2 lecture: the evolution of quality

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1940's: WWII

"Are we fitting this war with weapons or with the slide rule?!" #QC starts to take samples of the production in order to evaluate its quality, so that a more rapid and accurate process took place #quality gain new meanings: freedom, safety and survival

Dimitratos's summary

"With the emergence of mechanization, cam the issues of inspection, control and assurance of quality."

Crosby's two popular statements

"Zero Defect" "Quality is Free"

Joseph Moses Juran

"products or services should meet consumer needs."

1980's: Stirring the Sleeping Giant: The USA Responds

#CEOs lead the movement towards better production and better quality in the different sectors #as a result a movement was created: (TQM) Total Quality Movement #Baldrige National Quality Program (awards)

W. Edwards Deming

#Father of quality movement #"prevention as a key to quality" #Deming's 14 point philosophy

post-war era #

#Japan's recovery created the "Japanese Junk" #the United States sent experts in quality to help Japanese economy and quality; DEMING and JURAN #Japan returns to be one of the leading countries in quality production #however, the United States stopped paying attention to its quality production-> "Asleep at the wheel" :economic drop from the 1980s and beyond

2000's: Shift to Consumer's satisfaction

#Opinions and requirements were obtained by the public, so that better products were produced and at lower prices (or better prices, that is).

Phillib B. Crosby

#The most influential thinker in quality.

1900's: shifting from product approach to process approach to quality

#definition of process: a group of activities that takes an input adds value, and crates and output #identification of variations in the process: SQC, Statistical Quality Control; thus increases quality

1300's: Guilds

#developing of rules for product and service quality #Inspectros started to "marked" products as sing of quality

1200's: The age of Craftsmanship

#informal mode of passing quality assurance #formation of guilds

1970's in the west (bad quality)

#the Ford Pinto (US) #the BL Marina (UK)

1800's: The industrial revolution

#the quality of production dropped rapidly and the reputation of the craftmanship was not as important as before #evolution: *craftsmen-> factory workers *shop owners-> Supervisors #inspectors check point

Juran's three general steps to quality

1. Make annual improvement plans. 2. Train everyone in the organization. 3. Leadership focuses on quality.

Juran's Ten Steps to Quality Improvement: #5

Adopt a project approach to problem solving.

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #2

Adopt the new philosophy and take on leadership.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #9

Annonce zero defects day to lauch the process.

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #9

Break down barriers. Work as a team.

Juran's Ten Steps to Quality Improvement: #10

Build an annual improvement cycle into all companies processes.

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #3

Cease dependence on mass inspection to achieve equality. Build in quality.

Juran's Ten Steps to Quality Improvement: #8

Communicate results.

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #5

Constantly improve quality and productivity to decrease cost.

Juran's Ten Steps to Quality Improvement: #3

Create an organizational structure to drive the improvement process.

Juran's Ten Steps to Quality Improvement: #1

Create awareness of the need and opportunity for inprvement.

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #1

Create constancy of purpose.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #4

Define and apply the principle of the cost of quality.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #14

Do it all over again.

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #8

Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively for the company.

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #11

Eliminate quotas. Substitute leadership.

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #10

Eliminate slogans. Fix the system.

Armand Feigenbaum

He developed the concept of the cost of quality. 1. Prevention cost: preventing 2. Appraisal costs: detecting defects 3. Internal failure costs: internal defects (fix and/or prevention). 4. Internal failure costs: **

Juran's Ten Steps to Quality Improvement: #6

Identify and report progress.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #8

Implement supervisory training.

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #6

Institute training in the job.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #5

Insttute a quality awareness programme.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #6

Introduce corrective action procedures.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #3

Introduce quality management procedures.

Juran's Ten Steps to Quality Improvement: #9

Keep records of changes.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #1

Management commietment

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #4

Minimize total cost by improving quality of supplies.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #7

Plan for the implementation of zero defects.

Juran's Ten Steps to Quality Improvement: #4

Provide appropriate training.

Juran's Ten Steps to Quality Improvement: #7

Recognize and reinforce sucess.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #12

Recognize those who have actively participated.

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #12

Remove barriers to pride of workmanship that encourages competition among staff.

Juran's Ten Steps to Quality Improvement: #2

Set explicit goals for improvement.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #10

Set goals to bring about action.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #2

Set quality improvement teams.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #11

Set up employee-management communication systems.

Crosby's fourteen points steps: #13

Set up quality counsils to sustain the process.

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #7

Supervision should be to help people to do a better job.

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #14

The transformation is everybody's job.

Deming's 14 point philosophy: #13

institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement.

final result of the 1800's

production increased rapidly but the quality of the production dropped simultaneously

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