2016 Mock ACLAM Practice Written/Practical Examination

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Answer: d. A rodent anesthesia induction chamber References: 1) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 5 - Anesthesia Delivery Systems, p. 156. 2) Harkness JE, Turner PV, VandeWoude S, Wheler CL, eds. Harkness and Wagner's Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents, 5th edition. 2010. Wiley-Blackwell: Hoboken, NJ. Chapter 2 - Clinical Procedures, p. 107. Domain 2; Primary Species - Mus musculus

The equipment pictured here is: a. A rodent euthanasia chamber b. A rodent metabolic chamber c. An open field chamber d. A rodent anesthesia induction chamber

Answer: c. Casein. References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd ed. Academic Press: Oxford, UK, p. 228. 2) Suckow, M. A., Stevens, K. A. & Wilson, R. P. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents, 1st ed. Academic Press: San Diego, CA p. 895. Domain 3; Secondary Species - Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

The disease depicted in the slide can be chemically induced in Mesocricetus auratus by subcutaneous injection of which substance? a. Collagen b. Ethanolamine c. Casein d. Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate

Answer: b. Psoroptes cuniculi References: 1) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents, 1st edition. Elsevier: London. Chapter 15 - Parasitic diseases, p. 428. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Elsevier: London. Chapter 10 - Biology and Diseases of Rabbits, p. 440. Domain 1; Primary species - Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

The ectoparasite depicted in this image can cause intense pruritus and may lead to excoriation, self- mutilation, and secondary bacterial infections in rabbits. What is the etiologic agent? a. Sarcoptes scabies b. Psoroptes cuniculi c. Haemodipsus ventricosus d. Spilopsyllus cuniculi e. Linguatula serrata

Answer: d. Serology testing References: 1) Qualification of EZ-Spot® dried-blood-spot (DBS) samples for rodent serology. [Internet]. Charles River Laboratories International, Inc; 2013. [Cited 2014 June 9]. Available from:http://www.criver.com/files/pdfs/research-models/rm_ld_r_ez_spot.aspx 2) Opti-Spot: Revolutionizing serology testing by simplifying rodent blood collection. [Internet]. IDEXX Laboratories, Inc; 2013. [Cited 2014 July 25]. Available from:http://www.idexxbioresearch.com/radil/userfiles/download_files/OptiSpot_SellSheet_072013_US.pdf. Domain 4

The equipment in this image is used to perform which one of the following tests: a. Bacteriology testing b. Environmental testing c. PCR testing d. Serology testing e. Parasite testing

Answer: a. Sterile saline References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning K, Whary M, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 18 - Biology and Diseases of Amphibians, p. 947. 2) Tuttle, Allison D; Law, Mac J; Harms, Craig A; Lewbart, Gregory A; Harvey, Stephen B. 2009. Effects of Helicobacter Infection on Research: The Case for Eradication of Helicobacter from Rodent Research Colonies. JAALAS. 59: 10-17. Domain 3; Secondary Species - Xenopus laevis

What agent is appropriate for a surgical skin preparation in this species? a. Sterile saline b. 80% benzalkonium choride c. Betadine surgical scrub d. 70% Isopropyl alcohol

Answer: e. Utility Reference: National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, pp. 82-83 Domain 4

According to The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, enrichment for aquatic species should be evaluated for which of the following? a. Bioload d. Cost e. Pathogens d. Taste e. Utility

Answer: d. I and II References: 1) Drug Enforcement Agency Controlled Substances Act and Scheduling Actions, 2013. http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/schedules/orangebook/a_sched_alpha.pdf 1) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 25 - Regulatory Issues, p. 574 (Table 25-1). 2) http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/schedules/index.html Domain 5

A DEA Form 222 is used to order which schedules of controlled substances? a. I b. II c. III through V d. I and II

Answer: c. Haemophilus parasuis (necropsy showed fibrinous pleuritis, pericarditis and peritonitis.) References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3nd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 12 - Biology and diseases of Swine, p. 715 - 716. 2) Aragon V, Segales J, Oliveira S. 2012. Glasser's disease. In: Zimmerman JJ, Karriker, LA, Ramirez A, Schwartz KJ, Stevenson, GW (Eds) Diseases of swine, Tenth ed. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, West Sussex. Domain 1; Primary species- Pig (Sus scrofa

A Yorkshire pig showed clinical signs of anorexia, coughing, depression, swollen joints, and neurological signs prior to death. This photo is from the necropsy. What is the etiologic agent for this condition? a. Erysiplelothrix rhusiopathiae b. Porcine circovirus-2 c. Haemophilus parasuis d. Pasteurella multocida e. Streptococcus suis

Answer: a. 1 References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 21 - Biology and Management of Laboratory Fishes, pp.1081-1082. 2) Garcia et al. 2014. Gyrodactylid ectoparasites in a population of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). JAALAS 53(1):92-97 Domain 1; Tertiary Species - Other Fish

A diagnosis of Gyrodactylus infestation has been made in a colony of commercially purchased rainbow trout. In a closed colony, how many treatments with praziquantel would be required to clear the infestation? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

Answer: d. Splendore Hoeppli bodies References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd ed. Academic Press: Oxford, UK. Chapter - 14 Biology and Diseases of Ferrets p. 611. 2) Fox & Marini eds. 2014. Biology and Diseases of the Ferret, 3rd ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Chapter 16 - Diseases of the Gastrointestinal System, p. 373. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Ferret (Mustela putorius furo)

A ferret presents with chronic diarrhea and weight loss. Necropsy and histopathology indicates the ferret was suffering from eosinophilic gastroenteritis. What histopathologic feature in the slide is most supportive of this diagnosis? a. Eosinophilic infiltrate b. Intralesional helminthes c. Interstitial edema and fibrosis Splendore Hoeppli bodies

Answer: e. parvovirus. References: 1) Christian Abee, Keith Mansfield, Suzette Tardiff, and Timothy Morris. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, two-volume set, 2nd edition. Elsevier. pg. 36 2)Simon MA. Simian parvoviruses: biology and implications for research. Comp Med. 2008 Feb;58(1):47-50. 3)Bailey C1, Mansfield K. Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases of nonhuman primates in the laboratory setting. Vet Pathol. 2010 May;47(3):462-81. Domain 1. Primary species, Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta).

A group of rhesus involved in an organ transplantation study has severe aplastic anemia. The following sample was obtained from one of the affected individuals. Please select the most likely etiological agent. a. Adenovirus b. Filovirus c. Arenavirus d. Flavavirus e. Parvovirus

Answer: a. Gastric Adenocarcinoma of the cotton rat References 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd ed. Academic Press: Oxford, UK Chapter 7: biology and diseases of other rodents. p. 313. 2) Suckow, Weisbroth, & Franklin eds. 2006. The Laboratory Rat, 2nd ed, American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine. Elsevier, 2006. Chapter 49: Cotton rat. p. 1109. Domain 1; Tertiary - Cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus)

A male animal, like the one pictured, is found to have a cranial abdominal mass during physical exam. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. Gastric adenocarcinoma b. Hemangiosarcoma c. Bloat d. Lymphoma e. Lipoma

Answer: d. Tail restraint is not recommended due to the risk of injury to the animal or the handler References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto GM, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 7- Biology and Diseases of Other Rodents, p 312. 2) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 49- Cotton Rat, p 1105-1107. Domain 4; Tertiary species- Other rodent (Cotton Rat, Sigmodon hispidus)

A new researcher in your institution wishes to use this animal for translational research pertaining to paramyxoviral respiratory diseases. Which is correct regarding the care and handling of this species? a. Continual water availability may lead to a diabetes insipidus like syndrome b. Intraspecific aggression is rare even if males are introduced to social groups as adults c. Feeding a standard rodent diet is likely to lead to hypovitaminosis C d. Tail restraint is not recommended due to the risk of injury to the animal or the handler e. Typical gestation length is 21-22 days

Answer: e. Parvovirus References: 1) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 1 - Viral Diseases of Nonhuman Primates, pp. 35-36 2) Simon. 2008. Simian parvoviruses: biology and implications for research. Comparative Medicine 58(1):47-50. 3) Bailey and Mansfield. 2010. Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases of nonhuman primates in the laboratory setting. Vet Pathol 47(3):462-481. Domain 1; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca spp.)

A rhesus macaque has severe anaplastic anemia following a recent organ transplantation. Bone marrow biopsy revealed numerous intranuclear inclusions in the erythroid precursor cells and marked erythroid hypoplasia. Which of the following viruses is the most likely etiologic agent? a. Adenovirus b. Arenavirus c. Filovirus d. Flavavirus e. Parvovirus

Answer: b. B6.FVB-Tg(Myh6-cre) References: 1) The Jackson Laboratory, Mouse Strain Datasheet - 018972 (https://www.jax.org/strain/018972) 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 32 - Genetically Modified Animals, pp. 1434-1436. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

A strain of transgenic mice was originally created in FVB stem cells and then back crossing was performed for 10 generations to get the Myh6-cre transgene onto a C57B/6 background. Which of the following names best describes this mouse strain? a. FVB.B6-Tg(Myh6-cre) b. B6.FVB-Tg(Myh6-cre) c. B6:FVB-Tg(Myh6-cre) d. FVB:B6-Tg(Myh6-cre)

Answer: b. Caesarean hysterectomy rederivation can be used to eliminate the pathogen from a rabbit colony References: 1) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 6 - Rabbit, pp. 290-294. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 10 - Biology and Diseases of Rabbits, pp. 439-440. 3) Harkness JE, Turner PV, VandeWoude S, Wheler CL. 2010. Harkness and Wagner's Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents, 5th ed. Wiley-Blackwell: Ames, IA. Chapter 5 - Specific Diseases and Conditions, pp. 289-291. Domain 1; Primary Species - Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

A young female rabbit presented with torticollis, paresis, uveitis and kidney failure from a breeding colony. Which of the following statements DOES NOT apply to the disease most consistent with these clinical signs? a. Transmission is primarily via ingestion and transplacental b. Caesarean hysterectomy rederivation can be used to eliminate the pathogen from a rabbit colony c. Can infect immunocompromised human patients d. Histologic diagnosis is possible through examination of brain and kidney samples stained with Giemsa stain

Answer: b. Inhaled anesthetics References 1) AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 edition. 2) DeNardo, D. Amphibians as Laboratory Animals. ILAR J (1995) 37 (4): 173-181. Domain 5; Tertiary Species - Other amphibians

According to the 2013 AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, the following are acceptable without conditions methods of euthanasia for the following species except? a. Injected barbiturates b. Inhaled anesthetics c. Topical buffered tricaine methanesulfonate d. Topical buffered benzocaine hydrochloride

Answer: d. Study test articles prospectively in test systems under laboratory conditions to determine safety Reference: 21CFR PART 58—Good Laboratory Practice for Nonclinical Laboratory Studies, Subpart A - General Provisions, § 58.3 Definitions http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=58.3 Domain 5

According to Good Laboratory Practice for conducting nonclinical laboratory studies, which of the following best describes the in vivo and in vitro experiments(s) which are part of a nonclinical laboratory study? a. Utilize human subjects b. Include field trials conducted in animals c. Include a basic exploratory study carried out to determine whether a test article has any potential utility d. Study test articles prospectively in test systems under laboratory conditions to determine safety e. Determine physical or chemical characteristics of a test article

Answer: c. Person who submits a nonclinical study to the Food and Drug Administration in support of an application for a research or marketing permit Reference: 21CFR PART 58—Good Laboratory Practice for Nonclinical Laboratory Studies, Subpart A - General Provisions, § 58.3 Definitions http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=58.3 Domain 5

According to Good Laboratory Practice for conducting nonclinical laboratory studies, which of the following best describes what a sponsor is? a. Any person or organizational element, except the study director, designated by testing facility management to perform the duties relating to quality assurance of nonclinical laboratory studies. b. Individual responsible for the overall conduct of a nonclinical laboratory study c. Person who submits a nonclinical study to the Food and Drug Administration in support of an application for a research or marketing permit d. Test site manager who supports the study by provision of financial or other resources

Answer: e. 5 individuals, including 2 unaffiliated community members Reference: 1) NIH Guidelines For Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules. 2013. Section IV-B-2-a. Membership and Procedures, p. 26 (http://oba.od.nih.gov/oba/rac/Guidelines/NIH_Guidelines.pdf) 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations, and Policies Affecting the Use of Laboratory Animals, p. 40 and Chapter 27 - Working Safely with Experimental Animals Exposed to Biohazards, pp. 1308 Domain 5

According to NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules, membership of the Institutional Biosafety Committee must include a minimum of: a. 3 individuals, with no requirement for unaffiliated members b. 3 individuals, including 1 unaffiliated community member c. 5 individuals, with no requirement for unaffiliated members d. 5 individuals, including 1 unaffiliated community member e. 5 individuals, including 2 unaffiliated community members

Answer: b) buffered tricaine methansulfonate References: 1) 2013 AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia. AVMA. Pg: 77-78. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW, eds. 2002. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 2nd ed. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 - Biology and Diseases of Amphibians, p. 815. Domain 2 - tertiary species, Xenopus laevis

According to the 2013 AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia, which is the preferred method for euthanizing the species depicted: a. penetrating captive bolt b. immersion in buffered tricaine methansulfonate c. CO2 inhalation d. immersion in an isoflurane water bath e. decapitation

Answer: c. 60 and 101 References: 1) National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, p. 57. 2) Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 3 - Standards, Subpart B - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Guinea Pigs and Hamsters, §3.28 Primary enclosures, (c)(1)(iii) (Edition, p. 77) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) 3) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press/Elsevier: San Diego, CA. Section III - Guinea Pigs, Chapter 21 - Management, Husbandry, and Colony Health, p. 608. Domain 5; Secondary Species - Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus)

According to the 8th Edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, the floor space requirement for guinea pigs in the United States is ______ in2 for animals weighing 350 g or less and ______ in2 for animals weighing more than 350 g? a. 50 and 100 b. 75 and 151 c. 60 and 101 d. 71 and 111

Answer: d. Surgical site should be clipped; the surgeon should wear gloves; surgery should be performed in a clean area with clean instruments References: 1) National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. Chapter 4 - Veterinary Care, p. 118. 2) Silverman J, Suckow MA, Murthy S, eds. 2014. The IACUC Handbook, 3rd edition. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 18 - Surgery, p. 432. Domain 5

According to the 8th Edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, techniques for non-survival surgery should include, at a minimum, which of the following? a. Surgical site should be clipped and prepped with disinfectant; the surgeon should wear a cap, mask, disposable gown or clean lab coat and sterile gloves; surgery should be performed in a sterile field with sterile instruments b. Surgical site should be clipped and prepped with disinfectant; the surgeon should wear a cap, mask and gloves; surgery should be performed in a clean area with sterile instruments c. Surgical site should be clipped; the surgeon should wear gloves; surgery should be performed in a clean area with sterile instruments d. Surgical site should be clipped; the surgeon should wear gloves; surgery should be performed in a clean area with clean instruments e. Surgical site should be clipped; the surgeon's hands should be washed and disinfected; surgery should be performed with clean instruments

Answer: c. 51 in2 Reference: Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, p. 57. Domain 5; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

According to the 8th Edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, what is the recommended minimum space for this animal? a. 23 in2 b. 40 in2 c. 51 in2 d. 60 in2 e. >70 in2

Answer: b. Is maintained by humidification of air entering the animal spaces utilizing steam injectors or atomizing water into the air stream References: 1) Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C. Chapter 5 - Physical Plant, p. 139. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, p. 1566. Domain 4

According to the 8th Edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, which of the following statements best describes relative humidity in animal rooms? a. Is maintained by humidification of the air via condensers that fluctuate the temperature of the air b. Is maintained by humidification of air entering the animal spaces utilizing steam injectors or atomizing water into the air stream c. Utilizes dehumidification mechanisms via increasing the air temperature until the moisture is removed and then decreasing the temperature to that appropriate for each room d. Should be maintained between 50 and 70 % according to The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th edition

Answer: b. Inhaled anesthetics and carbon dioxide asphyxiation are acceptable References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 23 - Zebra Finches in Biomedical Research, p. 1120 2) American Veterinary Medical Association. 2013. AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, pp. 34, 41, 65-67, 99, 102 (https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf) Domain 2; Tertiary Species - Other Birds

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, all of the following statements describe euthanasia methods in zebra finches and other avian species EXCEPT? a. Intracoelomic barbiturates and their congeners are acceptable b. Inhaled anesthetics and carbon dioxide asphyxiation are acceptable c. Unwanted embryos that have undergone over 50% of incubation can be euthanized by decapitation d. Thoracic compression used solely is an unacceptable method

Answer: b. < 50% incubation References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 23 - Zebra Finches in Biomedical Research, p. 1120. 2) American Veterinary Medical Association. 2013. AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, Part III - Methods of Euthanasia by Species and Environment, S5.3 Eggs, Embryos, and Neonates, p. 67. (https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf). Domain 2; Tertiary Species - Other Birds

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, cooling or freezing is an appropriate method for euthanasia of bird embryos that have attained what percentage incubation? a. < 25% incubation b. < 50% incubation c. < 75% incubation d. < 100% incubation

Answer: a. Acceptable with conditions References: 1) Allen-Worthington et al. 2015. Intraperitoneal injection of ethanol for the euthanasia of laboratory mice (Mus Musculus) and Rats (Rattus norvegicus). JAALAS 54(6):769-778. 2) American Veterinary Medical Association. 2013. AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, pp. 31-32, 99 (https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf) Domain 2; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, intraperitoneal injection of ethanol in mice as a primary method of euthanasia is considered which of the following? a. Acceptable with conditions b. Acceptable c. Unacceptable d. None of the above

Answer: a. < 200 g References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 24 - Preanesthesia, Anesthesia, Analgesia and Euthanasia, p. 1149. 2) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Section I - General, Chapter 4 - Euthanasia and Necropsy, p. 123. 3) American Veterinary Medical Association. 2013. AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, p. 38 4) (https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf). Domain 2; Primary Species - Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, manual cervical dislocation is acceptable with conditions for euthanasia of rats weighing how much when performed by individuals with a demonstrated degree of technical proficiency? a. < 200 g b. < 200 g c. < 250 g d. < 250 g e. < 300 g

Answer b. CO2, with or without premedication with inhaled anesthetics, is acceptable with conditions References: 1) American Veterinary Medical Association. 2013. AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, pp. 26, 38-39, 41, 49, 99. (https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf) 2) Allen-Worthington et al. 2015. Intraperitoneal injection of ethanol for the euthanasia of laboratory mice (Mus musculus) and rats (Rattus norvegicus). JAALAS 54(6):769-778. Domain 2

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, which of the following statements best describes euthanasia methods for small laboratory rodents? a. Nitrogen and argon gas are acceptable with conditions b. CO2, with or without premedication with inhaled anesthetics, is acceptable with conditions c. Decapitation is an acceptable method for mice and rats d. IP (intraperitoneal) injection of 70% ethanol is an unacceptable method e. Focused beam microwave irradiation, using a machine professionally designed for animal euthanasia, is acceptable for euthanizing mice and rats

Answer: d. 10; 20 References: 1) American Veterinary Medical Association. 2013. AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, p. 51 (https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf ) 2) Strykowski and Schech. 2015. Effectiveness of recommended euthanasia methods in larval zebrafish (Danio rerio). JAALAS 54(1):81-84. Domain 5; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition,, if euthanizing zebrafish by rapid chilling, adult zebrafish must be exposed to 2-4° C ice-chilled water for at least ___ minutes, and fry 4 to 7 days post-fertilization must be exposed for at least ___ minutes. a. 5; 7 b. 5; 10 c. 7; 5 d. 10; 20

Answer: e. Wash and rinse water at 143 - 165 °F for 30 minutes References: 1) Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A, Part 2, Subpart C, Part 3.56 (b)(3) 2) US Code, Title 7: Chapter 54, Animal Welfare Act Domain 4

According to the AWA and Regulations, which of the following cannot be used to sanitize primary enclosures for the following species? a. Soap or detergent and hot water - 180 °F in a mechanical cage washer b. Detergent solution followed by a safe disinfectant c. Live steam d. Flame e. Wash and rinse water at 143 - 165 °F for 30 minutes

Answer: c. When an animal dies or is euthanized, this tag shall be retained by a research facility until called for by an APHIS official or for a period of 3 years. References: 1) Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A, Part 2, Subpart C, Part 2.38 (g)(11) 2) ) US Code, Title 7: Chapter 54, Animal Welfare Act Domain 5; Primary species - Dog (Canis familiaris), Secondary species - Cat (Felis domestica)

According to the AWA, what is false with regards to the correct use of this piece of equipment by a research institution? a. The tag number shall be correctly listed in the records of purchase, acquisition, disposal, or sale of the dog or cat it identifies and to which it is affixed. b. Unweaned puppies or kittens do not need tags while they are maintained as a litter with their dam in the same primary enclosure, provided the dam has been individually identified. c. When an animal dies or is euthanized, this tag shall be retained by a research facility until called for by an APHIS official or for a period of 3 years. d. No tag number shall be used to identify more than one animal or shall be reused within a 5-year period. e. This tag is not less than 1-1⁄4 inches in diameter.

Answer: a. Rabbits being transported more than 6 hours should have access to food and water and they are required to be observed no less than once every 4 hours Reference: Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 3 - Standards, Subpart C - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Rabbits, §3.63 (a) Food and water requirements and §3.64 (a) Care in transit (11-6-13 Edition, p. 91) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) Domain 5; Primary Species - Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulation, which of the following statements best described the requirement for transporting a rabbit by surface vehicle? a. Rabbits being transported more than 6 hours should have access to food and water and they are required to be observed no less than once every 4 hours b. Rabbits being transported more than 8 hours should have access to food and water and they are required to be visually observed no less than once every 4 hours c. Rabbits being transported more than 6 hours should have access to food and water and they are required to be observed no less than once every 8 hours d. Rabbits being transported more than 8 hours should have access to food and water and they are required to be observed no less than once every 6 hours

Answer: c. 10 Reference: Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 2 - Regulations, Subpart G - Records, §2.78 (a)(1) Health certification and identification. Health certification and identification (11-06-13 Edition, p. 48) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) Domain 4

According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, a licensed veterinarian must inspect a nonhuman primate on a specified date not more than how many days prior to the delivery of the nonhuman primate for transportation? a. 3 b. 7 c. 10 d. 15 e. 31

Answer: b. For the duration of the activity and for 3 years following References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations, and Policies Affecting the Use of Laboratory Animals, p. 28. 2) Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 2 - Regulations, Subpart C - Research facilities, §2.35 (f) Recordkeeping Requirement (11-06-13 Edition, p. 38) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) Domain 5

According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, for how long must records of IACUC-approved activities be kept? a. As long as the protocol is active b. For the duration of the activity and for 3 years following c. For 3 years, or for as long as the activity is ongoing d. For 7 years e. There is no requirement for the number of years records must be maintained

Answer: b. At least once every 12 hours Reference: Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 3 - Standards, Subpart A - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Dogs and Cats, §3.16 (a) Food and water requirements (11-6-13 Edition, p. 73) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) Domain 5; Primary Species - Dog (Canis familiaris)

According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, how often must dogs less than 16 weeks of age be offered potable water, starting from the time the dog was last offered potable water before transportation was begun? a. At least once every 6 hours b. At least once every 12 hours c. At least once every 24 hours d. Ad libitum

Answer: c. Raccoon, skunks, and dogs Reference: Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 2 - Regulations, Subpart D - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Nonhuman Primates, §3.78 (d) Outdoor housing facilities (11-6-13 Edition, p. 96) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) Domain 5; Primary Species - Dog (Canis familiaris) and Tertiary Species - Other Mammals

According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, perimeter fencing around outdoor housing facilities for nonhuman primates must be constructed so that it protects nonhuman primates by restricting unauthorized humans, and animals the size of __________, from going through it or under it and having contact with the nonhuman primates? a. Cats, dogs, skunks, and opossums b. Dogs, cats, raccoons, and skunks c. Raccoon, skunks, and dogs d. Raptors, cats, and dogs

Answer: c. Guinea pigs Reference: Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 3 - Standards, Subpart A - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Dogs and Cats, §3.2 (a) Indoor housing facilities (11-6-13 Edition, p. 61); Subpart B - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Guinea Pigs and Hamsters, §3.26 (a) Facilities, indoor (11-6-13 Edition, p. 76); Subpart C - Specifications for the Human Handling, Care, Treatment and Transportation of Rabbits, §3.51 (a)(b) Facilities, indoor (11-6-13 Edition, p. 85); and Subpart D - Specifications for the Human Handling, Care, Treatment and Transportation of Nonhuman Primates, §3.76 (a) Indoor housing facilities (11-6-13 Edition, pp. 94-95) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) Domain 5; Secondary Species - Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)

According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, the ambient temperature shall not be allowed to fall below 60°F, nor to exceed 85°F for indoor facilities housing what species? a. Cats b. Dogs c. Guinea pigs d. Rabbits e. Rhesus macaques

Answer: a. Restraint devices, exemptions, social grouping, special considerations, and environmental enrichment Reference: Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 2 - Regulations, Subpart D - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Nonhuman Primates, §3.81 (a-e) Environment enhancement to promote psychological well-being (11-6-13 Edition, pp. 100-101) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) Domain 5

According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, what five considerations must be a part of an environment enhancement plan for a nonhuman primate? a. Restraint devices, exemptions, social grouping, special considerations, and environmental enrichment b. Behavior management, social grouping, food enrichment, psychological well-being, and health management c. Behavior management, restraint devices, exemptions, social grouping, and special considerations d. Exemptions, behavior management, social grouping, environmental enrichment, and special considerations

Answer d. Indoor housing facilities need not be heated Reference: Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 3 - Standards, Subpart C - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Rabbits, §3.51 (a) - Facilities, indoor (11-6-13 Edition, p. 85); §3.52 (c) - Facilities, outdoor (11-6-13 Edition, p. 86); §3.53 (c)(2) - Primary enclosures (11-6-13 Edition, p. 87); and §3.56 (a)(3)(b) Sanitation of enclosures (11-6-13 Edition, pp. 87-88) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) Domain 5; Primary Species - Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, which of the following statements best describes housing requirements for Oryctolagus cuniculus? a. Primary enclosures for rabbits must be sanitized once every 14 days b. Litter pans or troughs underneath wire/mesh floored enclosures must be cleaned twice per week c. Minimum height of all enclosures is at least 16 inches d. Indoor housing facilities need not be heated e. Shelter be provided in outdoor housing facilities when ambient temperature is less than 45ºF

Answer: d. The female and infant described require a group 3 cage while they are housed together. Reference: 9 CFR, Part 3 - Standards, Subpart D - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Nonhuman Primates, §3.80 Primary enclosures. (1-1-05 Edition, pp. 94-95) Domain 5; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca spp)

According to the Animal Welfare Act, which of the following is TRUE regarding the primary enclosure for a female of the species pictured, weighing 9.5 kg, and her 5-month-old infant weighing 1.5 kg? a. An exemption from the caging standards does not need approval by the IACUC if it has already been reviewed and approved by the attending veterinarian. b. After the infant is weaned and the female becomes pregnant again, she will need a group 4 cage if she gains more than 0.5 kg. c. Since this is a brachiating species, they require a group 6 cage. d. The female and infant described require a group 3 cage while they are housed together. e. A low perch in the cage, even if it does not allow the animals to comfortably sit underneath, is added to the floor space of the cage.

Answer: c. Vertical space with perches is required and may require additional cage height References: 1) Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals The National Academies Press: Washington, D.C. Chapter Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals The National Academies Press: Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, p. 59. 2) Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 3 - Standards, Subpart A - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Dogs and Cats, §3.6 Primary enclosures, (b) Additional requirements for cats. (11-6-13 Edition, p. 64) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) Domain 5; Secondary Species - Cat (Felis domestica)

According to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and the Animal Welfare Act and its Recommendations, all of the following are regulatory requirements for cats EXCEPT? a. Cats up to and including 4 kg must be provided with at least 3.0 ft² b. Cats over 4 kg must be provided with at least 4.0 ft² c. Vertical space with perches is required and may require additional cage height d. Primary enclosures housing cats must be at least 24 inches high

Answer: c. 24 inches References: 1) Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 3 - Standards, Subpart A - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Dogs and Cats, §3.6 (b)(1)(ii)(A) Primary enclosures (11-6-13 Edition, p. 64) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) 2) Fox JG LC, Anderson, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 13 - Biology and Disease of Cats, p. 560. 3) Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals Academies Press: Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, p. 59. Domain 5; Secondary Species - Cat (Felis domestica)

According to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and the Animal Welfare Act and its Recommendations, what is the minimum cage height for a 4.5 kg cat? a. 18 inches b. 20 inches c. 24 inches d. 32 inches e. 40 inches

Answer: c. Once every 2 weeks References: 1) Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 2 - Regulations, Subpart D - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Nonhuman Primates, §3.82 (d) Feeding (11-6-13 Edition, p. 102) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) 2) Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing and Management, pp. 70-72. Domain 5

According to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, nonhuman primate food receptacles must be sanitized at least how often? a. Once daily b. Once a week c. Once every 2 weeks d. Once a month

Answer: c. Communication of disaster to appropriate regulatory agencies Reference: National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. Chapter 2 - Animal Care and Use Program, pp. 23, 35. Domain 4

According to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, all of the following are components of the contingency plan that should/must be addressed EXCEPT? a. Criminal activities (trespassing, arson, vandalism) b. Preservation of animals c. Communication of disaster to appropriate regulatory agencies d. Training of personnel in advance of a catastrophe e. Actions necessary to prevent animal pain, distress, and deaths due to loss of systems

Answer: b. +/- 5% Reference: Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 5 - Physical Plant, p. 140. Domain 4

According to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, most HVAC systems are designed for average high and low temperatures and humidities experienced in a geographical area within what percentage variation? a. +/- 3% b. +/- 5% c. +/- 7% d. +/- 10%

Answer: a. A, D-con, a toxic agent. B is nontoxic amorphous silica. C is nontoxic insect growth regulator. D is a live trap, which is humane, but "requires frequent observation and human euthanasia after capture." References: 1) National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th edition. The National Academies Press: Washington, DC. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, p. 74. Domain 5

According to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, which of the following should not be part of a Pest Control Program when possible? a. A b. B c. C d. D

Answer: b. Assurance is approved for the awardee institution and the IACUC has approved for the animal activities Reference: Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare. 2015. Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, pp. 9-15 (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/OLAW/references/PHSPolicyLabAnimals.pdf) Domain 5

According to the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, funding from a PHS awarding unit can only be provided once which of the following has occurred? a. Assurance is approved by USDA for the awardee institution b. Assurance is approved for the awardee institution and the IACUC has approved for the animal activities c. Only after IACUC approval for animal activities d. Institution has obtained AAALAC accreditation e. Institution has obtained AAALAC accreditation and IACUC approval for animal activities

Answer: b. A suspension can only be approved by a majority vote of the quorum present at a convened meeting. References: 1) Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare. 2015. Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, p. 11 (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/OLAW/references/PHSPolicyLabAnimals.pdf) 2) Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) and Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW). 2002. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook. 2nd Edition. OLAW, Bethesda, MD. A.2. Authority, Composition and Functions, pp. 15-16. (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/guidebook.pdf) Domain 5

According to the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, which of the following applies to an IACUC? a. There can be no more than 3 members from the same administrative unit of the institution b. A suspension can only be approved by a majority vote of the quorum present at a convened meeting c. The CEO and IO cannot be the same individual d. Significant deficiencies remaining uncorrected beyond the scheduled correction date shall be reported in writing within 15 business days to OLAW

Answer: b. Animals that fail to adapt should be removed from the study Reference: Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals The National Academies Press: Washington, D.C. Chapter 2 - Animal Care and Use Program, pp. 29-30. Domain 5

According to the most recent edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, which of the following applies to physical restraint? a. Restraint devices should be used simply as a convenience in handling or managing animals b. Animals that fail to adapt to necessary restraint systems should be removed from the study c. Alternatives to physical restraint do not need to be considered d. Provision should be made for observation of the animal at appropriate intervals, as determined by the PI

Answer: a. Must not receive any form of compensation to avoid compromising the member's association with the community and public at large Reference: Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 2 - Animal Care and Use Program, pp. 24-25. Domain 5

According to the most recent version of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, all of the following meet the criteria for public member(s) of an IACUC EXCEPT? a. Must not receive any form of compensation to avoid compromising the member's association with the community and public at large b. Should not be laboratory animal users c. Should not be affiliated in any way with the institution d. Should not be affiliated with the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution

Answer: c. CD4 and CD8 Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 34 - Animal Models in Biomedical Research, p. 1511. Domain 3

Acute allograft rejection is mediated by which of the following cells? a. CD20 and CD79a b. CD68 and CD20 c. CD4 and CD8 d. CD79a and CD68

Answer: c. A horse on a study investigating MRI as an equine diagnostic References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations, and Policies Affecting the Use of Laboratory Animals, p. 25. 2) Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 1 - Definition of Terms, §1.1 Definitions (11-06-13 Edition, p. 17) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) 3) Animal Care. January 2002. APHIS Fact Sheet: The Animal Welfare Act. (http://www.ca-biomed.org/pdf/media-kit/oversight/USDAAWA.pdf) Domain 5; Tertiary Species - Other Livestock

All of the following activities are regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture EXCEPT? a. A rhesus macaque that is part of a breeding colony at a large research institution b. A euthanized dog used in an anatomy lab c. A horse on a study investigating MRI as an equine diagnostic modality d. Wild-caught ducks used as part of a waterfowl handling lab for a biology class

Answer: e. Importers must contact CDC within 72 hours to report any suspected zoonotic illness in an employee References: 1) Importations, CFR, Title 42, Chapter I, Subchapter F, Part 17 Subchapter F §71.53 Nonhuman primates. http://www.cdc.gov/importation/laws-and-regulations/nonhuman-primates/nprm/qa-importers.html#table-quarantined 2) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 1 - Biology and Management, Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations and Policies Relating to the Care and Use of Nonhuman Primates, pp. 50-51 Domain 5; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca spp.)

All of the following applies to importation of nonhuman primates into the United States EXCEPT? a. Importer must quarantine all NHPs for at least 31 days after arrival at a U.S. quarantine facility b. Three tuberculin tests are required for all imported NHPs c. Importers must notify CDC within 24 hours of any illness or death of NHPs in quarantine facilities d. Importers must notify CDC at least 7 days before importing a shipment of NHPs e. Importers must contact CDC within 72 hours to report any suspected zoonotic illness in an employee

Answer: d. Recommended for mice older than P7 References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 24 - Preanesthesia, Anesthesia, Analgesia and Euthanasia, p. 1146. 2) Matthias et al. 2013. Local cryoanalgesia is effective for tail-tip biopsy in mice. JAALAS 52(2): 171-175. Domain 2; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

All of the following apply to cryoanalgesia in mice EXCEPT? a. Found to provide effective local anesthesia for tail-tip biopsy procedure b. May be a valuable alternative to isoflurane anesthesia c. Considered a non-pharmacologic method of analgesia d. Recommended for mice older than P7

Answer: e. Toe cutting References: 1) Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment Housing and Management, p. 87. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 18 - Biology and Diseases of Amphibians, pp. 937-938. 3) Green SL. 2010. The Laboratory Xenopus, 1st ed. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 2 - Husbandry, p. 56. Domain 4; Secondary Species - African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis)

All of the following are a commonly recommended identification methods for Xenopus laevis maintained in the laboratory EXCEPT? a. Elastomere implants b. Group identification by cage card c. Photographs of skin patterns d. Sterile transponder implants e. Toe cutting

Answer: e. Specific pathogen free References: 1) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 7 - Gnotobiotics, p. 218. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine. 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 26 - Gnotobiotics, p. 1264. Domain 3

All of the following are examples of a gnotobiote EXCEPT? a. Associated animal b. Defined microbiota c. Monoxenic animal d. Restricted flora e. Specific pathogen free

Answer: c. Animals must be observed at least every 6 hours during surface transportation References: 1) Smith and Swindle. 2006. Preparation of swine for the laboratory. ILAR J 47(4): 358-363. 2) Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 2 - Regulations, Subpart F - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Warm-blooded Animals Other Than Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Nonhuman Primates, and Marine Mammals, §3.140 (a) Care in transit and § 3.141 - Terminal facilities (11-6-13 Edition, p. 141) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) Domain 5

All of the following are requirements of the Animal Welfare Act for transportation and handling of warm-blooded animals other than dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, nonhuman primates, and marine mammals EXCEPT? a. Cages must have either wire floors or adequate bedding to keep the animals clean from waste b. Animals must be offered water at least every 12 hours and food at least every 24 hours during transport c. Animals must be observed at least every 6 hours during surface transportation d. Temperature should not be allowed to be colder than 45°F or to exceed 75°F

Answer: d. Maintain a current summary of training and experience and job description for each individual engaged in or supervising the conduct of a nonclinical laboratory study Reference: 21CFR PART 58—Good Laboratory Practice for Nonclinical Laboratory Studies, Subpart A - General Provisions, § 58.35 Quality Assurance Unit (4-1-15 Edition, pp. 308-309) (http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=58) Domain 5

All of the following are responsibilities of the Quality Assurance Unit under GLP Regulations EXCEPT? a. Maintain a copy of the master schedule sheet of all nonclinical laboratory studies conducted at the testing facility b. Maintain copies of all protocols pertaining to all nonclinical laboratory studies for which the unit is responsible c. Periodically submit to management and the study director written status reports on each study d. Maintain a current summary of training and experience and job description for each individual engaged in or supervising the conduct of a nonclinical laboratory study

Answer: c. Etorphine References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 24 - Preanesthesia, Anesthesia, Analgesia, Euthanasia, pp. 1146-1147. 2) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 4 - Pharmacology of Analgesics, pp. 111-112, 114-115 Domain 2

All of the following drugs are partial mu agonists EXCEPT? a. Buprenorphine b. Butorphanol c. Etorphine d. Pentazocine

Answer: a. Elevated perches Reference: Fox JG LC, Anderson, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 22 - Japanese Quail as a Laboratory Animal Model, pp. 1091-1092. Domain 4; Tertiary Species - Other Birds

All of the following has been shown to be advantageous to have in quail habitats EXCEPT? a. Elevated perches b. Material such as sand or cat litter for dust baths c. Nest boxes Solid flooring with seed scattered in bedding

Answer: c. Decontamination of clothing before laundering References: 1) U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of Health. 2009. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories. 5th ed. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Section IV - Laboratory Biosafety Level Criteria, p. 59. (http://www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications/bmbl5/bmbl5_sect_iv.pdf). 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 24 - Working Safely with Experimental Animals Exposed to Biohazards, pp. 1301-1304. Domain 5

All of the following practices are required when working with a laboratory adapted LCMV strain being used in a rodent model EXCEPT? a. Availability of an autoclave b. Biohazard warning signs posted c. Decontamination of clothing before laundering d. Decontamination of infected wastes before cage wash e. Hand washing sink available in room

Answer: b. Requires approximately 100 to 200 μL blood References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 11 - Microbiological Quality Control for Laboratory Rodents and Lagomorphs, p. 484. 2) Wickremsinhe and Perkins. 2015. Using dried blood spot sampling to improve data quality and reduce animal use in mouse pharmacokinetic studies. JAALAS 54(2):139-144 Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

All of the following statement are applicable to the dried blood spot technique in mice EXCEPT? a. It is used as an alternative to serum for serology b. Requires approximately 100 to 200 μL blood c. It enhances the ability to identify and streamline better drug candidates during drug discovery. d. It is consistent with 3Rs principles by achieving reductions in the number of animals used

Answer: b. Gravity displacement cycles are preferred for feed and bedding References: 1)Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 26 - Gnotobiotics, pp. 1273-74. 2) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 7 - Gnotobiotics, p. 225. Domain 4

All of the following statements applies to the use of autoclaves in animal facilities EXCEPT? a. Autoclaving of food can significantly affect concentrations of essential nutrients such as thiamine, vitamin A, and vitamin K b. Gravity displacement cycles are preferred for feed and bedding c. Water sterilization can be effectively monitored using Geobacillus stearothermophilus biological indicators d. Autoclaving is not recommended for polystyrene materials

Answer: d. Increasing dietary fat decreases the incidence of UD References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto C, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, p. 130. 2) Hampton et al. 2015. Ulcerative dermatitis in C57BL/6NCrl mice on a low-fat or high-fat diet with or without a mineralized red-algae supplement. JAALAS 54(5):487-496. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

All of the following statements apply to ulcerative dermatitis (UD) in mice EXCEPT? a. High-fat, western-style diet may potentiate UD b. UD is more prevalent in females c. Supplementing a high-fat, western-style diet with mineralized red-algae may ameliorate UD d. Increasing dietary fat content decreases incidence of UD e. Deficient or excess dietary vitamins A or E might predispose mice to UD

Answer: c. Metastasis rates are high, usually greater than 50% References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 14 - Biology and Diseases of Ferrets, pp. 607-608. 2) Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW, Eds. 2012. Ferrets, Rabbits, and rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery. Elsevier: St. Louis, MO. Chapter 7 - Endocrine Diseases, pp. 92-99. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Ferret (Mustela putorius furo)

All of the following statements describe pancreatic islet cell tumors in ferrets EXCEPT? a. If the patient is stable, surgical debulking is the treatment of choice b. Clinical signs are intermittent and may include ptyalism c. Metastasis rates are high, usually greater than 50%. d. Disease is usually later onset, with most cases occurring in 4-5 year old animals

Answer: b. The potential of adverse reactions from cytokine-mediated donor cell mobilization has no bearing on the post-transplantation outcomes in the recipient. References: 1) Duran-Struuck et al. 2015. Miniature swine as a clinically relevant model of graft-versus-host disease. Comparative Medicine 65(5):429-443. 2) Matar et al. 2012. Effects of mobilization regimens in donors on outcomes of hematopoietic cell transplantation in miniature swine. Comparative Medicine 62(6):487-494. Domain 3; Primary Species - Pig (Sus scrofa domesticus)

All of the following statements describe swine models of hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) EXCEPT? a. Control for acute GVHD is important within the first 100 days after bone marrow suppression and HCT b. The potential of adverse reactions from cytokine-mediated donor cell mobilization has no bearing on the post-transplantation outcomes in the recipient c. Animals undergoing myeloablative doses of radiation as a conditioning regiment prior to HCT have a higher risk of GVHD d. A scoring system for GVHD in swine involves the presence or absence of skin rashes, gastrointestinal signs and elevated liver enzymes

Answer: b. B6C3F1 References: 1) Garrett et al. 2014. Effects of medicated diet to eradicate Helicobacter spp. on growth, pathology, and infection status in Rag1-/- and nude mice. JAALAS 53(3):238-245 2) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 1 - Mice, p. 59. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

All of the following strains of mice are susceptible to Helicobacter-associated gastrointestinal disease and may develop chronic enterohepatic disease EXCEPT? a. A/JCr b. B6C3F1 c. BALB/cAnNCr d. C3H/HeNCr e. SJL/NCr

Answer: b. Mycoplasma pulmonis References: 1) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd edition. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 2 - Rat, p. 143-146. 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd ed. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 4 - Biology and Diseases of Rats, p. 175. Domain 1; Primary Species - Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

An older rat in your facility is showing signs of snuffling and chattering. Upon necropsy and histopathology you find the following. What is your most likely diagnosis? a. CAR bacillus b. Mycoplasma pulmonis c. Sendai virus d. Streptococcus pneumoniae e. Pneumocystis carinii

Answer: b Static microisolator, 70% relative humidity, wood pulp bedding References: 1) Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, pp. 45, 71. 2) Silverman et al. 2008. Ammonia and carbon dioxide concentrations in disposable and reusable ventilated mouse cages. JAALAS 47(2):57-62. 3) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 9 - Design and Management of Research Facilities for Mice, p. 293. 4) Ferrecchia et al. 2014. Intracage ammonia levels in static and individually ventilated cages housing C57BL/6 mice on 4 bedding substrates. JAALAS 53(2):146-151 Domain 4; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

All other things being equal, which of the following caging conditions for mice would have the highest ammonia level? a. Static microisolator, 70% relative humidity, corncob bedding b. Static microisolator, 70% relative humidity, wood pulp bedding c. Static microisolator, 30% relative humidity, corncob bedding d. Individually ventilated microisolator, 70% relative humidity, wood pulp bedding e. Individually ventilated microisolator,30% relative humidity, corncob bedding

Answer: a. Fin length References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 20 - The Biology and Management of the Zebrafish, p. 1027 and Chapter 33 - Factors That Can Influence Animal Research, p. 1450. 2) Harper C & Lawrence C. 2010. The Laboratory Zebrafish, 1st ed, CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 1 - Biology, p. 11; Chapter 5 - Veterinary Care, p. 134-135, 139; and Chapter 6 - Experimental Methodology, p. 176, 182. Domain 4; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio

Alteration of the light cycle in a zebrafish facility has been documented to alter all of the following EXCEPT? a. Fin length b. Gene expression c. Locomotion d. Reproductive cycle e. Toxicity to anesthetics

Answer: c. The substantial enlargement of the cecum is typical for gnotobiotic mice References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto GM, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 7 - Derivation of Germfree Mice, p. 1287. 2) Overstreet AC, Ramer-Tait AE, Jergens AE, Wannemuehler MJ. 2012. The Role of the Microbiota in Gastrointestinal Health and Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Chapter 3 - The Role of the Microbiota in Gastrointestinal Health and Disease. Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/inflammatory-bowel-disease/the-role-of-the-microbiota-in-gastrointestinal-health-and-disease Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

An investigator calls you about necropsy findings in some of the control animals in her work. She has just started working with gnotobiotic mice and on necropsy, there was a large swollen section of the gut. The picture on the left is one of the gnotobiotic animals and the picture on the right is typical for her conventionally housed control animals. What can you tell the investigator about her gnotobiotic mice? a. The swollen area is an enlargement of the colon, indicating a helicobacter infection b. The swollen cecum indicates bacterial contamination of the gnotobiotic colony c. The substantial enlargement of the cecum is typical for gnotobiotic mice d. The enlarged structure is the spleen and the investigator should submit an animal for you to examine e. The enlarged colon is secondary to torsion of the intestine

Answer: b. Animals that die as part of the experimental design may be necropsied in BSL-2 facilities References: 1) U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of Health. 2007. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories. 5th ed. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Section VIII-D: Rickettsial Agents, pp. 195-196. (http://www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications/bmbl5/bmbl5_sect_viii_d.pdf) 2) Whitney et al. 2013. Survey of laboratory animal technicians in the United States for Coxiella burnetii antibodies and exploration of risk factors for exposure. JAALAS 52(6):725-731. Domain 4; Secondary Species - Sheep (Ovis aries)

An investigator is proposing a project that involves experimental infections of Coxiella burnetii in sheep. All of the following are recommendations you would make based on current accepted safety practices EXCEPT? a. BSL-3 facilities are required for handling of infected tissues b. Animals that die as part of the experimental design may be necropsied in BSL-2 facilities c. Animals should be housed in BSL-3 facilities for the project d. Respiratory PPE is necessary due to the low inhaled infective dose of this agent e. The lab should register with the CDC prior to experimental protocols, as C. burnetii is a select agent

Answer: e. The IACUC does not have the authority to administratively extend the approved protocol period beyond 3 years Reference: OLAW. "Frequently Asked Questions - PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals - Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare." Section D, #2, OLAW, 11 June 2015. Web. 1 Nov. 2015 (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/OLAW/faqs.htm) Domain 5; Primary Species - Pig (Sus scrofa)

An investigator with NIH funding has an IACUC protocol that is about to expire in the next 3 days. He will need his IACUC approved period extended so that he can complete a very important experiment planned in a pig model of cardiac insufficiency that includes a surgeon flying in from out of state 5 days from now. After the procedure, he plans to submit his 3-year renewal. Which of the following statements best describes what action the IACUC can take in this situation? a. The IACUC is able to administratively extend the approved protocol by only 30 days b. The IACUC is able to administratively extend the approved protocol by only 14 days c. The IACUC is able to extend the approved protocol if the attending veterinarian approves d. The IACUC is able to extend the approved protocol if the attending veterinarian and IACUC chair approve e. The IACUC does not have the authority to administratively extend the approved protocol period beyond 3 years

Answer: a. Bup-SR has the potential to cause skin lesions References: 1) Carbone et al. 2012. Duration of action of sustained-release buprenorphine in 2 strains of mice. JAALAS 51(6):815-819. 2) Foley et al. 2011. Evaluation of a sustained-release formulation of buprenorphine for analgesia in rats. JAALAS 50(2):198-204. Domain 2; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

An investigator would like to use sustained release buprenorphine (Bup-SR) in his C57BL/6J mice to decrease the number of times they need to be handled post operatively. As the overseeing veterinarian, what recommendations should you provide? a. Bup-SR has the potential to cause skin lesions b. Bup-SR provides extended analgesia for 5 days, and this method would be sufficient for his model c. Using Bup-SR would be considered part of the Three R's as a reduction due to the reduced stress in the animals from handling d. Bup-SR has been shown to cause significant respiratory depression; therefore, it should not be used.

Answer: b. 5°C References: 1) Fox JG LC, Anderson, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 5 - Biology and Disease of Hamsters, p. 215. 2) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Section IV - Hamsters, Chapter 36 - European Hamster, p. 931 Domain 3; Tertiary Species - Other Rodents

At what temperature will hibernation occur in Cricetus cricetus? a. 3°C b. 5°C c. 8°C d. 10°C

Answer: d. Streptococcus suis Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 16 - Biology and Diseases of Swine, pp. 717-718, 720-722. Domain 1; Primary Species - Pig (Sus scrofa

Atrophic rhinitis is a multifactorial disease in pigs which can be caused by all of the following toxigenic bacterial strains EXCEPT? a. Bordetella bronchiseptica b. Hemophilus parasuis c. Pasteurella multocida d. Streptococcus suis

Answer: d. Oral carcinogenesis References: 1) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Section II - Rabbits, Chapter 34 - The Experimental Use of Syrian Hamsters, pp. 877-878. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine. 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 5 - Biology and Diseases of Hamsters, p. 212. Domain 3; Secondary Species - Syrian Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

Because of their cheek pouches, hamsters can be a good model to study which of the following? a. Primary lung tumors b. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma c. SV 40 tumor induction d. Oral carcinogenesis

Answer: c. Class II, Type B2 References: 1) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health. 2009. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 5th edition. US Government Printing Office: Washington, DC. Appendix A: Biological Safety Cabinets, p. 318. Domain 5

Biological safety cabinets (BSC) are the primary containment devices that protect the worker, product, and environment from exposure to microbiological agents. Identify the BSC type depicted below. a. Class II, Type A2 b. Class II, Type B1 c. Class II, Type B2 d. Class III

Answer: e. 40-60 References: 1) Romanov et al. 2014. Paradoxical increase in the bispectral index during deep anesthesia in New Zealand white rabbits. JAALAS 53(1):74-80. 2) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 6 - Monitoring of Anesthesia, pp. 179-180. Domain 2

Bispectral index scores of what value indicate a surgical plane of anesthesia? a. 15-20 b. 20-25 c. 25-35 d. 30-40 e. 40-60

Answer: b. Buprenorphine References: 1) Thiede et al. 2014. Pharmacokinetics of sustained-release and transdermal buprenorphine in Göttingen minipigs (Sus scrofa domestica). JAALAS 53(6):692-699. 2) Foley et al. 2011. Evaluation of sustained-release formulation of buprenorphine for analgesia in rats. JAALAS 50(2):198-204. Domain 2

Both injectable and transdermal preparations of which of the following sustained-released drugs have been associated with self-limiting skin reactions? a. Bupivacaine b. Buprenorphine c. Carprofen d. Fentanyl e. Lidocaine

Answer: c. Needle inserted ~2 mm caudal to the external occipital protuberance References 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 25 - Techniques of Experimentation, pp. 1240-1242. 2) Harkness JE, Turner PV, VandeWoude S, Wheler CL. 2010. Harkness and Wagner's Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents, 5th ed. Wiley-Blackwell: Ames, IA. Chapter 3 - Clinical Procedures, p.116. Domain 3; Primary Species - Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Cerebrospinal fluid collection in rabbits is performed by which of the following approaches? a. CSF obtained following surgical exposure of the atlanto-occipital region of the spine b. Catheterization of the subdural space in the T1-T4 location c. Needle inserted ~2 mm caudal to the external occipital protuberance d. Catheters percutaneously inserted into the subdural space in the L7-S1 location None of the above

Answer: d. It affects the immune function and causes either augmentation or suppression of humoral and cellular immune responses References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, pp, 79-81. 2) Macy et al. 2013. Effect of immunodeficiency on MPV shedding and transmission. Journal JAALAS 52(4):467-464. 3) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 4 - Parvoviruses, p. 101. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Coated (red-tint) glass is commonly used on animal holding room doors in rodent vivaria, since it is assumed that mice and rats cannot see light at what part of the visible spectrum? a. 450 nm a. 650 nmo mucosa to chemical carcinogens b. It affects the immune function and causes augmentation or suppression of humoral and cellular immune responses c. Infected animals have an increased sensitivity to irradiation

Answer: a. Autoclavable diets must be fortified as autoclaving reduces the nutritional value of diets References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 11 - Microbiological Quality Control for Laboratory Rodents and Lagomorphs, p. 473. 2) Taciak et al. 2015. Effects of autoclaving soy-free and soy-containing diets for laboratory rats on protein and energy values determined in vitro and in vivo. JALAAS 54(5):507-515. Domain 3

Colony managers must consider which of the following when determining how to decontaminate diets fed to SPF or gnotobiotic rodents? a. Autoclavable diets must be fortified as autoclaving reduces the nutritional value of diets b. Gamma or UV irradiation are both equally effective in eliminating pathogens from food c. Pelleted feed is exposed to sufficient heat as part of the pelleting process to eliminate all important rodent pathogens. d. Gamma irradiation is effective in eliminating pathogens from food via denaturing of proteins found in contaminating microorganisms

Answer: d. Successful treatment with topical antibiotics References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW, eds. 2002. Laboratory Animal Medicine. 2nd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, pp. 112-113. 2) Burr et al. 2011. Strategies to prevent, treat, and provoke Corynebacterium-associated hyperkeratosis in athymic nude mice. JAALAS 50(3):378-388. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Corynebactium bovis is associated with all of the following EXCEPT? a. Aerosolization within a class II biosafety hood spreads bacterium during cage-change procedures b. Being carried in the nasal pharynx of humans c. Mild non-suppurative inflammation d. Successful treatment with topical antibiotics

Answer: b. AB cell surface antigens on the surface of erythrocytes Reference: Kim et al. 2015. Comparison of methods for determining ABO blood type in cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis). JAALAS 54(3):255-260. Domain 3; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca spp.)

Cynomolgus macaques DO NOT have which of the following antigens? a. Anti-A and Anti-B agglutinin in their sera b. AB cell surface antigens on the surface of erythrocytes c. ABO antigens in the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract d. ABO antigens in the saliva

Answer: d. Snakes; lizards References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 19 - Biology and Diseases of Reptiles, p. 983. 2) Miller RE, Fowler M. 2012. Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, 7th edition. Elsevier: St. Louis, MO. Chapter 32 -Reptile and Amphibian Analgesia, p. 249. Domain 1; Tertiary Species - Reptiles

Drugs metabolized by the kidney and liver should be injected into the epaxial muscles of the cranial half of the body in __________ or the muscles of the front legs in __________. a. Chelonians; snakes b. Crocodilians; lizards c. Lizards; chelonians d. Snakes; lizards

Answer: e. Stimulation of proliferation of tumor xenografts References: 1) Dauchy et al. 2011. Eliminating animal facility light-at-night contamination and its effect on circadian regulation of rodent physiology, tumor growth, and metabolism: a challenge in the relocation of a cancer research laboratory. JAALAS 50(3):326-336. 2) Dauchy et al. 2010. Dark-phase light contamination disrupts circadian rhythms in plasma measures of endocrine physiology and metabolism in rats. Comparative Medicine 60(5):348-356. Domain 4

Due to alterations in circadian rhythm, 24 hour light in a rodent room can alter physiologic function resulting in ______________. a. Stimulation of plasma lactic acid concentration b. Suppression of corticosterone levels c. Stimulation of melatonin production d. Suppression of plasma glucose levels e. Stimulation of proliferation of tumor xenografts

Answer: b. Ascaris suum References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning K, Whary M, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 16 - Biology and Diseases of Swine, p. 728-9, 740. 2) Straw BE, JJ Zimmerman ,S D'Allaire, DJ Taylor. 2006. Diseases of Swine 9th edition. Ames, Iowa: Blackwell Pub. Chapter 55 - Internal Parasites, p 904-905. Domain 1; Primary Species - Pig (Sus scrofa)

During routine husbandry procedures an animal caretaker noted these abnormal findings in a swine room. What is the most likely etiology? a. Gastric ulceration b. Ascaris suum c. Trichuris suis d. Strongyloides ransomi e. Oesophetostomum spp.

Answer: b. Oncorhynchus mykiss References: 1) American Veterinary Medical Association. 2013. AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, p. 73 (https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf) 2) Matthews and Varga, 2012. Anesthesia and euthanasia in zebrafish. ILAR J 53(2):192-204 Domain 3; Tertiary Species - Other Fish

Euthanasia by rapid chilling (hypothermic shock) may be performed in all of the following adult species EXCEPT? a. Danio rerio b. Oncorhynchus mykiss c. Nematolosa erebi d. Oryzias latipes

Answer: c. 68% References: 1) Hennekers CH, Buring JE. 1987. Epidemiology in Medicine, Little Brown and Co: Boston, MA. Chapter 9 - Presentation and Summarization of Data, p. 238. 2) https://www.mathsisfun.com/data/standard-normal-distribution.html Domain 3

For data with this frequency distribution, what percentage of the area under the curve is located within one standard deviation of the mean? a. 33% b. 50% c. 68% d. 95% e. It varies with the magnitude of the standard deviation

Answer: e. 6 References: 1) https://www.aclam.org/certification/requirements 2) https://www.aclam.org/certification/application-and-study-tools 3) ACLAM Examination Application Instructions and Forms (10/21/2015 version), p. 25 Domain 6

For the "Experience Option" path to ACLAM board eligibility, a candidate may qualify to take the certifying examination after how many years of relevant, full-time experience in laboratory animal medicine following receipt of a veterinary medical degree? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 e. 6

Answer: d. Treatment of a disease References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning K, Whary M, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, p. 130. 2) Hampton AL, Hish GA, Aslam MN, Rothman ED, Bergin IL, Patterson KA, Naik M, Paruchuri T, Varani J, Rush HG. 2012. Progression of ulcerative dermatitis lesions in C57BL/6Crl mice and the development of a scoring system for dermatitis lesions. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 51:586-593. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

For what reason is the procedure depicted in the images typically performed? a. Collection of tissue for genotyping b. Collection of samples for disease testing c. Identification of the animal d. Treatment of a disease

Answer: d. 40 kGy References: 1) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 10 - Nutrition, pp. 364-365. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, pp. 1578-1579. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musuculus)

Gamma-irradiated diets for gnotobiotic mouse colonies are subjected to what irradiation dose to reduce the number of total viable count to 1 organism per 1025 g. a. 10 kGy b. 20 kGy c. 25 kGy d. 40 kGy

Answer: d. Listeria monocytogenes References: 1) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Section III - Guinea Pigs, Chapter 23 - Infectious Diseases, pp. 652-653 656-657, 2) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 5 - Guinea Pig, p. 228. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus)

Guinea pigs are highly susceptible to an infection associated with high mortality, acute death, reproductive disorders, as well as lung and liver lesions with which of the following bacterial organisms? a. Brachyspira hyodysenteriae b. Chlamydophilia caviae c. Leptospira spp. d. Listeria monocytogenes

Answer: d. Inversely proportional (aggression decreases as density increases) References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 20 - The Biology and Management of Zebrafish, p. 1023. 2) Harper C, Lawrence C. 2011. The Laboratory Zebrafish. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 2 - Husbandry, p. 62. Domain 4; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

How does housing density affect the frequency and intensity of territorial behaviors in zebrafish? a. No correlation b. Directly proportional (aggression increases as density increases) c. Directly proportional, but only in female zebrafish d. They are inversely proportional (aggression decreases as density increases)

Answer: a. At least once every 3 years References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations, and Policies Affecting the Use of Laboratory Animals, p. 31. 2) Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare. 2015. Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, p. 15 (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/OLAW/references/PHSPolicyLabAnimals.pdf) Domain 5

How often does Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals require an IACUC to conduct a complete review of ongoing activities? a. At least once every 3 years b. At least once every year c. At least once every 5 years d. At least once every 6 months

Answer: a. Decrease copulatory plugs and pregnancy rates References: 1) Chang et al. 2013. Effects of Vaginal Septa on the Reproductive Performance of BALB/cByJNarl Mice. JAALAS 52(5): pp. 520-523. 2) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research. 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: Boston, MA. Chapter 3 - Reproductive Biology of the Laboratory Mouse, p. 110. Domain 1; Primary species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

How will the presence of the tissue indicated by the red arrow affect reproductive performance in female mice? a. Decrease copulatory plugs and pregnancy rates b. Decrease copulatory plugs but no effects on pregnancy rates c. Increase rates of dystocia and fetal death d. No effect on reproductive performance e. Increase rates of pseudo hermaphrodites

Answer: a. Moderate orbital tightening and moderate nose/cheek flattening References: 1. Matsumiya LC, Sorge RE, Sotocinal SG, Tabaka JM, Wieskopf JS, Zaloum A, King OD, Mogil JS. 2012. Using the Mouse Grimace Scale to reevaluate the efficacy of postoperative analgesics in laboratory mice. JAALAS, 51(1):42-9. 2. Sotocinal SG, Sorge RE, et al. 2011. The Rat Grimace Scale: A partially automated method for quantifying pain in the laboratory rat via facial expressions. Molecular Pain 7, 55-65. Domain 2; Primary species - Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

How would you evaluate the following picture of a rat using the rat grimace scale? a. Moderate orbital tightening and moderate nose/cheek flattening. b. No orbital tightening and no nose/cheek flattening. c. Obvious orbital tightening and moderate nose/cheek flattening d. Moderate orbital tightening and no nose/cheek flattening

Answer: e. Inflammatory bowel disease Reference: 1) Hsu et al. 2014. Infection with murine norovirus 4 does not alter Helicobacter-induced inflammatory bowel disease in IL10-/- mice. Comp Med 64(4):256-263. 2) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 - Helicobacter Infections in Mice, p. 423. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

IL-10-/- mice are a commonly used as a model for which of the following diseases? a. Alzheimer's b. Arthritis c. Autoimmune cardiomyopathy d. Diabetes e. Inflammatory bowel disease

Answer: b. Acupuncture needle; to enhance analgesia by stimulating the release of endogenous opioids References: 1) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 10 - Anesthesia and Analgesia for Laboratory Rodents, p. 275; Chapter 29- Nonpharmacologic Pain Control, p. 626 2) Magden ER, Haller RL, Thiele EJ, Buchl SJ, Lambeth SP, Schapiro SJ. Acupuncture as an adjunct therapy for osteoarthritis in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2013 Jul;52(4):475-80. Domain 2

Identify the following instrument and its most likely use: a. Stylet; To aide in intubation of the neonatal trachea b. Acupuncture needle; to enhance analgesia by stimulating the release of endogenous opioids c. Trochar; to implant small pellets subcutaneously d. Peripheral nerve stimulator; to measure the degree of neuromuscular blockade

Answer: a. Radioactive tracers such as F-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW, eds. 2002. Laboratory Animal Medicine. 2nd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 25 - Techniques in Experimentation, pp. 1244-1245. 2) Koba et al. 2013. MicroPET/SPECT/CE imaging of small animal models of disease. Am J Pathol 182(2):319-324. Domain 3

Imaging with PET and SPECT involves the use of which of the following? a. Radioactive tracers such as F-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose b. Para magnetic agents such as gadolinium c. High frequency ultrasonic vibrations d. Bioluminescent proteins such as luciferase

Answer: b. Counter conditioning References: 1) Bloomsmith et al. 2015. Positive reinforcement methods to train chimpanzees to cooperate with urine collection. JAALAS 54(1):66-69. 2) McMillan et al. 2014. Refining the pole-and-collar method of restraint: emphasizing the use of positive training techniques with rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). JAALAS 53(1):61-68. Domain 3; Tertiary Species - Other Nonhuman Primates

In a recent study, chimpanzees were trained to urinate into a collection device. Trainers offered a food reward to chimpanzees that showed a fear response to the collection device. What of the following terms best describes this type of training? a. Classical conditioning b. Counter-conditioning c. Negative-reinforcement training d. Operant conditioning e. Positive-reinforcement training

Answer: b. Major histocompatibility complex class II References: 1) Hau J, Van Hoosier GL, eds. Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science, 2nd ed. CRC press, Chapter 10 - Animal Models of Skeletal Disease, p. 205. 2) Brand. 2005. Rodent models of rheumatoid arthritis. Comparative Medicine 55(2):114-122. Domain 3; Primary Species - Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

In collagen-induced arthritis rat models, susceptibility to disease, similar to that found in humans, is associated with which of the following factors? a. Coat color patterns b. Major histocompatibility complex class II subtypes c. Neutrophilic infiltration d. Tolerance to peripheral nervous system antigens

Answer: c. Simian retrovirus type 2 References: 1) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 13 - Arthritis, Muscle, Adipose Tissue, and Bone Diseases of Nonhuman Primates, pp. 652-653. 2) Bailey and Mansfield. 2010. Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases of nonhuman primates in the laboratory setting. Vet Pathol 47:462-481. Domain 1; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca spp.)

In macaques, retroperitoneal fibromatosis is associated with infection with which virus? a. Simian virus 40 b. Simian cytomegalovirus c. Simian retrovirus type 2 d. Simian varicella virus e. Simian immunodeficiency virus

Answer: a. Successfully pass 4 exams and obtain 24 continuing education units every 2 years Reference: 1) https://www.aalas.org/certification/management-certification/cmar-faq 2) https://www.aalas.org/certification/management-certification/eligibility-requirements Domain 6

In order to maintain CMAR certification, one must do which of the following? a. Successfully pass 4 exams and obtain 24 continuing education units every 2 years b. Successfully pass 4 exams and obtain 24 continuing education units every 3 years c. Successfully pass 4 exams and obtain 48 continuing education units every 2 years d. Successfully pass 4 exams and obtain 48 continuing education units every 3 years

Answer: b. Foot rot References: 1) Hubrecht R, and Kirkwood J, eds. 2010. The Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals, 8th ed. Wiley-Blackwell: Ames, IA. Chapter 34 - Sheep and Goats, p. 522 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 14 - Biology and Diseases of Ruminants (Sheep, Goats, and Cattle), pp. 646-647. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Sheep (Ovis aries) and Goat (Capra hircus)

In sheep and goats, infection with Dichelobacter nodosus most commonly causes which of the following conditions? a. Blue bag b. Foot rot c. Lumpy jaw d. Sore mouth Wooden tongue

Answer: c. Syrian hamsters References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 5 - Biology and Diseases of Hamsters, p. 216. 2) 9 CFR, Part 3 - Standards, Subpart B - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Guinea Pigs and Hamsters, §3.29 Feeding. (11-6-13 Edition, p.79) Domain 4; Secondary Species - Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

In what species would this general cage and feeder design be inappropriate? a. Mice b. Rats c. Syrian hamsters d. Gerbils

Answer: d. Elevations in IgE and inflammatory cytokines References: 1) Jensen et al. 2013. PCR testing of a ventilated caging system to detect murine fur mites. JAALAS 52(1):28-33 2) Metcalf Pate et al. 2011. Effect of sampling strategy on the detection of fur mites within a naturally infested colony of mice (Mus musculus). JAALAS 50(3):337-343. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Infections with these pathogens can negatively affect research results by causing which of the following? a. Elevations in monocyte skin infiltration b. Decreases in monocyte skin infiltration c. Elevations in IgA levels and inflammatory cytokines d. Elevations in IgE levels and inflammatory cytokines e. Elevations in IgE levels and decreases in inflammatory cytokines

Answer: b. C57BL/6 References: 1) Henderson et.al. 2015. A comparison of mouse parvovirus 1 infection in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice: susceptibility, replication, shedding, and seroconversion. Comparative Medicine 65(1):5-14. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, p. 80. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Inoculation of mice with mouse parvovirus produces the least serological response in which of the following strains? a. C3H b. C57BL/6 c. BALB/c d. DBA/2

Answer: e. Albumin Resources: 1) Christoffersen BØ, Jensen SJ, Ludvigsen TP, Nilsson SK, Grossi AB, Heegaard PM. Age- and Sex-Associated Effects on Acute-Phase Proteins in Göttingen Minipigs. Comp Med. 2015 Aug;65(4):333-41. 2) Picture source: http://www.sdsdiets.com/products_and_data_sheets/mini_pig/ Domain 4; Primary Species - Pig (Sus scrofa

Moving this animal to a new environment is associated with a decrease in which of the following parameters? a. C-reactive protein (CRP) b. Pig major acute-phase protein (PMAP) c. Haptoglobin d. Porcine α-1 acid glycoprotein (PAGP) e. Albumin

Answer: b. Ferret nesting box References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto GM, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 14 - Biology and Diseases of Ferrets, p. 586. 2) Ball RS. 2006. Issues to Consider for Preparing Ferrets as Research Subjects in the Laboratory. ILAR 47(4): 348-357. Domain 4; Secondary Species - Ferret (Mustela putorius furo)

Name the equipment pictured. a. Irradiator b. Ferret nesting box c. Micro-CT d. PET-CT

Answer: b. Coturnix japonica; birth defects References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd ed. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 22 - Japanese Quail as a Laboratory Model, p. 1088 2) Ball GF and Balthazart J. 2010. Japanese quail as a model system for studying the neuroendocrine control of reproductive and social behaviors. ILAR 51(4):310-325. Domain 3; Tertiary Species - Other birds

Name the genus and species and a common use in research: a. Columba livia domestica; memory b. Coturnix japonica; birth defects c. Columba livia domestica; birth defects d. Coturnix japonica; memory

Answer: a. White-Tailed Rats (Mystromys albicaudatus) References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto Glen, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 7 - Biology and Diseases of Other Rodents, p. 315. 2) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Part VI -Other Rodents, Chapter 51 - p. 1126. Domain 4; Tertiary Species -Other Rodents (Mystromys albicaudatus)

Newborns of which of these animals are attached firmly to the nipples of the dams and are dragged around for about 3 weeks. a. A b. B c. C d. D

Answer: d. Safety Data Sheet References: 1) 29 CFR Part 1910, Occupational Safety and Health Standards, subpart Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances, Standard Number 1910.1200. 2012. Title: Hazard Communication. Paragraph (g). 2) U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, OSHA 3493-12R 2013 https://www.osha.gov/Publications/HazComm_QuickCard_SafetyData.html Domain 5

OSHA recently standardized the content and formatting of the Material Safety Data Sheets. What is the title of the new revised replacement document? a. Material Safety Information Sheet b. Material Information Form c. Chemical Substance Information Sheet d. Safety Data Sheet e. Substance Data Form

Answer: d. Insulin and leptin Reference: Newell-Fugate et al. 2014. Effects of diet-induced obesity on metabolic parameters and reproductive function in female ossabaw minipigs. Comparative Medicine 64(1):44-49. Domain 1

Obesity in most mammalian species causes disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis predominantly via feedback from which hormone(s)? a. Luteinizing hormone and estrogen b. Follicle stimulating hormone and insulin c. Grehlin and luteinizing hormone d. Insulin and leptin e. Gonadotropin releasing hormone

Answer: c. rhinitis, otitis, tracheitis, and pneumonia from elevated ammonia in the cage (these are ventilation ports) References: 1) Creamer MA et al. 2014. Implications of natural occlusion of ventilated racks on ammonia and sanitation practices. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 53(2): 174-179. Domain 4; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus) & Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Occlusion of these ports found on ventilated racks can cause which of the following? a. dehydrated animals b. increased nest building behavior c. rhinitis, otitis, tracheitis, and pneumonia d. none of the above, the ports are supposed to be occluded for normal operation of the rack

Answer: d. D (Zebrafish larvae) References: 1) Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, National Institutes of Health, August, 2002. 2) Animal Welfare Regulations, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A, §1.1 3) OLAW Frequently Asked Questions - PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, A. Questions 4&5. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/faqs.htm Domain 5; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Tertiary Species - Chicken (Gallus domesticus), Horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus), Deer mouse (Peromyscus leucopus)

Of the depicted animals used in biomedical research, which would be covered by the PHS policy but not the Animal Welfare Act? a. A b. B c. C d. D

Answer: d. Organophosphates (prolonged immersion) References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 21 - Biology and Management of Laboratory Fishes, pp. 1081-1082. 2) Garcia et al. 2014. Gyrodactylid ectoparasites in a population of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). JAALAS 53(1):92-97. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Tertiary Species - Other Fish

Of the following treatment options for ectoparasitism by gyrodactylids in fish, which is most likely to result in resistant organisms when used for an extended period of time? a. Freshwater baths for marine fish b. Saltwater baths for freshwater fish c. Formalin (prolonged immersion) d. Organophosphates (prolonged immersion) e. Praziquantel (prolonged immersion or PO)

Answer: c. Associated with a mutation in the calcium-release channel protein (ryanodine receptor) References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 16 - Biology and Diseases of Swine, pp. 752-753 2) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 15 - Amesthesia and Analgesia in Swine. p. 425 Domain 2; Primary Species - Pig (Sus scrofa domestica)

One of the pigs in your facility began breathing hard and developed red and blotchy skin. It died relatively quickly after. The provided photo is from the necropsy of this pig. Which of the following statements best describes this syndrome? a. Only identified in miniature pig breeds b. Triggered by dantrolene administration c. Associated with a mutation in the calcium-release channel protein (ryanodine receptor) d. Caused by excess dietary selenium

Answer: b. Arthritis References: 1) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 6 - Rabbit, pp. 264-267. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 10 - Biology and Diseases of Rabbits, pp. 422-423. Domain 1; Primary Species - Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Pasteurella multocida infection in rabbits can be associated with a wide variety of symptoms including all of the following EXCEPT? a. Abortion b. Arthritis c. Conjunctivitis d. Otitis e. Paracarditis

Answer: b. Foa-Kurloff cell, pregnancy References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto GM, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 6 - Biology and Diseases of Guinea Pigs, p. 251. 2) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Part III - Guinea Pigs, Chapter 20 - Anatomy, Physiology and Behavior, pp. 584-585. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus)

Peripheral blood smear from a guinea pig. What is the nucleated cell in the center of the image and when would you expect to see an increased number of these cells in circulation? a. Heterophil, bacterial infection b. Foa-Kurloff cell, pregnancy c. Moon cell, estrus d. Pseudoeosinophil, drug reaction e. Dobson cell, juvenile/active growth

Answer: d. Investigator References: 1) National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, p. 74 2) Committees to Revise the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching. 2010. GUIDE For the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching. 3rd Edition. Federation of Animal Science Societies, Savoy, IL. Chapter 3 - Husbandry, Housing, and Biosecurity, p. 24. (http://www.fass.org/docs/agguide3rd/Ag_Guide_3rd_ed.pdf) Domain 3

Pesticides should only be used in animal areas following approval by or consultation with the _____? a. Attending Veterinarian b. IACUC c. Institutional Official d. Investigator e. Safety Officer

Answer: b. Buprenorphine References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 24 - Preanesthesia, Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Euthanasia. pp. 1146-1147. 2) Suckow MA, Weisbroth SH, Franklin CL, eds. 2006. The Laboratory Rat, 2nd edition. Elsevier Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 19 - Anesthesia and Analgesia, p. 650. Domain 2; Primary Species - Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Pica in rats has been reported in association with administration of which drug? a. Aspirin b. Buprenorphine c. Carprofen d. Gabapentin e. Lidocaine

Answer: b. Liver References: 1) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Section IV - Hamsters, Chapter 33 - Genetic, Traumatic, Environmental and Other Non-Infectious Diseases, p. 870. 2) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 3 - Hamster, p. 203. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Syrian Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

Polycystic disease in aged Syrian hamsters most commonly presents in which organ? a. Kidney b. Liver c. Lung d. Spleen e. Testes

Answer: a. 4 Reference: Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 3 - Standards, Subpart A - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Dogs and Cats, §3.6 (b)(2) Primary enclosures (11-6-13 Edition, p. 65) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) Domain 5; Primary Species - Dog (Canis familiaris)

Puppies under _____ months of age may not be housed in the same primary enclosure with adult dogs, other than the dam or foster dam, except when permanently maintained in breeding colonies? a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 3

Answer: a. 4 g Reference: American Veterinary Medical Association. 2013. AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, p. 78 (https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf) Domain 2; Secondary Species - African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis)

Rapid freezing may be used as a method of euthanasia for amphibians such as Xenopus if they weigh less than __________? a. 4 g b. 5 g c. 6 g d. 7 g e. 8 g

Answer: a. Nail aplasia These animals have loss of hair after growth of the first pelage, rudimentary mammary gland development, abnormal growth of the nails (overgrowth) and a high incidence of thymic lymphomas. References: 1) Liu Y, Sundberg JP, Das S, Carpenter D, Cain KT, Michaud EJ, Voy BH: Molecular Basis for Hair Loss in Mice Carrying a Novel Nonsense Mutation (Hrrh-R ) in the Hairless Gene (Hr). Veterinary Pathology January 2010 vol. 47 no. 1 167-176 2) http://jaxmice.jax.org/jaxnotes/archive/436c.html Domain 1; Primary Species - Mice (Mus musculus)

The "rhino" mutation is allelic with "hairless" and is a more sever manifestation of the "hairless mutation" as seen in this image. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the skin of these mutants? a. Nail aplasia b. Comedone formation c. Ruptured follicles with associated dermal inflammation d. Generalized acanthosis and orthokeratosis e. Skin Ulceration

Answer: a. A congenic strain, where the locus of interest (Apoetm1Unc) of the 129P2 donor strain has been backcrossed to recipient strain C57BL/6J at least 5 times. References: 1) Hsu et al. 2015. Murine norovirus infection variably alters atherosclerosis in mice lacking apolipoprotein E. Comparative Medicine 65(5) 369-381. 2) Currer J, Ed. Handbook on Genetically Standardised Mice. 6th Ed The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, 2009. Section II: Using Mice in Research, p.86. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

The B6.129P2-Apoetm1Unc/J mouse is which of the following? a. A congenic strain, where the locus of interest (Apoetm1Unc) of the 129P2 donor strain has been backcrossed to recipient strain C57BL/6J at least 5 times. b. A congenic strain, where the locus of interest (Apoetm1Unc) of the 129P2 donor strain has been backcrossed to recipient strain C57BL/6J less than 5 times. c. A congenic strain, where the locus of interest (Apoetm1Unc) of the C57BL/6J donor strain has been backcrossed to recipient strain 129P2 at least 5 times. d. A congenic strain, where the locus of interest (Apoetm1Unc) of the C57BL/6J donor strain has been backcrossed to recipient strain 129P2 less than 5 times

Answer: c. Animal Biosafety Level 3 References: 1) Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals. Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Research Council. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1997. Chapter 5: Zoonoses. Page 86. 2) Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories 5th Edition. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health. December 2009. Section VIII-Agent Summary Statements. Section VIII-A: Bacterial Agents. Page 146. Domain 5; Primary species- Macaques (Macaca mulatta)

The CDC and NIH recommend what biosafety level facility for animal studies using nonhuman primates experimentally or naturally infected with the disease above. a. Animal Biosafety Level 1 b. Animal Biosafety Level 2 c. Animal Biosafety Level 3 d. Animal Biosafety Level 4 e. Animal Biosafety Level 5

Answer: b. Low humidity References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning K, Whary M, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, p. 113. 2) Percy DH, Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits. 3rd edition. Ames, Iowa: Blackwell Pub. Chapter 1 - Mouse. p73. Domain 4; Primary Species - Mus musculus

The agent which causes this condition must be differentiated from which environmental condition in glabrous mice: a. Low temperature b. Low humidity c. High temperature d. High humidity

Answer: a. vibration References: 1) Li, Y et al. 2015. Characteristics of vibration that alter cardiovascular parameters in mice. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 54(4): 372-377. Domain 4; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

The diagram below depicts a method to evaluate what in respect to mice? a. vibration b. G-forces c. despair (forced swimming test) d. memory (Morris maze) e. coordination (rotorod)

Answer: c. Escherichia spp. References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 26 - Gnotobiotics, p. 1284. 2) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 7 - Gnotobiotics, p. 229. 3) Suckow MA, Weisbroth SH, Franklin CL, eds. 2006. The Laboratory Rat, 2nd edition. Elsevier Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 22 - Gnotobiotics, p. 699 Domain 3

The altered Shaedler flora consists of all of the following bacteria EXCEPT? a. Lactobacillus murinus b. Clostridium spp. c. Escherichia spp. d. Eubacterium plexicaudatum Lactobacillus intestinalis

Answer: d. Metastasize to the brain - streptococcus equi zooepidemicus References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rdedition. Academic Press:San Diego, CA. Chapter 6 - Biology and Diseases of Guinea Pigs Domain 1; Secondary Species- Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus)

The causative agent of this disease is not known to do which of the following? a. Cause focal hepatitis b. Present with only skin "lumps" as the only clinical sign c. Present with torticollis, nasal or ocular discharge d. Metastasize to the brain

Answer: a. Intestinal epithelium (epithelial hyalinosis/adenomatous hyperplasia) Resources: 1) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 1 - Mouse, p. 95. 2) James G. Fox et al. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd ed. Chapter 25 - Spontaneous Diseases in commonly used mouse strains, p. 680. 3) Picture source: http://www.askjpc.org/wsco/wsc_showconference.php?id=238 Domain 1; Primary Species - Mice (Mus musculus)

The condition shown in this H & E section of a mouse stomach can be seen in all of the following sites, EXCEPT, which one? a. Intestinal epithelium b. Gallbladder epithelium c. Trachea epithelium d. Bile and pancreatic duct epithelium e. Nasal respiratory epithelium

Answer: d. continuous collection of extracellular fluid samples References: 1) Jacus MO et al. 2015. Observational evaluations of mice during cerebral microdialysis for pediatric brain tumor research. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 54(3): 304-310. 2) McCully CM et al. 2013. Model for concomitant microdialysis sampling of the pons and the cerebral cortex in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Comp Med 63(4): 355-360. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus) & Rat (Rattus norvegicus) (and others)

The experimental technique depicted below is useful for which of the following? a. measurement of precise food and water intake b. fiberoptic tracing of neurons c. intermittent whole blood sampling from cerebral (dural) venous sinuses d. continuous collection of extracellular fluid samples e. locomotor inhibition evaluation

Answer: a. BRAF References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 20 - Biology and Management of the Zebrafish, p. 1019. 2) Davies H, Bignell GR, Cox C, et al. 2002. Mutations of the BRAF gene in human cancer. Nature 417(6892): 949-954. Domain 3; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

The fish depicted on the right has a mutation in what gene? a. BRAF b. MYCN c. APC d. B-myb e. TP53

Answer: d. No effect on embryonic growth rate during first gestational week or following chronic exposure References: 1) Gargiulo et al. 2012. Mice anesthesia, analgesia and care, Part II: anesthetic considerations in preclinical imaging studies. ILAR J 53(1): E70-E81 2) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 10 - Anesthesia and Analgesia for Laboratory Rodents, pp. 252-253. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

The following are advantages of using isoflurane anesthesia in imaging pregnant mice EXCEPT? a. Reduced risk of intrauterine trauma associated with injections b. Readily adjustable dosage c. Precise control of the duration of anesthesia d. No effect on embryonic growth rate during first gestational week or following chronic exposure

Answer: e. Polyoma virus References 1) Miller CL, et. Al. "Isolation of Helicobacter spp. from Mice with Rectal Prolapses". 2014. Comp Med. 64(3):171-178 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW, eds. 2002. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 2nd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. p. 85, 95,-97,108 3) Percy and Barthold. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory rodents and rabbits. 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 2- Rats, p. Pg. 8, 55-90 Domain 1- Primary species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

The following condition was found in numerous mice in an institution. Choose the LESS likely etiological agent that may cause this condition: a. Citrobacter rodentium b. Coronavirus c. Rotavirus d. Reovirus e. Polyoma virus

Answer: c. A sample capture unit to perform environmental PCR testing References: 1) http://www.criver.com/promo/charles-river-allentown-partnership 2) Jensen ES, Allen KP, Henderson KS, Szabo A, Thulin JD. 2013. PCR testing of a ventilated caging system to detect murine fur mites. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 52(1):28-33. Domain 4

The following image depicts what piece of equipment that may be found in an animal facility? a. Autoclave test strip b. Radio frequency identification (RFID) tag c. A sample capture unit to perform environmental PCR testing d. Device to monitor light levels in animal holding rooms e. Device to monitor vibration levels in animal holding rooms

Answer: c. Hypovitaminosis C References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3nd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17. Nonhuman Primates, p. 891. 2) Ratterree MS1, Didier PJ, Blanchard JL, Clarke MR, Schaeffer D. 1990. Vitamin C deficiency in captive nonhuman primates fed commercial primate diet. Lab Anim Sci: 40(2):165-8. Domain 1; Secondary species, Squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus)

The following lesion found in a squirrel monkey is caused by a. Osteosarcoma b. Hydrocephalus c. Hypovitaminosis C d. Hypovitaminosis A e. Hypocalcemia

Answer: b. Provides adequate airflow through piped systems References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, p. 1583. 2) Hessler JR, Lehner NDM, eds. 2009. Planning and Designing Research Animal Facilities. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 32 - Plumbing: Special Considerations, p. 442-443. Domain 4

The following statement is FALSE about this device: a. Is operated by biting or licking b. Provides adequate airflow through piped systems c. Has various flow rates dependent on species d. Has a shield to prevent bedding from entering the system

Answer: a. Preparation of acid-fast smears from clinical specimens References: 1) CDC, NIH. 2009. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 5th edition. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Section VIII - Agent Summary Statements, p. 146. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto GM, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 - Nonhuman Primates, p. 856. Domain 5

The images below depict the gross and histologic lesions associated with a certain pathogen in a rhesus macaque. When working with this pathogen in a laboratory, which activity can be conducted at the BSL-2 level? a. Preparation of acid-fast smears from clinical specimens b. Manipulation of cultures of the pathogen c. Handling of experimentally infected mice d. Handling of experimentally infected nonhuman primates

Answer: c. 6 Reference: 1) Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals 8th edition Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2011. Page 57 2) Animal Welfare Act, 7 U.S.C., Sections 2131-2159. Animal Welfare Standards, 9 CFR Chapter 1, Subchapter B, 3.28. Page 62. Domain 5; Secondary Species - Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

The interior height for any primary enclosure used to confine this species shall be at least ______ inches? a. 5 b. 5.5 c. 6 d. 6.5 e. 7

Answer: a. Enrichment References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW, eds. 2002. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 2nd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 32 - Laboratory Animal Behavior, p. 1245. 2) Harriss LD, Custer LB, Soranaka ET, Burge JR & Ruble GR. 2001. "Evaluation of Objects and Food for Environmental Enrichment of NZW Rabbits" JAALAS, 40(1): pp. 27-30. 3) http://www.bio-serv.com/product/Bunny_Blocks.html Domain 4; Primary Species - Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

The items shown are most commonly used for laboratory rabbits for what purpose? a. Enrichment b. Weight-training c. Optical-testing d. Color differentiation testing

Answer: c. Floor area/animal = 8.0 ft2 and height = 36 inches References: 1) Animal Welfare Act, 7 U.S.C., Sections 2131-2159. Animal Welfare Regulations, 9 CFR Chapter 1, Subchapter A, Parts 1-4, pp. 99-100. 2) Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals 8th edition, Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2011, p. 61 Domain 5; Secondary Species - Baboon (Papio spp.)

The minimum space requirements for this animal and her infant are: a. Floor area/animal = 6.0 ft2 and height = 32 inches b. Floor area/animal = 6.0 ft2 and height = 36 inches c. Floor area/animal = 8.0 ft2 and height = 36 inches d. Floor area/animal = 9.6 ft2 and height = 36 inches

Answer: b. Low dissolved oxygen levels within the water References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd ed. Academic Press: Oxford, UK.. Chapter 20 - Biology and Management of the Zebrafish, p. 1024. 2) Harper C & Lawrence C. 2010. The Laboratory Zebrafish, 1st ed, CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 1- Biology. Chapter 3 - Life Support, p. 115. Domain 4; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

The most likely cause for the behavior displayed by the zebrafish is: a. Temperature higher than their thermal tolerance (28◦C) b. Low dissolved oxygen levels within the water c. Salinity higher than their tolerance level of 2 g/L d. Insufficient feeding amount of 5-10% of body weight daily

Answer: e. Guinea pig Resources: 1) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 1 - Mouse, p. 58. Chapter 2 - Rat, p. 139. Chapter 3 - Hamster, p. 187. Chapter 4 - Gerbil, p. 208. Chapter 5 - Guinea pig, p. 225. 2) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Section III - Guinea Pigs, Chapter 23 - Infectious Diseases, p.655. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus)

The organism shown below in liver tissue of a mouse is unlikely to be found in the heart of which of the following species? a. Mouse b. Rat c. Hamster d. Gerbil e. Guinea pig

Answer: c. Physically examine each fish and remove organisms References: 1) Baker DG, ed. 2007. Flynn's Parasites of Laboratory Animals, 2nd edition. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, IA. Chapter 7 - Parasites of Fishes, pp. 91-92 2) Wafer LN, Whitney JC, Jensen VB. 2015. Fish Lice (Argulus japonicas) in Goldfish (Carassius auratus). Comp Med. 65(2): 93-95 Domain 1; Tertiary Species - Other Fish

The organisms pictured below were found on the dorsal fin of a goldfish in quarantine. Which of the following would be an appropriate course of action? a. Isolate the fish and the infection will be self-limiting b. Treat all water in the facility with chlorine c. Physically examine each fish and remove organisms d. Perform skin scrape and euthanize infected fish

Answer: a. AALAS References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 1 - The Organizations of Laboratory Animal Science. p. 14. 2) https://www.aalas.org/about-aalas/history#.VosWmvkrIuU Domain 6

The organization pictured below was the precursor to what current organization? a. AALAS b. ACLAM c. AAVP d. OLAW e. USDA

Answer: b. Biological specimen References: 1) U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of Health. 2009. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories. 5th ed. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Appendix C - Transportation of Infectious Substances, pp. 336-342. (http://www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications/bmbl5/BMBL5_sect_IV.pdf) 2) http://www.phmsa.dot.gov/pv_obj_cache/pv_obj_id_54AC1BCBF0DFBE298024C4C700569893C2582700/filename/Transporting_Infectious_Substances_brochure.pdf Domain 5

The packaging shown here is used for shipping what material? a. Infectious substance b. Biological specimen c. Clinical specimen d. Diagnostic specimen

Answer: a. Eusocial, one breeding queen with several non-reproductive workers participating in cooperative brood care References: 1) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP. 2012. The laboratory rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, and other rodents, 1st ed. London ; Waltham, MA: Academic Press/Elsevier. p.1059 and 1069 2) Ke, Z., et al., Novel husbandry techniques support survival of naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) pups. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci, 2014. 53(1): p. 89-91. Domain 4; Tertiary Species- Naked Mole Rat (Heterocephalus glaber

The pictured animal displays which of the following captive breeding behaviors? a. Eusocial, one breeding queen with several non-reproductive workers participating in cooperative brood care b. Harem breeding, one male for every 4-6 females c. Monogamous, one male, one female pairings d. Promiscuous, females and males mate multiple times with multiple mates with no cooperative brood care

Answer: a. Eimeria stiedae References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd ed. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 7 - Biology and Diseases of Other Rabbits, p. 437. 2) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 15 - Parasitic Diseases, p. 418. Domain 1; Primary Species - Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

The pictured was found as an incidental finding at necropsy of a New Zealand White rabbit. What is your diagnosis? a. Eimeria stiedae b. Cryptosporidium cuniculus c. Encephalitozoon cuniculi d. Treponema paraluiscuniculi e. Lawsonia intracellularis

Answer: d. Filter drinking water via reverse osmosis References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning K, Whary M, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 11 - Microbiological Quality Control for Laboratory Rodents and Lagomorphs, p. 474. 2) Hessler JR, Lehner NDM, eds. 2009. Planning and Designing Research Animal Facilities. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 32 - Plumbing: Special Considerations, p. 428-433 Domain 4

The primary purpose of this system is to: a. Acidify drinking water b. Filter drinking water via biofiltration c. Sterilize drinking water d. Filter drinking water via reverse osmosis e. Hyperchlorinate drinking water

Answer: e. Pseudoloma neurophilia Reference: 1) Murray KN, Dreska M, Nasiadka A, Rinne M, Matthews JL, Carmichael C, Bauer J, Varga ZM, Westerfield M. 2011. Transmission, Diagnosis and Recommendation for control of Pseudeoloma neurophilia Infections in Laboratory Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Facilities. Comparative Medicine 61(4): 322-329. 2) Sanders JL, Watral V, and Kent ML. 2012. Microsporidiosis in Zebrafish Research Facilities. ILAR 53(2): pp. 106-113. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio).

The spores of which pathogen are seen in these histological sections of ovarian, intestinal, and kidney from zebrafish? a. Pseudocapillaria tomentosa b. Piscinoodinium pillulare c. Ichthyophthirius multiliis d. Edwardsiella ictaluri e. Pseudoloma neurophilia

Answer: c. 1 business day References: 1) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 25 - Regulatory Issues, p. 575. 2) Controlled Substances Act, USC Title 21, Section 831, Subchapter I - Control and Enforcement, Part C - Registration of Manufacturers, Distributors, and Dispensers of Controlled Substances. §813 Additional requirements relating to online pharmacies and telemedicine. 3) Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1301 — Registration Of Manufacturers, Distributors, And Dispensers Of Controlled Substances; Security Requirements, §1301.76 (b) Other security controls for practitioners. Domain 5

Theft or "significant loss" of controlled substances requires immediate reporting to the DEA upon discovery of the loss or theft within how many hours? a. 24 hours b. 48 hours c. 1 business day d. 1 week

Answer: b. CDC Division of Global Migration and Quarantine and FDA References: 1) 42 CFR, Part 71 - Foreign Quarantine, Subpart F - Importations, §71.56 African rodents and other animals that may carry the monkeypox virus. (10-1-09 Edition) 2) 21 CFR, Part 1240 - Control of Communicable Diseases, Subpart D -Specific Administrative Decisions Regarding Interstate Shipments, §1240.63 - African rodents and other animals that may carry the monkeypox virus. (04-01-08 Edition) 3) Guidelines for the Humane Transport of Research Animals, 2006 NRC pp. 12-13, 19, 22 Domain 5; Tertiary Species

This animal is being imported to the US from its native country and will be transported to your research facility from an adjacent state. Special written approval is needed from which agency or agencies? a. CDC Division of Global Migration and Quarantine b. CDC Division of Global Migration and Quarantine and FDA c. CDC Etiologic Agent Import Permit Program d. CDC Etiologic Agent Import Permit Program and DoT USDA and FWS only

Answer: a. Reared in isolation References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rdedition. Academic Press:San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 Nonhuman Primates. 2) Latham and Mason, "Maternal deprivation and the development of stereotypic behavior." Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 110 (2008), pp. 84-108 Domain 1; Primary Species- Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta)

This behavior is seen most often in animals who were: a. Reared in isolation b. Born in the wild c. Parent reared d. Reared with con-specifics

Answer: e. Systemic lupus erythematosus References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quinby FW, eds. 2002. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 2nd edition. Academic Press:San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, pp. 109; Chapter 24 - Animal Models in Biomedical Research, p. 672-673. 2) Perry D, Sang A, Yin Y, Zheng YY, Morel L. 2011. Murine models of systemic lupus erythematosus. J Biomed Biotechnol 2011:271694. Domain 3; Primary species - Mice (Mus musculus)

This clinical sign in a NZB x NZW F1 hybrid mouse (NZBWF1/J) is a potential sequela of its genetic manipulation to model what human disease? a. Multiple sclerosis b. Rheumatoid arthritis c. Hodgkin's lymphoma d. Muscular dystrophy e. Systemic lupus erythematosus

Answer: c. Physical euthanasia Reference: 1) http://www.bunnyrancher.com/uploads/8/0/4/3/8043582/s575940860307007594_p42_i2_w1240.jpeg 2) www.avma.org/resources/euthanasia.pdf Domain 2 - Primary Species (Rabbit)

This device is used in rabbits. What is this device used for? a. Intramuscular injection b. Environmental enrichment c. Physical euthanasia d. Otoscopic examination

Answer: b. ammonia References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto GM, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36- Design and Management of Research Facilities, p. 1569. 2) Mexas et al. 2015. Nasal histopathology and intracage ammonia levels in female groups and breeding mice housed in static isolation cages. JAALAS 54(5): 478-486. Domain 4; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

This device is used to measure which of the levels listed below, which is an important consideration in the cage microenvironment? a. humidity b. ammonia c. temperature d. carbon dioxide

Answer: c. Oxidant Reference: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning K, Whary M, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 11 - Microbiological Quality Control for Laboratory Rodents and Lagomorphs, p. 474 Domain 4

This disinfectant is considered to be a: a. Denaturant b. Reactant c. Oxidant d. Reductant

Answer: c. Noise levels exceed 85 dBA (Where levels exceed 85dBA, the exposed employees need to participate in a hearing-conservation program that includes monitoring, audio- metric testing, hearing protection, training, and record-keeping). References: 1) 29 CFR 1910.95 2) Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals. Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Research Council. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1997, p. 41. Domain 5

This equipment is required when what environmental parameters exist? a. Temperatures exceed 72F b. Carcinogens are in use c. Noise levels exceed 85 dBA d. Biological hazards are in use

Answer: d. environmental enrichment References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto GM, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17- Nonhuman Primates, p. 781. 2) Bakker et al. 2015. Advantages and risks of husbandry and housing changes to improve animal wellbeing in a breeding colony of common marmosets. JAALAS 54(3): 273-279. Domain 4; Secondary Species - Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)

This example of an indoor marmoset cage provides an increase in what beneficial parameter for the marmosets? a. sanitation b. UV light c. microorganisms d. environmental enrichment

Answer: a. urolithiasis; kidney with calculi in the renal pelvis References: 1) Pang J, Borjeson TM, Parry NM, Fox JG. 2015. Struvite Urolithiasis in Long-Evans Rats. Comp Med 65(6): 486-91. 2) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 2 - Rat, p. 163. Domain 1, Primary species- rats

This gross photograph shows tissues from a Long-Evans rat that died within days after arriving at an animal facility from a commercial breeder. What condition did the rat have and what is depicted in the picture? a. Urolithiasis; kidney with calculi in the renal pelvis b. Urolithiasis; urinary bladder with multiple variable sized calculi in the lumen c. Spontaneous progressive glomerulonephropathy; kidney with granular surface d. Pulmonary pneumocystosis; lung with focal cellular infiltrates e. Spontaneous diplococcal (Streptococcus pneumoniae) infection; fibrinous pleuritis

Answer: a. HEPA filter for a biocontainment facility References: 1) Hassler JR, Lehner ND, eds. 2009. Planning and Designing Research Animal Facilities. Elsevier: London. Chapter 34 - Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC): Special Consideration, p. 466-467. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Prichett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Elsevier: London. Chapter 36 - Facility Planning and Design, p. 1554. Domain 4

This image depicts: a. HEPA filter for a biocontainment facility b. Quencher exhaust for an MRI c. Emergency generator for an animal facility d. Incinerator for a biocontainment facility

Answer: a. MAV References: 1) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd edition. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 1 - Mouse, pp. 17-18 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning K, Whary M, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, p. 81-2 Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

This is a histologic section from the adrenal gland of a mouse. What is the etiologic agent? a. MAV b. MHV c. MCMV d. MTV e. MVM

Answer: c) 1918 flu virus in any animal References: 1) Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL), 2009. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health. 5th ed., p. 213. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd ed. Academic Press: Oxford, UK Chapter 2, p. 1301. Domain 5

This personal protective equipment is required for all of the following hazardous agents except? a. B virus injected macaques b. B virus in mice c. 1918 flu virus in any animal d. Hantavirus in Sigmodon spp. e. Filovirus in Papio spp.

Answer: b. Flunixin meglumine References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 24 - Preanesthesia, Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Euthanasia, p. 1179. 2) Jasmin et al. 2011. Perioperative ruminal pH changes in domestic sheep (Ovis aries) housed in a biomedical research setting. JAALAS 50(1):27-32. Domain 2; Tertiary Species - Other Livestock

To minimize potential adverse effects such as renal toxicity and gastric hemorrhage in cattle, __________ should be given as needed every 12-24 hours not to exceed 4 doses? a. Carprofen b. Flunixin meglumine c. Ketoprofen d. Meloxicam e. Phenylbutazone

Answer: d. IV References: 1) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 25 - Regulatory Issues, p. 574 (Table 25-1) 2) http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/schedules/index.html 3) https://www.nabp.net/news/dea-classifies-tramadol-a-controlled-substance 4) http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/fed_regs/rules/2014/fr0702.htm Domain 5

Tramadol is classified as which of the following controlled substance schedules? a. I b. II c. III d. IV e. Non-controlled substance

Answer b. 14 Reference: Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 3 - Standards, Subpart A - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Dogs and Cats, §3.14 (c)(1)(i-iv) Primary enclosures (11-6-13 Edition, p. 71) (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/Animal%20Care%20Blue%20Book%20-%202013%20-%20FINAL.pdf) Domain 4; Primary Species - Dog (Canis familiaris)

Unless the primary enclosure used to transport dogs is permanently affixed to the conveyance, the total combined surface area of the ventilation openings must be at least what percent of the total combined surface area of all the walls of the primary enclosure? a. 8 b. 14 c. 16 d. 50

Answer: d. 1200 References: 1) Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) and Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW). 2002. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook. 2nd Edition. OLAW, Bethesda, MD. C.3. Other Protocol Review Considerations, p. 132 (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/guidebook.pdf) 2) Committee on Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Neuroscience and Behavioral Research, Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, Division on Earth and Life Studies. 2003. Guidelines for the Care and Use of Mammals in Neuroscience and Behavioral Research. National Academies Press: Washington, D.C. Appendix B - Estimating Animal Numbers, p.186. (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/National_Academies_Guidelines_for_Use_and_Care.pdf) Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Up to how many mice are required to map a single gene with recessive inheritance and full penetrance, and have adequate numbers of progeny for developmental studies, phenotyping and linkage analysis? a. 80-100 b. 750 c. 1100 d. 1200

Answer: c) Hemorrhange in the lungs Reference: "Public Statements: Report of the ACLAM Task Force on Rodent Euthanasia" (https://www.aclam.org/Content/files/files/Public/Active/report_rodent_euth.pdf) Domain 2 - Primary Species (Rat and Mouse)

Use of this method of euthanasia can result in: a. Prolonged time to loss of consciousness b. No change in GABA concentrations in the brain c. Hemorrhage in the lungs No change in serum corticosterone

Answer: d. Reluctance to move the head and neck References: 1) Field G and Jackson TA. 2007. The Laboratory Canine (A Volume in the Laboratory Animal Pocket Reference Series). CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 4 - Veterinary Care, p. 78. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 12 - Biology and Diseases of Dogs, pp. 547-548. Domain 1; Primary Species - Dog (Canis familiaris)

What are the expected clinical signs from a young beagle with juvenile polyarteritis syndrome? a. Exercise intolerance b. Joint pain c. Petechiae, purpura, or ecchymosis d. Reluctance to move the head and neck

Answer: b. SIV and SHFV References: 1) Gardner and Luciw. 2008. Macaque models of human infectious disease. ILAR J 49(2):220-255. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 - Nonhuman Primates, pp. 871-875, 878-879 3) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 1 - Viral Diseases of Nonhuman Primates, pp. 47-49, 62-70 Domain 1

What are the main concerns in terms of viral disease transmission between species when mixing African nonhuman primate species with Asian or new world nonhuman primate species? a. Dengue Fever and Tanapox b. SIV and SHFV c. SRV/D and Hepatitis A d. Yellow Fever and Monkey Pox

Answer: b. white References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd ed. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 7 - Biology and Diseases of Other Rodents, p. 314. 2) Hall A et al. 1967. Mystromys albicaudatus (the African white-tailed rat) as a laboratory species. Lab Anim 17: 180-188. Domain 3; Tertiary Species - Other rodents (Mystromys albicaudatus)

What color is the tail of this animal? a. nude b. white c. black d. white with a black tip

Answer: d. Spores from P. hyphessobryconis have a more prominent posterior vacuole References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto GM, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 20 - The Biology and Management of the Zebrafish, p. 1047. 2) Sanders et al. 2012. Microsporidiosis in zebrafish research facilities. ILAR J 53(2):106-113. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

What diagnostic parameters can be used to differentiate microsporidiosis in zebrafish caused by Pseudoloma neurophila or Pleistophora hypessobryconis? a. Wet mount of P. neurophila spores can be made from opaque lesions in skeletal muscle b. Microsporidian spores from P. neurophilia are gram negative c. P. hyphessobryconis spores are pyriform-shaped and measure 2.7 x 5.4 microns d. Spores from P. hyphessobryconis have a more prominent posterior vacuole e. Real time and conventional PCR techniques are used to detect P. hyphessobryconis infection

Answer: e. Rotational behavior References: 1) http://www.harvardapparatus.com/hapdfs/HAI_DOCCAT_3/BH1_18.pdf 2) http://www.panlab.com/panlabWeb/Hardware/ROTAMETER/ROTAMETER.pdf Domain 3

What does the equipment depicted measure? a. Depression b. Memory c. Avoidance d. Mechanical allodynia e. Rotational behavior

Answer: b. Feline calicivirus (FCV) and feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto C, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 13 - Biology and Diseases of Cats, pp. 569-570. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Cat (Felis domestica)

What etiologic agents are most commonly implicated in feline upper respiratory infections? a. Chlamydophila felis and Mycoplasma felis b. Feline calicivirus (FCV) and feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) c. FCV and Mycoplasma felis d. FHV-1 and Mycoplasma felis e. FCV and Chlamydophila felis

Answer c. Laser References: 1) Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Research Council. 1997. Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals. National Academy Press:Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 - Physical, Chemical, and Protocol-Related Hazards, pp.37-8 Domain 5

What hazard does this symbol indicate is present? a. Ionizing radiation b. Explosive c. Laser d. High voltage e. Oxidizing

Answer: e. Representative 2D guided M-Mode echocardiograph References: 1) Huss MK, Ikeno F, Buckmaster CL, Albertelli MA. 2015. Echocardiographic and Electrocardiographic Characteristics of Male and Female Squirrel Monkeys (Saimiri spp.). Journal of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science;54(1)25-28 Domain 3;

What imaging modality does the following image represent? a. Representative 3D guided A-Mode echocardiograph b. Representative 2D guided A-Mode echocardiograph c. Representative 2D guided doppler echocardiograph d. Representative 3D guided M-Mode echocardiograph e. Representative 2D guided M-Mode echocardiograph

Answer: d. One Health Reference: 1) One Health Initiative website: http://onehealthinitiative.com/ Domain 6

What initiative is represented by this logo supported by animal research? Note the name has been removed from the logo. a. Americans for Medical Progress b. Doctors Without Borders c. Institute for Laboratory Animal Research d. One Health e. Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care

Answer: b. Measuring ultrasound References: 1. Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW, eds. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 2nd edition. American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine, Quimby. Academic Press, 2002. Chapter 29 p. 1150. 2. Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition. Chapter 3, p.106. Domain 4

What is an indication for use of this equipment in the rodent housing facility? a. Measuring ATP b. Measuring ultrasound c. Measuring ammonia d. Measuring hydration

Answer b. Increased breeding References: 1) Fox, J., et al. (2015). Laboratory Animal Medicine. San Diego, CA, Elsevier: 1023. 2) Wilkes, L., et al. (2012). "Does structural enrichment for toxicology studies improve zebrafish welfare?" Applied Animal Behaviour Science 139(1-2): 143-150. 3) Collymore, C., et al. (2015). "The Behavioral Effects of Single Housing and Environmental Enrichment on Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio)." J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 54(3): 280-285. Domain 4; Secondary Species - (Danio rerio)

What is the benefit of this housing set up for Danio rario? a. Decreased cortisol production for singly housed animals b. Increased breeding c. Increased growth rate d. Increased shoaling behavior e. Decreased aggression

Answer: b. Spontaneous intraocular hemorrhage and retina pigment deposition References: 1) Inagaki K, Koga H, Inoue K, Suzuki K, Suzuki H. Spontaneous intraocular hemorrhage in rats during postnatal ocular development. Comp Med. 2014 Feb;64(1):34-43. 2) Hojman AS, Otzen LW, Schrøder-Hansen LM, Wegener KM. Pigment Deposition in the Rat Retina. Toxicol Pathol. 2015 Aug;43(6):890-2. Domain 1; Primary Species - Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

What is the condition shown here, which may be seen during ocular development in Wistar Hannover (WH) rats? a. Diffuse retinal detachment b. Spontaneous intraocular hemorrhage and retina pigment deposition c. Optic nerve degeneration d. Corneal opacity and lenticular cataractous change e. Asteroid hyalosis

Answer: b. Maintenance of environmental conditions conducive to the health and well-being of the animal, and involves bedding changes, cleaning, and disinfection References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 27 - Working Safely with Experimental Animals Exposed to Biohazards, p. 1305. 2) Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing and Management, p. 69. Domain 4

What is the definition of sanitation? a. Use an appropriate disinfectant for cleaning of the equipment and environment b. Maintenance of environmental conditions conducive to the health and well-being of the animal, which involves bedding changes, cleaning, and disinfection c. Process of inactivating harmful pathogens using various agents, such as chemicals, heat, ultraviolet light, or radiation d. Procedures intended to protect humans or animals against disease or harmful biological agents

Answer: c. Lancing a blood vessel for blood collection References: 1) Ayers et al. 2012. Alternatives to Retroorbital Blood Collection in Hispid Cotton Rats (Sigmodon hispidus). JAALAS 51(2): 239-245. 2) Golde et al. 2005. A Rapid, Simple, and Humane Method for Submandibular Bleeding of Mice using a Lancet. Lab Animal 34: 39-43. Domain 1; Primary species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

What is the device used for? a. Skin scrape for the detection of parasites b. Inoculation of bacteria subcutaneously c. Lancing a blood vessel for blood collection d. Cutting off a skin tag for biopsy

Answer: b. Lambda References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd ed. Academic Press: Oxford, UK Chapter 25 - Techniques of Experimentation, p. 1238. 2) Abbe C, Mansfield K, Tardiff S, Morris T. eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, Volume II, 2nd edition, Elsevier; Chapter 14 - Surgery in Nonhuman Primates, p.352. Domain 3; Primary Species - Rat (Rattus novegicus) and Macaques (Macaca spp.)

What is the landmark denoted by the asterisk (*) that may be used as a coordinate during stereotaxic electrode implantation? a. Coronal b. Lambda c. Bregma d. Sagittal e. Horizontal

Answer: b. 30 inches; Owl monkeys weigh approximately 1kg and the shortest cage height required by the Guide is 30 inches References: 1) National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th edition. The National Academies Press: Washington, DC. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, p. 61. 2) Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 2 - Regulations, Subpart D - Specifications for the Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Nonhuman Primates, §3.80 Primary enclosures, (b) Minimum space requirements. (August 2002 Edition, p. 94) Domain 4 & 5; Tertiary Species - Other nonhuman primates

What is the minimum cage height this animal should be provided? a. 20 inches b. 30 inches c. 40 inches d. 50 inches e. 60 inches

Answer: c. 8.0 ft2 Reference: Animal Welfare Regulations, CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A - Animal Welfare, Part 3 - Standards, Subpart D - Specifications for the Human Handling, Care, Treatment and Transportation of Nonhuman Primates, §3.80 Primary enclosures (January 1, 2012 p. 84) Domain 5; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca spp)

What is the minimum floor area requirement for this singly housed male weighing 15.5 kg, according to Animal Welfare Regulations? a. 4.3 ft2 b. 6.0 ft2 c. 8.0 ft2 d. 25.1 ft2

Answer: c. Fecal-oral transmission; gastrointestinal tract References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, pp. 95-97. 2) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 12 - Cardioviruses: Encephalomyocarditis Virus and Theiler's Murine Encephalomyelitis Virus, p. 316. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus

What is the mode of transmission of Theiler's mouse encephalitis virus and where does the virus replicate after infection? a. Horizontal transmission through mouse-to-mouse contact; brain b. Oronasal transmission; lungs c. Fecal-oral transmission; gastrointestinal tract d. Vector-borne transmission; spleen e. Vertical transmission via an infected dam; brain

Answer: a. Inability to produce the hepatic enzyme L-gulonolactone oxidase References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press. Ch 6 - Biology and Diseases of Guinea Pigs. p. 268 2) Percy DH, Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of laboratory rodents and rabbits, 3rd ed. Ames, Iowa: Blackwell Pub. Ch 5 - Guinea Pig p. 238. Domain 4; Secondary Species - Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus)

What is the most likely etiology of the pictured guinea pig disease? a. Inability to produce the hepatic enzyme L-gulonolactone oxidase b. Metastatic calcification due to inability to metabolize excess dietary calcium c. Vitamin C toxicity secondary to consuming a diet formulated for mice d. Rhabdomyomatosis secondary to environmental stressors

Answer: d. Rotarod References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning K, Whary M, eds. 2002. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, p. 69. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

What is the name of the device shown in the photo? a. Elevated plus maze b. Grip strength bar c. Balance beam d. Rotarod

Answer d. Balometer; Air Volume References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW. eds. 2002. Laboratory Animal Medicine 2nd Ed. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Domain 5;

What is the name of the following piece of equipment and what is it used for? a. Hygrometer; Humidity b. Thermometer; Temperature c. VOC Meter; Volatile Organic Compounds d. Balometer; Air Volume e. Anemometer; Air Speed

Answer: a. Nonviable egg Reference: 1) Czarra JA, et. Al. "Exposure to chlorine dioxide gas for 4 hours renders Syphacia ova nonviable". 2014. JAALAS. 53(4):364-367. 2) Dix J, et. Al. "Assessment of methods of destruction of Syphacia muris eggs". 2004. Lab Animal 38:11-16. Domain 4-Animal Care

Which of the following images of Syphacia spp. shows a nonviable egg? a. A b. B c. C d. D

Answer: c. 6 - 8 Reference: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, p. 1581. 2) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 9 - Design and Management of Research Facilities for Mice, p. 308. Domain 4; Primary Species - Mice (Mus musculus)

What is the optimum concentration (in ppm) of chlorine needed to be added in drinking water provided water bottles changed weekly to eliminate Pseudomonas aeruginosa and reduce carriage of the organism in infected mice? a. 0.5 - 1 b. 2.5 - 3 c. 6 - 8 d. 12 - 18 e. 20 - 25

Answer: a. Heart References: 1) Green SL. 2010. The Laboratory Xenopus sp. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 5 - Experimental Methodology, pp. 128-129. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto C, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 18 - Biology and Diseases of Amphibians, p. 948. Domain 3; Secondary Species - African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis)

What is the preferred blood collection site in anesthetized Xenopus tropicalis? a. Heart b. Ventral abdominal vein c. Lingual venous plexus d. Ventral caudal vein e. Femoral vein

Answer: e. Vascular endothelium References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, p. 83. 2) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 1 - Mouse, pp. 23-24. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

What is the primary target for K virus in affected tissue of mice? a. Adipocyte b. Alveolar epithelium c. Mesenchymal cell d. Smooth muscle cell e. Vascular endothelium

Answer: b. Emergency shut off cable References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Prichett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Elsevier: London. Chapter 30 - Occupational Health of Laboratory Animal Workers, p. 1388 2) Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, Division on Earth and Life Studies, The National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory The National Academies Press: Washington, D.C. Chapter 5 - Physical Plant, p 143. Domain 4

What is the purpose of the horizontal wire cable in the image? a. Emergency door release b. Emergency shut off cable c. Trip wire to alert operator that equipment is contacting sprayer arms Cable to turn on interior light

Answer: b) Active scavenging of halogenated anesthetics Reference: http://www.colmedsupply.com/wast e_gas.html Domain 2

What is the purpose of this equipment? a. Vacuuming up hair after preparing for surgery b. Active scavenging of halogenated anesthetics c. Ultrasound to confirm swine pregnancy d. Bedding disposal

Answer: d. 15% total blood volume weekly References: 1) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 1 - Biology and Management, Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 13 - Clinical Techniques Used for Nonhuman Primates, p. 331. 2) Adams et al. 2014. Effects of weekly blood collection in male and female cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis). JAALAS 53(1):81-88. Domain 3; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca spp.)

What is the recommended maximal amount of total blood volume that can be safely collected weekly in healthy adult male and female cynomolgus macaques for 4 consecutive weeks with minimal effect on animal wellbeing? a. 7.5 % b. 10% c. 12.5% d. 15% e. 17.5%

Answer: b. As relative humidity increases, ammonia levels increase References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities. p. 1569. 2) Corning and Lipman. 1991. A comparison of rodent caging systems based on microenvironmental parameters. Lab Anim Sci 41:498-503. Domain 4

What is the relationship between relative humidity and ammonia levels in an animal's microenvironment? a. As relative humidity increases, ammonia levels decrease b. As relative humidity increases, ammonia levels increase c. Ammonia levels are not influenced by relative humidity d. Relative humidity is decreased by increasing ammonia levels

Answer: c. 30,000 ppm References: 1) Amparan et al. 2014. Exposure of research personnel to carbon dioxide during euthanasia procedures. JAALAS 53(4):376-380. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 33 - Factors That Can Influence Animal Research, pp. 1447-1448. 3) https://www.osha.gov/dts/sltc/methods/inorganic/id172/id172.html Domain 5

What is the short-term exposure limit for carbon dioxide for employees exposed in a 15-min time interval? a. 500 ppm b. 5,000 ppm c. 30,000 ppm d. 40,000 ppm

Answer: e. 30 minutes References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, p. 1559 2) Compton and Macy. 2015. Effect of cage-wash temperature on the removal of infectious agents from caging and the detection of infectious agents on the filters of animal bedding-disposal cabinets by PCR analysis. JAALAS 54(6):745-755. Domain 4

What minimal contact time is considered adequate for sanitation using mechanical washers and water at a temperature of 61.7oC (143oF)? a. 15 seconds b. 30 seconds c. 5 minutes d. 15 minutes e. 30 minutes

Answer: a. Office of Biotechnology Activities, 15 voting members References: 1) DHHS and NIH. 2013. NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules (NIH Guidelines). Section IV-C-2. Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC), p. 33 (http://osp.od.nih.gov/sites/default/files/NIH_Guidelines_0.pdf) 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations, and Policies Affecting the Use of Laboratory Animals, p. 41. Domain 5

What office within the NIH is responsible for overseeing the Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules, and how many voting members are required? a. Office of Biotechnology Activities, 15 voting members b. Office of Biosafety Activities, 5 voting members c. Office of Biotechnology Activities, 5 voting members d. Office of Biosafety Activities, 15 voting members e. None of the above

Answer: d. Endotracheal intubation of the mouse References: 1) Rivera, B., Miller, S., Brown, E., Price, R. A Novel Method for Endotracheal Intubation of Mice and Rats Used in Imaging Studies. 2005. Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science / American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. 44(2), pp. 52-55. 2) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nded. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 5 - Anesthesia Delivery Systems, p. 161. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mice (Mus musculus)

What procedure is being performed in this photo? a. Tattooing b. Microchip identification placement c. Placement of a tail vein catheter d. Endotracheal intubation

Answer: e. Procedures necessary when exiting the room Reference: Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 5th ed. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 2009. Section V - Vertebrate Animal Biosafety Level Criteria for Vivarium Research Facilities. p. 68. Domain 5

What required information is NOT STATED on this signage on the door of a mouse housing room in which an ABSL2 agent is in use? a. The name of the animal species in use b. After hours (home or cell) contact information for the investigator c. Historical information of infectious agents used previously in this colony d. Soiled cage and waste disposal procedures e. Procedures necessary when exiting the room

Answer: a. False negative results Reference: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd Ed. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 11 - Microbiological Quality Control for Laboratory Rodents and Lagomorphs, p. 489. Domain 3

What set of results do the horizontal lines on this diagram represent assuming the dotted parabolic line is known negatives and the solid parabolic line is known positives? a. False negative results b. Equivocal results c. False positive results d. True negative results e. True positive results

Answer: e. The animal should be euthanized if hunched posture is observed Reference: ILAR Committee on Methods for Producing Monoclonal Antibodies.1999. Monoclonal Antibody Production. National Academy Press, Washington DC. p. 43. Domain 2; Primary Species - Mice (Mus musculus)

What standard is recommended by ILAR to minimize animal distress in the production of monoclonal antibody when using the ascites method in mice? a. Limit pristane priming to less than or equal to 0.2 ml IP b. The animal must be observed twice daily c. Anesthesia must be used during needle harvest of ascites fluid d. Saline must be administered post-harvest of ascites fluid e. The animal should be euthanized if hunched posture and roughened coat is observed

Answer: b. Wistar References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 4 - Biology and Diseases of Rats, pp. 152, 193-194. 2) Suckow MA, Weisbroth SH, Franklin CL, eds. 2006. The Laboratory Rat, 2nd edition. Elsevier Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 15 - Metabolic, Traumatic, and Miscellaneous Diseases, pp. 534-535. Domain 3; Primary Species - Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

What stock of rats has been reported to have a high incidence of seizures and has been used in investigation of audiogenic seizures? a. Albany b. Wistar c. Sprague-Dawley d. Holtzman e. Long-Evans

Answer: b. Body weight References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, pp. 65-67. 2) Heyne et al. 2015. A simple and reliable method for early pregnancy detection in inbred mice. JAALAS 54(4):368-371. Domain 4; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

When breeding mice, using what in combination with plug checks can reduce the false positive rate for pregnancy detection significantly versus relying on plug checks alone? a. Body temperature b. Body weight c. Cortisol levels d. Corticosterone levels e. Progesterone levels

Answer: c. No interaction after 15 minutes References: 1) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Section II - Rabbits, Chapter 9 - Rabbit Colony Management and Related Health Concerns, pp. 230-231. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 10 - Biology and Diseases of Rabbits, p. 420. Domain 4; Primary Species - Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

When breeding rabbits, which of the following behaviors should lead to separation of the animals? a. Male tail-flagging b. Female tail-raising c. No interaction after 15 minutes d. First attempt at copulation

Answer: b. Conditioned fresh air References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, pp. 1556-1557. 2) National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing and Management, pp. 82-83. Domain 4

When designing housing for poikilothermic animals, which of the following considerations is of LEAST concern for animal health? a. Ambient lighting conditions b. Conditioned fresh air c. Habitat water temperature / quality d. Humidity e. Noise and vibration

Answer: a. Calcium blocking action of gentamicin could cause hypotension and prolonged anesthesia Reference: Gargiulo et al. 2012. Mice anesthesia, analgesia, and care, Part I: Anesthetic considerations in preclinical research. ILAR J 53(1): E55-E69. Domain 2; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

When giving gentamicin as a post-operative antibiotic in mice, why is it recommended to wait until the animal fully recovers from anesthesia? a. Calcium blocking action of gentamicin could cause hypotension and prolonged anesthesia b. Gentamicin is only effective in fully awake mice c. Gentamicin can potentially induce hypothermia in anesthetized mice d. Gentamicin is less nephrotoxic in awake mice

Answer: c. At the end of the quarantine period References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations, and Policies Affecting the Use of Laboratory Animals, p. 38 2) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 1 - Biology and Management, Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations and Policies Relating to the Care and Use of Nonhuman Primates, p. 50. 3) 42 CFR, Part 71 - Foreign Quarantine, Subpart F - Importations, §71.53 Requirements for importers of nonhuman primates (http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/retrieveECFR?gp=&r=PART&n=42y1. 4) http://www.cdc.gov/animalimportation/lawsregulations/nonhuman-primates/nprm/questions-answers-importers.html Domain 4

When must antibody testing be done for any Old World primate that exhibit signs consistent with a filovirus infection during quarantine? a. As soon as clinical signs appear b. As soon as clinical signs resolve c. At the end of the quarantine period d. Two weeks after the animal is released into the colony

Answer: d. Low ejection fraction References: 1) Sysa-Shah et al. 2015. Electrocardiographic characterization of cardiac hypertrophy in mice that overexpress the ErbB2tg receptor tyrosine kinase. Comparative Medicine 65(4):295-307. 2) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 16 - Cardiovascular Disease: Mouse Models of Atherosclerosis, p. 555. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

When performing longitudinal cardiovascular phenotyping with conscious mice, electrocardiography IS NOT useful for detecting which of the following conditions? a. Atrial fibrillation b. Cardiac hypertrophy c. Heart block d. Low ejection fraction

Answer: b. Animals may be individually housed with IACUC approval References: 1) Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. Guidelines for the Care and Use of Mammals in Neuroscience and Behavioural Research, Committee on Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Neuroscience and Behavioural Research, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies,. 2003. p.49. 2) Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed. Washington (DC): National Academies Press. p.29. 3) http://www.sai-infusion.com/pages/tethered-primate-system Domain 5; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca spp)

When using the device pictured below, which of the following considerations is correct? a. Habituation is never required as there is minimal impact on the animal's normal behavior b. Animals may be individually housed with IACUC approval c. When used for more than 12 consecutive hours, the device must be removed and the animal allowed at least one continuous hour of unrestrained activity daily d. Animals will always have increased urinary cortisol when the device is being used e. Behavioral assessments are not a reliable method of assessing that an animal has adapted to the device

Answer: b. Ketamine and medetomidine References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd ed. Academic Press: Oxford, UK. Chapter 16 - Biology and Diseases of Swine, pp. 1163-1165. 2) Fish R, Danneman P, Brown M, & Karas A. eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals. 2nd ed. American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine, Academic Press, pp. 420. Domain 3; Primary species - Pig (Sus scrofa domestica)

Which anesthetic combination causes the fewest deleterious cardiovascular effects for the species shown? a. Ketamine and xylazine b. Ketamine and medetomidine c. Telazol and xylazine d. Telazol and dexmedetomidine e. Ketamine and romifidine

Answer: d. NZB x NZW F1 References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine. 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Disease of Mice, p.133. 2) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Mouse Physiology, p. 74. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which animal model is prone to developing immune complex glomerulonephritis as an autoimmune disease resembling human lupus erythematosus? a. CX8B/EiJ b. CX8D/EiJ c. B6DBF1 d. NZB x NZW F1 e. C57BL/6

Answer: b. Enrofloxacin References: 1) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 19 - Pasteurellaceae, pp. 497-498. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto C, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, p. 106. 3) Towne et al. 2014. Elimination of Pasteurella pneumotropica from a mouse barrier facility by using a modified enrofloxacin treatment regimen. JAALAS 53(5):517-522. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which antibiotic has been reported to eradicate Pasteurella pneumotropica in mice? a. Ampicillin b. Enrofloxacin c. Tetracycline d. Tylosin tartarate

Answer: e. Interior References: 1) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 1 - Biology and Management, Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations and Policies Relating to the Care and Use of Nonhuman Primates, pp. 51-52 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations, and Policies Affecting the Use of Laboratory Animals, pp. 36-39. Domain 5

Which federal agency has primary jurisdiction over the importation of this species? a. Treasury b. Defense c. Education d. Health and Human Services e. Interior

Answer: d. Microchipping Reference: 1) Sura et al. 2011. Neoplasia and granulomas surrounding microchip transponders in Damaraland mole rats (Cryptomys damarensis). Vet Pathol 48:896-902. 2) Vascellari et al. 2006. Fibrosarcoma with typical features of postinjection sarcoma at site of microchip implant in a dog: histologic and immunohistochemical study. Vet Pathol 43:545-548. Domain 4

Which identification method has been associated with fibrosarcomas in various animal species? a. Ear tagging b. Ear punching c. Fur coloring d. Microchipping e. Toe clipping

Answer: b. Institutions that engage in large-scale research or production activities involving viable organisms containing recombinant DNA molecules Reference: NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant of Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules, November 2013. National Institutes of Health. Section IV-B-3 - Biological Safety Officer, p. 28. (http://osp.od.nih.gov/sites/default/files/NIH_Guidelines_0.pdf) Domain 5

Which institutions are required to appoint a biological safety officer? a. Every institution that works with biological hazards requires a biological safety officer b. Institutions that engage in large-scale research or production activities involving viable organisms containing recombinant DNA molecules c. Institutions that engage in recombinant DNA research at BSL 2 or higher regardless of program scale d. Any institution utilizing recombinant DNA molecules in research

Answer: c. CO2 exposure for 5 minutes References: 1) American Veterinary Medical Association. "AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition," Part III - Methods of Euthanasia by Species and Environment, S2. Laboratory Animals, p. 50. 2) Hedrich HJ, ed. 2012. The Laboratory Mouse, 2nd edition. Academic Press: Boston, MA. Chapter 5.4 - Anaesthesia, Analgesia and Euthanasia, p. 739-759. Domain 2; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus) and Tertiary Species - Other Rodents

Which is NOT an acceptable method of euthanasia for these animals? a. Hypothermia, as long as the animal is <7 days of age and does not come into direct contact with ice or pre-cooled surfaces b. Injectable barbiturates alone c. CO2 exposure for 5 minutes d. Leaving the animal in utero after euthanizing the dam

Answer: d. Daily melatonin levels References: 1) Wren MA, Dauchy RT, Hanifin JP, et al. 2014. Effect of Different Spectral Transmittances through Tinted Animal Cages on Circadian Metabolism and Physiology in Sprague-Dawley Rats. JAALAS 53(1): 44-51. 2) Dauchy RT, Wren MA, Dauchy EM, et al. 2013. Effect of Spectral Transmittance through Red-Tinted Rodent Cages on Circadian Metabolism and Physiology in Nude Rats. JAALAS 52(6): 745-755. Domain 4; Primary species - Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Which metabolic or physiologic metrics are altered in rats housed in these cages? a. Body growth rates b. Dietary and water intake c. Total fatty acids d. Daily melatonin levels

Answer: e. Maintaining UV sterilization in filtration system Reference: 1) Murray KN, Dreska M, Nasiadka A, Rinne M, Matthews JL, Carmichael C, Bauer J, Varga ZM, Westerfield M. 2011. Transmission, diagnosis, and recommendations for control of Pseudoloma neurophilia infections in laboratory zebrafish (Danio rerio) facilities. Comp Med. 61:322-329. 2) Sanders JL, Watral V, Kent ML. 2012. Microsporidiosis in zebrafish research facilities. ILAR J. 53:106-113. Domain 4; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Which method of sanitation is the most important means of preventing the spread of this organism throughout a fish facility? a. Using an acid wash in a tunnel washer b. Using an alkaline wash in a tunnel washer c. Soaking tanks in 3.175 g/L sodium thiosulfate d. Soaking tanks in 0.7% bleach e. Maintaining UV sterilization in filtration system

Answer: a. Chemical irritation from porphyrin containing lacrimal secretions. References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd ed. Academic Press: Oxford, UK, p. 318. 2) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd edition. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. pp. 210-211. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)

Which of the below have been identified as the likely underlying cause of this condition affecting Meriones unguiculatus? a. Chemical irritation from porphyrin continuing lacrimal secretions b. Demodex infestation c. B12 deficiency d. Infection with Cilia-Associated Respiratory Bacillus

Answer: b. Arises exclusively from liver Reference: Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 1 - Mouse, pp. 120-121. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following IS NOT a characteristic of myoepitheliomas in mice? a. Common in BALB/c and BALB/cBy mice b. Arises exclusively from liver c. Microscopically, tumors are composed of large, pleomorphic spindle cells with epithelial and mesenchymal features d. Rare metastasis to lung and bone marrow

Answer: a. Artificial vagina in trained bovid, canine, lagomorphs, and feline References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 25 - Techniques of Experimentation, pp. 1228-1229. 2) Hedrich, Hans J. 2012. The Laboratory Mouse. Elsevier: San Diego, CA. Chapter 4, pp. 675-682. Domain 3; Primary Species - Dog (Canis familiaris), Rabbit (Orytolagus cuniculus); Secondary Species - Cat (Felis domesticus); and Tertiary Species - Other Livestock

Which of the following IS NOT an acceptable method for semen collection in the respective laboratory animal species? a. Artificial vagina in trained bovid, canine, lagomorphs, and feline b. Rectal probe ejaculation (RPE) in bovid, ovine, canine, equine, non-human primates c. Electrical stimulation of the penis in bovid, ovine, equine, non-human primates d. Post coital uterine flush in an anesthetized mouse e. Collection of rete testis fluid in non-human primates

Answer: a. Chloral hydrate Reference: Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 10 - Anesthesia and Analgesia for Laboratory Rodents, pp. 280-281. Domain 2; Secondary Species - Syrian Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

Which of the following IS NOT considered a safe and effective anesthetic in the Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) due to its significant side effects and development of intra-abdominal adhesions? a. Chloral hydrate b. Ketamine c. Xylazine d. Telazol

Answer: d. Seamless epoxy References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 16 - Biology and Diseases of Swine, p. 697. 2) Committees to Revise the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching. 2010. GUIDE For the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching. 3rd Edition. Federation of Animal Science Societies, Savoy, IL. Chapter 5 - Animal Handling and Transport, p. 49. (http://www.fass.org/docs/agguide3rd/Ag_Guide_3rd_ed.pdf) Domain 4; Primary Species - Pig (Sus scrofa)

Which of the following IS NOT recommended as a flooring substrate for swine? a. Fiberglass slatted flooring b. Plastic coated metal grids c. Rubber mats d. Seamless epoxy e. Straw bedding

Answer: c. Rapidly cooling hot water and then utilizing in recirculating systems References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 20 - Biology and Management of the Zebrafish, pp. 1053-1054. 2) Noga, EJ. 2010. Fish Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment, 2nd edition. Wiley-Blackwell: Ames, IA. Chapter 8 - Diagnoses Made by Either Gross External Examination of Fish, Wet Mounts of Skin/Gills, or Histopathology of Skin/Gills, p. 107. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Which of the following WOULD NOT lead to gas supersaturation of tank/system water and consequent gas bubble disease in zebrafish? a. Pumping water from deep wells for use in recirculating systems b. A leaky pipe supplying water for use in recirculating systems c. Rapidly cooling hot water and then utilizing in recirculating systems d. Injection of air from filters upon water changes in recirculating systems

Answer: c. Isoflurane References: 1) Collymore et al. 2014. Efficacy and safety of 5 anesthetics in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). JAALAS 55(2):198-203. 2) Mathews and Varga. 2012. Anesthesia and euthanasia in zebrafish. ILAR J 53(2):192-204. 3) Neiffer and Stamper. 2009. Fish sedation, anesthesia, analgesia, and euthanasia: considerations, methods, and types of drugs. ILAR J 50(4):343-360. Domain 2

Which of the following agents IS NOT suitable as a sole anesthetic agent for surgical procedures in zebrafish (Danio rerio)? a. Eugenol b. Gradual cooling c. Isoflurane d. Metomidate hydrochloride e. Tricaine methanesulfonate

Answer: b. Chlamydophila References: 1) 2013 AAFP Feline Vaccination Advisory Panel Report. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2013) 15, p. 785-808, http://jfm.sagepub.com/content/15/9/785.full.pdf 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto GM, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 13 - Biology and Diseases of Cats, pp. 567- 570. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Cat (Felis domestica)

Which of the following agents is considered a noncore vaccine in cats? a. Calicivirus b. Chlamydophila c. Herpesvirus d. Parvovirus e. Rabies

Answer: b. 1985: Improved Standards for Laboratory Animals Act Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations, and Policies Affecting the Use of Laboratory Animals, pp. 24-25. Domain 5

Which of the following amendments to the Animal Welfare Act mandated institutional environmental enhancement plans for nonhuman primates? a. 1970: Expands the list of animals covered by the Act b. 1985: Improved Standards for Laboratory Animals Act c. 1976: Traveling, carrier and animal fighting amendments d. 1990: Protection of Pets

Answer: b. Brattleboro rat Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 4 - Biology and Diseases of Rats, p. 152; Chapter 10 - Biology and Diseases of Rabbits, p. 414, 448; Chapter 12 - Biology and Diseases of Dogs, p. 530; and Chapter 16 - Biology and Diseases of Swine, p. 699. Domain 3; Primary Species - Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Which of the following animals is least likely to develop clinical hypercholesterolemia over time? a. Beagle dog b. Brattleboro rat c. Kurosowa and Kusanagi rabbit d. Rapacz FH swine e. WHHL rabbit

Answer: a. Francisella tularensis, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Hantavirus Reference: Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 1 - Biology and Management, Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 18 - Biosafety in Laboratories using Nonhuman Primates, pp. 441-444 Domain 5

Which of the following are classified by APHIS and CDC as select agents category A, B, C respectively? a. Francisella tularensis, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Hantavirus b. Hantavirus, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Francisella tularensis c. Machupo, Lassa, Francisella tularensis d. Ricin toxin, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Francisella tularensis e. Yersinia pestis, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Clostridium perfringens (epsilon toxin).

Answer: d. Measures body temperatures, blood pressures and metabolic rate References: 1) http://www.metris.nl/en/products/laboras 2) Castagne V et al. Differential behavioral profiling of stimulant substances in the rat using the LABORAS™ system Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior. 2012; 101(4)-553-63 Domain 3

Which of the following behaviors or physiologic parameters of mice and rats are not determined/validated by this instrument? a. Normal behaviors such as climbing, locomotion, immobility and rearing b. Normal behaviors such as drinking, grooming and eating c. Special behaviors such as seizures, startle response and head twitches d. Measures body temperatures, blood pressures and metabolic rate

Answer: d. Secretes a white foamy material from the cloacal gland that prolongs sperm motility Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 22 - Japanese Quail as a Laboratory Animal Model, pp. 1087, 1089, 1093. Domain 1; Tertiary Species - Birds

Which of the following best describes a male Coturnix japonica? a. Are slightly larger than females b. Have black speckling on the chest and are slightly larger than females c. Has ZW sex chromosomes d. Secretes a white foamy material from the cloacal gland that prolongs sperm motility

Answer: a. Magnetic resonance imaging References: 1) Johnson. 2008. Introduction to rodent cardiac imaging. ILAR J 49 (1):27-34 (p. 33) 2) Amundsen et al. 2011. A comparison of retrospectively self-gated magnetic resonance imaging and high-frequency echocardiography for characterization of left ventricular function in mice. Laboratory Animals 45(1): 31-37. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following imaging modalities is the leading noninvasive technique for characterizing the structure and function of the irregularly shaped right ventricle in mice? a. Magnetic resonance imaging b. Micro-computed tomography c. Positron emission tomography Ultrasound

Answer: c. Water should be provided through a continual supply of vegetables References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 7- Biology and Diseases of Other Rodents, p. 330. 2) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Section IV - Other Rodents, Chapter 45- Naked Mole Rat, pp. 1066-1067. Domain 4; Tertiary Species - Other Rodents

Which of the following best describes appropriate housing conditions for a research colony of Heterocephalus glaber? a. Climbing enrichment should be provided b. Animals should be singly housed due to their solitary lifestyle in the wild c. Water should be provided through a continual supply of vegetables d. Compared to mice relatively cool temperatures and low humidity are recommended e. A low fat diet should be provided to minimize adenocarcinoma risk

Answer: b. Gerbils thrive on commercial rodent diets but develop high blood cholesterol on diets containing more than 4% fat References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 7 - Biology and Diseases of Other Rodents, pp. 317-318. 2) National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing and Management, p. 44. 3) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Section VI - Other Rodents, Chapter 52 - Gerbils, pp. 1138-1140 Domain 4; Secondary Species - Gerbil (Meriones spp.)

Which of the following best describes husbandry for the gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)? a. Gerbils produce large amounts of urine and feces and therefore need more frequent cleaning than other laboratory rodents b. Gerbils thrive on commercial rodent diets but develop high blood cholesterol on diets containing more than 4% fat c. Gerbils are desert dwelling rodents; therefore The Guide recommends housing them at a dry- bulb temperature of 79-85ºF d. Gerbils develop nasal dermatitis if the relative humidity is maintained below 50%

Answer: c. Hymenolepis diminuta always has an indirect life-cycle. References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto C, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 4 - Biology and Diseases of Rats, pp. 181-185. 2) Suckow MA, Weisbroth SH, Franklin CL, eds. 2006. The Laboratory Rat, 2nd edition. Elsevier Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 13 - Parasitic Diseases, pp. 467-471. Domain 1; Primary Species - Rats (Rattus norvegicus)

Which of the following best describes parasitic infections in rats? a. Rodentolepis nana always has an indirect life cycle b. Trichosomoides crassicauda infestation is diagnosed in live rats by fecal flotation for eggs c. Hymenolepis diminuta always has an indirect life-cycle d. Entamoeba muris is a highly pathogenic amoeba of rats e. Syphacia muris are readily recognized by the four alae present at the anterior end of the body

Answer: c. Sporicidal in both liquid and vapor phase Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, p. 1585 Domain 4

Which of the following best describes peracetic acid? a. High temperature sterilant b. Created with a mechanical generator c. Sporicidal in both liquid and vapor phase d. Ineffective at killing organisms suspended in the air

Answer: c. Causes hemorrhage and necrosis of the proximal duodenum References: 1) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 1 - Viral Diseases of Nonhuman Primates, pp. 47-49. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 - Nonhuman Primates, pp. 871-875. Domain 1; Primary Species - Macaque (Macacca spp.)

Which of the following best describes simian hemorrhagic fever in nonhuman primates? a. Highly contagious, fatal viral disease of macaques caused by a flavivirus b. Causes fatal hemorrhagic fever in a number of African primates, principally the Patas monkey c. Causes hemorrhage and necrosis of the proximal duodenum in macaques d. Lesions differ from those seen in Ebola due to the involvement of the spleen and kidney

Answer b. Exclude the introduction of adventitious infectious agents to animals with a defined health status References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, pp. 1547-1548. 2) Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 5 - Physical Plant, pp. 145-146. Domain 4

Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of barrier facilities? a. Prevent transmission of pathogenic agents from animals contained within the barrier to other animals in a facility b. Exclude the introduction of infectious agents to animals with a defined health status c. Exclude intrusion of specific personnel from working with rodents d. Isolate zoonotic agents within a barrier from research personnel e. Prevent the escape of barrier animals from a facility

Answer: b. Monoestrous, nonseasonal, spontaneous ovulator Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 12 - Biology and Diseases of Dogs, p. 517. Domain 4; Primary Species - Dog (Canis familiaris)

Which of the following best describes the reproductive physiology of the female dog? a. Polyestrous, nonseasonal spontaneous ovulator b. Monoestrus, nonseasonal, spontaneous ovulator c. Polyestrous, seasonal, induced ovulator d. Monoestrous, non-seasonal, induced ovulator e. Monoestrous, seasonal, spontaneous ovulator

Answer: c. Noninvasive, indirect method of studying respiratory function in animals References 1) Raşid et al. 2012. Assessment of routine procedure effect on breathing parameters in mice by using whole-body plethysmography. JAALAS 51(4):469-474 2) Foster et al. 2008. Whole-body plethysmography in African green monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops) with and without jackets. JAALAS 47(5):52-55 Domain 3

Which of the following best describes whole body plethysmography? a. Invasive, direct method of studying respiratory function in animals b. Invasive, direct method for studying cardiac output in animals c. Noninvasive, indirect method of studying respiratory function in animals d. Noninvasive, indirect method of studying cardiac output in animals

Answer: e. Vaporized hydrogen peroxide References: 1) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 9 - Design and Management of Research Facilities of Mice, p. 310. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine. 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, pp. 1584-1585. Domain 4; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following chemicals can be safely used to effectively decontaminate electronic and electrical devices in mouse housing rooms not currently housing animals? a. Chlorine dioxide b. Ethanol c. Quaternary ammonium compounds d. Phenols e. Vaporized hydrogen peroxide

Answer: b. Iodine-based cleanser Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 18 - Biology and Diseases of Amphibians, p. 937 Domain 4; Tertiary Species - Other Amphibians

Which of the following cleaning agents IS NOT safe to use on cages housing Dendrobates spp.? a. 1% Virkon b. Iodine-based cleanser c. 2% bleach d. 70% ethanol

Answer: b. BUN References: 1) Chang et al. 2015. Biochemical and hematologic reference intervals for aged Xenopus laevis in a research colony. JAALAS 54(5): 465-470. 2) Wilson et al. 2011. Serum clinical biochemical and hematologic reference ranges of laboratory reared and wild caught Xenopus laevis. JAALAS 50(5): 635-640. Domain 1; Secondary Species - African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis)

Which of the following clinical pathology analytes has been found to be significantly lower in aged versus young adult Xenopus laevis? a. Amylase b. BUN c. Calcium d. PCV e. Total Protein

Answer: e. Xylazine References: 1) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 14 - Anesthesia and Analgesia of Ruminants, pp. 390-395. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 24 - Preanesthesia, Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Euthanasia, pp. 1173-1174 Domain 3; Secondary Species - Sheep (Ovis aries)

Which of the following drugs has been associated with dose-dependent pulmonary edema and hypoxemia in sheep? a. Acepromazine b. Midazolam c. Morphine d. Telazol e. Xylazine

Answer: a. Atropine References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 24 - Preanesthesia, Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Euthanasia, p. 1150. 2) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Section I - General, Chapter 2 - Anesthesia and Analgesia, p. 35. Domain 2; Primary Species - Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Which of the following drugs may be ineffective in rabbits? a. Atropine b. Dexmedetomidine c. Diazepam d. Glycopyrrolate e. Pentobarbital

Answer: d. ILAR References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations, and Policies Affecting the Use of Laboratory Animals, pp. 34-35. 2) http://dels.nas.edu/global/ilar/Lab-Codes Domain 5; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following entities is in charge of the international registry of laboratory registration codes on behalf of the International Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice? a. AALAS b. APA c. ASLAP d. ILAR e. NABR

Answer: b. Encephalomyocarditis virus References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 - Nonhuman Primates, pp. 868-869, 880-884. 2) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 1 - Viral Diseases of Nonhuman Primates, pp. 3-4, 73 and Chapter 4 - Parasitic Diseases of Nonhuman Primates, pp. 204-206, 220, 222-231 Domain 1; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca spp.) and Secondary Species - Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri sciureus) and Marmoset/Tamarins (Callitrichidae)

Which of the following etiological agents found in nonhuman primates requires a rodent vector, has been reported in Macaca mulatta, Callithrix jacchus, and Saimiri sciureus among others, and is known to interfere with cardiac studies? a. Babesia pitheci b. Encephalomyocarditis virus c. Monkeypox virus d. Strongyloides fulleborni e. Trypanosoma cruzi

Answer: e. Microwave irradiation References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 33 - Factors That Can Influence Animal Research, p. 1460 2) American Veterinary Medical Association. 2013. AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, pp. 20-26, 38-39, 41 (https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf) Domain 2

Which of the following euthanasia agents is commonly used by neuroscientists to fix brain chemicals and metabolites in vivo while maintaining the brain's anatomic integrity? a. Argon b. CO2 c. Decapitation d. Inhalant anesthesia e. Microwave irradiation

Answer: b. Ethyl 3-aminobenzoate methanesulfonic acid References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 21 - Biology and Management of Laboratory Fishes, pp. 1075-1076. 2) Matthews and Varga. 2012. Anesthesia and euthanasia in zebrafish. ILAR J 53(2):192-204. Domain 2; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Which of the following euthanasia methods can cause acidosis and decrease the cerebral concentrations of sodium and potassium in zebrafish? a. Carbon dioxide inhalation b. Ethyl 3-aminobenzoate methanesulfonic acid c. Eugenol or clove oil d. Quinaldine e. Thermal shock (cooling the water)

Answer: d. Avoiding extracorporeal reflection of the small intestine during the surgical exposure Resources: 1) Damle SR, Krzyzanowska A, Frawley RJ, and Cunningham ME.2013. Surgical Anatomy, Transperitoneal Approach, and Early Postoperative Complications of a Ventral Lumbar Spine Surgical Model in Lewis Rats. Comp Med 63(5) p. 409-415. 2) Rousseau MA, Bass EC, Lotz JC. 2004. Ventral Approach to the Lumbar Spine of the Sprague-Dawley Rat. Lab Anim (NY). 33: p. 43-45. Domain 3; Primary Species - Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Which of the following helps prevent complications in the spinal procedure in rats shown below? a. Widening the exposure of the lumbar spine b. Withholding post-operative fluid therapy c. Cooling the body temperature to 18 degrees C during surgery d. Avoiding extracorporeal reflection of the small intestine during the exposure

Answer: a. Bioluminescence References: 1) Zinn et al. 2008. Non-invasive bioluminescence imaging in small animals. ILAR J 49(1):103-115. 2) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 14 - In-Vivo Whole-Body Imaging of the Laboratory Mouse. pp. 506-507. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following imaging modalities will an investigator most likely use after giving an intraperitoneal injection of this compound to mice? a. Bioluminescence b. High-frequency Ultrasound c. MicroCT d. MRI

Answer: c. Removable intestinal tie-adult rabbit diarrhea References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto C, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 25 - Techniques of Experimentation, p. 1221. 2) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Section II - Rabbits, Chapter 18 - The Rabbit as an Experimental Model, pp. 546-548 Domain 3; Primary Species - Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Which of the following in rabbits is a model of colibacillosis? a. Ileal loop ligation b. Injection of either E. coli organisms or LPS into the marginal ear vein c. Removable intestinal tie-adult rabbit diarrhea d. Thiry fistula e. Thiry-Vella loop fistula

Answer: b. Gas detector References: 1) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 7 - Gnotobiotics, p. 223. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto C, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 26 - Gnotobiotics, p. 1277. Domain 3

Which of the following instruments is most commonly used to test a gnotobiotic isolator for leakage prior to use? a. Balometer b. Gas detector c. Geiger counter d. Hygrometer e. Particle detector

Answer: a. Algorithms used to compare BIS are based on human data References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 24 - Preanesthesia, Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Euthanasia, pp. 1184-1185. 2) Jaber et al. 2015. Comparison of heart rate and blood pressure with toe pinch and bispectral index for monitoring the depth of anesthesia in piglets. JAALAS 54(5):536-544. Domain 2

Which of the following is a drawback to the use of bispectral index (BIS) for anesthetic depth monitoring of laboratory animals? a. Algorithms used to compare BIS are based on human data b. It is an invasive procedure c. There is no data to support its use in common laboratory animals d.It can only be used for injectable anesthetic regimens

Answer: d. High in protein and dietary fat References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 14 - Biology and Diseases of Ferrets, pp. 583-584. 2) Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW, Eds. 2012. Ferrets, Rabbits, and rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery. Elsevier: St. Louis, MO. Chapter 1 - Basic Anatomy, Physiology, and Husbandry, pp. 10-11. Domain 4; Secondary Species - Ferret (Mustela putorious furo)

Which of the following is a recommended characteristic of diets fed to ferrets in the laboratory? a. High in complex carbohydrates b. High in fiber and dietary fat c. High in fish products d. High in protein and dietary fat

Answer: d. Cytomegalovirus References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 - Nonhuman Primates, pp. 863-871. 2) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 1 - Vial Diseases, pp. 12-13, 19-20, 43-46, 57-60. Domain 1

Which of the following is an enveloped DNA virus that has been detected in nonhuman primates? a. Poliovirus b. Simian Retrovirus type 1 c. Measles virus d. Cytomegalovirus e. Dengue virus

Answer. b BXD-1/Ty References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine. 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Disease of Mice, p. 52. 2) The Jackson Laboratory. 2009. The Jackson Laboratory Handbook on Genetically Standardized Mice. 6th edition. The Jackson Laboratory. Bar Harbor, ME. Chapter 3 D.2.c. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mice (Mus musculus)

Which of the following is an example of a recombinant inbred strain? a. DBA/2J b. BXD-1/Ty c. CcS1 d. B6C3F1 e. Hsd:ICR

Answer: d. Lateral port model Reference: McCully et al. 2015. Development of a cerebrospinal fluid lateral reservoir model in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Comparative Medicine 65(1):77-82. Domain 3

Which of the following is another name for the Ommaya reservoir? a. Cardiovascular reserve capacity b. Cisternal pressure decompressor c. Hepatocellular regeneration capacity d. Lateral port model e. Ventricular perfusion catheter

Answer: a. Highly efficient DNA repair capabilities and small genome volume Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 11 - Microbiological Quality Control For Laboratory Rodents And Lagomorphs, p. 473 Domain 4

Which of the following is attributed to the high resistance of parvoviruses to disinfection with UV and gamma irradiation? a. Highly efficient DNA repair capabilities and small genome volume b. Small size of the organism c. Solubility and structure d. Association with dirt and organic matter e. Lack of an envelope

Answer: a. Valid relationship between patient, client, and veterinarian References: 1) Committees to Revise the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching. 2010. GUIDE For the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching. 3rd Edition. Federation of Animal Science Societies, Savoy, IL. Chapter 3 - Husbandry, Housing, and Biosecurity, p. 13 (http://www.fass.org/docs/agguide3rd/Ag_Guide_3rd_ed.pdf) 2) U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act of 1994 (AMDUCA). http://www.fda.gov/RegulatoryInformation/Legislation/SignificantAmendmentstotheFDCAct/AnimalMedicinalDrugUseClarificationActAMDUCAof1994/default.htm. Accessed 21 Dec 2015. Domain 5

Which of the following is considered a minimum necessary standard for extra-label drug use? a. Valid veterinary, client, patient relationship b. Only FDA-approved drugs for the species in question may be utilized c. Any extra-label drug usage is permissible as long as it is prescribed by a licensed veterinarian d. The route and dose of the drug must be consistent with the product label

Answer: e. Bacillus subtillis endospores References: 1) U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of Health. 2009. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories. 5th ed. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Appendix B - Decontamination and Disinfection, pp. 326-335. (http://www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications/bmbl5/BMBL5_appendixB.pdf) 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine. 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 11 - Microbiological Quality Control for Laboratory Rodents and Lagomorphs, pp. 474-475. Domain 4

Which of the following is most resistant to germicidal chemicals or disinfectants? a. Pseudomonas aeruginosa b. Herpes simplex virus c. Enterococci d. Poliovirus e. Bacillus subtillis endospores

Answer: d. 0.25 ft2/animal; 23°C References: 1) Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, p. 60. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 22 - Japanese Quail as a Laboratory Animal Model, pp. 1094-1095. Domain 4; Tertiary Species - Other Birds

Which of the following is the most appropriate combination of floor space and environmental temperature to house Japanese quail?? a. 1 ft2/animal; 29°C b. 0.75 ft2/animal; 27°C c. 0.5 ft2/animal; 20°C d. 0.25 ft2/animal; 23°C

Answer: e. Taenopygia guttata References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 23 - Zebra Finches in Biomedical Research, pp. 1110-1111. 2) Snyder et al. 2013. Increased mortality in a colony of zebra finches exposed to continuous light. JAALAS 52(3):301-307. Domain 3; Tertiary Species - Other Birds

Which of the following is the most frequently used song bird in the laboratory? a. Columba livia domestica b. Gallus gallus domestica c. Serinus canaries d. Sturnus vulgaris e. Taenopygia guttata

Answer: b. Nestbox References: 1) Committees to Revise the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching. 2010. GUIDE For the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching. 3rd Edition. Federation of Animal Science Societies, Savoy, IL. Chapter 4 - Environmental Enrichment. pp. 33-34. (http://www.fass.org/docs/agguide3rd/Ag_Guide_3rd_ed.pdf) 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 38 - Laboratory Animal Behavior, pp. 1638-1639. Domain 4; Tertiary Species - Chicken (Gallus domesticus)

Which of the following is the most important physical enrichment for laying hens? a. Overhead cover b. Nestbox c. Foraging materials d. Hanging strings e. Dustbaths

Answer: c. Neostigmine References: 1) Gargiulo et al. 2012. Mice Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Care, Part I: Anesthetic Considerations in Preclinical Research. ILAR J. 53(1): E55-E69. 2) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 10 - Anesthesia and Analgesia for Laboratory Rodents, p. 267. Domain 2

Which of the following is the reversal drug for pancuronium? a. Atipamezole b. Doxapram c. Neostigmine d. Yohimbine

Answer: b. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, pp. 1564-1565. 2) Hessler JR, Lehner NDM, eds. 2009. Planning and Designing Research Animal Facilities. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 34 - Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC): Special Considerations, pp. 461-462. Domain 4

Which of the following is the single most expensive component of a modern vivarium, both in initial acquisition and life cycle costs? a. Caging/housing system b. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system c. Humidifying, ventilation, and air conditioning system d. Records management system

Answer: b. Morbidity and mortality among weanlings Reference: Braden et al. 2015. A novel α-hemolytic Streptococcus species (Streptococcus azizii sp. nov.) associated with meningoencephalitis in naïve weanling C57BL/6 mice. Comparative Medicine 65(3):186-195. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following is the typical presentation of Streptococcus azizii infection in mice? a. Morbidity and mortality among neonatal mice P1-3 b. Morbidity and mortality among weanlings c. Subclinical infection in immunocompetent mice of all ages General ill thrift in adult mice

Answer: d. Allows for independent testing of both sides of the body References: 1) Chum HH, Jampachairsri K, McKeon GP, Yeomans DC, Pacharinsak C, Felt SA. Antinociceptive effects of sustained-release buprenorphine in a model of incisional pain in rats (Rattus norvegicus). J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2014 Mar;53(2):193-7. 2) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 23- Pain Testing in the Laboratory Mouse, p. 552 Domain 2; Primary Species- Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Which of the following is true about this assay? a. Measures mechanical hypersensitivity (grams force) b. Repeat testing affects the latency for paw withdrawal c. A cut-off point to prevent tissue damage is not needed d. Allows for independent testing of both sides of the body Increases the number of animals required for a given experiment

Answer: b. Von Frey filament tests mechanical stimuli References: 1) Chum, HH, et al. 2014. Antinociceptive effects of sustained-release buprenorphine in a model of incisional pain in rats (Rattus norvegicus). JAALAS 53(2): 193. 2) Mert, T, and Y Gunes. 2012. Antinociceptive activities of lidocaine and the Nav2.8 blocker A803467 in diabetic rats. JAALAS 51(5): 579. 3) Kolstad, AM, et al. 2012. Effect of pain management on immunization efficacy in mice. JAALAS 51(4): 448. 4) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ eds. 2008. Anesthesia and analgesia in laboratory animals. 2nd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 23 - Pain Testing in the Laboratory Mouse, p 550 and 552. Domain 3; Primary species -- Rattus norvegicus

Which of the following is true regarding the rat pictured below? a. Filament test for whisker response is being performed b. Von Frey filament tests mechanical stimuli c. A hotplate test would be less reliable as it tests for thermal stimuli d. Tail clip test would be more reliable as it tests for thermal stimuli e. The investigator is assessing the rat grimace scale

Answer: c. Mice typically require less training to perform this test than tests that involve lever-pressing and/or food restriction. References: 1) Guidelines for the Use of Mammals in Neuroscience and Behavior Research, 2003, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC. p118-119. 2) Vorhees, CV and Williams, MT. 2014. Assessing Spatial Learning and Memory in Rodents. ILAR 55 (2) p 310-328. Domain 3; Primary species - Mice (Mus musculus)

Which of the following is true regarding the use of the apparatus pictured above in rodents? a. It is primarily used to study depression. b. It is primarily used to evaluate neuromuscular function by testing swimming ability. c. Mice typically require less training to perform this test than tests that involve lever-pressing and/or food restriction. d. Animals must be removed immediately if they become immobile to prevent drowning. e. It is primarily used to induce stress.

Answer: d. ASLAP References: 1) http://www.aslap.org/about 2) https://www.avma.org/About/Governance/Pages/AVMA-Governance-Organizations-Represented-in-AVMA-House-of-Delegates.aspx Domain 6

Which of the following laboratory animal organizations has representation within the AVMA's House of Delegates? a. AAALAC b. AALAS c. ACLAM d. ASLAP e. FBR

Answer: b. Marmota monax Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 8 - The Laboratory Woodchuck, p. 367. Domain 1; Tertiary Species - Other Rodents

Which of the following laboratory animal species is the reservoir for the Powassan virus, a flavivirus which can cause a fatal encephalitis in humans? a. Cynomys ludovicianus b. Marmota monax c. Mus musculus d. Rattus norvegicus e. Sigmodon hispidus

Answer: a. Elimination of hazard, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, PPE References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 30 - Occupational Health of Laboratory Animal Workers, p. 1389. 2) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Workplace Safety and Health Topics. Hierarchy of Controls. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/hierarchy/ Domain 4

Which of the following lists the hierarchy of controls from the most effective to the least effective in controlling biological hazards? a. Elimination of hazard, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, PPE b. Elimination of the hazard, PPE, engineering controls, administrative controls, substitution c. Elimination of the hazard, substitution, PPE, engineering controls, administrative controls. d. Elimination of the hazard, engineering controls, PPE, administrative controls, substitution

Answer: e. P. simium References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 - Nonhuman Primates, p. 882. 2) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 5 - Nonhuman Primate Models for Human Malaria Research, pp. 310-311. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri sciureus) and Marmoset/Tamarins (Callitrichidae)

Which of the following malarial parasites is indigenous to new world monkeys? a. P. knowlesi b. P. pitheci c. P. reichenowi d. P. schwetzi e. P. simium

Answer: b. Concomitant measles infection, or a recent history of measles vaccination, may result in a false-positive reaction References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto C, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 - Nonhuman Primates, p. 857. 2) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases of Nonhuman Primates, pp. 114-115 Domain 4

Which of the following may give rise to a false-negative reaction to an intradermal tuberculin test in nonhuman primates? a. Animals exposed to Freund's Complete Adjuvant b. Concomitant measles infection or a recent history of measles vaccination c. Infection with atypical mycobacterium d. Nonspecific reactivity to the vehicle e. Trauma due to improper administration of the test

Answer: b. Between 5 and 30 ft candles (54-354 lux) at tank level References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 20 - The Biology and Management of Zebrafish, p. 1027. 2) Koeber and Kalishman. 2009. Preparing for a semiannual IACUC inspection of a satellite zebrafish facility. JAALAS 48(1):65-75. Domain 4; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Which of the following meet general recommendations for lighting in zebrafish facilities? a. Between 10 and 40 ft candles (107-430 lux) at tank level b. Between 5 and 30 ft candles (54-354 lux) at tank level c. Between 10 and 40 ft candles (107-430 lux) at ceiling level d. Between 10 and 30 ft candles (107-354 lux) at ceiling level Between 5 and 30 ft candles (54-354 lux) at ceiling level

Answer: a. Injectable ethanol References: 1) Allen-Worthington KH, Brice AK, Marx JO, and Hankenson FK. 2015. Intraperitoneal injection of ethanol for the euthanasia of laboratory mice (Mus musculus) and rats (Rattus norvegicus). JAALAS 54 (6):769-778. 2) American Veterinary Medical Association. 2013. AVMA guidelines for the euthanasia of animals, 8th ed. Schaumburg (IL): American Veterinary Medical Association. Domain 2; Primary species- Mus musculus.

Which of the following methods of euthanasia is considered "acceptable with conditions" in the species pictured? a. Injectable ethanol b. Injectable ketamine/xylazine combination c. Inhaled nitrogen d. Injectable opioids

Answer: c. BALB/c Reference: Bewley. 2014 Animal models of Q fever (Coxiella burnetti). Comparative Medicine. 63(6):469-476. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following mouse strains exhibit accumulation of Coxiella burnetti in the placenta, abortion, stillbirth, perinatal death, and endocarditis when infected with organism? a. AKR/J b. DBA/2J c. BALB/c d. SEC/ReJ e. C3H/HeN

Answer: d. Splenic fibrosis References: 1) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd edition. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, IA. Chapter 1- Mouse, page 27. 2) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research: Diseases, 2nd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3- Mousepox, page 79. Domain 1, primary species (mouse)

Which of the following pathologic findings is commonly seen in mice that have recovered from the disease shown in the above picture? a. Bone marrow necrosis b. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis c. Chronic hyperplastic typhlocolitis d. Splenic fibrosis

Answer: d. MRL/MpJ References: 1) Currer JM et al. 2009. Handbook on Genetically Standardized Mice, 6th Edition. The Jackson Laboratory: Bar Harbor, Maine. Chapter 4 - Characteristics of Popular Strains of JAX® Mice, Including Reproductive Performance, pp. 8996, 112, 118, 133 2) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume IV - Immunology. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 11 - The Genetics of Mouse Models of Systemic Lupus, pp. 244-246. 3) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, pp. 134-135 4) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 1 - Mouse, pp. 4-6 Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following mouse strains has a lymphoproliferation mutation and is used as an animal model for rheumatoid arthritis and system lupus erythematosus? a. BALB/c b. C57BL/6 c. FVB d. MRL/MpJ e. SJL/J

Answer: d. C57BL/6 References: 1) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 1 - Mouse, p. 59. 2) Garrett et al. 2014. Effects of medicated diet to eradicate Helicobacter spp. on growth, pathology, and infection status in Rag1-/- and nude mice. JAALAS 53(3):238-245. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following mouse strains is hepatitis-resistant when infected with Helicobacter hepaticus? a. A/JCr b. BALB/cANCr c. C3H/HeNCr d. C57BL/6 e. SJL/NCr

Answer. b. Room air change rates vary depending on numerous factors including the heat load of the room References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, pp. 1564-1566. 2) Geertsema and Lindsell. 2015. Effect of room ventilation rates in rodent rooms with direct-exhaust IVC systems. JALAAS 54(5):521-526. Domain 4

Which of the following must be considered during the design of animal room ventilation systems? a. Room air change rates of 4 to 6 air changes per hour are recommended in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals b. Room air change rates vary depending on numerous factors including the heat load of the room c. Positive pressure differentials as low as 0.02 inches of water column may be associated with difficulties in opening doors. d. Positive pressure differentials from rooms to corridors are required for spaces housing volatile chemicals or biohazards

Answer: c. The female rat has distinct vaginal and urethral openings. References: 1) Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, and Fox JG, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd Edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 25-Techniques of Experimentation, p.1222 2) Suckow MA, Weisbroth SH, and Franklin CL, eds. 2006. The Laboratory Rat, 2nd Edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 4 - Morphophysiology, p. 115 Domain 3; Primary Species -Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Which of the following must be considered when collecting a urine sample from rats using the technique depicted? a. Intraluminal ureteral bleeding may occur resulting in occlusion of the catheter with blood clots. b. Male rats ejaculate after urethral catheterization resulting in plugging of the catheter with coagulum. c. The female rat has distinct vaginal and urethral openings. d. Due to curves in the male rat urethra, a curved-tip catheter is recommended. e. The urethra of the female rat is essentially impossible to catheterize.

Answer: a. Cardiomyopathy References: 1) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 7 - Hematopoietic, Cardiovascular, Lymphoid, and Mononuclear Phagocyte Systems of Nonhuman Primates, p. 372. 2) Knowlen et al. 2013. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in owl monkeys (Aotus spp.). Comparative Medicine 63(3):279-287 Domain 1; Secondary Species - Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri sciureus) and Tertiary Species - Other Nonhuman Primates

Which of the following naturally occurring conditions is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in owl monkeys? a. Cardiomyopathy b. Metabolic syndrome c. Neoplasia d. Plasmodium spp. e. Renal disease

Answer: a. Aotus lemurinus References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW, eds. 2002. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 2nd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 16 - Nonhuman Primates, pp. 683, 686, 694, 706, 713. 2) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 1 - Biology and Management, Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 8 - Reproduction and Breeding of Nonhuman Primates, pp. 215-218 3) Bardi et al. 2014. Parity modifies endocrine hormones in urine and problem-solving strategies of captive owl monkeys (Aotus spp.). Comparative Medicine 64(6):486-495 Domain 4; Tertiary Species - Other Nonhuman Primates

Which of the following nonhuman primate species is monogamous? a. Aotus lemurinus b. Callithrix jacchus c. Pan paniscus d. Papio anubis e. Saimiri boliviensis

Answer: b. Foundation for Biomedical Research Reference: http://fbresearch.org/about-fbr/ Domain 6

Which of the following organizations has a mission "to educate people about the essential role humans and responsible animal research plays in the quest for medical advancements, treatments and cures for both people and animals?" a. Americans for Medical Progress b. Foundation for Biomedical Research c. National Association for Biomedical Research d. Speaking of Research

Answer: a. Beagle Freedom Project Reference: http://www.identitycampaign.org/ Domain 6

Which of the following organizations has recently used "The Identify Campaign" as a fund raiser which "adopts" animals to donors and provides information to the donor on how to obtain additional information on their "adopted" pet from the institution through an open records request? a. Beagle Freedom Project b. Beagle Rescue League c. Humane Society of the United States d. National Biomedical Research Association e. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Answer: d. Pseudoloma neurophila References: 1) Kent et al. 2012. Documented and potential research impacts of subclinical diseases in zebrafish. ILAR J 53(2):126-134. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 20 - The Biology and Management of the Zebrafish, p. 1045-1047. Domain 1; Primary Species - Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Which of the following pathogens in zebrafish would be analogous to Encephalitozoon cuniculi in rabbits? a. Mycobacterium marinum b. Myxidium spp. c. Pseudocapillaria tomentosa d. Pseudoloma neurophila

Answer: a. Alpha 2u-globulin, Rat n1 References: 1) Committee on Occupational Safety and Health in Research Animal Facilities, Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council. 1997. Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals. National Academy Press, DC. Chapter 4 - Allergens, pp. 53-56. 2) Suckow MA, Weisbroth SH, Franklin CL, eds. 2006. The Laboratory Rat, 2nd edition. Elsevier Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 - Occupational Health and Safety in the Laboratory rat, p. 567. Domain 5; Primary Species - Rat (Ratttus norvegicus)

Which of the following rat urine proteins is responsible for the allergic reactions of many research and animal care personnel? a. Alpha 2u-globulin, Rat n 1 b. Alpha 2u-globulin, Rat m 1 c. P53 protein, Rat r 1 d. P53 protein, Rat m 3 e. P53 protein, Rat n 1

Answer: c. Veterinary care Reference: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/vaschecklist.pdf Domain 3

Which of the following sections is no longer required for the Vertebrate Animal Section of an NIH application? a. Description of animals and how they will be used b. Justifications for using animals c. Veterinary care d. Provisions to minimization of pain and distress e. Euthanasia

Answer: b. Gallus domesticus Reference: Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, p. 48. Domain 4; Tertiary Species - Chicken (Gallus domesticus)

Which of the following species WILL NOT eat in low light or darkness, thus requiring a restriction on these time periods due to welfare concerns? a. Chinchilla lanigera b. Gallus domesticus c. Meriones unguiculatus d. Mesocricetus auratus Taeniopygia guttata

Answer: e. Mesocricetus auratus References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 5 - Biology and Diseases of Hamsters, p. 212. 2) Suckow MA, Stevens KA, Wilson RP, eds. 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Section IV - Hamsters, 27 - Anatomy, Physiology, and Behavior, p. 755. Domain 3; Secondary Species - Syrian Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

Which of the following species is used as a model for the evaluation of human oral cancer development because of its "immunologically privileged" cheek pouches? a. Cavia porcellus b. Heterocephalus glaber c. Marmota monax d. Meriones unguiculatus e. Mesocricetus auratus

Answer: e. Macaca radiata Reference: Chaudhari et al. 2014. Echography of the cervix and uterus during the proliferative and secretory phases of the menstrual cycle in bonnet monkeys (Macaca radiata). JAALAS 53(1):18-23. Domain 1; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca spp.)

Which of the following species produces abundant cervical mucus that is visible on ultrasound? a. Macaca arctoides b. Macaca fascicularis c. Macaca mulatta d. Macaca nemestrina e. Macaca radiata

Answer: a. Callithrix jacchus References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 - Nonhuman Primates, p. 782. 2) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 1 - Biology and Management, Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 10 - Nutrient Requirements and Dietary Husbandry Principles for Captive Nonhuman Primates, pp. 278-279. Domain 4; Secondary Species - Marmoset/Tamarins (Callitrichidae)

Which of the following species require a dietary source of vitamin D3 and ascorbic acid? a. Callithrix jacchus b. Colobus angolensis c. Hylobates lar d. Macaca mulatta e. Presbytis cristata

Answer: d. Potential for contamination with pesticides is higher in natural ingredient diets compared to purified diets References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 12 - Biology and Diseases of Dogs, pp. 515-516. 2) National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, pp. 65-67 Domain 4

Which of the following statements applies to both natural ingredient and purified diets? a. Although nutrient ingredients are fixed bioavailability may be altered due to oxidation and nutrient interactions b. Bioavailability of nutrients is limited in both diets due to the presence of tannins, lignins and phytates c. Both are inexpensive to manufacture d. Potential for contamination with pesticides is higher in natural ingredient diets compared to purified diets e. Purified diets are prepared using elemental compounds

Answer: b. Governs the use of all vertebrate animals in research, research training, or testing that is funded by the Public Health Service References: 1) Silverman et al. 2015. Decision making and the IACUC: part 1 - protocol information discussed at full-committee reviews. JAALAS 54(4):745-755. 2) Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare. 2015. Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, pp. 1-3. (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/references/PHSPolicyLabAnimals.pdf) 3) Fox JG LC, Anderson, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations, and Policies Affecting the Use of Laboratory Animals, p. 30. Domain 5

Which of the following statements applies to the Health Research Extension Act of 1985? a. Governs the use of all animals (invertebrate and vertebrate) in research, research training, or testing that is funded by the Public Health Service b. Governs the use of all vertebrate animals in research, research training, or testing that is funded by the Public Health Service c. Governs the use of all animals (invertebrate and vertebrate) in research, research training, or testing regardless of funding source d. Governs the use of all vertebrate animals in research, research training, or testing regardless of funding source

Answer b: α-1,3 Gal is present in most mammals but not in humans and old world monkeys Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 16 - Biology and Diseases of Swine, p. 707 Domain 1; Primary Species - Pig (Sus scrofa)

Which of the following statements best describes hyperacute rejection in xenotransplantation from animal to human partially driven by natural antibodies that recognize the sugar moiety α-1,3 Gal? a. α-1,3 Gal is present in pigs, humans and NHP only b. α-1,3 Gal is present in most mammals but not in humans and old world monkeys c. The development of the Gal-knockout pig has completely resolved rejection associated with pig to NHP xenografts d. α-1,3 Gal is not associated with rejection in xenotransplantation e. α-1,3 Gal is the major factor involved in chronic rejection of NHP to human xenografts

Answer: b. Reducing allergens is the primary method for reducing the incidence and relieving symptoms of animal allergies; allergens can be removed by switching from open cages to filter-top cages and further reduced with IVC systems Reference: Lindsell and Geertsema. 2015. Effects of room ventilation rates in rodent rooms with direct-exhaust IVC systems. JAALAS 54(5):521-526. Domain 4

Which of the following statements best describes allergies to laboratory animals as an important occupational disease? a. Reducing allergens is the primary method for reducing the incidence and relieving symptoms of animal allergies; the type of rodent caging used has no impact on mouse allergens b. Reducing allergens is the primary method for reducing the incidence and relieving symptoms of animal allergies; allergens can be removed by switching from open cages to filter-top cages and further reduced with IVC systems c. Increasing allergens is the primary method for reducing the incidence and relieving symptoms of animal allergies; allergens can be increased by switching from open cages to filter-top cages and further reduced with IVC systems d. Reducing allergens is the primary method for reducing the incidence and relieving symptoms of animal allergies; allergens can be removed by switching from IVC systems to filter-top cages

Answer: c. Least common leukocyte, contain lobulated nuclei and are difficult to differentiate from mast cells References: 1) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 5 - Hematology of the Laboratory Mouse, p. 150. 2) O'Connell et al. 2015. Practical murine hematopathology: a comparative review and implications for research. Comparative Medicine 65(2):96-113. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following statements best describes basophils in murine peripheral blood? a. Most common leukocyte, contain lobulated nuclei and easily differentiated from mast cells b. Most common leukocyte, contain ovoid nuclei and are difficult to differentiate from mast cells c. Least common leukocyte, contain lobulated nuclei and are difficult to differentiate from mast cells d. Least common leukocyte, contain lobulated nuclei are easily differentiated from mast cells e. Least common leukocyte, contain ovoid nuclei and are difficult to differentiate from mast cells

Answer: c. Reduced genetic diversity can change the means and variability of biomedical traits References: 1) Vinson and Raboin. 2015. A practical approach for designing breeding groups to maximize genetic diversity in a large colony of captive rhesus macaques (Macaca Mulatta). JAALAS 54(6):700-707. 2) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 1 - Biology and Management, Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 11- Animal Identification and Record Keeping for Nonhuman Primates: Current Practice and Use, p. 288. Domain 4; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca spp.)

Which of the following statements best describes breeding of rhesus macaques in the U.S.A.? a. Replacement breeders are readily available for import from India b. There is no need for practical genetic management protocols for this species c. Reduced genetic diversity can change the means and variability of biomedical traits d. Accurate pedigree information can be obtained by observing breeding habits in a multi-male, multi-female colony

Answer: b. Fel d 1 is the major cat allergen, produced in sebaceous glands and saliva, and is found in all cats Reference: Committee on Occupational Safety and Health in Research Animal Facilities, Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council. 1997. Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals. National Academy Press, DC. Chapter 4 - Allergens, pp. 57-58. Domain 5; Secondary Species - Cat (Felis domestica)

Which of the following statements best describes cat allergens? a. Fel d 1- the major cat allergen -is produced in sebaceous glands, urine and saliva b. Fel d 1 is the major cat allergen, produced in sebaceous glands and saliva, and is found in all cats c. Fel b 1 is the major cat allergen, produced in sebaceous glands, urine and saliva d. Fel b 1 is the major cat allergen, produced in sebaceous glands and saliva, and is found in all cats

Answer: c. Environmental enrichment strategies should elicit species specific behavior References: 1) Collymore et al. 2015. The behavioral effects of single housing and environmental enrichment on adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). JAALAS 54(3):280-285. 2) Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, pp. 82-83. 3) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 20 - The Biology and Management of the Zebrafish, p. 1023. Domain 4; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Which of the following statements best describes environmental enrichment strategies for adult zebrafish? a. Environmental enrichment strategies in zebrafish should not include artificial material b. Environmental enrichment strategies for zebrafish are well established in the literature c. Environmental enrichment strategies should elicit species specific behavior d. Environmental enrichment strategies should only be used for group housed zebrafish e. Environmental enrichment strategies should only be used for juvenile zebrafish

Answer: b. Oral formulation had low circulating levels of the drug Reference: Bauer et al. 2015. Pharmacokinetics of 3 formulations of meloxicam in cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis). JAALAS 53(5):502-511. Domain 3; Primary Species - Macaque (Macaca spp.)

Which of the following statements best describes findings from a recent study evaluating the pharmacokinetics of several formulations of meloxicam in cynomolgus macaques? a. Sustained released formulations generated the lowest plasma concentrations for the shortest period of time b. Oral formulation had low circulating levels of the drug c. Intramuscular formulation, both over 3 d and as a single dose, provided higher plasma levels and a shorter duration than did a sustained-release subcutaneous formulation d. All of the above are correct

Answer: b. Occurs at a greater incidence in C57BL/6 mice fed a high fat diet References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, p. 130. 2) Hampton et al. 2015. Ulcerative dermatitis in C57BL/6NCrl mice on a low-fat or high-fat diet with or without a mineralized red-algae supplement. JALAAS 54(5):487-496. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following statements best describes ulcerative dermatitis in mice? a. An idiopathic disease of C3H/HeJ mice associated with a variety of environmental factors b. Occurs at a greater incidence in C57BL/6 mice fed a high fat diet c. Characterized by intense pruritis and lesion formation concentrated on the rear limbs and tail d. Occurs most common in outbred rats and responds to dietary vitamin E supplementation

Answer: b. A lower dose of radiation should be used for X-ray irradiation References: 1) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 13 - Biomethodology and Surgical Techniques, pp. 453-454. 2) Gibson et al. 2015. Comparison of cesium-137 and x-ray irradiators by using bone marrow transplant reconstitution in C57BL/6J mice. Comparative Medicine 65(3):165-172. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following statements best describes irradiation of mice for bone marrow ablation? a. X-ray irradiators utilize radioisotopes such as Cs-137 b. A lower dose of radiation should be used for X-ray irradiation c. A lower dose of radiation should be used for gamma-ray irradiation d. Two common types of irradiators are cesium-irradiators and gamma-ray irradiators e. BALB/c mice are highly resistant to irradiation

Answer: d. Pathophysiology involves elevated levels of intracellular calcium References: 1) Fish, RE, Brown, MJ, Danneman, PJ, Karas, AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 15 - Anesthesia and Analgesia in Swine, pp. 425-426. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto GM, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 16 - Biology and Diseases of Swine, pp. 752-753 3) Swindle MM. 2007. Swine in the Laboratory, 2nd edition. CRC Press: Boca Raton FL. Chapter 2 - Anesthesia, analgesia, and Perioperative Care p. 47. Domain 1; Primary Species - Pig (Sus scrofa)

Which of the following statements best describes malignant hyperthermia in swine? a. Condition is most commonly reported in miniature swine b. No known genetic basis for the condition c. Clinical signs include decreasing end-tidal CO2, bradycardia, and metabolic alkalosis d. Pathophysiology involves elevated levels of intracellular calcium

Answer: b. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulates the protection of workers against illness or injury resulting from unsafe working conditions References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 2 - Laws, Regulations and Policies Affecting the Use of Laboratory Animals, p. 40 and Chapter 27 - Working Safely With Experimental Animals Exposed To Biohazards, pp. 1308-1309 2) Committee on Occupational Safety and Health in Research Animal Facilities, Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council. 1997. Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals. National Academy Press, DC. Chapter 2 - Program Design and Management, p. 25. Domain 5

Which of the following statements best describes regulations regarding hazardous substances? a. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health regulates the Occupational Safety and Health Administration b. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulates the protection of workers against illness or injury resulting from unsafe working conditions c. The United States Department of Agriculture plans, directs and coordinates national programs to develop occupational safety and health standards. d. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention provides recommendations to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health regarding safe work practices

Answer: b. Is associated with things other than allergens such as airborne endotoxin and dust Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 30 - Occupational Health of Laboratory Animal Workers, pp. 1382-1383. Domain 4

Which of the following statements best describes the development of asthma and related respiratory disease in laboratory animal workers? a. Was reported by NIOSH to be as high as 50% of the workforce b. Is associated with things other than allergens such as airborne endotoxin and dust c. Is only associated with lab animal exposure and not other more traditional risk factors such as smoking, age and atopy d. Has no genetic component

Answer: a. Analgesia, increased depth of respiration, miosis, reduced respiratory rate, reduced heart rate, reduced blood pressure References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 24 - Preanesthesia, Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Euthanasia, p. 1155. 2) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 11 - Anesthesia and Analgesia in Rabbits: Special Anesthetic Considerations, p. 320. Domain 2; Primary Species - Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Which of the following statements best describes the physiological and behavioral changes caused by the immobility response of rabbits? a. Analgesia, increased depth of respiration, miosis, reduced respiratory rate, reduced heart rate, reduced blood pressure b. Analgesia, increased depth of respiration, mydriasis, reduced respiratory rate, reduced heart rate, reduced blood pressure c. Anesthesia, increased depth of respiration, mydriasis, reduced respiratory rate, reduced heart rate, reduced blood pressure d. Increased depth of respiration, mydriasis, reduced respiratory rate, reduced heart rate, reduced blood pressure e. Decreased depth of respiration, miosis, reduced respiratory rate, reduced heart rate, reduced blood pressure

Answer: a. Have currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse which may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. References: 1) Fish RE, Brown MJ, Danneman PJ, Karas AZ, eds. 2008. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 25 - Regulatory Issues, p. 573-575 (Table 25-1) 2) Controlled Substances Act, USC Title 21, Chapter 13, Subchapter I - Control and Enforcement, Part B - Authority to Control; Standards and Schedules, §812 Schedules of controlled substances (b) (1) Schedule I. (http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/21cfr/21usc/index.html) 3) http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/schedules/index.html Domain 5

Which of the following statements best describes this drug? a. Have currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse which may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. b. Have no currently accepted medical use in the United States, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse c. Have currently accepted medical use, have a potential for abuse and abuse may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence. d. Have currently accepted medical use, have a low potential for abuse and consist primarily of preparations containing limited quantities of certain narcotics

Answer: d. Simplistic design of a short RNA sequence that is paired to the targeted DNA sequence, using a modified bacterial immune system Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 20 - The Biology and Management of Zebrafish, pp. 1021-1022, Chapter 31 - Genetically Modified Animals, pp. 1427-1428, and Chapter 34 - Animal Models in Biomedical Research, pp. 1501-1502. Domain 3

Which of the following statements best describes what is involved with CRISPR/Cas9 technology for genome editing? a. Synthetic proteins whose DNA-binding domains enable them to create double-stranded breaks in DNA at specific spots b. Synthetic nucleases to target a double-strand break to a specific location on the DNA strand c. Creation of a custom protein for each targeted DNA sequence d. Simplistic design of a short RNA guide sequence that is paired to the targeted DNA sequence, using a modified bacterial immune system e. Direct insertion of cloned genetic material into the pronucleus of a fertilized mouse egg

Answer: a. It provides product protection but no personnel protection References: 1) Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 5th ed. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 2009. Appendix A - Primary Containment for Biohazards: Selection, Installation and Use of Biological Safety Cabinets, p 290. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning K, Whary M, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, p. 1575-6. Domain 4

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the use of this unit in animal facilities? a. It provides product protection but no personnel protection b. It provides personnel protection but no product protection c. It provides both product and personnel protection d. It provides neither product nor personnel protection

Answer: b. The mouse on the right is exhibiting behaviors indicating a need for analgesics References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 24 - Preanesthesia, Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Euthanasia p. 1145-1146. 2) Matsumiya et al. 2012. Using the Mouse Grimace Scale to Reevaluate the Efficacy of Postoperative Analgesics in Laboratory Mice. JAALAS 51(1): 42-49. Domain 2; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following statements is true with regards to the mice pictured? a. The mouse on the left has a facial expression consistent with fear or distress b. The mouse on the right is exhibiting behaviors indicating a need for analgesics c. None of the mice above are showing signs that indicate a need for analgesics d. The mouse in the center has muzzle alopecia consistent with an external parasite infection

Answer: d. In vivo or in vitro experiment in which a test article is studied prospectively in a test system under laboratory conditions to determine its safety Reference: 21 CFR, Chapter 1 - Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, Subchapter A - General, Part 58 Good Laboratory Practice for Nonclinical Laboratory Studies, Subpart E--Testing Facilities Operation, §58.1 - Scope and §58.3 Definitions (http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=58&showFR=1) Domain 5

Which of the following studies would be performed using Good Laboratory Practices for Nonclinical Laboratory Studies? a. Bench tests, such as chemical or physical testing b. Studies utilizing human subjects, human specimens, clinical studies c. Field trials in animals (e.g., wildlife studies) d. In vivo or in vitro experiment in which a test article is studied prospectively in a test system under laboratory conditions to determine its safety

Answer: b. Landrace and Pietrain References: 1) Smith and Swindle. 2006. Preparation of swine for the laboratory. ILAR J 47(4): 358-363. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 16 - Biology and Diseases of Swine, p. 752. Domain 1; Primary Species - Pig (Sus scrofa)

Which of the following swine breeds are susceptible to malignant hyperthermia? a. Berkshire and Ossabaw b. Landrace and Pietrain c. Hanford and Yucatan d. Sinclair and Göttingen

Answer: d. Orthotopic References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 25 - Techniques of Experimentation, p. 1242. 2) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 4 - Immunology. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 13 - Mouse Models of Immunodeficiency, p. 283. Domain 3; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which of the following terms best describes injection of glioma cells of human origin intracranially in a nude mouse? a. Allograft b. Autograft c. Heterotopic d. Orthotopic

Answer: b. Olfactory stimulation References: 1) Bayne K, Turner PV, eds. 2014. Laboratory Animal Welfare. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 13 - Nonhuman Primate Welfare in the Research Environment, p. 204 2) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 1 - Biology and Management, Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 6 - Behavioral Management, Enrichment, and Psychological Well-being of Laboratory Nonhuman Primates, p. 161. Domain 4; Primary Species - Macaque (Macaca mulatta)

Which of the following types of enrichment is the least effective in macaques? a. Forage boards b. Olfactory stimulation c. Play cages d. Tactile enrichment

Answer: d. Solenoid References: 1) Hessler JR, Lehner NDM, eds. 2009. Planning and Designing Research Animal Facilities. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 32 - Plumbing: Special Considerations, pp. 434, 438, 444-445. 2) Molk et al. 2013. Sanitization of an automatic reverse-osmosis watering system: removal of a clinically significant biofilm. JAALAS 52(2):197-205. 3) Hau J and Schapiro SJ, eds. 2010. Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science, Volume I, 3rd Edition. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 8 - Laboratory Animal Facilities and Equipment, p. 192. Domain 4

Which of the following types of valves, when placed within an automatic watering system for rodents, provides a means of computer controlled, higher-pressure water flushing to reduce microbial biofilm production? a. Flutter b. Lixit c. Schrader d. Solenoid e. Venturi

Answer: c. Cedar References: 1) Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, p. 69. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, p. 1579. Domain 4; Primary - Mouse (Mus musculus) and Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Which of the following types of wood bedding can emit aromatic hydrocarbons that induce hepatic microsomal enzymes and cytotoxicity and have been reported to increase the incidence of cancer in rodents? a. Aspen b. Birch c. Cedar d. Maple

Answer: a. Alphaherpesvirus References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW, eds. 2002. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 2nd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 16 - Nonhuman Primates, p. 746. 2) Rogers, DL; McClure, GB; Ruiz, JC; Abee, CR; Vanchiere, JA. 2015. Endemic Viruses of Squirrel Monkeys (Saimiri spp.). Comp Med 65(3):232-240. Domain 1; Secondary Species - Squirrel monkey (Saimiri spp.)

Which of the following virus types is most likely attributable to the lesion shown? a. Alphaherpesvirus b. Betaherpesvirus c. Gammaherpesvirus d. Retrovirus e. Polyomavirus

Answer: b. Rat parvovirus References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 4 - Biology and Diseases of Rats, pp. 179-181. 2) Geletneky et al. 2015. Pathology, organ distribution, and immune response after single and repeated intravenous infection of rats with clinical-grade parvovirus H1. Comparative Medicine 65(1):23-35. 3) Percy DH and Barthold SW. 2007. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing: Ames, Iowa. Chapter 2 - Rat, pp. 127-129, 133-134, 4) Suckow MA, Weisbroth SH, Franklin CL, eds. 2006. The Laboratory Rat, 2nd edition. Elsevier Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 12 - Viral Disease, pp. 426-434, 443-444. Domain 1; Primary Species - Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Which of the following viruses causes clinical disease in preweanling rats? a. Pneumonia virus of mice b. Rat parvovirus c. Rat respiratory virus d. Rat theilovirus

Answer: c. Simian hemorrhagic fever virus References: 1) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 2 - Diseases. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 1 - Viral Diseases of Nonhuman Primates, pp. 6-9, 33, 47-48 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 - Nonhuman Primates, pp. 864-866, 869-875 and Chapter 26 - Selected Zoonoses, p. 1316. Domain 1; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca spp.) and Tertiary Species - Other Nonhuman Primates

Which of the following viruses has been shown to naturally infect African green monkeys but when transmitted to rhesus macaques can cause a fulminant and fatal infection? a. African green monkey polyomavirus b. Macacine herpesvirus 1 c. Simian hemorrhagic fever virus d. Yaba monkey tumor virus

Answer: b. Nitrite level of 4 mg/L References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 20 - The Biology and Management of Zebrafish, pp. 1024-1026, 1055 2) Lawrence and Mason. 2012. Zebrafish housing systems: a review of basic operating principles and considerations for design and functionality. ILAR J 53:179-191 (p. 180). Domain 4; Secondary Species - Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Which of the following water quality parameters would pose the greatest health risk to a zebrafish colony? a. pH of 7.5 b. Nitrite level of 4 mg/L c. Temperature of 80°F (27°C) d. Nitrate level of 110 mg/dl

Answer: e. 5 cm Reference: Christou et al. 2015. Ovine model for critical-size tibial segmental defects. Comparative Medicine 64(5):377-385. Domain 3; Secondary Species - Sheep (Ovis aries)

Which of the following would be a mid-diaphyseal tibial critical size defect in aged ewes? a. 1 cm b. 2 cm c. 3 cm d. 4 cm e. 5 cm

Answer: d. Rack washer-sanitation followed by autoclave sterilization References: 1) Meier et al. 2008. Quantification, distribution, and possible source of bacterial biofilm in mouse automated watering systems. JAALAS 47(2):63-70 2) Hessler JR, Lehner NDM, eds. 2009. Planning and Designing Research Animal Facilities. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Chapter 32 - Plumbing: Special Considerations, pp. 437-439, 441-445 3) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 12 - Environmental and Equipment Monitoring, pp. 419-420 Domain 4

Which one of the following methods would be most effective in eliminating all bacteria from rodent rack water lines and watering valves? a. Rack-washer sanitation alone b. Flush lines and valves during sanitation through rack washer c. Removal of biofilm d. Rack washer-sanitation followed by autoclave sterilization e. Treatment of waterlines and valves with ultraviolet light

Answer: b. Major histocompatibility region References: 1) Wiseman et al. 2013. Haplessly hoping: macaque major histocompatibility complex made easy. ILAR J 54(2):196-210. 2) Vallender and Miller. 2013. Nonhuman primate models in the genomic era: a paradigm shift. ILAR J 54(2):154-165. Domain 1; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca spp.)

Which region of the rhesus macaque genome has been associated with phenotypic protection from simian AIDS following SIV infection? a. ABO region b. Major histocompatibility region c. MAM-domain containing region d. Toll-like receptor region

Answer: c. Mice have physiologic splenic hematopoiesis and iron storage References: 1) Fox JG, Barthold SW, Davisson MT, Newcomer CE, Quimby FW, Smith AL, eds. 2007. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 5 - Mouse Hematology, pp. 148-149, 161, 163. 2) O'Connell et al. 2015. Practical murine hematopathology: a comparative review and implications for research. Comparative Medicine 65(2):96-113. Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which statement best describes differences between mouse and human hematological characteristics? a. Mice have significantly larger neutrophils than humans b. Mice have significantly larger erythrocytes than humans c. Mice have physiologic splenic hematopoiesis and iron storage d. Mice do not have physiologic splenic hematopoiesis and iron storage e. Mice have the ability to perform renal erythropoiesis

Answer: b. Tropism of MNV for macrophages results in increased atherosclerotic lesion size in Ldlr-/- mice References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 3 - Biology and Diseases of Mice, p. 97. 2) Paik et al. 2015. Effects of murine norovirus on atherosclerosis in Ldlr-/- mice depends on the timing of infection. Comparative Medicine 65(2):114-129 Domain 1; Primary Species - Mouse (Mus musculus)

Which statement best describes the effects of murine norovirus in Ldlr-/- mice? a. Tropism of MNV for macrophages results in deceased atherosclerotic lesion size in Ldlr-/- mice b. Tropism of MNV for macrophages results in increased atherosclerotic lesion size in Ldlr-/- mice c. MNV infection does not change the disease phenotype of Ldlr-/- mice d. MNV infection causes significant mortality via respiratory infection in Ldlr-/- mice e. MNV infection causes significant mortality via immunosuppression in Ldlr-/- mice

Answer: c. Vena caval blood sampling from right side to prevent damage to recurrent laryngeal nerve References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Loew FM, Quimby FW, eds. 2002. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 2nd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 16 - Biology and Diseases of Swine, p. 700. 2) Swindle MM and Smith AC, eds. 2016. Swine in the Laboratory: Surgery, Anesthesia, Imaging and Experimental Techniques. 3rd Edition. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 1: Biology, Handling, Husbandry and Anatomy, p. 26 Domain 1; Primary species pig (Sus scrofa)

Which statement best describes the procedure being performed below: a. Jugular blood sampling b. Carotid arterial blood sampling from right carotid artery c. Vena caval blood sampling from right side to prevent damage to recurrent laryngeal nerve d. Subclavian arterial blood sampling from right side to prevent damage to recurrent laryngeal nerve e. Azygous vein blood sampling from the right side

Answer: b. Biosecurity References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 36 - Design and Management of Research Facilities, pp. 1543-1544. 2) National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. Chapter 4 - Veterinary Care, p. 109. Domain 4

Which term best describes the measures taken to detect, prevent, contain, and eradicate adventitious infections? a. Barrier b. Biosecurity c. Quarantine d. Sentinel Program e. Stabilization

Answer: c. Alouattinae and Atelinae References: 1) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 1 - Biology and Management, Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 4 - Functional Morphology, pp. 105-106. 2) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 17 - Nonhuman Primates, pp. 775, 777. Domain 1; Tertiary Species - Other Nonhuman Primates

Which two subfamilies of new world monkeys possess a prehensile tail with a tactile pad? a. Cebinae and Pithecinae b. Aotinae and Callicebinae c. Alouattinae and Atelinae d. Cercopithecine and Colobinae

Answer: c. Institutional Official Reference: Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 2 - Animal Care and Use Program, p. 13 Domain 5

Who bears ultimate responsibility for the Animal Care and Use Program of an institution and is responsible for resource planning and ensuring alignment of Program goals with the institution mission? a. Attending veterinarian b. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee c. Institutional Official d. Biosafety officer e. Institutional Biosafety Committee

Answer: c. To minimizes the forced handling of macaques otherwise needed for oral dosing Resources: 1) Fante et al. 2012. Subcutaneous implanted port in the macaque. Lab Anim. 46: p. 114-121. 2) Gades NM and Mandrell TD. 2001. Nonendoscopic Placement and Use of Percutaneous Gastrostomy Tubes in Pigs (Sus scrofa domestica). Contemporary Topics 40(2) pp. 37-39. Domain 3; Primary Species - Macaque (Macaca spp.) and Pig (Sus scrofa)

Why would the following device be placed in an animal in the manner shown below? a. To facilitate frequent collection of cecal contents. b. To allow visualization of the gastric mucosa c. To minimize the forced handling of macaques otherwise needed for oral dosing d. To prevent gastric bloat

Answer: b. The animal may develop skin lesions that will need to be treated clinically. References: 1) Kelly R et al. 2014. Evaluation of the use of primate undershirts as a refinement practice for jacketed rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). JAALAS 53:267-272 2) Association of Primate Veterinarians. [Internet]. 2013. Guidelines for jacket use for nonhuman primates. Available at: http://www.primatevets.org/Content/files/Public/education/NHP_Jacket_Use_Guidelines.pdf Domain 4; Primary Species - Macaques (Macaca species)

With regard to the husbandry and care of the animal shown below, what is the largest concern? a. The animal will need to be sedated frequently for procedures, so dietary supplementation will be needed. b. The animal may develop skin lesions that will need to be treated clinically. c. The animal will need to be exempted for social housing, which means that extra enrichment will need to be provided. d. The study will need to be halted if the jacket becomes damaged or soiled. e. Caging change will be need to be coordinated with the study schedule, because the animal will need to be moved into the tether cage the same day the study is started.

Answer: d. LCMV-infected hamsters Reference: U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of Health. 2009. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories. 5th ed. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Section VIII-E: Viral Agents, pp. 202, 212, 216, 221 (http://www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications/bmbl5/bmbl5_sect_viii_e.pdf) Domain 5; Secondary Species - Syrian Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) and Tertiary - Other Rodents

Work with which of the following requires Animal Biosafety Level 3 containment? a. Animal models of swine influenza b. Bats infected with Hendra virus c. Dogs known to be infected with rabies d. LCMV-infected hamsters

Answer: c. 2 References: 1) Green SL. 2010. The Laboratory Xenopus, 1st ed. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL Chapter 2 - Husbandry, p. 47. 2) National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. Chapter 3 - Environment, Housing, and Management, p. 83. Domain 4; Secondary Species - African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevies and Xenopus tropicalis)

Xenopus laevis adults may be housed at how many liters of water per frog? a. 0.5 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 e. 5

Answer: a. Radfordia ensifera References: 1) Suckow, MA, et al, eds. 2006. The Laboratory Rat, 2nd edition. Elsevier: San Fransisco, CA. Chapter 13 - Parasitic Diseases, p. 472. 2) Arbona, RJR, et al. 2010. Treatment and eradication of murine fur mites: 1. Toxicologic evaluation of ivermectin-compounded feed. JAALAS 49(5): 564. 3) Rice, KA, et al. 2014. Evaluation of diagnostic methods for Myocoptes musculinus according to age and treatment status of mice (Mus musculus). JAALAS 52(6): 773. Domain 1; Primary species - Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

You identify the following organism during routine surveillance of your Rattus norvegicus colony. What is it? a. Radfordia ensifera b. Myocoptes musculinus c. Radfordia affinis d. Syphacia obvelata e. Lumbricus terrestris

Answer: b. Chorioptes Reference: Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd edition. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 15 - Biology and Diseases of Ruminants, pp. 676-677 Domain 1; Secondary Species - Goat (Capra hircus)

Your facility supports an antibody producing herd of goats. Every winter the care staff notice alopecia and flaking of the lower limbs and tails of several animals. They also show signs of pruritus. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. Demodex b. Chorioptes c. Sarcoptes d. Psoroptes

Answer: b) Amphotericin B. References: 1) Fox JG, Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, eds. 2015. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd ed. Academic Press: Oxford, UK. Chapter 23: Zebra Finches in Biomedical Research. pg. 1127. 2) Snyder JM, Molk DM, Treuting PM. 2013. Increased mortality in a colony of zebra finches exposed to continuous light. JAALAS, 52(3), 301. Domain 1; Tertiary species - Zebra Finch (Taenopygia guttata)

Your zebra finch colony was recently exposed to 24 hours of continuous light over several days and has increased morbidity and mortality. Histopathology of the ventriculus of one of the animals is shown above. In addition to correcting the light cycle, what is the treatment of choice for these animals? a. Amoxicillin b. Amphotericin B c. Metronidazole d. Depopulate colony e. Test and cull

Answer: d. SARS References: 1) http://www.selectagents.gov/SelectAgentsandToxinsExclusions.html 2) Kastenmayer et al. 2012. Select agent and toxin regulations: beyond the eighth edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. JAALAS 51(3):333-338. 3) U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of Health. 2009. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories. 5th ed. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Appendix F - Select Agents and Toxins, p. 379. (http://www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications/bmbl5/bmbl5_appendixf.pdf) 4) Abee CR, Mansfield K, Tardif S, Morris T, eds. 2012. Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition, Volume 1 - Biology and Management, Academic Press: San Diego, CA. Chapter 18 - Biosafety in Laboratories using Nonhuman Primates, pp. 441-444 Domain 5

All of the following are classified by APHIS and the CDC as select agents EXCEPT? a. Bacillus anthracis b. Burkholderia mallei c. Nipah virus d. SARS e. Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus

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