11: Infancy and Childhood

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According to Lev Vygotsky, by mentoring children and giving them new words, parents and others provide a temporary _____ from which children can step to higher levels of thinking.

sense of object permanence.

According to Piaget, children in the sensorimotor stage acquire a:

a critical period

An optimal period early in the life of an organism when exposure to certain stimuli or experiences produces normal development is called

autism spectrum disorder.

Deficient social interaction and an impaired understanding of another person's state of mind are MOST characteristic of:

social environment

Piaget is to the physical environment as Vygotsky is to the _____.


Sam is a 12-month-old infant who just began crawling. This may be a result of Sam sleeping on his:


The association areas of the cortex are linked to thinking, memory, and _____.

3.5 years

The average age of children having their earliest conscious memory is


The orderly sequence of biological growth refers to:


When a child interprets a new experience in terms of an existing schema, this is known as _____.


interpreting our new experiences in terms of our existing schemas.

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