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Who is considered not to be at risk for HIV disease?

*only* - those who have never engaged in behaviors that permit the exchange of blood, semen or vaginal fluids - couples who have been in a mutually monogamous relationship since 1977 where both partners were uninfected at the time - couples who have not shared needles - those who have not had a blood transfusion prior to June 1987

Some of the recommendations for improving sexual health include...

*performing regular self-exams to check for possible testicular and/or breast cancer. *being committed to STD testing and gynecological exams when needed. *knowing your body, recognizing what it looks and feels like when it is healthy.

What are parasites & what STDs involve them?

- *organisms* that live on or in another species, *gaining nutrients* from it. - Pediculosis pubis - Scabies

What are antibodies?

- *proteins* produced by a kind of white blood cell (plasma cell) in response to the presence of foreign antigens. - identify foreign antigens (viruses & bacteria) - each antibody is produced *specifically* in response to a specific antigen - the body has the ability to produce billions of different antibodies

What does the penis consist of? What does it act as?

- 3 columns of specialized erectile tissue, the two corpora cavernosa and one corpus spongiosum, which surround the urethra. These become engorged with blood (tumescent) during sexual arousal causing erection. - The penis acts as the organ copulation, and transports semen and urine although not usually at the same time.

What is semen made up of & what does it look like?

- 65-75% = Seminal Plasma secreted by the seminal vesicles - 25-30% = Prostate fluid secreted by the prostate - 2-5% = Sperm secreted by the testicles (approximately 200-500 million sperm in each ejaculate) - <1%= Cowper's fluid secreted by the Cowper's gland, also known as the bulbourethral gland - Creamy texture; graying- white to yellow color. Blood in the semen can cause a pink or reddish color, known as hematospermia, and may indicate a medical condition. (Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, is able to infect sperm. Infected sperm are unable to fertilize an ovum)

Where is the uterus, what does it consist of and what is it used for?

- A fertilized egg gets transported through the Fallopian tube to the hollow, muscular, pear shaped uterus for implantation. - The upper part of the uterus is about the size of a fist. -The lower, narrower portion, the cervix or neck of the uterus, extends slightly into the vagina. - The uterus consists of three layers: the outer covering (perimetrium), the myometrium (the middle muscle layer) which contracts in labor and orgasm, and the endometrium (inner layer) which proliferates, becomes secretory, and then sloughs (off) during the menstrual cycle.

What is Priapism, what is it caused by and how can it be treated?

- A painful, persistent, non-erotic erection that is not relieved by ejaculation (it gets its name from Priapus, son of Aphrodite). -May be caused by a tumor in the pelvic region, causing pressure on nerves. Blocking of a vein causing blood accumulation (e.g. sickle cell anemia). - Treatment may include injecting radio-opaque dye into the veins to find the blockage, or connecting the corpora cavernosa to another vein. * Complication of surgery: possible erectile dysfunction

Why is AIDS considered "acquired"? Why is it considered a "syndrome"?

- AIDS is not something you inherit from your parents. You acquire AIDS after birth. - A syndrome is a collection of symptoms and signs of disease. AIDS is a syndrome, rather than a single disease, because it is a complex illness with a wide range of complications and symptoms.

What are the symptoms of Candidiasis?

- Abnormal vaginal discharge * ranges from a slightly watery, white discharge to a thick, white, chunky discharge (like cottage cheese) - pain with intercourse - painful urination - redness and swelling of the vulva - vaginal & labial itching, burning

What are male gonads and what are their functions?

- Also known as the testicles - Homologous to the ovaries - Primary functions: to produce sperm (spermatogenesis) and to produce androgens, primarily testosterone

Bartholin's Glands / cysts

- Bartholin's cysts - Surgery may be indicated - Possible infection by Gonorrhea and Chlamydia

Stress in biological women (XX):

- Can result in amenorrhea - Intense desire for pregnancy can result in pseudocyesis (false pregnancy) - Fear or emotional tension can result in premature labor

What is cancer and why do cancers start?

- Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases. - Although there are many kinds of cancer, all cancers start because abnormal cells grow out of control.

HIV/AIDS in Hawai`i

- Cumulative HIV diagnosis: 4,454 - By Race/Ethnicity: 1. White 2. Asian 3. Hawaiian/ Pacific Islanders 4. two or more races 5. African- American 6. Hispanic or Latino 89% among men, 11% among women - young people most effected * 66% ages 25-44 * 28% ages 45 and over * 5.5% ages 13-24 * 0.5% pediatric

How do genetic problems and testosterone influence adult testicular functioning?

- Genetic problems; no precursor cells to spermatogonium - High doses of testosterone or other steroids such as anabolic steroids & progesterone (cyproterone acetate- used in chemical castration of sex offenders) decrease sperm production

What are the most sexually sensitive areas in men and women?

- In males, the penis, which has many sensory nerve endings that transmit signals of pleasure to the central nervous system (CSN), which consists of the brain and the spinal cord, is the most sexually sensitive area. It is also the organ used for procreation when delivering sperm into the female vagina. - In females, the most sexually sensitive area is the clitoris, which has more sensory nerve endings as the whole glans of the penis. However, the organ for procreation is the vagina. Therefore it is very possible that vaginal penetration alone does not result in sexual pleasure, since clitoral stimulation may not be sufficient.

How do you treat breast cancer?

- Lumpectomy (excisional biopsy) - Simple mastectomy (breast removal) - Radical mastectomy (removal of breast and surrounding tissue, muscle and lymph nodes) - Radiation therapy- one dose after surgery has been shown to be effective - Endocrine manipulation- tamoxifen works well if the tumor is relatively young and still has estrogen receptors; however, it is associated with increased risk of fibroid tumor development and cervical cancer. - drugs: Paclitaxel (taxol) and Herceptin - Chemotherapy

How do you treat Candidiasis?

- Medications to treat vaginal yeast infections are available in either creams or suppositories. Most can be bought without a prescription. * You can buy: Miconazole, Clotrimazole, Ticonazole, & Butoconazole. Will need to take these for 3-7 days, depending on which one. * Doctor may prescribe Florconazole, which is a pill that you only take once. Treating yourself at home is probably okay if: - your symptoms are mild - you do not have pelvic pain or a fever - this is not your first yeast infection & you haven't had manyyy in the past - you are not pregnant - you are not worried about other STDs from recent sexual contact

What are the sure signs of puberty in a bio female (XX)?

- Menarche: onset of menstruation (may not ovulate for 1 year to 18 months) - If no menstruation (amenorrhea) by 15.5-16.5 yrs, the person should consult a health care physician for the following: * full physical exam (general health; imperforate hymen) * Barr body test (Turner's syndrome; Androgen insensitivity) * Hormonal test * Psychological stress test

Hormone action on the uterus:

- Menstrual flow due to drop in estrogen and progesterone. - 1st part: estrogen causes endometrial proliferation. - Then ovulation occurs. - 2nd part: progesterone and estrogen cause the endometrium to become secretory.

Explain the dominance hierarchy (monkeys) related to testosterone

- Monkeys high in dominance hierarchy have high T levels. - Monkeys low in dominance hierarchy have low T levels. - If one moves to monkey group where they are then higher in dominance hierarchy, the testosterone levels go up.

What are the symptoms of HPV?

- Most people with HPV do not develop symptoms or health problems from it. - In 90% of cases, the body's immune system clears HPV naturally within 2 years. But, sometimes, the infections are not cleared & can cause genital warts (Condyloma). * the types of HPV that cause these are not the same types that cause cancer.

Labia Majora (major lips; outer lips)

- Protects labia minora and vaginal opening - Oil and sweat glands present (smegma is found here) - Has few nerve endings

Bartholin's Glands

- Provide very small amount of lubrication to the labia, especially during coitus

Stress in biological men (XY):

- Psychological erectile dysfunction or oligospermia (decreased sperm count)

HIV Prevention

- Risk reduction behaviors when engaging in unprotected sex - Microbicides * Gels, films, or suppositories than can kill or neutralize viruses and bacteria * Researchers are studying both vaginal and rectal microbicides to see if they can prevent sexual transmission of HIV - Serosorting * knowing your HIV status to limit unprotected sex to partners with the same HIV status as their own. *Not* *effective*! - Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) * can be prescribed for people who have potentially been exposed. This can prevent the virus from becoming established in the body of someone who has been exposed. * 28 day course > side effects: diarrhea, headaches, nausea/vomiting & fatigue. > can be quite severe & it is estimated that 1 in 5 people give up the treatment before completion. - Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) * Treatment that aims to prevent people from becoming infected with HIV. * PrEP is intended for people at risk of exposure, for example in the case of couples where one partner is positive and the other is negative.

What do the muscles of the pelvis consist of in women?

- The muscles of the pelvic floor consist of: the bulbocaverosus muscle (which extend downward from the glans of the clitoris to the perineum), the area between the vaginal introitus & the anus. - The ischiocavernosus muscles connect to the cura, or legs, which attach to the ends of the corpora cavernosa of the clitoris. - The transverse perineal muscles form the base of a triangle with the ischiocavernosus muscle. - The pubococcygeus muscle, or the pelvic diaphragm, is wrapped around the rectum and the vagina. This tightens the rectum and vagina when contracted. - These muscles, which when contracted stop the flow of urine and expulsion of feces, also contract during orgasm. ** Male pelvic floor muscles not mentioned in other flashcards are similar to those of the female.

Fallopian tubes (oviducts)

- The ovum is released into the abdominal cavity at ovulation and then is usually swept into the Fallopian tube adjacent to the ovary by the fimbriae (fingers) of the Fallopian tubes; sometimes the ovum can go to the other side - Fertilization usually takes place in the outer 1/3 of the fallopian tube. - The lumen of the fallopian tube is only the width of two human hairs. - The ovum is about the size of a grain of sand.

What/where is the corpus spongiosum in males, and what is it surrounded by?

- a spongy column that encircles the urethra and terminates in the glans - The bulb or crura is surrounded by the bulbocavernosus muscle which contracts during ejaculation - composed of specialized tissue (erectile tissue) which engorges with blood during sexual arousal, resulting in erection. This is known as tumescence.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), what is sexual health? What does it require? What is an important step for taking care of it?

- a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity (physical or mental weakness). - requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality & sexual relationships as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and *safe* sexual experiences. - An important step for taking care of your sexual health is to perform regular self-visual exams as it is important to become familiar with your body.

What are lymphocytes?

- a type of white blood cell - 2 categories: * Large Natural Killer cells (NK) * Small T cells and B cells - play a major role in the rejection of tumors and cells infected by viruses

Vas deferens

- about 18 inches long; sperm move by smooth muscle contraction and cilia - the ampulla is the widening at the end of the vas deferens near the prostate - the vas deferens is part of the spermatic cord, entering the body through the inguinal canal - it is cut in a vasectomy

How many/what kinds of people are infected with HIV in the U.S statistically?

- about 50,000 people in the U.S. are newly infected each year. About 1.2 million people in the U.S. are living with it and almost 1 and 7 are unaware. * the South accounted for nearly half of the cases in 2009 * people living with it are most likely to live in urban areas (Miami, Baton Rouge, NY, DC, ect.) - youth aged 13-24 accounted for 26% of all new HIV infections * 22% increase in gay/bisexual male population * almost 60% of youth do not know - 80% male, 20% female - more than half of HIV testing events in the trans community occurred at non-healthcare facilities. - according to the CDC, the highest % of newly identified HIV + test results was among trans people (2.1%) ... lowest was females (0.4%) - African Americans continue to experience the most severe burden of HIV. * accounted for 44% of new HIV infections in 2010 & 41% of people living with HIV (2011) * unless something changes, 1/16 black men & 1/32 black women will be diagnosed.

How big/where is the ovary and what does it do?

- almond shaped 1 to 1.5 inches - attached by ovarian ligaments to the body - the outer portion or cortex contains ovarian follicles - produces ova and sex hormones - oocyte + follicle cells = ovarian follicle (immature eggs) *** a woman is born with all the ovarian follicles she will ever have.

How do you treat Chlamydia?

- antibiotics * a single dose of azithromycin or a week of doxycycline (twice daily) are the most commonly used treatments. - HIV positive persons with chlamydia should receive the same treatment as those who are HIV negative. - those with chlamydia should abstain from sexual intercourse for 7 days after single dose antibiotics or until completion of a 7-day course of antibiotics, to prevent spreading the infection to partners. - everyone with chlamydia should get re-tested about 3 months after treatment of initial infection, regardless of whether or not they believe that their partners were treated.

Where is the urethra in males and what does it do?

- extends from the urinary bladder through the prostate gland, through the penis - the sphincter muscle (around the urethra) at the bladder neck closes prior to ejaculation. - transports urine and semen, not usually at the same time.

Posterior Pituitary

- has cell bodies of neurosecretory cells in hypothalamus - end bulbs are in the posterior pituitary - hormones released by these end bulbs are stored in the posterior pituitary and released when necessary: * Vasopressin ( you are not responsible 4 this) * Oxytocin

What is the Corona (rim) like? What should male children be taught to do with it?

- has oil producing glands (Tyson's glands) - Oil + dead skin cells = smegma (white, cheesy, irritating substance) - Male children should be taught to pull back foreskin and wash area

Cervical cancer is most commonly found in women who:

- have early onset of unprotected sexual relations, which increases the risk of contracting HPV - have HPV (human papilloma virus) - found in almost every case of cervical cancer - have HIV infection of cervix- HIV can infect cervical cells directly - Smoke- because it can affect cell division regulation

What is the normal vaginal environment like?

- highly acidic (second most acid place in the body after the stomach). The acidity is created by Donderlein's Bacilli (lactobacilli) which normally live in the vagina. - These bacilli convert glycogen (a sugar) to lactic acid, which maintains vaginal acidity. - Acidity is *highly protective* in the vagina. - Antibiotics destroy the bacilli - Douching removes the bacilli

Where are sperm produced?

- in the seminiferous tubules of the testes. They then travel to the epididymis where they mature and are stored awaiting ejaculation. During ejaculation sperm will travel through the vas deferens, ejaculatory ducts and the urethra combining with seminal plasma from the prostate gland and seminal vesicles.

What could happen if Chlamydia goes untreated?

- infertility - can spread to the uterus or fallopian tubes and cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). (This happens to about 10-15% of women w/ untreated Chlamydia) - fallopian tube infection - permanent damage to the fallopian tubes, uterus & surrounding tissues. - fatal ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside of the uterus) - can increase changes of becoming infected with HIV, if exposed

The U.S. and female circumcision

- it is *illegal* and punishable by 5 years in jail and a heavy fine. - it is estimated that 150,000 females in the U.S. have been circumcised. - Sometimes girls are taken back to their family's country of origin to have it performed. * In July 2010, Legislation submitted the "Girls Protection Act" to U.S. Congress, which would make it *illegal* to take girls out of the country for FGM.

What is the clitoris composed of and what does it serve as?

- it is composed of a glans and two erectile bodies, the corpora cavernosa, which extend internally as the crura, and attach to the ischiocavernosus muscles. - unlike the penis, it does not contain a third of body erectile tissue, the corpus spongiosum, and the uretha does not extend through it. - On either side of the vagina, underneath the labia is the vestibular, or clitoral bulb, which is the cavernous tissue that fills with blood during sexual arousal. - According to Gage, this and other spongy tissue between the vagina and anus is also a part of the clitoris. She termed this as the "perineal sponge". - The clitoris is the most sensitive erogenous zone in the female, containing many pacinian corpuscles (sensory receptors). - The only organ known whose sole function is pleasure. -It surrounds the urethra on 3 sides and squeezes the urethra off at time of high sexual arousal when it becomes tumescent. The clitoris has 2 corpora cavernosa (long, extending internally) also known as crura. - becomes tumescent (engorged with blood) with sexual arousal and appears to retract under the clitoral hood at high levels of sexual arousal.

Where is the bulbocavernosus muscle in males and what does it do?

- it surrounds the corpus spongiosum, stops the flow of urine, and contracts during ejaculation causing expulsion of semen.

HIV is a lentivirus. What does this mean and what do lentiviruses do?

- lentiviruses attack the immune system. - part of a larger group known as retroviruses. - literally means "slow virus" * they take a long time to produce any adverse effects in the body.

Progesterone Only (mini pill) in hormonal contraception:

- less effective than the combination pill (92%) - maintains accessory organs (enough for the body) - Take by mouth every day at the same times - Works in 3 ways: 1. Progesterone thickens cervical mucus which acts as barrier to sperm 2. Progesterone acts to make the endometrium inhospitable to implantation 3. Acts as negative feedback on GnRH, FSH & LH so no ovulation occurs (main way it works)

What are some reasons for having an abortion?

- life of the mother is threatened - miscarriage - rape - danger to the child or mother - inability to carry the child to the end of the term - financial reasons - religious values - don't want to be a parent

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

- lump - puckering of the skin - discharge from the nipple

Control of Lactation (milk production)

- mammary lobes develop during puberty under the influence of estrogen and progesterone as well as other hormones. - sucking stimulates production of prolactin from the anterior pituitary, causing mammary alveoli and ducts to produce milk. - They are surrounded by myoepithelial tissue (smooth muscle). - Sucking causes the release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary, causing contraction of the myoepithelial tissue which causes ejection of milk. - Oxytocin also causes the myometrium to contract. It can also cause sensations of sexual arousal.

What are the four stages of Syphilis?

- many people infected do not have any symptoms for years, yet remain at risk for late complications if they are not treated. Primary Stage (chancre) - usually marked by the appearance of a single sore (called a chancre), but there may be multiple sores. The sore appears at the spot where Syphilis entered the body. - usually firm, round, small * painless. - can take 10-90 days (average 21) for the first symptom to show after infection - the sore lasts 3-6 weeks & heals on it's own, but the infection will progress to secondary phase without treatment. Secondary Stage (rash) - skin rash & mucous membrane lesions - rash usually doesn't itch - can appear as the chancre is healing or several weeks after - rough, red, or reddish brown spots on both the palms of the hands and bottoms of the feet. - will resolve on it's own but the infection will progress to next stages if untreated. Latent (hidden) Stage (asymptomatic) - begins when primary & secondary symptoms disappear. - can last for years if untreated, even without symptoms - develop in about 15% of people who have not been treated for Syphilis, and can appear 10-20 years after the infection was first acquired. Tertiary Stage (internal organ damage) - can damage brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones and joints. - symptoms include: difficulty coordinating muscle movements, paralysis, numbness, gradual blindness & dementia. - this damage may be serious enough to cause death

HIV Treatments

- medications interfering with HIV replication cycle - treatments are lifelong - 5 classes of drugs * 28 medications > some side effects & viral resistance - Medications Control Opportunistic Infection * short-term

Estrogen affects: (8)

- menstrual cycle (alone with progesterone) - maturation of reproductive organs - maintenance of the secondary sexual characteristics in females - vitamin D absorption and bone maturation in both males and females; prevents osteoporosis - maturation of mammary alveoli (the part of the breast which produces milk) - fat distribution - metabolism. women have lower metabolic rates than men. - cardiovascular protection for women.

Facts about induced abortion in the U.S.

- nearly 1/2 of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and about 4/10 of these are terminated by abortion. 22% of all pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion. - 67% black, 53% hispanics, 40% white pregnancies are unintended. - from 1973-2008, nearly 50 million legal abortions occurred. - each year, 2% of women aged 15-44 have an abortion. 1/2 have had at least one previous abortion. - at least 1/2 of American women will experience an unintended pregnancy by age 45, and, at current rates, 1 in 10 women will have an abortion by age 20. 1/4 by age 30 and 3/10 by age 45.

What are possible symptoms of STDs?

- no symptoms - abnormal vaginal or penile discharge - pain or burning in urination - abdominal or back pain - itching or irritation (redness, swelling, pain) - lesions (chancre, blisters, warts, rashes) - Genital ulcer disease (GUD) * irritation & lesions make it impossible for other organisms to enter the body, such as HIV.

How do you treat Genital Herpes?

- no treatment that can cure it - but, *antiviral* *medications* such as Acycolvir (*Zovirax*), famciclovir (*Famvir*), and valacyclovir (*Valtrex*) can shorten and prevent outbreaks during the period of time that the meds are taken. * work best if taken as soon as symptoms are noticed - *daily* *suppressive* *therapy* for symptomatic herpes can reduce transmission to partners.

What triggers the onset of puberty and what happens during this? What's different about males & females during this time?

- probably triggered by adrenal gland maturation which begins sometime between 6 and 8 years of age when adrenal glands begin producing androgens. - proper fat/protein ratio required (nutritional status related to onset of menstruation) - Pineal gland may be involved. In humans it may prevent too early an onset of puberty. In other species it controls seasonal fertility. * young girls enter puberty sometime between the ages of 8-12 yrs. * young boys ^^ 10-14 yrs. - in males significant increase in androgens - females significant increase in estrogen & progesterone - these hormones have different effects on males & females - great variability from one individual to another

What are the sure signs of puberty for a bio male (XY)?

- production of sperm - ejaculation (often in nocturnal emissions or wet dreams)

The Anterior Pituitary secretes:

- prolactin (involved in breast development and milk production in the female, spermatogenesis in the male) - the gonadotropins (gonad touching) > Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) initiates gamete production > Luteinizing Hormone (LH), sometimes called Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone (ICSH), initiates hormone production FSH and LH cause the gonads to produce hormones and gametes.

What is normal vaginal discharge like?

- relatively clear - no unpleasant or fishy odor - doesn't cause itchiness or soreness - contains only a few white blood cells - changes over the menstrual cycle depending on the influence of estrogen in the first part of the cycle and progesterone after ovulation. - One study found that 7% of women were treating themselves with over the counter medications for normal discharge. - Normal vaginal environment has an acidic pH of 3.8-4.2

How rare is testicular cancer? Who does it most commonly affect? What are the symptoms? What is the survival rate?

- relatively rare, and it is most common between 15-34 years of age. It is responsible for 12% of cancer deaths in this age group. Symptoms: - testicular enlargement (slight) - change in consistency or texture of testes (thickening or lumpy) - dull ache in lower abdomen & groin and/or heavy sensation in testes and scrotum Survival rate: - one of the most curable cancer, almost 100% recovers with the most common type if detected & treated early. - Monthly self-exams are *important* for early detection.

Combo of estrogen & progesterone in hormonal contraception:

- require prescription - highly effective (99%) - Maintains accessory organs (enough for the body) - Take by mouth everyday at the same times - Works by 3 ways: 1. Progesterone thickens cervical mucus which acts as barrier to sperm 2. Progesterone acts to make the endometrium inhospitable to implantation 3. Acts as negative feedback on GnRH, FSH & LH so no ovulation occurs (main way it works)

Testicular self-exam- when/how often should it be done and how do you do it?

- should be done monthly. best time is after a warm bath or shower, when the scrotal skin is most relaxed. - roll each testis gently between the thumb and fingers of both hands. If you find any hard lumps or nodules, you should see your doctor promptly. They may not be malignant, but only your doctor can make the diagnosis. - following a thorough physical examination, your doctor may perform certain X-ray studies to make the most accurate diagnosis possible. * Let your partner do it!

How do you treat Trichomoniasis?

- single dose of prescription antibiotic medication (either metronidazole or tinidazole), pills which can be taken orally. * pregnant women can take this * uncomfortable side effects if taken within 24 hours before alcohol consumption - If untreated, the infection can last for months or even years. - People who have been treated can get it again. About 1 in 5 people get infected again within 3 months after treatment. ** make sure your partners get treated too and wait to have sex until symptoms abate.

Penis size

- size is not necessarily related to the sexual gratification of either partner - a small penis enlarges proportionately more than a large penis during erection. - Attempt to fatten the penis with phalloplasty (injection of fat taken from the hips) is not an approved medical procedure and can result in bleeding, infection, scar formation, fat embolus (clot), and even death. - There is no effective method of lengthening the penis surgically. One technique severs the ligament that suspends the penis from the pubic bone, causing an apparent lengthening.

What are some negative aspects of male circumcision?

- some say it decreases sexual pleasure/sensitivity - the Langerhans cells are a part of the Immune System Response and with circumcision they are removed. - Globally, many circumcision procedures are *not safe* and do not provide sufficient and safe pre- and post- surgery care. - Many men may get a false impression from male circumcision that if a man is circumcised he cannot contract HIV, which may lead to encouraged engagement in unprotected sexual behaviors.

Androgens, particularly testosterone affects: (7)

- spermatogenesis - growth and maturation of sex organs (penis and prostate) - development of secondary sexual characteristics - sex "drive" in both males and females (libido) - increased metabolic rate - muscle development - aggressiveness, research shows possible** correlation between testosterone and aggression in humans.

Sexual Response Models: Masters and Johnson

- studied sexual response starting with what happens during arousal through orgasm

How do you treat cancer?

- surgical removal of cancerous tumor - chemotherapy - radiation therapy - hormonal therapy - combination of treatments - drugs that interfere with the blood supply to the tumor (Methotrexate)

What did James Dabbs study of testosterone levels of Brazilian & Italian soccer fans before/after the 1994 world cup game show? (Brazil beat Italy)

- testosterone levels rose 27.6% in Brazilian fans (winning team) - testosterone levels fell 26.7% in Italian fans (losing team)

What does the vulva/female external genitalia consist of?

- the mons veneris (which covers the pubic bone), the labia majora and the labia minora (which cover the clitoris, vestibule, urethra opening, and vaginal introitus). - during sexual arousal the labia minora deepen in color due to increased blood supply to the area. - The clitoris lies beneath the clitoral hood. - On either side of the vagina, underneath the labia is the vestibular, or clitoral bulb, which is the cavernous tissue that fills with blood during sexual arousal.

Control of the production of hormones and gametes from the gonads/male testes/female ovaries is exerted by...?

- the neurohormones of the hypothalamus and its attendant gland, the pituitary.

What are other brain structures that influence reproductive functioning?

- the pineal gland, which is involved in light/dark rhythms, produces melatonin (which inhibits reproductive functioning), and prevents too early an onset of puberty. - olfactory center: there are also connections from the hypothalamus to the olfactory center which is related to smell and is involved in reproductive functioning. - pheromones

What is a cancer type named after?

- the place where it *started* - for example: colon cancer that has spread to the liver is called metastatic colon cancer, not liver cancer. - in this case, cancer cells taken from the liver would be the same as those in the colon, and would be treated in the same ways, too.

What is sperm? How does it survive? What types of sperm are there? How long do they take to develop in humans?

- the reproductive cell in males - will only survive in warm environments; once it leaves the male body the sperm's survival likelihood is reduced and it may die, thereby decreasing the total sperm quality. - sperm cells come in 2 types: they can carry and X- chromosome or a Y- chromosome - 74 days (spermatogenesis)

In females, Follicle Maturation is accompanied by:

- the secretion of estrogen, which leads to a proliferation of the endometrium of the uterus, preparing it for pregnancy and changes in the cervical mucus. - Inhibin is also released which acts locally to prevent the ripening of any more ovarian follicles, and systemically by acting as a negative feedback on FSH. * About 36 hours before ovulation occurs, the elevated estrogen causes a surge of LH, which causes ovulation to occur.

How will the brain continue to mature during puberty?

- the structure of the cortex changes a great deal - maturation of the prefrontal cortex- a region very important to reasoning & decision-making - does not mature until early 20's. - the areas that control risk-taking assessment develop sooner than impulse control & decision-making, which do not occur until about age 20.. - Changes in cortical thickness are correlated with increases in cognitive function (IQ tests are one measure)

What is the Frenulum?

- the thin strip of elastic skin that connects the glans to the skin of the underside of the shaft.

What is the penile glans (acorn)?

- the tip of the penis, an extension of the corpus spongiosum - the greatest concentration of sensory nerve endings is found in the glans, making it the most sexually sensitive and responsive area of the penis, particularly the corona and the fenulum

What happens in the process of capacitation?

- the tip of the sperm head contains the enzyme hyaluronidase which dissolves the protective coating around the egg, permitting the entry of one sperm. The hyaluronidase is covered with a protective coating, which must be worn away in order for the hyaluronidase to function. This occurs as the sperm makes its way through the female reproductive tract in a process called capacitation.

The internal genitalia of the female consist of...

- the uterus, two Fallopian tubes and the upper vagina


- the vagina is a sex organ that is part of the female genital tract. It is muscular and tubular in structure. - Hollow muscular sheath, a potential space, also known as the "birth canal" - the inside of the vagina have folds known as rugae - there are a few scattered nerve endings in the inner 2/3 of the vagina, but more nerve endings are found in the outer 1/3. - source of vaginal lubrication - allows for discharge of menstrual flow - the vagina has three layers: 1. outer- serous layer 2. middle- smooth muscle layer (involuntary, and contracts during orgasm) 3. inner- mucosal layer which sheds cells just as skin does - contains Langerhan's cells which can be infected with HIV -Many muscles: Bulbocavernosus, Ischiocavernosus, Pubococcygeus (stops urine flow)

Military women & reproductive rights

- there are 350,000 women in the U.S. military - they make up almost 15% of active-duty personnel - Military health-care facilities are not required to have emergency contraception ("morning after" pill) available. - Congress has made providing abortions illegal in military hospitals, except in cases of life endangerment, rape, or incest.

Where are the Fallopian tubes and what are they used for?

- they are attached to the upper portion of the body of the uterus and extend to the ovaries. - fertilization of an ovum released from the ovary 14 days prior to menstruation usually takes place in the Fallopian tube. The fertilized egg is transported through the Fallopian tube to the hollow, muscular, pear shaped uterus for implantation.

What happens to the Seminiferous tubules, what do they do and what kind of cells are in them?

- they are encapsulated by the tunica albuginea which also extends into the testes, dividing them into segments (like a grapefruit). - The tunica albuginea prevents the entrance of most foreign substances and exit of sperm into the body. There are 250 sections each with 1-3 seminiferous tubules that are 1-3 feet long (1 mile total). - Sperm production and meiosis occur in the seminiferous tubules. - Intersitial Cells of Leydig (between the seminiferous tubules) produce the androgens including testosterone -Sertoli Cells ("Nurse Cells" in the seminiferous tubules): * nurture sperm * engulf degenerated sperm * Produce some estrogen and the hormone inhibin

Where are the ejaculatory ducts?

- they connect the vas deferens to the urethra in the prostate gland.

Where are the ovaries?

- they lie on either side of the uterus to which they are attached by ligaments.

What are bacteria & what STDs involve bacteria?

- unicellular, microscopic *organisms* - Gonorrhea - Chlamydia - Haemophilus - Treponema of Syphilis

What is Epididymitis?

- usually characterized as either acute or chronic: if acute, the onset of testicular pain is often accompanied by inflammation, redness, and warmth in the scrotum; if chronic, pain may be the only symptom. - Though urinary tract infections in men are rare, bacterial infection is the most common cause of acute epididymitis. In sexually active men, Chlamydia is responsible for 2/3 of acute cases, followed by Gonorrhea & E. coli.

How can HPV be prevented/how can people lower their risk of getting it?

- vaccines, like Cervarix (for girls) and Gardasil (for both genders, also protects against genital warts) *given in 3 shots, best given at 11 or 12 yrs - condoms used with every sex act from start to finish - being in a faithful relationship with one partner; limiting sex partners; choosing a partner who has had no or few prior sex partners * only sure way is to *avoid* *all* *sexual* *activity*

A Procreative view of sexuality

- views around sexuality are often based on a heterosexist and procreative view of sexuality, assuming heterosexual penile/vaginal intercourse. - the penis and the vagina are the organs used for procreation.

What is Peyronie's Disease?

- when Fibrous tissue develops in the V-groove between the corpora cavernosa, resulting in pronounced curvature of the penis. - usually found in 45-50 year olds - may cause Dyspareunia (painful intercourse) - 50% show spontaneous cure - Treatment: surgery, vitamin E (?) - In some animals there is a bone (a baculum) that protrudes during sexual intercourse. In dogs, this results in canine lock.

What did Kimura & Hampson (1994) discover about Estrogen?

- when estrogen levels are low, women are better at visual spatial tasks & poorer at verbal tasks. - the reverse happens when estrogen levels are high.

What is Obstetric Fistulae?

- when women's bodies are not developed enough to carry a growing fetus safely. ** one of the most life-threatening complications for a pregnant young mother is the development of a fistula. - the term "fistula" refers to the abnormal connection between 2 body organs. "obstetric fistula" is in the connection between the bladder and the vagina, or rectum and the vagina, that results after loss of pelvic tissue. - Pressure of a baby's head against the mother's pelvic cuts off blood flow to her pelvic organs, resulting in haps in the pelvic tissues that do not heal. In the case of an obstetric fistula, urine and/or feces drain uncontrollably out of the vagina. These women face untold physical misery, as well as social ostracization for the rest of their lives. - 90% of the time, one with this can have surgery, but it is a surgery that is difficult to get in the developing world.

US abortion stats 2011

- women in their 20s accounted for the majority of abortions in 2011 - the majority of abortions took place early in gestation, 91.4% were performed in the *1st trimester* (1-12 weeks). - a smaller # of abortions (7.3%) were performed at the 2nd trimester (14-20 weeks), and even fewer (1.4%) in the 3rd trimester (>21 weeks). - 19.1% of all abortions were medical abortions...

How do people detect breast cancer?

- yearly medical exam - monthly self-examination - ultrasound - mammography (x-ray)- one baseline mammogram between 40-50 years of age, and after age 50 exams should be done every two years. - risk of breast cancer rises after 40, but premenopausal breast tissue is denser and test results are less accurate, so false-positives happen more often - 97% of surgical biopsies conducted on women in their 40's are not cancerous. - Thermography

5-alpha-reductase deficiency:

-5-alpha: enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT (essential for male external genitalia to develop) -in regular XY: Mullerian inhibiting hormone (MIH) → forms DHT -Assigned female at birth, but they don't have 5-alpha, therefore they don'thave male external genitalia -At puberty: adrenal gland matures → produces high levels of androgens (like testosterone) → testes descend (most females at birth with female external parts look male at puberty)

Development of XX genitalia

-Absence of testosterone and MIH permits MULLERIAN DUCTS to develop into the uterus, fallopian tubes, and upper 2/3 of the vagina -Wolffian ducts do not develop (trigger for this still unnknown)


-Believed sexuality is innate/preprogrammed in our brains (Freud was an essentialist)


-Believed that sexuality is socially constructed (Kinsey was a constructivist)

Congenital Adrenal Hypoplasia (CAH)

-Can affect both XX and XY, however it affects XX the most in terms of visible characteristics -In XX: produces such high levels of cortisol that they spill over to produce more androgens→externally they start looking like a boy → masculinized body, that's it→ clit looks bigger, beard growth

How do you know how long your menstrual cycle is?

-Count the number of days between bleeding

Sociobiological Theory:

-Darwinian ideas about natural selection -Idea that human behavior, as well as nonhuman, can be partly explained bc of natural selection -Males: hunters gatherers, aggressive -Females: nurturing, emotional -Idea: Children who are not nurtured will not live to reproduce and pass their genes to the next generation

Sociobiological Theory:

-Darwinian ideas about natural selection -Idea that human behavior, as well as nonhuman, can be partly explained bc of natural selection -Males: hunters/gatherers, aggressive -Females: nurturing, emotional -Idea: Children who are not nurtured will not survive to reproduce and pass their genes to the next generation


-Extreme, prolonged erection -Ejaculation does not relieve it


-Has internal XY but external XX, or vice versa


-Have both types of gonadic tissues: ovaries & testes -Rare

Virus STDs:

-Herpes (no treatment, just meds to help with symptoms/outbreaks) -HIV -HPV (90% of cases are cleared by immune system, others can cause genital warts known as Condyloma- which has no cure) -Viruses are not considered to be alive

HPGA Production in Males:

-Hypothalamus → releases GnRH → reaches pituitary → FSH and LH →goes to testes → sertoli cells (helps produce inhibin, stips poduction of sperm) →LH acts on Leydig cells to produce testosterone→ -Sertoli produces inhibin to stop sperm production once there's enough -When body needs more, HPGA triggers hypothalamus to release GnRH → cycle starts over -Inhibin stops development of sperm

HPGA Production in Females

-Hypothalamus → releases GnRH → reaches the pituitary → pituitary release FSH and LH in return → stimulates ovarian follicles to develop → ovarian follicles develop & therefore produce the hormone estrogen → surge of LH and estrogen → triggers ovulation (when LH and estrogen levels are high)

Where does sperm production occur?

-In the seminiferous tubules


-Inability to move foreskin over penis

Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory

-Learning by imitation, role models, positive/negative reinforcement

Tenting Effect

-Lengthening of the vagina to prepare for penis to enter

Cancer that causes the most deaths in males and females

-Lung/bronchus cancer

Kinsey Scale

-Measured people's sexuality on a scale from 1-6 -6= exclusively homosexual -0= exclusively heterosexual -His prediction: most ppl will score either a 1 or a 6 -Found: most people were in between -Constructivist idea

Hormones & enzymes to remember: PETA 5D

-Progesterone - supports pregnancy (think "pro gestation") -Estrogen- primary female sex hormone -Testosterone- primary male sex hormone -Aromatase- Converts testosterone into estrogen - 5-alpha-reductase - converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone - Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) - essential for the development of male external genitalia

Hormone that helps with milk production


Most common cancer in men

-Prostate cancer -(Although in young men, it's testicular cancer)


-Proteins produced AGAINST foreign antigens → how vaccines work


-Psychosexual disorder in which a sexual gratification is gotten through secretly looking at others naked

Reproductive Imperative vs. Physiological Drives

-Reproductive Imperative: idea that humans must reproduce to survive -Physiological drives: idea that humans reproduce because they want to continue having sex due to their sex drive

Procreative model of sex

-Sex: procreation + pleasure -Male: penis (procreation/pleasure- together) -Female: vagina (only for procreation, not pleasure; therefore these two are separate due to pleasure deriving from the clitoris) -Highly sexist, male model

How do you know when you will ovulate?

-Subtract 14 from total cycle length -Ex: if my total cycle date is 28 days, 28 - 14 = 14. I would ovulate on the 14th of the month

The {4} is a pear-shaped muscle that has the capability to accommodate a pregnancy. The middle layer of the uterine wall is called the myometrium {3}. Prior to ovulation, the inner layer of the uterine wall, the {8} will build up with blood in preparation for a possible implantation. Every month, usually one mature ovarian follicle will leave the {7}, and will be picked up by the sweeping {6}. Fertilization will most commonly take place in the {5}. The neck of the uterus is called the {2}, which is connected to the {1} that contains numerous folds known as the rugae.


Embryonic development is associated with what weeks of pregnancy?

0-8 weeks

Masters & Johnson's 4 phase model on sexual response

1) Excitement (parasympathetic nervous system) 2) Plateau 3) Orgasm (sympathetic nervous system-highest heart rate here) 4) Resolution (men have refractory periods during this time in which they physically are unable to get erect again. women don't have refractory periods)

3 Ways that the Combination Pill Works:

1) Preventing ovulation 2) Making Endometrial lining not hospitable 3) Plugging the cervix

4 Stages of Syphilis

1) Primary: person develops a chancre (looks like an inverted blister), this is where the infection enters 2) Secondary: chancre heals, now forms a rash 3) Latent: rash heals, now person is asymptomatic (no visible symptoms) 4) Tertiary: damage to internal organs

Jack Morin's 4 Cornerstones of Eroticism

1) Violation of Prohibition: someone who fantasizes about doing things they shouldn't be doing 2) Longing and Yearning: someone who watches soap opers and love the chase of a couple who can't be together, then loses interest once they finally get together 3) Search for Power: BDSM, dominant/submissive 4) Ambivalence about Intimacy: someone who wants someone badly, then doesn't want them anymore once they get them

During what weeks of pregnancy are the vast amount of abortions performed in the US?

1-12 Weeks

Types of Hymens:

1. Annular: ring shaped (most common) 2. Rigid: very thick, relatively inflexible annular. May require surgery to allow for comfortable intercourse. 3. Septate: one or more bands of tissue across the opening. 4. Cribiform: has small perforations 5. Imperforate: no opening (rarest). Requires surgery to permit menstrual flow and intercourse.

What are the 5 types of organisms that cause STDs?

1. Bacteria 2. Virus 3. Protozoa 4. Fungus 5. Parasites (BVPFP)

Kaplan's Triphasic Model

1. Desire phase (Cortex-Limbic system) - inhibited sexual desire - anxiety, guilt, and sexual aversion 2. Excitement phase (Parasympathetic-sympathetic nervous system) - erectile dysfunction - Vaginismus - lack of vaginal lubrication - Dyspareunia 3. Orgasm (sympathetic nervous system) - premature ejaculation - Anorgasmia/Pre-orgasmia - Male orgasmic dysfunction - Retrograde ejaculation

What are the 7 hypotheses about the causes of breast cancer?

1. Family tendency (gene mutation has been identified which predisposes people to at least seven types of cancer including breast cancer) 2. Endocrine disorder 3. Virus 4. High fat diet was thought to be implicated (controversial) 5. Early menarche 6. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) 7. Environmental Chemicals

What 3 sections make up the brain?

1. Forebrain (emotions & conscious thought) 2. Midbrain (vision & hearing) 3. Brain stem (automatic functions)

What are the two effects that hormones have?

1. Inducer or organizational effects: causes permanent changes in tissue. 2. Activational effects: causes changes in physiological functioning or growth only while the hormone is present- less permanent. (e.g., estrogen maintains vaginal lining; testosterone causes growth of penis at puberty)

What are the 4 different types of hormones?

1. Neurotransmitters: are secreted by individual nerve cells, then travel to and affect neighboring nerve cells (e.g., serotonin and dopamine). The neurotransmitters are then retaken up into the nerve that produced them. 2. Neurohormones: are secreted by individual nerve cells, and travel via the bloodstream to affect a target cell. 3. Hormones secreted by specialized cells: affect cells immediately adjacent to the producing cells (paracrine), or travel via the bloodstream to target cells (endocrine hormones). 4. Pheromones: hormone-like substances produced by one member of a species that affect behavior of another member of that species.

What are the 5 problems of the scrotum we learned about?

1. Varicocele - increases temperature of the testes - varicosed spermatic cord vein - surgery indicated 2. Inguinal Hernia - loop of intestines slips through open inguinal canal into scrotum - surgery may be necessary - a strangulated hernia may be life threatening 3. Torsion - spermatic cord twists cutting off blood and nerve supply to testes - immediate attention is required (within 4-8 hours) - *very painful* 4. Jock itch - a fungal infection caused by Candida albicans 5. "Stone ache" or "Blue balls" - because testes swell as much as 50% during sexual arousal, this may occur if prolonged sexual arousal is not relieved by ejaculation - treatment is to ejaculate or sit in a warm water bath

The vast majority, >90% of all abortions in the US are performed within which trimester?


Fill in the paragraph using the diagram below. The __________ transports egg(s) and fertilization takes place here. A fertilized egg(s) will implant in the __________. The organs responsible for producing hormones and ova (eggs) are called ___________. The _______ also known as the birth canal contains numerous folds known as rugae. The __________, are also known as the outer lips of the vulva.

3(Fallopian Tubes) ; 13 (uterus/endometrium); 7 (ovaries); 11 (vagina); 8 (labia majora)

Most often a human being will have _____ autosomes and ______ sex chromosomes.

44; 2

From our lecture we learned that certain hormones and enzymes are involved with the development of male external genitalia. The presence of the enzyme _______________ is required in order for testosterone to be converted to _______________ . This hormone is necessary for the development of the _______________ .

5-alpha reductase; dihydrotestosterone; male external genitalia

Someone with a chromosomal make-up of XY but who lacks the enzyme 5-α reductase and can therefore not convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

5-α reductase deficiency (5ARD)

What enzyme is needed to convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone?


The ______ is the most sexually sensitive part of the female genitalia. Implantation of a fertilized egg occurs in the _______. Urine is expelled from the ______ , and menstrual flow will exit the body through the ______. Gametes (ova) are produced in the _______.

6 (clitoris); 13 (uterus/endometrium); 9 (urethra); 14 (Vaginal Opening); 7 (ovaries)

How long does it take to produce a human sperm?

74 days

Young girls often being puberty sometime between the ages of:


On average, how long does it take for someone who lives with untreated HIV to be diagnosed with AIDS?

8-12 years

What percent of breast lumps are benign (non-cancerous)?


Who does ovarian cancer predominantly affect? What are it's symptoms? How is it treated?

: a malignant tumor of the ovary - post-menopausal women in their 60's - often associated with no symptoms, or: occasional pain and sense of abdominal fullness (bloating) and digestive & bladder disorders. - predisposing factors include first birth after 35 or family history of ovarian cancer. - treatments include: chemotherapy, or surgical removal of ovaries.

Production of inhibin with increased sperm production in the male, and with increased ovarian follicle development in the female acts to:

: decrease further production of the gametes. In the male, this may occur at the level of the hypothalamus and pituitary although the role of inhibin in males is complex and not completely understood. In the female, inhibin acts locally on all but one of the ovarian follicles.

What is a hypospadias?

A birth defect of the urethra where the urinary opening is not at the usual location on the head of the penis.

What is Negative Feedback Inhibition?

A control mechanism where an increase in the amount of hormone inhibits the process that produced it. In effect the hormone controls its own level of production (such as a thermostat on a wall controlling heat in a room; level of water in a toilet bowl tank controlling the flow of water)

A genderqueer individual is typically defined as:

A gender-nonconforming person who identifies outside a gender binary. A cisgender person who supports the transgender community. A person of any gender who has a political agenda to challenge a gender binary.

Orgasmic phase

A highly pleasurable response involving the feeling of physiological and psychological release from maximum levels of sexual excitement. The sympathetic part of the nervous system is most dominant in this phase.

Obstetric fistula

A hole between the vagina and rectum or bladder that is caused by prolonged obstructed labor.

What is mammography? Why isn't is recommended that young women (under the age of 40) have regular mammograms? When do/should women have their first mammography?

A mammogram is an x-ray picture of the breast. I - because before 40/50 yrs, women's risk of getting breast cancer is much lower, so the risks/harmful effects of mammograms outweigh the potential pros for them. - mammogram should be gotten between 40-50 years of age, and after age 50 exams should be done every two years.

What is the Gomco Clamp method?

A method of male circumcision. A special instrument called a probe is used to separate the foreskin from the head of the penis (they are usually joined by a thin membrane). Next a bell-shaped device is fitted over the head of the penis and under the foreskin (an incision may be made in the foreskin to allow this). The foreskin is then pulled up and over the bell and a clamp is tightened around it to reduce blood flow to the area. A scalpel is used to cut and remove the foreskin.

What is the Mogen Clamp method?

A method of male circumcision. The foreskin is separated from the head of the penis with a probe. The foreskin is then pulled out in front of the head and inserted through a metal clamp with a slot in it. The clamp is held in place while the foreskin is cut with a scalpel and remains for a few minutes after this to make sure that bleeding has been controlled.

What is the Dorsal slit method?

A method of male circumcision. a single incision along the upper length of the foreskin from the tip to the corona, exposing the glans without removing any tissue.

What is the Plastibell technique?

A method of male circumcision. This method is similar to the Gomco clamp technique. After separation with a probe, the plastic bell is placed under the foreskin and over the head of the penis. A piece of suture is tied directly around the foreskin, which cuts off the blood supply to the foreskin. A scalpel may then be used to cut off the extra foreskin, but the plastic ring is left on. About 6 to 12 days later it falls off on its own.

Gender Identity

A person's individual internal sense and subjective experience of their own gender.


A set of attributes and gender performativity that are socially constructed and culturally bound, made up of both socially defined and biologically created factors associated with a combination of masculine and feminine characteristics.


A set of attributes and gender performativity that are socially constructed and culturally bound, made up of both socially defined and biologically created factors associated with boys and men.


A set of attributes and gender performativity that are socially constructed and culturally bound, made up of both socially defined and biologically created factors associated with girls and women.

Gender Role

A set of social and behavioral norms that dictate how we should think, speak, dress, and interact within the context of society.

What was the Tuskegee Study about?

A study conducted by the US Public Health Service that explored the progression of untreated syphilis in African American men who thought they were receiving free treatment for "bad blood."

Tubal ligation

A surgical procedure in which both fallopian tubes are blocked, tied, or cut. Though the ovaries will continue to produce and release mature eggs, tubal ligation will prevent egg and sperm from getting together, thus resulting in sterilization.


A surgical procedure where the vas deferens from each testicle is clamped, cut, or otherwise sealed. This prevents sperm from mixing with the rest of the semen that is ejaculated from the penis, thus resulting in sterilization.

The anterior pituitary secretes... A. LH (Luteinizing Hormone), initiates hormone production. B. Estrogen C. FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), which initiates gamete production. D. Prolactin

A, C, D

Problems surrounding adult-child sexual interactions include..

A. A child may be afraid or embarrassed to report sexual abuse. B. Parents may be reluctant to expose the child to the stress of legal proceedings and may therefore refrain from reporting and prosecuting the perpetrator. C. Parents may not always believe the child, especially if the abuser is a family member or close family friend.

Emotional violence are common in relationships. What are some warning signs of emotional abuse by your partner?

A. Accuses you of cheating and is often jealous of your outside relationships. B. When you argue, they humiliate or yell, call you names, and intentionally insults you to put you down. C. Refuses to trust you and acts jealous or possessive. D. Constantly checks up on you, and monitors where you go, who you call and who you spend time with. E. Damages your property when they're angry (throwing objects, punching walls, kicking doors, etc.)

Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been associated with which of the following cancers? A. All of the above B. Cervical cancer C. Penile cancer D. Anal cancer

A. All of the above

What does discourse mean?

A. Certain ways of thinking. B. The use of specific language. C. Ways of constituting knowledge. D. Describes relations between different forms of power.

Individuals who have experienced sexual violence/abuse are most likely to talk to a friend about their experience. As a friend it is important that you...

A. Express concern for your friend's safety when appropriate B. Believe your friend C. Affirm that the abusive situation was not his or her fault D. Inform your friend of options and resources of further assistance E. Respect the rights of your friend to do what he/she thinks is best for them

Common misconceptions of feminists include...

A. Feminists are angry, white women who like to whine. B. Feminists hate men because they want the power and dominance to rule over men. C. Feminists reject the notion of motherhood and the concept of family. D. All feminists are either out or secretly identify as lesbians, much do to their hatred of men.

hooks (2000) defines feminism as a movement. And this movement is struggling to end what?

A. Sexism B. Sexist exploitation C. Oppression

What are some reasons as to why sexual violence and abuse is so grossly underreported?

A. Since 4 out 5 people who have experienced some form of sexual violence knows the person who abused them, it is often challenging to report someone you have some sort of relationship to. B. An unawareness of what the process of reporting sexual violence and abuse entails. If I say anything about what has happened to my teacher, school counselor, or even a friend, then they might report and it will become a police investigation. C. Feelings of guilt, shame, self-blame, and a worry about what will happen to abuser if a report is made, are often reasons as to why reports of sexual violence and abuse are not made.

Which of the following is/are TRUE about the penis? A. The muscle running through the shaft of the penis is called the corpora cavernosa. B. The corpus spongiosum is the spongy tissue surrounding the urethra. C. The baculum found in the V-groove between the corpora cavernosa helps with erection in the human male. D. The penile glans contains numerous nerve endings making it the most sexually sensitive area of the penis.

A. The corpus spongiosum is the spongy tissue surrounding the urethra. B. The penile glans contains numerous nerve endings making it the most sexually sensitive area of the penis.

What does the term objectification mean?

A. The treatment of a person primarily in terms of how they look, or how they appear to the senses B. Seeing and/or treating a person, usually a woman, as an object. C. The treatment of a person as lacking in agency, and perhaps also in activity D. The treatment of a person as a tool for the objectifier's purposes

What is the sequence of evens when the blood level of testosterone drops? Rises?

A. When the level of testosterone in the blood reaches the bottom of the normal physiological range, the negative feedback cycle involves and increase in: - GnRH production by the hypothalamus - LH from the anterior pituitary - Production of testosterone from the testes - Blood levels of testosterone which are sensed by "gonadostat" B. When levels of testosterone in the blood reach the top of the normal physiological range, the negative feedback cycle involves a decrease in: - GnRH production - LH production - Production of testosterone - Blood levels of testosterone sensed by "gonadostat" This cycle repeats... resulting in relatively constant production of hormones.

Approximately how many people live with HIV disease in the US?

About 1.1 million

Emotional violence are common in relationships. What are some warning signs of emotional abuse by your partner?

Accuses you of cheating and is often jealous of your outside relationships. Refuses to trust you and acts jealous or possessive. Damages your property when they're angry (throwing objects, punching walls, kicking doors, etc.) When you argue, they humiliate or yell, call you names, and intentionally insults you to put you down. Constantly checks up on you, and monitors where you go, who you call and who you spend time with.

Which of the following are reasons that the media is influential through advertising?

Advertisements are based on vulnerability and acceptance. Advertisements have subliminal messages. Advertisements are customized and lack interactivity.

Which racial/ethnic group accounts for the greatest number of new HIV infections in the U.S.?

African American/Black

Which of the following researchers developed a scale that measured sexual behavior?

Alfred Kinsey

What are some important aspects of being a supportive LGBTQI ally?

All of the above

Once the time comes to define a relationship as serious, you end it. You don't want to really let someone in, but rather enjoy the flirtatious beginning stages of a new relation.

Ambivalence about intimacy

Sexual Orientation

An individual's physical and/or emotional attraction to the same and/or opposite gender.

What is the difference in definition between a transgender person and an intersex person?

An intersex person has XY and XX biological characteristics, and a trans person has a felt sense of identity that is incongruous with the identity attributed to them based on their sex assignment.


An often painful disorder in which endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus.

What are some reasons as to why sexual violence and abuse is so grossly underreported?

An unawareness of what the process of reporting sexual violence and abuse entails. If I say anything about what has happened to my teacher, school counselor, or even a friend, then they might report and it will become a police investigation. Since 4 out 5 people who have experienced some form of sexual violence knows the person who abused them, it is often challenging to report someone you have some sort of relationship to. Feelings of guilt, shame, self-blame, and a worry about what will happen to abuser if a report is made, are often reasons as to why reports of sexual violence and abuse are not made.

When a foreign organism enters your body, your immune system recognizes this by detecting the organism's foreign:


The experience of an orgasm can be triggered by stimulation of the:

Anus Vagina Intimate kissing and touching Penile glans Clitoris

If a person is asymptomatic, meaning that they have no symptoms of an STD, they...

Are still able to transmit the STD as most STDs are associated with no symptoms Should still take precaution and use protection when needed Should still continue to take any medication that has been prescribed to treat the STD

What enzyme is needed to convert testosterone to estrogen?


When you suspect someone might be transgender/genderqueer identified, how do you know which pronoun to use?

Ask the person what pronoun(s) they prefer.

Births around the world most commonly take place where?

At home

Which of the following is/are TRUE about the corona of the penis? A. The corona will engorge with blood during sexual arousal. B. Tyson's glands, which appear as a row of glands around the corona are structures that secrete substances that protect the penis. C. The corona refers to the rim of the penile glans. D. The corona is the opening up top of the glans of the penis also known as the urethral opening.

B, C

Which of the following is/are TRUE about the pituitary? A. The glands secrete the hormone testosterone. B. The pituitary is controlled by hormones from the hypothalamus. C. The pituitary is part of the adrenal gland. D. Consists of two glands, the anterior and posterior pituitary. E. Is located underneath the hypothalamus.

B, D, E

What type of abortion is most commonly performed in the US? A. Medical abortion B. Aspiration abortion C. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)

B. Aspiration abortion

Research has shown that sexual violence and abuse are more common in societies were there is a power unbalance between genders in a society, and particularly when there is a strong patriarchal structure in place. What are some characteristics of a patriarchal society?

B. Men hold primary power in political leadership. C. On average, in the US a woman earns 79 cents for every dollar a man earns. D. Men dominate in ownership of land and property. E. Male authority supersede that of any other gender.

There are five different organisms that are responsible for causing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). One of these organisms, ___ is unicellular and has the capability of cloning itself in a process called binary fission.


Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are synthetically produced variants of the naturally occurring hormone testosterone. Taking AAS will elevate testosterone levels yet decrease sperm production, why is this? Why might the use of long-term androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) result in testicular atrophy?

Because AAS negatively affects LH

Even though you might get a negative result on an initial HIV antibody test, why is it important to get retested after 3 months?

Because it may take up to 3 months for the body to produce detectable levels of HIV antigens.

Where is the cervix found?

Between the body of the uterus and the vagina.

The term intersex refers to what type of variation?


During the Nature v. Nurture debate that was particularly prominent in the 1960s and 1970s, what researcher challenged the supposed impact of nurture by suggesting that nature (referring to our human biology) was a crucial part of our sexual identity?

Biologist, Dr. Milton Diamond

HIV is transmitted through various bodily fluids, and the highest concentration of HIV is found in ___.


What are some of the benefits of breastfeeding an infant?

Breast milk contains antibodies that help infants fight off viruses and bacteria. From a global perspective, and infant that is not exclusively breastfed could be at a substantially greater risk of death from diarrhea or pneumonia than one who is., Breast milk supports infants' immune system and may protect them later in life from chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes.

The lowest concentration of HIV is found in ___.


Which of the following is not a factor that contributes to sexual assault?

Bystander intervention

What are the symptoms of cervical cancer in the early stages? A. Severe abdominal cramps. B. Heavy bleeding including clotting. C. Typically, there are no obvious symptoms.

C. Typically, there are no obvious symptoms.

The immune system response is orchestrated by, which of the following cells?

CD4+ T cells

Which of the following cells orchestrates the immune system response?

CD4+ T cells

The immune system response is orchestrated by which of the following cells?

CD4+T cells


Candida albicans

Occurs when there is an overgrowth of yeast. The infection is most common in the vaginal tract, but can also take form in the back of the mouth, then referred to as thrush. Penile candidiasis may also occur but is rare. Symptoms include abnormal vaginal discharge that has a consistency similar to cottage cheese, white slightly raised areas in the mouth, and whitish substance on the head of the penis and foreskin.


What causes Hemorrhoids? How can you treat them?

Causes: A. inflammation or enlargement of veins in the anus due to excessive pressure in the abdominal area, perhaps due to: - straining due to constipation - diarrhea - low fiber in diet - pregnancy and childbirth - sedentary lifestyle B. Obesity C. Genetics? Treatment: - may require surgical treatment (most do not). placing a rubber band around the base, chemical solution, suppositories, or injections

What are the causes & symptoms of Toxic Shock Syndrome?

Causes: - Staphylococcus aureus (a bacterium) which thrives in a blood medium. * produces powerful toxins that have a systematic effect. * There is evidence that synthetic material in highly absorbent tampons decreases the magnesium levels in the vagina, making it more susceptible to infection. Symptoms: - vomiting/diarrhea - sudden high fever, dizziness, fainting, weakness, sore throat, aching muscles or joints - sunburn- like a rash

What does discourse mean?

Certain ways of thinking. The use of specific language. Ways of constituting knowledge. Describes relations between different forms of power.

Nicknamed the "silent" disease since most people infected are asymptomatic. This is one of the most common STDs with nearly 3 million new infections yearly. When symptoms do occur they may involve pain and burning with urination, abnormal discharge from the penis, vagina or anus. If left untreated can lead to sterility, PID and in case of pregnancy, an ectopic pregnancy.


Which is the most common STD caused by bacteria?


What causes Chlamydia?

Chlamydia is caused by the bacterium, Chladmydia trachomatis, which can damage a woman's reproductive organs.

Androgen Insensitivity syndrome (AIS)

Chromosomal makeup: XY - a condition that results in the partial or complete inability of the cell to respond to androgens. - can impair or prevent the masculinization of male genitalia in the developing fetus, as well as the development of male secondary sexual characteristics at puberty, but not not significantly impair female genital or sexual development.

The small units of DNA that carry the instructions needed to build your body and maintain its functions are called:


Which of the following organs have the sole purpose of producing pleasure?


The vulva is the external genital organs of the female and consists of...

Clitoris, Mons pubis, Labia minora, Labia majora

How do you treat cervical cancer?

Colposcopy, radiation therapy or surgery

Assuming that the method is used correctly, which of the following is most effective in preventing an unplanned pregnancy?

Combination pill

What can protect you from HIV infection?

Condoms Abstinence

Means you can freely and comfortably choose whether or not to engage in sexual activity. You are able to stop the activity at any time during the sexual contact.


What is consent?

Consent to some form of sexual activity, does not necessarily imply consent to other forms of sexual activity. Give permission and agree to by free will based on choice. All people involved must be fully conscious and actively communicate their consent.

What does CERTS stand for and what is it needed for?

Consent, Equality, Respect, Trust & Safety. It is needed for: - Healthy sex - Healthy relationships - Preventing sexual dysfunctions - Preventing abuse

The CERTS model describes five components important to healthy sexual relationships, what are they?

Consent, Equality, Respect, Trust, Safety

Ischiocavernosus muscle

Contracts to flex the anus and helps to stabilize the penis during erection.

Bulbocavernosus muscle

Contracts to stop the flow of urine, and helps with erection and the expulsion of semen.

The urethra runs through which of the following structures?

Corpus spongiosum

What muscle is most dominant in elevating the testes closer to the body during cold climates?

Cremaster muscle

A condition in which one or both of the testes fail to descend from the abdomen into the scrotum.


Which of the following is not a component of Helen Singer Kaplan's Tri-phasic model? A. Excitement phase B. Desire phase C. Orgasm phase D. Resolution phase

D. Resolution phase

Which of the following contraceptives does only contain progesterone?

Depo-Provera The mini-pill Implanon

Helen Singer Kaplan criticized Masters and Johnson's four stage model of sexual response and stated that humans have what she refers to as a "brain appetite" for sex. To illustrate this, she developed a tri-phasic model of sexual response that included a phase this brain appetite, what is the name of this phase?


Resolution phase

Detumescence occurs, pulse, heart and respiratory rates drop and muscles to relax. A deep sense of bodily satisfaction occurs. The parasympathetic part of the nervous system is most dominant in this phase.


Develops when the foreskin can no longer be pulled forward over the penile glans.

Bob and Jenny are considering becoming sexually active. They are about to have a conversation about contraception. What are some of the conditions for contraceptive use they should consider?

Do they have all the information needed to make an informed decision? Can they obtain the device they decide to use? Does their personality fit with using the method chosen? Is the method they chose consistent with their values?

The term ___ refers to an organism that is dependent on a blood meal from a human host for their survival, such as lice and mites that attach or burrow into the skin.


A condition where the tissue that makes up the uterine lining (the lining of the womb) is present on other organs inside the body. The tissue is usually found in the lower abdomen but can appear on other pelvic organs, the ovaries, or fallopian tubes.


What is the inner lining of the uterus called?


What is the name of the uterine layer that is shed during menstruation?


What is the name of the set of coiled tubes that connects to the vas deferens?


The Wolffian ducts develop into what?

Epididymis Seminal vesicles Vas deferens

Inflammation (swelling and irritation) of the epididymis, the tube at the back of the testicle that carries sperm.


Means your sense of personal power is on an equal level with your partner. Neither of you dominates the other.


An increase in which of the following hormones causes the endometrial lining to thicken and become secretory?


Due to lower levels of ___ that are common after menopause or for some people on hormonal contraception, the vaginal walls tend to get dry and sometimes itchy.


What hormone is largely responsible for breast development?


Extravagant behavior that is intended to attract attention to oneself by exposing one's genitals to an unsuspecting stranger.


The likelihood of transmitting or contracting an STD depends on numerous factors, including?

Exposure to high viral or bacterial loads The use of protection such as condoms, dental dams or latex gloves Presence of existing infection and/or disease The level of immune system functioning Stress and/or being overly tired

Individuals who have experienced sexual violence/abuse are most likely to talk to a friend about their experience. As a friend it is important that you...

Express concern for your friend's safety when appropriate Believe your friend Affirm that the abusive situation was not his or her fault Respect the rights of your friend to do what he/she thinks is best for them Inform your friend of options and resources of further assistance

The body's Warm Moist Transitional Zones includes...

Eyes, mouth, and throat Anus and the urethra Vagina and glans (head) of the penis

How do FSH and LH act for males?

FSH acts to initiate spermatogenesis in the seminiferous tubules of the testes. LH acts on the interstitial cells of Leydig in the testes, in conjunction with another anterior pituitary hormone, prolactin, causing the production of androgens which are utilized in spermatogenesis and other body functions.

How do FSH and LH act for females?

FSH and LH act together to initiate the growth and development of a number of (about 20) existing ovarian follicles (an ovum surrounded by follicle cells which will produce estrogen when stimulated by gonadotropins). This results in the production of estrogen and the maturation of one ovum. other info: > the outer portion or cortex contains ovarian follicle > Oocyte + follicle cells = ovarian follicle (immature egg)

Fertilization most commonly occur where?

Fallopian tube

Fertilization via unprotected penile/vaginal intercourse most commonly occur where?

Fallopian tube

Where does fertilization most commonly take place?

Fallopian tubes

The Mullarian ducts develop into what?

Fallopian tubes Two inner thirds of the vagina Uterus

A large percentage of sexual assaults are falsely reported.


The US has the largest incarcerated population in the world, with 2.2 million people in prison or other closed settings. HIV prevalence is estimated to be 1.5% among prisoners, compared to 0.5% among the general population. Most prisoners are infected with HIV before they are incarcerated, and to reduce transmission, all prisoners in the US are tested for HIV as they enter prison. People who test positive are detained in separate facilities. Since sex is common in prison, condoms are offered to inmates to reduce possible HIV transmission.


The historic supreme court decision, Roe v. Wade made abortion legal on what level?


Possible erogenous zones include (but are not limited to)?

Feet Inner thighs Mouth Ears Genitals Breasts Anus

Common misconceptions of feminists include...

Feminists are angry, white women who like to whine. Feminists hate men because they want the power and dominance to rule over men. Feminists reject the notion of motherhood and the concept of family. All feminists are either out or secretly identify as lesbians, much do to their hatred of men.

Peyronie's disease

Fibrous tissue develops in the V-groove between the corpora cavernosa.

What kind of fluid is secreted during sexual arousal in males?

Fluid from the Cowper's glands

Which of the following are functions of luteinizing hormone (LH)?

Formation and maintenance of the corpus luteum

Spermatogenesis results in:

Four mature sperm of which two are androsperm (Y-bearing) and two are gynosperm (X-bearing).

Rectal mucosa

Fourth highest concentration

The practice of achieving sexual stimulation and/or orgasm by touching and rubbing against a non-consenting person, usually in a public place.


What is one of the most common reasons given in support of intersex surgeries on ambiguous genitalia?

Fueled by heteronormativity, it is thought that if you can create genitals that look more typical male or female, you are improving the development of a "normal" gender identity and sexual orientation (i.e., cisgender and heterosexuality).

Candida albicans is a type of ___ that most commonly infect the oral cavity and the genitals.


Defining who is male and who is female may be a complex process, since gender can be viewed from multiple perspectives including...

Genetic makeup Anatomy Chromosomal makeup Physiology Internal feelings of being male, female or androgynous

Symptoms generally begins 2-14 days after initial infection, and include flu-like symptoms such as pain in the buttocks, swollen glands and maybe a fever. Fluid-filled blisters form that will eventually dry up and heal. The first outbreak tends to be the most severe, sub-sequent outbreaks tend to produce less symptoms and tends to be shorter in length. Most people never develop visible blisters, hence one of the reasons it continues to transmit.

Genital herpes

Which of the following STD's are caused by viruses?

Genital herpes HIV disease Condyloma

Penile glans and the clitoral glans

Genital tubercle

People with uncleared HPV can get Condyloma. What is this?

Genital warts. - usually appear as a small bump or group of bumps in the genital area. - can be small or large, raised or flat, or shaped like a cauliflower. - can appear within weeks or months after sexual contact w/ an infected partner- even if the partner has no signs of genital warts. - if left untreated, genital warts might go away, remain unchanged or increase in size or number. * they will not cause cancer.

To have fully functioning adult ovaries:

Germ cells + XX



______________, is a term used to describe a condition of someone who is born with both ovarian and testicular tissue. This term is a stigmatizing and misleading word. There is growing momentum to eliminate the word from medical literature and to use the word "intersex" in its place. While some intersex people do reclaim the word with pride to reference themselves (like words such as "dyke" and "queer" have been reclaimed by LGBT people), it should be generally avoided except under specific circumstances.


Check the following terms that are often offensive to the LGBTQI community?

Homosexual Transvestite Hermaphrodite Trannie

If you or someone you know suffers from bad PMS (pre-menstrual symptoms), which of the following options might help ease the PMS?

Hormonal contraceptives

What is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI)?

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) * there are more than 40 types that can infect the genital areas (or mouth & throat) of males and females.

What causes Scabies & what does it do?

Human scabies is caused by an infestation of the skin by the human itch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis). The microscopic scabies mite burrows into the upper layer of the skin where it lives and lays its eggs.

Masters & Johnson published their findings in a book that was released in 1996, what was their book about?

Human sexual response

The ___, is a legislative provision excluding the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortions.

Hyde Amendment

The __________, is a legislative provision excluding the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortions.

Hyde Amendment

Hormone and Gamete Regulation in Adult Male and Females:

Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPGA) Because of the interaction between higher brain functions, the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the gonads via nerve pathways, the emotions can have an effect on reproductive functions. Stress and overwork can cause decreased sperm and testosterone levels, and decreased menstrual cycling.

The secretion of antibodies by lymphocyte B cells provides:


Which of the following is NOT a common challenge faced by gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, and questioning youth?

Increased risk of committing crimes.

What is Vaginitis? What is it a major cause of? What causes it?

Inflammation of the Vagina - the major cause of female dyspareunia (painful intercourse) Causes: - a foreign body in the vagina - allergic reactions to: commercial douches (principle cause) & contraceptive chemicals (e.g., nonoxynol-9) * test for allergy by placing spermicide on the inner aspect of the arm; cover with band-aid. Check in 12-24 hours for irritation. * may result in Genital Ulcer Disease, (GUD) * Allergy to semen; very rare

What is Islamic Circumcision? What is Jewish Bris?

Islamic Circumcision: takes place on the *7th* day after a boy is born, mandated by Muhammad for boys as a practice of *hygiene*, Performed using the *Plasti-bell* technique. Jewish Bris (circumcision): Performed *8* days after a boy is born and may be performed by a medically trained *Mohel*. The baby is swaddled tightly and held by a family member.

What is the most effective way of preventing STD transmission?

Know STD status, and use appropriate protection when needed.

What are the symptoms of Genital Herpes?

Most individuals have no/only minimal symptoms from HSV-1 or HSV-2 infection. When signs do occur, they typically appear as one or more *blisters* on or around the *genitals* or *rectum*. These usually appear within 2 weeks after the virus is transmitted, and heal within 2-4 weeks. - may also have flu-like symptoms (fever & swollen glands) during the primary episode. * people diagnosed with a first episode can expect to have several (typically 4 or 5) outbreaks (symptomatic recurrences) within a year. * recurrences usually decrease in frequency over time.

Cancer of the penis

Most often related to Human Papilloma Virus infection (genital warts). Irritation caused by presence of smegma, which is formed from Tyson gland secretions, mixed with dead skin cells, lint, ect. is implicated.

According to lecture and your course reader, primary erogenous zones include?

Mouth Genitals Anus

Is there a vaccine that prevents HIV infection or AIDS?


Global perspective on HIV/AIDS: - how many people have been infected with HIV? How many people currently have it? How deadly is it? How many people get it each day? Where do the majority of HIV infected people live? What percent of them are women?

Over 78 million have been infected. Today, about 35 million people have it and 19 million of them have no idea. AIDS-related illnesses were the 6 leading cause of death worldwide. There are about 6,000 new infections every day. * Most NEW infections are transmitted via heterosexual sex. 67% of the global total # of people living with HIV are in sub-saharan Africa. 50% of people living with HIV are women (60% of HIV infected people in Africa) .

What hormone triggers the expulsion of milk?


Which of the following types of tests effectively screens for cervical cancer?

Pap smear test

Which of these tests effectively screens for cervical cancer?

Pap smear test

Lastly, ___ is a type of single-cell eukaryotic organism that lives in humans for example, trichomonas vaginalis.

Parasitic protozoa

Though an infection with this type of organism most often transmits during close skin-to-skin contact, such as during sex, on occasion they can also transmit via infected bedding and towels, what organism does the question refer to?

Pediculosis pubis or scabies, which are parasites that feeds on the outside of the body.

Refers to a condition of the organs of the XX reproductive system. This includes the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and cervix. Most often caused by a sexually transmitted infection, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. If left untreated, it may cause infertility.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

In women, Gonorrhea is a common cause of:

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), which could cause enough damage to the fallopian tubes to cause infertility or an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.

If you have internal genitalia that opens in to the abdominal cavity, which of the following is a health problem that can be caused by an untreated STD such as chlamydia?

Pelvic inflammatory disease Ectopic pregnancy Sterility

Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been associated with which of the following cancers?

Penile Cancer Cervical Cancer Anal Cancer

From the two films about human sexual response, we learned that:

Penile ejaculation occurs in several spurts, the first or second spurt is typically the largest and can contain 40 percent or more of the total ejaculate volume The release of oxytocin during the orgasmic phase can cause mild to moderate mydriasis, which is the dilation of the pupils A sex flush may appear during the excitement phase, usually on the cheeks of the face or the chest

What condition did the Remier twins have that required them to have surgery?


What is male circumcision medically performed for?

Phimosis (tight, unretractable foreskin) * should not be done in cases of hypospadias or epispadias (where the urethral opening is either on the underside or upper side of the penis rather than on the tip), the foreskin will be needed for plastic surgery

Vaginal ring (NuvaRing)

Plastic ring embedded with estrogen and progesterone that releases low doses of the hormones. - leave it in for 21 days, take a week off, then put in a new one. - can be removed for 3 hours to permit intercourse. - some people complain of discomfort if it is left in during intercourse.

A condition where the ovaries develop numerous small collections of fluid, which may result in a failure to regularly release eggs. Infrequent, irregular or prolonged menstrual periods, and often excess androgen levels are also characteristics of this condition.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

What is sexism?

Prejudice or discrimination based on sex. Behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex.

What is the definition of pornography?

Printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.

Which hormone increases to sustain the pregnancy?


How does the Hyde Amendment restrict abortion?

Prohibiting federal funds to be used for abortion.

What hormone initiates milk production? What hormone helps with milk expulsion?

Prolactin (from the anterior pituitary) & Oxytocin (from the posterior pituitary)

The pituitary gland secretes...

Prolactin, Oxytocin, Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH)

What is the second phase of the uterine cycle called?


In the US, what type of cancer is most common among men/XY individuals?

Prostate cancer

The Skene's glands are homologous to what tissue?

Prostate gland

Cremaster muscle

Pulls the testes closer to the body during sexual arousal in preparation for ejaculation.

Foreskin and clitoral hood


What is congenital syphilis?

Refers to an infection that develops in utero, as it is passed through the placenta from the infected pregnant person to the fetus

If you think you might have an STD...

Refrain from sexual activity or take extra percussion until the test results are known. Communicate with your partner(s) as soon as possible; while this is not always easy, it is a responsibility that comes with the decision to have sex. It's advisable that you get tested at your doctor's office, or at sexual and reproductive health care clinic, such as, Planned Parenthood.

What is a key characteristic of puberty?

Regular menstruation

Tunica dartos muscle

Regulates the temperature of the testicles by either lowering or pulling the scrotum to the body.

Means you have positive regard for yourself and for your partner. You feel respected by your partner.


Excerpt from the article, My abortion, at 23 weeks featured in the New York Times on June 20, 2013.

Roe v. Wade in 1973.

The ______________, was a landmark controversial decision by the US Supreme Court on the issue of abortion. The Court decided that a right to privacy under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution extends to a woman's decision to have an abortion, but that right must be balanced against the state's two legitimate interests for regulating abortions: protecting prenatal life and protecting the mother's health.

Roe vs. Wade

In the context of the US, what factors are the main drives behind public sex education?

STD prevention Teen pregnancy prevention Abstinence education

Means you feel secure and safe within the sexual setting. You are comfortable with and assertive about where, when and how the sexual activity takes place. You feel safe from the possibility of harm, such as psychological or physical injury.


Though HIV exists in ___, this fluid does not carry high enough concentrations for HIV to be transmissible.


Which of the following fluids is not capable of transmitting HIV?


Scrotum and labia majora Penile shaft and labia minora Penile glans and the clitoral glans Foreskin and clitoral hood

Scrotum... - Labioscrotal swelling Penile shaft... - Urogenital areas Penile glans... - Genital tubercle Foreskin... - Raphe

Desiring a sexual space in which you will be dominated by your partner. Sexual arousal becomes intensified with the submission by being spanked and told what to do.

Search for power

How can you test for HIV?

Search for presence of antibodies to HIV Rapid test (prick test) results in less than 30min - blood or oral fluids OraQuick in-Home HIV test results in 20min - oral swab or urine > less accurate, more likely (than blood test) to produce false-negative results. Search for presence of HIV antigens - p24 antigen test (11-month days of infection) > Can detect HIV before the production of antibodies. * CDC recommends that everyone ages 13-64 get tested. > High risk individuals get tested regularly.

Semen is made up of fluids from which of the following structures?

Seminal vesicles, Prostate gland, Cowper's gland

Where does spermatogenesis occur?

Seminiferous tubules

When enough sperm has been produced, the ___________ release the hormone inhibin, which temporarily shuts down the production.

Sertoli cells

hooks (2000) defines feminism as a movement. And this movement is struggling to end what?

Sexist exploitation Sexism Oppression

Unwanted, verbal/physical behaviors that interfere with one's academic performance or living, working environment.

Sexual Harassment

How does the sexual aging process in males influence adult testicular functioning? How do chemicals influence it?

Sexual aging process in males: - after age 35-40 sperm production slows down but continues into 80's or 90's. - Testosterone production gradually declines from age 35-55 or 60 but there is no sharp drop. 5% of males experience "male climatic": where hormone production decreases dramatically, treatment is androgen therapy Chemicals: - estrogen (hormone) and environmental agents that mimic sex hormones - Environmental pollutants (PCBs) lead to decreased IQ in the fetus - Drugs including smoking cigarettes

What is sexual dysfunction?

Sexual dysfunction refers to any behavioral, physical or cognitive problem that interferes with sexual functioning or pleasure. Psychological: - fear, anxiety Behavioral: - lack of interest - sexual identity confusion

What did Masters and Johnson study?

Sexual response

How long has cancer been around?

Since prehistoric times.

Does circumcision decrease sexual pleasure and sensitivity?

Some men say yes, others no.

Perpetrators of sexual assault are most often:

Someone who is known by the victim.

What are the two types of endocrine hormones?

Steroid & Non-steroid hormones. Steroidal = fatty- based, can pass through cell membranes (because they are structurally related to cholesterol), and have receptors inside the target cell. Also produced in the endocrine glands (gonads, adrenal glands), in the placenta of pregnant women, and sometimes in brain cells and fat cells. "Sex hormones". Non-steroidal: protein-based, cannot pass through cell membranes, have receptors on the surface of target cells. Also produced by the neurosecretory cells in the brain.

biosynthetic pathway in steroid hormones

Steroid hormones are chemically very similar and have a common biosynthetic pathway (a controlled progression/conversion from one hormone to another) beginning with cholesterol. Each step in a biosynthetic pathway is controlled/regulated by a specific enzyme (protein catalysts which either initiate or speed up a particular chemical reaction)

What is an example of homophobic expression?

Suggesting that you are accepting of lesbians and gays, but you don't think that they should be allowed to get married or have children.

What do the sympathetic/parasympathetic branches do?

Sympathetic branch: prepares the body to fight or flee in times of fright & sexual arousal. Parasympathetic branch: brings the body back to a normal resting state. ** The two operate in opposition to each other.

What are the symptoms & treatment for Cystitis?

Symptoms: - burning when urinating - frequent urge to urinate - lower back or abdominal pain - bloody urine Treatment: - Antibiotics (sulfa)

What are the symptoms of Pediculosis Pubis & how is it treated?

Symptoms: - itching in pubic hair area, resulting from hypersensitivity to louse saliva, which can become stronger over 2 or more weeks following the initial infestation. - sometimes a characteristic grey-blue or slate coloration macule appears at the feeding site, which may last for days. - Nits or live lice may also be visible to the unaided eye. Treatment: - Permethrin 1% cream rinse applied to affected areas & washed off after 10 minutes. - Pyrethrins with Piperonyl Butoxide applied to the affected area & washed off after 10 minutes.

What is Congenital Syphilis? How do you treat/handle it and what happens if it is left untreated?

Syphilis that crosses the placenta during pregnancy (present in utero and at birth) and occurs when a child is born to a mother with secondary syphilis. - premature birth - miscarriage or stillbirth Treatment/Prenatal care: - treatment will kill the syphilis bacterium and prevent further damage, but cannot repair previous damage. - prenatal screening; treatment before 16th week - may abort pregnancy - an afflicted child can be treated using antibiotics much like an adult, however any developmental symptoms are likely to be permanent. If left untreated: - affects cartilage development - affects bone and teeth formation - anemia - enlarged liver or spleen

What are some functions of the placenta?

Takes care of waste products from the fetus to the mother. Produces a number of important hormones to help sustain pregnancy. Provides glucose and oxygen from the mother to the fetus.

What are some functions of the placenta?

Takes care of waste products from the fetus to the mother. Produces a number of important hormones to help sustain pregnancy. Provides glucose and oxygen from the mother to the fetus.

Why is ovarian cancer a concern for female-to-male transgender people who take hormone supplements?

Taking hormone supplements of testosterone puts one's body into early menopause. This is one of the main reasons that trans men seek a hysterectomy.

STDs are most common in which age group?

Teens and young adults up to the age of 24.

Research has shown that students who receive sound comprehensive information about sex and sexuality...

Tend to have more skill and ability to say no to unwanted sexual behaviors as well as yes to wanted sexual behaviors Are more likely to use contraception Tend to initiate sexual behavior at about the same age when compared to students who receive abstinence only education

Vaginal penetration may be uncomfortable or painful if the ___ has not yet occurred as this allows the vagina to widen and lengthen.

Tenting effect

In someone with a genetic make-up of XY, the neurons of the hypothalamus of the brain are exposed to high levels of___________, which is converted into ___________ in the presence of the enzyme___________. The biological male pattern of hormone release is ___________, where as the hormone release in someone with a genetic make-up of XX is ____________.

Testosterone; Estrogen (estradiol); Aromatase; Relatively constant (acyclic); Cyclic

In someone with a genetic make-up of XY, the neurons of the hypothalamus of the brain are exposed to high levels of___________, which is converted into ___________ in the presence of the enzyme___________. The biological male pattern of hormone release is ___________, where as the hormone release in someone with a genetic make-up of XX is ____________.

Testosterone; Estrogen (estradiol); Aromatase; Relatively constant (acyclic); Cyclic

In the context of HIV, what does it mean to be virally suppressed?

That viral loads are so low that they are undetectable by an HIV test

How does the Peripheral Nervous System interact with the Central Nervous System?

The CNS receives input from the sensory nerves, integrates and organizes the information and sends it out to the PNS via its motor components. Sexual response involves information from the cerebral cortex and the genitals traveling via the spinal cord to spinal reflex centers for erection, vaginal lubrication and orgasm. ** reflex centers do not require interaction with the cerebral cortex to respond to potential threats, such as pulling your hand away from something hot before the pain is sensed at the level of the cerebral cortex.

What type of contraception would you recommend to someone who is forgetful and have trouble forming daily habits?

The NuvaRing Condom Depo-Provera, the shot

Which one determines genetic sex?

The Sperm

What is heteronormativity?

The assumption that heterosexuality is the "standard" sexual orientation and that all other orientations deviate from this norm, normalizes behaviors, values, and cultural aspects that relate to and reinforce presumed heterosexuality.

Gonorrhea is currently treated with antibiotics, but what is an increasing concern about this type of treatment?

The bacterium that causes gonorrhea has become resistant to certain antibiotics.

STDs like chlamydia or gonorrhea can cause something called pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID is possible when the reproductive system opens into the abdominal cavity. Which system, the biological male or the biological female opens into the abdominal cavity?

The biological female

In terms of research, what was a key contributor that made the Reimer case so interesting?

The fact that there were identical twin boys involved.

What is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)?

The female reproductive system opens into the abdominal cavity, allowing pathogenic organisms that enter the vagina to travel to the abdominal cavity causing infection throughout the system.

In the context of the menstrual cycle, which of the following are functions of luteinizing hormone (LH)?

The formation and maintenance of the Corpus Luteum.

Oogenesis results in:

The formation of a single mature egg cell. The formation of three polar bodies.

Oogenesis results in:

The formation of a single mature egg cell. The formation of three polar bodies.

How do the hypothalamus and pituitary work together to control/produce hormones? (long)

The hypothalamus produces gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) which causes the pituitary to secrete hormones which results in the production of gametes from the gonads and the sex hormones from the gonads & adrenal glands. The hormones produced have a negative feedback effect at the level of the hypothalamus and pituitary to regulate their own production. That is, the level of hormone in the blood determines whether more or less of that hormone will be produced. Hormones at the upper level of the normal physiological range inhibit production of the hormones from the hypothalamus and pituitary. Hormones at the lower level of the normal physiological range activate their production.


The inability to retract the foreskin; the foreskin is too tight to be retracted.

What is the inguinal canal?

The inguinal canals are the two passages in the anterior abdominal wall which in men convey the spermatic cords and in women the round ligament of uterus. The inguinal canals are larger and more prominent in men. There is one inguinal canal on each side of the midline.

If the genetic make-up is XY, what part of the gonad then develop?

The medulla

Prostate cancer

The most common type of cancer among American men and the second leading cause of cancer death in males over 35, may be related to Human Papillomavirus. - incidence of diagnosis rapidly increasing (perhaps related to use of anabolic steroids by athletes) - More common in African-American men, reason unknown -Diagnosis: increased prostate specific antigen in blood serum (PSA normal range?) - HPV vaccine is also recommended to boys.

What is tumescence?

The normal engorgement with blood (vascular congestion) of the erectile tissues, marking sexual excitation and possible readiness for sexual activity.

According to Masters and Johnson, during the excitement phase of the sexual response cycle...

The penis becomes erect due to vasocongestion The clitoris engorges with blood and becomes erect; most tumescence in females occurs internally Vaginal lubrication occurs due to vasocongestion

What is Atresia?

The process by which the total number of ovarian follicles, which is set at birth, decreases over a woman's lifetime. Stage vs. # of ovarian follicles: - fetus at 5 months of develop. = 7 million - Birth = 1 million - Menarche (first menstrual period) = 20-60 thousand - Menopause = 300-1,000 A woman ovulates only about 400 to 500 times in her lifetime.

What is circumcision?

The process of partially or totally removing the external genitalia of for non-medical reasons.

What is an amniocentesis?

The sampling of amniotic fluid using a hollow needle inserted into the uterus, to screen for developmental abnormalities in a fetus.

What does sadism mean?

The tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.

What does masochism mean?

The tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from one's own pain or humiliation.

What does the term objectification mean?

The treatment of a person primarily in terms of how they look, or how they appear to the senses The treatment of a person as lacking in agency, and perhaps also in activity The treatment of a person as a tool for the objectifier's purposes Seeing and/or treating a person, usually a woman, as an object.

What happens during the tenting effect?

The vagina lengthens The vagina widens The uterus pulls up

Which of the following is not a characteristic of cancer tumors?

Their cells multiply slowly in a highly regulated manner.

Timing of the Menstrual Cycle:

There is a biological clock, the superchiasmatic nucleus or SCN, that contributes to the timing of the menstrual cycle. - Menstrual cycles are variable * Not all women have cycles that are 28 days long * The first phase of the cycle is more variable than the second * Stress * Exercise and weight loss - Not all women menstruate every month * Some methods of contraception decrease menstruation substantially

Plateau phase

There is an increase in pulse, respiratory and hear rates, and the testes elevates closer to the body and there is an increased tenting effect. The sympathetic part of the nervous system is most dominant in this phase.

What do Hypothalamus and pituitary hormones control?

They control the production of sex hormones from the gonads and the adrenal glands. They also control the production of gametes (sperm and ova eggs) from the gonads.

How do endocrine hormones travel in the body?

They travel from their site of productions (the endocrine glands), via the bloodstream to their "target cells." *** Only target cells can respond to a particular hormone because they have receptors for that hormone ("lock & key" effect)

Hormonal birth control pills, like the combination pill and the mini-pill works by three main ways, what are they?

Thickens the cervical mucus to plug the cervix Acts as negative feedback on GnRH, FSH, and LH so no ovulation will occur Makes the endometrium less blood-rich and therefore inhospitable to implantation

Vaginal fluids

Third highest concentration

The combination pill or other methods of administering estrogen/progesterone combinations may be risky for people who experience what kind of conditions?

Those with breast tumors Those over the age of 35 especially if they smoke more than 15 cigarettes a day Those with cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes

Syphilis can be transmitted through:

Through the placenta Unprotected vaginal sex Unprotected anal sex Unprotected oral sex

How did HIV enter the human population?

Through the slaughtering of monkeys

Seminiferous tubules

Tightly coiled tubules in which sperm production takes place

What is the purpose of the scrotum?

To acts as a "climate control system" for the testes. In cold temperatures it pulls the testes closer to the body. In warm temperatures it lowers the testes away from the body.

Penile circumcision became a routine medical practice in the US during the Victorian Era in the mid 19th-20th century. What was the main drive behind this new medical practice?

To prevent masturbation.

Parasitic protozoa


Abuse is a learned behavior. Domestic violence and abuse stem from a desire to gain and maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Abusive people believe they have the right to control and restrict their partners, and they may enjoy the feeling that exerting power gives them. They often believe that their own feelings and needs should be the priority in their relationships, so they use abusive tactics to dismantle equality and make their partners feel less valuable and deserving of respect in the relationship.


According to RAINN, every 92 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. And every 9 minutes, that victim is a child.


An intact hymen is not a very good "proof" of virginity. Most girls will begin to menstruate around the age of 10-15, but the average age of brides in the US is in the late twenties. If the idea is that a woman is to have an intact hymen that is taught to break on the wedding night as a sign of her virginity, then how is she menstruating as a youngster? There needs to be a sufficient opening to the vagina once menstruation begins so that the menstrual blood can leave the body. Pooling of blood inside of the vagina due to an intact hymen can lead to a dilation of the vagina and uterus, which can cause retrograde bleeding leading to endometriosis and peritonitis.


Anyone can be affected by domestic violence and abuse, but people with disabilities are more likely to experience abuse than people without disabilities. Because abuse is about power and control, people with disabilities may face unique challenges and barriers to accessing support.


Due to a set of complex social, environmental, and individual factors including institutionalized racism and lack of quality health care, in the U.S., African American/Black people are more affected by HIV and AIDS than any other ethnic group.


Failing to clean sex toys can lead to the spread of STDs. Re-infection with a sexually transmitted infection via a sex toy is possible, though the risk of this decreases over time since the lifespan of most organisms that cause STDs are relatively short outside the body. Transmission can occur from person to person when sex toys are shared, or a person could re-infect themselves if the toys are not cleaned properly. To prevent transmission of an STD via sex toys, be sure to clean them after every use, and always use a condom on things used for penetration, such as dildos and vibrators.


If you are intoxicated with alcohol, you are not able to give legal consent to engaging in sexual activity.


Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a month-long course of drugs to help prevent HIV infection that is taken after a possible exposure to HIV. The word "prophylaxis" means to prevent or control the spread of an infection or disease. PEP means taking HIV medicines within 72 hours after a possible exposure to HIV to prevent becoming infected with HIV.


Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an HIV prevention strategy where HIV-negative individuals take anti-HIV medications before coming into contact with HIV to reduce their risk of becoming infected. The medications work to prevent HIV from establishing infection inside the body.


Recent research by Feagin and Bennefiled (2014) shows that institutionalized White socioeconomic resources........


Recent research suggests that over 50% of all fertilized eggs will not make it, thus resulting in miscarriage.


Research has shown, that during penetration additional clitoral stimulation is more than often (more than 70% of the cases) needed for orgasm to occur.


Sex education in the U.S. continues to be highly controversial. Currently, only 24 states and the District of Columbia require public schools to teach sex education. Debates continue to surround the effectiveness and ethical aspects of the two main forms, comprehensive sex education and abstinence-only education.


Sexual violence and abuse are common occurrences on American college campuses.


The number of annual HIV infections in the U.S. began to level off in 2013. However, there are still about 39,000 new infections per year.


The refractory period is the recovery phase that is often associated with penile ejaculation. During this time, it is physiologically impossible for penile erection and ejaculation to occur. The length of the refractory period will increase with age.


The structure of a pyramid can function as a visual representation of how sexism operates within our society. The strong foundation of the pyramid makes the structure last through time, which mirrors our understanding of the progression of sexism.


The term sexual literacy is defined as the knowledge and skills needed to promote and protect sexual well-being. Learning about sexuality and the sexual body may enhance your knowledge about holistic sexuality, which refers to the integration of your body and mind.


There is now evidence-based confirmation that the risk of HIV transmission from a person living with HIV (PLHIV), who is on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and has achieved an undetectable viral load in their blood for at least 6 months is negligible to non-existent. In other words, it is essentially impossible to transmit HIV if you are on treatment and have achieved viral suppression.


Third trimester abortions are very rare, and in some states are not legal. These abortions are very restricted and states that do allow them only do so under certain medical circumstances. As a result, there are only a few doctors in the US that perform abortions in the third trimester.


Unlike many other animals, sexuality is a learned behavior in humans.


When engaging in penetrative behaviors, it is important to remember that it often takes longer for the vagina and/or anus to reach the state where penetration is comfortable and pleasurable in comparison to the relatively short time it takes for the penis to become erect and ready for penetration. Communication is essential in this process making sure that sufficient levels of arousal and excitement have been reached before penetration begins to ensure that both the receiver and the inserter derives pleasure from the penetration.


Means you trust your partner on both a physical and emotional level. You have mutual acceptance of vulnerability and an ability to respond to it with sensitivity.


Excitement phase

Tumescence begins causing the penis to become erect and the vagina begins to widen and lengthen. The parasympathetic part of the nervous system tends to be most dominant, particularly in the early stages of this phase.

Someone with a genetic variation resulting in having only one X chromosome instead of two sex chromosomes.

Turner syndrome

Penile ejaculation occurs in how many stages?


What is meant by 69?

Two partners simultaneously performing oral sex on each other.

What are the 3 types of FGM identified by the WHO?

Type 1: - removal of the clitoral hood, almost invariably accompanied by removal of the clitoris itself. Type 2: - removal of the clitoris and the inner labia. Type 3: - Total infibulation. Removal of all or part of the inner and outer labia, and usually also the clitoris. The left wound is then fused with stitches, leaving only a small hole for the passage of urine & menstrual blood. This small opening is opened up for penile/vaginal intercourse and for childbirth *only*.

What are the symptoms of cervical cancer in the early stages?

Typically, there are no obvious symptoms.

Why are hormones important when it comes to diabetes?

Uncontrolled diabetes can negatively impact erection and vaginal lubrication. It can also cause retrograde ejaculation.

Sex offenders against children tend to be:

Under the age of 30

Symptoms of chlamydia and gonorrhea may include?

Unusual discharge from the vagina or penis Painful urination Abdominal pain caused by PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) No symptoms at all

Reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies will help to prevent abortions. According to your course reader, some ways to achieve this include:

Use of contraception needs to be formal/informal value Increase acceptance and access to contraception Comprehensive pregnancy prevention education

How long is the menstrual cycle? When is ovulation?

Usually anywhere between 21 and 35 days in length. Ovulation occurs 14 days before menstruation not necessarily "midcycle"

The Mullarian ducts develop into what?

Uterus Two inner thirds of the vagina Cowper's glands Fallopian tubes

An inflammation of the vagina that can result in discharge, itching and pain. The cause is usually a change in the normal balance of vaginal bacteria or an infection. Reduced estrogen levels after menopause and some skin disorders can also cause this condition.


How can you tell if someone has HIV or AIDS?

Via a blood test

What are some ways HIV can transmit?

Via unprotected sex Via vaginal delivery as the baby passes through the vaginal canal Via contaminated needles through intravenous drug use (IDU)

Helen Singer Kaplan

Viewed sexual response based on: 1) Desire (desire → excitement → orgasm) 2) Brain appetite

Sneaking in to a fitting room at Target to have sex with your partner. You know you that this is not allowed, but the fear of getting caught, doing something "naughty" intensifies the arousal.

Violation of prohibition

Another infectious agent responsible for several STDs is the ___, which is a sub-microscopic organism that replicates only inside living cells.


The practice of gaining sexual pleasure from watching others (who may be unaware of being observed) when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity.


Condoms & the World Wars

WWI: Condoms were not given to service-men for fear that it would "promote promiscuity" WWII: Men were given condoms, but women were not

What type of lubricant should be used with condoms?

Water-based lube Silicone-based lube

The ___, was a US Supreme Court decision in 1989 upholding a Missouri law that imposed restrictions on the use of state funds, facilities, and employees in performing, assisting with, or counseling on abortions.

Webster vs. Reproductive Health Services (Webster Decision)

The ____________, was a US Supreme Court decision in 1989 upholding a Missouri law that imposed restrictions on the use of state funds, facilities and employees in performing, assisting with, or counseling on abortions

Webster vs. Reproductive Health Services (Webster Decision)

At what week of development do internal genitalia begin to form?

Week 8

What is an epidural?

When a form of anesthesia is injected into the epidural space of the spinal cord.

What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? What are it's symptoms & how is it treated?

When cysts form from ovarian follicles, resulting in failure of egg release. - Symptoms: irregular periods, bloating, sometimes abdominal pain (the cysts impact the ovaries ability to secrete sufficient hormones to permit normal menstrual cycling) - The most common treatment is using the combination pull to regulate a woman's period- but this does not remove the cysts or fix the fertility issues a woman with PCOS may have. Often fertility treatments are required in order for a woman with PCOS to conceive.

There has been recent research about sexuality education both in schools and in the home. What does some of this research suggest are the outcomes if schools and parents have sound conversations about sex and sexuality with their kids?

When engaging in sexual behaviors, they are more likely to use some type of STD and/or pregnancy prevention As youngsters, they tend to initiate sexual behavior at a later age When exploring their sexuality, they tend to feel more empowered; they tend to be better prepared of saying both yes and no to behaviors they would like to or would not like to engage in

What constitutes an AIDS diagnosis?

When someone living with HIV has a CD4+T cell count below 200 per mm3 (cubic millimeter) of blood When someone living with HIV contracts an opportunistic infection (OI) such as cancer or sever pneumonia

Miller v. California is landmark decision by the US Supreme Court wherein the court redefined its definition about what constitutes as obscenity. This definition has been translated into what is referred to as the Miller Test, a test for determining whether speech or expression can be labeled obscene, in which case the material is not protected by the First Amendment and therefore becomes illegal. The Miller test was developed in the 1973 and has three parts, what are they?

Whether "the average person, applying contemporary community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest. Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions specifically defined by applicable state law. Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.

Who are more genetically identical, XX or XY monozygotic twins?

XY monozygotic twins

Assuming there is one X chromosome present, in the presence of a(n) ______ chromosome the medulla of the undifferentiated gonads will develop into _______. In the presence of a(n) _______ chromosome _______ will develop. The testes develop at _______ weeks, and the ovaries develop at _______ .

Y; testes; X; ovaries; 6; 12-16 weeks

Can cerebral functioning & emotions have an effect on reproductive functioning?

Yes. - Neural pathways connect the cerebral cortex and the limbic system to the hypothalamus, which together with hormones from the pituitary regulate reproductive functioning as well as other body functions. Thus cerebral functioning & emotions can have an effect on reproductive functioning. It is also possible, therefore, for stress to disrupt menstrual cycling & lower the production of sex hormones & sperm.

Testicular cancer is most common in what age group?

Younger men in the ages of 15-34.

What is a Medical Abortion?

a 1st trimester abortion **** - acts by preventing ovulation or by disrupting early implantation - interferes with implantation by blocking progesterone receptors. - a 600mg oral dose is given within 35 days after conception (49 days from start of last period in 28 day cycle), 2 days later if bleeding has not begun, prostaglandin vaginal suppository is given. - if bleeding does not begin, a suction abortion is advised because of possible damage to the embryo - RU486 (this method^^^) is 92-95% effective - complications: heavy bleeding

What is an Aspiration abortion?

a 1st trimester abortion **** (Manual and vacuum evacuation) - *most* *common* (99% of those before 8 weeks) - done under local anesthesia, dilate cervix w/ luminaria - procedure takes 5-10 minutes - side effects include some cramping - abstain from intercourse for 2-4 weeks to prevent infection.

What is Vaginismus and what are it's causes/treatment?

a condition that affects a woman's ability to engage in any sort of vaginal penetration. This is the result of an involuntary vaginal muscle spasm, which makes any kind of vaginal penetration painful or impossible. Psychological - fear of painful sex - the belief that sex is wrong or shameful - early traumatic childhood experiences (not necessarily sexual in nature) Physical - treatment of the internal spasms may include sensate focus exercises, exploring the vagina through touch, and desensitization w/ vaginal odors. Paralytics (Neuromuscular-blocking drugs) - the use of Botox relaxes the muscle spasm to ensure that experiences with the dilator is not painful.

Though symptoms of toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is rare some may be:

a high fever diarrhea vomiting fainting

What is the PLISSIT model? What does PLISSIT stand for?

a modeling system used in the field of sexology to determine the different levels of intervention for individual clients. *P*ermission - given or received to acknowledge one's sexuality (brief therapy) *L*imited *I*nformation - which is new or corrects information (brief therapy) *S*pecific *S*uggestions - behavioral experiences aimed at a specific problem (brief therapy) *I*ntensive *T*herapy - aimed at specific behavioral or emotional problems (longer therapy)

The IUD (Copper T) elicits an IMS response in the form of:

a sterile inflammation reaction to prevent implantation

What is the Corpus Callosum and what does it do?

a thick network of nerves that connect the 2 hemispheres of the Cerebrum. - permits the 2 hemispheres to share sensory & motor information

Oogenesis a. occurs with each cycle of ____ - _____ days. b. Usually ____ ovum(s) is/are ovulated each cycle. c. Ovum progress from the first __________ phase (where they have been held since before the woman's birth) to the start of ___________ with the ____ surge prior to ovulation. d. Second meiotic division does not occur until ________________. e. The ovum survives approximately _____ - ______ hours after ovulation, perhaps as long as ________ days. f. In the female the ova are _____________ age as the female who is producing them and decrease in number as women age. g. In females, oogenesis (the production of ova) is ____________ dependent and results in ______________.

a. 21-35 b. one c. meiotic, metaphase, LH d. fertilization with the entry of a sperm e. 24-48 hours, 3 days f. the same g. gonadotropin dependent, the production of the sex hormones

Spermatogenesis: a. Maturation and motility occur in ____ to ___ days in the _____________. b. The final stage of maturation takes place in the __________________ in ______ hours. c. Human sperm live approximately ______ hours, maybe as long as _________. d. In males, the process of spermatogenesis is ________ dependent. e. Continuous spermatogenesis insures that the sperm are of ________ age and ____________ of the age of the individual.

a. 9-14 days in the epididymus b. female reproductive tract in 7 hours. c. 72 hours, maybe as long as one week. d. androgen e. the same, independent

Rapid growth and development of the secondary sexual characteristics during puberty are caused by an increase in:

a. Gonadal sex hormones b. Adrenal androgens c. Rapid growth of the skeletal system- increased height & weight d. Sweat glands develop, resulting in body odor. Sebaceous glands develop under the influence of androgens. Oil clogs pores often resulting in acne.


a. causes smooth muscle contraction b. released during nursing causing expulsion of milk in lactation c. involved in sexual motivation and arousal d. affects parenting behavior in other species e. released during sexual arousal & orgasm f. may result in women having sexual feelings while nursing g. around the world, the average age to stop breast feeding is 4.2 years

What is Cervical Dysplasia, and what are it's stages, symptoms & treatment?

abnormal cell changes or abnormal cell growth of the cervix. - Stages: mild, moderate or severe - Symptoms: none, or presence of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) or HIV infection. - Treatment: repeat "pap" smear, if mild, no treatment necessary; if moderate or severe: colposcopy, biopsy, cryosurgery, laser surgery, loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). * if untreated may progress into invasive cervical cancer.

Who was Helen Singer Kaplan?

an Austrian-born American sex therapist and the founder of the first clinic in the U.S. for sexual disorders established at a medical school. * noted for her efforts to combine some of the insights & techniques of psychoanalysis with behavioral methods.

What is Syphilis?

an STD caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum * It has also been called "the great imitator" because so many of the signs and symptoms are indistinguishable from those of other diseases.

What is the sequence of events when sperm levels are low?

an increase in : - GnRH production by the hypothalamus - FSH from the anterior pituitary - Production of sperm Production of inhibin accompanies the production of sperm. When blood levels of Inhibin reach the top of the physiological range, it is sensed by the "gonadostat", causing a decrease in: - GnRH production - FSH production - Production of sperm - Blood inhibin levels sensed by "gonadostat" The cycle repeats... resulting in relatively constant sperm production = acyclic production

What is Cystitis?

an infection of the urinary bladder, frequently caused by bacteria from the rectum (or vagina). the urethra is much shorter in females than in males, making infection of the bladder more likely. "Honeymoon cystitis" is related to frequent intercourse. The incidence is increasingly related to the number of men who are using Viagra.

Oral stimulation of the anus is called:


In the biological female, {GnRH} from the hypothalamus acts on the {pituitary} , to release {FSH & LH}. {FSH} hormones will initiate the development of about 20 ovarian follicles. Follicle maturation is accompanied by the secretion of the hormone {estrogen}, which leads to the proliferation of the endometrial lining preparing for a potential pregnancy. Once estrogen levels peak it triggers a surge in {LH} and ovulation takes place. After ovulation, the remaining follicle cells in the ovary form a body known as {corpus luteum}. This yellow body secretes large amounts of {progesterone}, a hormone essential for maintaining pregnancy. If no pregnancy occurs, the yellow body degenerates and the endometrial lining sloughs off in menstruation.

answers in { }

Part of the menstrual cycle is also the ovarian and uterine cycles. Prior to ovulation, the first phase of the ovarian cycle is called {follicular phase}and refers to the egg when it is still in the ovary. In the uterus prior to ovulation, the first phase of the uterine cycle is called {proliferative phase}and refers to the build up of blood in the endometrial lining. Once ovulation has taken place about 14 days before the onset of menstruation, the second phase of the ovarian cycle called {luteal phase} takes place. This corresponds to the corpus luteum that is forming in the ovary after ovulation. The corpus luteum produces high levels of {progesterone}. In the uterus, after ovulation the second phase of the uterine cycle begins and is called {secretory phase}. In this second phase, the progesterone from the corpus luteum acts on the endometrial lining to become secretory in preparation for a possible implantation of a fertilized egg. If no implantation takes place, the endometrial lining sloughs off in menstruation and the cycle begins anew.

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The infant begins to suck the breast. The {sucking} stimulates the {hypothalamus} to begin to release {GnRH}. In response, the {pituitary}releases, {prolactin} to initiate milk production, and {oxytocin} to trigger the expulsion of milk from the breast. Since oxytocin is also released during {arousal} it is not uncommon to experience feelings that remind of sexual pleasure when nursing.

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The {hypothalamus} releases GnRH. In response, the {pituitary} releases FSH & LH. Testosterone is vital for sperm production. When {LH}reaches the testes, the {Leydig cells} begin to produce testosterone. Sperm production is initiated by {FSH} and takes place in the seminiferous tubules. Once sperm production peak the {Sertoli cells} will release {inhibin} which travels to the hypothalamus signaling to shut down the production of {GnRH} in order to temporarily stop the acyclic production of sperm.

answers in { }

There are a lot of nerve endings found in the:


What are the gonadotropins?

any of a group of hormones secreted by the pituitary that stimulate the activity of the gonads.


are responsible for the development of pubic and axillary hair. are involved in growth of the penis at puberty. affects the vocal cords causing the voice to deepen. are necessary for sperm production.


area between the labia

What is Catamenial Epilepsy?

associated with menstruation and can instigate a seizure disorder

Births around the world most commonly take place where?

at home

Human gonads are... which means that... If... In the absence of a...

bipotential XY medulla testes Leydig Sertoli internal external dihydrotestosterone 5-alpha reductase Y 12th-16th cortex ovaries testosterone mullerian inhibiting hormone 8th embryonic 10th fetal

What are enzymes?

bodies of proteins that catalyze specific chemical reactions. Humans possess more than 7,000 different enzymes in each cell of the body.

Which cells can convert androgens to estrogens?

brain nerve cells and fat cells

Possible erogenous zones include (but are not limited to)?

breasts inner thighs genitals anus feet ears mouth

Someone who identifies with the sex they were assigned at birth may be referred to as ____________. Someone who does not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth may be referred to as __________. Someone who does not identify with a specific gender at all regardless their sex of assignment may be referred to as __________.

cisgender; transgender; agender

The complex formed by a hormone and it's receptor is able to influence:

either gene expression or some aspect of metabolism in a selective and specific way.

_________ are substances produced by a living organism that acts as catalysts to bring about a specific biochemical reaction.


What are the symptoms of Chlamydia?

even though symptoms are usually mild or absent for Chlamydia, serious complications that can cause irreversible damage, including fertility, can occur "silently" before a woman ever recognizes the problem. ** known as the "silent" disease. In men: - discharge from the penis - burning sensation when urinating - might have burning & itching around the opening of the penis - pain & swelling in testicles is uncommon In women: - abnormal vaginal discharge - burning sensation while urinating - if infection spreads to the fallopian tubes, some may experience lower abdominal pain, low back pain, nausea, fever, intercourse pain, bleeding between periods or no symptoms at all. * Anal intercourse may acquire chlamydia in the rectum which can cause rectal pain, discharge & bleeding. * can also be found in the throats of women & men having oral sex with an infected partner.

Infertility means that you cannot get pregnant.


Penile circumcision is often done for cultural reasons, whereas circumcision of the vuvla is strictly performed for religious purposes.


The perpetrators of child sexual abuse are typically strangers of the family


The term intersex refers to variation in the experience of gender identity.


Possible positive outcomes of masturbation include:

feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. physical release of stress. enhanced awareness about body function.

Oral stimulation of the penis is called:


What is Tubal Litigation?

female sterilization. (tubectomy/ having one's "tubes tied") a surgical procedure for sterilization in which a woman's fallopian tubes are clamped or blocked, or severed and sealed, either method of which prevents eggs from reaching the uterus for implantation. - a laparoscope is inserted through a small incision in the abdomen or a full abdominal incision is made. Then tubes are cut, tied or cauterized. Most easily performed right after the delivery of a baby because the tubes are close to the abdominal wall. - Mechanical blockage of the tube/devices are used to block tubes

An organism's reproductive cells.


An organism's reproductive cells.


Rev. Jerry Falwell expressed concern over the British TV show Teletubbies. He claimed that Tinky Winky embraced and promoted a "gay lifestyle". However, after learning about sexual identity, it is clear that Rev. Falwell made assumptions about Tinky Winky's presumed sexual orientation based on stereotypical beliefs about his:

gender role

What should men and women who are having anal intercourse do to prevent anal cancer?

have an anal tissue "Pap" smear annually to check for possible HPV infection.

What are the hills and valleys of the cerebral cortex called?

hills = gyrus valleys = sulcus

______ are chemical messengers that are produced in one body region but affect a different body region.


What does the penile shaft do?

houses the urethra, which transports semen and urine (usually not at the same time)

Where is gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) produced?


Positive aspects of masturbation include...

increased awareness of the body, its function and sexual response. enhanced immune system functioning due to the relaxation following an orgasm. increase in awareness about what areas and types of stimulation may result in orgasm.

Prior to the discovery of antibiotics, most STDs were generally:

incurable with limited treatment

Some women produce antibodies to sperm, resulting in:


Estrogen and progesterone act as _________ (_________ feedback) on the hypothalamus and pituitary, resulting in :

inhibitors, negative a drop in their production initiating menstruation and the beginning of the next cycle.

What does a catalyst do?

initiates or speeds up a chemical reaction

How does stomach acid work as a protective device?

it destroys any virus that might be ingested with food and saliva (saliva has a component that acts as an antiviral agent).

What does "Venereal Disease (VD" mean?

it is a synonym for Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) * STI & STC are also synonyms for that. "STI" is preferred by many health care professionals because someone may be infected without having a disease necessarily.

What is Amenorrhea?

lack of menstruation

4 corners of eroticism

made by Jack Morin 1. Violation of prohibition : the forbidden is often the most interesting. "I shouldn't be doing this" 2. Search for power: Humans are basically afraid of powerlessness. (S&M and B&D are examples) 3. Yearning (longing): Yearning for a person to fulfill needs. Mr. or Mrs. Right will come along and everything will be OK. Maintaining distance may enhance the excitement (overcoming resistance). 4. Ambivalence about intimacy: We want intimacy, but we know it's dangerous, so we pursue it until it comes close and then run. The excitement is in the pursuit (overcoming resistance).

Outercourse (as opposed to intercourse) behaviors often referred to as foreplay...

may results in orgasms. allow for increased exploration of sexual pleasuring. in the context of straight sex, eliminates the risk of an unwanted pregnancy. are helpful in reducing STD transmission.

If the genetic make-up is XY, what part of the gonad then develop?


What is Polymenorrhea?

menstruation occurs at an abnormal frequency

How many people get cancer per year in the U.S.?

more than 1 million

Is the biological female HPGA based on positive or negative feedback?`


What are neurosecretory cells?

nerve cells that produce hormones

What is Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)?

non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. - PSA (prostate-specific antigen) tend to be slightly elevated) * usually occurs in older men and can squeeze off the flow of urine.

How many Barr bodies do you have if you have a genetic karyotype of 47 XYY?


What does the Vagus nerve do?

orchestrates breathing, swallowing and vomiting. It passes through all the major organs and attaches directly to the base of the brain, circumventing the spinal cord. It also is a pathway for orgasm****

Gametes produced by XX individuals.


Most people with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) will grow cysts that are formed on the:


A surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) triggers:


What hormone triggers the expulsion of milk?


What is prostatitis?

painful inflammation (infection) of the prostate (Gonorrhea and Chlamydia)

What is Dysmenorrhea and what are it's causes?

painful menstruation Causes: - excess of prostaglandins in the endometrial lining is the primary cause (involved in inflammation & smooth muscle contractions) - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) - Endometriosis

When a society exerts homophobic oppression and compulsory heterosexuality...

people who step out of the stereotypical expressions of male and female may experience social ostracization and forms of discrimination. same-sex desires and lives are not treated with the same acceptance and guaranteed rights and representations as heterosexual desires and lives. people tend to fear expressions of same sex desires and behaviors, resulting in a conformity of behaviors that reflect heteronormativity.

Possible positive outcomes of masturbation include:

physical release of stress. enhanced awareness about body function. feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.

HIV and the mother's antibodies against HIV can cross the _______ so the baby can be born with HIV and/or the mother's antibodies.


Which hormone is the corpus luteum responsible for producing?


What hormone initiates milk production?


What are the two uterine phases called?

proliferative phase & secretory phase

What is the sole purpose of the clitoris?

provides sexual pleasure

Sexual penetration conducted on another without their consent.


How is fertility involved in puberty?

rapid growth and maturation of the reproductive system (primary sexual characteristics)

What does the autonomic nervous system do?

regulates a number of body activities ** closely related to the endocrine system (neuro-endocrine system)

What does the brain do during REM sleep?

reorganizes itself - dreams, nocturnal erections and vaginal lubrication occur as well - continued interruption of REM sleep results in disorientation in adults

Queen Victoria who ruled the United Kingdom during the 1800s. Her reign of 63 years and seven months is known as the Victorian era, and during this time sexuality was very...


When Johan was born, doctors evaluated his external genitalia and said, "it is a boy!". By this announcement they determined Johan's ___________.

sex of assignment

Unwanted, non-consensual touching of a sexual and physical nature.

sexual assault

Unwanted, verbal/physical behaviors that interfere with one's academic performance or living, working environment.

sexual harrasment

The specific period during the 1960s and '70s in which attitudes towards sexual behavior became more tolerant and liberal in the United States was called the:

sexual revolution


sexually sensitive area between the vaginal opening and the anus

What can lower your risk of contracting STDs? How are STDs created?

since 1 in 5 Americans have an STD, you can help by reducing your number of sexual partners. The only way to automatically lower your risk, though, is by knowing the status of both yourself & your partner. STDs are *not* created from having sex with multiple partners. They are created from 5 different organisms

From the film, Intersexion we learned about David Reimer. Dr John Money was a key figure in Reimer's early life and he believed that the most important aspect of someone's gender had to do with:


Gametes produced by XY individuals.


The term used to describe the production of sperm.


What does the end of the axon (bulb) contain? What effect does this process have on the next cell?

stored neurotransmitter to be released into the space between neurons (synapse). the effect on the next cell (post synaptic) can be excitatory or inhibitory.

During pregnancy, the IMS is naturally ________ to :

suppressed - prevent an attack on the developing embryo --> fetus ** advisable to not be around pregnant women while being sick

How can you find out if you have HIV? How long do you have to wait?

test your blood to see if you have developed *antibodies* to the virus. Most results are now available the same day as the test. Most people who are exposed to HIV develop antibodies within two to eight weeks after the initial infection by the virus. However, it may take as long as 6 months for a person to become HIV antibody positive. Very rarely there are HIV-infected individuals who do not develop antibodies to HIV, and therefore would test negative. * a positive antibody test does not tell whether or when a person will go on to get full blown AIDS.

In the development of the fetal gonads, the sry gene on the Y chromosome causes the development of ________; the lack of the Y chromosome and the presence of _________ causes the development of ________.

testes; 2 X chromosomes; ovaries

What does the forebrain consist of?

the cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus, the limbic system and 2 glands (the pineal gland & the pituitary)

What is a spermatic cord and what does it do?

the cord-like structure in males formed by the vas deferens (ductus deferens) and surrounding tissue that runs from the deep inguinal ring down to each testicle. - Runs through the inguinal canal and consists of: * vas deferens * 2 spermatic veins * 1 spermatic artery * Nerves

Under the influence of LH, the follicle cells remaining in the ovary after the release of the ovum develop into a new gland, __________, which _________________.

the corpus luteum secretes estrogen and progesterone * The high levels of estrogen and progesterone found during this "secretory phase" act as negative feedback on the production of FSH & LH, preventing super-imposed pregnancies. (this is what oral contraceptives do where low levels of estrogen and progesterone act as an artificial negative feedback on the production of GnRH, FSH & LH)

What is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) in women?

the female system is open into the abdominal cavity, which means that organisms that come through the vagina, like Gonorrhea & Chlamydia, can infect the uterus, fallopian tubes & abdominal cavity.

What is Paraphimosis?

the inability to move foreskin over penis

What does cervical mucus do?

the mucus, when thick, forms a plug that protects the uterus from infection and makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus. The thickness of the cervical mucus is controlled by estrogen and progesterone.

What is metastasis?

the process of cancer spreading by traveling to other parts of the body where they can grow and form new tumors that crowd out normal tissue. This happens when cancer cells get into the body's bloodstream or lymph vessels.

What is responsible for the changes that occur over the menstrual cycle in the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus)?

the production of estrogen prior to ovulation and the production of estrogen and progesterone after ovulation

In both males and females, gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus acts on the pituitary to cause:

the secretion of the gonadotropins, follice stimulating hormone (FSH) and luntenizing hormone.

Which one determines genetic sex?

the sperm

What is the ampulla?

the widening at the end of the vas deferens near the prostate

X are determined by the presence of a Y chromosome. Z are the Mullerian ducts, which differentiate into the fallopian tubes, uterus and upper vagina. Z develop in the absence of MIH and testosterone. W are determined by the absence of a Y chromosome.

these are true

The ovaries are similar to the testes in that..

they develop from the same bipotential gonad. both organs secrete hormones. they both produce gametes.

What is Trichomoniasis (or "trich") caused by? What are it's symptoms?

this very common STD is caused by an infection with a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. Symptoms: * About 70% of infected people do not have any signs or symptoms, and those that do will get them 5-28 days after being infected. - those with symptoms can range from having mild irritation to severe inflammation. In men: - itching or irritation inside the penis - burning after urination or ejaculation - some discharge from the penis In women: - may notice itching, burning, redness or soreness of the genitals - discomfort with urination - thin discharge with an unusual smell that can be clear, white, yellowish or greenish * can make it unpleasant to have sex.

What do patterns of cyclical and acyclical release of hormones affect?

thyroid functioning, thermoregulation, metabolic processes and variations in sensitivity to odors, sound and light.

What is Phimosis?

tight, non-retractable foreskin. Circumcision may be indicated.

A sex positive approach to dealing with childhood masturbation is to let the child know that the adult knows that masturbation feels good, and that it is generally seen as a private behavior.


Abuse is a learned behavior. Domestic violence and abuse stem from a desire to gain and maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Abusive people believe they have the right to control and restrict their partners, and they may enjoy the feeling that exerting power gives them. They often believe that their own feelings and needs should be the priority in their relationships, so they use abusive tactics to dismantle equality and make their partners feel less valuable and deserving of respect in the relationship.


According to the nonprofit InterACT, about 1.5 percent of the population is intersex, making the condition as common as natural born redheads.


After ovulation, under the influence of LH, a new gland is formed from the follicle cells left behind in the ovary. This gland is called the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum (yellow body) secretes progesterone and estrogen, preparing the endometrium for a potential pregnancy.


Anyone can be affected by domestic violence and abuse, but people with disabilities are more likely to experience abuse than people without disabilities. Because abuse is about power and control, people with disabilities may face unique challenges and barriers to accessing support.


If you are intoxicated with alcohol, you are not able to give legal consent to engaging in sexual activity.


In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), leading to changes in the broader cultural beliefs about homosexuality and culminating in the contemporary civil rights quest for marriage equality.


Intersex is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy...


Our culture values visual messages compared to oral messages.


Pornography is legal in the US, protected under the First Amendment though obscenity is illegal.


Recent findings in a study from GLAAD, formerly known as the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (2017) reveal that 20% of millennials identify as LGBTQ.


Sexual differentiation depends upon the sex chromosomes, X and Y. Sexual determination involves the specification of the gonads to become either testes or ovaries. If the embryo has a chromosomal make-up of XY, the presence of the SRY gene will direct the gonads to develop as testes. In the absence of a Y chromosome and the SRY gene, the gonads develop to become ovaries, XX.


Sexual violence and abuse are common occurrences on American college campuses.


The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord, and there are approximately 100 billion (100,000,000,000) neurons in the human brain.


The hypothalamus serves as the connection between the nervous system and the endocrine system and is an area of the brain that is involved in many functions including sexual response.


The structure of a pyramid can function as a visual representation of how sexism operates within our society. The strong foundation of the pyramid makes the structure last through time, which mirrors our understanding of the progression of sexism


When levels of testosterone in the biological male have fallen below the normal physiological range, the "gonadostat" turns on the production of GnRH, which is being released from the hypothalamus. This is called a negative feedback response since it works on the same premise as a thermostat.


Ejaculation from the Skene's Glands is expelled from where?


Urethral opening vs. urethra

urethral opening: found between vaginal introitus and the clitoris (urine exits the body here) urethra: internally surrounded by Paraurethral or Skene's gland which are homologous to the prostate; thought by some to be the "G Spot"

Penile shaft and labia minora

urogenital areas

What is spermicide?

used to prevent fertilization. - foams, creams, jellies, vaginal suppositories, vaginal film - no prescription needed, - acts as a chemical & mechanical barrier - do NOT help protect against STDs - use before penetration, repeat if sex repeated; place high up near cervix - very* effective in preventing pregnancy if used with a condom - reversible

What does the Endocrine system do?

uses chemical messengers (hormones) to communicate with almost all living cells of the body. ** it is also very similar to the nervous system and interacts with it during sexual arousal.

Based on the lecture about paraphilias we learned that...

when engaging in BDSM you always have a safe word that is used to stop a behavior. a fetish is the need of inanimate object to reach sexual gratification. paraphilia refers to a lust or love towards a inhuman object or non-consenting person(s).

The spinal cord and the area under the cerebral cortex are primarily _________________, _______________________.

white matter, the pathways in the brain

STDs caused much social stigma, especially against:

women * women have been historically blamed for STDs

What does a negative antibody test result for HIV mean?

you had not been infected by the virus as of *three* *months* ago. It does not rule out the possibility that you have been infected within the past *six* *months*.

Someone with a chromosomal make-up of XY where the cells has a partial or complete inability to respond to androgens.

Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS)

What does it mean that the female reproductive system is an open system? What are the potential problems for women because it is an open system?

"It's not a closed system like the males. There's no barrier from the uterus, Fallopian tubes, ovaries to the stomach. It makes it easier to contract PID and other diseases."

What is female circumcision/Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)?

"all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons" - (WHO) * done for cultural reasons, often done as a "right of passage", and also done to protect women from promiscuity and the contraction of STDs; *not* part of any religious practices (unlike male circumcision)

What is Candidiasis (for both m/f) ? What internal mechanism leads to this infection?

("thrush", yeast infection) a fungal infection of any of the Candida species (all yeasts), of which Candida albicans is the most common. Vaginal yeast infection is an infection of the vagina, most commonly due to the fungus Candida albicans. Penile yeast infection or Candida Balanitis is an inflammatory disease affecting the end of the penis, which manifests in irritation, soreness and redness of the affected area. The internal mechanism that leads to this condition is the same for both genders: the overgrowth of the Candidal microorganism living inside the body as well as on the skin, including the penis.

Barr bodies

(Count the X's, first X doesn't count because it's inactive) -XXX: 2 barr bodies -XX: 1 -XXY: 1 -XY: none

How is HIV transmitted?

(From most to least:) 1- Blood 2- Semen 3- Vagina juice 4- Rectal mucus 5- Breast milk

How do you prevent Toxic Shock Syndrome?

(Limit the confinement of blood in the vagina) - change tampons frequently (every 4-6 hours) - don't use ultra-absorbent tampons - don't keep diaphragm in for more than 8 hours - Menstrual cup should be removed and cleaned at 6-12 hour intervals

What is Pediculosis Pubis caused by & what does it do?

(also known as "crabs" and "pubic lice") a disease caused by the crab louse Phthirus pubis, a parasitic insect notorious for infesting human pubic hair. the species may also live on other areas with hair, including the eyelashes. infestation usually leads to intense itching in the pubic area.

What is Cryptorchidism?

(hidden testes) - testes form in the abdomen - it is usually bilateral; occurs in 1-7% of live male births - if no descent within the first year to 18 months: * Hormone therapy * Surgery (by 5 years) to decrease the risk of testicular cancer * After descent the testes are housed in the scrotum and connected by the spermatic cord.

What is Adolescence?

(is not the same as puberty) - a psychological and social response to puberty, where self-evaluation and identity formation often occur.

Where is the Limbic system and what is it?

(limbus = ring around) - bordering the base of the Cerebrum & surrounding the hypothalamus - a series of structures that mediate emotions, sexual arousal and behavior.

What are implants/implanon/Norplant?

(no longer being produced) - a flexible plastic rod the side of a matchstick that is put under the skin of your arm - good for 3 years - progesterone only *

The sex hormones can act ____________ to one another.

* Antagonistically example: if androgen levels are lower than normal, estrogen effects will be stronger. If estrogen levels are low, androgens are more able to exert their effects. Progesterone can affect androgens negatively.

Increased estrogen levels during the first part of the menstrual cycle, prior to ovulation (the Follicular phase and Proliferate phase) results in:

* increased amount of mucus * Decreased viscosity (becomes thinner; watery) * Increased Spinnbarkheit (mucin) involves an actual biochemical change in which the mucus becomes strechable. Sperm travel up through the Spinnbarkheit and sometimes hide in the mucus. (all three of the above can be used to determine time of ovulation) - increased progesterone levels in the luteal/secretory phase (after ovulation) = reverse effect

What are secondary sexual characteristics?

*Deepening of voice *Increased muscle mass and strength *Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples *Growth of body hair, axillary and pubic hair


*are airborne chemicals. *are species-specific. *causes synchronization of menstrual cycles.

Your sister tells you that she is having pain in the lower abdomen. After taking WS/BIOL 350 you might suspect a number of things related to the reproductive tract...

*she might have pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) due to an infection with gonorrhea or chlamydia. *she could experience endometriosis, which is commonly associated with pelvic pain and the pain is often worse during and after intercourse. *she may be experiencing mittelschmerz pain due to ovulation. *if she is pregnant, the pain might be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

What are antigens?

- *molecules* recognizable to the IMS - "Self" antigens (me) are usually *tolerated* by the IMS - "Non-self" antigens are recognized by the IMS as *intruders* eliciting an IMS *response*

What is Preformationism?

- A formerly-popular theory that organisms develop from miniature versions of themselves. - Early microscopists believed that they "saw fully formed humans" (Homunculus) in sperm - A belief that the sperm was in fact a "little man" (homunculus) that was placed inside a woman for growth into a child.

How do you prevent HPV?

- HPV Vaccine Gardasil: prevents the development of cervical cancer caused by 4 of the 6 cancer causing strains of HPV - 3 injections given over a 6 month period starting at age 9, before starting sexual intercourse, and not after age 26. - HPV vaccines are available for both girls and boys.


- Humans have 2 sets of 23 (23 pairs) of chromosomes, 46 total, in each cell of the human body except the sperm and egg (each carry 23). - The egg usually carries 23 chromosomes including an X chromosome; the sperm usually carries 23 chromosomes and either an X or a Y chromosome. - If an X-bearing sperm fertilizes an egg, the result will be a genetic female (XX). If a Y-bearing sperm, the result will be a genetic male (XY) - 44 are known as autosomes and 2 are known as the sex chomosomes.

What does cancer involve and how do people get it?

- Involves loss of cell division regulation - May be inherited - May be induced by environmental agents, such as: * radiation * cigarette smoke * environmental estrogens * fatty foods (less intake of fruits & vegetables) * viruses * hormone replacement therapy * constant irritation

Labia Minora (minor lips; inner lips)

- It is the "Sex Skin", color deepens in sexual arousal - Oil glands present (smegma found here also) - With decreasing levels of estrogen that accompany aging, (menopause) the labia minora may become thin and itchy, as may the vagina

Who does Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) affect? How old is it? How is it related to HIV?

- Monkeys - 32,000 years old - HIV is a descendant of SIV

What is puberty and what does it involve?

- Puberty is a biological process, not an event, that takes years to complete. - Involves rapid growth and maturation of the reproductive system, resulting in fertility.

What are the symptoms of Gonorrhea?

In men: - some show no symptoms at all, but others have symptoms that appear 1-14 days after infection. - burning sensation when urinating - white, yellow or green discharge from the penis. - sometimes men get painful or swollen testicles. In women: - symptoms often mild, but usually infected women have no symptoms at all. - symptoms are usually so non-specific that they can be mistaken for a bladder or vaginal infection. - painful or burning sensation when urinating - increased vaginal discharge - vaginal bleeding between periods Symptoms of a rectal infection in women & men: - discharge - anal itching - soreness - bleeding - painful bowel movements - none Symptoms of a throat infection: sore throat or none

What is Balanitis?

Inflammation of the penis. May be caused by a yeast (Candida albicans) infection.

Which of the following produces testosterone?

Interstitial cells of leydig


Involves rhythmic muscular contractions that includes the myometrium of the uterus Is not always essential for a pleasurable and fulfilling sexual experience Is often accompanied by penile ejaculation which occurs in two stages; emission and expulsion

Which of these is a possible side effect of hormonal birth control pills?

Irregular bleeding Frequent headaches Nausea

Gender role

Is a set of social and behavioral norms that dictate how we should think, speak,dress, and interact within the context of society.

Ejaculation from the Skene's Gland:

Is expelled through the urethra Is not urine Is thought to be associated with G-spot stimulation

Sexual orientation

Is the preferred term used when referring to an individual's physical and/or emotional attraction to the same and/or opposite gender.

What are the three main muscles in the vaginal region?

Ischiocavernosus, Bulbocavernosus, Pubococcygeus (stops urine flow)

The medication Viagra, is one of the most widely-known prescription drug names on the U.S. market, and is often referred to as "the little blue pill." It is a tremendously popular drug used to help treat erectile dysfunction, and as a result Pfizer, the medical company that sells Viagra earns about $2 billion annual in profit. The effective ingredient in Viagra is called sildenafil citrate, what does this ingredient do?

It blocks PDE5

What happens when the cremasteric reflex is triggered?

It causes the cremaster muscle to contract and elevate the testes

What causes Gonorrhea?

It is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a bacterium that can grow and multiply easy in the warm, moist areas of the reproductive tract, including the cervix (opening to the womb), uterus (womb), and fallopian tubes (egg canals) in women, and the urethra (urine canal) in women & men. The bacterium can also grow in the mouth, throat, eyes & anus. ** Gonorrhea is a *very* *common* infectious disease.

Is the male reproductive system open or closed?

It is closed. Unlike the female reproductive function, it does not open into the abdominal cavity. Organisms entering through the urethra can travel through the reproductive tract to the testes.

What is heterosexism?

It is the presumption that everyone is heterosexual and that opposite sex attractions are the norm.

A picture of a person's chromosomes is called a(n):


What is this?


Someone with an extra X chromosome added to the XY combination, resulting in a chromosomal make-up of XXY.

Klinefelter syndrome

What combines to create semen?

- Seminal plasma from the prostate glands, seminal vesicles and Cowper's glands combine with sperm from the testes to create semen.

When used in neonates, which method has less frequent complications compared to all the others?

- The Mogen clamp (which is used widely in North America) ** Neonatal circumcision has very low rates of complications (0.2-0.4%) reported and is a simple procedure than adult circumcision.

What is the "G Spot"/ what Grafenberg terms the "urethral sponge"?

- The Paraurethral glands = G Spot/ "urethral sponge", which surrounds the urethra and lies between the clitoris and the vagina.

Scrotum and labia majora

Labioscrotal swelling

What does LGBTQ stand for?

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer

Making a commitment to not engage in any sexual relationships until you have found Mr. or Mrs. Right. The wait and anticipation intensifies the sexual arousal.

Longing and yearning

Jack Morin studies erotica, and has developed a theory called the Four Cornerstones of Eroticism.

Longing and yearning Ambivalence about intimacy Search for power Violation of prohibition

How does male circumcision affect one's ability to contract HIV?

- The presence of Langerhans cells in the foreskin increases the likelihood of HIV infection in men- therefore, circumcision decreases the likelihood of that. - However, it has no effect of decreasing transmission of HIV infection to male or female partners. - In the context of the US, male circumcision is generally not recommended as a means to decrease HIV contraction in men. - Many men may get a false impression from male circumcision that if a man is circumcised he cannot contract HIV, which may lead to encouraged engagement in unprotected sexual behaviors.

In the U.S., what type of cancer is most deadly?

Lung Cancer

Which of the following cancers is most deadly?

Lung and bronchial cancer

What hormone in urine will an ovulation predictor kit search for?

Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Where is the vagina, what is it/does it consist of, and what does it do?

- The vagina extends from the cervix to the vestibule, or opening, of the external genitalia. - It is a hollow muscular tube found in folds (rugae) which can expand in vaginal intercourse and childbirth. -Its inner mucousal layer contains only a few scattered nerve endings and no glands. -The vagina serves as the birth canal, site of the exit of menstrual flow and contains the penis during vaginal intercourse.

Progesterone affects: (7)

- Thermoregulation - Calming smooth muscle - Pregnancy hormone (pro-gestational)**** - Sleep pattern regulation - Mammary gland function - Water and electrolyte balance - Protein and glucose metabolism

How does the scrotum "keep it cool"?

- Tunica dartos muscle - sweat glands - large number of blood vessels (radiate heat out) - countercurrent: blood coming back from scrotum cools blood going into scrotum

Where does vaginal fluid come from?

- Vaginal fluid has two sources: - A small amount of fluid is secreted into the vagina from the cervical glands. - Vaginal lubrication during sexual arousal is the result of "transudation" of fluid across the vaginal wall in a sweating effect. This is due to increased blood supply to the area because of dilation of the blood vessels surrounding the vaginal barrel.

How do you treat PMDD?

Making some life changes (diet, exercise, sleep) may help ease symptoms. - dietary supplements including calcium 1,000mg, Vitamin B-6, Magnesium & L-tryptophan - Herbal remedies: Chasteberry - Cutting back on caffeine and eating more carbs in the week before the period starts Anti-depressants called SSRIs. The food & drug administration has approved 3 of these drugs for PMDD treatment: 1. Sertaline (Zoloft) 2. Fluoxetine (Sarafem) 3. Paroxetine HCI (Paxil CR) Yaz/ethinyl estradiol is a bc pill approved by the FDA to treat PMDD. Individual counseling, group counseling, & stress management may also help relieve symptoms.

Which of the following is not one of the three ways hormonal contraception work?

Making the endometrium hospitable for implantation.

What kind of release of hormones do males and females have?

Males have a relatively constant (acyclic) release of hormones related to reproductive functioning so they maintain a stable level of gonadal hormones and a relatively constant production of sperm. Females have a cyclic release of hormones related to reproductive functioning and the production of one ovum per menstrual cycle.

Corpus spongiosum

Mass of spongy erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra in the penis.

According to Freud, women experienced two types of orgasms:

Mature vaginal orgasms and immature clitoral orgasms

Research has shown that sexual violence and abuse are more common in societies were there is a power unbalance between genders in a society, and particularly when there is a strong patriarchal structure in place. What are some characteristics of a patriarchal society?

Men hold primary power in political leadership. On average, in the US a woman earns 79 cents for every dollar a man earns. Men dominate in ownership of land and property. Male authority supersede that of any other gender.

In the U.S., what group experiences the highest number of new HIV infections?

Men who have sex with men (MSM)

Which of the following contraceptives would you recommend to someone who is nursing?

Mini pill

Most often, what is the first sign of pregnancy?

Missed Period

Which of the following is the most commonly performed method of neonatal male circumcision the US?

Mogen clamp method

What type of pregnancy is most common?


How do adult males and females differ biologically?

- Women menstruate and gestate and men do not. - Lactation is primarily a function of females based on different development of the mammary glands, which are present in both males and females. However, drug induced galactorrhea (milk production) in males has been noted. - The differences in reproductive functioning are based on differences in the external and internal genitalia, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (the interaction between the hypothalamus, pituitary, and the gonads). -Control of the production of hormones and gametes from the gonads/male testes/female ovaries is exerted by the neurohormones of the hypothalamus and its attendant gland, the pituitary. -The gonadal hormones affect the development, maintenance and function of the reproductive/sexual anatomic structures.

What is protozoa & what STDs involve it?

- a *diverse* *group* of single-cell eukaryotic *organisms* - Giardia - Trichomonas vaginalis

The Immune System (IMS) Response consists of:

- a generalized response to all foreign matter in the body (the inflammatory response) - an antibody response - specialized white blood cells that destroy altered human cells (cancer) or foreign tissue such as grafts. - it is orchestrated by a CD4+T-Lymphocyte

What is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMMD) & what are the symptoms of it?

- a severe form of PMS, to get a diagnosis of PMDD you must have 5 or more of the following symptoms. - the symptoms begin the week before your period and stop when the bleeding starts. - a brain chemical called serotonin may play a role in PMDD. Symptoms: - feelings of sadness, despair, thoughts of suicide, tension, anxiety and/or panic attacks. - mood swings or frequent crying - lack of interest in daily activities & relationships - trouble thinking or focusing - tiredness/low energy - food cravings or binge eating - trouble sleeping - feeling out of control - same physical symptoms as PMS, but adding joint or muscle pain

How do you treat Syphilis?

- a single intramuscular injection of penicillin (an antibiotic) will cure someone who has had it for less than a year - for those who are allergic to penicillin, other antibiotics are available. - there are no home remedies or over-the-counter drugs for it - treatment will prevent further damage but cannot fix the damage that has already been done ** those who receive treatment must abstain from sexual contact w/ new partners until the syphilis sores have completely healed.

What are warning signs of cancer?

- a sore that doesn't heal - obvious change in wart or mole - unexpected lump or swelling - persistent indigestion - persistent hoarseness or cough - abnormal bloody discharge - changes in bowel or bladder habits

What is a virus & what STDs involve/are viruses?

- a sub-microscopic, non-cellular *particle* with only a DNA or RNA core and a protein coat. - viruses *cannot* *reproduce* outside of a living cell. They are *not* *considered* *to* *be* *alive*. - Herpes - HIV - HPV

What is the Epididymis?

- a tube that connects a testicle to a vas deferens - a single, narrow, tightly-coiled tube (in adult humans, six to seven meters in length)

What are phagocytes?

- a type of white blood cell - crucial in fighting infections, as well as in maintaining healthy tissues by removing dead and dying cells. - *Phagocytosis* is the process of *engulfing* *particles* such as bacteria, parasites, dead host cells, and cellular foreign debris by a cell.

What do the gonadal hormones do?

- affect the development, maintenance and function of the reproductive/sexual anatomic structures.

How is Gonorrhea treated?

- antibiotics can successfully cure it in adolescents & adults. ** however, drug-resistant strains of gonorrhea are increasing in many areas of the world (including the US), making successful treatment more difficult. - CDC now recommends dual therapy (i.e. using two drugs) * treatment can cure the infection and prevent further damage, but cannot repair previous damage. * previously infected people can get it again.

How can you prevent cancer?

- avoidance of harmful environmental agents - consume anti-oxidant rich foods such as fruits & vegetables (reduce tendency of mutation)

What are fibroids?

- benign tumors of the myometrium - this is common to have just before menopause - surgery may be required if there is excessive bleeding - the fibroids may decrease/disappear with the onset of menopause


- both men and women develop breasts from the same embryological tissues. However, at puberty, "female" sex hormones, mainly estrogen, promote breast development, which does not occur in men due to a higher production of testosterone. - the nipple is surrounded by the areola, and the size and shape of the breast is determined by fat and skin cells. - milk glands produce milk via prolactin. - Structures in the breast: 1. chest wall 2. pectoralis muscles 3. lobules 4. nipple 5. areola 6. milk duct 7. fatty tissue 8. skin

Other than skin cancer, what is the most common cancer among women in the U.S.? What is it's prevalence ?

- breast cancer - second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer (from smoking). - the leading cause of reproductive cancer deaths in women. - stats have been 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. 25 years ago the stat was 1 in 11. - common in women over 35 where it grows very slowly. In young women it tends to grow rapidly (estrogen based).

Ovarian cysts

- can secrete hormones that affect fertility - dermoid cysts: hair & nails - need to be removed depending on size & discomfort

Prior to puberty, what are the very few differences between males & females?

- chromosomes: XX vs. XY - gonads - internal genitalia - external genitalia - HY-antigen found on male tissue not on female tissue - more males are conceived and born than females

U.S history of male circumcision

- commonly performed in the U.S. for religious & cultural reasons (Jewish belief that it is a covenant with God, Islamic belief that Muhammad mandated it as hygienic procedures) - cultural belief is that it is a health positive procedure - entered the U.S. medical community in the late 1800's as a means of punishing and preventing masturbation - U.S. circumcision rates have been declining. WHO (world health organization) estimates that in 2007 the prevalence rate was 75%. - In the context of the US, male circumcision is generally not recommended as a means to decrease HIV contraction in men.

What do the 2 corpora cavernosa in males contain, what are they surrounded by and what are they composed of?

- contain erectile tissue; attached to the pelvic bone by tendons - surrounded by the ischiocavernosus muscles (involved in erection and ejaculation) - these & the corpus spongiosum are composed of specialized tissue (erectile tissue) which engorges with blood during sexual arousal, resulting in erection. This is known as tumescence.

What do the Cowper's Glands (Bulbourethral glands) do?

- contribute a small amount of fluid to semen * "Bonjour droplet" is secreted with high sexual excitement, and may contain sperm.

What are neurons and what do they consist of?

- core components of the nervous system. specialized cells involved in communication & processing/transmitting information. They consist of a cell body and an axon. The cell body has dendrites that receive information from the other neurons. The axon may be very short or very long. The Axon terminal contains synapses where neurotransmitter chemicals are released in order to communicate with another cell.

What does the prepuce (foreskin) cover and contain?

- covers and protects glans - contains Langerhan's cells - also contains many nerve endings, making it a very sexually sensitive area

What does the forebrain do/serve as?

- determines out most complex behavior. - the place where homeostasis is maintained and where information is received, processed & transferred. - the place where emotions, memory, language, decision-making & conscious thought are centered. - the place where the production of sex hormones & gametes is controlled. **** - also where the pleasure centers are found.

What does the prostate look like and what does it do?

- donut-shaped, size of a chestnut, encircles the urethra -secretes seminal plasma

How do you prevent Cystitis?

- drink sufficient fluids -sit down on the toilet seat to allow for full emptying of the bladder. You are not apt to get an STD on the back of your thighs. - Pull underpants down to or past your knees to avoid their contact to the toilet - Wipe front to rear - Cranberry juice (prevents bacteria from adhering to urethra) - urinate after intercourse - wear cotton lined underwear (nylon does not "breathe"; trapped moisture increases risk of infection - use water based lubricant if insufficient vaginal lubrication - diaphragm should fit correctly - Prophylactic antibiotics

How does the process of the descent of the testes work?

- during fetal development, the testes are in the abdomen. - at 7 months of fetal development they descend through the inguinal canals into the scrotum. - The inguinal canals usually close at birth.

Why have percentages of women with breast cancer increased over the last 25 years?

- environment chemicals like parabens (chemicals that mimic estrogen) - chemicals like those found in water bottles - hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after menopause

How often should you inject Injectables/Depo-Provera? What are it's side effects?

- every 3 months - possible infertility in long-term use - progesterone only *

What are the treatments for Dysmenorrhea?

- exercise, hot baths - decrease salt intake - oral contraceptives- use of the pill decreases the amount of menstrual flow which decreases the amount of cramps - orgasm - anti-prostaglandin drugs (anti-inflammatories such as naproxyn and motrin). Start anti-prostaglandin therapy 2 days before onset of menstruation. - Asprin (a weak prostaglandin inhibitor) - Ethyl alcohol in low doses e.g., glass of wine (ethyl alcohol decreases prostaglandins) ** for best results, anti-prostaglandin drugs should be taken severallllll days before the onset of menstruation.

What are the "moist warm transitional zones"?

- eyes - mouth - genitals - anus

Mons Veneris (Mountain of Venus)

- fatty pad covering pubic bone - hair (pubic hair) - An erogenous zone that has many nerve endings - Can be used in female masturbation

Who is predominantly affected by Endometrial cancer? What are it's symptoms & how is it treated?

- found in older women (50-64) - if women are given estrogen therapy at menopause without progesterone Symptoms: irregular bleeding Treatment: - early stages - cryosurgery (freezing) - later stages - radiation therapy - chemotherapy - hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus) - 90% cured if found and treated early


- found only in humans and whales - No known biological function - Presence or absence of a hymen does not denote virginity. It may break in ways other than intercourse. If it is thick or rigid it may not break during intercourse. - Breaking of the hymen is not usually painful ("a membrane that partially closes the opening of the vagina and whose presence is traditionally taken to be a mark of virginity."- Google)

The Hypothalamus has what kinds of neurons?

- has regular neurons ("gonadostat") which sense the blood level of hormones in adulthood, just as a thermostat sense the temperature in a room. - also has neurosecretory neurons which produce hypothalamic hormones. - in the regulation of sex hormone and gamete production, it produces Gonadotopin Releasing Hormone (GnRH).

Egg (ovum) moves through the fallopian tube by:

Muscle contractions (prostaglandins and high estrogen levels found at ovulation) and by the cilia

An erotic attraction to corpses that may also involve sexual penetration of the corpse.


Ways of artificial insemination include the use of:

Needless syringe Turkey baster

Is there a cure for HIV?


How is HPV treated?

No cure for the virus itself, just treatments for the diseases that HPV can cause: - genital wart removal (by the patient with medications or by a health care provider) - Pap tests to prevent & diagnose cervical cancer

Possible symptoms of STDs include:

No symptoms (asymptomatic) Pain or burning with urination Abnormal vaginal or penile discharge Abdominal or back pain

Do all women experience PMS?

No, and the women that do experience PMS do not necessarily experience all of the symptoms of it.

Is transgender same as intersex?

No, intersex refers to biological variation in terms of sex, whereas transgender refers to gender identity irrespective of biological sex.

Are fallopian tubes attached to the ovaries?

No, the fimbriae are.

What is the number one thing you can do to prevent yourself from being sexually assaulted?


Which methods of birth control needs a prescription?

NuvaRing Combination pill Mini pill

What does obscenity mean?

Offensive to morality or decency Abominable Disgusting Repulsive

Klinefelter syndrome (KS), is characteristic of two or more X chromosomes in genetic males. How many Barr bodies do you have if you have XXY sex chromosomes?


The term used to describe the production of the ovum


What do the head, tip of the head, midpiece and tail of the sperm contain/do?

- head contains genetic material - the tip of the sperm head contains the enzyme hyaluronidase which dissolves the protective coating around the egg, permitting the entry of one sperm. The hyaluronidase is covered with a protective coating, which must be worn away in order for the hyaluronidase to function. This occurs as the sperm makes its way through the female reproductive tract in a process called capacitation. - Midpiece contains mitochondira (power house) with produce energy for tail movement - Tails propels the sperm (helps it swim)

How can HIV be destroyed outside of the body?

- heat (57*) - a dilute bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) - hydrogen peroxide - 70% alcohol - soap & water washing

Where is FGM (female genital mutilation) practiced?

- in *28* countries, from regions such as Western, Eastern & North-Eastern *Africa*, as well as some part of *Asia* and some parts of the *Middle East*. - FGM is also performed within some *immigrant* communities in Europe, North America, and Australia. - was performed in Western societies, particularly during the Victorian Era to control masturbation, and it was also thought to cure epilepsy and insanity. * Although FGM has been practiced on nearly 135 million girls/women (2 million are at risk- approximately 6,000 per day) and is predominantly practiced in 28 North African countries,*FGM is not inherent to any nation or religion.*

What are common side-effects of having received medical treatment for an intersex condition under usual protocols?

Pain and/or reduced or eliminated sexual sensation in the genital region. A need for further surgeries to address the complications of an earlier surgery. Shame at apparently having been so unacceptable that one needed multiple and secretive treatments in order to be "normal".

Symptoms of genital herpes include...

Painful blisters in the genital area Tingling or burning in the genital area


Painful menstruation due to cramping in the pelvis and lower abdomen.

Problems surrounding adult-child sexual interactions include..

Parents may be reluctant to expose the child to the stress of legal proceedings and may therefore refrain from reporting and prosecuting the perpetrator. A child may be afraid or embarrassed to report sexual abuse. Parents may not always believe the child, especially if the abuser is a family member or close family friend.

However, in the context of the US, the most common route of HIV transmission is via unprotected ___ sex.


The most common route of HIV transmission from a global perspective is via unprotected ___ sex.


Getting access to abortion can be challenging and since federal monies are not allowed to be spent on abortion services; this affects which of the following groups?

People serving in the US military People who rely on Medicaid or other types federally funded health care

The cell that engulfs bacteria and foreign debris by a cell is called:


The inability to retract the foreskin (or prepuce) covering the head (penile glans) of the penis.


Describe the HPGA cycle in the bio female: a. the hypothalamus releases what hormone? b. the pituitary releases 2 hormones, what are they? c. what hormone initiates ovarian follicles to begin to develop? d. what 2 hormones are elevated to trigger ovulation?

Possible answers (for now): a. GnRH b. FSH & LH c. FSH d. Estrogen & LH. "Increased estrogen levels during the follicular phase cause a surge of LH. This causes ovulation to occur 16-36 hours later." (53)

A prolonged (sometimes for several hours) persistent penile erection that is not relieved by ejaculation.


How do radiation exposure, castration, infections & heat influence adult testicular functioning?

Radiation exposure can result in: - infertility and genetic mutations Castration prior to puberty results in lack of adult development Infections (orchitis) can result in infertility. (Infertility: couples trying to have a baby do not succeed after a year of sexual intercourse without the use of contraception, which is a 40% female problem, 40% male problem, 15% both and 15% unknown). - Adult mumps causes swelling of the seminiferous tubules which can be crushed because the tunica albuginea cannot expand Heat: testes need to be 4 degrees C below body temperature

Sexual penetration conducted on another without their consent.


Gender identity

Refers to a person's individual and internal sense and subjective experience of their own gender irrespective of sex assigned at birth.

The ___, was a landmark controversial decision by the US Supreme Court on the issue of abortion. The Court decided that a right to privacy under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution extends to a woman's decision to have an abortion, but that right must be balanced against the state's two legitimate interests for regulating abortions: protecting prenatal life and protecting the mother's health.

Roe vs. Wade

Sarah has been in a relationship with her boyfriend Matt for about three months. A few weeks ago they decided to skip using condoms since Sarah is now on the pill (hormonal contraception). Nor Sarah neither Matt knows that Matt is infected with chlamydia. This last week they had penile/vaginal intercourse five times without a condom. Sarah's friend Michelle is newly single, and over the last two months she has had penile/vaginal sex with five different guys without using a condom. One of the guys Michelle had unprotected penile/vaginal intercourse with had an unknown infection with chlamydia. Who do you think is more likely to contract chlamydia, Sarah or Michelle?




Your friend knows that you are taking this class about sex and sexuality, and they ask you about some recent symptoms they have experienced that includes, severe itching, and a red rash that has developed on their genitals. Based on what you have learned in class, you might suggest that they may have contracted ___ but should seek medical attention to get an actual diagnosis and possible treatment.



Second highest concentration

The second highest concentration of HIV is found in ___, followed by ___, and ___.

Semen Vaginal fluids Rectal mucosa

The vast majority of semen is produced by which of the following glands?

Seminal vesicles

The Wolffian ducts develop into what?

Seminal vesicles Epididymis Vas deferens

Unwanted, non-consensual touching of a sexual and physical nature.

Sexual Assault

What is sexuality/sex?

Sexuality is defined as the quality of possessing a sexual character or potency/ the average, reliable, biological differences between males and females. Sex is defined as classifying organisms as male or female; the sexual urge or instinct as it manifests itself in behavior; or sexual intercourse.

You can NOT become infected with HIV from...

Sharing utensils or drinking from the same cup as someone with HIV Mosquito bites Touching someone with HIV

What are the two largest sex organs in the body?

Skin and brain

What are some common reasons why the condom does not work effectively?

Slipping of during penetration or when pulling out Too much air in the tip It is not fitting properly Not checking the expiration date Insufficient lubrication Breakage when opening the package

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) will initiate what?

Sperm production

The term used to describe the production of sperm.



Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3


Stage 4

What type of abortion is commonly performed in the US?

Aspiration abortion

Which of the following is/are TRUE about the vagina? A. The vagina is located above the urethral opening. B. The outer one third of the vagina, which is a potential space, contains numerous folding of the vaginal wall known as the rugae. C. The vagina is also known as the birth canal. D. The opening to the vagina is partially covered by the hymen until it is torn.

B, C, D

Which of these are risk factors for developing cervical cancer? A. Human papillomavirus (HPV) B. All of the above C. Smoking cigarettes D. Living with untreated HIV

B. All of the above

Which type of intrauterine device (IUD) is available?

Both copper and hormonal

In the US, what type of cancer is most common among women/XX individuals?

Breast cancer

What is a medical term used for surgical removal of a viable fetus?

Caesarean section

What is the second leading cause of reproductive cancer death in women?

Cervical cancer

What has to dilate before a vaginal birth is possible?


During the 16-20th week of development, an ultrasound can be performed to check the health of the fetus and the quality of the fetal environment. What are some things that can be reveled by this specific ultrasounds at this point in the pregnancy?

Check that important organs such as, the head, neck, chest, heart, spine, stomach, kidneys, bladder, arms, legs, and umbilical cord are all developing properly. Check the location of the placenta. Assess the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus. Measure the size of the fetus' head, stomach, and heart.

What are hormones?

Chemical substances secreted in one part of an organism that affect other tissues or organs.

What causes miscarriage?

Chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo.

Which of the following organs have the most never endings?


Someone with an overproduction of androgens in the adrenal glands that can affect both chromosomal make-ups of, XX and XY.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

The _______ refers to the rim of the penile glans.


When one partner in an intimate relationship uses abusive tactics to control the other.

Dating/ Domestic Violence

What do condoms offer that other forms of birth control do not?

Easy access as no prescription is needed Protection against STD transmission

What do you call a pregnancy that implants in the fallopian tube?


Former U.S. Surgeon General, Joycelyn Elders was given an award for her sex-positive attitude about masturbation.


If someone does not physically resist, then it is not sexual assault.


If someone who lives with an HIV infection is in treatment and has achieved viral suppression, they can still transmit the virus to a sexual partner via unprotected sex.


Infertility means that you cannot get pregnant.


The glans of the penis have more nerve endings than the glans of the clitoris.


The perpetrators of child sexual abuse are typically strangers of the family.


To be infertile means that you cannot get pregnant.


What is Sexual Dimorphism After Puberty (average reliable differences between the sexes)?

- on average, men have greater upper body muscular strength than women. However, some women have greater muscular strength than the average man and some men will have less than the average woman. - more males are conceived & born than females (51% in the US, recent research suggest that there is an excess of female mortality) - due to a combo of genetic & social factors: * More males die at all stages of development over the life cycle than females * females live on average 5 years longer than men (in the US, the average life expectancy at birth is about 79 years for women and about 72 years for men)

What is Endometriosis, and what are it's symptoms and treatments?

- patches of endometrial tissue occur outside of the uterus (pelvic area, ovaries, fallopian tubes, rectum, and the bladder). Rarely, it is found in the lungs, nasal cavity and the brain. Symptoms: - Dysmenorrhea - Dyspareunia (painful intercourse) - Severe backaches - Abdominal pain - Painful bowel movements - Infertility Treatment: - Pain medication - Synarel or Danazol (inhibit FSH & LH which inhibit proliferation of the endometrial tissue). Given orally & more commonly by nasal spray. Does not work for everyone. - Surgical removal of the tissue

What are fungi & what STDs /infections involve it?

- plant-like *organism* - Yeast infection: Candida Albicans

What does the HPV vaccine do? How can risks of HPV-related cervical cancer be eliminated? When should the vaccine be administered?

- prevents the major cancer causing strains (but not all of them) - risks of HPV-related cervical cancer can be eliminated if the vaccine is administered before the onset of sexual activity. - Recommended that all 9-12 year old male & females receive the vaccine. It should be given before the age of 26.

How can HIV be transmitted from one person to another?

- primarily through blood, semen, vaginal fluids, rectal secretions & breast milk. - the introduction of infected CD4+ T-cells into the blood, anus or vagina may be the most effective way of transmitting the virus. Conditions necessary for HIV to occur: - the virus must be present in a certain concentration or inoculum - the virus must be able to get to cells it can infect.

HIV can be transmitted through...

- sexual contact - injection drug use - pregnancy, childbirth & breastfeeding - occupational exposure - (rarely) blood transfusion/organ transplant

Breasts consists of:

Fat tissue, Loubles, Milk ducts, Pectorals muscles

What is the covering of the Cerebrum?

- the Cerebral cortex, a large area of gray matter & 10 billion interneurons that integrate & process information. It is found in folds that reduce its surface area and gives the brain the appearance of a walnut. ** the large surface area of our cortex is one of the things that allows us to have more complex reasoning processes than chimpanzees.

Where is circumcision primarily performed? What do many cultures see circumcision as?

- the Middle East (male/female), United States (male), Australia (male) and Northern Africa (male/female) - a rite of passage into adulthood

What happens if pregnancy does not occur after ovulation?

- the corpus luteum degenerates - estrogen and progesterone levels drop - the endometrium sloughs off to begin the menstrual flow. These low levels of estrogen & progesterone release the hypothalamus & anterior pituitary from the negative feedback inhibition, and as FSH increases, a new cycle of follicular maturation begins once more.


Fifth highest concentration

What hormone initiates sperm production and the development of premature egg cells?

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

What are the two ovarian phases called?

Follicular phase & Luteal phase

What does male genitalia consist of?

- the penis, scrotum (which houses the testes), the epididymus, vas deferens, ejaculatory ducts, and urethra.

What is an overlap of function between the hemispheres related to?

- the size of the corpus callosum. - the corpus callosum is larger in female fetuses and women. However, it is unclear as to whether using it makes it larger, if it is larger to begin with, or a combination of nature & nurture.

Where are the ischiocavernosus muscles in males and what do they do for them?

- they attach to the crura of the corpora cavernosa and function during erection and ejaculation to stabilize the penis.

What is Genital Herpes caused by?

Genital Herpes is an STD that is caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 (HSV-2). Most are caused by type 2.

What are the symptoms of Scabies & how is it treated?

Symptoms: - most common: intense itching & a pimple-like skin rash * usually spread by direct, prolonged, skin-to-skin contact with a person who has scabies. Treatment: - Permethrin cream (5%) applied to all areas of the body from the neck down and washed off after 8-14 hours. - Ivermectin 200ug/kg orally, repeated in 2 weeks.

To have fully functioning adult testes:

Germ cells + XY

What is the best way to know your STD status?

Get yourself tested regularly for STDs so that you know your current status

What part of the penis has the most nerve endings?


Tuskegee Study

-399 African Americans were told they were being treated for syphilis -But when Penicillin was invented in 1947, they were withheld treatment -Most of the men died, others passed syphilis to their wives, and children (called congenital syphillis when passing to children)

How long does it take for sperm to be produced?

-72 days

Highest risk behavior in getting HIV

-Anal sex (Clade B HIV strain) -Receiving (bottoming) is riskier than inserting (topping)

How many people in the US are living with HIV? How many people are unaware they are infected wit HIV?

-Approximately 1.2 million ppl in the US have HIV -1 in 7 (14%) are unaware of their infection

Sandra Bem's Gender Schema Theory

-Behaviors, personalities, and appearances that we judge people's gender off of -Gender is socially constructed -(Schema: how we organize info in our brain)


-Blood is leaving


-Blood rushing down into penis or clitoris so they swells

David Reimer

-Born XY (male) -Had phimosos (unretractable foreskin) -Went to get circumcised; they burnt his penis off on accident -Dr. John Money: social psychologist who advised parents to raise him as a female -Dr. Milton Diamond: reported that after David Reimer was told his birth sex, that he did not want to be female anymore -David Reimer made his story public to discourage it from happening again; later commit suicide

Most common cancer in women

-Breast cancer

Homologous structures

-Develop from same underlying tissue -At week 10, undifferentiated bipotential structures become homologous structures -Raphe: without DHT: clitoral hood, with DHT: foreskin -Genital tubercle: without DHT: clit, with DHT: glans penis -Urogenital Areas: without DHT: labia minora, with DHT: penile shaft -Labioscrotal swelling: without DHT: labia majora, with DHT: scrotum

Development of XY genitalia

-Due to SRY gene -Cells of Leydig produce testosterone, causing WOLFFIAN DUCTS to develop into the internal gentialia (8 weeks): epididymus, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and ejaculatory ducts -Sertoli cells produce Mullerian-inhibiting hormone (MIH), preventing Mullerian ducts to develop -10 weeks: external genitalia: penile glands, shaft of penis, foreskin, scrotum

Stages to Sjaculation

-Emission and expulsion

Peyronie's Disease

-Extreme curvature of penis

Moist, warm transitional zones

-Eyes, ears, mouth, urethra, vagina, anus

To protect against HPV:

-Females: Cervarix & Gardasil to protect against HPV, cervical cancer, and genital warts -Males: Gardasil to protect against genital warts and anal cancers

Jocelyn Elders

-Former member of UN -Said during a conference that "masturbation was a natural part of human sexuality and it should perhaps be taught in school" -Got fired for saying that

What does bipotential mean?

-Gonads in humans are bipotential, this means they can either be XX or XY

Bacteria STDs:

-Gonorrhea, chlamydia, haemophilus, treponema aka syphillis -Treatment: antibiotics

Most commonly transmitted STI


The spreading of cancer


Anabolic steroids affect on testosterone

-Negative affect on testosterone because it has a negative effect on LH (So since LH produces testosterone, the scrotum will shrivel)

Turner's syndrome

-Only 1 X :not fertile or menstruating

Hormone that helps push milk/baby out


Parasite STDs:

-Pediculosis pubis aka crabs (treatment:cream) -Scabies (treatment: cream)

Porn vs. Obscenity

-Porn: legal in US -Obscenity: illegal in US

Hawaii HIV Stats

-Primarily young white males have HIV (ages 25-44)

US HIV Stats

-Primarily young, homosexual/bisexual males -Most prevalent in African Americans


-Produces testosterone


-Psychosexual disorder in which sexual gratification is gotten through exposing one's genitals to a stranger

How do vaccines work?

-Puts into your body; antibodies are produced to attack foreign antigens

Hyde Amendment

-Regulated FEDERAL money -No federal money goes towards abortion -Affects military and poor people

Webster Decision

-Regulated STATE money -Allowed states to intervene in pregnancies -1st Trimester: Decision between the woman and her doctor -2nd Trimester: state can regulate to protect the woman -3rd trimester: state can regular to protect the fetus

Roe v. Wade

-Supreme Court Case (highest court in US) -1973: abortion legalized on a federal level -This means that all states have to abide to it -Some states didn't like this law, so when people don't like a law, they try to amend it, thus the Hyde Amendment...

Sympathetic vs. parasympathetic nervous system

-Sympathetic: fight or flight -Parasympathetic: relaxed state

Congenital Syphillis

-The passing of syphilis from a mother to a baby through the birth canal

Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS)

-These ppl are XY, but can't produce testosterone, so they're feminine looking -Partial: somewhat sensitive to androgens -Complete: can't use testosterone at all -Externally, they look like a female -At puberty, nothing happens- they just stay feminine looking


-Tight, nonretractable foreskin

Protozoa STDs:

-Trichomonas vaginalis (treatment: antibiotics) -Giardia

Rev. Falwell

-Tried suing PBS for promoting a "gay" Teletubbie (Tinky winky) -Said it was "damaging the moral lives of American children" -He assumed Tinky Winky's sex by gender roles


-We have some as a part of our bodies, but FOREIGN organisms have foreign antigens

Ovulation occurs when:

-When LH and estrogen levels are high

When does a menstrual cycle begin?

-When you start bleeding

Klinefelter's Syndrome

-XXY -Low testosterone and reduced muscle mass, facial hair, and body hair. Most males with this condition produce little or no sperm

Most intersex conditions happens in XY or XX?


Fungal STDs:

-Yeast infection (treatment: creams, medications)

The {12} houses the {11} where sperm production takes place. Newly produced sperm will be stored in the {10} prior to ejaculation. The vast majority of semen is made up by fluid from the {3}, and secondary fluid comes from the {2}. During ejaculation sperm will travel through the {7} and out through the {8}. The {9} contains the corpus spongiosum and the corpora cavernosa that will engorge with blood during erection. The are a lot of nerve endings in the {1} compared to the {4} that contains few. Urine will travel through the {5} down to the {6} where it will be stored prior to urination.


Though the definition of voyeurism is the practice of gaining sexual pleasure from watching (in real time, or "live") others getting naked or engaging in sexual activity, which one of the following could also be explained as a form of voyeuristic behavior?

Going to a strip club to watch naked people for sexual excitement. Watching pornography with the intent of becoming sexually aroused.

The ________ are the site of sperm and hormone production. The __________ are the site of sperm maturation and storage. During sexual arousal the _________ and the _______ will engorge with blood making the penis erect. The ______ contracts to stop the flow of urine or the expulsion of semen. Urine and semen are both transported by the _____ , but usually not at the same time. The _________ produce a viscous fluid rich in fructose and other substances that makes up about 70% of semen. About 25-30% of semen is coming from the ________, and less than 1% is coming from the ______.

1 (testes); 2 (epididymis); 8 (corpus cavernosa); 10 (corpus spongiosum); 7 (Bulbocavernous muscle); 9 (urethra); 4 (prostate gland), 5 (seminal vesicle), 6 (bulbourethral glands)

Of the people who are HIV positive in the U.S., how many are aware of their infection? In the U.S., approximately how many people are not aware of their HIV infection?

1 in 7

3 Components to Sexual Identity:

1) Gender role 2) Gender identity 3) Sexual orientation

Development of fully functioning gonads require:

1) Proper complement of sex chromosomes (2) 2) Those germ cells which are precursors to spermatogonia and oogonia

Freud's 2 types of orgasms

1) Vaginal (mature orgasm) 2) Clitoral (immature orgasm)

What are the 2 types of hormonal contraception (against conception)?

1. Combinations of Estrogen & Progesterone 2. Progesterone only

What are the four techniques for neonatal circumcision?

1. Dorsal slit method 2. Plastibell method 3. Mogen clamp 4. Gomco clamp method *Neonatal circumcision should only be undertaken if the baby is a normal full-term delivery with no significant medical problems after birth.

Though the definition of voyeurism is the practice of gaining sexual pleasure from watching (in real time, or "live") others getting naked or engaging in sexual activity, which one of the following could also be explained as a form of voyeuristic behavior?

Going to a strip club to watch naked people for sexual excitement. Watching pornography with the intent of becoming sexually aroused.

Where are steroid hormones synthesized?

Gonads, Adrenal glands, Placenta, Brain cells, Fat cells (cholesterol)

What are the essentialist & constructionist views on biological drive or potential for sex?

1. Essentialist: Drive (Frued: Libido). The individual does not *need* sex to survive, like they need water & food to survive- the human *species*, however, does. The Reproductive Imperative ensures the survival of the species. Behavior is either hard-wired into the nervous system in some species or it is learned. 2. Constructionist: The individual had to learn to want it- pleasure *reinforces* wanting it again. 3. Essentialist & Constructionist combo: Sexualisty is a biological capacity like language. What's supposed to be arousing is learned from the culture (same with what is not supposed to be). An individual can learn several languages. (-Kinsey) ** also, brain appetite (kaplan): it's actually an appetite which originates in the brain and depends on the proper levels of sex hormones.

What are the two types of STDS?

1. Gonorrhea 2. Syphilis

What constitutes an AIDS diagnosis, according to the CDC?

1. Less than 200 CD4+ T cells per cubic millimeter of blood. The CD4 count of someone without HIV ranges from 500 cells/mm3 to 1,200 cells/mm3. 2. Opportunistic infection (OI) - tuberculosis - cancer - pneumonia

Ovarian Cycle (Ovary as the focal point) - (6)

1. Menstrual phase (4-5 days) 2. Follicular phase (irregular # of days) 3. Ovulatory phase (1 day) 4. Luteal phase (14 days) 5. Pre-menstrual phase 6. Menstrual phase

Uterine Cycle (Uterus as the focus)- (5)

1. Menstrual phase (4-5 days) 2. Proliferative phase (irregular # of days) 3. Ovulatory phase (1 day) 4. Secretory phase (14 days) 5. Menstrual Phase

Antibiotic resistance (AR) is the ability of bacteria to resist the effects of the drugs used to treat them. This means the germs are not killed and they will continue to reproduce. The bacteria that cause the STD known as, ___, has developed resistance to nearly all of the antibiotics used for treatment. One of the most problematic strains that has developed resistance is called H041.


Which of the following STDs are caused by bacteria?

Gonorrhea Chlamydia Syphilis

Human immunodeficiency virus___manifests in the body by binding to the CD4+T cells.


Which of the following is the most recent STD?


What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?

HIV is a virus and AIDS is a diagnosis

Body of the Uterus, we will deal with two layers:

1. Myometrium: the middle, smooth muscle layer which contracts during orgasm, labor and nursing (oxytocin effect). Sexual feelings can result from nursing because of the oxytocin release. 2. Endometrium: inner lining, site of implantation a. Proliferates during the first part of the menstrual cycle under the influence of estrogen b. Becomes secretory after ovulation under the influence of progesterone c. Sloughs off during menstruation (endometrial tissue, blood, mucus clumps) d. HIV is present in menstrual flow of an infected woman e. The pill decreases flow f. The IUD increases flow g. Prostaglandins are present in the endometrium

What are the 4 lobes that divide the Cerebrum, & what are their functions?

1. Occipital lobe: crucial for all aspect of visual processing. 2. Parietal lobe: critical for sense of touch & also plays a role in other senses. 3. Frontal lobe: controls movement, thought & decision making processes. 4. Temporal lobe: important for recognizing objects & people, as well as for memory, hearing & language. Also, outside of these is the Cerebellum, which regulates movement and is involved in learning movements (i.e. throwing a basketball)

What are the 2 parts of the Menstrual Cycle?

1. Ovarian cycle (ovary) 2. Uterine cycle (uterus)

Types of sex therapy: (6)

1. Psychoanalytic (long term intrapsychic) 2. Psychosexual (may be long term: relationships, guilt, fear) 3. Pharmacological (drugs such as Viagra) 4. Behavioral (PLISSIT) 5. Education - like about PTSD symptoms. Encourages clients to write and read their accounts of the event or events and encourages the processing of emotions 6. Cognitive therapy - addresses rape survivor's intense feelings of gear, betrayal, shame, guilt, ect. by identifying & modifying schema conflicts

What are the new prevention drugs for breast cancer?

1. Raloxifene (Evista) 2. Tamoxfin (Nolvadex) 3. Research is being done on aromatase inhibitors to reduce estrogen levels 4. Use of anti-cancer antibodies

The _________ produce a viscous fluid rich in fructose and other substances that makes up about 70% of semen. About 25-30% of semen is coming from the ________, and less than 1% is coming from the ______.

1. Seminal Vesicles 2. Prostate Gland 3. Cowper's Gland

Sperm move in the uterus toward the ovum by:

1. Swimming 2. Uterine muscle contractions a. Stimulation of the cervix by the penis causes release of oxytocin (a hormone that causes smooth muscle contraction) b. Prostaglandins in the seminal fluid c. Orgasm ( also: egg <ovum> moves through the fallopian tube by muscle contractions <prostaglandins and high estrogen levels found at ovulation> and by the cilia)

What are the two divisions of the nervous system and what do they consist of?

1. The Central Nervous System: - the brain & the spinal column 2. The Peripheral Nervous System: - sensory neurons (touch, smell, ect) and motor neurons that control movement - autonomic nervous system

What biological effects does puberty have on biological women (XX)?

1. breast budding (occurs 1st) 2. Pubic hair (androgen related) 3. Axillary hair (androgen related) 4. Body contour changes 5. Fat deposition (breast & hips) 6. May have vaginal lubrication 7. Enlargement of labia & clitoris

What are the factors that influence the menstrual cycle?

1. environmental 2. psychological 3. proper fat/protein ratio 4. drugs 5. excessive exercise leads to decreased pulsatile release of LH ** All of these can affect the hypothalamus

There are three layers to the fallopian tubes:

1. outer- serosal layer 2. muscle- moves ovum 3. inner a. mucous glands and nutrients for ovum b. cilia, hair-like projections, (moves ovum)

The most common STD with about 79 million Americans currently infected and about 14 million new infections per year. This STD is so common that it is estimated that most sexually active people will contract this at some point in their lives. This infection is relatively harmless, sometimes warts develops known as condyloma. There are, however, six strains that have been associated with the development of cancer. Therefore it is recommend to get regular pap smear tests of the cervix and/or anus and to get vaccinated, Gardasil is one example of such a vaccine.


Other biological differences on average: (not in flashcards yet):

1. pelvic and facial bone formation; attachment of thigh bone (femur) to pelvis. Accounts for difference in hip movement while walking. 2. Eye teeth are larger in males. 3. Cardiovascular function; males have more red blood cells & oxygen carrying capacity. 4. gametes (type, # & timing) produced 5. H-Y antigen is present on male tissues, not on female tissue (H-Y antigen may be involved in spermatogenesis) 6. According to Marion Diamond, the brain is larger in men bc they have larger bodies. Women have more neurons, which are compressed. 7. brain hemisphere differences - somewhat controversial; has political implications - Right handed people (asymmetrical) * left hemisphere = language, right hemisphere = perception & constructive recall of stimuli hard to visualize (higher math & music-?) - Left handed people (symmetrical) * more overlap of function

Which of the following is not a primary erogenous zone?


What biological effects does puberty have on biological males (XY)?

1. scrotum enlarges (occurs 1st) 2. pubic hair/axillary hair 3. penis growth 4. voice deepens/Adams apple/ beard growth 5. Muscular development 6. Nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) 7. Occasional temporary breast development

What are the 3 main regions of the Epididymis?

1. the head 2. the body 3. the tail

Approximately, how many people are living with HIV in the U.S.?

1.1 million

About how many people identify as trans in the U.S.?

1.4 million

How big is the pituitary?

1/2 inch in diameter and is actually 2 glands: the anterior pituitary (adenohypohysis) and the posterior pituitary (neurohypohysis).

About how long does the average orgasm last?

10 - 20 seconds

Young boys often being puberty sometime between the ages of:


How long does ovulation take?

12-48 hours

The ___________ of the penis contains numerous nerve endings and may bring sexual pleasure during stimulation. Semen and urine are expelled from the __________ , but usually not at the same time. Semen is made up of sperm and fluid from the ________, _________ and __________. Gametes (sperm) are produced in the __________.

13 (glans); 9(urethra); 4 (prostate gland), 5 (seminal vesicle), 6 (bulbourethral glands); 1 (testes)

Perpetrators of sexual violence most often abuse people in the ages of?

18-34 years of age

Perpetrators of sexual violence most often abuse people in the ages of?

18-34 years of age.

What year did the term homosexual become the word to describe men who had sex with men?


In what year were the first AIDS cases reported?


In what year were the first cases of AIDS reported?


Two parts of menstrual cycle:

1: Ovarian (follicular phase- follicle is getting ready, forms into the corpus luteum/luteal phase) 2: Uterine (proliferative phase-blood builds up on endometrium/secretory phase-blood comes out [period])

How have popular views about sex changed over the course of history?

1st: Sex is so dangerous that it needs to be controlled. 2nd: Sex is for procreation only, not to include pleasure. 3rd: Sex is OK, but only in the context of marriage. Now: Sex has human value apart from its role in procreation.

What is internalized homophobia?

Happens when LGBQ individuals are subjected to society's negative perceptions, intolerance and stigmas towards LGBQ people, and as a result, turn those ideas inward believing they are true.

What happens when adrenalin from the adrenal glands is produced during sexual arousal?

Heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure rise.

The Cerebrum is divided into:

2 hemispheres (left & right), connected by a thick network of nerves called the corpus callosum. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body and the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body. & 4 lobes, each with different functions. (occipital, parietal, frontal, temporal)

What year did the Supreme Court rule that same-sex marriage be legalized?




Which of the following STDs does not currently have a cure?



Highest concentration

What's the most common STD?

Human Papillomavirus

Which of these are risk factors for developing cervical cancer?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) Smoking cigarettes Living with untreated HIV

HIV treatment statistics (2013)

In 2013, only 13.6 million people were on treatment, equating to 38% of adults in need of treatment, and 24% of children.

Where & in what religions is male circumcision the most prevalent?

In Muslim countries & Israel, and in Jewish & Muslim faiths

Which of the following is caused by a bacterium?


What is D&E (Dilation and Evacuation) abortion?

2nd trimester abortion *** - done between 13-24 weeks of pregnancy - a device called a cervical (osmotic) dilator is often inserted in the cervix 24 hours before the procedure to help slowly open (dilate) the cervix. - dilating the cervix reduces the risk of any injury to the cervix during the procedure. * Misoprostal may be given before surgery to help soften the cervix. - use of local or general anesthesia. - a curette is used to scrape the lining of the uterus and remove tissue in the uterus. Lastly, the vacuum is used to ensure removal of fetal body remains in the uterus (such fetal remains can cause serious infections in the woman). - D&E usually takes about 30 minutes.

Human pregnancy consists of how many trimesters?


How long is the NuvaRing left in place?

3 weeks

If a menstrual cycle is ______ days long, ovulation will take place on the ______ day of the cycle.

35 ; 21st 28 ; 14th 21 ; 7th

Globally, how many people live with HIV/AIDS?

37.9 million

Most often, a human will have how many chromosomes?



A painful, persistent, non-erotic erection that is not relieved by ejaculation.

Corpora cavernosa

A pair of sponge-like tissue that contain most of the blood in the penis during erection.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

A serious infection that develops in the pelvic region when certain STDs or other infections aren't treated.

What is compulsory heterosexuality?

A term popularized by poet Adrienne Rich, that explains a cultural phenomena related to heteronormativity. It describes the domination of culture by those in heterosexual relationships and the social expectations tied to the belief that heterosexuality is the norm and all other sexual orientations are deviant.


A tube located at the back of each testicle that stores and carries sperm.


A two-compartment pouch outside the body which helps to maintain the temperature of the testes. If the temperature increases, the sperm count drops. - in 75% of men the left scrotal sac hangs lower than the right. - Thin skin, little hair, no fat, and numerous sweat glands - With climate change, the tunica dartos muscle (smooth muscle; involuntary), low external temperate = scrotum pulls up, high external temperature = scrotum stretches & lowers away from the body -During sexual arousal, the cremaster muscle pulls the testes closer to the body in preparation for ejaculation

What is cystitis?

A urinary tract infection, also known as UTI

How do viruses reproduce themselves?

A virus can only reproduce itself by taking over a cell in the body of it's host.

Which of the following are TRUE about sperm? A. The head of the sperm contains the DNA from the biological father. B. Spermatogenesis is the formation of sperm, which takes approximately 74 days. C. Capacitation means that the sperm capacitates the egg. D. The enzyme at the head of the sperm that is involved in dissolving the protective coating around the unfertilized ovum is called hyaluronidase.

A, B, D

Which of the following is/are TRUE about the clitoris? A. The clitoris is mainly an internal structure with just a small portion being external. B. Research shows most women achieve orgasm only through clitoral stimulation. C. The clitoris is mainly an external structure with just a small portion being internal. D. It is the most sensitive sexual organ in a human female

A, B, D

In the context of the US, what factors are the main drives behind public sex education? A. Teen pregnancy prevention B. Sexual identity and healthy sexual relationships C. STD prevention D. Abstinence education

A, C & D

Which of the following are reasons that the media is influential through advertising?

A. Advertisements are based on vulnerability and acceptance. B. Advertisements have subliminal messages. C. Advertisements are customized and lack interactivity.

What is consent?

A. All people involved must be fully conscious and actively communicate their consent. B. Give permission and agree to by free will based on choice. C. Consent to some form of sexual activity, does not necessarily imply consent to other forms of sexual activity.

What is sexism?

A. Prejudice or discrimination based on sex. B. Behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex.

Who's most likely to have an STD?

Teens and young adults

If the genetic make-up is XX, what part of the gonad then develop?

The cortex

Which one determines chromosomal sex?

The sperm

According to the diagram, which of the following statements is/are TRUE?

W are determined by the absence of a Y chromosome. Z are the Mullerian ducts, which differentiate into the fallopian tubes, uterus and upper vagina. Z develop in the absence of MIH and testosterone. X are determined by the presence of a Y chromosome.

What does it mean to consent to sexual behaviors?

You actively communicate that you are willing. Even though you say yes, you still have the option to say no. Legally, you and your partner(s) cannot be under the influence. Consent is an active ongoing decision, it is not passive.

How long are seminal vesicles and what do they do?

about 2 inches long; secrete seminal plasma (a component of semen) into the ampulla.

When you are given a vaccine, your immune system elicits an _______ response, which is supposed to make you immune to a specific organism.


If the genetic make-up is XX, what part of the gonad then develop?


Oral stimulation of the vulva, clitoris and vagina is called:


When one partner in an intimate relationship uses abusive tactics to control the other.

dating/ domestic violence

How do you treat PMS?

decrease salt intake, decrease sugar intake, increase vitamin B6, C & E intake, diuretics, progesterone therapy, oral contraceptives, bromocriptine given to decrease Prolactin, Danocrine, anti-prostaglandins (drugs like Midol), sleep, exercise, caffeine, postassium, balanced minerals, bright light treatment for depression (sit in front of eight 40 watt fluorescent bulbs for hours per evening for one week)

Surgical removal of the prostate for either BPH or cancer will result in:

decreased semen, possible retrograde ejaculation (ejaculation into the bladder) and possible difficulties.

What procedures can be done in the 3rd trimester for abortion?

depends on the law of the state. Only 2 hospitals in the nation that perform these. 1. Induction abortion: a rarely done surgical procedure where salt water, urea, or potassium chloride is injected into the amniotic sac; prostaglandins are inserted into the vagina and pitocin is injected intravenously. 2. Dilation & Extraction: a surgical abortion procedure used to terminate a pregnancy after 21 weeks of gestation. This procedure is also known as D & X, Intact D & X, Intrauterine Cranial Decompression and Partial Birth Abortion.

What is Menorrhagia?

excessive bleeding in menstruation (either in the # of days or in the amount of blood lost)

A large percentage of sexual assaults are falsely reported.


If someone does not physically resist, then it is not sexual assault.


Which of the following is not a warm moist transitional zone?

hands and feet.

Since the inception of the "pap" smear & more recently the combo of it with HPV screening, what has happened to the death rate in women with cervical cancer?

has dropped 75%

The IMS helps to:

keep viruses under control - Asymptomatic - HIV - Herpes - HPV * also fights cancer cells in the body

How many barr bodies do you have if you have a genetic karyotype of 46 XY?


The term used to describe the production of the ovum.


What does the spinal cord do?

relays information to and from the peripheral nervous system to the brain

Puberty is triggered by the development of:

the adrenal gland

Neurohormones are released from :

the axon endings of neurosecretory neurons (they have an end bulb that released hormones)

Where is the control of reproductive physiology?

the brain. the hypothalamus is connected to the pituitary gland, and together these two control reproductive functioning.

The demographics of sexual orientation and gender identity in the U.S. have been studied in the social sciences in recent decades. Findings from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) reported in July 2014 that at least 3 percent of Americans identify as gay or lesbian, and 0.7 percent identify as bisexual.


The two largest sex organs in the body are, the skin and the brain.


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