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Imaging methods such as DTI and fcMRI are allowing researchers to develop a ____________, a map of the complete structural and functional fiber pathway connections in the living human brain.

brain connectome

A person with _____ damage will have extreme difficulty with language and naming objects. right occipital right parietal left parietal left occipital


According to Gazzaniga, the two unique human traits that evolved from cerebral asymmetry are: the ability to believe and the ability to imagine objects in space. the ability to make inferences and the ability to believe. the ability to navigate and the ability to make inferences. the ability to imagine objects in space and the ability to navigate.


An fMRI shows that Liz's lateral prefrontal, medial temporal, and posterior parietal cortex were all active when she was making a decision. This is evidence that _____ was involved in the decision. divergent thinking the reflexive system convergent thinking the reflective system


An fMRI shows that Tina's ventromedial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens were active when she was making a decision. This is evidence that _____ was involved in the decision. convergent thinking divergent thinking the reflective system the reflexive system


Arthur has had a split-brain operation to control his epilepsy. He is participating in an experiment at a university. He is asked to fixate at the center of a computer screen and then an image is presented. He is unable to name the image. The image must have been presented to: his right visual field. his left eye. his right eye. his left visual field.


Based on the results of dichotic listening tasks researchers have concluded that musical information from the _____ ear seems to have preferential access to the _____ hemisphere, which processes music. right; right left; left right; left left; right


Damage to the lateral prefrontal cortex is MOST likely to result in problems with: imagining pain. theory of mind. fear responses. self-recognition.


Mandy is lying in an fMRI machine reading words. She will show activity ONLY in her _____ hemisphere when she reads _____. left; nouns right; verbs right; nouns left; verbs


Neuroeconomics seeks to understand the neural bases of ____________.

decision making

Our attribution of mental states to others is known as ____________.

heory of mind


impairment of the ability to perform purposeful acts or to use objects properly

List four general themes of social neuroscience research.

in any order: understanding others; understanding oneself; self-regulation; social living

Social neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand how the brain mediates ____________.

social interactions

The right hemisphere plays a role in ____________ and ____________.

spatial behavior; music


Interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand how the brain makes decisions

theory of mind:

Ability to attribute mental states to others.

Why does it matter that the two cerebral hemispheres process information differently?

Because the hemispheres process information differently, they think differently. And the existence of language in the left hemisphere allows it to label computations and thus make inferences that the right cannot

Two principles emerge from the results of these three neuropsychological assessments:

Brain functions are localized. Damage to different brain regions produces different symptoms. Brain organization is asymmetrical. Left-hemisphere damage preferentially affects verbal functions; right-hemisphere damage preferentially affects nonverbal functions.

Two principles emerge from the results of these three neuropsychological assessments: Brain functions are localized. Brain organization is asymmetrical.

Brain functions are localized. Damage to different brain regions produces different symptoms. Brain organization is asymmetrical. Left-hemisphere damage preferentially affects verbal functions; right-hemisphere damage preferentially affects nonverbal functions.


Inability to speak

dichotic listening: Experimental procedure for simultaneously presenting a different auditory input to each ear through stereophonic earphones.

Kimura found that the controls recalled more digits presented to the right ear than to the left. remembered music from the left

brain connectome:

Map of the complete structural and functional fiber pathways of the human brain in vivo.

The general assumption among neuroeconomists is that two neural decision pathways influence our choices.

One is deliberate, slow, rule-driven, and emotionally neutral;activity is greater in the lateral prefrontal, medial temporal, and posterior parietal cortex, the areas that form the reflective pathway. The other pathway—fast, automatic, emotionally biased—forms a reflexive system. it acts as a reflective system. ventromedial prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum

cognitive neuroscience:

Study of the neural bases of cognition. Cognitive neuroscience focuses on high-tech research methods but continues to rely on the decidedly low-tech tools of neuropsychological assessment—behavioral tests that compare the effects of brain injuries on performing particular tasks. Clinical Focus 15-4, Neuropsychological Assessment, illustrates its benefits.


Which structural imaging method is used primarily to determine the connectivity between regions of the nervous system? tractography? _____ is a 3D modeling technique used to visually represent neural tracts using data collected by diffusion tensor imaging via a specialized MRI.

Cedella is participating in an experiment where visual stimuli are being presented 40 ms and she is being asked to identify what she saw after each trial. She will be far more likely to be able to indicate the _____ she saw when it has been presented to the right visual field. word dot pattern face random figure


Damage to the lateral prefrontal cortex is MOST likely to result in problems with: self-recognition. theory of mind. fear responses. imagining pain.


If Yu Chen has a typical human brain, then his cortex will be divided into _____ different networks. 17 19 21 15


Jergen makes a decision quickly, based purely on emotion. According to a neuroeconomist, this is an example of _____ at work. the reflexive system divergent thinking the reflective system convergent thinking


Pima has damage to her _____, which may explain why she cannot recognize her own face. right lateral prefrontal cortex dorsolateral prefrontal cortex basal ganglia anterior cingulate cortex


A person with _____ damage will have extreme difficulty with language and naming objects. right parietal left parietal left occipital right occipital


Brook is chatting with a friend and doing a jigsaw puzzle. Based on the research to date, it is likely that: both hemispheres are equally important for the maintenance of the conversation. both hemispheres of her brain are involved in maintaining the conversation and completing the puzzle. only the right hemisphere is involved in the completion of the puzzle. only the left hemisphere is involved in the conversation she is having.


Chris has had a split-brain operation. If she is presented with a key to her right visual field and a lock to her left visual field and told to use both hands to pick up the object that was seen she will MOST likely: pick up the lock. pick up both objects. be unable to recognize either object and thus unable to do the task. pick up the key.


Doreen Kimura found that when healthy participants are given a(n) _____ task they were better able to remember music presented to the _____. extinction; right visual field dichotic listening; left ear dichotic listening; right ear extinction; right visual field


Dr. Hothi is discussing theory of mind in her social neuroscience class today. She most likely points to the _____ in a diagram of a brain when discussing the area of the brain most frequently associated with this ability. basal ganglia dorsolateral prefrontal cortex anterior cingulate cortex right lateral prefrontal cortex


Dr. Salso is writing a research paper on the tractography of fine motor movements. Dr. Salso is MOST likely discussing _____ data. fcMRI DTI EEG CAT scan


Jergen makes a decision quickly, based purely on emotion. According to a neuroeconomist, this is an example of _____ at work. convergent thinking the reflexive system the reflective system divergent thinking


Meep makes a decision slowly and without emotion. According to a neuroeconomist, this is an example of _____ at work. the reflexive system the reflective system convergent thinking divergent thinking


Miriko has absolute pitch. A researcher studying her brain expects to find evidence of _____ in her left temporal lobe. tractography hyperconnectivity perseverance a connectome


People with right-hemisphere damage have the MOST difficulty with: naming objects. imagining movements through space. fine motor control. grammar.


Pima has damage to her _____, which may explain why she cannot recognize her own face. dorsolateral prefrontal cortex right lateral prefrontal cortex anterior cingulate cortex basal ganglia


Suri is expecting to feel pain. An fMRI would MOST likely show increased activity in her: basal ganglia. anterior cingulate cortex. dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. right lateral prefrontal cortex.


The _____ hemisphere is the only hemisphere that processes _____. right; nouns left; verbs left; nouns right; verbs


Arlene is a split-brain patient. She has been shown pictures of a packet of seeds followed by a picture of a watering can to her right visual field. She must now choose a picture that makes sense of the first two. If forced to choose between a picture of a flower, a picture of a chicken, or a picture of a canoe, Arlene will MOST likely choose: the canoe. the flower. at random. the chicken.


Baby Jacob is just developing the ability to attribute mental states to others. Jacob has acquired a(n) cell assembly. association cortex. theory of mind. brain connectome.


Doreen Kimura found that when healthy participants are given a(n) _____ task they report more digits presented to the _____. extinction; right visual field extinction; right visual field dichotic listening; right ear dichotic listening; left ear


Dr. Anslow presents his class with a diagram that depicts the tendency for the _____ in the frontal lobe to be larger in the _____ hemisphere. premotor region associated with the leg; left sensorimotor region associated with the face; right sensorimotor region associated with the face; left premotor region associated with the leg; right


Dr. Qian is participating in the human connectome project. She is using _____ and _____ data to help map the brain. MRI; EEG EEG; DTI DTI; fcMRI fcMRI; MRI


Meep makes a decision slowly and without emotion. According to a neuroeconomist, this is an example of _____ at work. convergent thinking the reflexive system the reflective system divergent thinking


Miriko has absolute pitch. A researcher studying her brain expects to find evidence of _____ in her left temporal lobe. perseverance tractography hyperconnectivity a connectome


Professor Scheppat explains to his class that a person with left-parietal damage will have difficulty: navigation. copying drawings. copying movements. assembling puzzles.


The left hemisphere can process_____ whereas the right hemisphere cannot. sounds nouns inferences colors


The role of the ____________ in cognition, formerly unappreciated, is now attracting researchers' attention.


Noninvasive imaging techniques enable cognitive psychologists to investigate the neural bases of thought in the "normal" brain, leading to the field called ____________.

cognitive neuroscience

The left hemisphere plays a role in ____________ and ____________.

controlling voluntary movement sequences; language

The split brain results from cutting apart the ____________.

corpus callosum


correlation between activation of different regions (patterns of activation)

Bethany has damage to her _____, which may explain why she appears unable to generate a theory of mind for others. right lateral prefrontal cortex dorsolateral prefrontal cortex basal ganglia anterior cingulate cortex

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Many fMRI studies over the past decade suggest that the brain region believed most closely associated with theory of mind is the ______ ____ _____

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex


measures actual neuroanatomical pathways that can be related to specific traits. DTI creates _____ _____ is a 3D modeling technique used to visually represent neural tracts using data collected by diffusion tensor imaging via a specialized MRI. Lots of accidents happen with MRIs due to metal objects either in the person or in the room.

When we express attitudes (including prejudices) toward ideas or human groups, brain imaging shows activation in ____ , ___ ___, and ___ ___ regions.

prefrontal, anterior cingulate, and lateral parietal regions.

Studies using fMRI show that when we recognize our own face versus the face of familiar others, brain activity increases in the __ ___ ___ ___ and in the ___ ____ ___ sentences about self

right lateral prefrontal cortex and in the lateral parietal cortex. When participants are asked to determine whether trait words or sentences are self-descriptive, brain activity in medial prefrontal regions increases.

The brain connectome is:

the map of the structural and functional pathways in the human brain.

Left temporal hemisphere

the region of sensorimotor cortex representing the face is larger neurons in Broca's area on the left have larger dendritic fields than do corresponding neurons on the right.

left parietal damage

trouble copying movements, language, naming people things animals, reading

right parietal damage

trouble copying, puzzles, dizzy, diretions

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