28th, 1914

The Reinsurance Treaty

In 1885 a Balkan crisis, sparked by the Bulgarian nationalism in Eastern Rumelia resulted in the dissolution of the Three Emperors' League. Russian nationalists who resented Germany's supported of Austria-Hungary in the Balkans demanded that the Russian government make an alliance ewith France. However, the Russian government hesitated to sever diplomatic relations with Germany and suggested that Germany enter into a new treaty that would exclude Austria-Hungary. The Reinsurance Treaty of 1887 provided for neutrality in case either Russia or Germany became involved in a defense war. Neutrality between Russia and Germany

D) League of Nations

Intergovernmental organization founded as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended in the First World War ' Helped find a way to deal with many problems imperialism created as it took nations under their control until they could handle being independent Agreed not to resort to war Proposed: To promote international cooperation Maintain peace by settling disputes peacefully and by reducing armaments Could propose penalties: Breaking diplomatic relations Imposing economic sanctions or blockades Military force was a last resort Was to include all independent sovereign nations Three agencies: assembly, council, and secretariat Worked with World Court US issue- Even though it was Wilson's idea the US did not approve or follow it because the US did not want to get involved (saying look how hard the war was, it got us involved when it did not need to)


Involved: Germans and the French people who occupied Verdun What lead the battle? The German chief of staff wanted to attack Verdun because it was a symbol of French defiance. His intention was to start a war of attrition, and bleed the French Army of all its strength. End result: The front lines were nearly the same as when the battle started. Was the longest war in the First World War.

Battle of the Marne 1

Involved: Germany, Belgium, and France What lead the battle? The Germans wanted to attack Germany through Belgium and moved their army to compete the Schlieffen Plan. End result: Strategic victory for the allied forces

Battle of the Marne 2

Involved: Germany, France, Britain, U.S What lead the battle? After the German's failure in the First Battle of the Marne, they tried to launch an offensive against the French and allied forces in Belgium. End result: beginning of the end of the war

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Last German emperor and King of Prussia Ruled German Empire and Kingdom of Prussia In 1888, he became Kaiser and soon dismissed Bismarck Young and arrogant Supported a dominant position for Germany; did not like the people having a big say in the government Under his rule: All of Bismarck's careful plans collapsed and Bismarck's policies were abandoned Allowed the Reinsurance Treaty to collapse Began a great naval buildup for Germany He sought new allies and began negotiating to bring the Ottoman Empire into the Triple Alliance and thereby extend German influence in the Balkans

New Weapons

Machine gun Automatic weapons Tanks Airplanes Submarines Poison gas (mustard gas) Flame throwers German U-boats Trench warfare

Pan Slavism

Nationalists in Serbia, which had become independent, hoped to make their country the center of a large Slavic state. They wanted Slavic territories still under Ottoman Empire and Austro-Hungarian rule to become part of this state Especially wanted provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina Berlin Congress decision to make the two provinces of Austria-Hungary protectorates severely disappointed the Serbs. The rivalry grew between these two. *Hoping to assume leadership of a Slavic League, Russia supported Serbia's nationalistic goals. GB, however, opposed Pan-Slavism, the nationalists movement that pressed for the political and cultural unity of all Slavs under Russian leadership as they distrusted Russian influence in the Balkans (Fearing for safety of Suez Canal). In the end, Germany's actions in the Balkans complicated an already confused situation and resulted in what Bismarck had carefully avoided—the strengthening of ties between GB and Russia. North countries wanted to resist German expansion in the Balkans. Austria-Hungary, on the other hand, feared Pan-Slavism and won Germany's support in its opposition to Slavic nationalism.

Treaty of Versailles (major parts, who benefited, who did not benefit, etc.)

One of the peace treaties at the end of WWI; ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied powers; it was signed on June 28th, 1919, exactly five years after the Assination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand In May 1919 leaders of the new German Republic were called in, presented with the peace treaty, and told to sign it. The Germans complained that it did not follow 14 point plan; objected to two points- 1. Treaty made Germany admit that it alone was guilt of starting the war and must pay reparations, 2. Treaty did not specify the amount of reparations, but they had to sign it. Major Points: Germany accept blame for war Forced Germany to disarm completely Forced them to pay $31 billion in reparations German colonies given to GB and France Austria forbidden from merging with Germany League of Nations created Austria Hungary lost lots of land Rhineland (coal) became demilitarized and controlled by GB and France and Germany Poland received a large amount of Germany's land Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary split apart Austria sank into financial crisis and poverty Bulgaria penalized and lost territory Ottoman empire paid high price, losing great amount of land New nations (Palestine, Trans-Jordan, and Syria) 1. Wilson's 14 point plan (Do you agree with the 6 main points?) Prime Minister David Lloyd George wanted to alleviate the tension and bad impressions the struggle over land had left. He stated more idealistic claims in a speech to Parliament, and President Wilson better expressed his ideas in the Fourteen Point plan. Therefore, Great Britain did agree with the Fourteen Point Plan. United States: Agree with the plan in theory and believe it will try to make peace. Germany: Agree with the plan, because they think it will bring about stability and peace. France: Agree with the plan, think it will bring stability. Russia: Do not care about the plan, they're doing their own thang (Russian Revolution). Austria-Hungary: Agree because they just went through a war and do not want to go through another war, so peace would be a great help (separate nations), this will keep them safe Belgium: agree because they get land back that they lost (and Germany cannot invade) 2. Do you believe the League of Nations is a good idea or bad idea? Why? The League of Nations is a good idea because it will keep peace between nations, and prevent tensions from rising. United States: Even though it is Wilson's plan, they do not want anything to do with the League of Nations because it will drag the US into European affairs. The US does not sign the Treaty of Versailles. Germany: Like it, but they're not allowed to join yet France: Likes it Russia: Like it, but they can't join either Austria-Hungary: Both like it since they are weak nations Belgium: They like it YAY 3. Germany being forced to get out of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty? Great Britain did not care too much as this treaty was a peace agreement between the new bolshevik government of Russia and the Central Powers, which does not include them. However, Great Britain does not want these nations to start fighting again. Also, this ended Russia's participation in WWI, giving the Allies one less country as competition. 4. Germany having to pay huge reparations? Great Britain is in favor of paying huge reparations. This is because they want their money back. They feel that Germany alone is to blame for starting the world war and all of the destruction that occurred. It was an expensive war with money and lives. Consequently, Great Britain wanted their reimbursement, that they felt they deserved. "Peace of Vengeance" United States: The United States does not like it, he only believes in a "peace of justice" Germany: Don't like it. France: Like reparations, in favor of "peace of vengeance" Russia: Don't care :( (Russian Revolution) Austria-Hungary: Even though they were teamed with Russia, they do not think they were part of them, so they want them to charge Germany instead of them Belgium: LIke it, make them pay, they marched through our country and got us involved in war 5. Germany having to give its overseas colonies and territories? Great Britain is in favor of Germany having to give up its overseas colonies and territories. Great Britain wanted Germany to be punished for starting a world war. In addition, Great Britain, along with all of the other Allies would get to split up that land and distribute it amongst themselves. 6. Germany had to dismantle their army and navy? They wanted Germany to dismantle their army and navy because it would keep them from starting another war and keep them out of power. 7. Should Austria -Hungary lose land? Great Britain wanted Austria-Hungary to lose land because they were a part of the League of nations and wanted peace and to punish the triple-entente.

Alfred Schleiffen

Plan was to quickly take over France and Russia and just quickly rush in and take over "We'll be having lunch in Paris and be having dinner in St. Petersburg" French are able to get back to their military forts Taxi-cab drivers save the day- the French are forced to retreat back to their forts, all the fighting is taking place in Paris, so they need to get Germans out but need rest of their men to come, so they tell the taxi drivers to get the soldiers and drive them up to the front Result- Germany now has to fight a two-front war (Cannot get into France, Russia is attacking them on the German field marshal and strategist who served as the chief of the Imperial German General Staff

American Involvement

The Lusitania Killed 138 Americans Zimmerman Telegram Zimmerman forged the letter from the perspective of the German minister and sent it to Mexico, urging them to side with Germany, but they were asking them by offering Mexico America's land. Therefore, America was right to start fighting as Germany was disrespecting the US and freely giving away their land. Propaganda British started spreading harsh rumors and atrocities about the Germans, and since they were America's number one news sources, US believed them President Woodrow Wilson's attempt to make the world safe for democracy This war is going to effect the whole world, therefore they must get involved British blockade of Germany tightened, and the American's trade became more one-sided until soon they were only trading with the Allies Unrestricted submarine warfare from Germany Overthrowing of czarist government of Russia as Americans would more readily accept a war in which the lines were drawn between democratic and nondemocratic countries

F) Zimmerman Telegram

Why did Germany ask Mexico to attack the US? They want to be allies with Mexico because the US is south of Mexico and share a border with them. Also, Mexico does not like the US. Germany can't do it themselves, so they need someone else to. What did Germany want Mexico to do? Germany wanted Mexico to attack the US, create an alliance with Germany, and give Germany financial support, and mediate between Germany and Japan What effect did this letter have on the war? American joins the war and when this happens, the war changes in favor of the Allies (the rest of European is exhausted at this point -resources and man wise, so the US gives the Allies a new start)

Big Three

Woodrow Wilson steadfastly opposed giving the Giume to Italy, and the controversy became so bitter that Orlando left the conference and went home in disgust. Thus, the big four became the big three


a final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in the retaliation or a breakdown in relations; one country offers something to another country and there are no negotiations (Austria-Hungary empire → Serbia) • Connection: Austria-Hungary sends an ultimatum- a list of things they need to do -Black-Hand has to be destroyed -Austria-Hungary has trials in their country for people involved in assassination -Have to teach our history and how we're the best -Government has to stop bad progandaa about them Serbia says some we can do, but others we cannot This was significant because it create tension between Austria-Hungary and Serbia and lead to the Austria-Hungary and Serbia War


a friendly understanding or agreement between nations (GB + France) • Connection: Great Britain, too, began to look for allies. In 1904, the British and French reached an agreement over the control of Morocco and Egypt. The agreement was an entente. Still, in order to counterbalance the Triple Alliance, Gb and Russia had to come to an agreement as well. Reaching an agreement proved difficult since both nation's rivalry in the Middle East. But with French help, they arrived at an agreement in 1907- the Triple Entente. Both France and Russia also had secret understandings with Italy, which meant that the Italians had a foot in both camps.

War of Attrition

a slow wearing-down process in which each side tries to outlast the other; two sides are equal in war and they're just fighting until one breaks down • Connection: By 1916 the war had reached a stalemate on land as well as at sea. Each side realized that it could not break through the other's line of trenches. A small area of land on the western front changed hands again and again, costing thousands of lives. The most famous example: Battle of Verdun in northeastern France The Germans attacked Verdun in Feburaru 1916, hoping to use the Verdun offensive to bleed the French army to death. However, after six months of fighting, the Germans gave up. At Verdu, Germany lost 330,000 soldiers; French lost 350,000.


a union or association formed for mutual benefits; esp. between countries


brutal crimes of war, often committed against defenseless civilians (part of the propaganda movement was where the people were spreading rumors about the German atrocities) • Connection: Britain created propaganda of German atrocities, saying that the Germans were terrible, in despicable people- cutting off people's heads, eating people, etc.


cease fire; people agree to stop fire; n agreement to stop fighting until a treaty can be drawn up • The chancellor of the new German Republic signed this; provided that at the 11th hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918, all fighting would stop 11/11/1918 at 11:00 am


land administered by the government of an advanced nation; an official order or commission to do something • League of Nations assigned these as a way to deal with the many problems created by imperialism in so-called "backward" regions of the world • Until the people of an area, were considered ready for independence, the League took the area in trust and assumed responsibility for it • Administering nation had to pledge prepare the people of area for self-government and would make annual progress reports


organize its resources for combat/getting ready for war • Connection: European nations built reserve armies of soldiers who were drafted, given military training, and then returned to civilian lifestyle. These soldiers could be called into service at any time. If one nation mobilized, or organized resources for combat, other nations would do the same for their own protection. It was a cyclical process that was difficult to stop once it begun.


payments for war damages • The destruction caused by war brought up the problem of reparations. Who should pay for restoring the land? Did war damages include damage to property only? Or should reparations also include pensions to wounded veterans and to widows and orphans? (Created League of Nations)

E) Fourteen Point Plan

statement given on the 8th of January by the US's Woodrow Wilson declaring that WWI was being fought for a moral cause and calling for postwar peace in Europe The six general proposals were: 1. no secret treaties 2. freedom of the seas for all nations 3. removal of all economic barriers or tariffs 4. reduction of all national armaments 5. fair adjustment of all colonial claims, with equal consideration given to the people of a region and the nation 6. establishment of "a general association of nations", which would guarantee political independence and protection to large and small states alike

Economic sanction

the refusal to trade with the offending member or nation • Connection: • League of Nations agreed not to resort to war, promising to submit any disputes to the World Court or specially convened commissions for arbitration • Provided that if any member nation broke this agreement, this could be one of the penalties


war materials supplied by a neutral to a belligerent nation (war supplies, you had neutral nations bringing these weapons to other countries) • Connection: Nevertheless, the war soon affected the US. As it was the strongest industrialized neutral nation, the US became a supplier of food, raw materials, and ammunition. The gov insisted the right of American citizens and business firms to trade freely with either side. However, if an American ship carried a contraband, the goods would be seized. The US also insisted on the right of its citizens to travel in safety on ships of any nation, neutral or belligerent.


warring nations • Connection: The great powers had guaranteed Belgian neutrality in 1839, shortly after it gained independence. Under the terms of this guarantee, Belgium agreed to stay out of any European war and not to help an belligerents, or war nations.

President Woodrow Wilson

• 28th US president during World War I • Brought America into war • April 6th US declared war on Germany and entered on the side of the Allies • Created the fourteen point plan • Wanted to make the world "safe for democracy" • Believed in a peace of justice • Others opposed this view because the war had left bitterness, hatred, and a longing for revenge. Many of the victors believed that the defeated must be taught a lesson. Only harsh treatment could teach Germany and Austria the consequences of starting a war. •

Triple Entente

• France, Russia, and GB • Formation- • France wanted allies, so they lent money to Russia during Russia's economic crisis and tried to gain a friendship with them, and, eventually, they created an alliance • This alliance between GB and France made Bismarck's fear of facing potential enemies on two sides a reality • Germany then entered the race for colonies full force and the strengthening of their navy troubled GB • GB began to look for allies, too, then • British and French became friendly because GB got part of Morocco in return for helping France • France and Great Britain eventually sided together when Belgium was invaded

Alfred Zimmerman

• German foreign minister • He sent a telegram to German ambassador in Mexico, instructing him to draw Mexico into war on Germany's side

Triple Alliance

• Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary • Formation- • Bismarck feared that France would seek revenge for its 1871 defeat in Franco-Prussian War by trying to regain Alscae-Lorriane, which it had lost to Germany. He therefore dedicated his foreign policy to keeping France isolated without allies. Bismarck particularly wanted to prevent a Franco-Russian alliance because it would serve to isolate Germany diplomatically and—at worst—mean that Germany would have to fight on both its eastern and western borders in the event of war • In 1882, Bismarck agreed to Italy's request for the Triple Alliance, a pact among Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy • This Alliance kept France isolate and allowed Bismarck to accomplish his primary foreign policy goal • Completely upset the balance of power in Europe • (Kept France isolate, but it soon became uneasy and wanted allies) • Meant to oppose the alliance of GB •

Black Hand Terrorist Group

• Secret military society also known as Ujedinjene ili Smrt (union or death) • Formed by members of Serbian army in Belgrade in 1911 • Goal: • the attainment of a Greater Serbia by any means necessary and the recruitment of militants for a possible war with Austria • attain a Slavic state and preparation for war • Impact = ead to WWI from their assassination of Archuduke FF • (Created new form later on called the White Hand) •

Big Four

• Victors of the war • Wrote the treaties for the Paris Peace Conference • GB, France, US, and Italy • Representatives: o Great Britain: Prime Minister David Llyod George o France: Premier Georges Clemenceau o US: President Woodrow Wilson o Italy: Premier Vittorio Orlando

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