2014 staar test review

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America's present need is not heroics but healing; . . . not revolution but restoration; . . . not submergence in internationality but sustainment in triumphant nationality. This excerpt illustrates Harding's campaign promise to be a president who would — A help the country recover from the turmoil of the previous decade B refuse to allow the continuation of laissez-faire economic policies C use diplomacy to establish alliances with other countries D improve economic growth by promoting unrestricted immigration


How did President Harry S. Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb affect international relations? A It initiated the arms race with the Soviet Union. B It prompted other nations to begin investigations of war crimes. C It enabled the United Nations to administer territory in Japan. D It led to the establishment of the first global peacekeeping force


In January 1932 Congress approved the formation of an independent government agency called the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC). The RFC was funded by the U.S. Treasury and was authorized to make loans to banks, railroads, life insurance companies, and other large businesses devastated by the Great Depression. President Herbert Hoover believed that funds disbursed through the RFC would eventually benefit the average citizen through job growth, higher wages, and the protection of bank accounts and insurance policies. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is similar to later New Deal legislation in that both — A protected the economy through government intervention in private business B gave direct relief payments to unemployed citizens C provided more efficient services through public utility regulation D borrowed money from foreign banks to reduce the national debt


The Twenty-second Amendment was passed in response to which event? A The election of Franklin D. Roosevelt to a fourth presidential term B Herbert Hoover's reelection defeat C Bill Clinton's impeachment trial D The resignation of Richard Nixon after Watergate


How did press coverage of events during the Vietnam War affect the United States? A Film footage from the front lines increased congressional support for the war. B Reporting on military setbacks contributed to public disillusionment with the war. C Increased U.S. media presence overseas resulted in overwhelming international support for U.S. intervention. D Live presidential press conferences led to a decline in partisan politics in Congress


How did the military innovation shown in this photograph affect the course of World War I? A It helped transport large numbers of troops to the battlefield. B It helped break the stalemate of trench warfare. C It made communications with officers on the front lines possible. D It made the use of land mines obsolete.


In 1997, Vernon Baker was awarded the Medal of Honor. How was this award historically significant? A Baker was the first U.S. naval officer to be honored for bravery in combat. B Baker was the only living African American veteran of World War II ever to receive the medal. C Baker commanded the first Marine brigade to land at Normandy during World War II. D Baker was the only recipient to serve in both World War I and World War II.


One way the development of the Internet has improved the quality of life in the United States is by — A decreasing the influence of advertising on consumers B increasing the ease of obtaining information C improving privacy protection for individuals D increasing the reliability of available information


The creation of initiative, referendum, and recall procedures during the Progressive Era resulted in — A a system of separate schools for new immigrants B the expansion of citizens' direct participation in the democratic process C a redistribution of the tax burden among citizens D more sources of revenue for state governments


The ideas contained in the Declaration of Independence helped — A motivate European rulers to establish new colonies B inspire people in other countries to question the authority of their government C encourage new settlers in South America to assimilate native populations D persuade religious leaders in other countries to stop the persecution of non-Christians


We are not now required to ascertain the scope of the phrase "general welfare of the United States" or to determine whether an appropriation in aid of agriculture falls within it. Wholly apart from that question, another principle embedded in our Constitution prohibits the enforcement of the Agricultural Adjustment Act. . . . It is a statutory plan to regulate and control agricultural production, a matter beyond the powers delegated to the federal government. Which constitutional amendment did the Supreme Court use as a basis of this ruling? A First B Tenth C Fourteenth D Twenty-sixth


Which of these contributed to the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment? A Veteran soldiers protesting to obtain benefits B The growing political influence of women C Politicians campaigning for education reform D The growing number of workers organizing into labor unions


Which pull factor contributed to the Great Migration? A The availability of land grants for homesteaders B Economic opportunities in industrialized cities C Better soil conditions in previously uncultivated areas D The lower cost of living in urban areas


Which situation demonstrates one way that U.S. culture has spread to other parts of the world? A A young boy in Great Britain watches anime. B A teenage girl buys a hip-hop CD in China. C A businesswoman eats at a sushi restaurant in Canada. D A college athlete in Brazil trains for the Olympics.


Cartoons such as this one took the position that deportation was necessary because — A assimilation programs in the United States had been unsuccessful B economic decline had increased the competition for jobs C communists were infiltrating the United States D political machines had too much power in urban areas


How did the events on this time line affect U.S. businesses? A Profit sharing became a standard practice for industrial corporations. B Monopolistic practices were abolished by federal legislation. C Mass-manufacturing techniques were adopted to maximize production. D Retirement plans were guaranteed to factory workers


Jobs such as the ones described in this 1956 advertisement became available because — A federal law required private businesses to recruit for the military B weak college programs had produced few scientists qualified for high-level research C Cold War defense programs had spurred technological innovation D most U.S. citizens opposed the development of atomic weapons


The 1943 Hollywood movie Song of Russia was produced with the encouragement of the Office of War Information (OWI). At the time the movie was made, the United States and the Soviet Union were allies in the fight against Nazi Germany. The movie tells the story of an American conductor who falls in love with a Russian pianist just before World War II. Together they spend time in an idealized version of the Soviet Union. When the Nazis invade, they join Soviet villagers in the resistance. Which group later investigated the political ideology and actions of many people associated with this film? A The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations B The Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services C The House Un-American Activities Committee D The Motion Picture Association of America


The President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity established by this order is directed immediately to scrutinize and study employment practices of the Government of the United States, and to consider and recommend additional affirmative steps which should be taken by executive departments and agencies to realize more fully the national policy of nondiscrimination within the executive branch of the Government. The primary objective of the executive order excerpted here was to — A establish a time line for eliminating segregated facilities in government buildings B reduce the fines paid by corporations for discriminatory hiring practices C promote fair employment practices in government agencies D establish hiring quotas for female workers in private corporations


The creator of this political cartoon was expressing his concerns about — A the Senate confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas B the U.S. declaration of war on Japan after the bombing of Pearl Harbor C the expansion of executive power during the Great Depression D the involvement of U.S. government officials in the Iran-Contra scandal


There is a solidarity and interdependence about the modern world . . . which makes it impossible for any nation completely to isolate itself from economic and political upheavals in the rest of the world, especially when such upheavals appear to be spreading and not declining. . . . International anarchy destroys every foundation for peace. It jeopardizes . . . the future security of every nation, large or small. It is, therefore, a matter of vital interest and concern to the people of the United States that the sanctity of international treaties and the maintenance of international morality be restored. President Roosevelt later used similar reasoning as one justification for — A the implementation of the Marshall Plan B dropping atomic bombs on Japan C U.S. involvement in World War II D U.S. participation in the League of Nations


What was the main result of the events referred to in these headlines? A The growth of insurance and welfare programs for elderly citizens B The growth of radical political parties on the East Coast C The expansion of political and economic opportunities for minority citizens D The expansion of economic cooperation between northern and southern states


Which of the following resulted from the U.S.-led military coalition's engagement in the Persian Gulf War? A The Shah of Iran was overthrown. B Saddam Hussein was forced from power. C The nation of Kuwait was liberated. D Iraqi Kurds were granted equal rights.


Which of the following was a major contribution of the Harlem Renaissance to U.S. culture? A It led to the increased popularity of vaudeville stage performers. B It brought the most significant beat poets together. C It established jazz as a prominent musical form. D It focused attention on the antiwar literary genre.


Which of these best explains why worldwide reactions to U.S. involvement in Vietnam grew increasingly hostile during the late 1960s and early 1970s? A The United States was viewed as appeasing a brutal dictator. B The United States demanded the unconditional surrender of Ho Chi Minh. C The United States was viewed as an aggressor invading an underdeveloped nation. D The United States ignored a United Nations Security Council resolution to cease hostilities.


Which statement best describes a major impact Bill Gates has had on U.S. business and technology? A He set up the first computer network systems for the military. B He designed the heat-shield technology used on space shuttles. C He started the company that provides operating software for most personal computers. D He created an online store that changed the way people purchase consumer goods.


In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education. Such an opportunity, where the state has undertaken to provide it, is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms. Which action occurred as a result of the Supreme Court decision excerpted above? A The requirement of equal access to school facilities for disabled students B The expansion of science in school curricula C The implementation of requirements for federal certification of private-school teachers D The desegregation of public schools


No single great material work which remains to be undertaken on this continent is of such consequence to the American people as the building of a canal across the Isthmus connecting North and South America. Its importance to the Nation is by no means limited merely to its material effects upon our business prosperity. . . The policy outlined in the excerpt was directly influenced by problems that the U.S. Navy had recently confronted during — A the Cuban Revolution B the Mexican War C World War I D the Spanish-American War


The data presented on this graph illustrate an economic effect of — A the rapid demobilization of U.S. defense industries after World War II B the federal domestic programs created as part of the Great Society C incentives offered under the Bracero Program to temporary laborers D assistance offered by the GI Bill to soldiers returning from World War II


Today the world is heavily dependent on __________ for motive power, lubrication, fuel, dyes, drugs, and many synthetics. The widespread use of __________ has created serious environmental problems. The great quantities that are burned . . . generate most of the air pollution in industrialized countries, and [spills have] polluted oceans and coastlines. Which of these natural resources correctly fills in the blanks in this excerpt? A Coal B Iron C Gold D Petroleum


What does President Bill Clinton's impeachment trial reflect about modern U.S. politics? A Congress conducts more thorough investigations of judicial nominees. B Campaign finances are monitored by a regulatory agency. C Media outlets focus more on policy issues than on the actions of elected officials. D Elected officials face greater scrutiny of their personal lives.


What does the sticker in this illustration represent to patrons of this bank? A Restrictions on the federal government's ability to set prime interest rates B The power of the federal government to privatize the bank in order to stimulate economic growth C Limitations on the role of the federal government in providing home loans D The federal government's assurance of protection on individual bank deposits


Which civic action demonstrates the most fundamental responsibility of citizens in a democracy? A Volunteering at a community food bank B Signing a petition on a college campus C Registering with the Selective Service D Voting in a presidential election


• Surrounded by bodies of water • Bowl-like shape • Several feet below sea level at its lowest points How did these features affect New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina? A Tornadoes gained momentum in open land areas. B Storm surges caused a massive shift in tectonic plates. C Mud slides trapped residents in the city. D Storm waters flooded the city after several levees broke.


In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note . . . that all men . . . would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. . . . Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check. . . . We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and security of justice. What is a major result of the campaign described by Martin Luther King, Jr.? F The national identity of the United States has become more inclusive. G The ideal of religious freedom is accepted throughout the United States. H There is a larger gap in the standard of living between rich and poor citizens. J There are fewer citizens who support the practice of civil disobedience.


One action that influenced the U.S.-Soviet signing of the SALT I treaty in 1972 was President Richard Nixon's — F opening of diplomatic relations with China G involvement in the Watergate scandal H support of Israel during the Yom Kippur War J withdrawal of military forces from Vietnam


What was one reason for the expansion of machine politics in the late nineteenth century? F The rapid influx of immigrants made it difficult for local governments to provide basic services. G Federal restrictions prevented voters from influencing government decisions at the local level. H The economy was too tightly regulated to allow urban growth. J Settlement houses failed to help immigrants adjust to life in the city.


What was the primary reason for U.S. involvement in East Asia during the early 1950s? F North Korean attempts to unify the peninsula challenged the U.S. policy of containment. G Communities in Korea needed humanitarian aid due to a famine. H International groups needed help investigating North Korean officials charged with corruption. J Democratic reformers sought help from the U.S. military to overthrow dictatorial regimes in Korea.


When citizens can only meet in public for certain purposes, they regard such meetings as a strange proceeding of rare occurrence, and they rarely think at all about it. When they are allowed to meet freely for all purposes, they ultimately look upon public association as the universal, or in a manner the sole, means which men can employ to accomplish the different purposes they may have in view Which value is best reflected in this excerpt? F Liberty G Populism H Laissez-faire J Egalitarianism


Which of the following best completes this diagram? F Led to a decrease in U.S. international trade G Helped stabilize the U.S. economy H Strengthened U.S. relationships overseas J Led to a decline in U.S. unemployment


Which quotation could most likely be attributed to Sandra Day O'Connor? F "The power I exert on the Court depends on the power of my arguments, not on my gender." G "Yes, I did feel a special responsibility to be the first American woman in space." H "I came to Washington to work for God, FDR, and the millions of forgotten, plain common workingmen." J "I only knew that, as I was being arrested, that it was the very last time I would ever ride in humiliation of this kind."


Which sentence provides information needed to complete both the cause and effect portions of this diagram? F The 1898 Spanish-American War led to world power status for the United States. G The 1914 opening of the Panama Canal encouraged international trade. H The 1919 Treaty of Versailles contributed to the start of World War II in Europe. J The 1929 stock-market crash set off the Great Depression in the United States.


Why did the Populist Party want free coinage of silver? F To increase the amount of money in circulation G To reduce economic inflation H To raise campaign contribution limits J To decrease the bargaining power of labor unions


• First Arab-Israeli War, 1948-1949 • Six-Day War, June 1967 • Yom Kippur War, October 1973 How did President Jimmy Carter attempt to end hostilities between the groups that fought these wars? F He helped negotiate a peace treaty known as the Camp David Accords. G He deployed U.S. troops to defeat the Palestine Liberation Organization. H He ordered the boycott of the Olympic Games in Moscow. J He threatened to sever diplomatic ties with Syria


Although the women of America are one step nearer to nylon stockings as a result of new ceiling price schedules . . . , the prospect of "nylons for Christmas," except for a favored few, is not good, hosiery manufacturers said yesterday. This excerpt suggests that U.S. consumers were affected by — F labor union disputes during the Great Depression G continued supply shortages after World War II H the adoption of worldwide tariffs after World War II J the closure of textile plants during the Great Depression


An employee contacts his supervisor to request time off guaranteed to him under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Under which circumstance do the provisions of this law apply? F The employee qualifies for time off to complete a college degree. G The employee qualifies for time off to care for a newborn child. H The employee qualifies for an extended vacation due to airline delays. J The employee qualifies for assignment to a different work location.


How does the pattern of distribution of political representation shown in these graphs affect relationships within the government? F Members of Congress compete to be majority leaders. G The president must negotiate to get congressional support for the executive agenda. H Leaders of Congress assign legislation through committees. J The president determines which pieces of legislation are passed.


How were the Navajo words in this table used during World War II? F As propaganda to improve morale among Allied soldiers G As a secret code for communicating battle plans between Allied units H As signal words for Allied spies posing as civilians J As a language of diplomacy for exchanges with enemy forces


Militant Americanism was dominant in Washington today—in those quarters of the capital where action counts in this perilous time. By one bold strike President Wilson had emboldened the timid, scattered his enemies, and brought honest critics to his side. The exposure of the German Government's attempt to line up Japan and Mexico with Germany in a war against the United States caused hesitating Senators and Representatives to come out in the open with declarations of support of the President and his method of dealing with the German submarine menace. While the international situation is more critical, the atmosphere has been cleared of doubt and misunderstanding, and Germany's enmity is now clearly revealed. What was one result of the events reported in the excerpt above? F Germany financed the Mexican army's attempted invasion of the United States. G The U.S. government abandoned its official policy of neutrality. H Germany's navy blockaded several Mexican seaports. J The U.S. government boycotted goods imported from Europe.


The Union of Concerned Scientists, an organization of citizens and scientists working toward environmental solutions, has a website with information about the risks of nuclear power plants. The site includes a feature called the Nuclear Power Information Tracker and other resources designed to help enhance public access to information about power-plant safety and the link between nuclear power and global warming This organization most likely encourages Congress to pass legislation that — F finances oil exploration in domestic waters G focuses on finding clean and renewable energy sources H reduces regulation of the coal-mining industry J gives substantial tax breaks to natural-gas companies


This diagram indicates that during World War II the federal government — F provided technological training for soldiers on the battlefield G developed a new weapon designed to gain a strategic advantage over enemies H instituted a disaster-preparedness program for the civilian population J nationalized industries considered essential to national security


What role did Arkansas governor Orval Faubus play in the Little Rock Crisis? F He vetoed legislation to establish a separate school system for whites and blacks. G He challenged the authority of the federal government to desegregate schools. H He helped minimize race-related violence by establishing integrated advisory groups. J He refused assistance from the federal government to improve minority graduation rates.


Which numbered pair of phrases best completes this diagram? F (1) Increased urban decay; (2) Increased leisure time G (1) Increased demand for housing; (2) Increased deforestation H (1) Increased demand for automobiles; (2) Increased labor union membership J (1) Increased immigration; (2) Increased racial tension


Which of the following was a defining characteristic of the United States during the 1930s? F A sharp increase in the power given to state governments G An extended period of economic depression H The adoption of an interventionist foreign policy J The formation of a national Civil Rights movement


You, Mr. President, are not declaring a quarantine, but rather are setting forth an ultimatum and threatening that if we do not give in to your demands you will use force. Which U.S. action is Khrushchev challenging in this excerpt? F Preventing Soviet advisors from meeting with revolutionaries in South America G Establishing a naval blockade to stop the shipment of missiles to Cuba H Enforcing a ban on military aid to communist forces in North Vietnam J Conducting air shipments of vital supplies to East Berlin


Bringing stability and unity to a free Iraq will not be easy. Yet that is no excuse to leave the Iraqi regime's torture chambers and poison labs in operation. Any future the Iraqi people choose for themselves will be better than the nightmare world that Saddam Hussein has chosen for them. How did the goal described in this excerpt most affect the U.S. economy? F The Federal Reserve raised interest rates to control inflation. G Lower gasoline prices left people with more disposable income. H The federal debt increased dramatically as a result of military spending. J Popular support for cutting the budgets of domestic programs declined.


How did the person named in this 1909 handbill work to improve the lives of African Americans? F By organizing voter-registration drives for African Americans G By supporting the formation of labor unions by African American workers H By promoting vocational training for African Americans J By organizing boycotts of businesses that refused service to African Americans


The Roaring Twenties were characterized by — F internment camps, the rationing of goods, and the first use of an atomic bomb G bank failures, the New Deal, and bread lines H installment plans, Prohibition, and flappers J brinkmanship, McCarthyism, and a policy of containment


The demographics of the United States are changing rapidly because of factors such as longer life expectancy and large-scale immigration. People closely watching these trends include corporate executives and the advertisers they hire to market their products to consumers Which marketing strategy is most clearly a result of the changing demographic patterns described above? F Television networks offer discounts to toy companies for commercials played during Saturday-morning cartoons. G Fast-food chains partner with the film industry to advertise recent movie releases with kids' meals. H Telecommunication companies spend increasing amounts of money on commercials that air on Spanish-language radio stations. J Department stores place large advertisements in Sunday newspapers.


The entertainment industry is one of California's major industries and one of America's largest exports. However, in recent years, more film and TV production has gone abroad. . . . Senator Boxer pushed legislation, now law, to provide a tax break to encourage film and TV production to stay in the United States. Senator Boxer supported the legislation mentioned in this excerpt most likely because she was concerned that — F foreign production companies might not make films of the same quality as domestic companies G foreign production companies might not release their movies in the United States H the loss of domestic production work would result in fewer job opportunities for Americans J the price of DVDs would increase if they had to be imported from other countries


Which of the following best completes this diagram? F Decreased availability of raw materials G Lower rates of personal savings H Increased business competition J Greater influence for labor unions


Which of the following occurred as a result of the Sherman Antitrust Act? F Workers secured a greater share of company profits. G The influence of labor unions on factory owners was reduced. H The federal government could dissolve business monopolies. J Businesses were required to pay fees to open overseas locations.


Founded in 1913 as the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage (CU), the National Woman's Party (NWP) was instrumental in raising public awareness of the women's suffrage campaign. . . . The NWP effectively commanded the attention of politicians and the public through its aggressive agitation, relentless lobbying, clever publicity stunts, and creative examples of civil disobedience and nonviolent confrontation. The political activism of the group described in the excerpt contributed directly to — F the elimination of poll taxes G the repeal of the 18th Amendment H the outlawing of child labor J the ratification of the 19th Amendment


Nineteenth-century nativist organizations advocated — F limiting federal military power through the organization of local militias G conserving natural resources through the creation of national parks H globalizing the economy through participation in free-trade agreements J promoting an ethnically homogeneous society through restrictions on immigration


Speaker 1: A continuing proliferation of weapons will result in global war. Speaker 2: Conventional arms are more important than advanced technology. Speaker 3: The military draft is essential for combat preparedness. Speaker 4: Increased defensive strength will discourage aggression by others. Which speaker would most likely agree with President Ronald Reagan's national security policies? F Speaker 1 G Speaker 2 H Speaker 3 J Speaker 4


What is one ongoing result of the New Deal? F The federal government funds a space-exploration program. G State governments deny residency to persons working in other states. H State governments use property taxes to fund social security programs. J People can rely more on the federal government during times of economic distress.


What was a primary purpose of the program being promoted by this poster? F To encourage women to join the workforce G To reduce health problems among working women H To promote the purchase of organically grown produce J To increase the food supply during a farm-labor shortage


Which of the following best describes Ralph Nader's effect on the election in Florida? F He contested the recounting of election ballots in federal court. G His presence as a third-party candidate discouraged voter turnout. H He persuaded state officials to abandon the punch-card method of voting. J His candidacy drew crucial votes away from the other candidates.


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