Zulema De Hoyos
Steps from natural resource to product
Explain steps to get from natural resource to finished product using story. Example: the little red hen story, from seeds to wheat, harvesting wheat, milling wheat, making dough, baking bread, to finished bread product. https://www.midlandisd.net/cms/lib01/tx01000898/centricity/domain/3308/grade_02_social_studies_unit_10_exemplar_lesson_02__producers_and_consumers.pdf
Jobs people do to help other people
Natural resource
Resources that are found in nature to make a good. Examples: Lemons to make lemonade, Trees to make newspapers, Peanuts to make peanut butter
Something that has been made or grown
a person or business that makes goods or provides services. Examples: H-E-B, Farmer
A person or business that buys or uses goods or services. Examples: Buying a snack at lunch, Parents buying groceries, getting a haircut at Great Clips
Ways in which people are both producers and consumers
Ask students what roles they have at home and at school or community. Is helping parents wash dishes a good or a service? They are being producers, while at school they may be a consumer when they buy their lunch or snack.