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films of Daniel Day Lewis

The Last of the Mohicans -Hawkeye, The Crucible -John PRoctor, Gange of NY -Bill the Butcher, There Will be Blood -Daniel Plainview, Lincoln

films of Bette Davis

The Man Who Came to Dinner, Th eLittle Foxes, all about eve,

Belle Epoque

"Beautiful Era". France. end of Franco-Prussian War in 1871 to the outbreak of WW1 in 1914. optimism/regional peace/economic prosperity/apex of colonial empires, techonologial/scientific/cultural innovations

Tehran Confrence

"Big 3". '41. Stalin, FDR, Churchill. -first time they all met. -met at Tehran, Iran primarly at the Soviet embassy -purpose to discuss Operation Overload -consented to Stalin's demands to install puppet governments in Poland/Czech, ROmania thus setting up the Eastern Bloc

book by Trump

"Think Like a Champion: An Informal Educaiton in Business and LIfe"

Trump on thinking big

"as long as you're gong to be thinking anyways, think big"

when did USA acknowledge the legitimacy of the USSR


when did the Iron Curtain begin to crumble

'89 when Hungry opened fences and let people cros west. USSR didn't stop them

reductio ad absurdum

***example, the Earth cannot be flat or else we would fall off the edges*** he appeal to extremes, is a form of argument that attempts either to disprove a statement by showing it inevitably leads to a ridiculous, absurd, or impractical conclusion, or to prove one by showing that if it were not true, the result would be absurd or impossibl

residence of the PM of UK

10 Downing Street

how long do you have to execute a warrent per federal law

10 days

equivalent of 1 milibar

100 Pa

Skyline Drive

105 mile run that runs the entire length of the Blue Ridge Mts of VA

bodyguards of the Clintons

12 bodyguards of the Clintons died under mysterious circumstances

yr of Zorasterism

1200-700bc in Iraw/Iran

yrs of the Ottoman Empire


how many US Circuit Courts of Appeal are there


how many courts are directly under the SUpreme Court

13 US Circuit Courts of Appeal

yrs of the Olmec civilization


Selim 1

1512-1520. sultan. who doubled the Ottoman Empire and stopped Safavids from capturing the Ottoman territory and defeate the Mamluk empire so they got control fMecca/Medina

yr of hte first Thanksgiving


yr Thomas Jefferson became president


Indian Removal Act

1830. evicted all tribes living east of Miss. blcoked leagal protest

yr Nat Turner rebellion

1831 VA. killed the Travis family, white owner. hung. white mobs killed others

Victorian Era


when did the demand for beaver pelts diminishe


creation of Wells & Fargo

1850 in San Francisco to take advantage of hte gold rush

yr of Pony Express

1860. 18months from KS to California

yr of the Homestead Act


yr the California Gold Rush ended


Balfour Doctrine

1917. promise to create a Jewish state in Palestine

establisment of hte Weimer Republic


yr the Hapsburgs came to an end


yrs of Pan-Arabism


yr USSR invaded Afghanistan


embassy hostage

1979 durng the Iranian REvolutin. 52 hostages at the embassy in Tehran

Apocalypse Now

1979. Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall. Martin Sheen, Laurence Fishborne, Denis Hopper. updates Heart of Derness. changes Congo River to Vietnam

what happened during the USSR invasion of Afghanistam

1979. Soviets began to occupy Kabul bilding while special ops stormed the palace and assassinated the rpesident

yr of the Moscow Olym,pics


yrs of Thereasa May as PM


shot Jesse James

21yo Bob Ford. while james was straightened a crooked picture

stats of Whitney Houston

25 grammy nom and 11 #1 hits

peak of the Mayan culture


yr of Yuri Gargain


tall people in Gulliver's travels

6ft in Lilliput

right to a speedy and public trial

6th A

yr of Buddha

6th century

right to an impartial jury


right to confornt oppising witnesses


right to counsel


right to know the nature and cause of accusation


yrs of SALT, SALT II


yrs of the SALT treaties

72, 79. caps on nuclear weapon stockpiles

yrs of Margaret Thatcher as PM


time to transit the Panama Canal


yrs of Washington as president


no excessive bail and fines


Mongol empire at its greatest extent in terms of dry land controlled

9.27milliom miles (16.11%) in 1300

responsibilities of alQ

9/11, Cole, Kenya/Tanzania embassy

yr when the Eastern Bloc dissolved


yrs of Tony Blair as PM of UK




king of Jordan


christianity + judaism + islam

Abrahamic religions

prison where americans didn not treat the people well

Abu Ghraib . west of Baghdad, Iraq

terror group in PHilippeans

Abu Sayyaf. "bearer fo the sword". Islam group in the Philippeans w/alQ ties

Nazi who was captured in Argentina

Adolf Eichman -orchestrator of the Holocast. facilitation/trasnportaiotn of jews


Afghan dialect of Farsi (Persian)

home of Aladdin


music for Beauty and the Beast

Alan Menken adn Howard Ashman

music for Aladdin

Alan Menken did the score. Tim Rice took over for the lyrist after he died

leader of hte Prague Spring

Alexander Dubcek

character of MAD magazine

Alfred E Neuman

holiday that celebrates all Christians who have died

All SOul's Day. Nov 1

holiday on Nov 1

All Saint's Day & All SOul's Day

movie about the Watergate scandle

All the PResident's Men

gets the message out about missing kids

Amber aAlert in 1996 in the aftermath of a missing 9yo who was kidnapped/killed while riding her bicycle

conservative think tank in DC

American Enterprise Instutute


American family of Dutch orgin. priminent during GIlded Age. began w/shipping/railroad empire of Cornelius Venderbilt

American's beliefe on the value of higher education and the consequence

Americans place a high value on the education yet many persue a univesity degree w/o clear intentions for how they plan to use it

home of Anne Frank


built Cliff Palace

Anasazi. cliff dwellers. ancestors of hte Pueblo indicans including Hopi

voice actress for The Princess and the Frog

Anika Noni Rose was Tiana

led Egypt after Nassar

Anwar Sadat

policy of President Nassar

Arab Socialism -nationalized banks/insurance, controlled newspapers, limited land one could own, nationalized the SUez canal and built Aswan Dam

deserts in Saudia Arabia

Arabian desert, Rub al-Khali Desert aka Empty Quarter


Arabian penninsula reform movement pro Sunni/antiShite. appealing b/c returned to stric islam teaching rather than 18th venury westernization attempts

5 Languages of hte Middle East

Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, Turkish, Kurdish

sparked the Clinton impeachment

Arkansas state employee who sued Clinton for sexual harassment.

work by J. J. Abrahams

Armageddon, CLoverfield, Star Trek, Star Wars-the Force Wwakens, Lost

first modern genocide

Armenia in 1915. second most studied case of genocide post Holocast


Asian Lunar New Year

star of Shall We Dance

Astair and Rodgers

dam on the Nile

Aswan Dam

dam on the Euphrates River

Ataturk Dam. remmber b/c the Euphrates originates in TUrkey



award given on behalf of surivors of the Armenian genocide to recognize and give gratitude for people/orgs who impact on preserving human life/advancing humanitarian causes

Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity

homeland of Freud


treaties to end WW1

Austria: T of St Germain Hungary: T of Trianon Germany: Versailles **USA signed separate peaces w/Hungry, Germany, Austria b/c they included a covenant w/the League of Nations of which USA didn't sign

founding of the Black Panthers

BP founded 1966 in Oakland, CA

strait between Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

Bab el Mandeb

culture that had base 60


Iraq cities

Baghdad, Mosol, Basra

Brit's stance on creating a Jewish home in Palestine

Balfour Doctine in 1917

first commitment by a superpower for a Jewish homeland

Balfour Doctrine 1917

reason for the name "Balkan" as it is named for the countries

Balkan penninsula takes its name from the Balkan Mts

region between France/Spain border


border of France/Spain

Baswue country

major English victory in the 100 yrs War

Battle of Agincourt in 1415

Arab nomads


controlled Rwanda post WW1


leader of Israel

Ben Netanyahu

female pakistanian leader

Benazir Bhutto

first PM of UK to use the title PM

Benjamin Disraeli

camps of Anne Frank

Bergen-Belsen and Auschwarz

first female president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Bette Davis

membes of Outkast

Big Boi, Andre 3000,

stars of What about Bob

Bill Murray, richard dreyfus

famous Vanderbilt home

Biltmore in North Carolina

german warship sunk by the Brits in WW2


African American speech

Black Vernacular/Ebonics. don't need to learn it/speak it but should learn to recognize it (Ebonics = ebony + phonics

president of Russia in the 90s

Boris Yelsin

The Ballad of Davy Crockett

Born on a mountain top in Tennessee Greenest state in the land of the free Raised in the woods so's he knew ev'ry tree Kilt him a b'ar when he was only three Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier! Fought single-handed through the Injun War Til' the Creeks was whipped an' peace was in store And while he was handlin' this risky chore He made hisself a legend forever more Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier!

waterway between the Meditterean and Black Sea

Borsphorous and Dardanelles

river in Texas

Brazos River

returned USSR to Stalin-era repression


affirmed the right of USSR to intervne in the affairs of communist countries to strengthen communism

Brezhnev Doctirne

first mental health court in the country

Broward County in FL in 1997

Ivy League -8

Brown, Columbia, COrnell, Dartmouth, harvard, U or Penn, Princeston, Yale

Belgium cities

Brussles, Antwerp

capital of Hungry


city on both sides of a European River

Budapest, Hungry is on both sides of hte Danube

conservative supreme court

Burger, Rehnquist

Golden Triangle

Burma, Laos, Thiland. opium trade

how are Jews and Christians different

C believe Jesus was the son of god

exposive that looks like putty-like yellow clay that can be molded into shapes

C-4. Composition 4

Compromise of 1850

CA in Union, USA assumed Tx debt

failed in the Bay of Pigs


Operation Moongoose

CIA efforts to out Castro

Operation Cyclone

CIA supported Afghans mujahideen against Soviets in Afghanistan. 1979-89. over $630mil. USA couldn't get involved in a war in Afghanistan with out risking WW3. so supported the mujahideen by suppying them via intermedicaries

Canadian gov and civil liberties

Canada had to abolish civil liberties in response to 2 political kidnappings. campain of indiscriminate bombing by the Front fo the Liberation of QUebec

who did Regan defeat


found the Gulf of St Lawrence while looking for the NW passage


mountain system in Washington State


mouth of Volga River

Caspian Sea

setting of Porgy and Bess

Catfish Rowe

DC college

Catholic U of America, Johns Hopkins, HOward U, American U, Georgetown,

side of the Ottoman empire during WW1

Central Power

first president of Israel

Chaim Weizmann

resigned post WW2

Charles de Gaulle

home city of Pinkerton Detective Agency


Route 66

Chicago to Santa Monica, CA. 2448 miles.

who works on the Supreme Court

Chief Justice & 8 associates

Trop v Dulles (58)

Chief Warrent said the protections of hte Bill of Rights must draw their meaning from evolving standards of descency that mark the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of maturing society

last 3 jobs prior to Bush Sr. Presidency

Chinese ambassasor, headed CIA, VP to Regan

5 Civilized Tribes

Choctaw, Chichow, Creek, Cherokee, Seminole (4C=Civilized)

real life AMerican Sniper

Chris Kyle

investigated the Rodney King assault

Christopher COmittee

rival of Shakesphere

Christopher Marlow

PM of UK after Churchill

Clement Atlee

creates the SAT

College Board


Composition 4. plastic explosive. yellow putty like. looks like clay. easy/safe to handle and can be molded into shapes. no odor

silver bonanza in Nevada

Comstock Lode

famous type of horse drawn carriage from NH

Concord Stagecoach

famous religious leaders who lived at the same time

Confucious and Buddha

created to decrease the burden of the US Supreme COurt

Congress created teh US Circuit COrt of Appeals in 1891 to decrease the SC case burden

army led by Washington


army of George Washington


Ivy league in New York

Cornell U at Ithica

relationship betwen CUba and USSR

Cuba so reliant on USSR resources that it had a period fo economic depression in 1991 when USSR broke

times in history where we were at DEFCON 2

Cubam Missle Crisis, Gulf War during the opening phase of Operation Desert Storm

ethnicity of Ted Cruz


defining moment of the Cold War

Cuban Missle Crisis. 2 wks in 1962

river in TN

Cumberland River

east boundry of Pland

Curzon LInfe

boundary of Poland

Curzon Line

famous person who graduated last at West Point


Velvet Revolution

Czech Revolution in 1989 that overthrew Communism. nonviolent

DEFCON during 9/11


who does the Defense Intelligence Agency report to


aka Yom Kippur

Day of Attone ment

Careers in Special Operations

Delta Force, Green Beret, A-teams, Army Rangers, SEAL, Recon

Vince Foster

Deputy White House council, Clinton's lawyer, Hillary's coworker at Rose Law firm. died of suspicious gunshot suicide

german weekly newspaper

Der spiegel

first US national monument

Devil's TOwer

famous structure in Close Encounters of the Third King

Devil's Tower.

George Tenet

Direcctor of CIA. 1996-2004

research/development in Disney THeme Park

Disney Imangineering

enacted psot 2008 Financial Crisis to promote financial stability of hte US

Dodd-Frank Wall Street COnsumer PRotection Act

wicked little city in America

Dodge City, KIS

created Stitich in Lilo & Stitch

Dr. Jumba Jookiba

3 Athenian statesmen

Draco, Solon, Pericles

harsh law


Mts of S. Africa

Drakesburg Range

example of an armed insurrection in IReland

Easter Rising in 1916

name for the theatres of WW2

Eastern Front

who used greek fire?

Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire developed 672bc. compustable weapon emitted by a flame-throwing weapon that was ignited upon contact w/water and used to set ships on fire.

14yo kidnapped but later found

Elisabeth Smart kidnapped n 2002 in Salt Lake City when someone cut the window screen and threatened to kill her if she didn't keep quiet. kidnapped by a man/wife who was a self-proclaimed prophent and a former handyman of hte smart family.

green city in Wizard fo Oz

Emerald City was the Land of hte WInkies, Gilikins, Quadllings, and Munchkins

machine used by cryptyanalysists

Engima was invented at the end of the WW1

won French and Idian war


site of the Israeli rescue at an airport

Entebee. Uganda airport

holiday that celebrates the revelation of God as Jesus Christ

Epiphany. Jan 6

lover of the Sundance Kid

Etta Place

The Iceman Cometh

Eugene ONeil

religion of Sweeden

Evangelical Lutheran

presidents of S. Africa

F.W. de Klerk, Nelson Mandela in 1994

deployment of FBI hostage teams

FBI hostage rescue team must be able to deploy to any location within 4hrs by FBI director

who manages the DNA database

FBI manages CODIS. Combined DNA Index System

Yalta Confrence

FDR wanted USSR support in Japan. Churchill wanted free elections in Soviet annexed

location of George Masion University

Fairfax, VA

Persian language


aka Persian


language of Iran


3 Persian languages

Farsi, Dari, Pashto

nickname of Stalin

Father of Nations

who has looked at cases before they get to the Supreme COurt

Federal District COurt - Circuit COurt of Appeal (q's of errors of law, not fact) - Supreme COurt

banana cue

Filippino. deep fried bananas coated in caramalized brown sugar

camote cue

Filippino. sweet potato coated with brown sugard and fried to caramalize

when was Hamas established

First Intifada. doesn't recognize Israel's right to exist and rejects Osolo accord

title of Khruschev

First Secretary and Premeir

directed Apocalype Now

Francis Ford Coppola

director of The Godfather

Francis Ford Coppola

single issue anti-slavery political party

Free SOil party

controlled Syria post WW1


fort in the Last of the Mohicans

Ft William Henry

high-level officials who tried to stage a coup against Gorbachav

Gang of 8

U-2 reconissance pilot shot down over USSR

Gary Powers

yr plane shot down over USSR

Gary Powers in 1960

created Start Trek

Gene Roddenberry

Title of Stalin

General Secretary

painted pictures of indians

George Catlin

homeland of Stalin


why was it difficult for the Russians and Allies to coordinate in WW2

Germany held the Dardanelles. strait that divides E and W turkey. connects Aegean Sea and Sea of Manamara. economically important b/c shipping

wrote Game of Thornes

Geroge RR MaRTIN

eras that sandwiched the 1900

Gilded Age (1870s-1900) Progressive Age

founder of Taco Bell

Glen Bell Jr. WW3 vet

3 ships that went to Jamestown

Goodspeed, Discovery, Susan Constant

Sinatra Doctrine

Gorbachav's jokingly way to desribe the policy of allowign neighboring Warsaw Pact states to determine their own internal affairs. "My Way -Frank Sinatra" -USSR was letting the states go their own way. part of Gorbachav's doctrine of "new political thinking"

Maine entered as a free state

Great Compromise of 1820. Missouri entered a slatve

what did binL call USA

Great Satan

program of LBJ

Great society

ways to gather intelligence

HUMINT: (hyoo-mint) human intelligence SIGINT: signals intelligence, IMINT: imagry intelligence, MASINT: measurment and signature intelligence

led the Austrian-Hunry empire



Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was the God incarnate mesiah who would leade a future golden age of eternal peace

Star Wars in order

The Phantom Menace, Attack of hte CLones, Revenge of hte Sith, A New Hope, The EMpire Strikes Back Return of hte Jedi, The Force Awakens The Last Jedi, XXX

locatio fothe McDonalds training school

Hamberger U in Oak Brook, Illinois

founder of KFC

Harland Sanders. Salt Lake. left school at 12yo, lawyer w/o law degree, delivered babies w/o medical degree, sold insurance and mchilin tires, gas station

real name of the Sundance Kid

Harry Longabaugh

archipelago west of Scotland


cronies of Hitler

Heinrich HImmler-police/Gestapo Hermann Goring: created the Gestapo, commander in chief of hte Luftwaffle Joseph Goebbels: Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany -Adolf Eichmann-tasked with transporting Holocost jews to extermination camps

controlled the Gestapo

Henrich HImmler

Fonzi on The Happy Days

Henry Winkler

in charge of the Luftwaffle during WW2

Hermann Goering. his standing w/Hitler/public declined after the air force was incapable of preventing the Allied bombing of German cities or resupplying surrounded german forces in stalingrad

ordered the massacre of little boys which led the family of Jesus to flee


responsible for the marine barracks attack


powerful symbol of escape and loss in Grapes of Wrath

Highway 66. used by Dust Bowl migrants duirng the 1930s

1933 in Germany

Hilter became chancellor, fire in Parliment. Nazi said state of emergency/cease freedom of speech, press, assemply. gave Hitler dictator powers, jews expelled, from german civil service, geestapo established, book burning of oppponents an dhews, nazi part only legal paty, concordant signed between nazi germany and vatican, germany left the League of Nations

oldest major religion


Heinrich Himmler

Hitler's head of the police

person De Caprio played in the movie w/the bear

Hugh Glass in the Revenant. attacked by a grizzley in 1823. wanted revenge on the two men tasked to stay w/him. they abandoned him after 5 days

award for best science fiction or fantasy work

Hugo Award


Human intelligence. (pronounced hyoo-mint). intelligence gathered by means of interpersonal contact

George Soros

Hungarian who survivated Nazi Germany . "The Man who broke the bank of England". philanthropic agency Open Society Foundatiosn

invaded Kuwait


traditional Indian v traditional Chinese religions

I-Hindu, Buddhaism< Confucism, Taoism

plays young sheldon cooper

Iain Armitage

signed the INtersatte Highway Act


result of Gary Power's confession

Ike had to admit violation of airspace/espinage. deraile dplans for an E v W major summit so tensions/cold war increased

why doesn't the USA use burning at stake or crucifixation as capital punishment

In re Kemmler in 1890. no C&U punishment that is torture/lingering death. something more than the mere extinguishing of life

Nash Equillibrium

In terms of game theory, if each player has chosen a strategy, and no player can benefit by changing strategies while the other players keep theirs unchanged, then the current set of strategy choices and their corresponding payoffs constitutes a Nash equilibrium. Stated simply, Alice and Bob are in Nash equilibrium if Alice is making the best decision she can, taking into account Bob's decision while Bob's decision remains unchanged, and Bob is making the best decision he can, taking into account Alice's decision while Alice's decision remains unchanged. Likewise, a group of players are in Nash equilibrium if each one is making the best decision possible, taking into account the decisions of the others in the game as long as the other parties' decisions remain unchanged.

movie abotu a black plice officer

In the Heat of the Night. Virgil TIbbs, black police detective form Philly becoms involvd in a murder investigation in Mississippi. Sidney Pointier

they call me Mr Tibbs

In the Heat of the night. Sydney POintier

most frequently followd path on Orgon Trail

Indenpende Mo-Ft Laramie-N. Platte-Sweetwater-Snake RIver-Ft Boise-COlumbia River

Sante Fe Trail

Independence MO. Santa Fe. 780 miles. major trade rout in 1800s

famous for investigating the Clintons

Independent Counsel Ken Starr

PM of India who was assassinated

Indira Ghandhi in 1984


Indonesian. season skewered grilled meat surved w/ a sauce

group who works to exonerate innocent found Guility

Innosence Project

investigates fraud, waste, and abuse

Inspector General

blue collar labor union

International Brotherhood of Teamsters

movies by Kirsten Dunst

Interview w/Vampire, Little Women, Jumanji, Wag the Dog, The Virgin Suicides, Spiderman Marie Antioniette, TV-Fargo

First Middle East nation in the League of Nations

Iraq under King Faisal

locatio nwhere Tigris and Euphrates join


symbol of the Cold War E vs W

Iron Curtain

won in the 6 Day War

Israel won W. Bank, Gaza strip, Siani Penninsula, Golan Heights

Constantinople today


Christinity belief


directed the Star Trek Reboot movies

JJ Abrams

lead character in teh Nightmre before Christmas

Jack Skeleton

heros of the War of 1812 who became prez

Jackson, WHH

13yo black girl on life support from tonsils

Jahi MMath

wrote Last of hte Mohicians

James Fenimore Cooper

first Indian president

Jawaharla Neru

first PM of India

Jawaharlal Nehru. his daughter was PM Indira Ghandi who was assassinated

middle name of Bill Clinton


Merriweather Lewis post Corps of Discovery

Jefferson made him governor of Louisana but not good at post. suicide w/pistol at 35yo in 1809

famous for utilitarinaism

Jeremny Bentham, John Stuart Mill

riches man in USA who died on the Titanic

John Jacob Astor

first USA recorded millionaire

John Jacob Astor w/furt

massive cult suicide

Jonestown cult died of cyanide ath teh People's Temple

The heart of Darkness

Joseph Conrad

Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany

Joseph Gobbels

Nazi minister of propaganda

Joseph Goebelles

canadian PM

Justin Treudeau

soviet police


european country w/ties to Ottoman empire

Kaisre Wilheim 2 established economic/military ties w/ottoman empire in late 1800s

largest landlocked country in the world


famous for wearing a red sweater at a debate

Ken Bone asked about energy policy at the 2016 debate

terror attack in SaudiA

Khoban Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1996.

removed from office while he was on vacation

Khruschev removed via a vote that chose Brezhnev

led USSR in the 60s

Khruschev, Brezhnev

"we will bury you"

Khruschev. at a party where he made boasting comments about hte competition between COmmunism and the capitalist states like US

birth of Mother Theresa

Kosovo Albanian family in Macedonia

head of gov in Russia


songs by Patty LeBelle

Lady Marmalade, New Attitude,

name of Pocohontas in Europe

Lady Rebeca Rolfe


Langley, USA

teacher in October Sky

Laura Dern

singing voice of Jasmin in Aladdin

Lea Salonga

Hitler's orders to "erase from the earth

Leningrad (St Petersberg)

CIA Directors

Leon Panetta, David Petraeus, John Brennan, Mike Pompeo, Gina Haspel

microstates in S> Africa


coined "denim jeans"

Levi Strauss

work by Thomas Hobbes


voice of Jasmine in Aladdin

Linda Larkin

first black woman with a play on Broadway

Loraine hansbury A raisen in the sun

wrote A Raisin in teh Sun

Lorainne Hansbury

famous nuclear test site facility

Los Alamos

HQ of Southwest AIrlines

Love Field, Dallas

site of the Battle of hte Bulge

Luxemberg and Belgium

British spy agency


primary concern of the COld War


David Ogden Stires

Major Winchester on MASH, Cogsworht in Beauty and the BEast, Governor Ratcliffe/Wiggins in Pocohontas, Dr. Jookiba in Lilo & Stituch

connects the Indian Ocean w/Pacific

Malacca Striait

Panama drug smuggler

Manual Noriega

husband/wife massacred by Indians in Washington state

Marcus/Narcissa Whitman. doctors. Ft Walla Walla. first white woman w/1 other to cross . massacred b/c indians died in a measles outbreak but rumors they were posioned. 1847. 14 missionaries died and 47 hostages freed when Hudson Bay Co paid ransom. later the indians were executed

PM's of UK since I've been alive

Margaret Thatcher,John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon BRown, David Cameron, Theresa May

Florida school shooting

Marjory Stoneman Doughas High School in Parkland, FL in Broward COunty

played Luke Skywalker

Mark Hamil

USA financial aid to Europe post WW2

Marshall Plan. 48-52. $13 billion. successful

played president Bartlet in The West Wing

Martin Sheen

played the lead in Apocalypse Now

Martin Sheen

girlfired of Spiderman

Mary Jane Watson

how is the end of WW2 on the Western Front celebrated

May 8 1945. VE Day

philsophy of Ray Kroch

McDonalds. quality, service, cleanliness, and value


Measure and signature intelligence. **technical branch of intelligence gathering which serves to detect/track/identify/describe the signatures (distinguishing characteristics) of fixed or dynamic target sources

who receives the top military award

Medal of Honor-acts of valor

made Constinople the capital of the Ottoman empire

Mehmet2. sultan in 1450s. Byzantine to Constantiple

river in Cambodia

Mekong River

undersea divergent boundary

Mid Atlantic Ridge,

2 examples of divergent boundaries

MidAtlantic Ridge, East African Rift Valley

artistic dynasty in China

Ming dynasty of 1300s

USSR space station


setting of Black Hawk Down


tribe of Hiawatha


women who got Clinton in trouble

Monica Lewinsky -sex Paula Jones -sued Clinton for sexual harassment which led to the Monica Lewinsky purjury

US diplomats who brokered Louisana Purchase

Monroe, Livingston

commanded French forces in N. America in the F&I war


bay of Jamica

Montego Bay

land grant college act

Morrill Act

site ofhte 10 Commandments

Mt Siani

father of modern Egypt

Muhammad Ali. Ottoman army officer in 1800s. not egyptian but considered father of modern egypt. governs modern egypt under ottoman empire in 1805 and led to an uprising agaisnt Ottoman Empire in 1843. led modernization

appeasement of Hitler

Munich Confrence in 1939. gave Sudentenland to Germany (Czech)

bed that folds down from the wall

Murphy bed

lives in Bosnia

Muslim Slavs, Serbs, Croats

first Turkish president

Mustafa Kemal. 1923-38. led ottoman army at Gallipoli, westernized/modernized secular gov, abolished caliphate, woman got many equal rights and rite to vote


Mustfa Kermal

books by Emma Goldman

My Disillusiomment in Russia. Living my LIfe



trade agreements


predecessor fo Anwar Sadat


black slave who let a rebellion that killed his white owner leading to the lynching of blacks by a white mob

Nat Turner killed the Travis family in 1831 in VA


National Association for hte REpeal of Abortion Law


National Instant Criminal Background Check Sytem. matches a prospective firearm buyer and birth year to a list of those who cannot buy. mandated by the Brady Act and launched by FBI in 1998. didn't need to do the 5 day waiting period to buy

Kissinger's role for Nixon

National Security Advisor for Nixon

NAZI as an acronym

National Socialist German Workers party

credited with having a vital role at Iwo Jima

Navajo Code Talkers

Battle of Stalingrad

Nazi Germany v USSR for control of the city

3 PM's of England at the time of WW2

Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill (40-45), Clement Atlee, the Churchill from 51-55

who taught the Lewis/Clarks trippers to build conoes

Nez Pierce

first president of the republic of vietnam

Ngo Dinh Diem

real name of Roe in Roe v Wade

Norma McCorvey

The power of poisitive thinking

Norman peale

official date of the fall of hte Berlin Wall

Nov 9, 1989

philsophy of Ayn Rand


most recently created cabinet position

Oct 2001. Bush created teh Dep of Homeland Secuirity

event the month after 9/11

October 2001 anthrax.

rifle of Davy Crockett

Old Betsy

home of Warren Buffet

Omaha, Nebraska

source material for Aladdin

One Thousand and ONe nights

HItler's plan to invade Russia

Operation Barbarosa.

CIA efforts to out Castro

Operation Mongoose

aka D Day

Operation Overload

voice of Belle in Beauty and the Beast

Paige O'Hara

where did the Balfour Doctrine say the Jewish homeland would be located


First Intifada

Palestinian uprise against Israel occuplitation. 1987-1993

highest prize awareded at the Cannes Film Festival

Palme d'Or

scotland bombed flight

Pam Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie. 31K ft over Lockerbie in 1988. 259 and 11 on the ground died.

books by Plutarch

Parallel Lives and Moralia

most effective anti-Axis resistance movement during WW2

Partisans in Yugoslavia under Tito

sang Lady Marmalade

Patti Lebelle

dialect of Jamica


had a blue ox

Paul Bunyan

3 women involved in getting Clinton into trouble

Paula Jones: Arkansas state employee who accused Clinton of sexual harassment Monica Lewinsky-WH intern who had oral sex w/Clinton Linda Tripp: gave Ken Starr taped phone conversations where MOnica Lewisnsky discussed having oral sex w/Clinton


Perisans who were Shi'ite. Ottoman followers Sunni islam

Flow out of the Perian Gulf

Persian Gulf, Strait of Hromuz, Gulf of Oman


Pharisee. -visited Jesus to discuss his teachings -reminded his colleages in the Sanhedrin that the law required a person be heard before being judged -assisted Joseph of Arimathea to prepare Jesus's body for burial


Philippino bana lumpia. -thinly sliced banana and a slice of jackfruit, dusted w/brown sugar. rolled i a sprin roll wrapper and fried

famous psychologist who observed kids


movie w/Lady Libety in the sand

Planet of hte Apes

who is responsible for the Killing Fields

Pol Pot

city on the Suez Canal

Port Said

first to bring slaves to the new world

Portugese for sugar plantations

prohibits use of military in domestic civil situations like riot control

Posse Comitatus Act of 1878

unmanned drone


unmanned spy planes


Great White Fleet

Prez TR Navy fleet to make friendly coutesy visits around the world

ghost town of Chernobyl


girl whom Cupid loved


belief of the Society of Friends

Quakers. believe god wis iwtin all people so dont' go to war/violence out of respect

3 most important works in Islam

Quran, Hadith, Sunnah

4 sources of Sharia

Quran, sunnah, qiyas, ijma

elite group of the Army


grew up in same state 1 yr apart and served in teh same WW1 ambulance corp

Ray Kroc and Wak Disney

founded McDonals

Ray Kroch

why doesn't the argument "Republicans are the party of the rich" work

Republicans aren't party of the rich corporations/self-interests. top donors give overwhelmingly to democrats

director, screenwriter for The Last Jedi

Rian Johnson

African American S of S

Rice and COlin Powell

near miss terror attack on a plane 2 months after 9/11

Richard Reid-Shoebomber in 2001

known as the shoe bomber

Richard Reid. 2001. trie dto start a fire but stopped by passengers/crew. happened 2 months post 9/11

general at Yorktown


law firm of Hillary CLinton

Rose Law firm

Island chain of Okinawa

Ryukyu Islands

location of Burkina Faso

S. of Mali, N. of Ghana

families in Game of Thornes

SAtarks, Lannister

writ of certiorari

SC's formal request to receive the record of a case from lower court

difference between the SS and Gestapo

SS- elite in Nazi party paramilitary. originally hitler's bodyguards until their role expande during the role Gestapo-secret police fo the Nazi

tribe of Black Hawk

Sac & Fox

washington state water

Salish Sea, Strait of Georgia, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Puget Sound

TX in Civil War

Sam HOuston had to give up b/c TX sceeded in Civl war

first president of TX

Sam Houston had to give up presidency of TX b/c TX succeeded in Civil War

Chisom Trail

San Antionio-Abilene, KS

capital of Bosnia


Steve on Full House/Aladdin's speaking voice

Scott Weinger

body of water north of Japan

Sea of Okhotsk

investigates counterfeit money

Secret Service

Karl Rove

Senior Advisor/Deputy Chief of Staff for Push JR

famous African wildlife safari site


end of the Tigiris and Euphrates

Shat al Arab and Persian Gulf

tribe of Tecumseh


first female judge in Iran

Shirin Ebadi. won Nobel prize

place where Sikhism originated

Sikhism originated int eh Pnjab region of India

Danny Elfman

Simsons, Nightmore before christmas

Crazy Horse

Sious from Dakota.

girlfriend of Pecos Bill

Slue-Foot Sue. rode a catfish down the Rio Grande

aka Quakers

Society of Friends

Into the Woods


joint US-USSR/Russia space projects

Soyuz-Apollo in 1975, Shuttle-Mir PRogram, ISS

symbolized US and USSR were perusing detente

Soyuz-Apollo. first joint US/Soviet space flight. docking of the Apollo service module w/the soviet soyuz

population of Aztec v. Spain at time of hte conquest

Spain -6million Aztec -10-11million

how USA got FL

Spain ceded FL in 1891

protects the USA by doing unconventional missions

Special Operations

psychological operations

Special Ops to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasnoning and ultimate te behavor of governments, organizations,groups, and individuals

helped the Plymouth Pilgrims

Squanto, Samoset, Massasoit

considered to have one of the most successful cults of personality in modern history



State University fo NY

famous hat . cowboys/Teddy Rooselvelt Rough Riders


separates the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea

Strait of Dover, English channel

narrowest point of the English Channel

Strait of Dover. 20.7 miles between UK and France

religion of Ottomans


last resort for all questions of federal law

Supreme Court

muppet who was a cook

Sweeish Chef

Brit advisor of the Arabs during WW1

TE Lawrence

political career of Davy Crockett

TN legislature, 1 term Hof Rep

difference between TNT and dynamite

TNT can't be detonated by heat/shock/friction as dynamite can

cases to protect flag burning

TX v. Johnson, US v. Eichman

most expensive Senate race in US history

Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke

Harvard educated terrorist

Ted Kaczynski wa sthe Unabomber. Degree in Math from harvard with a 3.12GPA

meaning of "Unabomber"

Ted Kaczynski was the subject of hte longest and most expensive investigation in FBI hx. called "UNABOM" before identity known. University and Airline Bomber

Bradley Cooper movies-4

The Hangover, Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle, American Sniper

official gov building in Russia

The White HOuse

made Zionism popular

Theodore Hertzel

replacement after the BRitish performance at the Battle of Bunker Hill

Thomas Gage was replaced by General HOwe

Malthusian Catastrophe

Thomas Malthus fear the world population would eventually supass global food supply

founder of Dominos

Thomas Moniagham. orpah who joined the marines

S. of Argentina/Chile

Tierra del fuego, Strait of Magellean, Cape Horn, Drake Passage, Beagle Channel,

feuding skaters

Tonya harding and nancy kerrigan

setting of Dracular

Transylvania is central Romania. Bram Stoker

treaty that ended the French and Indian war

Treaty of Paris

how did the British acquire Acadia and Hudson Bay

Treaty of Utrech to end QUeen Anne's War

ended WW1

Treaty of Versailles

laid out German reparations psot WW1

Treaty of Versailles

sides during WW1

Triple Entente v. Central -TE: UK, France, Russia -C-AH, G

sides in WW1

Triple Entente: Russia, France, UK Triple Alliance: Germany, A-H, Italy

created CIA

Truman in 1947

flag buring SC case

Tx versus Johnson

enriched uranium

U-235. only naturally occuring fissiion isotope

why was the Vietnam War a major part of the Cold War

US participated militarily. USSR was passive and let their role be primarily supplies (only 3K troops and only a few died) -major COld War event b/c Communism v Capitalism

non-USA states

US territories: guam, virgin islands US commonwealths: Pueroto Rico, N. Marianas

2 Supreme COurt Cases that struck down the Defense of Marriage Act

US v. Windsor b/c the due process clause of hte 5th A Obergefell v hodges

created the food pyramid


memorial at Pearl Harbor

USS Arisona

famous for invading Afghanistan


example of an Allied country that didn't have a baby boom post WW2

USSR b/c they had a famine in '47

retaliation of USSR to the Moscow Olympics boycott

USSR boycotted hte 1984 olympics in LA due to "anti-Soviet hysteria'

end of Prague Spring

USSR/Warsaw Pact invaded Czech, removed Dubcek, and reversed reforms

Ted Kaczynski

Unabomber. math prodigy/former professor turned anarchist. lived in a emote cabin as a self-sufficient recluse in Montana. **attempted to start a nationwide bombing campaign targeting people involved in modern technology. critizised industrialization and wanted nature-centered anarchism

who is the last of the mohicans

Uncas b/c there is no pure-blooded Mohican women for him to marry

sent out the Starship Enterprise on Star Trek

United Federtio nof Planets

college in Nashville

Vanderbilt University

rich family famous for building nice homes

Vanderbilt: mansions on 5th Ave in NYC,Newport summer cottages, Biltmore House in North Carolina

island of Hispanola

W. Haiti, E. Dominican Republic



horse of Pecos Bill

Widow-Maker. b/c no other man could ride him

outlaw gang including Butch Cassidy and the SUndance Kid

Wild Bunch

wrote the turner diaries

Wm PIerece

Dunkin D founder

Wm Rosenberg in 1948 Boston

how id the feudal system get to England

Wm teh C whnen the Normans won in 1066

times in hx where we were at DEFCON 3

Yom Kippur War, Operation Paul Bunyon, 9/11

tribe in Nigeria


led to the first multi-party democracy in Turkey's history

Young Turk Revolution in 1908 agaisnt the abosolute rule of Sultan Hamid 2


a policy of advocating the restoration to a country of any territory formally belonging to it

fait accompli

a thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving them w/no option but to accept it

name for the weapon used at Hiroshima


what happens when minorities asimiliate

abadnon their cultural traditions


ability/power to make decision for yourself

act of washing onself


connotations of Ivy League schools

academic excellence, selectivity in admissions, social elitism

for the meantime

ad interim

process of coping to the envrioment in the face of force/stress


community that focuses on farming

agarian economy

probable cause

amount of proof needed for a reasonably intelligent person to suspect a crime. the standard of proof needed to make an arrest

hardest task in intelligence

analysis b/c ambugity

ultra syndrome

analysts become too dependent on highly valuable intelligence from a credible. b/c at a critical moment, the source may fail

journal Mother Earth

anarchist jounal by Emma Goldman

oppose dto government


at a premium

at a high or higher than expected value

when was the Eastern Bloc of the cold war era set up?

at the Tehran Confrence in 1941. the Big 3 discussed Operation Overload and consented to Stalin's demand to install puppet gov in Poland, Czech, Romania thus setting up the Eastern BLoc

offshoot of southern california

baja california

hungarian composor

bela bartook

group w/Fergie

black eyed peas

sparked the Bowie knife

brass fighting goard on bowie knife added after Jim cut his hand when killing a COmanche

main character of The Winter of our Discontent

by Steinbeck. Ethan Hawley

latin for betare


buyer beware

caveat emptor. warning to a buyer that there may be something wrong with the product

reader beware

caveat lector -suggests a given text has inaccuracies or is biased

importance ofhte suez canal

cconnects red sea and mediterrean


cease resisting/surrender after negotiating of terms

opposition to free speech





cloth originated from Mosol, Iraq

security for a loan


orgin of soda

comes fromthe Arabic word for headache. b/c Arabs treated w/it


comes with growth and change in relationships


compression for digital images

fundamental attribution error

concept that, in contrast to interpretations of their own behavior, people tend to (unduly) emphasize the agent's internal characteristics (character/intention) rather than external factors, in explaining other people's behavor. this effect has been described as "the tendency to belive that what pepole do reflects who they are"


conclusion of a drawn from the structure of an argument's premises by use of rules of inferences formally those of propositonal calculus


condition fohte group is cosidered as/more important as the individual. eg. family


condition/system in which two or more states/groups/principls/sources of authority coexist

James McDougal

convicted in Whitewater. died in solitary confinement. key witness into the Ken Starr investigation of the CLintons and was preparing to give damaging testimony

important thing to remember about the Circuit Court of Appeals

created to ease the caseload of the SC. where appeals from the Federal District Courts go. only appeallate jourisdiction and reviews a case for error of law, not fact

benefit of credit

credit allowed more people to have access. originally only wealthy could borrow money. allowed pooorer to start/support businesses. greater prospertity for all

what is vital in a aystem of modern economy


where do you get saffron


development of the Civil War

developed over a long series of political maneuvers where pr/anti slavery factions battled for control of state desires

Merton's anomie theory

deviance happens when people are blocked from achieving socially approved goals via legit ways

how did the janissaries become soldiers

devshirme system

why did the Kamakazi do what they did

did b/c extreme patriotism, believed emperor was a god, promise of paradise. considered an honor to be selected for the mission. depressed by thought of USA invading their homeland. relatizely ineffectively in the war effort

Ford and cars

didnt' invent cars but broguth them within economic reach of many

explosive intended to spread nuclear material over an area

dierty bomb

spreading out


not having the power to make people listen to you


end of the Cold War

dissolution of the USSR in 1991


distinct boundary between 2 different air masses


distinctive characterisitics

where are ocean ridges formed

divergent boundaries

enforced decision by authority. strong belief adherenents aren't will ing to discuss


location of the Kara Sea

east of Barrets. N. Europe/Russia


eastern part of hte Czech Republic

postiion of high office in Arab countries


government strucutre of Kuwait


designated as an agent for another


to enlist a jury


aka 14th Amendment

equal protection clause

history of word orgin/meaning


exculpatory evidence

evidence favorable to the defendent in a criminal trial that exonerates or tends to exonerate the defendent of guilt

member of a board by virtue of holding another office

ex officio member

problem of gov welfare

exacerbates depdence

california population as a ruslt of the rold rush of 1849

excluding indians 1848: 20K 1854: 300K (1 of 90 people living in USA)

illegally obtained evidence can't use used in court

exclusionary rule

yr the Cherokee Nation was established

existed prior but 1827

marry outside your group


concerns by the public about courts

expensively and timely to bring courts, not resolved in a timely manner, believes court doesn't ensure their orders are enforced

dirty bomb

explosive w/radiaoctive isotopes intended to spread nuclear material over an area

world fair


one jurisdiction turns an person accused of a crime over to another jurisdiction's law enforment



extremely idealistic, unrealistic, impractical

problem of affirmative action

fails to acknowledge deeper more pronounced failure of public school to adequately prepare kids for higher education. AA is narrow and focuses on racial diversity but ignores intellectual disability

beliefs of Skihism

faith/meditation on the name of the one crator, divine unity/equality of all humankind, engaging in selfless service, striving for justice for hte benefit and prosperity of all, honest conduct/livelihood while living a household'ers's life

criminal law for aquistion from intentional misrepresentation of past/existing fact

false presenses

singlemost important factor in childhood development

family structure

Fascism on the political spectrum

far right

Islam religious decree


religious decree by reconized islamic authorities


problmatic conclusion

faulty premise leads to problems on conclusion

ability of a population to reproduce



feeling distress/humiliated

oral sharing of knowledge/culture



food preservation/flavoring to draw out water via osmosis

purchase of Manhattan

for $24 in trinkets from the wrong indian tirbe

how do you want to be recognized

for talent and drive

Carl Jung

founder of analytical psychology. central concept is individualsism- the lifelong psychological process of differentiation fo the self out of each individual's conscous and unconscious elements

americans can follow any religious belief w/o governemnt or court protection

free exercise

aka crawl in swimming


Triple Entente

friendship/understanding/agteement. linked Russia, French, UK

goal of the Lord fohte Righs

go to mordor and return the ring to Mt doom

why do jews believe they are chosen by god

god made special contracts (covenants) with them

case of gold found on Indian land

gold found on Cherokee land in 1829. GA made it illegal for indians to mne gold, hold political assembly, testify against a white man

logo of McDonalds

golden arches

good versus bad of Green Revoluion

good-incrased yields, decreased human dependence bad-decreased biodiveristy, decreased crop quality


gov ruled by a few

how does government derive itself

government derives itself from the consent of hte people w/ equal treament under law

Stalin's prisions


benefit of the food industry

has given us a food supply so plentiful/varied/inexpensive and devlod of geographical dependence


high government intelligence agency in an Islamic staate



history of NRA stances

hx of supporting laws to make it difficult for ciriminals to make guns

creating one empire


why would it be impossible to mandate gun storage locks

impossible to enforce given 4th Amendemnet protection against unreasonable searches. locks can't take the place or responsible handeling, safety devices on the market already a choice

remove/restrict the freedom of those found to violate criminal law


embodied in the flesh


perspective of opponents to the Patriot Act

incompatible w/civil laws/rights and gov interference w/private citizen's life

purpose of hte penal code

isn't to rehab, its to punish and prodect law abiders. increasing parole/decreasing prison time leads to crime increase

connects points of equal atomospheric pressur



lacking consideration. happy lighthearted character or disposition

result of the JOnes v CLinton case

landmark legal prescedent in Supreme COurt that ruled a sitting US president is not exempt from civil litigation for acts comitted outside of public office

customarty public worship performed by a religious grup



local and fed gov share power

how can archeologists tell when humans began to speak

looks at skull fossils

German air force


popular instrument in Middle Ages Engliand

lute. actually from Middle East

parents of Laura Ingles Wilder

ma, Pa

impact of the Monroe Doctrine

made USA a sphere of influence

Industrial Revolution

middle clas sof industrialists/businessmen grew to be the aristocrates and assumed postion so fpwoer and influence previously limited to landowners

Mediterrean climate

mild wet winters hot dry summers

why is Stalin evil

millions died under him

changing position on the social ladder


3 examples of authoritarian governments

monarchy, dictatorship, totalitarismq

pronounce Nez Pierce

nez purse

winners of the nobel prize

nobel laurets

quote: now is the winter of our discontent

now is thewinter of our discontent/made glorious summer by this son of York. -Richard III

giving nuclear weapons to other countries

nuclear proliferation

laws created by municipalities


first court to hear a case

original jurisdiction


original pattern/model of which all things ofhte same type are representations/copies. prototype. perfect example


originally a circular letter sent out to all the churches of a particualr area in teh ancient Roman Church.

Heinrich Gruber

pacifist/opponent of Naizsm

study of fossils


highest prize awarded at teh Cannes Film Festival

palme d'Or

free market capitalism

people volunteery their labor in return for wages. no one is forcing you to work and you may leve

executive committee for hte communist party



power not w/citizens but with government. often in the hands of military or dictators

moving the goalposts

practice of changing the criteria of something while it is in progress (investigation/hearing) in order to offer one side an inheret advantage/disadvangage.

accepted custom


titing system

priviate self-help protectin system in medieval England where groups of 10 famiies agree to follow the law, keep epace, bring law vilateors to justice

standard of proof needed to make an arrest

probable cause

beliefs in Buddhism

rejects materialism


remote aress of a coutnry away from the coast or the banks of majro rivers. area lying beyond what is visible or known

popular tool used by IRA

remote control car bmbs


render something poorer in quality by adding another substance

bioengineered android in the Blade Runner film


pay back to someone who has been wronged


play all opponents in a competition

round robin


scholastic achievement test

religious groups set part by location


separate from Religion


No Child Left Behind

signed into law 2002repealed 2015

Occam's razor

simpler solutions are more likely to be correct htan the more complex ones

famous sewing machie


examples of Plain Indians

sioux, cheyenne, blackfeed, shoshone, crow, sac & fox

air masses

sizable rgions of air which display uniform moisture an dtemperature

rock that naturally splits into thin sheets



soak food in season befor cooking


span of time smaller than a period but larger than an age age-epoch-period

first cowboys


nuclear proliferation

spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable materal, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States" by the Nonproliferation Treaty

signals approaching cold front

squall line


staple food of native Hawaii.from taro plant

effects of government price control

stops innovation, corrpution, choice leads to artifically increased price and rationing


sually a simple, lightweight, man portable, muzzle-loaded weapon, consisting of a smooth-bore metal tube fixed to a base plate (to absorb recoil) with a lightweight bipod mount and a sight. They launch explosive shells in high-arcing ballistic trajectories. Mortars are typically used as indirect fire weapons for close fire support with a variety of ammunition.

dogged perseverence

tenaciously or with strong determination


tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming, slick, and verbally facile. "charm offensive"

easy to chew


what doesn't the existence of laws do

the existence of laws doens't prevent an individual from engaging in that behavior


the larger group is less important than the individual who looks out for themselves

who wins

the one I feed. story of hte Indian man

stears a boat

tiller moves therudder which stears the boar


to all outward appearences


to induce/recruit someone to convert to one's faith

purpose of Magna Carta

to put checks on the royal power b/c heavy taxation and autocratic rule

bet the farm

to risk everything on a venture that one thinks would be acceptable

roll out a flag


koi as a fish

version of carp

ability to live outside the womb


having high moral standards

virtue, principled

end of Declaration of Independence

we mutaually pledge to each other our lives, our furtunes, and our sacred honor

rocks undergo physical/chemical chagne


government pays for all education/health coverage

welfare capitalism

Jesse Owens

who 4 medals at the Berlin Olympics in 1936

Phillips curve

inverse relationship between rates of unemployment and corresponding rates of rises in wages that result within an economy -decreased unemployment, in an economy will correlate w/higher rates of wage rises

how should you treat yourself

invest in yourself

Christopher Comittee

investigated teh Rodkey King Asault

Inspector General

investigates fraud, waste, and abuse

hedge fund

investment fund that pools capital from acfredited individals/institutional investiors and invests ina variety of assets, often w/comple portoflio-construciton and rismk-management techniques


involving trust, especially w/regard to the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary

market effect situation

it is impractical/impossibel for a single country to provide all the resourcs it needs in sufficeint amounts

"abortion is safe" argumetn

it is not safe for the baby

what do people say about the drug war

it is racist

important thing about research

it must be replicated

argument about unwanted kids and abortion

it's not fair to bring unwanted child into the world but is it fair to kill? cna't condone abortion b/c too many unwanted kids b/c a person cannot justify . decision to kill a baby should never be the result of a subjective feeling. baby is a distinct human, not a part of you

elite infantry of the Ottoman Sultan


slaves in the Ottoman empire

janissaries- european boys kidnapeped and forced to work in the gov based on their talents mamluk-muslim slave soldiers

short journey for pleasure


anti-slavery faction in Kansas


voice of Ariel in the little mermaidJo

jodi benson

angel of daeth

josef mengele

ability of a court to hear a case


when is jeopardy attached

jury trial: once the entire jury is sworn in bench trial: when the first witness is sworn in


just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential

components of SHinto

kami, animism

beliefs in Hindiusm

karms, good work reincarnate you

sparked the name Buffalo Bill

killed 3K buffalo in 1yr to feed those bulding therailroad

leader of Ethipia

king from 1916-1930 emperor from 1930-1974

fish kept in water gardens

koi are colorful vesions of carp

types of Nazi camps

labor, transit, POW, extermination

lingua franca

language adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are differnt

theft of personal property



large divided leaf


largest city in the West bank. 19 miles south of Jerusalem. divided into 2 sectors. Isreal controls 20% of the city and Palestinians the other.

Nguyen dynasty

last ruling family of Vietnam. 143yr rule. 1802-1945

child who takes care of thiemself

latchkey kid

Devshirme system

late 1300s. Christian boys were taken from Balkan provinces, converted to Islam, passed examinates to determine intelligence/capabilities then forced to serve in Ottoman government. technically slaves buty the owed absolute loyaty to the sultan an dvital to his power

Patriot Act

law enforcement got far reaching police powers to detain immigrants, expand wiretapping, military to control border, conduct warrentless searches

Patriot Act

law enforcement got far reaching police pwoers to detain immigrants, expand wiretapping, military to control border, conduct warrentless searches

what must the officer do in order to be granted a warrent

law enforcement officer seeking the warrent must sign an affidavit to swear the facts that establish probable cause


lawgiver of Sparta who established the military-oriented reformation ofhte Spartan society in accordance w/the Oracle of Apollo at Deli

important thing to remember about laws in a socially stratified envirnment

laws shoudl be regular and apply to all persons regardles sof social status


layer of earth in a permanently frozen state

Chiang Kai-Shek

leader of China. Led Taiwan starting 1949-75 **recognized by much of the world as the legit head of China until 1971 b/c that's when the UN passed a resoltuion


leadership or dominance, especially by one state/social group over another

Alexander Dubcek

led the Prague Spring until overthrown by the Warsaw Pact invasion

why does heat rise

less dense. coolse as rises

importance of self-respect

lete you see yourself as deserving of happiness, achieve,ment, and love

role of the governmetn

level the playing field for all, not guarentee successful outcomes for certain groups. makes you more dependent

difference between driving a car and owning a gun

license to drive car isn't a constitutional right like right to keep/bear arms

work by Max Weber

linked creation of capitalism ot the Calvinist belief of predestinatn

Bosporous Strait

links the black sea/oil coming from the caspian sea region to the MEditteran sea

what is dynamite

liquid nitrogen, oxidizers, absorbant material


liquid nitrogen, oxidizers, absorbant materials

crust to outer mantle of hte earth


location of earthquakes in the crust


region lying along a shore


how did Devil's Tower form

magma was pushed up and cooled

function of the criminal justice system

maintain the balance between liberty and law enforcement

function of the criminial justice system

maintaint eh balance between liberty and law enforcement

strategical importance of hte Strait of Hormuz

major oil passage so control of the strait controlls oil

penninsula of Singapore

malay penninsula

slaves who became sultans


where sit he Little Mermaid monument


form of suicide where you get yourself into a shootout w/police w/intention to die


ore in Congo


options for criminal rehabilitation

correct behavior via educaiton, vocational therapy, and return to society as law abiding americans

role of hte Secret Servie

counterfeit money


courage, draring, spirit

what does the SC say about cruel and ununsual punishment

court says 8thA is not fixed in time but changes w/evolving sociatal conditions. what we once considered C&U might not be so today

counterrorist measures to disrupt/resolve/destory terro orgs

covert opeations

land altering mass movement down a hill that is too slow to notice


liberal belief about the caus eof crime

crime is primarilythe rsult of failed social insituttions-gov hasn't done' enought to achieve economic justice

inchoate crime

crime of preparing for/seeking to commit another crime. aka attempting.


crime victim accepts the return of stoeln property/makes other arrangements w/a felon in exchange for agreement not to prosecute.

3 catagories of Nuremberg trial crimes

crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, war crimes

Balkan Countries -8

croatia, B &H, slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, eastern part of Turkey

stylized staff carried by high ranking Catholic and Jewish


study where you compare different ages


hordeuvers of raw veggies w/dipping sauce




person uses mass media, big lie, specitale, patriotism, and gov-organized demonstrations and rallies to create idealized/heroic, and worshipful image of leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. often used in totalitarina/authoritarian coutnries in modern social engineerign

cult of personality

flow of electricity



customs important to a culture

short curving sword formally used by sailors on warships


computer crime


end of WW2 on the Western Front

death of Moussolini and Hitler 2 days apart. germans surrendered unconditionally 1 wk post Hitler's death


declaration to not live up to their obligations in a contract

severe test of a leader

declining budgets. high praise to preserve an organization's core mission/hold grand/maintain operational tempo **trim to preserve other priorities

Brady Act

mandated federal background checks on firearm purchars in the US and imposed a 5 day waiting period on purchases until the NICS system was implemented in 1998

SC case on exclusionary rule

mapp v Ohio

female british PM

margaret thatcher, theresa may

it is impractical/impossible for a single coutry to provid eall the resources it needs in sufficient amounts

market effect situtations


massive force/campaign/movement/object that crushes whatever is in its path

stately/impressive building acting as a tomb


unbranded cattle


what do captured terrorists claim

may claim they are freedom fighters and should be treated in accordiance w/rules of war since they claim they have moral justification for their terror acts

cultural relativism

meanign/significance of a trait depending on culutre background. (like eating dog in some culture but a pet in others)


meaning of a word, phrase, or text


means of production ar owned equally and profits are shared equally


measure of pleasure/satisfaction within theory of utilitarinism


measure of water vapor

what happened at Three Mile Island


small group acts of random violence

often produces overwhelming fear and attracts media attention leading wor worldwide publicity and gov increasing security

government ruled by a few


term for being present everywhere


location of Azerbaijan

on the Caspian sea

who has original jurisdiction in fedreal cases

one of the 93 district courts. divided into 13 circuits

1 newton per square meter =

one pascal


one who runs a country/colony/city... in the name/representingthe monarch


only 1 seller. no sibustuttes as the price is controlled

King Zog

only King of Albania. 1928-1939

Title X

only federal grant program dedicated soley to providing individuals w/comprehensive family planning and related preventative health services. legally desginated to prioritize the needs of low-income/uninsured/not eligible for Medicaid who mgight not otherwise have access to healthcar services. overall purpose is to allow individuals to decide the number/spacing of kids

government party not in power

opposition power

Adolf Eichmann

orchestrate the Holocast via transportaiton/facilities of the jews. fled to Argentina post war but was recaptured and executed

Robert Redford

-founded Sundance film festival_in frist episode of Twilight Zone -Sundance Kid in Butch Cassady and the ... -Barefoot in the Park -Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby -All the PRez Men -Bob WOodward -A Bridge too Far, OUt of Africa

end of Hermann Goering

-lost favor w/Hitler and the public when his Luftwaffle couldn't effective prevent Allied bombings in Germany or resupply forces stranded in Stalingrad -grew withdrawn from the military to devote attention to collecting property/artwork mostly from the Jew victims -sent a telegram to HItler when he heard he would commit suicide to request permission to control the Reich but Hitler removed him from his postions/party/ordered arrest b/c saw as act of treason -Nuremberg trials death by hanging but suicide w/cyanide the night before

effect of nationalizing the SUez Canal

-nassar asserted Egypt's indepence from eurpoean control -Key waterway for oil for Brit/Fr -Brit owned shares in teh Suez Canal Company and didn't trust Egypt to run it properly -Brit/French/Israel attacked and destroyed Egypt air force. French/UK ouupied Ft Said Israel took the Siani Penninsula


-one engaged in jihad -references guerrilla-type military groups led by Islamic Afghan fighters in Soviet-Afghan War and now extend sto other jihandist groups in various contries


-protege of Khruschev and rose through ranks to become a secod in command -became involve din a plan too overthrow K when Soviet economy wne dunder K. led a vote that removed K wheile he was on vacation and he was named successor in 1964

Cambridge 5

-secret spy ring from the UK that supplied USSR w/sensitive information during /after WW2 -became dedicated communists during time at Cambridge in 30s -none punished. 3 ID'ed in teh 50s, 2 in 60s, 3 defected to USSR. -Don MacLean "homer" was from the BRitish embassy in USA. informed soviets of the development of hte A bomb

paper tiger

. The term refers to something that seems threatening but is ineffectual and unable to withstand challenge. The expression became well known in the West as a slogan used by Mao Zedong's Chinese communist state against its opponents, particularly the U.S. government.

books by Laura Ingles Wilder

...Big Woods ...On the Prarie On the Banks of Plum Creek, By the Shores of Silver Lake The Long Winter Little Town on the Prarie The Happy Golden Years The First Four Years


1 drop of VX kills a person via resp paralysis

deaths during the Lewis and Clark expedition

1 member died from burst appendix. -only 2 indians killed b/c tried to steal horses

one pascal =

1 newton per square meter

countries along the equator

13 countries: equador, columbia, brazil, SaoTaP, Gabon, DRC, UGanda, Kenya, Somalia, Maldives, Indonesia, Kiribati

Konstantin Chernecko

13 months. 84-85

Mehmet 2

1451-81. Sultan who captured constantinople, S. Greece

who is on the Senate Select Comittee on Intelligence

15 members. 8 reserved for 1 majority/1minority of the comittees (Apporpirations, Armed Services, Foreign Relations, Judicary). remaining 7 = 4 majority, 3 minority. EX OFFICIO MEMBERS (& nonvoting members): chariman/ranking member of hte Comittee of the Armed Services & Senate Majority/Minority leaders


1512-1520. caliph of hte Ottoman empire. at the height of the ottoman empire when captured Cairo

arrival of Cortez

1519. believed to be Quazecotly

cattle arrive in America


only remnant of Roanoke

1590. Croatan

importance of the Mayflower Compact

1620. first time a free community of people created a new govenment by means of a social contract. not between servants/king but a gorup of like minded. god as witness

Pequot War

1630s. slave trade captain found murdered on his ship inthe CT river. New England said the Pequots were responsible soo tensino rise. revenge party counlty find the tirbe so torched PEquot village. q

surrender of George Washington

1754 at Ft. Necessity in Pennsylvania

journals of Lewis and Clark expedition

178 new plants, 122 new animals

yr of the first American census


yr the Bill of Rights was Ratified


Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854. popular soverty to decided slavery issue

Credit Moblier scandel

1867. construction company charged the railroad company higher than usual and stock given as bribes to 15 powerful Washington politicians (VP, S of Treasury, 4 senators, Speaker...)

yr the 14thA was radified


Menji Restoration

1868 under Emperor Menji.

yr Suez Canal opened


site where the west met east railroad

1869. PRomontory Summit, UT

timespan of the Gilded Age


what was happening in Europe during the Gilded Age

1870s-1900. middle/latter part of the Victorian era

limits the powers of hte federal government to use federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the USA

1878 Posse Comitatus Act

Posse Comitatus Act

1878 by Prez hayes: to limit the powers of the federal gov to use federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the US

British rule of Egypt

1882-1956 as a protectorate. ended whne Nassar nationalized the Suez canal and BRit attacked but then backed off due to US/USSR pressure

electric streetcar years


years of hte poll tax


In re Kemmler

1890. no C&U punishment that is torture/lingering death. something more than the mere extinguishing of life. (so no burn at stake/crucifixation)

yr of the Wright Bros flight


Russo-Jap war

1904-05. over Manchuria and Kora. Japan won and established self as a global power

yr Hitler took control fothe National Socialist party


JE Hoover's first yr heading the FBI


yr the SS was founded


yrs of the dust bowel


yr the Gestapo eas established


Reich Concordant

1933. agreement between the Vatican and Nazi germany. limited catholic opposition to Hitler

yr of the Hitler Moussolini alliance


yr ofthe Berlin olympics


yr of Iraq's first claim to Kuwait


book by Winston Churchill

1938 Why ENgland Slept


1938. pogrom

yr of Pearl Harbor


Operation Barbarosa

1941. HItler's plan to invade Russia. started w/Axis bombing Soviet-annexed regions of Poland. failed to take Moscow. final battle was Battle of Moscow (capital) but never reached it b/c to cold

yr of Operation Barbarossa

1941. USSR invasion

beginning of the Green Revolution

1945 Mexico to improve the Mexico agricular .

yr of The Communist Manifesto

1948. Marx. privilaged class controls resources/capitol = bourogese proliterate-only capital is their time. working class.

school of Greece

1950s Rydell High

Brown v Board of Edu

1954. segreagated schools. Mr Brown challenged it b/c he didn't want his 8yo daughter to go to a black school 21 blocsk aay when the white school was 5 blcoks away

major event in Suez canal hx

1956 Nassar nationalized the Suez Canal Company. important b/c Brit relied on the canal as a key shipping route

speech "On the Cult of Personality and its Consequences"

1956 speech by Nikita Khruschev's secret speech given at a Congress of hte COmmunisty Party in USSR. he criticized the lionization and idealization of Stalin and Mao Zedong as beign congrary to the Marxist doctrine. the speech was later made public and part of hte de-Stalinization of the USSR

yr of the Cuban revolution

1958. installed Fidel Castro. committed Cuba to socialism and allied w/USSR to bring socialism tot he west.

Robert McNamara

1960s. Sef of D under JKF and LBJ. involved in escalating the Vietnam War

yr of the Freedom Riders


yr of hte Cuban Missle Crisis


Gideon v Wainright

1963: 6thA right to court appointed counsel to defendents in misdemeeanor trials where the sentence may lead to jailtime

yr PLO was founded


Chief Justice in Miranda versus AZ

1966. liberal Warren court

yr of the 6 Day War


yr of the Six Day War


6 Day War

1967. Arab-Israel war

yr of Prague Spring


Terry v Ohio

1968. 4thA prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures is not violated when a police officer stops a suspect on the street an frisks them w/o probable cause to arrest if the person has comitted/is comitting/is about to commit a crime and has a resasonable beleif the peson may be armed and dangerous

yr abortion was legalized


yr homosexuality was removed from the DSN


yr of the OPEC oil embargo


reason for the OPEC oil embargo

1973. b/c US supported Israel in teh Arab-Sisrael War of 1973

yr of India's single nuclear test


Helsinki Accords

1975. 35 states including US/ CANADA/all Europe except Albania and ANdorra. declaration to attempt to improve relations between communists and the west. not binding b/c did not have treaty status

yr of the USA bicentential


Camp David Accords

1978. First Israel treaty w/Arab nation

yr Sadaam Hussein became president


why was the Moscow Olympics boycotted

1980. b/c of the invasion in Afghanistan. idea by Carter.

Israel destroyed a nucealr base

1981. Israel destroyed the Iraqi nuclear base b/c said Iraq was close to using the weapons

Samantha Smith

1982. 10yo American girl who wrote to the USSR general secretary about how she feared nuclear war. let it be published in a Soviet paper and she was invited to USSR for 2wks. died at age 13yo in a plnae crash

yr of hte Marine Barracks attack


yr ofhte Grenada invasion


Able Archer

1983. NATO military exercise across W. Europe that simulated rapidly escalating mility conflict. military exercise but USSR mobilized b/c thought it war real. the closes we've come to nuclear war since CM crisis

yr of Chernobyl

1986 in Ukraine.

Goldwater-Nichols act

1986. reworked the military chain of command

The Satanic Verses

1988 novel by Salman Rushdie. title refers to the satanic verses, group of Quranic vreses that refer to 3 Pagan Meccan goddesses The Satanic Verses incident -where Prophet Muhammad is said to have msitaken the workds of "satanic suggestion" for divine revelation


1988. freedom of speech and gov openess. people disillusiomnent b/c unaware fo the poor's quality of life and Stalin

Autumn of Nations

1989. Revolution wave in Central/Eastern Europe that toppled COmmunism. bloodless revolutions in all but Rom

Texas v. Johnson

1989. invalidated prohibitions on desecration the american flag in 48/50 states. said flag burning is protected speech under the 1stA. Johnson was par tof a COmmunist youth group protesting Regan

yr of the Kuwait invasion


invasion by Iraq

1990 of Kuwait

cut off the Euphrates

1990. Trkey cut off Euphrates to fill the Atatturk River

yr of hte Gulf War


yr ofhte first female sheriff

1992. 1 in GA, 1 in AK

family standoff in Idaho where a kid and the wife was shot

1992. Randy Weaver against US Marshalls and a FBI Hostage REscue team

first WTC bombin


yr of the first WTC attack



1993 proposition under task force led by Hilllary.

Oslo Accord

1993. PLO and Israel recognized each other. Israel recognized PLO as teh representative of Palestinians, partial withdrawl of W. Bank and PLO said Israel had right to resist and renounce violence

Hillary CLinton and Vaccination

1993: Hillary Clinton got Dem controlled congress to use federal powers to ensure universal immunization. gov purchased 60% of nation's vaccine supply at a forced discount fo 50% to be given for free by doctors to poor/un derinsured even thow the needy could get it for free under Medicare. gov, not dic, directly costs and the gov dictated costs was so far below the cost that many suppliers were forced out of business

Defense of Marriage Act

1996 until unconstutional by US v Windsor in 2013

yr of the Kenya/Tanzania attack


yr of CLinton inmpeachment


first drug court

1st jurisdiction to establish a drug court was 1981 in FL

Different Industrial Revolutions

1st- Industrial Revolutin 2nd- Technological Revoluton 3rd:

concessions we must make if we determine universal healthcare/spend more on healthcare

decrease costs, decrease visits, increase cost, competition, costs removed decision making, want more, not directly responsible for paying

leaving a country


switching allegiences from one country to another



defense readiness condition. alert state used by the military. DEFCON 1: "cocked pistol" nuclear war is imminent


defensive/protective barrier

murder of a divine being



deliberately avoid using/abstain


descendents of an Indo-Euroopean tribe which settled SW of the Caspian sea in 2000bc

what leads to crime

desire and opporunity. police are the formula for preventing crime via deterrance

goal of Hamas

destroy Israel, PLO, and peace talks

relaxation of tensions


major cold war strategy

deterrence, WMD, economic sanctions

Ridley Scott

direcor/producer. Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down,

role of J.. Abrahams in THe Force Awakens

director, writer, producer

key factors in the Cold War

disagreement over who had the best economic policy. USA capitalism versus USSR communism

spreading out of hte jews


persistent vegetative state

disorder of counsciousness in which patients w/severe brain damage are in a partial state of arousal rather than true awareness

what does the 2nd Amendment not do

distringuish between legit/not legit reasons to own guns. potential to use gun in self-defense

tectonic plates move awy from each other

divergent oundaries

meaning of something being legal

doesn't mean it is moral

orphan calf



dominant gorup exercises ideological control over other subordinent groups

how can we prevent the Cole from happening againyt

don't let small boats pull alongside. that allowed a billion dollar warship w/sophisticated equipment be destroyed by a small boat of martyrs

why aren't condoms safe sex

don't protect agaisnt STD

company that does most of it sbusiness online

dot-com company


drawing a conclusion from a pattern that is guarenteed byt he strictness of hte structure to which it applies


drug abuse resistane educatinon

Llano Estacado

dry treeless plain in TX/NM

Caymen Islands

due S. of Havanna, Cuba

purpose of courts

due justice ensure due process peacefully resolve disputes censure wrongdoers general deterance incapacitate rehab determine legal status(adopt/marry/divorce) protect citizens from arbitray gov authoity

rights of people suspected of crimes

due process

bad smelling fuirt



durng Spanish SVivil War, German Luftwaffle bombed Guernica (ancient capital/cultral symble of Basque aauthority) on Franco's orders. 15K died

diet of Pecos Bill


plot of Blade Runner

dystopian Los Angles 2019 where synthetic humans are bio-engineered to work on off world colonies. fugitive group escapes to earth and Harrison Ford is the burnt off copt who reluctantly agrees to trakc them down

Fort Necessity

early battle of the F&I war where forces under George Washington had to surrender. Pennsylvaia

orgin of the name Circuit COurt of Appeals

early in hx, fed judges traveled on horseback to courts in a specific region in a specific set order or "circuit"

legislative provision that directs funds be spent on specific projects


demand-side economics

economic growht is most effectively created by high demand for products/services. higher consumer spending leads to business expansion resulting in greater employment opportunities. argue tax breaks for the wealthy produces little, fi any, economic benefit b/c most additional money is not spent on goods/services

supply-side economics

economic growth can be most effectively created by lowering taxes and decreasing regulation. (opposed to demand-side economics)

important thing to consider when you see economic growth

economic growth may benefit some while depleating resources for society at al large/future

thrifty in money


6 day war

egypt versus israe in 1967

who can catch footballs in a game

eligible receiver

curved oval shape


shape of hte earth's orbit


granting full rightds


Vatican City as a "country"


territory/state completely surrounded by a country

enclave. example, Vatican City

process by which you learn your culture


Traty of Utrecht

ended Queen Anne's War. BRit got Acadia and Hudson Bay

main idea in physics

energy won't be created or destroyed so it is recycled

3 spartan virtues

equality among citizens, military fitness, austerity

answer to "war never solves anything"

eradicated Nazis, use military to prerseve peace by combating those w/o regard to human life

transportation of wind/water/gravity to break down


failure to meet parenting goals

erosion of a child's sense of worthiness and success. blurred line of live, achievement, self worhtk, ambition, pride

La Raza

ethnic/racial Hispanophone population in the New World deriving from the Spanish empire

cultural identity


belief your culture is the best


obtaning money/property/servies via coersion


hosts What Would You Do

ABC. John Quinones

water between Greece and Turkey


journey of Africans to America in colonial days

Middle Passage

mythical place where mortals live in Norse ledgent


famous person who defected during COld War

Mikhail Baryshnikov. ballet dancer who defected from USSR to Canada and later lived in USA

how many countries boycotted the Russia Olympics

Moscow 1980. 64 countries.

wrote The Man who came to dinner

Moss Heart and George Kaufman

location of Big Ben

N end ofhte Palace of Westminister

example of an atheist state

N. Korea

Kara Sea

N. Russia next to Barrets Sea

location of Bergen-Belsen

N. germany

location of Turks and Cacos

N. of HIspanola

"Meet the Press"


presented Dateline

NBC. Lester Holt


NW France 6 miles from Belgium border. (so at the center tip of the point of France)

admission of new states into USA

NW Ordinance. once the territory had 60K, they could apply for statehood. no slavery

yr of the first paid uniformed police force in USA

NYC in 1844.


Nadya Suleman. 6 kids then 8 more w/IVF. born 2009

Napoleon secret deal w/Spain

Napoleon got Louisana back from Spainish in 1800 w/ secreat treaty that promised to give Spain Tuscany after he conquored it. he never did get Tuscany

Platte River


desert in Israel

Negev Desert is 60% Isreael

2 deserts of Isreal

Negev and Siani

VP for Ford

Nelson Rocketfeller. (governor of NY, assistant secretaries in the FDR, Truman, Ike administrations)

abdicated at end of WW1

Nicholas 2 of Russia and Kaiser Wilhim 2

wrote The Notebook

Nicholas Sparks



successor of Stalin

Nikita Khruschev

style of the Biltmore Estate

North Carolina. largest privately owned home in USA. Chateauesque-style. 1895. Gilded Age example

won the 1812 battle of Lake Erie

OH Perry

mountain men name for grizzley bears

Old Ephraim

famous offering of Wendys

Old Fashion Hamburger

leaders of the NRA

Oliver North -President Wayne LaPierre-exec vice pres Chris Cox-chief lobbyist Dana Loesch-national spokesperson

when did the Patriot Act expire

Opama signed the PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act of 2011 which was a 4yr exxtension on roving wiretaps/searches of business records/surveillnc eo of lone wolves. PATRIOT expired 2015 but USA Freedom Act in 2015 renewed teh expired parts through 2019 but NSA ha dto stop its mass phone data collection program. phone companies now retain teh data and NSA can obtain the information about the target info w/permission from federal court

philanthropic agency of Gerorge Soros

Open Society Foundations

ad homineum

Or, "at the man". Typically used in argumentum ad hominem, a logical fallacy consisting of criticizing a person when the subject of debate is the person's ideas or argument, on the mistaken assumption that the soundness of an argument is dependent on the qualities of the proponent.

2 men who saved Jews

Oskar Schindler (Poland) Raoul Wallenberg (Hungry)

PLO & Israel recognized each other

Oslo Accord of 1993



how did the Ottoman Empire justify WW1

Ottoman Empire used jihad to stir Islam support to defeat the Triple Entente and said the defeat was necessary to preserve Islam soverignty

who did the Armenian genocide

Ottoman gov extermination of 1.5 Armenians, most citizens in the Ottoman empire. 1915. 2 phases: 1) killing abled bodied men via massacre/army conscripts/forced labor 2) women/kids/elderly/inform on death marches to the Syrian Desert ***most Armenian diaspora communities are a direct result of this genocide

group I confuse w/Outkast

Outkast (Hey Ya)- Big Boi and Andre 3000 Black Eyed Peas: Fergie, will I am (where is the love)

famous colleges in UK

Oxford, Camrbidge

acronym for the job of hte police

PEPPAS Protect life/libety Enforce law Prevent crime Preserve peace Arrest vilators Service to the public (escort to hospital/funeral profcesions, delivery emergency services)

non-country recognized by UN

PLO has UN recognition as the legit representative of the Palestinian people

William Pitt

PM of GB 1800

yr of Robert Walpole

PM of Great Britian from 1721-1742

Guillermo del Toro

Pan's Labrynth, The Shape of Water, Hellboy. producer for The Hobbit films

treaty to end the American REvolution


received the most reparations post WW2

Paris Peace Treaty gave USSR the most since they were raveraged the worst

scary movie starring Raoul frm Phantom of hte Opera

Patrick Wilson in The Conuring

stars of Butch Cassidy and the Sudnance Kid

Paul Newman as Butch Cassidy Robert Redford as TH eSUndance Kid

Henry Wadsworh Longfellow

Paul Revere's ride, song of hiawatha, evangeline

claimed they were raped by Bill Clinton

Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick

how Clinton purjured himself

Paula Jones was an Arkansas state employee who sued Clinton for sexual harassment. asked under oath about Monica Lewinsky in this case and he denied sexual relations w/her but purjured self when found evidence to the cntrary


Payola, in the music industry, is the illegal practice of payment or other inducement by record companies for the broadcast of recordings on commercial radio in which the song is presented as being part of the normal day's broadcast, without announcing that there has been consideration paid in cash or in kind for its airplay adjacent to the recording's broadcast. Under US law, a radio station can play a specific song in exchange for money, but this must be disclosed on the air as being sponsored airtime

lassoed a twister

Pecos Bill

famous detective agency

Pinkerton out of Chicago. slogan: we never sleep

pope during WW2

Pious 2

conquored Incas


river in DC


meeting between the US, USSR, UK prior to Hiroshima

Potsdam Ageeeemtn

father of Pocohontas


helped the Jamestown colony

Powhatan confedercy

african american writers

Ralph Ellison, Maya Angelou

cast of Little Big Lies

Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Shailene Woodley, Alexander Skargard, Zoe Kravitz, Adam Scott, Laura Dern

"tear down this wall"

Regan to Gorb at 87 at Brandenberg Gate. there b/c Berlin's 750 anniversary. public challenge to increase freedom in the eastern bloc by tearing down the wall...a symbol

site where Romulus chose to build Rome

Remus wanted a different site so they looked at the sky for an omen from the birds and Romulus saw twice as many so he won. centered Rome in the 7 Hills at Palatine Hill

Harrison Ford

Rick Deckard in Blade Runner< Jack Ryan in Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger< Apolcaype Now, The Fujitive, Aire Force 1, Star Wars, Riaders of hte Lost ARc

directed Black Hawk Down

Ridley Scott

trial that led to the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela

Rivonia Trial in 1962

hosted Turner Classic movies

Robert Osborne

played Woodward and Carl Bernstein in All the PREsident's MEn

Robert REdford and Dustin HOfman

founded Sundance Film Festival

Robert Redford

first PM of Great Britian

Robert Walpole

famous NYC ice skating rink

Rockefeller Center

Standard Oil


Herod the Great

Roman king of Judea. .

starred as Hellboy

Ron Perlman


Rothschild was a banking family. associated w/red

Empty QUarter

Rub al-Khali

members of the US Intelligence COmmunity

Run by the Director of National Intelligence -CIA, each military branch,FBI, DEA)

Robert Gates

S of Defense for Bush JR and Obama. also, 26yrs at CIA

Donald Rumsfeld

S of Defense under Ford and Bush Jr. Congress-IL, US REp to NATO, WH CHief of Staff in 74-75

Dean Rusk

S of S under JKF and LBJ

First Israel w/an Arab Nation

Sadat, Begin w/ Carter. Camp David Accord in 1979

Great White Spot



Schutzsataffel. paramilitary org under Nazi Germany

aladdin and jasmine speaking voice in Aladdin

Scott Weinger and Linda Larkin

oversees/studies intelligence activities/programs of US gov

Senate Select Comittee on Intelligence

indians who captured Daniel Boone

Shawneee for 3 months in Ohio. overheard Chief Blackfish planned to attack so Boone escaped to warn. courtmarshalled b/c suspicion of him collaporated w/BRit while a Shawnee capture. exonerated but mad

first time nobel prize was confiscated by national authorities

Shirin Ebadi, female lawyer/human rights activist who won the nobel prize in 2003. Iranian

first Muslim female to get the Nobel peace prize

Shirin Ebadi. Iranian lawyer/human rights activist/founded Defenders of Human Rights Centers. 2003 Nobel prize for her work in democracy/human righghts expecially women/kids/refugees

hx of Sacajawa

Shoshone. wife of Toussaint Charbonneau who won her while gambeling. 14-16yo. 6 months pregnant. christianed son Jean Baptiste. held baby in arms, saved compass/jounals in water

between Israel and Egypt

Siani Desert

fired for Bay of Pigs

SofS Dullas but JKF admitted he was also to be blamed

orgin of hte Louisana Purchase

Spain closed N. Orleans. Jefferson mad but closed off Mississipp i and sent Monroe/Livingston to buy NO. Napoleon gave entire territory b/c problems w/ W. Indias wo wanted to give it all up and just focus on conquoring eupope so sold it for $15M

established the Iron Curtain

Stalin created the Eastern Bloc of communist government nations


Stalin's special tribunal that ignored law/procedure. used to kill/gulag

final Big 3 meeting of the WW2 Allies

Stalin, Churchill, Truman Potsdam.

business of Rocketfeller

Standard OIl

spaceship in Star Trek

Starship enterprise

examples of choke points

Strait of Hormuz, Pass of Thermopylae, Strait of Gibralter

choke point in Chile

Strait of Magellean at Cape Horn

choke pint between Malasyia and Indonesia

Strait of Malacca

nationalized by Egypt

Suez Canal in 1956 **Suez Canal opened in 1869

connects Meditteran to the Indian Ocean

Suez canal via the red sea

greatest sultan of the Ottoman Empire

Suleyman "the lawgiver/magnificant". defeated Safavides x2, defeated Hungarians, beseiged Vienna, drove Portugese navy out of russian.

Muslim Brotherhood

Sunni org founded in Egypt by Hassan al-Banna in 1928

Yom KIppur War

Syria & Egypt attacked Israel. 1973

dam on the Euphrates

Syria built Taqba Dam on the Euphrates

terror group in Afghanistan


fought the Ottoman empire


S. of Lake Victoria


aka Unabomber

Ted Kaczynski. sent 16 letter bombs to anyone who supported technology b/c he opposed industralization and wanted nature-centered anarchism

anchor for Nightline

Ted Koppel

founding of Aztec capital

Tenochtitlan on Lake Texico founded 1325.

journalist held for 7yrs in Beiruit

Terry Anderson. Wrote "Den of LIons"

needed in order to arrest

Terry stop: can detain for reasonable suspician. reasonable suspician is a lower standard that probable cuse which is needed for arrest

mounted militia in Texas

Texas Rangers were mounte dmilitia in TX starting in 1823. to protect settlers in the territories from Indians/Mexican bandits

movie about the paranormal investigators husband-wife team who investigate horror

The Conjouring starring Patrick WIlson and Vera Farmiga as Ed and Lorraine Warren

Puget Sound waterway

The Strait of Juan de Fuca is the wide waterway stretching from the Pacific Ocean on the west to the San Juan Islands on the east, with Vancouver Island to the north and the Olympic Peninsula to the south. The Strait of Georgia lies north of the San Juans. Puget Sound is the narrower waters south of the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Malay Penninsula

Thiland, Myanmar, Singapore

forms the Turkey/Syria border


responsibel for the OK City bobing

Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols

deaths in the OK City bombin

Timothy McVeigh did the Murrah Building w/fertilizer bmb wher 168 died

breakdown of the Patriot ACT

Title 1: Enhancing domestic security against terrorism Title 2: surveillance procedures Title 3: anti-money laundering to prevent terrorism Title 4: Border security Title 5: removig obstacles to investigating terrorism Title 6: victims an dfamilies of victims of terrorism Title 7: increased information sharing for critical infrastructure protection Title 8: terrorism criminal law Title 9: improved intelligence Title10: miscelation

tv special report where hidden camera sting operations burst potential sex offenders who meet children over the internet w/the intent of luring them to meet in person and to catch

To Catch a Predator. on Dateline NBC

how are authoritarism and totalitarism related

Totalitarism is the msot extreme for mof authoritarism b/c control all aspects of citixzens lives

when USA revealed to the Allies they had a powerful new weapon

Truman revealed the a-bomb at Potsdam

college in New Orleans

Tulane U

last monarch of hte Incan empire

Tupac Amaru

where do the Kurds live

Turkey and IRaq

border formed by the Tigris River

Turkey and Syria

free of reparations post WW1

Turkey didn't have to pay reparations post WW1 so free of burdensome debt

Young Turks

Turkish nationalism partyin early 20th century that consisted of ottoman exiles/students/civil servents/army officers. wanted the repelacement ofhte Ottoman Empire's absolute monarchy w/a constitutional gov. later rebelled against absolute rule of Sultan Hamid in 1908 Young Turk Revolution and ushered in the frist multi-party democracy in Turkish hsitory

white supramacist bible

Turner Diaries

Gary Powers

U-2 reconissance show down over USSR. USA thought he was dead so denied but he was alive. Ike had to admit vioolation of USSR airspace/esponage. had to pled guilt to espionage and spent 3yrs in jail until released in a prisoner exchage. derailed plans for an E v W major summit so tensions/cold war increased

location of Dubai


4 United Nations documents to describe human rights the world recognizes

UN Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Covenant on Economic/Social/Cultural Rights,

"oil for food scandal"

UN. UN Security counci members like France/Germany got bribes/kickbacks in return for lucrative oil contracts in return for supporting the Sadaam regime


US Angency for International Development

located below the Dome

US Capital Rotunda

State Sponsors of Terrorism

US Dep of State to countries the dept alledges to repeatedly provide support for acts of international terrorisms


US Navy sea, air, and land teams. component of Navy Special Warfare command

runs district courts

US district courts are presided over by president appointed/senate conirmed

plane that crashed into a field on 9/11

United Flight 93 crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania which was aiming toward DC

Walter Mondale

VP for Carter. D senator for Minnesota

Czech revolution that overhthrew communism

Velvet Revolution

fist woman to run for prez

Victoria Woodhull

picuture of the burning monk

Vietnamese Buddhist monk burned himself to death in a busy Saigon road intersection to protest the perscution of Buddhists by the S. Vietnamese gov led by Ngo Dinh DIem. picture of self-immolation led to the Pulizer to the photograpaher


Vietnamese New Year

first British born in USA

Virginia Dare in Roaoke

longest river in Europe

Volga River

national river of Russia

Volga River

lake in Ghana


tools used in deterrence

WMD, military strength, economic strangeth

first time chemical weapons were used in war


Herman Goering in WW1

WW1 flying ace pilot

Treaty of Saint Germain

WW1 peace treaty between the Allies and Austria

career of Bush Senior

WW2 Navy Pilot-Yale-UN ambassador, China Ambassador, headed CIA, VP to Regan

purpose of Ft Laramie

WY. b/c gov through a strong outpost was needed along the OR trail

part of Solomon's temple that remains

Wailing Wall

luxury hotel in manhattan NY


VP for Carter

Walter Mondale

tribes who helped the Plymouth PIlgrims

Wampanoag and Squanto was Pawtuxet

Battle of hte Thames

War 1812. Wm Hen Harrison. Tecumseth of hte Shawnee died

death of Zeblon Pike

War of 1812 Battle of York

aka King George's War

War of Austiran Succession

Wizard of Omaha

Warren Buffet

company of Berkshire Hathaway

Warren Buffet

Chief Justice who championed rights of criminal suspects

Warren court of hte 1960s

Chief Justice of the 1960s

Warren court. liberal. championed rights of hte criminal suspects w/procedual safeguards

Soviet response to NATO

Warsaw PACT

location of the Washington Monument

Washington Manument

famous dog show

Westminsiter Dog Show

famous economics school

Wharton School at U of Pennsylvania

Black Eyed Peas songs

Where is the love, dont' phunk with my heart, my humps, i gotta feeling,

Ari Fleischer

White House Press Secretary for Bush Jr and media consultant for NFL/college football Playoffs. helped Mark McGwire and Tiger Woods when they had media problems

published version of JFK's Harvard senior yr thesis

Why England Slept

provides loans to countries for capital projects w/stated goal to reduce poverty

World Bank

Star Trek movies

Wrath of Khan, The Search for Spock, The Voyage Home, The Final Fronteir

friend of Doc Holiday

Wyatt Earp

tribe of Nelson Mandela

Xhosa. born to the Thembu royal family.

south of Saudia Arabia

YO is from west to East

school of hte Bushes


career of Bush Jr

Yale, MBA from Harvard, TX air guard, TX governor

3 meetings of the Big 3 Allies of WW2

Yalta, Tehran, Potsdam. (Churchill was replaced by Clement Atlee after his last election)

hebrew god


Middle East country w/o major oil reserves



Yugoslavian president. led the Partisans-often regarded as the most effective resistance movement in occupied Europe. **born to a Croat father and Slovene mother **presidency wa popular but critizized as repressing political opponents so was considered a benevolent dictator

foguht in the Black Hawk War

Zac Taylor, Jeff Davis, Lincoln

next major expedition after Lewis and Clark

Zebulon Pike

Letta Lestrange in Fantastic Beasts

Zoe Kravitz


a city state of Sumer

how Gorbachav almost lost office

a coup was planned while he was on vacation in Ukraine but he didn't concede defeat/order their arrest. Yelstin stoold on top of tank in Moscow to all the coup leaders state criminals


a few pwoerful companies sells a profit so they policies influence each other and determine influence. buy out/merge so fewer companies. large companies and small ones cna't keep up

choke point

a geographical feature on land such as a valley, defile, a bridge, or at sea such as a strait, which an armed force is forced to pass, sometimes on a substantially narrower front and therefeore greatly decreasing its combat power to reach its objective. can allow a numerically inferior defiending force to thwart a larger opponent if hte attacker cannot bring superior numbers to bear


a group that is outset all culture norms. charasmatic controllign leader and isolating

Latin for "from the greater to the smaller"

a maiore ad minus

how do plants absorb water

absorb water through roots via osmosis and moves up the stem via cohesion-tension theory

islam and jesus

accepts him as a prophet but doesn't think he is divine

source of true self esteem

accomplishing meaningful things, assuming self respect, maintaining integiryt.

act of reversing a capsized boat

act of reversing a capsized boat. if the vessel is able to recover on its own, its design is "self-righting"


act of withholding assets for hte purpose of conversino/theft of such assets by the person to which the assets were entrusted/held for specific purpose

teacher whose primary employer is not the school/department in which they are teaching

adjunct professor

excesive admiration or praise


2 types of NGO

advocacy (promote awareness) and operational


advocates teh principle of equality for all people

written sowrn statement of fact under oath


Brezhnev Doctrine

affirming the right of the Soviet Union to intervene in the affairs of Communist countries to strengthen Communism.

how do canyons fall

after many years of weathing/erosion

golden parachute

agreement between a company and an upper exec specifiying that the employee will receive certain significant benefits if employment is terminated


agreement/grop of companies formed to undertake an enterprise beyond the resources of any one member

goal fothe UN

aims to prevent future conflicts via collective security. attack on one is an attack on all

Information Age

aka Computer Age/Digital age. started 1970s

5 primary missions of the US Army Special Forces

aka Green Berets **unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconaissance, direct action, counterterrorism **combat search/rescue, counter narcotics, counter-proliferation, hostage rescume, humanatrian, peacekeeping, manhunts, psychological operations

War of Austrian Sucession

aka King George's War. Fred the Great of Prusia v. Maria THeresa

spin-off of mujahideen

al-Q was a branch of Mujahadeen

legal defense where you try to show you were somewhere else at the time of the cirme


recessed space in a room


why did it take so long for Lewis and Clark to meet indians during they journey

all in western plains due to buffalo season

elevations above the treeline

alpine tundra

Emma Goldman

anarchist political activist. born in Lithuania. founded anarchist journal Mother Earth. arrested for illegal distributing ino on birth control.


ancestors of Muhammad Ali who ruled Egypt post his death under the Ottoman empire from 1867-1914

Ted Koppel

anchol for Nightline


ancient Roman relgious practice of interpreting omens from the observed flight of birds. auspices comes from this word

azimuth of the surface

angel a person at a reference point and looking at one point must turn to face antoer pitn


animal skin that has not been tanned

before the war


TV show Fargo

anthology format. each season set in a different era, different story, mostly new characters/cast

received letters in the October 2001 scare

anthrax sent to Senator Tom Daschle, Senator Patrick Lehey, NBC Anchor Ted BRokaw. 5 died

study of humans and their ancestors


study of humans versus fossils

anthropology, palentology


anti-Communist fighters in Afghanistan fighting against Soviet/Communist rule in Afghanistan.



important thing that comes with self esteem

any efforts to build self-esteem must be grounded in reality


any person/oinstitution with authority to judge, adjudicate on, aor determine claims or disputes

to glorify a subject to a divine level



apparently. as appears or is stated to be true though not necessarily so

practicing of science versus thinking about it

applied science versus theoretical


arabic for "tremor". uprising, resistance, rebellion

4 subfields of anthropology

archeological, biological, lingual, cultural

island group



archipelago off the west cost of Scotland

ad absurdo

arguement either -conclusions rests on the a alleged absurdity of the opponents arguemtn or -assertation is false b/c it is absurd

wells that use pressure

artesian well


ascribed -no choice like sex achieved-choice like actions,effects,talents, accomplishments

difference in how you earn your spot on the social ladder

ascribed status -not achieved on own achieved status-what you earned

start of WW1

assassination of heir to A-H throne

soft outer layer of hte earth's mantle


superhighway under Hitler


why do Jews want to live in Israel

b/c wants to fulfill God's covenant to have a homeland in Palestine

political party in Syria


how did the Ottoman Empire harass western european powers

barbary pirates

something used to gain an advantage while trying to make a deal

bargaining chip

how do you read pressure


sea between N. Scaninavia and Russia


composition of hte earth's crust

basalt and granite

Terry Stop

based on Terry v. Ohio. allows the police to briefly detain a person basd on reasonable suspiciaon of involvement in criminal activity. reasonable suspician is a lower standard than probable cause which is needed to arrest


based on random choice/personal whim rather than any reason or system

how are winds named

based on the direction in which they originate

personal growth

be confident in your own abuility but humble enough to continue your growth

be willing to let go

be willig to let go of old judgements, opinions, and worn out attitudes that limit you

type of plane on Lost



being honest/strong moral principles. state of being whole/undivided

capital of serbia



belief that, aluthou there is 1 god, the deity doesnt' interven tin human affiairs and can only be seen in nature

lawful combatants

belligerents -different from insurgents

Hugo Award

best science ficiton/fantasy

State department stats on terror incidents

between 1977-01. 64% of terror incidents involved bmb

location of Golan Heights

between Israel and Syria

Hormuz Strait

between Oman and Iran at the entrance of hte pPersian GUlf

location of Grand Central Station

between Park Avenue and 42nd Street

importance of Strait of Hormuz

between Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. only sea passage from Persian GUlf to the open ocean. one of the world's most strategically important choke points. 20% of hte world's petroleum (35% of peterolum traded by sea) passes through this

location of Strait of Hormuz

between Persian gould and gulf of Oman

standard of proof needed to find a defendent guilty in a criminal trial

beyond a reasonable doubt


biography of a saint

broadest subset of terrestrial subdividusion


plot of A Raisen in the Sun

black family experience in a Chicago neighborhood as they attempt to "better" themselvees w/an insurance payout followng an insurance payout followign the death of their father

plant disease


police strike where all take sick leave at once

blue flue

companion of Paul Bunyan

blue ox babe. when he appeared to be dying, he dug what became Pughet Sound to be his grave. they played in the pile of dirt that became the Cascade Mts when he lived


body of traditional, social, and legal custom and practices of the Islamic community based on the verbally transmitted records of teachings/deeds/sayings of <uhammad


book by Plutarch

Parallel Lives

book by Plutarch

how did Daniel Boone become ledgent

bookwriter published a long section about him in a book



most lethal known toxin

botulism. 8oz dispensev via aerosol would kill every creature on earth

mandated federal background checks/imposed 5 day waiting period on firearm purchases

brady Act of 1993


break down a region/society into smaller more hostile units

Prague Spring

brief reform movement in Czech uled by Dubcek. 8 months. USSR thought his reforsm souwld weaken ihe Eastern Bloc so tried to diplomatically negotiate bu unscucesfult. USSR/Warsaw Pact invaded. met w/no military resistance and DSubcek was removed from office and the reforms were reversed

treat food w/salt and spice


goverened post WW1 Palestine



broad new powers to the CIA/FBI to spy on citizens let them search w/o warrent/probablecause/revealing what they did

site of Hitler's suicide


individuals who command large wealth and who often seek to influence national/international affairs

business magnates

examples of non-state actors

business magnates like Waren Buffet or Bill Gates, corporations, media agents, NGO

Liberty Leading the People

by Delacroix. 1830. about the 1830 rebellion agaisnt Charles X. ended by bringing King Louis-Philippe e to power

orgin of al-Q

by Osama BL. dedicated to end USSR rule in Afghanistan. after USSR defeated, turned to jihad to defeat the entire anti-Muslim world

"Den of Lions"

by Terry Anderson. American journalist held in Beiruit for 7yrs (1985-91)

per se

by or in itself/themselve

top of a volcano

caldera (bowl shaped depression

Levi Strauss

came to San Francico in 1850 to sell tents. market saturated. 1 miner told him said they dind't have quality pants so he made jeans and coined "denim"

what is dangerous about plastic weapons

can't be detected by airport security

how to eat olives

can't be eaten directly off tree b/c bitter so cure


cancel or postpone the punishment of someone. especially someone condemed to death

aka marijuana


list of church recognized saints


arguing and complaining lot



capability of an individual/group to impose their will on others

boat turns over


hx of Squanto

captued by ENglish and sold to Spain

Jefferson's belief about the first and only legitimate objective of a good governmetn

care of human life and happiness, not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of a good government

subject matter jourisdictions of teh federal district courts

cases involving federal law, treaties w/foreign nations, q/s of the constitutiion, admirality/maritime law. or PERSONAL jourisdiction if a party involved is a state gov/ambassador/other reps fo reign gov, citizens of different states, state and a citizen of a differnet stae, c

original jourisdiciton fothe Supreme COrt

cases involving foreign government

rook in chess


purpose of All Soul's Day

celebrate all Christians who have died

purpose of All Saint's Day

celebrates all saints, known and unknown

football snapper


location of San Joaquin Valley

central California


central Romania. borded by the Carpathian mts

highest ranking members on a Congress comittee

chair-majority party ranking member-minority

sculptures of prominent Americans

chamber in the US Capitol devolted to promieent americans


children's health insurance program


chinese dumpling

at the root of all your reuslts


role of the Chief Justice

chooses who write the minority opinions. always authors teh majority opinion. i he votes in minority, he picks the msot senior member to write the majority

color/shading map to identify characteristics

choropleth map

cowboy version of meals on wheels



circuit court held in medieval England by a judge who rode form county to county


civil officer who administers the law, especially one who conducts a court that deals w/minor offenses/holds preliminary hearings for more serious ones


civil officer who adminsiters the law, especially one who conducts a court that deals w/minor offenses and holds prelimary hearings for more serious ones

Juanita Broaddrick

claimed she was raped by Bill Clinton

ability to gain infor about a n object/person/location via extrasensotry perception


sphere of influence

clamim of a powerful state to predominate control over

golden handshake

clause in executive employment contract th provides the execute w/significant severance package in the case the exec loses their job via firing/restructing/scheduled retirement

shoes in softball/football


criticism of Mother Theresa

clincis got $ but lacked medical care and pian meds

what does PETN look like

clothesline. explosive that is relistant to heat/shock/

what can/cant' be used to stop suspects

cna't legally use "gut feeling" to detain a suspect **can: stop for "reasonable suspician" -ability to article reason for stopping a suspect but the perosn isn't doing criminal activity example: wearing a trenchcoat on a hot day, le


collection of traditions and sayings of Muhammad. major source of religious law and moral guidance. second only to the authoirty of the Quran


collective farming community in Isreal. 1900s

Gang of 8 (USA)

colloquial term for bipartisan groups of 8 senators (4 D,4R)

everday language

colloquial. vernacular

type of country that establishes colonies

colonies are usually established by countries more wealthy and technologically advanced

home of the air force academy

colorado springs

official of the Communist Party resonsible for political education and organization


income redistirbution



community w/islam influences. live in mts of Syria and Lebanon

Etta Place

companion of Butch Cadssidy and the SUndace Kid

Credit Moblier

company by 2 bros who made fortune seling shovels in gold rush and cannons in civil war. financial instritution who financed the Union Pacific Railroad


condition in which society provides little moral guidance to individuals

Dandanelles Strait

connects of Sea fo Mamara with the Aegean Sea

agreement/group of companies formed together to undertake an enterprise beyond the resources of any one member


chief peacemaker in medieval england


fetal viability

constantly changing b/c today babies can live when born in 20s wga

governmental organization of UK

constitutional monarchy w/a parliament

hx of the Suez Canal

constructe dunder French engineers. connects Meditterean sea w/Red sea. conencts euorpe/asia/pacific/middle east so economic an dpolitically important

alternative name for TB



feeling of smug moreal superiority derived from a sense that one's beliefs, actions, or affiliations are of a greater virture than theos eof the average perosn. often intolerant of hte opinions and behaviors of tothers.

childhood of Pecos Bill

fell out of a covered wagon by Pecos River and was raised by coyotes

Indira Ghandi

female PM of India. daughter of first PM of INdia Jawaharlal Nehru. PM 66-84 w/3 yrs off in between. aassassinated in 1984

stock character of a mysterious/seductive female whose charm ensnares her loves often leading them into compromising/dangerous positions

femme fatale

police temporarily detain by stopping/questing pepole in suspicious circumstances

field interrogation


figure of speech that intentionall understates something or implies it is lesser in significance or sizze than it really is


figure of speech that uses understatement to emphasize a point by stating a negative to further affirm a postive. (eg. he's not bad looking --could mean they are beaultiful or neither good nor bad looking)

2 simple principles on the road to happiness

find out what interests you and you can do well. put your whole sole into it. every bit of your energy ambiltiona dn natural ability

court finds responsible

finds lible

how did Daniel Boone get famous

first one famous for muching into Kentucky via Cumbeland gap

economy of UAE

fishing & agriculture until oil found in 1958

act of posting insults online to get a rise out of people


fast on your feet


why do police take items involved in drug trade

plice can seize items involved in drug trade likes cars b/c it is the thing that facilitated the crime. b/c civil forfeiture laws

government encouraged organized violence against Jews


food from the taro plant

poi. traditional stable Hawaiian food

public safety officers

police department employees who perform many police services but don't have arrest powers

what is/isn't related to the probability of making an arrest

police response time is unrelated to the probability of making an arrest but the time the citizen reports is


political policy directed the incorporation of a territory historically/ethnically related to one political unit but under the political control of another

3 games that originated in the middle east

polo, backgammon, chess


pools campaign contributions from members and donates to campaigns for/agaisnt candidates, ballto incentives, legislations

boiled cereal


to carry boats/supplies over land between water


combining 2 words into one word



position of high office in Arab countries

led Jordan post WW1

post WW1, Abdullah was king/emir of Jordan per Brits. Brit kept right to control Jordan budget, foregin, policy, an military

culture relativism

postion that values and standards of culture differ and deserve respect. you must understand other culture members motives and beliefs to understand their culture -dont' judge one culture using the lens from another

what doesn't the SAT measure

potential for learning


practice of hiding information from some while sharing it with others


predates Christians. Jews ar hte Chosen people

offensive attack

preempted attack

we go on the offensive first

preemptive strike

practice of assembling components of a structure in a factory or other manufacturing site, and transporting complete assemblies or sub-assemblies to the construction site where the structure is to be located.


negative attitude against grops


Joseph of Arimathea

prepared Jesus's body for burial, kept Holy grail

standard of proof necessary to find a defendent liable in a civil lawsuit

preponderance of evidence. sufficient doubt to overcome doublt/speculation

to help decide outcomes for cases w/similiararities


Lester Holt

presents Dateline NMC

who chooses the chief justiced


why does wind move

pressure gradients

needed in order to issue a warrent

probable cause. specifies objects ot be searched are connected w/criminal activiety or the objects will be found.

due process of law

procedures to ensure a defendent's constitutional rights aren't vioated


process of deductive analogy in which the teachings of hte Hadith are compared and contrasted w/the Wuran in order to apply a known injunction to new circumstance and create a new injunction. here t

tax rate increases as the taxable amount increases

progressive tax

what do the proliterate offer in a capitalist, not communist system

proliterate's only capital is their time. they are the working class\

mission of hte Rocketfeller FOundation

promoting the well-being of humanity throughout the world

big lie

propaganda technique coined in Mein Kampf. use of a lie so collossal that no one would believe that someone could have the imprudence to distort the turht so infamously.


propels projectiles over high trajectories w/steep angel of descent

relating to ownership


compounding a felon

prosecutor/victim of an offense accepting anything of value under agreement not to prosecute/hamper the prosecution of a felon. to compound means to come to an settlenent/agreement

how did Brezhnev become leader of USSR

protege/2nd in command to Khruschev. involved in a plan to overthrow Khruschev b/c of a waning economy. led the vote that removed him while he was on vacation

armed conflict between two states/non state actors which acts on the instigation or on behalf of other parties not directly involved in the hostiliteis

proxy war

psychology branch founded by Freud


charm offensive

publicity campaign usually by politicians to attract supporters by emphazingin their charm or trustness

primary purpose of the death penalty

punishment, not deterrance

5 types of penal sanctions

punishment, restitution, compensation, regulation, treatment

intended as a punishment


lie under oath


steal something


victory that inflicts such a devestating toll on the victor that it is tantamont to defeat. winners has taken a heavy toll that negates any true sense of achievement

pyrrhic victory

race v. ethnicity

race-biological basis ethnicity-cultural idenity

difference between race and ethnicity

race-common ancestors and inheritable traits ethnicity-people w/same culture


radioactive disposal device. any nuclear device containing radioactive material designed to spread

most important purpose for someone/something's existence

raison d'etre

Roy Moore

ran for -dated teens while he was in his 30s but denied any of the girls were underage/sexually assaulted. 3 woman said they were sexually assaulted him when they were14/16/28. Trump endorsed him but lost Senate seat in Alabama


rapid increase in the number of something

animal skin that has not been tanned


Pentagon Papers

re: American-decisionmaking in Vietnam


realization or fulfillment of one's talents and potentials, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone


rebelliion against authrity when those taking part in the rebellion aren't recognized as belligents

business cycel where there is a general slowdown of economic activity


multiply inverse


office tool famous in movie Office Space

red stapler

redecoration of an existing movie set to be use for another set to save money/space


Vichy France

region of France not occupied by Germany


region of western germany along the Rhine River


regional differences are decreased due to the increase of exchanges of culture/economic/political idas


related to the immediate surroundings


relating to ownershop

problem of burining fossil fuels

release sCO2 ito the atmosphere thus creating greenhouse gases

Baha'i Faith

religion that teaches the essential worth of all religions and the unit/equality of al people. established in 1863 in Iran


religious decrees


religious law that forms part of Islam

how do you achievee a perosperous life

requires a clear understandng of our own values and keeping our life vision clearly in front of us

goal of the Circuit COurt of Appeals

reviews cases for error of law, not of fact. eases teh caseload for the SC


rhetorical increase. extension/exaggerated, needless repetition of arugments to emphasize a point

problem of expensive health care

rich can always afford costly medical car but poor cannot

policial leanings of the white supramacists


right of refugees to return home

right of return


right to a speedy/public trial, impartial jury, nature/cause of accusation, confront accusers and witnesses, consel

due process

rights of people suspected of a crime

what happened in Stalin's home when they realized what he had done

riots/demonstrations broke out in Gerogia /c they were raise don Stalin ideology and didn't know that the committed atrociities so they felt instulted

what happens when communism takes over

rise up of the proliterate leading to the collapse of capitalism thus createing a classles society

uniform of the kamakazi pilots

rising sun headband

2 types of theft

robbergy and larceny

massive mevement where rocks rapidly fall off a cliff

rockfall. trigger is earthquiakes, rain, humans, ice. pile of rocks-talus

set of expections based on who you are



rolling kitchen for cowboys

another name for the castle in chess


any building w/a circular ground plan often covered by a dome


Mamluk dynasty

ruled Egypt and Syria form 1250-1517


ruler who is unconstrained by law

you can make it from crocus


x5 a day Islam prayer


gu show loophole

sale of firearms by private sellsers are exempt from federal background check

most noticiable or important



same god as christian/jew but muhammad revealed the most perfect message

importance of the transcontinential railroad

san fran-ny possible in 18 days

tomb of Egyptian mummies


Oskar schindler

saved 1,200 Jews durng the HOlocast by employing them in his enamelware/amunitions factiros in POland. member of Nazi party and bribed them. spent his entire fortune on bribes to Nazi and black market purchases of supplies for his workers

Raoul Wallenberg

saved 10sK of jews in Nazi occupied Germany

problem of the way schools are teaching

schools are indoctrinable . instead of diverse ideas, they are receiving incomplete educaitons


schrubland w/Mediterrean climate in Baja California.

importance of the Vatican

seat of power of the Catholic Church

sequel of Last of hte Mohicans

second book of hte Leatherstockign Tales. The Pathfinder is its sequel

Berlin on the eve of WW2

second largest city on eurpe

Sykes-Picot Agreement

secret 1916 agreement between UK and Fr to which the Russian empire agreed. purpose: define proposed spheres of influence and control in the Middle East shoudl the Triple Entente succeed in defeating the Ottoman Empire

Skyes-Picot Agreement

secret agreement between UK and France w/assertions by Russia. defined spheres of inlfluence in SW Asia based on the premise that the Tirple Entente would defeat the Ottoman Empire during WW1

government not involved in religion

secular goverment

goal ofhte Enlightenment

seeks to understand reason and scientific obsrvation

carries energy of an earlthquake

seismic waves

seizures permitted by the 4thA

seizure if in view of all. circumstances surrounding the encournter, a reasonable person would have believed they were not allowed to leave. display the weapon by an officer, show of force by officer, language/tone of voice indicates compliance w/officer's request

what is rarely a solution

seldom is throwing money at a problem in and of itself a solution

looking glass self

self concept/esteem is basedon how others view you

compnents of self-esteme

self conficdence and self respoencet

what makes you resillient in the face of life's dififculties

self esteem

immune system of the consciousness

self esteem and self worht

how self esteem is protrayed in society and how it should be realized

self esteem is protrayed in society as "feeling good/positive feelings about oneself". it is incomplete and form efforts like having kikds, not pased in accomplishment. any efforts to build self esteem must be grounded in reality

needed to reach your full potential

self esteem plus self respect

the most important thing that you cannot live without

self esteme. lets you function at a higher leves, cope with life's challenges, give you a sense of control

elements of individual psyche

self worth, sense of humor, interests, passions, general outlook on life, biases **relfects/affects the whole and contributes to a person's overall life experience

power of a nation to determine how it will be governed


power to make decisions for yourself


process by which a perosn controls their own life


act of killing onself as a sacrafice


being a witness against yourself in court

self-incrimination. violation of 5thA if forced b/c of belief that confessionst aren't truthful if voluntary. also, protects against certain methods to extract confessions even if the confession turns out to be reliable

meaning of a world, phrase, or text


ritual suicide by disembowlment





set of manners/actiosn that are part of everyday life in a cociety

islamic law


geographical region between 2 or more opposing cultures

shatter belt

chief law enforcement officier in medidval england


law enformcent/peacemakers in medieval england

sheriff, constable

how did Vanderbilt get his fortune

shipping and rail magnate

result of goverment price control


Babi Yar

site of 33K Jew massacre in 2 days in a ravine NW of Kiev. killed in retaliation for buildings taken by Nazi for military purposes were blown up an many Germans died. (actually not by them. by a Soviet police detachment left in Kiev to sabotage.). site later used to shoot gypsey and soviet POW. all total, 100K murdered there

zero sum game

situation where each participant's gain/loss of utility is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the untility in other participants. if total gainst of all are subtracted frm total losses of all, they will sum zero


slaves owned by Muslims and used as soldiers. converted to Islam, freed, ruled Egypt until Mohammad Ali defeated them and took their place as ruler of egypt by 1805


small go units retain soverignity but let central gov have limited pwoers. indepence but ally for national defense

problem of small groups who commit random violence

small group acts of random violence often produce community fear, attract media attention - leading to worldwide publicity and government to tighten security

leaning how to live in your enviornment


influencing particular attitudes/social behaviors/obtaining info via manipulation on a greand scale

social engineering


social ownership and worker's self-management of hte means of production as well as the public theories and movements associated w/them

intiention of socialism

socialism intends to be more equitable distribution of society's welath but leads to increase in price/scarcity/ineffective distribution of scarce resources

slogan of Alexander Dubcek

socialism with a human face

slogan of the Prague Spring

socialism with a human face

political party of Sadaam Hussein

socialist Ba'ath party

society and hard life

society has collective amnesia about hard lifve

operates the soda fountain in a store, typicvally to prepare flavored soda water or ice cream soda

soda jerk


something that serves as a foundation

spheres of influence

spatial region/concept division over which a state/org has a evel of cultural/economic/military/political exclusivity, accommodating to the interests of powers outside the borders of the state that controls it

Khruschev criticized Stalin

speech "On the Cult of Personality" in '56

how do criminal lawyers spend most of their time

spends much of their time researching stare decisis-finding legal prescident to suppor ttheir arguments. high success for lawyers who are able to do this

beyond a reasonable doubt

standard of proof needed to find a defendent guility in a criminal trial

standards of proof - acceptable action

standard of proof--action by police: mere suspician--not able to legally act, reasonable suspician--stop/frisk, probable cause--search/arrest, preponderance of evidence, clear & convincing evidence--successfully claim, beyond a reasonable doubt--determine guilt in a criminal trial

legal principle fo determining points in litigation according to prescedent

stare decisis

start and end of the Eastern Bloc

start: Warsaw Pact of '55. ended '91 when USSR dissolved communism.

Bradley Cooper's breakthrough role

started as guest star on Sex in the City in 1999. then The Hangover in 2009 was his breakthrough movie role


starting now

how to get your people on your side in an ethical way to empower them

state purpose and mission in clear terms to your people


statement that, despite apparently valid reasoning from true premises, leads to an apparently self-contradicotry or logically unacceptable conclusion

balcony curmugon muppet in the muppets

statler and waldorf. elderly men who heckel and have cantakerous opinons

rank in society


Camptown races/o susanna

stephen foster

sterotype of Chinese parents

sterotypical chinese parents link selfworth to personal achievement they choose for their kid. acomplishes by imposing strict discipline, self sacrifice, and delayed gratification

job of supervising or taking care of somethign



strain energy is built up in the lithosphere and is released in seismic waves


strait that divides Istanbousl


strait that divides east and west turkey. connects Agean Sea to the Sea of Marmara


strategic arms limitation treaty

START treaty

strategic nuclear arms reduction treaty

3 main types of psychological operations

strategical, operational, tactical

location of the ozone layer


most resource intense task of a police agency

street patrol

become more confident

strength by resolve


strives to create harmony between humans and hte natural world


study of the dramatic composition and representation

prefix for "below"


archeology as a field

subfield of anthropology

meaning of "islam"


wriitten order to appear to give testimony


only produce enough food for you to survive

substistence farming

what success needs

success doesn't require a great deal of money. it requi4es a beleif in one's inherent workth and willingness to make a concious investment in one's self

right to vote v. no right to vote

suffrage, disinfranchised

byproduct of burning coal

sulfur dioxide3

led the Ottoman empire



sultan who was deposed and murdered by janissaries when he wanted to modernize. janissaries were opposed to reforms and wante to protect their power

trial w/o a joury

summary/bench trial

Laffer curve

supply-side economics. idea that lower tax rate when tax level is too high will actually boost gov revenue b/c of higher economic growth

court presented evident that supports, doens't support the defendent

supports the defendent: exculpatory evidence, presents guilt: inculpatory evidence

last name


questioning by police after arrest

sustodial police confession

indian widows throw themselves on funeral fire


hakuna matata as a word



sweet pepper stuffed into olives

abnormally favorable contractual arrangement

sweetheart deal

why were defections valuble in the COld War

switching allegiences from one country to antoher. sometimes ilitary/intelligence/technical skills valuble. other defections like famous people valuable as propaganda


swollen/distended/congested: language/style that is tediously pompus/bombastic

where do Jews worship



synonmous w/dictator

definition of science

systematic field of study or body of knowledge that aims via experiment/observtion/dedication to produce reliable estimations of

why was Stalingrad a site of a WW2 battle

tactical/symbolism of Stalingrad -on Volga R. vital transportation for supplies -easier local to get oil-rich Cacucus region to power war machine -propaganda boost to capture city w/name of USSR leader


takeover/expansion fo current markets to new

pile of rocks from a rockfall


527 grouop

tax-exempt grup under the IRS code. 527 group created primarily to influence the selection/nomination/election/appointment/defeat of candidates to gov office. PAC

policy analysis

technique used in public admnistration to enable civil servants, activists, others to examine/evaluate options to implement the goals of laws and elected officials.

oldest form of human conflict


How Tupamarcos deliberately killed democracy in Uragary

terrorized in the 60s-70s in a previously democratic country. military took power and established their own reign of terror. political parties banned, press tightly controlled, all had to register, political prisioners. military took the government in 73 and democracy again by 85 so 12yr reign of terror. This is an example of how a country can be replaced by tolitaratians

How the Tupamanos deliberately killed democracy in Uragury

terrotiterrorized in the 60-70s. previously a democratic country. military took power and established their own reign of terror. political parties banned, press tightly controlled, al had to register, political proisioners. -democracy in 1985 after 12 yrs of terror. example of how a emocratic country cna be replaced by tolitarianism

Christian church versus Jews

the Christian Church accused the Jews of deicide and consideret he guilt collectivr

home of Stalin

the country of Gerogia


the efforts of policymakers to make pulicy shape intelligence to conform to their political preferences

changes in what makes a satisfying lifestyle

the perceptural stretching of the yardstick for prosperity has distorted our expectation of what a satisfactory lifestyle shoudl inlcude

what can you learn about a budget

the priiorities of an organization

the things people want in life

the real things people want in life are more than money

rich and taxes

the rich are shouldering a disproportionately high % of taxes

how is gypsym made

the rock anhydrite changes to gypsum w/addition of water

quote by Socrates

the unexamined life is not worth livng

difference between larceny and theft

theft-taking by use of property via force, threats of force, intimidation. robbery-unauthorized taking property from their presecnce under threat of serious bodily harm with intent to permanetly deprive them of that object larceny-unauthorized taking of another's property with intaneion to permanently deprive them of the use of that property. no force

belief in a divine being


cultural relativism

theory that it is posisble to observe other countries w/o making value based judgements. all cultures are valid and equally worth preserving

"abortion is rare" argument

there is nothing rare about abortion

important thing to remoember about police academies

they expect to loose 10% of students


thin facing layer. aka, wood veneer is a thin facing layer of wood

antifungal/antiseptic in vaccines


when the name of the book is the main character



to break a promise or commitment

purpose of colonies

to get their resources or geographical location

what might you need to do to get what you want

to get where you want to go, you many need to do work far below your level of qualification

seizure (law term)

to take into custody in repsnde to violations of civl laws

ad hoc

to this or for this. in the sense of improvised or intended only for a specific immediate purpose

to battle imaginary injustices

to tilt at windmills

political football

topic/issue seized on by opposing political parties/factions and makes it a more political issuan than it might initially seem to be

study of the land features


violation of civil law



total value of all goods and servics a country produces

type of government where the government controlls all aspects of life


"How I Killed Jesse James"

tour show by true life assassin of James, Bob Ford.


trade union alternative to communism in Poland. in 1989. USSR legalized the party and. Solidarity galvanized Eatern Europe to adopt alternatives to COmmunism

only direct contact w/the police for most people

traffic stops

late in the life of Butch Cassidy and the SUndance Kid

train/bank robber and led the Wild Bunch. Pinkerton deteactive agency forced them to flee so they went to Argentiana then Boliva. supposedly killed in a shootout w/police

plot of The Last of hte Mohicans

transport of hte daughters of COlonel Munro, ALice and Cora, to a safe destination at Fort WIlliam Henry.

Kit Carson

trapper and indian tracker. explored the North Platte River for John C RFredmon

reasons a SC judge can be removed

treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors


treaty/unilateral contract by which a soverign state relinguishes juridsdiction wthin its borders over the subjects of a forign state

bench trial

trial w/o a jury

validating data by cross-checking w/more than 3 sources

triangulation. get data via 3 different means, prove via 3 different methods, 3 separate scientists

TNT stands for


group of 3


how can we prevent the OK City Bmb from happening again?

truck in front of the pull-in area in front of the Alfred P Murrah building. watch for suspicious trucks parked long-term in front of a gov/major building

truly motivated people

truly motivate dpeopel dont' let risk stop them

bed stored under another bed

trundle bed

high lattitude winter


compare Farsi and Dari

two dialects of the same language. mutually intelligble in written format btu different when spoken. (Persian)

what is happening at the San Andreas fault

two plates slip past each other. transfform fault

type of surrender by the Germans in WW2


not supported by evidence


2.3 stratisfication

unequal distribution of rewards between members in a society

acronym PATRIOT acyt

uniting and strenghening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism act 2001

A teams

units of the Green BErets


unity w/god rather than strict interpretation of islamic law

Weimer Republic

unofficial historical designation for the German state from 1918-1933. became a defacto republic when the Keiser abdicated

El Niono

unusual woraming o surface water near equator of S. A


up to this or that time

what does the president of the united states swear to do

uphold/defend the constitution

geography of high population densities

urban geography


use individual judgement instead of written rules in making decisions


using too much of something. insensitive or overly forceful


using your senses to collect information

standards/ideas of desirable behaviors


2 famous families w/mansions in NYC Fifth Avenue

vanderbilts, astor

expressed in a disguised form rather than directly and openly

veiled comment


view that any means can be used if necessary to maintain power

why is trade important

vital mechanism to provide those who dont' have a good with the means to batain it

Khruschev and relations w/the world

wanted tourism to USSR so the world would you see USSR to dispel negatives

written court permission to search/seize/arrest


Polish cities

warsaw, krakaw

how do we demonstrate to our harshest critics -ourselves-that we are cabable

when we accomplish something difficultcreative/challenging, we deonstrate to our harshest critics -ourselves-that we are capable

"he kept us out of war"


quote by Vince Lombarid about winning

winning isn't everything butmaking hte effor t to win is

Jackson in the War of 1812

wiped out Creeks a the Battle of Horseshoe Bend

why does the US government need credit

without credit, the US economy would come to a crashing halt. plus, gives purchasing power and prosperty to the poor and gives them access to more expensive yet time saving devices

animal the people followed over the Berring Strait landbridge

wolly mamouth

policies of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

women's greater rights, legal rights, recognized as citizens, could serve in Parliment. AKA Modernized

why did Hermann Goring develop an addiction ot morphine

wounded at Hitler's failed Beer Hall Putsch and was introduced to morphine to help his injuries

how doe the SUpreme Court get infor about hte cases they want to hear

writ of certiorari is a written order by the SC to have a lower court send a record of hte case up for review


written order to compel a person to appear at a specific time to give testimony/require certain objects/written documents to be made available fo the cou

Islam ritual purification by washing


Muslim ritual washing prior to prayer


led PLO

yasir arafit

what does C-4 look like

yellow putty that can be molded

aka uranium


why should you work hard and dream big

you could be on the precipice of something great

how your thoughts shape your future

your current thoughs are creating your future life. when you think about hte most or focus on the most will appear as your life

movement to create a homeland for the jews in palestien


writ of habeas corpus

order from the court to an officer of hte law to produce a prisioner in court to determien if the person is being legally detained/imprisioned **doesn't test whether the persion is innocent or guilty

flow of the Euphrates River

originates in Turkey, flows through SYria and into Iraw. Iraq/Syria access to water is vulnerabel to any action Turkey woudl do to the dam water/restrict its flow

mountain building process, especially r/t movement of techtonic plates


study of bones


how we define wealth

our definitions of wealth are constantly changing


outed monarchy of Egypt via coup in 1952. led to 1970. Pan Arabinsm

to examine thoroughly


reponsibility of the Senate Select Comittee on Intelligence

oversees intelligence activities/programs of US gov. annual review of intelligence budget submitted by the president


parliment of germany from 1871 to 1918

part of the process of self disvovery

part of hte process of self-discovery is picking apart the messages ou have internalized about ourselves that may or may not be true

high rank in the Ottoman political system typically granted to governors, generals, and diginatries


backbone of police work


Stalin's belief about allowing capitalism

peaceful coexistance w/capitalism was receding into the past

one way to view taxes

penalty on productive behavors

Kola Peninsula

penninsula of NW Russia inthe Arctic Circle and is bordered by Barets Sea

study of prisions


what happens in areas high w/terror

people flee, real extate/tax base of hte community plumets. businesses/industries move b/c people too afraid to go out to shop. economic chaos and high unemployment

people take personal credit

people take too much personal credit when things go well but not enough blame when bad happens

how do peopel interpret information

people tend to interpret information in terms of what is on their mind when they hear the information. people interpret their world based on experiences/meomories and not on teh collective wisdom of mankind

Gorbachav's attempt to reinvigorate USSR stagnation


plans by Gorbachav

perestroika and glasnost


performed/existing on a large scale especially w/o discrimation


person/thing on which something else is based or depends

Open Soceity Foundations

philantropic agency of George Soros

formation of hte mouth in order to form a sound


black female revolution war era poet

phyllis wheatley


pile of rocks created from a rockfall

sweet pepper stuffed into olives


how do credit cards benefit the ppor

plans give them more purchasing pwoer. lets the poor buy time-saving devices so they can prosper

best way to win the war on terrorism

plant seed of liberty

componets of why the continents move

plate techtonics cause continential drift

end a chess game

"checkmate". from a Persian word meaning "the king is dead"

exception to the exclusionary rule

"good faith" exception: okay to use the evidence when the police had reason to believe they collected it properly


"restructuring" . political /economic reforms by 87 Gorbachev. to reinvigorate USSR stagnation

Rosca de reyes

"ring of the kinds". spanish pastry traditionally eaten to celebrate Epiphany. traditionally eaten on Jan 6. decorated w/candied frlut

joke about the size of hte BRitish empire

"the sun never sets on the BRitish empire"


$/social system where individuals are encouraged to make new businesses and strive fot he grea6t profit they can

Israel retaliation

**Israel was the first nation to articulate a deliberate and official policy of retaliation against terrorists **Israel has frequently gone beyone "eye for an eye". 1953: Israeli killed 42 civilians to retaliate against a terroist killing of 1 Israeli woman and 3 kids

medley in Swimming races

**butterfly, breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle** relay: backstroke, breast, fly, free Individual: fly, back, breast, free **start w/backstrke b/r rules are you can only turn past verticle to do a flip turn

purpose of psychological operations

**to induce/reinforce behaviors favorable to US objectiv3es. **important part of the rang eof diplomatic, informational, military, and economic activities available to the US. utilized during peacetime and conflict

first PM of United Kingdom

**trick question. there were PM's of England prior**. William Pitt the Younger

3 primary damaging effects of explosions

*fragmentation: filler inside the bomb like nails that explode w/high veocity *blas pressure-mass of exploding gas spreads out like a wave. crushing push **secondary fires-sparked by initial fireball in presence of highly combustable material


*place/event/time at which violence or hostility flares up *temp at which a particualr organic compound gives off sufficeint vapour to ignite in air

major events of the Cold War

-Korean War -Vietname War -Cuban missle crisis -Bay of Pigs -Space Race -USSR invaded Afghanistan

WW2 batttles in Russia

-Operation Barbarosa was Hitler's plan to take USSR -Battle of Moscow -final battle of OB never reached the city b/c winter -Battle of Stalingrad -Nazi Germany v USSR for control of Stalingrad. began 6m after end of Op Barbarosa

possibel actions of the Supreme Court

-affirms the lwoer court and lets it stand modifies the lower cort's verdict w/o completely reversing it, reverses the lwoer cort's deiciton requiridng no further action, returns the cased to the court of original jourisdiction for retrial/resentencing

Potsdam Confrence

-final WW2 meeting of the Big 3 Alliees -stalin, churchill, truman -establishe dww2 era repartions -truman shared they had a powerful new weapon (a-bomb)

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

-first civilians executed in USA for conspiracy to commit espoinage -gave classifeid info on a-bomb to USSR

4 types of suicides

-egoistic: too little social integration (widow/elderly) -altruism-too much integration (kamakaze pilots/suttee) -anomie-too little regulation/shattered ties tow/society -fatalistic-excessive regulation coupled with increased performance needed to control one's enviornment (motivated college sudentspoor failed test)

no cruel and unusual punishment



Canada, USA, MExico

french film festival

Cannes Film Festival. usually in May

church recognizes someone as a saint


pro football hall of fame

Canton, Ohio

created Star Wars

George Lucas

hungarian american investor/philanthropist

George Soros

secret police of Nazi Germany

Gestapo. -created byHermann Goring -led by HeinrichHimmler who was leadng the SS

first indepent colony from Africa

Ghana in 1957

right to court appointed counsel to defendents in misdemeanor trials

Gideon v Wainright

Iago in Aladdin movie

Gilbert Gottfried

sister of Laura Ingles WIlder

Mary became blind from Scarlet fever

Kenyan rebellion

Mau Mau Rebellion

wrote "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism"

Max Wber

got in trouble for the Whitewater

McDougals. seriosu Bank Fraud

sino-indian boundray

McMahon Line

Korean Ax Murder incident

2 US Army Officers were killed by North Korean soldiers in the Joint Security Area located int he DMZ. they had been part of a work party cutting down a poplar tree the JSA. Operation Paul Bunyan: 3 days later. USA/SKorean forces launched ths show of force to cut down the tree to intimidate N. Korea which it did an d it apologized. (in 2017, a S. Korean soldier who participated in Op Paul Buynan was elected President of S. Korea)

guns bought at gun shows and those used to commit criimes

2% of those bought at gun shows are used to commit crimes

zakat as a pillar of islam

2.5% og earnings to the poor

Kuwit population

2/3 of Kuwait population foreign to Asia

Second Intifada



2000 in Gulf of Aden

Illnois v. Wardlow

2000. running from police after they enter a high crime area is a reasonable supspicious behavor

yr USA invaded Iraq


yrs of Gordon Brown as PM


started the 2008 Financial crisis

2007-subprime mortgage marked in the US and development of a follow-blown international banking crisis w/the collapse of hte investment bank Lehman RBothers. massive bailouts were employed to prevnent a possible collapse of hte world's financial system. global economic downturn, Gerat recession

the event r/t the "tough economic times" in my lifetime


start of Arab Spring

2010 Tunisia

yr of Arab Spring


yrs of David Cameron as PM


yr of Liz 2 Diamond Jubilee


how old was America when it bought the Louisana purchase


incarceration of Nelson Mandela

27yrs in Robben Island, Pollsmore Prision, Victor Verster Prison

first major job of John C Fredmont

29yo was to make the first accurate map of Oregon Trail. helped by Kit Carson

land of the Ottoman Empire at its height

3 continents, SE Euprope, W. Asia, W. Asia

needed to overturn Constitution

3/4 state votes

location of Sing Sing

30 miles north of NYC on east bank of Hudson River

controlling unruly criminals in court

30 states put a stun gun rather than shakels on potentially disruptive defendents at court and deptuties can press a button to deiver an 8sec shock of electricilty to the defendent's kidneys. incapacitates them, wriithes in pain, knock to floor, loses control of bowel/bladder. **nationally between 1991-02, put on 62K times and only used 34x so good deterrant

ravine where jews were murdered

33K murderedat Babi Yar

length of hte Erie Canal

363 miles

how long was the Warsaw Pact in effect


location of Auschwiz

37 miles west of Krakow

tried to stop Lewis and Clark

4 Spanish expeditions were sent to stop them by the -but all failed b/c turned back by Indians. the closed they got was within 140 miles

yrs Winston Churchill was PM of UK

40-45, then Attlee, then 51-55

yr of hte COld War


length of the Cold War

46 yrs. 45-91

yrs of the Berlin BLockade


no unreasonabel searches and seizures

4th A

time between Sputnik and Yuri Gargain


heart of Islam

5 Pillars

obligatiosn of all muslims

5 pillars

American when Jefferson became pres

5.3million. 2/3 lived within 50 miles of hte Atlantic and 20% slaves

IRS examption status


yr Stalin died


Strait of Malacca

550miles between the Malay Penninsula and Sumatra, Indonesia

yr of Sputnik


length of the Striait of Gibraleter


right to a grand jury

5th A

right to not experience doubel jeopardy

5th A

right to protection against self-incrimination


why does the constitution protect against self-incrimination

5thA b/c if forced to be a witness agaisnt yourself in court, belief that confessions aren't truthful if voluntary

Isreal won W. Bak, Gaza strip, Siani Penninsula, Golan Heights

6 Day War in 1967

court battle about a woman in a vegetative state whose spouse wanted to remove the feeding tube

7yr delay. Terri Schiavo. 26yo cardiac arrest led to brain damage and coma-permanent vegitiative state. caused by dieting which let to hypokokemia at 2.0. surrened arrhythmia

Shiites in Syria


only predominantly Muslim state in Europe


double agents against USA

Aldrich Ames -CIA Robert Hassen-FBI

religion that evolved out of the Church of England during the PRotestant reformation


president of Egypt who was assassinated

Anwar Sadat

movie that modernized the Heart of Darkness

Apocalype Noq

first indian tribe Colombus met


Carpathian Mts

Arc in central Europe. includng Czech, Poland, Hungry, Ukraine, Romania

Saturday Night Massacre

Attoney Gen Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attoney Gen refused to fire special prosecutor Archibald Cox and resigned instead. Solicitor Gen was the 3rd most Senior Member of the Justice Dept Soliditor Gen Robert Bork to fire

event where Nixon ordered firing of investigators

Attoney Gen Elliot Richardson refused to fire special prosecutor Archibald Cox, Dept Attoney Gen. Solidctor General Robert Bork ***Saturday Night Massacre

Estonia, Lativa, Lithuania


Baltic versus Balkan states

Baltic -Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia Balkan-entire penninsula taking its name from the Balkan Mt

largest naval battle in history

Battle of Leyte Gulf. fought near Luzon, Philippeans

F&Indian war generals who died on at the same battle

Battle of QUebec. Montecalm and Gen Wolf

end of the French and Indian war in N. America

Battle of Quebec. Gen Wolfe v Gen Montecalm. Fench lost and surrendered Montreal and Detroit

bloodiest battle in history

Battle of Stalingrad. 2mil died. 800K Axis and 1.2mil USSR

first battle where neither side could see each other

Battle of the Coral Sea

scientific muppets

Beaker and Bunsen

between Russia and Alaska

Bering Strait. dropped 300ft due to beuildup of glacial ice. major draw of people to N. America was animal migration including wolly mamouth

ended the Berlin BLockade

Berlin AIrlift

first major incident of the Cold War

Berlin BLockade. USSR controlled the people by cutting off all access to food/fuel. 48-49. Berlin Airlift ended it

only time a person can be deprived of life, liberty, and property

Bill of Rights says this can only happen w/due process ofhte law

famous picture of a Russian standing on a Tank

Boris Yelston spoke on a tank outside Parliament in 1991 to stop the coup against Gorbachav

Sir Henry McMahon

Brit high comissioner of egypt during early WW1 who corresponded with Arab leaders


British Academy of Film an dTV arts. awards, learning events, initiatives of masterclastes, workshops, scholarships, mentoring

larges empire in hx in terms of land it controlled

British empire had 13.71 million miles (23.84% of the world) in 1920

Brithish government and Norther Ireland

British government abolished the government of Norther Ireland and imposed direct rule. warrentless searches, seizures, arrests, internment, abolishment of jury trilals

Ernest Shackleton

British polar explorer.

famous Birmingham comissioner of public safety who oversaw the Brimingham Police/FIre and ordered legal segregation and directed fire hoses/police attack dogs against civil rights activists

Bull Connor

name fot he Lewis and Clark expedition

COrps of Disvoery

largest state law enforcement group

California Highway Patrol

wife of Harrison Ford

Calista Flockhart

believed in predestination


Pol Pot

Cambodian PM. Marxist-Leninist leader of the Khmer Roughe

helped Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans

Choctaws. in return for allegiance, first of the 5 civilized tribes to be evicted

outlaws discrimination based on color/race/religion/sex/national orgin

Civil Rights Act of 1964

male lead in Gone w/the Wind

Clark Gabel as Rhett Butler

examples of War Hawks

Clay, Clahoun

clear and convincing proof

Clear and convincing proof means that the evidence presented by a party during the trial must be highly and substantially more probable to be true than not and the trier of fact must have a firm belief or conviction in its factuality.

team of experts in the field of victim identification and mortuary survices during large scale disasters

DMORT: Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team

prosecutes violators of federal law

DOJ under Attoney General

airport in Texas

Dalas Love Field. 6miles NW of downtown Diallas. the main airport in Dallas until Dallas/Ft Worth opened

example of Syrian cities

Damascus, ALeppo

national spokesperson for NRA

Dana Loesch

star of The Last of the Mohicans movie

Daniel Day Lewis

collaborated w/ Tim Burton for the music

Danny Elfman

music for the Nightmare Before Christmas

Danny Elfman

wrote the Simpsons theme song

Danny Elfman

connects the Agean Sea to the Sea of Marmara


story of the Wendy's Founder

Dave Thomas. dropped out of school at age 15

first PM of Israel

David Ben-Gurion

father of Israel

David Ben-Gurion. First PM of Isreel

bad guy in Disney's Pocohontas

David Ogden Stires was Governor Ratcliffe and wiggins.

produces teh President's Daily Brief

Director of National Intelligence. -top secret document w/intelligence from all various agencies. (info from CIA, FBI, NSA)

Aztec whose info contributed to the downfall of the Aztec world

Dona Marina

famous for cannobolism in winter

Donner Party/Donner Pass. followed a bogus shortcut across Utah Salt Flat. 1846

lawgivers in Athens

Draco: 6oosbc. first regorded legislator of Athens who replaced oral law/blood feud w/written code to be enforced by court of law Solon: Athenian statesman: late 500sbc. legislated agaisnt policical/economic/moral decline in Athens which failed in the short term but is credited w/laying the foundation for Athenian Democracy

language family of southern India



Drug Enforcement Agency

major city of UAE


"Making Whoopee"

Eddie Cantor

Muslim Brotherhood

Egypt movement to revive Sunni Islam. founded 1928

St BOniface

Englishman in 700sAD. who brought the Anglo-Saxon mission to the Germanic parts of hte Frankish Empire. archbishop in Germany and was martyred


Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism,[1][2][3][4] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy,[5] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[6] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I before it spread to other European countries.[6] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left-right spectrum.[6][7][8][9][10][11]

total value of all goods and services a country produces


star of Precious

Gabourey Sidibe

hanged for assisting benedict arnoldq

Gentleman Andre was hung as a spy for assisting Benedict Arnold's attempted surrender fothe West Point, NY fort to the BRitish

Hitler's thoughts about invading Russia

Hitler spoke of invading USSR as early as Mein Kamph in '25 and thought USSR would be weak since the Great Purge killed so many

declared the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact null and void

Hitler's invasion of USSR via Operation Barbarossa

Archeology age of now

Holocene Epoch Quaternary Period Cenozoic Eric Phanerozoic Eon

major rulers of Turkey

Holy Roman Empire, Byzanine, Ottoman, Post WW1

you get our own land if you live on it for 5yrs

Homestead Act. 1862

go west young man

Horance Greeley in NY Tribune

House of Parliament

House of Commons/Lords on River Themes in Westminister, London

Davy crockett on being elected

I would rather be beaten and be a man than to be elected and be a little puppy dog. I have always supported measures and principles and not men. I have acted fearless[ly] and independent and I never will regret my course. I would rather be politically buried than to be hypocritically immortalized. - am now here in Congress... I am at liberty to vote as my conscience and judgment dictates to be right, without the yoke of any party on me, or the driver at my heels, with his whip in hand, commanding me to ge-wo-haw, just at his pleasure. Look at my arms, you will find no party hand-cuff on them!

Oscar for Clark Gabel

It Happened one night

Clark Gabel

It happened one night, mutiny on the bounty, gone w/the WInd,

won the Battle of HOrshoe Bend


wrote The Wheel of TIme

James Oliver Rigney Jr unde rpen name Robert Jordan

Danbury Letter

Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists 11 yrs post 1st Amendment to "a wall of separation between the church and state" to assure the Baptists that the fed government wasn't establishing a federally recognized state religion

clock and candlestick in Beauty andthe Beast

Jerry Orbach was Lumiere, David Ogden Stires wsa Cogsworth

founders of Yahoo!

Jerry Yang and David Filo

location of the Dome of the Rock

Jerusalem. Temple MOund

American famous for not being acknowledged at the Berlin Olympics despite wining 4

Jesse Owens

female matriarch in American Horror Story

Jessica Lange

belief of CHristanity

Jesus is the son of God and Saivor of mankind

first to have people wear a id to humiliate/ID them

Jews wearing the stars weren't the first. Islam did ti to set the Christians and Jews apart

famous for the Muppets/Sesame Street

Jim Henson

voice of the little mermaid

Jodi Benson

designated to succeed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany per his will

Joseph Goebbels. served 1 day before committing sucide w/his wife after poistioning their 6 kids w/cyanide

responsible for preparing the body of Jesus for burial

Joseph of Arimathea w/Nicodermus

given responsible for keeping th holy grail

Joseph of arimathea

actors in Black Hawk Down

Joshn Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Eric Bana, Tom Sizemore, IOan Gruffudd, Jason Issacs, Tom Hardy, Orlando Bloom,

Journey to the Center fothe Earth

Jules Verne

responsible for Lion King on Broadway

Julie Taymore


June 6 1944

holiday where the abolition of slavery in Tx/USA is celebrated


Edwardian era

King Edward 7. after death of Victoria. 1901-1910

worked w/Lawrence of Arabia

King Faisel who became King of Iraq in 1920

last king of Egypt

King Farouk abdicated 1952 when he was overthrown by Nassar

Magna Carta

King John in 1215

4 pre-revolution wars in America

King Philip's, Queen Annes, King George's

event during Shuttle diplomacy

Kissinger traveled between Egypt, Israel, Syria to end the Arab-SISrael war in 1973 where Egypt and Syria attacke dIsrael. (indirect COld War event US versus USSR by USSR gave arms/equipment to Egypt/SYria while US gave the same to Israel

Isreli Parliment


how is atomsphereic pressure measured

force per unit area

centripetal force

forces within a state which act to unify/strength it (e.g band together in threat of war)


forcuses on spatial implications of power relationships


foreign intelligence surveillance act


foreign intelligence surveillance act *1978 *approvies DOJ requests to conduct searches and surveillanc eof Peole in teh US suspected of having links to foreign agents/pwoers involving expionsage

aim/endeavor unlikely to succeed or be fulfilled


pitifully sad


Aldrich Ames

formal CIA officer who turned KGB double agent. convicted of espionagein 1994 and is serving a life sentence w/o possibility of parole

Robert Hassen

formal FBI agent who spied for USSR?Russia against USA from 1979-2001. serving 15 consecutive life sentences

purpose of criminal law

formal means of social control that sets limits on to official conduct of citizens and defines inappropriate behavior

one who practices divination

fortune teller, oracle, soothsayer

meaning of hte free market system

free market means that people w/more marketable and profits should earn more b/c societal value

first black police officers in USA

free men of color in 1805 New Orleans hired b/c others didn't want the job. had to catch runaway slaves. but later the police became more important so the force turned white


french appetizers of slized/whole veggies w/dipping sause

mural painting directly onto plaster


aka pat down looking for hard objects/weapons



from latin "to make devine". glorification of a subject to a divine level


full right/power of a governing body over itself w/o any interference from outside sources or bodies

volcanic eruptions

gas pressure buildup is too great to contain so pushes up and out


general agreement ofn trade

attempt to prevent people in general from engagin in crim eby punishing people who have done the crime to make public examples of them

general deterrance


german warship sunk by the Brits in WW2

nickname of Regan


rent control

gov arbitrarity sets the max private property owners can charge rents. owners ar forced to rent properties for less than they areth. decreases supply (abandon) and quality decreases b/c lloose profits, cant' invest to improve the protperty/maintain/repairs. deteroriates, loses profits, abandon -rent control limits profits by capping what can be carged. rich can afford new but poor can't. gov imposed rent control below fair market pricin decreases the value of hte property w/o just compensation

interpretation of government spending

government spending doesn't create new income, just shifts existing income

Clark post Corps of Discovery

governor of Missouri. took son and daughter of Sacajawa in his charge


grand jury in felony cases, no double jeopardy, no self-incrimination

Capitulations fo the Ottoman Empire

grants by successive sultans to Christian nations conferring rights/privilages in favor of their subjects resident or trading in the Ottoman dominions

color of dynamite smoke

grey-white smoke when detonated

how the environment affects you as you age

growing up, you internatlize the lessnos/values of our enviornment (family and society)

what must be managed careful in order for soceity to benefit

growth an ddebt must be managed wiselfy

union of crastsmen to regulate their trade


collection of Muhammad's life and teachings


second in authority to the Quran


biography of a saint


5th pillar of islam

hajj to Mecca to theKa'bah

aka town


aftermath of the Lockerbie flight

happened in 1988. 1993 economic sanctions on Linyia so Quadaffi turned over the suspects so the sanctions could be lifted.

female household of hte sultan led by his mom


"forbidden" in Islam

harram. prohibited no matter the intiention

route of the Volga River

he river flows through central Russia and into the Caspian Sea. considered the national River of Russia and longest river in Europe

role of Bush Sr

head of CIA


headgear that is the ceremonial headdress of bishops


official for the Communist Party responsible for political education and organization -strict/prescriptive figure of authority

Director of National Intelligence

heads the 16 member US Intelligence Community, directs/oversees the National Intelligence Program, advisors upon invitation to president/National Security Coucil/HOmeland Council about topics r/t national security

source of a stream



high-sounding but w/little meaning

Dot-Com Bubble

historic economic bubble and period of excessive speculation that occurred roughly from 1995 to 2000, a period of extreme growth in the usage and adaptation of the Internet.

taxonomy family of humans & apes



hordourvers or meat stuffing.

role of the Delta Force

hostage rescue, reconaissance

what makes us distinct from other animals

humans have culture -system of traditions/customs that guide beliefs and values. animals jsut divide by groiup

one of the world's most adaptable species

humans. high/low, cold/dry/wet/snow

rhetorical device for exaggeration not meant to be taken literally


location of earthquakes

hypocenter-location where the seismic waves originatie epicenter-spot above the crust

testable guess


testable guess

hypothesis. later theory. later law

spatial diffusion

ideas/practices/innovations spread through a population over time and space

first step to achieving your dreams

identifying them


ideology espousing the unification of the north african and middle east into one Arab world

what did Clinton ask at his last State of the Union

if americans are better off now than they were 8yrs ago?

quote about doing all the things we are capable of doing

if we did all of the things we are cabable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. -Edison

purpose of hte exculusionary rule

illegally obtained evidence can't be use din court. to stop police from violating 14thA

concentration camps

imprisoined w/o regard to accepted rules of arrest/detention

Spratley Islands

in S. China Sea off coast of Philippeans/Malaysia/Vietnam

role of the prosecution in USA court

in USA, prosecution is required to prove beyond a reasonoable doubt that the defendent is guilty. defendents aren't required to prove their innosence

yr Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid supposedly died

in a 1908 shootout w/police in Bolivia


in a way that attempts to avoid notice/attention

when you are put on trial when you are't there

in absence


in agreement, consistent

in a very bad situation that is difficult to fix

in dire striaits

what does it mean to have a country included on the US State Sponsors of Terrorism list

inclusion on the list imposes strict unilateral sanctions -no arms-related exports/sales -no economic system -US opposes loans by the World Bank -denying tax credits for income earned in those terror0listed countries -prohibit DoD contracts above $100K w/companies controlled by terror-list states -authority to prohibit any US citizens from engaging in a financial transaction w/a terrorist list government w/o a Treasury Dept License

problems of government paid healthcar

increas ecost, wait times increase, quality decreases, pt choice decreases

impact of oil production/exportation

increase demand leads to increased money for producers, oil revenue leads to internal modernization, migration to oil producing cities/centers, receive foreign investments which creates international relationships

government resonse to recessions

increase money supply, increase gov speending, decrease taxation

time/space convergence

increase nearness of people/places due to the technoligical decreass of travel

problem of taxing the rich

increase taxes on the most productive members of soceity won't help

Independent Counsel

independent prosecutor -distinct form Attoney Gen/Dep of Justice-who provides Congressional reports

not lawful combatants


difference between insurgents and belligerents

insurgents-rebellion against authroity when those taking part are not recognized as belligerents (lawful combatants)

aka open resistance against orders of an established authority



intelligence effort used to break the enigma encrypted intelligence

delay/disruipt/destory enemy forces or supplies en route to the battle field


centrifugal forces

internal forces that divide/degrade states

Kyoto Protocol

international treaty of 1992 that comitted to reduce greenhouse emissions/CO2

triad of personalities in Machiavellian

interpersonal style, cynical disregard for morality, lack of empathy, focus on self-interest/personal gain


intertropical convergenze zone

credit union

member-owned financial cooperation controlled by members and operated on the principle of people helping people, providng it smembers credit at competitive rates as well as other financial services -5x lower failure rate than other banks duinr the financial crisis of 2007-08

historically popular vehicles for spreading religon

military campaigns and colonization


military strategy where an opponent guarentees retaliation so devestating to attack is profuoundly discouraged so no attack occurs

war of attrition

military strategy where you win a wear by wearing down the enemy to the point of collapse via continuous losses in personnel and material. the war is usually won by the side w/greater resources


military term for the act of delaying, disrupting, or destroying enemy forces or supples en route to the battle area

channeled stream of water into a mill to push the wheel

millrace. tailrase is the exiting stream

felons are foudn guilty but later found innocent

miscarriage of justice/wrongful conviction

contribution of Nobel

mixed nitroglycerine w/an absorbant material that made it safe to handle. 1867

liberal answers to all problesm

more govenment funded programs at taxpayer expense

ethnicity of most countries

most countires aren't ethnically homogenous

victims chosen by the Unabomber

motivated by his hate of technology so sent letter bmbs to victims who advanced US technology


movement to create a homeland for jews in palestine

football kick return who touches the ball but falls to the ground


group who fought against the USSR in Afghanistan


sultans and assinations

murdered rivals/heirs to guarentee their power

2 most common Irish surnames

murphy, kelly

type of situation where you have an a-bomb and I have an a-bomb

mutually assured destruction. nuclear wear is unwinnable b/c if all sides used nukes, the only outcome is total anhilation. neither side will attack first b/c it can't destroy the enemy before it counterattacks. tense but stable peace


natio nasserts soverignty over territories outside its values

first meeting between Lewis and Clark and indians

near Omaha, Nebraska b/c they rehearsed the greeting

when are background checks for firearm purchase not required

need to do the NICS background check unless intrastate firearm transfer between private parties.

indicators of a recession

negative economic growth for 2 consecutive quarters. generallyours when there is a widespread drop in spending


neither parallel nor at a right angle to a line. slanting

Salish Sea

network of costal waterways that includes the SW portio nof BRitish COlumbia and NW Washington. (major waterways are Strit of Georgia, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Puget Sound

El Camino

network of pilgrims ways/pilgrimages leading ot the shrine of the apostle St James the Great in cathegrial in NW Spain. popular today as a tour/hiking group

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

neutrality pact between Nazi Germany and USSR signed in 1939 but declared null and void in 1941 when Hitler invaded USSR via operatio nBarbarossa

extra virgin olive oil

no added chemicals, just pressed olives


no cruel/unusual punishment, no excessive bails and fines

what can't the Defense Intelligence Agency do

no law enforcement authority. doesn't belong to a signle military element and reports directly to the Sec of Defense

interpretation of the 4thA

no unreasoable S/S and need probable cause. **protects from cetain types of gov interference but doesn't provide constitutional right to complete privacy


noise by rapid expansion/contraction fo air due to the heat energy produced by the lightening bolts

individuals/groups that hold influence and which are wholly or partly idependent of state governments

non-state actors


nonbinding but authoritarian legal opinion/learned interpretation on issues pertaining to the Sharia


northmost geographical region of India

religion of the Nazi

not Christian. atheistic nihilists w/o regard for god, individual life, free marked capitalism...

Democrats as representatives of everyone

not a party of the "little guys". rich elites, mogoels, HOllywood, academies

what kind of issue is abortion?

not a religous question. a civl rights issue. what is legal isn't always ethically/morally right. some laws are immoral like slavery

right to affordable housing

not in constitution. it's property. property is exchanged for goods/services. ins't an inailenable right, it is an earned privilage. one you have the right to own property, no one has teh right to take it away w/o just compensation

"separation of church and state"

not in the constitution. appeared in a letter by Jefferson to 1802. 1st A ntent is to let citized be assured uninhibited freedom to practice religion. "Danbury Letter" to the Danbury Baptists. Chief Justice Hugo Black incorrectly cited the Danbury letter, not actual 1st A


offshoot of the Wyomming Shoshone. became strong horseback riders when they got horses fromthe BRit

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