2017 Spelling UIL

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686. influence peddling

the practice of using one's influence with persons in authority to obtain favors or preferential treatment for another, usually in return for payment

222. carotenemia

the presence of excess carotene in the blood, often resulting in yellowing of the skin

425. drachma *

the primary unit of currency in Greece before the adoption of the euro. 2. one of several modern units of weight, especially the dram

147. bauxite

the principal ore of aluminum, composed mainly of hydrous aluminum oxides and aluminum hydroxides

503. executive privilege

the principle that members of the executive branch of the government cannot legally be forced to disclose their confidential communications when such disclosure would adversely affect the operations or procedures of the executive brach


the process of bringing an institution or organization up to date; modernization

295. congelation

the process of congealing or the state of being congealed

338. crop-dusting

the process of spraying crops with powdered insecticides or fungicides from an airplane

760. Laurasia

the protocontinent of the Northern Hemisphere, a hypothetical landmass that according to the theory of plate tectonics broke up into North America, Europe, and Asia

370. definitude

the quality of being definite or exact; precision

737. kenosis

the relinquishment of the form of God by Jesus in becoming a man and suffering death

640. horology

the science of measuring time. 2. the art of making timepieces

530. fiber optics

the science or technology of light transmission through very fine, flexible glass or plastic fibers. 2. a bundle of optical fibers

773. limnology *

the scientific study of life and phenomena of fresh water, especially lakes and ponds

821. materia medica

the scientific study of medical drugs and their sources, preparation, and use

445. effervescence

to emit small bubbles of gas as a carbonated or fermenting liquid. 2. to escape from a liquid as bubbles; bubble up. 3. to show high spirits of animation

793. machinate

to engage in plotting

336. criticizer

to find fault with. 2. to judge the merits and faults of; analyze and evaluate, to act as a critic

464. encompass

to form a circle or ring around; surround. 2. to enclose; envelop 3. to achieve; accomplish

578. gleaner

to gather grain left behind by the reapers. 2. to collect bit by bit

320. coruscation

to give forth flashes of light; sparkle and glitter. 2. to exhibit sparkling virtuosity

511. extradite *

to give up or deliver to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority. 2. to obtain the extradition of.

269. coalescent

to grow together; fuse. 2. to come together so as to form one whole; unite

470. enthrallment

to hold spellbound; captivate. 2. to enslave, to put in bondage


to increase the scope of; extend

1336. tam-o'-shanter

A Scottish cap with a snug headband and a loose crown, sometimes having a pompom, tassel, or feather in the center.

1483. yataghan, yatagan

A Turkish sword or scimitar having a double-curved blade and an eared pommel, but lacking a handle guard

1221. sei whale

A baleen whale (Balaenoptera borealis) having a grayish body with a whitish underside, a curved dorsal fin, and grooves on the throat.

1105. quenelle *

A ball or dumpling of finely chopped meat or seafood bound with eggs and poached in stock or water.

1470. windjammer *

A large square-rigged cargo ship. 2. A large, usually schooner-rigged sailing vessel that takes passengers for cruises.

1280. sporran

A leather or fur pouch worn at the front of the kilt in the traditional dress of men of the Scottish Highlands.

1334. talkathon

A lengthy session of discussions, speeches, or debate.

1467. whortleberry

Any of various deciduous shrubs of the genus Vaccinium of the heath family having edible blue, black, or red berries, especially the bilberry. 2. The fruit of any of these plants.

1287. stereopticon *

A magic lantern, especially one with two projectors arranged so as to produce dissolving views.

1361. thoroughfare

A main road or public highway. 2. A place of passage from one location to another. b. Right to such passage. 3. A heavily traveled passage, such as a waterway, strait, or channel.

1020. petrel

Any of various black, gray, or white pelagic seabirds of the order Procellariiformes, found mostly in the Southern Hemisphere

986. parsimoniousness *

Excessively sparing or frugal. 2. Accounting for observed data with a relatively simple explanation

1112. raglan

Having or being a sleeve that extends in one piece to the neckline of the garment, with slanted seams from the armhole to the neck.

953. osmatic *

Having or characterized by a well-developed sense of smell.

1132. redolent *

Having or emitting an odor or fragrance; aromatic

1267. sonorous

Having or producing sound. 2. Having or producing a full, deep, or rich sound. 3. Impressive in style of speech

863. monocular

Having or relating to one eye 2. Of, relating to, or intended for use by only one eye

1116. rapacious *

Having or showing a strong or excessive desire to acquire money or possess things; greedy. 2. Living by killing prey, especially in large number. 3. Taking things by force; plundering

1093. purblind

Having poor vision; nearly or partly blind. 2. Slow in understanding or discernment; dull

1053. poriferous

Having pores.

1055. postgraduate

Of, relating to, or pursuing advanced study after graduation from high school or college.

1409. ungual

Of, resembling, or bearing a hoof, nail, or claw. 2. Of or relating to fingernails or toenails.

1077. promotable

To raise to a more important or responsible job or rank. b. To advance (a student) to the next higher grade.

1405. underreact

To react with insufficient enthusiasm, force, or emphasis.

1449. vitiate *

To reduce the value or quality of; impair or spoil 2. To corrupt morally; debase 3. To make ineffective (a contract or legal stipulation, for example); invalidate.

1147. repudiate

To reject the validity or authority of. 2.To reject emphatically as unfounded, untrue, or unjust. 3. To refuse to recognize or pay


a mammal native to southern and eastern Africa that resembles the hyena, has gray fur with black stripes, and feeds mainly on termites and insect larvae.

177. boulevardier

a man about town

642. hotelier

a manager or owner of a hotel. also called hotelkeeper

196. cachet

a mark or quality, as of distinction, individuality, or authenticity

195. byssus

a mass of strong, silky filaments by which certain bivalve mollusks, such as textured linen of ancient times used by the Egyptians for wrapping mummies

307. contraption *

a mechanical device; a gadget

159. bestiary

a medieval collection of stories providing physical and allegorical descriptions of real or imaginary animals along with an interpretation of the moral significance each animal was thought to embody. a number of common misconceptions relating to natural history were preserved in these popular accounts

419. Doberman pinscher *

a medium sized to large dog of a breed originating in Germany, having short hair and a smooth usually dark brown or black coat.

807. Mameluke

a member of a former military caste, originally composed of slaves from Turkey, that held the Egyptian throne from about 1250 until 1517 and remained powerful until 1811

606. Hamite

a member of a group of peoples of northern and northeast Africa, including the Berbers, Tuaregs, and the ancient Egyptians and their descendants

833. Mennonite

a member of an Anabaptist church characterized particularly by simplicity of life, pacifism, and nonresistance

alderman *

a member of the municipal legislative body in a town or city in many jurisdictions

212. candelilla

a shrubby spurge native to southwest Texas and Mexico, having densely clustered , erect, essentially leafless stems that yield a multipurpose wax

472. entremets *

a side dish, such as a relish or dessert, served in addition to the principal course

524. feme sole *

a single woman, whether divorced, widowed, or never married

116. attelet

a slender skewer, usually ornamented at the top, used decoratively, especially in serving garnishes

692. inkling *

a slight hint or indication, a slight understanding or vague idea of a notion

832. meningioma

a slow growing tumor of the meninges, occurring most often in adults

583. grapnel

a small anchor with three or more flukes, especially one used for anchoring a small vessel. also called grapple, grappling

198. cacomistle

a small carnivorous raccoonlike mammal of Central America having a black banded tail

582. goatee

a small chin beard trimmed into a point

136. banana republic

a small country that is economically dependent on a single export commodity, such as bananas, and is typically governed by a dictator or the armed forces

589. grunion

a small fish of coastal waters of California and Mexico that spawns at night along beaches during the high tides of spring and summer

537. flageolet

a small flute like instrument with a cylindrical mouthpiece, four finger holes, and two thumb holes

809. mandolin

a small lutelike instrument with a typically pear shaped body and a straight fretted neck having usually four sets of paired strings tuned in unison or octaves

607. hanuman

a small monkey of southern Asia, having bristly hairs on the crown and the sides of the face.

313. coracle

a small rounded boat made of waterproof material stretched over a wicker or wooden frame

84. appanage, apanage

a source of revenue, such as land, given by the sovereign for the maintenance of a member of the ruling family


a specialist in acoustics

491. ethicist

a specialist in ethics

146. bathysphere

a spherical deep-diving chamber in which persons are lowered by a cable to study the oceans and the deep-sea life

334. criosphinx

a sphinx with the head of a ram

61. andouille

a spicy smoked sausage made with pork and garlic, used especially in Cajun cooking

288. concierge

a staff member of a hotel or apartment complex who assists guests or residents, as by handling the storage of luggage, taking and delivering messages, and making reservations for tours. 2. a person, especially in France, who lives in an apartment house, attends the entrance, and serves as a janitor

335. criterion

a standard, rule, or test on which a judgment or decision can be based

392. desuetude

a state of disuse or inactivity

786. luminism, Luminism

a style of the 19th century american painting concerned especially with the precise, realistic rendering of atmospheric light and the perceived effects of that light on depicted objects


a subordinate or supplementary item; an adjunct. Something nonessential but desirable that contributes to an effect or a result

352. cytotoxin *

a substance having a specific toxic effect on certain cells

224. caryatidean *

a supporting column sculptured in the form of a draped female figure

765. lekvar

a sweet spread or pastry filling made of prunes or apricots

451. einsteinium

a synthetic transuranic element first produced by neutron irradiation of uranium in a thermonuclear explosion and now usually produced in the laboratory by irradiating plutonium and other elements. its longest lived isotope is Es 254 with a half life of 276 days.

635. homeopathy

a system for treating disease based on the administration of minute doses of a drug that in massive amounts produces symptoms in healthy individuals similar to those of the disease itself

251. chifforobe *

a tall piece of furniture typically having drawers on one side and space for hanging clothes on the other.

632. hollyhock

a tall plant native to the Middle East and widely cultivated for its showy clusters of very large, variously colored flowers. also called althea

613. heldentenor, Heldentenor

a tenor voice with a striking dramatic or brilliant quality that is well suited for heroic roles, such as those in Wagnerian opera, a person with such a voice

50. amniotic *

a thin, tough, membranous sac that encloses the embryo or fetus of a mammal, bird, or reptile. it is filled with a serous fluid in which the embryo is suspended

560. garnishee

a third party who has been notified that money or property in his or her hands but belonging to a defendant has been seized by legal writ

237. Cerberus

a three headed dog guarding the entrance to Hades

267. clochard

a tramp; a vagrant

808. manchineel

a tropical american tree having poisonous fruit and a milky sap that causes skin blisters on contact

173. bookmobile

a truck, trailer, or van equipped to serve as a mobile lending library

53. amphora *

a two-handled jar with a narrow neck used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to carry wine or oil

279. commedia dell'arte

a type of comedy developed in Italy in the 16th and 17th centuries and characterized by improvisation from a standard plot outline and the use of stock characters often in traditional masks and costumes

485. escadrille *

a unit of an European air command, as in France during World War I, typically containing ten or more aircraft

741. kilowatt-hour

a unit of electrical energy equal to the work done by one kilowatt acting for one hour

446. effluvium

a usually invisible emanation or exhalation as of vapor or gas. 2. a byproduct or residue; waste, fumes given off by waste. 3. an impalpable emanation; an aura

134. ballade

a verse form usually consisting of three stanzas of 8 or 10 lines each, along with a brief envoy, with all 3 stanzas and the envoy ending in the same one-line refrain

239. Chablis

a very dry white Burgundy wine originally from east-central France. 2. a blended white table wine of California

172. bolero

a very short jacket worn open in the front

244. character assassination

a vicious personal verbal attack especially one intended to destroy or damage a public figure's reputation

292. concussive

a violent jarring; a shock. 2. an injury to an organ, especially the brain, produced by a violent blow and followed by a temporary or prolonged loss of function

226. cataclysmic

a violent upheaval that causes great destruction or brings about a fundamental change

399. dialysis *

the separation of smaller molecules from larger molecules or of dissolved substances from colloidal particles in a solution through selective diffusion through a semipermeable membrane

575. glabella

the smooth area between the eyebrows just above the nose

764. legalese *

the specialized vocabulary of the legal profession, especially when considered to be overly complex or abstruse


the state of being adjacent; contiguity

409. dishabille

the state of being partially or very casually dressed. 2. an intentional careless manner

217. captivity

the state or period of being imprisoned, confined, or enslaved

156. beneficence

the state or quality of being kind, charitable, or beneficial


the study of grasses

465. endocrinology

the study of the glands and hormones of the body and their related disorders

441. ecophysiology

the study of the interrelationship between an organism's physical functioning and its environment

839. metalinguistics *

the study of the interrelationship between language and other cultural behavior

92. archaeology, archeology

the systematic study of past human life and culture by the recovery and examination of remaining material evidence, such as graves, buildings, tools, and pottery

486. escapism *

the tendency to escape from daily reality or routine by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entertainment

349. cybernetics *

the theoretical study of communication and control processes in biological, mechanical, and electronic systems, especially the comparison of these processes in biological and artificial systems

302. constraint

the threat or use of force to prevent, restrict, or dictate the action or thought of others. 2. the state of being restricted or confined within prescribed bounds. 3. embarrassed reserve or reticence; awkwardness

390. desertification

the transformation of arable or habitable land to desert, as by a change in climate or destructive land use

256. chrysotherapy

the treatment of certain diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis, with gold compounds

265. clerestory, clearstory

the upper part of the nave, transepts, and choir of a church, containing windows. 2. an upper portion of a wall containing windows for supplying natural light to a building

98. aromatherapy

the use of selected fragrant substances in lotions and inhalants in an effort to affect mood and promote health

354. dactylology

the use of the fingers and hands to communicate and convey ideas, as in the manual alphabet used by hearing impaired and speech impaired people

733. Kaiserin

the wife of a Kaiser, used as a title for such a woman

815. marchioness

the wife or widow of a marquis. 2. a noblewoman ranking above a countess and below a duchess, used as a title for this noblewoman

434. dyed-in-the-wool

thoroughgoing out-and-out. 2. dyed before being woven into cloth

542. foliicolous

thriving on or parasitic to leaves

287. concede

to acknowledge, often reluctantly, as being true, just or proper; admit. 2. to yield or grant a privilege or right, to make a concession

559. gangrenous

to affect or become affected with gangrene. 2. death and decay of body tissue, often occurring in a limb, caused by insufficient blood supply and usually following an injury or disease

151. behoove

to be necessary or proper for

553. fustigate

to beat with a club; cudgel. 2. to criticize harshly

214. canoeing

to carry or send by canoe. to travel in a canoe

396. devitrification

to cause a glassy material to become crystalline and brittle

492. etiolate

to cause a plant to develop without chlorophyll by preventing exposure to sunlight. 2. to make weak by stunting the growth or development of. 3. to cause to appear pale and sickly; whitened

309. convoke *

to cause to assemble in a meeting; convene

155. bemusement

to cause to be bewildered; confused. to cause to be engrossed in thought

308. convenable

to cause to come together formally; convoke. 2. to summon to appear, as before a tribunal

168. blandisher

to coax by flattery or wheedling; cajole

662. imbricate

having regularly arranged, overlapping edges, as roof tiles or fish scales

637. homophonic

having the same sound. 2. having or characterized by a single melodic line with accompaniment

665. immure

to confine within or as if within walls; imprison. 2. to build into a wall, to entomb in a wall

242. chamfer

to cut off the edge or corner of; bevel. 2. to cut a groove in; flute. 3. a flat surface made by cutting off the edge or corner off a block of a wood or other material

341. cryptanalyze *

to decipher or decode

569. geometricize

to design or form in geometric patterns or figures

319. corrodible

to destroy a metal or alloy gradually, especially by oxidation or chemical action. 2. to impair steadily, to deteriorate

296. congeniality

having the same tastes, habits, or temperament; sympathetic. 2. of a pleasant disposition; friendly and sociable. 3. suited to one's needs or nature; agreeable

535. fissiped

having the toes separated from one another as in the feet of certain carnivorous animals, such as a bear, dog, or cat

166. bioenvironmental

having to do with the relationship between the environment and living organisms

405. diphyodont

having two successive sets of teeth, deciduous and permanent

314. cordiform *

heart shaped

364. decimate

to destroy or kill a large part of a group. 2. to reduce markedly in amount. 3. to select by lot and kill one in every ten of.

624. herstory

history considered from a feminist viewpoint or emphasizing the actions of women. 2. a narrative or a chronology of events in a woman's life

489. esurient

hungry; greedy

763. leatherette *

imitation leather

121. avarice

immoderate desire for wealth; cupidity

663. immobile

immovable; fixed, not moving; motionless

711. invulnerable

immune to attack; impregnable. 2. impossible to damage, injure, or wound

435. dysgraphia

impairment of the ability to write, usually caused by brain dysfunction or disease

248. cheekiness

impertinent boldness

685. inexpressible

impossible to express

696. insuperable

impossible to overcome; insurmountable

667. impermeable *

impossible to permeate

668. implacable

impossible to placate or appease

380. demyelinate *

to destroy or remove the myelin sheath of a nerve fiber as through disease

377. Delphian

of or relating to Delphi or to the oracle of Apollo at Delphi. 2. obscurely prophetic; oracular

602. Haitian

of or relating to Haiti or it's people or it's culture. 2.a native or inhabitant of Haiti, Haitian Creole

102. Arthurian

of or relating to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table

259. circularity

of or relating to a circle. 2. shaped like a circle. 3. Circuitous; roundabout. 4. using a premise to prove a conclusion that in turn is used to prove the premise. 5. defining one word in terms of another that is itself defined in terms of the first word. 6. addressed or distributed to a large number of persons. 7. a printed advertisement, directive, or notice intended for mass distribution

85. appellant *

of or relating to a court appeal; appellate. One who appeals a court decision

801. maim

to disable or disfigure, usually by depriving the use of a limb or other part of the body

413. dissemblance

to disguise or conceal one's real nature, motives, or feelings behind a false appearance. 2. to be different

704. intersperse

to distribute among other things at intervals

387. derangement *

to disturb the order or arrangement, to upset the normal condition. 2. to disturb mentally; make insane

389. desacralize

to divest of sacred or religious significance

133. Balkanize, balkanize

to divide (a region or territory) into small, often hostile units

165. bifurcate

to divide into two parts or branches

509. extemporize

to do or perform something without prior preparation or practice, to perform an act or utter something in an impromptu manner; improvise

375. delineate *

to draw or trace the outline of; sketch out. 2. to represent pictorially. 3. to depict in words or gestures

174. Boolean

of or relating to a logical combinatorial system treating variables, such as propositions and computer logic elements, through the operators AND, OR, NOT, and XOR

799. magistral

of or relating to a magistrate. 2. prepared as specified by a physician prescription. 3. principal; main

630. histrionical

of or relating to actors and acting. 2. excessively dramatic and emotional; affected

262. clairvoyant *

of or relating to clairvoyance. 2. having the supposed power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses

656. ideological

of or relating to ideology, of or concerned with ideas

818. marital

of or relating to marriage, of or relating to a husband

584. gravimetric

of or relating to measurement by weight. 2. of or relating to measurement of variations in a gravitational field

55. anabatic

of or relating to rising wind currents

555. Gaelic

of or relating to the Gaels or their culture or languages. 2. Goidelic, or any Goidelic languages

837. Mesolithic

of or relating to the cultural period of the Stone Age between the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods marked by the appearance of microlithic tools and weapons by changes in the nature of settlements


of or relating to the earliest Paleolithic archaeological sites in Europe, characterized by bifacial stone hand axes

221. cardiothoracic

of or relating to the heart and the chest

348. custodial

of or relating to the work of guarding or maintaining. 2. having custody, especially of a child. 3. marked by care and supervision rather than efforts to cure

831. menial *

of or relating to work or a job regarded as servile, appropriate for a servant. 2. a servant, or a person with low nature

135. balsamic *

of or relating to, or resembling balsam

785. lumbricoid

of or resembling an earthworm

alliaceous *

of or resembling onion, garlic, or similar plants of the genus Allium particularly in taste and smell

407. disciplinary

of relating to or used for discipline. 2. of or relating to a specific field of academic study

580. glutinous *

of the nature of or resembling glue; sticky

462. empyreal

of the sky; celestial, elevated, sublime. 2.empyrean

758. lasagna, lasagne

pasta in flat, very wide strips. 2. a dish made by baking such pasta with layers of sauce and filling such as cheese, vegetables, or meat.

512. extrusive

tending to push or thrust out, to protrude or project. 2. derived from magma poured out or ejected at the earths surface, used of igneous rocks

750. laconism *

terseness or succinctness of style or expression

303. consumable

that can be consumed. 2. that may be depleted or worn out by use

798. Madison Avenue

the American advertising industry, of and relating to or working in this industry

743. kirigami *

the Japanese art of cutting and folding paper into ornamental objects or designs

423. dosimetry

the accurate measurement of doses, especially of radiation

529. fianchetto

the development in chess of a bishop from its original position to the second square of the adjacent knights file

347. curtilage *

the enclosed area immediately surrounding a house or dwelling

946. orangewood

the fine grained wood of the orange tree, used in fine woodwork


the fraction of incident electromagnetic radiation reflected by a surface, especially of a celestial body.

770. lexeme

the fundamental unit of the lexicon of a language

252. cholecyst

the gallbladder

191. bruxism

the habitual, involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth usually during sleep as from anger, tension, fear, or frustration

284. complaisance

the inclination to comply willingly with the wishes of others; amiability

829. medulla *

the inner core of certain organs or body structures such as the marrow of bone.

617. hemoglobin

the iron containing respiratory pigment in red blood cells of vertebrates, consisting of about 6 percent heme and 94 percent globin

119. Australasia

the islands of the southern Pacific Ocean, including Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea


the isotope of uranium with mass number 235, fissionable with slow neutrons

627. hinterland *

the land directly adjacent to and inland from a coast. 2. a region remote from other urban areas, beyond the metropolitan centers of culture

Achilles tendon

the large tendon connecting the heel bone to the calf muscle of the leg

94. architrave

the lowermost part of an entablature in classical architecture that rests directly on top of a column. also called epistyle


the mayor or chief judicial official of a Spanish town

562. gastrology

the medical study of the stomach and its diseases

225. catachresis

the misapplication of a word or phrase as the use of blatant to mean "flagrant"

712. iota

the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet. 2. a very small amount

406. directorate

the office or position of a director, a board of directors

112. asyndeton *

the omission of conjunctions from constructions in which they would normally be used

429. dromedary *

the one humped domesticated camel, widely used as beast of burden in northern Africa and western Asia. also called Arabian camel.

474. epicenter

the point of the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake, a focal point

60. ancien régime

the political and social system that existed in France before the Revolution of 1789

281. commonality

the possession along with another or others, of a certain attribute or set of attributes. a shared feature or attribute

1079. propensity

An innate inclination; a tendency.

1080. prophecy

An inspired utterance of a prophet, viewed as a revelation of divine will. b. A prediction of the future, made under divine inspiration. c. Such an inspired message or prediction transmitted orally or in writing. 2. The vocation or condition of a prophet. 3. A prediction.

957. otoscope

An instrument for examining the interior of the ear, especially the eardrum, consisting essentially of a magnifying lens and a light.

1045. pneumatometer *

An instrument for measuring the force or volume of inspiration or expiration in the lungs.

1190. salinometer *

An instrument that uses electrical conductivity to measure the concentration of salt in a solution.

1076. prologue, prolog (introduction)

An introduction or preface, especially a poem recited to introduce a play. 2. An introduction or introductory chapter, as to a novel. 3. An introductory act, event, or period.

1156. revelatory *

Of, relating to, or containing a revelation

1162. rhythmic

Of, relating to, or having rhythm; recurring with measured regularity.

1219. seditious *

Of, relating to, or having the nature of sedition

875. multiethnic

Of, relating to, or including several ethnic groups.

213. cannoli

a fried pastry roll with a sweet creamy filling

660. ilex, Ilex

any of various trees or shrubs of the genus Ilex, holly

611. hebetude

dullness of mind; mental lethargy

677. inclemency

stormy. 2. showing no clemency; unmerciful

64. animadversion

strong criticism

1096. putsch, Putsch

sudden attempt by a group to overthrow a government.

199. cadaverous *

suggestive of death; corpse-like

104. ascendancy, ascendency

superiority or decisive advantage; domination

101. arthrotomy *

surgical incision into a joint

273. colectomy

surgical removal of part or all of the colon

86. appendectomy *

surgical removal of the vermiform appendix

47. ambient

surrounding; encircling

748. lachrymator, lacrimator

tear gas

499. evocative

tending or having the power to evoke

502. excusatory

tending or serving to excuse

99. arraign *

(Law) to call an accused person before court to answer the charge made against him or her by indictment, information, or complaint

1204. saunter

1. A leisurely pace. 2. A leisurely walk or stroll.

1328. syringe

1. A medical instrument used to inject fluids into the body or draw them from it. 2. A hypodermic syringe.

1377. tramontane

1. A person who lives beyond the mountains. 2. A foreigner; a stranger. 3. A cold north wind in Italy.

1281. squint-eyed

1. Affected with strabismus. 2. Looking with narrowed or squinting eyes. 3. Looking askance, as in envy.

1448. vis-à-vis

1. One that is face to face with or opposite to another. 2. A date or an escort, as at a party. 3. One that has the same functions and characteristics as another; a counterpart.

1372. Torah, torah

1. The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures. See Table at Bible. 2. A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, used in a synagogue during services. 3. The entire body of religious law and learning including both sacred literature and oral tradition.

900. neutralizer *

1. To make neutral. 2. To counterbalance or counteract the effect of; render ineffective. 3. To declare neutral and therefore inviolable during a war. 4. Chemistry a. To make (a solution) neutral. b. To cause (an acid or base) to undergo neutralization. 5. Medicine To counteract the effect of (a drug or toxin). 6. Slang To remove as a threat, especially by killing.

122. axiomatic

1.A self-evident or universally recognized truth; a maxim. 2.An established rule, principle, or law. 3.A self-evident principle or one that is accepted as true without proof as the basis for an argument; a postulate

1349. tercentenary *

A 300th anniversary or its celebration.

867. moo goo gai pan

A Cantonese dish of chicken, mushrooms, vegetables, and spices sautéed together.

1201. sashimi

A Japanese dish consisting of very thin bite-size slices of fresh raw fish, traditionally served with soy sauce and wasabi.

1494. zodiac

A band of the celestial sphere extending about 8° to either side of the ecliptic that represents the path of the principal planets, the moon, and the sun. b. In astrology, this band divided into 12 equal parts called signs, each 30° wide, bearing the name of a constellation for which it was originally named but with which it no longer coincides owing to the precession of the equinoxes. c. A diagram or figure representing the zodiac. 2. A complete circuit; a circle.

1024. pharmacopoeia, pharmacopeia *

A book containing an official list of medicinal drugs together with articles on their preparation and use. 2. A collection or stock of drugs.

1037. piragua

A canoe made by hollowing out a tree trunk; a dugout. 2. A flat-bottom sailing boat with two masts. Also called periauger.

1496. zorille, zoril

A carnivorous mustelid mammal (Ictonyx striatus) of Africa, resembling a skunk in appearance and in its method of defense.

892. necropolis *

A cemetery, especially a large and elaborate one belonging to an ancient city.

1362. thurible *

A censer used in certain ecclesiastical ceremonies or liturgies.

1403. umlaut

A change in a vowel sound caused by partial assimilation especially to a vowel or semivowel occurring in the following syllable. b. A vowel sound changed in this manner. Also called vowel mutation. 2. The diacritic mark (¨) placed over a vowel to indicate

1322. symbiosis *

A close, prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that may, but does not necessarily, benefit each member. 2. A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence.

936. oleograph *

A chromolithograph printed with oil paint on canvas in imitation of an oil painting.

1243. sickle cell anemia

A chronic, severe, and sometimes fatal anemia marked by crescent-shaped red blood cells and characterized by fever, leg ulcers, jaundice, and episodic pain in the joints. The disease occurs in people who are homozygous for a gene that produces an abnormal form of hemoglobin, and it is found chiefly in people of African descent and in some Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Central and South American, and South Asian populations. Also called sickle cell disease.

1165. Rijeka

A city of western Croatia on the Adriatic Sea west-southwest of Zagreb. Held at various times by Austria, Croatia, France, and Hungary, it was seized by Italian irregulars in 1919. The Treaty of Rapallo between Italy and Yugoslavia (1920) guaranteed its status as an independent city, although it was formally annexed by Italy four years later.

1086. proviso

A clause in a document imposing a qualification, condition, or restriction.

1444. vinaigrette

A cold sauce or dressing made of vinegar or lemon juice and oil, often flavored with finely chopped onions, herbs, and other seasonings. 2. A small decorative bottle or container with a perforated top, used for holding an aromatic preparation such as smelling salts.

1133. redshirt

A college athlete who is allowed to practice with the varsity team but is kept out of competition for one year in order to extend the athlete's period of eligibility.

1330. table d'hôte

A communal table for all the guests at a hotel or restaurant. 2. A full-course meal offering a limited number of choices and served at a fixed price in a restaurant or hotel. Also called prix fixe.

861. monasterial *

A community of persons, especially monks, bound by vows to a religious life and often living in partial or complete seclusion. 2. The dwelling place of such a community.

1383. triad

A group of three. 2. Music A chord of three tones, especially one built on a given root tone plus a major or minor third and a perfect fifth. 3. A section of a Pindaric ode consisting of the strophe, antistrophe, and epode.

1342. teleconference

A conference held among people in different locations by means of a telecommunications network.

1253. situs inversus

A congenital condition in which internal organs are transposed through the sagittal plane so that the heart, for example, is on the right side of the body.

1277. spina bifida

A congenital defect in which the spinal column is imperfectly closed so that part of the meninges or spinal cord protrudes, often resulting in hydrocephalus and other neurological disorders.

1354. tetralogy of Fallot *

A congenital malformation of the heart characterized by a defect in the ventricular septum, misplacement of the origin of the aorta, narrowing of the pulmonary artery, and enlargement of the right ventricle.

916. nouvelle cuisine

A contemporary school of French cooking that seeks to bring out the natural flavors of foods and substitutes light, low-calorie sauces and stocks for the traditional heavy butter-based and cream-based preparations.

1048. polemic

A controversial argument, especially one refuting or attacking a specific opinion or doctrine. 2. A person engaged in or inclined to controversy, argument, or refutation.

1385. triclinium

A couch facing three sides of a rectangular table, used by the ancient Greeks, Etruscans, and Romans for reclining at meals. 2. A room containing such a couch or couches; a dining room.

1485. Yemeni

A country of southwest Asia at the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula. It was ruled by various peoples, such as the Sabaeans, Himyarites, Romans, Ethiopians, and Persians, in ancient times. It was conquered in the 7th century AD by Muslim Arabs and became part of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century. The northern part (known as Yemen or North Yemen) was established as an independent kingdom in 1918 and made a republic in 1962. The southern part consisted of several British protectorates in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Britain withdrew from the area in 1967, and South Yemen became independent soon after. The two united in May 1990. San'a is the capital and the largest city.

1396. Turkmenistan

A country of west-central Asia east of the Caspian Sea. Once part of ancient Persia and later ruled by Arabs (8th century), Turks (11th century), Mongols (13th-14th century), and Uzbeks (late 15th century), it was annexed by Russia in 1881 and became a constituent state of the USSR, the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic, in 1925. Turkmenistan declared its independence in 1991 following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Ashgabat is the capital and the largest city.

1068. presbytery

A court composed of Presbyterian Church ministers and representative elders of a particular locality. b. The district represented by this court. 2. Presbyters considered as a group. 3. Government of a church by presbyters. 4. The section of a church reserved for the clergy. 5. Roman Catholic Church The residence of a priest.

1474. Wounded Knee

A creek of southwest South Dakota. Some 300 Lakota were massacred here by US troops on December 29, 1890. In 1973 a standoff between Indian activists and US law officers resulted in deaths on both sides.

868. morion *

A crested metal helmet with a curved peak in front and back, worn by European soldiers in the 1500s and 1600s.

1487. yogurt, yoghurt, yoghourt

A custard like food with a tart flavor, prepared from milk curdled by bacteria, especially Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, and often sweetened or flavored.

1364. timbale

A custardlike dish of cheese, chicken, fish, or vegetables baked in a drum-shaped pastry mold. 2. The pastry mold in which this food is baked.

1174. rostrum

A dais, pulpit, or other elevated platform for public speaking. 2. The curved, beak like prow of an ancient Roman ship, especially a war galley. b. The speaker's platform in an ancient Roman forum, which was decorated with the prows of captured enemy ships. 3. Biology A beak like projection, especially: a. An anterior projection of an insect's or an arachnid's mouth-parts, of the upper jaw of a cetacean, or of the cephalothorax of a crustacean. b. A beak-like projection of a plant part, as the fruit of a geranium.

942. oolong

A dark Chinese tea that has been partially oxidized before drying.

1290. stockade *

A defensive barrier made of strong posts or timbers driven upright side by side into the ground. 2. A fenced or enclosed area, especially one used for protection. b. A jail on a military base.

983. parfait

A dessert made of cream, eggs, sugar, and flavoring frozen together and served in a tall glass. 2. A sweet dish usually made of ice cream, yogurt, or other creamy food layered with fruit, granola, nuts, or other ingredients, often served in a tall glass.

1400. udometer

A device for measuring rainfall. Also called pluviometer and rain gauge

961. oximeter

A device for measuring the oxygen saturation of arterial blood

1466. whirlybird *

A helicopter.

1002. pellagrous

A disease caused by a deficiency of niacin and protein in the diet and characterized by skin eruptions, digestive and nervous system disturbances, and eventual mental deterioration.

888. narcolepsy *

A disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations.

1464. Weimaraner

A dog of a medium-sized breed developed in Germany for hunting, having a smooth gray coat.

1308. supercollider

A high-energy particle accelerator.

1009. Percheron *

A draft horse of a breed developed in France, having a gray or black coat and noted for its strength.

991. pastiche

A dramatic, artistic, literary, or musical piece openly imitating the previous works of other artists, often with satirical intent. 2. A pasticcio of incongruous parts; a hodgepodge

1246. silhouette

A drawing consisting of the outline of something, especially a human profile, filled in with a solid color. 2. An outline that appears dark against a light background

1343. telefacsimile

A fax machine.

1433. veneration

A feeling of profound respect or reverence

963. paddock *

A fenced area, usually near a stable, used chiefly for grazing horses. 2. An enclosure at a racetrack where the horses are assembled, saddled, and paraded before each race. b. An area of an automobile racetrack where cars are prepared before a race. 3. Australian A piece of fenced-in land.

989. passado

A fencing maneuver in which the foil is thrust forward and one foot advanced at the same time.

1240. shindig

A festive party, often with dancing. Also called shindy.

908. nom de guerre (singular)

A fictitious name; a pseudonym.

1384. triceratops, Triceratops

A large ceratopsian dinosaur of the genus Triceratops of the Cretaceous Period, having a large bony frill at the back of the skull, a pair of horns above the eyes, and a single horn on the nose.

1199. sarcenet

A fine soft silk cloth.

980. paramatta, parramatta

A fine, lightweight silk and wool or cotton and wool dress fabric.

1255. skyrocket *

A firework that ascends high into the air where it explodes in a brilliant cascade of flares and star-like sparks.

922. obeah

A form of religious belief of African origin, involving sorcery and practiced in Jamaica, some other parts of the West Indies, and nearby tropical America. 2. An object, charm, or fetish used in the practice of this belief.

926. obsequy *

A funeral rite or ceremony.

1164. rictus

A gaping grimace. 2. The expanse of an open mouth or a bird's beak. b. The corner of the mouth or the fleshy area where the upper and lower mandibles of a bird meet

1046. pneumatophore

A gas-filled sac serving as a float in some colonial marine hydrozoans, such as the Portuguese man-of-war. 2. Botany A specialized respiratory root in certain aquatic plants, such as the bald cypress, that grows upward and protrudes above the water or mud into the air.

1179. ruche

A gathered ruffle or pleat of fabric used for trimming or decorating garments.

1001. pekoe *

A grade of black tea consisting of the leaves around the buds.

1054. portcullis *

A grating of iron or wooden bars or slats, suspended in the gateway of a fortified place and lowered to block passage.

1345. tempeh

A high-protein food made from partially cooked, fermented soybeans.

1019. pertussis

A highly contagious disease of the respiratory system, usually affecting children, that is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis and is characterized in its advanced stage by spasms of coughing interspersed with deep, noisy inspirations

992. pastrami *

A highly seasoned smoked cut of beef, usually taken from the shoulder.

1426. vaquero

A hired man, especially in the western United States, who tends cattle and performs many of his duties on horseback. Also called cowman; also called regionally buckaroo 2. An adventurous hero. 3. A reckless person, such as a driver, pilot, or manager, who ignores potential risks.

978. Paraguay

A landlocked country of south-central South America. Inhabited principally by the Guarani, the region was first explored by Europeans in 1516 and grew around the colony of Asunción (founded in the 1530s). Paraguay achieved de facto independence from Spain in 1811 and was ruled by a series of dictators in the 1800s. Paraguay was involved in costly wars with Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay (1865-1870) and Bolivia (1932-1935). Asunción is the capital and the largest city.

1418. Uto-Aztecan

A language phylum of North and Central America that includes Ute, Hopi, Nahuatl, and Shoshone. 2. A member of a people speaking a Uto-Aztecan language.

905. nilgai

A large brown or bluish-gray antelope (Boselaphus tragocamelus) native to India, Nepal, and Pakistan, the male of which has short, sturdy horns and strands of long hair hanging down from the throat.

1402. umiak, oomiak

A large open boat used by Yupik and Inuit people, made of skins stretched on a wooden frame, usually propelled by paddles.

943. operculum

A lid like structure covering an opening, especially: a. A bony plate that covers and protects the gills of most bony fishes. Also called gill cover. b. A horny or calcareous plate attached to the foot of most larval and many adult gastropods, used to close the aperture when the animal retracts into its shell. c. A covering at the top of the spore capsule of most mosses, falling off when mature spores are released.

1270. soufflé

A light, fluffy baked dish made with egg yolks and beaten egg whites combined with various other ingredients and served as a main dish or sweetened as a dessert.

1382. transversal

A line that intersects a system of other lines; transverse

1315. surrealism *

A literary and artistic movement of the 1900s that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter. 2. Literature or art produced in this style.

1338. tarantella *

A lively, whirling southern Italian dance in 6/8 time, once thought to be a remedy for tarantism. 2. The music for this dance.

1257. sledgehammer

A long heavy hammer, often wielded with both hands, used for driving wedges and posts and for other heavy work.

1025. phenobarbital

A long-acting barbiturate, C12H12N2O3, used medicinally as a sedative, hypnotic, and anticonvulsant, sometimes in the form of its sodium salt.

1346. tenaculum *

A long-handled, slender, hooked instrument for lifting and holding parts, such as blood vessels, during surgery.

1120. ratiné

A loosely woven fabric with a rough nubby texture.

1380. transfiguration, Transfiguration

A marked change in form or appearance; a metamorphosis. b. A change that glorifies or exalts. 2. The sudden emanation of radiance from the person of Jesus that occurred on a mountain. b. The Christian feast commemorating this event, observed on August 6 in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox churches and on the Sunday before Lent in most Protestant churches.

937. oligopoly *

A market condition in which sellers are so few that the actions of any one of them will materially affect price and have a measurable impact on competitors.

865. monopsony

A market situation in which the product or service of several sellers is sought by only one buyer.

1148. requiem, Requiem

A mass for a deceased person. b. A musical composition for such a mass. 2. A hymn, composition, or service for the dead.

1182. Runnymede

A meadow in southeast England on the Thames River west of London. King John accepted the Magna Carta here or on a nearby island in 1215.

869. morpheme

A meaningful linguistic unit that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts. The word man and the suffix -ed (as in walked)

902. nexus

A means of connection; a link or tie 2. A connected series or group. 3. The core or center

1309. superfecta

A method of betting in which the bettor, in order to win, must pick the first four finishers of a race in the correct sequence.

915. nostrum *

A medicine whose effectiveness is unproved and whose ingredients are usually secret; a quack remedy. 2. A favorite but usually ineffective remedy for problems or evils.

1185. sackbut

A medieval instrument resembling the trombone.

1225. Seminole

A member of a Native American people made up of various primarily Creek groups who moved into northern Florida during the 1700s and 1800s, later inhabiting the Everglades region as well, with present-day populations in Oklahoma and southern Florida. The Seminole Wars ended in the removal of the majority of the Seminoles to Indian Territory. 2. Either of the Muskogean languages of the Seminole.

1198. Saracen

A member of a pre-Islamic nomadic people of the Syrian and Arabian Deserts. 2. A Muslim, especially of the time of the Crusades.

1194. Salvationist, salvationist (noun)

A member of the Salvation Army. 2. One who preaches salvation; an evangelist.

1195. samovar

A metal urn with a spigot, used to boil water for tea and traditionally having a chimney and heated by coals.

1097. pyrrhic *

A metrical foot having two short or unaccented syllables.

1212. schwa

A mid-central neutral vowel, typically occurring in unstressed syllables, as the final vowel of English sofa. 2. The symbol (ə) used to represent an unstressed neutral vowel and, in some systems of phonetic transcription, a stressed mid-central vowel, as in but.

1169. Riviera

A narrow coastal region between the Alps and the Mediterranean Sea extending from southeast France to northwest Italy. The Riviera, known as the Côte d'Azur in France, is a popular resort area noted for its flowers grown for use in perfumery.

1004. pencel, pensil

A narrow flag, streamer, or pennon, especially one carried at the top of a lance or spear.

1368. tokonoma *

A niche or an alcove in a Japanese home for displaying a flower arrangement, kakemono, or other piece of art.

844. miasmic *

A noxious atmosphere or influence. 2.A foul-smelling vapor arising from rotting organic matter, formerly thought to cause disease, A thick vaporous atmosphere or emanation

981. parasail

A parachute that is designed with openings or extensions to allow airflow and is towed behind an automobile or motorboat to lift a rider attached by a harness into the air.

984. parotid

A parotid gland.

1230. sequela

A pathological condition resulting from a disease. 2. A secondary consequence or result.

1125. rebec, rebeck

A pear-shaped, two-stringed or three-stringed medieval instrument, played with a bow.

1003. Peloponnesian

A peninsula forming the southern part of Greece south of the Gulf of Corinth. It was dominated by Sparta until the fourth century BC.

1335. tambourine

A percussion instrument consisting of a small drumhead with jingling disks fitted into the rim, usually played by shaking and striking with the hand. 2. A similar instrument without a drumhead.

958. outlander

A person from a foreign country; a foreigner. 2. A stranger.

1049. polymath

A person of great or varied learning.

1341. tatterdemalion

A person wearing ragged or tattered clothing; a ragamuffin.

873. mugwumpery

A person who acts independently or remains neutral, especially in politics. 2. A Republican who bolted the party in 1884, refusing to support presidential candidate James G. Blaine.

979. paralegal

A person who assists a lawyer in the performance of various legal tasks and activities associated with the representation of clients.

107. assayer

A person who creates a qualitative or quantitative analysis of a metal or ore to determine its components

988. parvenu

A person who has suddenly risen to a higher social and economic class and has not yet gained social acceptance by others in that class.

1172. rookery

A place where large numbers of rooks or certain seabirds or marine animals, such as penguins or seals, nest or breed. b. A colony of such animals. 2. A crowded and dilapidated tenement or area.

1039. pizzeria

A place where pizzas are made and sold.

1239. shenanigan

A playful or mischievous act; a prank. 2. An underhanded act or deceitful remark

907. nolo contendere *

A plea made by the defendant in a criminal action that is substantially but not technically an admission of guilt and subjects the defendant to punishment but permits denial of the alleged facts in other proceedings

1288. stigmata

A plural of stigma.

1387. triolet *

A poem or stanza of eight lines with a rhyme scheme abaaabab, in which the fourth and seventh lines are the same as the first, and the eighth line is the same as the second.

935. oleander *

A poisonous Eurasian evergreen shrub (Nerium oleander) with narrow leathery leaves, widely cultivated for its showy fragrant white, rose, or purple flowers. Also called rose bay.

1163. ricin

A poisonous protein extracted from the castor bean and used as a biochemical reagent.

1477. xanthan gum

A polysaccharide of high molecular weight produced by bacterial fermentation of glucose and used as a stabilizer and thickener in foods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and various industrial processes.

1300. subcomponent

A portion of a component, especially an electronic component; a subassembly.

1109. quintain

A post or an object mounted on a post, used as a target in jousting exercises.

1454. vorlage

A posture assumed in skiing in which the skier leans forward from the ankles, usually without lifting the heels.

1075. prolegomenon

A preliminary discussion, especially a formal essay introducing a work of considerable length or complexity.

1191. salmonberry

A prickly shrub (Rubus spectabilis) of western North America, having trifoliolate leaves and fragrant pinkish or purple flowers. 2. The edible salmon-colored raspberry like fruit of this plant.

1468. widow's walk

A railed platform or cupola, typically on a coastal house. Also called widow's watch.

903. niblick

An iron-headed golf club with the face slanted at a greater angle than any other iron except a wedge; a nine iron

1389. tritium *

A rare radioactive isotope of hydrogen, H-3, having one proton and two neutrons in the nucleus and a half-life of 12.3 years, prepared artificially for use as a tracer and as a constituent of hydrogen bombs.

1142. reliquary

A receptacle, such as a coffer or shrine, for keeping or displaying sacred relics.

1036. pilaster

A rectangular column with a capital and base, projecting only slightly from a wall as an ornamental motif.

962. ozonosphere

A region of the atmosphere lying mostly in the stratosphere, between about 15 and 30 kilometers (10 and 20 miles) in altitude, containing a relatively high concentration of ozone that absorbs solar ultraviolet radiation in a wavelength range not screened by other atmospheric components

1041. planisphere

A representation of a sphere or part of a sphere on a plane surface. 2. Astronomy A polar projection of half or more of the celestial sphere on a chart equipped with an adjustable overlay to show the stars visible at a particular time and place.

1393. tu quoque

A retort accusing an accuser of a similar offense or similar behavior.

1453. volte-face *

A reversal, as in policy; an about-face

893. neoclassicism, Neoclassicism

A revival of classical aesthetics and forms, especially: a. A revival in literature in the late 1600s and 1700s, characterized by a regard for the classical ideals of reason, form, and restraint. b. A revival in the 1700s and 1800s in architecture and art, especially in the decorative arts, characterized by order, symmetry, and simplicity of style. c. A movement in music lasting roughly from 1915 to 1940 that sought to avoid subjective emotionalism and to return to the style of the pre-Romantic composers. 2. Any of various intellectual movements that embrace a set of traditional principles regarded as fundamental or authoritative.

1106. quiche

A rich unsweetened custard pie, often containing ingredients such as vegetables, cheese, or seafood.

1181. runnel *

A rivulet; a brook. 2. A narrow channel or course, as for water.

934. okapi

A ruminant mammal (Okapia johnstoni) of the central African rainforest, having a reddish-brown body, whitish-gray cheeks, horizontal whitish stripes on the legs and hindquarters, and short horns in the male

858. Mohs scale

A scale for classifying minerals based on relative hardness, determined by the ability of harder minerals to scratch softer ones. The scale includes the following minerals, in order from softest to hardest: 1. talc; 2. gypsum; 3. calcite; 4. fluorite; 5. apatite; 6. orthoclase; 7. quartz; 8. topaz; 9. corundum; 10. diamond.

1294. stratagem

A scheme or maneuver designed to achieve an objective, as in surprising an enemy or deceiving someone

1356. thalidomide

A sedative and hypnotic drug, C13H10N2O4, withdrawn from general use after it was found to cause severe birth defects when taken during pregnancy. It is currently used to treat leprosy.

884. nacelle

A separate streamlined enclosure on an aircraft or spacecraft for sheltering the crew or cargo or for housing an engine and usually its related components. 2. A similar enclosure on a wind turbine that houses the energy-generating components, including the shaft, generator, and gearing, and to which the rotor and blades of the turbine are attached.

1015. peristyle

A series of columns surrounding a building or enclosing a court. 2. A court enclosed by columns.

1021. petri dish *

A shallow circular dish with a loose-fitting cover, used to culture bacteria or other microorganisms.

874. muleta

A short red cape suspended from a hollow staff, used by a matador to maneuver a bull during the final passes before a kill.

1424. Vandyke beard

A short, pointed beard, especially one worn with the cheeks shaven and a mustache.

931. ocotillo *

A shrub (Fouquieria splendens) of Mexico and the southwest United States, having long spiny stems and clusters of scarlet tubular flowers.

1488. yttrium

A silvery, malleable metallic element that is found in the same ores as other rare-earth elements and is used in various metallurgical applications, notably to increase the strength of magnesium and aluminum alloys. Its oxide and other compounds are useful as phosphors, microwave filters, laser dopants, and superconducting materials. Atomic number 39; atomic weight 88.906; melting point 1,522°C; boiling point 3,345°C; specific gravity 4.469 (at 25°C); valence 3. See Periodic Table.

1367. T-maze

A simple maze with one branch point, used for experimental studies of mice or other small animals. One arm of the maze leads to a reward, while the other is without an exit. Also called Y-maze.

1493. zero-sum game

A situation in which a gain by one person or side must be matched by a loss by another person or side

1321. sylph

A slim, graceful woman or girl. 2. In the occult philosophy of Paracelsus, a being that has air as its element.

977. papilloma

A small benign epithelial tumor, such as a wart, consisting of an overgrowth of cells on a core of smooth connective tissue.

1430. vehicular

Of, relating to, or intended for vehicles, especially motor vehicles 2. Serving as a vehicle

906. nodular

A small knot-like protuberance. 2. Medicine A small, abnormal but usually benign mass of tissue, as on the thyroid gland, in the lung, or under the skin. 3. Botany A small knob like outgrowth, especially one on the roots of a leguminous plant that contains bacteria that fix nitrogen. 4. Mineralogy A small rounded lump of a mineral or mixture of minerals, usually harder than the surrounding rock or sediment.

1057. pouncet box

A small perfume box with a perforated top.

1259. sloops of war

A small warship carrying guns on one deck only.

945. opuscule *

A small, minor work.

845. microcosm

A small, representative system having analogies to a larger system in constitution, configuration, or development

1463. wedeln

A snow skiing style in which the skier executes a series of short quick parallel turns by moving the backs of the skis from side to side at a constant speed.

1261. sodality *

A society or an association, especially a devotional or charitable society for the laity in the Roman Catholic Church. 2. Fellowship.

857. moccasin

A soft leather slipper traditionally worn by certain Native American peoples. 2. Footwear resembling such a slipper. 3. A water moccasin.

997. peau de soie *

A soft silk fabric of satin weave having a dull finish.

897. Neufchâtel *

A soft white cheese made from cow's milk.

1244. sienna *

A special clay containing iron and manganese oxides, used as a pigment for oil and watercolor painting.

1273. specialty

A special pursuit, occupation, aptitude, or skill. b. A branch of medicine or surgery, such as cardiology or neurosurgery, in which a physician specializes; the field or practice of a specialist. c. An item or product of a distinctive kind or of particular superiority. 2. Law A contract or agreement that creates a greater obligation than an ordinary contract or agreement because it is executed under seal.

1069. pretension

A specious allegation; a pretext. 2. A claim to something, such as a skill or profession. 3. deserving of merit, or behavior indicative of such an assumption; pretentiousness

1266. somnolence

A state of drowsiness; sleepiness.

1265. solleret *

A steel shoe made of overlapping plates, forming a part of a medieval suit of armor.

1434. venetian blue

A strong blue to greenish blue.

944. optic chiasma

A structure in the brain formed by the partial intersection or crossing of the optic nerve fibers on the underside of the hypothalamus.

1224. seminarist

A student at a seminary.

1472. wonk

A student who studies excessively; a grind. 2. One who studies an issue or topic thoroughly or excessively

1245. silesia, Silesia

A sturdy twilled cotton fabric used for linings and pockets.

1333. taiga *

A subarctic area of northern Eurasia and North America located just south of the tundra and covered largely with coniferous forests dominated by firs and spruces.

1301. subgenre *

A subcategory within a particular genre

985. paroxysm

A sudden outburst of emotion or action 2. A sudden attack, recurrence, or intensification of a disease. b. A spasm or fit; a convulsion.

972. Pangaea, Pangea

A super continent that included all the world's landmasses in the late Paleozoic and, according to the theory of plate tectonics, subsequently broke apart into Laurasia and Gondwana.

1331. tachymeter *

A surveying instrument used for the rapid determination of distances, elevations, and bearings.

1119. ratafia

A sweet cordial flavored with fruit kernels or almonds.

1394. tumescence *

A swelling or enlarging. b. A swollen condition. 2. A swollen part or organ.

1391. trudgen, trudgeon

A swimming stroke in which alternating overarm movements are combined with a scissors kick.

1107. quinella

A system of betting in which the bettor, in order to win, must pick the first two finishers of a race, but not necessarily in the correct sequence.

1034. phylum *

A taxonomic category of organisms ranking below a kingdom and above a class. In the classification of plants, division often replaces phylum. 2. Linguistics A large division of possibly genetically related families of languages or linguistic stocks.

964. paillasse, palliasse *

A thin mattress filled with straw or sawdust.

850. miniseries

A television series that tells a self-contained story in a limited number of episodes. 2. A comic book series that tells a self-contained story in a limited number of issues, usually between two and eight. 3. A short series of performances or athletic contests.

1348. teocalli

A temple of ancient Mexico, usually built on a pyramidal mound. 2. The mound on which such a temple was built.

1317. suspended animation

A temporary state of interrupted breathing and loss of consciousness resembling death, caused especially by asphyxia.

1374. tostada *

A tortilla or tortilla chip deep-fried until crisp. 2. A dish made by topping a tostada with various ingredients, such as refried beans, cheese, lettuce, meat, guacamole, salsa, or sour cream.

1098. Q-Tip, Q-tip (trademark)

A trademark for a cotton-tipped swab.

917. Novocain (trademark)

A trademark for an anesthetic preparation of the drug procaine.

1439. vibrato

A tremulous or pulsating effect produced in an instrumental or vocal tone by minute and rapid variations in pitch.

1042. platitudinous *

A trite or banal remark or statement, especially one expressed as if it were original or significant. 2. Lack of originality; triteness

1252. siphon, syphon

A tube that carries a liquid from a higher level up and over a barrier and then down to a lower level, with the flow maintained by gravity and atmospheric pressure as long as the tube remains filled. 2. Zoology A tubular organ, especially of aquatic invertebrates such as squids or clams, by which water is taken in or expelled.

1476. writer's block

A usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing.

864. monometer

A verse consisting of a single metrical foot or one dipody.

973. pantoum

A verse form composed of quatrains in which the second and fourth lines are repeated as the first and third lines of the following quatrain.

885. nannofossil, nanofossil

A very small fossil organism, especially one of the nannoplankton.

1357. theodicy

A vindication of God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil.

1223. semaphore

A visual signaling apparatus with flags, lights, or mechanically moving arms, as one used on a railroad. 2. A visual system for sending information by means of two flags that are held one in each hand, using an alphabetic code based on the position of the signaler's arms.

1113. ragout

A well-seasoned meat or fish stew, usually with vegetables. 2. A mixture of diverse elements

1072. procaine

A white crystalline powder, C13H20N2O2, used chiefly in its hydro-chloride form as a local anesthetic in medicine and dentistry.

1431. velouté *

A white sauce made of chicken, veal, or fish stock thickened with a roux of flour and butter.

1397. turmeric

A widely cultivated tropical plant (Curcuma longa) of India, having yellow flowers and an aromatic, somewhat fleshy rhizome. 2. The powdered rhizome of this plant, used as a spice and a yellow dye. 3. Any of several other plants having similar rhizomes.

1084. protégée (female)

A woman or girl whose welfare, training, or career is promoted by an influential person.

1350. termagant

A woman regarded as quarrelsome or scolding; a shrew.

1220. seeress

A woman who acts as a prophet or clairvoyant.

938. ombudswoman

A woman who investigates complaints and mediates fair settlements, especially between aggrieved parties such as consumers or students and an institution or organization.

1438. vestrywoman

A woman who is a member of a vestry.

1475. wristlock

A wrestling hold in which an opponent's wrist is gripped and twisted to immobilize the opponent.

998. pecorino

An Italian cheese, especially Romano, made from sheep's milk.

930. ochlophobia *

An abnormal fear of crowds.

1422. valediction

An act of bidding farewell; a leave-taking. 2. A speech or statement made as a farewell. 3. A word or phrase of farewell used to end a letter or message.

1399. typhoid fever

An acute, highly infectious disease of humans caused by a bacterium (Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi) spread chiefly by contaminated food or water and characterized by high fever, headache, coughing, reddish spots on the skin, and sometimes intestinal hemorrhage.

1427. variola

An acute, highly infectious, often fatal disease caused by a poxvirus and characterized by high fever and aches with subsequent widespread eruption of pimples that blister, produce pus, and form pockmarks. Smallpox was eradicated worldwide by 1979 as a result of numerous vaccination campaigns and exists only as a laboratory specimen. Also called smallpox

1228. sententia

An adage or aphorism.

982. parasiticide

An agent or preparation used to destroy parasites.

886. napalm

An aluminum soap of various fatty acids that when mixed with gasoline makes a firm jelly used in some bombs and in flamethrowers b. This jelly. 2. An incendiary mixture of gasoline or other petroleum fuel and a thickener or gel-forming agent

1207. scavenger

An animal, such as a vulture or housefly, that feeds on dead or decaying matter. 2. One that scavenges, as a person who searches through refuse for useful items. 3. Chemistry A substance added to a mixture to remove or inactivate impurities.

1320. sweet alyssum *

An annual or perennial herb (Lobularia maritima) in the mustard family, native to the Mediterranean region and widely cultivated for its small, fragrant, typically white or lavender flowers.

1260. sluiced

An artificial channel for conducting water, with a valve or gate to regulate the flow. 2. A body of water impounded behind a floodgate. 3. A sluiceway. 4. A long inclined trough, as for carrying logs or separating gold ore.

1088. Prudhoe Bay

An inlet of the Arctic Ocean on the northern coast of Alaska east of the Colville River delta. Extensive oil reserves were discovered here in 1968.

1428. varlet

An attendant or servant. 2. A knight's page. 3. A rascal; a knave.

1026. Philistinism, philistinism

An attitude of smug ignorance and conventionalism, especially toward artistic and cultural values.

1347. tentacular

An elongated flexible unsegmented extension, as one of those surrounding the mouth of a sea anemone, used for feeling, grasping, or locomotion. b. One of these structures in a cephalopod, typically being retractile and having a clublike end usually with suckers or hooks, in contrast to an arm, which is nonretractile and typically has suckers along the underside. 2. Botany One of the sensitive hairs on the leaves of certain insectivorous plants, such as a sundew. 3. A similar part or extension, especially with respect to the ability to grasp or stretch

1175. roulade

An embellishment consisting of a rapid run of several notes sung to one syllable. 2. A slice of meat rolled around a filling and cooked. b. Any of various other dishes in which a flexible base layer is rolled up together with a soft filling.

1248. sine qua non

An essential element or condition

1283. stalactite *

An icicle-shaped mineral deposit, usually calcite or aragonite, hanging from the roof of a cavern, formed from the dripping of mineral-rich water.

1214. Scotticism

An idiom or other expression characteristic of Scottish English.

1229. sepoy

An indigenous soldier serving in the army of a foreign conqueror, especially an Indian soldier serving under British command in India.

923. objet d'art (singular) *

An object of artistic merit.

918. nudnik, nudnick *

An obtuse, boring, or bothersome person; a pest.

1231. sergeant at arms

An officer appointed to keep order within an organization, such as a legislative, judicial, or social body.

954. ossifrage *

An osprey

1061. precipice *

An overhanging or extremely steep mass of rock, such as a crag or the face of a cliff. 2. The brink of a dangerous or disastrous situation

1352. terra incognita

An unknown land; an unexplored region. 2. A new or unexplored field of knowledge.

879. muskmelon

Any of several varieties of the melon Cucumis melo, such as the cantaloupe, having fruit characterized by a netted rind and edible flesh with a musky aroma. 2. The fruit of any of these plants.

1104. quelea, Quelea

Any of several African weaver birds of the genus Quelea, especially Q. quelea, a small red-billed bird that is destructive to grain crops.

847. mignonette *

Any of several Mediterranean plants of the genus Reseda, especially R. odorata, widely cultivated for its dense racemes of small fragrant greenish flowers. 2. A sauce of vinegar, pepper, and minced shallots, usually served with oysters.

1238. shekel

Any of several ancient units of weight, especially a Hebrew unit equal to about a half ounce. b. A gold or silver coin equal in weight to one of these units, especially the chief silver coin of the ancient Hebrews. c. Variant of sheqel.

1497. zoysia, Zoysia

Any of several creeping grasses of the genus Zoysia, native to Southeast Asia and Australasia and widely cultivated for lawns.

887. naphtha

Any of several highly volatile, flammable liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons distilled from petroleum, coal tar, and natural gas and used as fuel, as solvents, and in making various chemicals. Also called benzine, ligroin, petroleum ether, white gasoline. 2. Obsolete Petroleum.

1458. wallaroo

Any of several large macropods of the genus Macropus, smaller than a kangaroo and larger than a wallaby, especially M. robustus, found throughout much of Australia. Also called euro

1371. toque

Any of several styles of small, close-fitting hats having no brim or a very short brim, especially: a. A usually black, velvet cap with a narrow, rolled brim and often an ornamental plume, worn especially in France in the 16th century. 2. A hat, usually white, having a tall pleated crown and no brim and traditionally worn by chefs.

1200. sarsaparilla *

Any of several tropical American plants of the genus Smilax, having fragrant roots used as a flavoring. b. The dried roots of any of these plants. c. A carbonated soft drink flavored with extracts of certain plant roots or with artificial flavorings having a similar flavor. 2. Either of two North American plants (Aralia hispida or A. nudicaulis) having umbels of small white flowers and bipinnately compound leaves.

969. palmetto

Any of several tropical and subtropical palms of the Americas having fan-shaped leaves, especially one of the genus Sabal, such as the cabbage palm. 2. Leaf strips of any of these plants, used in weaving.

1171. rogueries

Behavior characteristic of a rogue. 2. A mischievous act.

1154. retinopathic

Any of various disorders affecting the retina of the eye, marked by damage to retinal blood vessels, swelling of the retina, or abnormal growth of new blood vessels, and resulting in blurred vision, vision loss, or blindness. 2. Such a disorder occurring as a complication of untreated or improperly controlled diabetes mellitus. Also called diabetic retinopathy.

1489. yucca, Yucca

Any of various evergreen plants of the genera Yucca and Hesperoyucca of the southern United States, Mexico, and Central America, having stiff sword-shaped leaves, clusters of white flowers, and sometimes a thick treelike stem.

1209. schefflera, Schefflera

Any of various evergreen shrubs or small trees of the genus Schefflera, having palmately compound leaves. Several species are cultivated as houseplants. Also called umbrella tree.

1089. ptarmigan

Any of various grouse of the genus Lagopus, inhabiting arctic, subarctic, and alpine regions of the Northern Hemisphere and having feathered legs and feet and plumage that is brown or gray in summer and white in winter.

859. molluscum *

Any of various skin diseases in which soft spherical tumors form on the face or the body.

872. mud dauber

Any of various solitary predatory wasps, especially of the families Sphecidae and Crabronidae, that build nests of mud and provision them with paralyzed prey.

1337. tanager

Any of various songbirds of the family Thraupidae of the Americas, often having brightly colored plumage in the male. 2. Any of various similar birds of the family Cardinalidae, such as the scarlet tanager.

846. mid-ocean ridge

Any of various underwater mountain ranges forming a chain that extends almost continuously for about 66,000 kilometers (41,000 miles) through the North and South Atlantic Oceans, the Indian Ocean, and the South Pacific Ocean at the boundaries between divergent tectonic plates. Magma escapes from rifts along the tops of these ranges, adding new material to the earth's crust. 2. The system of these mountain ranges considered as a single geologic feature.

All Fools' Day

April 1, celebrated in various countries, including the United States and Great Britain, and marked by the playing of practical jokes

1087. prudential

Arising from or characterized by prudence. 2. Exercising prudence, good judgment, or common sense.

947. ordinarily

As a general rule; usually

1311. suppliant

Asking humbly and earnestly; beseeching.

1031. photogenic

Attractive as a subject for photography. 2. Biology Producing or emitting light; phosphorescent

1249. singularly

Being only one; individual; lone. 2. Being the only one of a kind; unique. 3. Being beyond what is ordinary, especially in being exceptionally good; remarkable. 4. Grammar a. Of, relating to, or being a noun, pronoun, or adjective denoting a single person or thing or several entities considered as a single unit. b. Of, relating to, or being a verb expressing the action or state of a single subject. 5. Logic Of or relating to the specific as distinguished from the general; individual.

1406. unelectable

Being such that election, as to high office, is difficult or impossible

1435. veritable

Being truly so called; real or genuine

1071. primeval *

Belonging to the first or earliest age or ages; original or ancient

1481. xerothermic

Both dry and hot 2. Adapted to or flourishing in an environment that is both dry and hot

1184. rutilant

Bright red.

1369. Tolkien

British philologist and author of the fantasies The Hobbit (1937) and The Lord of the Rings (1954-1955).

1167. rissolé

Browned by frying.

1008. per diem

By the day; per day.

1007. per annum

By the year; annually

1450. viva voce *

By word of mouth

1291. stoichiometry

Calculation of the quantities of reactants and products in a chemical reaction. 2. The quantitative relationship between reactants and products in a chemical reaction.

1413. unperturbed

Calm and serene; unruffled.

1011. perfectibility

Capable of becoming perfect or being made perfect

1094. purchasable

Capable of being bought. 2. Capable of being bribed; venal

1118. ratables *

Capable of being rated, estimated, or appraised. 2. Proportional, Liable to assessment; taxable. 3. property or building, especially one used for commercial purposes, that provides tax income for local government

1140. releasable

Capable of being released. 2. intended or configured to release

1193. salvable

Capable of being salvaged or saved

939. omnidirectional

Capable of transmitting or receiving signals in all directions, as an antenna.

1127. recipience *

Capacity to receive; receptivity.

1310. supernal

Celestial; heavenly. 2. Of, coming from, or being in the sky or high above.

238. cerement *

Cerecloth. 2. a burial garment

1282. staid *

Characterized by sedateness and often a strait-laced sense of propriety; serious and conventional. 2. Fixed; permanent

1111. raffish

Cheaply or showily vulgar in appearance or nature; tawdry. 2. Characterized by a carefree or fun-loving unconventionality; rakish.

1091. pugnacity *

Combative in nature.

1186. sacrilegious

Committing sacrilege or characterized by sacrilege.

1099. quadripartite

Consisting of or divided into four parts. 2. Involving four participants.

904. nickelic

Containing nickel, especially of valence 3.

1101. quartziferous *

Containing quartz.

1437. verrucose

Covered with warts or wartlike projections.

1180. runaround

Deception, usually in the form of evasive excuses. 2. Printing Type set in a column narrower than the body of the text, as on either side of a picture.

1423. valueless

Having no value; worthless.

1236. sgraffito

Decoration produced (on pottery or ceramic, for example) by scratching through a surface layer to reveal a different color underneath. 2. Something, such as pottery, decorated in this manner.

1232. serodiagnosis

Diagnosis of disease based on antigen-antibody reactions in the blood serum

1414. unruliest

Difficult or impossible to discipline, control, or rule 2. Difficult to keep in place or in order

1461. watered-down

Diminished in force or effect

1242. shuttle diplomacy

Diplomatic negotiations conducted by an official intermediary who travels frequently between the nations involved.

1376. tractable

Easily managed or controlled; governable. 2. Easily handled or worked; malleable.

1103. quebracho

Either of two South American trees, Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco whose bark is used in medicine, or Schinopsis lorentzii whose wood is an important source of tannin. 2. The bark or wood of either of these trees.

1340. tarpon

Either of two large marine game fishes, Megalops cyprinoides of the Pacific and Indian Oceans or M. atlanticus of Atlantic coastal waters, having a bluish-green back and silvery sides.

1188. saddlery

Equipment, such as saddles and harnesses, for horses. 2. A shop that sells tack. 3. The craft or business of one that makes or sells tack.

1160. rhinoscopy

Examination of the nasal passages by means of a speculum or similar instrument.

967. pallor

Extreme or unnatural paleness.

1010. perdurability

Extremely durable; permanent.

1161. rhizophagous

Feeding on roots.

1480. xerophilous

Flourishing in a very dry environment.

1056. posttraumatic

Following injury or resulting from it:

1241. shrapnel *

Fragments from an exploded artillery shell, mine, or bomb. 2. A 19th-century artillery shell containing metal balls, designed to explode in the air above enemy troops. b. The metal balls in such a weapon.

327. Cousteau

French underwater explorer, film producer, and author who helped to produce the Aqua-Lung (1943) and later developed underwater laboratories

1157. revengeful

Full of or given to revenge.

862. monocracy

Government or rule by a single person; autocracy.

1168. ritardando

Gradually slowing in tempo; retarding. Used chiefly as a direction.

1226. senescent

Growing old; aging. 2. No longer dividing. Used of a cell.

1062. precocial

Hatched or born with the eyes open, a covering of down or hair, and the ability to search for food. Used of birds and mammals.

854. misoneism

Hatred or fear of change or innovation.

851. misanthropy *

Hatred or mistrust of humankind.

996. pearlescent

Having a pearly luster or gloss.

1344. telegenic

Having a physical appearance and exhibiting personal qualities that are deemed highly appealing to television viewers

974. pantropic

Having an affinity for or indiscriminately affecting many kinds of tissue

1499. zygomorphic

Having bilateral symmetry, as the flowers of a pea plant.

1005. pentadactyl *

Having five digits on each extremity.

1392. truncated

Having the apex cut off and replaced by a plane, especially one parallel to the base. Used of a cone or pyramid. 2. Lacking one or more syllables, especially in the final foot; catalectic. 3. Shortened or reduced

1299. suasive

Having the power to persuade or convince; persuasive.

1276. spherical

Having the shape of a sphere; globular. b. Having a shape approximating that of a sphere. 2. Of or relating to a sphere. 3. Of or relating to celestial bodies.

960. outward-bound

Headed out, as toward the open sea

1447. virtually

In fact or to all purposes; practically 2. Almost but not quite; nearly

955. osteitis

Inflammation of bone or bony tissue.

1051. polyneuritis

Inflammation of several nerves at one time, marked by paralysis, pain, and muscle wasting

1279. spondylitis

Inflammation of the vertebrae.

766. Leonardo da Vinci

Italian painter, engineer, musician, and scientist. The most versatile genius of the Renaissance, Leonardo filled notebooks with engineering and scientific observations that were in some cases centuries ahead of their time

925. oblivious

Lacking conscious awareness; unmindful

1419. vacuous *

Lacking intelligence; stupid or empty-headed. b. Devoid of substance or meaning; vapid or inane Devoid of expression; vacant 2. Lacking serious purpose or occupation; idle

1425. vapid *

Lacking liveliness, animation, or interest; dull 2. Lacking taste, zest, or flavor; flat

1459. wantonness

Lascivious or promiscuous. Used especially of women. b. Exciting or expressing sexual desire 2. Marked by unprovoked, gratuitous maliciousness; capricious and unjust 3. Unrestrainedly excessive 5. Frolicsome; playful 6. To behave in a wanton manner; act lasciviously. 7. To move idly or playfully.

1017. persiflage

Light good-natured talk; banter. 2. Frivolity or mockery in discussing a subject.

1027. philology

Literary study or classical scholarship.

1197. sanguicolous *

Living in the blood, as certain parasites

994. patriarchal

Of, relating to, or characteristic of a patriarch. 2. Of or relating to a patriarchy

921. oakum

Loose hemp or jute fiber, sometimes treated with tar, creosote, or asphalt, used chiefly for caulking seams in wooden ships and packing pipe joints.

1073. procumbent

Lying face down; prone. 2. Botany Trailing along the ground but not rooting

1411. unleavened

Made without yeast or any other leavening agent

1339. tarpaulin *

Material, such as waterproofed canvas, used to cover and protect things from moisture. 2. A sheet of this material.

1441. viciousness

Mean-spirited or deliberately hurtful; malicious Extremely violent or injurious; cruel b. Marked by an aggressive disposition. Used chiefly of animals. c. Disposed to violent or destructive behavior 3. Severe, powerful, or intense; fierce 4.Having the nature of vice; evil, immoral, or depraved 5. Faulty or defectives

948. ordnance

Military materiel, such as weapons, ammunition, combat vehicles, and equipment. 2. The branch of an armed force that procures, maintains, and issues weapons, ammunition, and combat vehicles. 3. Cannon; artillery

1022. petrodollars

Money in any number of currencies that is paid to oil-producing countries, which then deposit it into Western banks.

1131. rectilinear

Moving in, consisting of, bounded by, or characterized by a straight line or lines

1355. thalassocracy

Naval or commercial supremacy on the seas.

891. necessitous

Needy; indigent. 2. Compelling; urgent.

841. metaplasia *

Normal transformation of tissue from one type to another, as in the ossification of cartilage to form bone 2. Transformation of cells from a normal to an abnormal state.

1478. xenobiotic

Not a natural component of a particular organism or biological system. Used of chemical compounds.

1420. vagueness

Not clear in meaning or expression; inexplicit 2. Not thinking or expressing oneself clearly 3. Lacking definite shape, form, or character; indistinct 4. Indistinctly felt, perceived, understood, or recalled; hazy

1407. unfeigned

Not feigned; genuine.

1408. ungrammatical

Not in accord with the rules of grammar.

1415. unscathed

Not injured or harmed

1412. unmeant

Not intentional.

1416. unsolicited

Not looked for or requested; unsought

1386. triennial

Occurring every third year. 2. Lasting three years.

1158. reversionary

Of or connected with the reversion of an estate.

895. Neotropical

Of or designating the bio-geographic region that includes southern Mexico, Central and South America, and the West Indies.

1050. Polynesian

Of or relating to Polynesia or its peoples, languages, or cultures.

1206. Scandinavian

Of or relating to Scandinavia or to its peoples, languages, or cultures.

1332. Tahitian

Of or relating to Tahiti or its people, language, or culture.

871. most-favored-nation

Of or relating to a commercial treaty in which the signatories agree to accord each other the same favorable terms that are offered in agreements with any other nation.

843. metronomic

Of or relating to a metronome. 2. Mechanically or unvarying regular in rhythm: a metronomic rendition of the piece.

920. numinous

Of or relating to a numen; supernatural. 2. Filled with or characterized by a sense of a supernatural presence 3. Spiritually elevated; sublime.

1401. ultramontane, Ultramontane *

Of or relating to peoples or regions lying beyond the mountains, especially the Alps. 2. Supporting the authority of the papal court over national or diocesan authority. b. Relating to or supporting the doctrine of papal supremacy.

966. Paleo-Indian

Of or relating to prehistoric human culture in the Western Hemisphere from the earliest habitation to around 5,000 BC.

866. Montessorian

Of or relating to the Montessori method.

928. occipital

Of or relating to the occiput or to the occipital bone.

1110. radioactive

Of, exhibiting, or caused by radioactivity. 2. Informal Extremely sensitive or controversial

876. multilingual

Of, including, or expressed in several languages. 2. Using or having the ability to use several languages

1417. uppercase *

Of, printed, or formatted in capital letters

987. participial

Of, relating to, consisting of, or formed with a participle.

1192. saltatory

Of, relating to, or adapted for leaping or dancing. 2. Proceeding by leaps rather than by smooth gradual transitions.

1092. pulmonary

Of, relating to, or affecting the lungs. 2.Having lungs or lung-like organs.

1059. precancerous

Of, relating to, or being a condition that typically precedes or develops into a cancer

1177. Rube Goldberg

Of, relating to, or being a contrivance that brings about by complicated means what apparently could have been accomplished simply.

1013. perinatal

Of, relating to, or being the period around childbirth, especially the five months before and one month after birth

912. nonproliferation

Of, relating to, or calling for an end to the acquisition of nuclear weapons by additional nations

1436. verminous

Of, relating to, or caused by vermin. 2. Infested with vermin 3. Loathsome or repulsive.

Wagnerian *

Of, relating to, or characteristic of Richard Wagner, his music dramas, or his theories.

853. misfeasor *

One guilty of misfeasance.

1390. troubadour

One of a class of 12th-century and 13th-century lyric poets in southern France, northern Italy, and northern Spain, who composed songs in langue d'oc often about courtly love. 2. A strolling minstrel.

1388. triplicate

One of a set of three identical objects or copies.

933. odontoblast

One of the cells forming the outer surface of dental pulp that produces the dentin of a tooth.

1366. Tisiphone

One of the three Furies.

975. paper tiger

One that is seemingly dangerous and powerful but is in fact timid and weak.

848. milliner

One that makes, trims, designs, or sells hats.

1316. surrogate

One that takes the place of another; a substitute. 2. A person or animal that functions as a substitute for another, as in a social or family role. b. A surrogate mother. 3. In Freudian psychology, a figure of authority who takes the place of the father or mother in a person's unconscious or emotional life. 4. Law A judge in New York and some other states having jurisdiction over the probate of wills and the settlement of estates.

1313. supremacist

One who believes that a certain group is or should be supreme.

1286. steeplejack

One who builds or maintains very high structures, such as steeples.

1275. spelunker *

One who explores caves chiefly as a hobby; a caver.

1473. workaholic

One who has a compulsive and unrelenting need to work.

1484. yea-sayer

One who has a confidently positive attitude. 2. One who tends to agree uncritically with others.

849. milquetoast *

One who has a meek, timid, unassertive nature.

1469. wildcatter

One who is engaged in speculative mining or well drilling in areas not known to be productive. 2. A promoter of speculative or fraudulent business enterprises. 3. A worker who participates in a wildcat strike.

1187. sacristan

One who is in charge of a sacristy. 2. A sexton.

1358. theologian

One who is learned in theology.

1365. timpanist, tympanist

One who plays the kettledrums and other percussion instruments in an orchestra.

1090. publicist

One who publicizes, especially a press or publicity agent.

1153. respondent *

One who responds. 2. Law The defending party in certain legal proceedings, as in a case brought by petition.

840. metaphysician *

One who specializes or is skilled in metaphysics.

1421. Vaishnava

One who worships Vishnu.

1271. spaceborne

Operating in or involving equipment operating in outer space. 2. Moving or drifting in outer space

1495. zoogenic

Originating in or produced by animals.

990. passementerie

Ornamental trimming for a garment, as braid, lace, or metallic beads.

968. palmatifid

Palmately divided or cleft:

995. payola

Payment of a party, especially a disc jockey or radio station, for the promotion of a product or service, such as a commercial musical recording, without making the legally required disclosure of sponsorship. 2. The money used to make such payment.

1268. sophistry

Plausible but fallacious argumentation. 2. A plausible but misleading or fallacious argument.

1222. selenosis

Poisoning, especially of livestock, caused by ingesting selenium found in some plants, in the soil, or in some microorganisms.

1144. reparable

Possible to repair

1202. satiable

Possible to satisfy or sate

1274. specifiable

Possible to specify

1304. sufferable *

Possible to suffer, endure, or permit; tolerable

1058. praxis *

Practical application or exercise of a branch of learning. 2. Habitual or established practice; custom.

1028. philoprogenitive

Producing many offspring; prolific. 2. Loving one's offspring or children in general. 3. Of or relating to love of children.

1314. surculose

Producing suckers

881. myelofibrosis *

Proliferation of fibroblastic cells in bone marrow, causing anemia and sometimes enlargement of the spleen and liver.

1115. random-access memory


1123. read-only memory


1170. roentgenology

Radiology employing x-rays.

1233. serviceable

Ready for service; usable. 2. Able to give long service; durable

1137. reincarnation *

Rebirth of the soul in another human or nonhuman body. 2. A reappearance or revitalization in another form; a new embodiment

1146. repleviable

Recoverable by replevin

1491. zebrine

Related to, resembling, or characteristic of a zebra.

1121. ratite

Relating to or being any of a group of flightless birds having a flat breastbone without the keellike prominence characteristic of most flying birds.

1443. Viennese

Relating to or characteristic of Vienna, Austria.

1284. stapes *

The innermost of the three small bones of the middle ear, shaped somewhat like a stirrup. Also called stirrup.

1227. senility

Relating to or having diminished cognitive function, as when memory is impaired, because of old age. b. Being a disease or condition whose cause is primarily advanced age

878. musculoskeletal *

Relating to or involving the muscles and the skeleton.

1378. transalpine *

Relating to, living on, or coming from the other side of the Alps, especially as viewed from Italy.

1117. rapport

Relationship, especially one of mutual trust or emotional affinity.

1295. strenuously

Requiring great effort, energy, or exertion. 2. Vigorously active; energetic or zealous

1095. purgatory *

Roman Catholic Church A state in which the souls of those who have died in grace must expiate their sins. 2. A place or condition of suffering, expiation, or remorse

956. ostiary

Roman Catholic Church One who is ordained in the lowest of the former minor orders. 2. A church doorkeeper.

1178. rubiginous *

Rust-colored; reddish-brown.

1047. point-device

Scrupulously correct or neat; precise or meticulous.

1263. soi-disant

Self-styled; so-called.

970. panchromatic *

Sensitive to all colors

1410. unitive

Serving to unite; tending to promote unity.

1256. sleaziness

Shabby, dirty, and vulgar; tawdry. 2. Made of low-quality materials; cheap or shoddy. 3. Thin and loosely woven; flimsy

1234. setiform

Shaped like a seta or bristle.

1272. spatulate *

Shaped like a spatula.

913. Norgay

Sherpa mountaineer who with Sir Edmund Hillary made the first ascent of Mount Everest (1953).

1306. sullenness

Showing a brooding ill humor or silent resentment; morose or sulky. 2. Gloomy or somber in tone, color, or portent 3. Sluggish; slow

1210. schizoaffective

Showing symptoms of both schizophrenia and mood disorder.

1108. Quinquagesima

Shrove Sunday.

1012. periaqueductal

Situated around the aqueduct of the brain

1381. transpontine *

Situated on the other side of a bridge. 2. Similar to or characteristic of melodramas once performed in London theaters located south of the Thames River.

1303. subterranean *

Situated or operating beneath the earth's surface; underground. 2. Hidden; secret

1205. scaloppine, scaloppini

Small, thinly sliced pieces of meat, especially veal, dredged in flour, sautéed, and served in a sauce.

1297. stupendously

So great in scope, degree, or importance as to amaze; Extremely large in amount, extent, or size; enormous. 2. Remarkable; outstanding

1462. water-soluble

Soluble in water.

1398. tutorial

Something that provides special, often individual instruction, especially: a. A book or class that provides instruction in a particular area. b. Computers A program that provides instruction for the use of a system or of software.

1044. plummeting

Something that weighs down or oppresses; a burden.

1269. sortation

Sorting, especially when mechanized or automated

993. pathognomonic *

Specific to a certain disease or condition, as a symptom or finding on physical examination.

1363. Tiffany glass

Stained or iridescent glass of a kind popular in the early 1900s for vases and lampshades.

1359. theomachy

Strife or battle among gods, as in the Homeric poems.

1166. risqué *

Suggestive of or bordering on indelicacy or impropriety.

1064. preeminent, pre-eminent

Superior to or notable above all others; outstanding.

1370. tonsillotomy

Surgical incision of a tonsil.

1360. thoracotomy

Surgical incision of the chest wall.

898. neurectomy

Surgical removal of a nerve or part of a nerve.

1456. vulnerability

Susceptible to physical harm or damage b. Susceptible to emotional injury, especially in being easily hurt c. Susceptible to attack d. Open to censure or criticism; assailable 2. In a position to receive greater penalties or bonuses in a hand of bridge. In a rubber, used of the pair of players who score 100 points toward game.

1492. Zend-Avesta

The Avesta.

1351. Terpsichore, terpsichore

The Muse of dancing and choral singing. 2. The art of dancing.

1065. preferment

The act of advancing to a higher position or office; promotion. 2. A position, appointment, or rank giving advancement, as of profit or prestige. 3. The act of preferring or the state of being preferred.

1213. scission *

The act of cutting or severing; division or fission.

1278. spoliation

The act of despoiling or plundering. 2. Law Unauthorized alteration or destruction of a legal document, such as a contract or will.

951. osculation *

The act of kissing. 2. Mathematics A contact, as between two curves or surfaces, at three or more common points.

1452. volition

The act of making a conscious choice or decision 2. The power or faculty of choosing; the will

514. facilitation

The act of making easy or easier. 2. the process of lowering the threshold for propagation of the action potential of a neuron, especially by the repeated use of a neural pathway or the summation of two or more sub threshold impulses

924. oblation, Oblation

The act of offering something, such as worship or thanks, to a deity 2. The act of offering the bread and wine of the Eucharist, Something offered, especially the bread and wine of the Eucharist. 3. A charitable offering or gift.

1130. recrimination

The act of recriminating. 2. A counter-charge. 3. Law A defense in an action for divorce in which the party against whom the divorce is sought accuses the party seeking the divorce of equivalent misconduct, potentially depriving the party seeking the divorce of the right to maintain the action.

1135. refutation

The act of refuting. 2. Something, such as an argument, that refutes someone or something.

1151. rescission *

The act of rescinding. 2. Law The termination of a contract by mutual agreement or as a result of fraud or some legal defect.

1293. strangulation

The act of strangling or strangulating. b. The state of being strangled or strangulated. 2. Medicine Constriction of a body part so as to cut off the flow of blood or another fluid

882. mystification

The act or an instance of mystifying. 2. The fact or condition of being mystified. 3. Something intended to mystify.

856. misspelling

The act or an instance of spelling incorrectly. 2. A word spelled incorrectly.

1296. stupefaction *

The act or an instance of stupefying. b. The state of being stupefied. 2. Great astonishment or consternation.

1128. recollection

The act or power of recollecting

1145. repetition

The act or process or an instance of repeating or being repeated. 2. A recitation or recital, especially of prepared or memorized material.

890. natation *

The act or skill of swimming.

1152. respiration

The action or process of inhaling and exhaling; breathing. Also called ventilation. b. An act of inhaling and exhaling; a breath. 2. The action or process by which an organism without lungs, such as a fish or plant, exchanges gases with its environment. 3. The oxidative process occurring within living cells by which the chemical energy of organic molecules is converted in a series of metabolic steps into usable energy in the form of ATP, involving the consumption of oxygen and the production of carbon dioxide and water as byproducts. b. Any of various analogous metabolic processes by which certain organisms, such as anaerobic bacteria and some fungi, obtain energy from organic molecules without consuming oxygen.

952. Osiris

The ancient Egyptian god whose annual death and resurrection personified the self-renewing vitality and fertility of nature.

1203. saturnalia, Saturnalia

The ancient Roman seven-day festival of Saturn, which began on December 17. 2. (used with a sing. verb) A celebration marked by unrestrained revelry and often licentiousness; an orgy.

1237. shamanism

The animistic religion of certain peoples of northern Asia in which mediation between the visible and spirit worlds is effected by shamans. 2. A similar religion or set of beliefs, especially among certain Native American peoples.

1208. scenography *

The art of representing objects in perspective, especially as applied in the design and painting of theatrical scenery. 2. Visual design for theatrical productions, including such elements as sets, costumes, and lighting.

950. orthographist

The art or study of correct spelling according to established usage. 2. The aspect of language study concerned with letters and their sequences in words.

1471. wizardry *

The art, skill, or practice of a wizard; sorcery. 2. A power or effect that appears magical by its capacity to transform

883. mythography

The artistic representation of mythical subjects. 2. A collection of myths, often with critical commentary.

1235. sfumato

The blurring or softening of sharp outlines in painting by subtle and gradual blending of one tone into another.

1040. planetology

The branch of astronomy that deals with the composition and structure of the planets of the solar system and with the relationships, similarities, and differences between them.

870. morphology

The branch of biology that deals with the form and structure of organisms without consideration of function. The form and structure of an organism or one of its parts: the morphology of a cell; the morphology of vertebrates. 2. Linguistics The study of the structure and form of words in language or a language, including inflection, derivation, and the formation of compounds.

896. nephology

The branch of meteorology that deals with clouds.

1247. simony

The buying or selling of ecclesiastical offices or of indulgences or other spiritual things.

152. Belgrade

The capital and the largest city of Serbia, the the north-central part at the confluence of the Danube and Sava rivers. founded in 3rd century B.C. it became the capital of the kingdom of Serbia in 1802 and the capital of Yugoslavia after World War I

1063. predation *

The capturing of prey for food. 2. The act of robbing, victimizing, or exploiting others.

910. nonillion

The cardinal number equal to 1030. 2. Chiefly British The cardinal number equal to 1054.

800. Magna Carta, Magna Charta

The charter of English political and civil liberties granted by King John of runnymede in June 1215. 2. a document or piece of legislation that serves as a guarantee of basic rights

1455. vulgate, Vulgate

The common speech of a people; the vernacular. 2. A widely accepted text or version of a work. 3. The Latin edition or translation of the Bible made by Saint Jerome at the end of the fourth century AD, now used in a revised form as the Roman Catholic authorized version.

1432. venality

The condition of being susceptible to bribery or corruption. 2. The use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.

1404. unanimity

The condition of being unanimous.

1445. viniculture

The cultivation of grapes; viticulture

1023. petrography

The description and classification of rocks.

1060. precedence

The fact, state, or right of coming before in time, order, or position:

1038. pis aller

The final recourse or expedient; the last resort.

1006. Pentateuchal

The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures; the Torah.

1486. Yggdrasil, Ygdrasil *

The great ash tree that holds together earth, heaven, and hell by its roots and branches.

880. myelin sheath

The insulating envelope of myelin that surrounds the core of a nerve fiber or axon and facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses. In the peripheral nervous system, the sheath is formed from the membranes of Schwann cells, and in the central nervous system it is formed from oligodendrocytes. Also called medullary sheath.

929. Oceania *

The islands of the southern, western, and central Pacific Ocean, including Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. The term is sometimes extended to encompass Australia, New Zealand, and the Malay Archipelago.

1324. synapse *

The junction across which a nerve impulse passes from an axon terminal to a neuron, muscle cell, or gland cell.

1189. Saigon *

The largest city of Vietnam, in the southern part of the country near the South China Sea. An ancient Khmer settlement, it was known as Saigon throughout most of its history, serving as the administrative center of French Indochina and, after 1954, as the capital of South Vietnam. The city was renamed after the end of the Vietnam War in 1975.

1070. prima ballerina

The leading woman dancer in a ballet company.

protagonist *

The main character in a work of fiction, as a play, film, or novel. 2. In ancient Greek drama, the first actor to engage in dialogue with the chorus, in later dramas playing the main character and some minor characters as well. 3. A leading or principal figure, The leader of a cause; a champion.

1498. Zugunruhe

The migratory drive in animals, especially birds.

1318. suttee, sati

The now illegal act or practice of a Hindu widow's cremating herself on her husband's funeral pyre in order to fulfill her true role as wife.

1066. prelacy

The office or station of a prelate. b. Prelates considered as a group. Also called prelature. 2. Church government administrated by prelates.

1460. wardenry

The office, duties, or jurisdiction of a warden.

1307. sultanate

The office, power, or reign of a sultan. 2. A country ruled by a sultan.

999. pedantry *

The ostentatious display of academic knowledge, or undue attention paid to minor details or formal rules

1217. secessionist

The policy of those advocating secession or supporting the right of secession.

894. neocolonialism

The policy or practice of a wealthy or powerful nation in extending its influence into a less developed one, especially in exploiting that nation's resources.

1329. tabernacle, Tabernacle

The portable sanctuary in which the Jews housed the Ark of the Covenant during their years in the desert. 2. A case or box on a church altar containing the consecrated host and wine of the Eucharist. 3. A place of worship. 4. A niche for a statue or relic. 5. A boxlike support in which the heel of a mast is stepped.

940. oneiromancy

The practice of predicting the future through interpretation of dreams.

1490. zazen

The primary form of meditation in Zen Buddhism, practiced while sitting cross-legged.

1149. res judicata

The principle that a decision by a competent court in a case fully and fairly litigated is final and conclusive as to the claims and issues of the parties and cannot be re-litigated. 2. A claim or issue that has been decided under this principle.

1033. photosynthesis

The process in green plants and certain other organisms by which carbohydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide and a source of hydrogen (usually water), using light as an energy source. Most forms of photosynthesis release oxygen as a byproduct.

1319. suture

The process of joining two surfaces or edges together along a line by sewing. 2. The fine thread or other material used surgically to close a wound or join tissues. 3. Anatomy The line of junction or an immovable joint between two bones, especially of the skull. 4. Biology A seamlike joint or line of articulation, such as the line of dehiscence in a dry fruit or the spiral seam marking the junction of whorls of a gastropod shell.

949. orogeny *

The process of mountain formation, especially by a folding and faulting of the earth's crust.

1043. pleochroism *

The property possessed by some crystals of exhibiting different colors, especially three different colors, when viewed along different axes.

1251. sinuosity

The quality or condition of being sinuous. 2. A bending or curving shape or movement.

1451. vivacity

The quality or condition of being vivacious; liveliness

1074. progressivity

The quality or degree of being progressive

1014. periodicity

The quality or state of being periodic; recurrence at regular intervals. 2. The repetition of similar properties in chemical elements, as indicated by their positioning in the periodic table.

1067. preoccupation

The state of being preoccupied; absorption of the attention or intellect. 2. Something that preoccupies or engrosses the mind:

855. missilery, missilry

The science and technology of making and using guided or ballistic missiles. 2. Missiles considered as a group.

1035. phytopathology

The science of plant diseases.

1500. zymology

The scientific study of fermentation.

1326. syncope *

The shortening of a word by omission of a sound, letter, or syllable from the middle of the word; for example, bos'n for boatswain. 2. Medicine A brief loss of consciousness caused by inadequate blood flow to the brain.

1446. virescence

The state or process of becoming green, especially the abnormal development of green coloration in plant parts, such as flowers, that are normally not green.

932. odium

The state or quality of being odious. 2. Strong dislike, contempt, or aversion. 3. A state of disgrace resulting from hateful or detestable conduct.

1250. Sinology *

The study of Chinese language, literature, or civilization.

1030. phonology *

The study of speech sounds in language or a language with reference to their distribution and patterning and to tacit rules governing pronunciation. 2. The sound system of a language

899. neurogenetics

The study of the genetic factors that contribute to the development of neurological disorders.

965. paleobiogeography

The study of the geographic distribution of fossil organisms.

919. numerologist

The study of the occult meanings of numbers and their supposed influence on human life.

941. onomastics *

The study of the origins and forms of proper names. b. The study of the origins and forms of terms used in specialized fields. 2. The system that underlies the formation and use of proper names or terms used in specialized fields.

1298. stylistics *

The study of the use of elements of language style, such as metaphor, in particular contexts.

1323. symbology

The study or interpretation of symbols or symbolism. 2. The use of symbols.

909. nomology

The theoretical study of metaphysical, logical, divine, or human laws.

1029. phlebosclerosis

The thickening or hardening of the walls of veins.

1262. soffit *

The underside of a structural component, such as a beam, arch, staircase, or cornice.

1292. straiten

To put or bring into difficulties or distress, especially financial hardship. 2. To make narrow. b. To enclose in a limited area; confine. c. To restrict in latitude or scope.

901. névé

The upper part of a glacier where the snow turns into ice. 2. A snow field at the head of a glacier. b. The granular snow typically found in such a field.

1216. scuba diver

The use of scuba gear when swimming underwater, as for recreation or research.

1440. vicereine

The wife of a viceroy. 2. A woman who is the governor of a country, province, or colony, ruling as the representative of a sovereign.

1159. revitalize *

To impart new life or vigor to

1379. transdermal

Through or by way of the skin

1124. reaffirmation

To affirm or assert again.

852. misappropriate

To appropriate wrongly 2. To appropriate dishonestly for one's own use; embezzle.

860. mollycoddle

To be overprotective and indulgent toward.

1016. perpetrator *

To be responsible for; commit

1302. subsidence

To become less intense, active, or severe; abate. b. To become smaller or less prominent, as swelling. 2. To move or sink to a lower or normal level

1138. reinstatement

To bring back into use or existence. 2. To restore to a previous condition or position.

1078. propagate

To cause (an organism) to multiply or breed. 2. To breed (offspring). 3. To transmit (characteristics) from one generation to another. 4. To cause to extend to a broader area or larger number; spread 6. Physics To cause (a wave, for example) to move in some direction or through a medium; transmit.

1018. persuadable

To cause (someone) to accept a point of view or to undertake a course of action by means of argument, reasoning, or entreaty

1325. synchronize *

To cause to occur or operate with exact coincidence in time or rate. b. To cause to occur or operate at the same time as something else. 2. To represent (events) as occurring at the same time or in the same time period. 3. To arrange (a video or soundtrack, for example) to play or operate in synchronization with something else. 4. To transfer data between (two devices) to ensure that the same data is stored on both. b. To execute such a transfer to cause the content of (two or more files or other sets of data) to be identical.

1327. synthesize

To combine so as to form a new, complex product. 2. To form or produce by chemical synthesis. 3. To produce (sound or music) by means of a synthesizer.

1141. relegate

To consign to an inferior or obscure place, rank, category, or condition. 2. To refer or assign (a matter or task, for example) for decision or action

1122. ravener *

To consume greedily; devour. 2. To seek or seize as prey or plunder.

1000. pedestrianize

To convert (a street) into a mall or pedestrian walkway.

1100. quantifiable

To determine or express the quantity of. 2. Logic To limit the variables of (a proposition) by prefixing an operator such as all or some.

1082. prorogue *

To discontinue a session of (a parliament, for example). 2. To postpone; defer.

1085. protractive *

To draw out or lengthen in time 2. Mathematics To draw to scale by means of a scale and protractor; plot. 3. Anatomy To extend or protrude (a body part).

1176. routinize *

To establish a routine for. 2. To reduce to a routine

1215. scrutinizing

To examine or observe with great care; inspect critically.

1258. sloganize

To express as or in slogans or a slogan.

1353. terrifying

To fill with terror; make deeply afraid. 2. To drive or force by arousing fear

1312. suppurate *

To form or discharge pus.

1081. propitiate

To gain or regain the goodwill or favor of; appease

1139. reinvigorate

To give new life or energy to.

927. obviate

To keep from happening or render unnecessary

1305. suffocation

To kill or destroy by preventing access of air or oxygen. 2. To impair the breathing of or cause discomfort to by cutting off the supply of fresh air. 3. To suppress the development, imagination, or creativity of; stifle

1254. skedaddle

To leave hastily; flee.

1183. Russianize

To make Russian.

1211. schuss *

To make a fast straight downhill run on skis or a snowboard. 2. Informal To ski, especially at a fast pace.

1129. reconnoiter

To make a preliminary examination of (an area or a group, for example), usually by moving around and observing, in order to gather information, especially for military purposes

889. nasalize

To make nasal or produce nasal sounds.

1143. renegotiate

To negotiate anew. 2. To revise the terms of (a contract) so as to limit or regain excess profits gained by the contractor.

877. municipalize *

To place under municipal ownership. 2. To make into a municipality.

1136. regale

To provide with great enjoyment; entertain. 2. To entertain sumptuously with food and drink; provide a feast for.

911. nonplus

To put at a loss as to what to think, say, or do; bewilder. 2. Usage Problem To cause to feel indifferent or bored. A state of bewilderment or perplexity.

593. gunite

a concrete mixture that is sprayed from a special gun over steel reinforcements in light construction

1134. reduplicate

To repeat over and again; redouble. 2. Linguistics a. To double (the initial syllable or all of a root word) to produce an inflectional or derivational form. b. To form (a new word) by doubling all or part of a word.

1150. reschedule

To schedule again or anew

250. chidingly

To scold mildly so as to correct or improve; reprimand. To express disapproval.

1196. sanctified *

To set apart for sacred use; consecrate. 2. To make holy; purify. 3. To give religious sanction to, as with an oath or vow. 4. To give social or moral sanction to

1465. whet

To sharpen (a knife, for example); hone. 2. To make more keen; stimulate

1102. quasi

To some degree; in some manner

1429. vaunted

To speak or write about (something) in a strongly positive way; praise or boast about.

1289. stipulate (verb)

To specify or agree to as a condition in an agreement. 2. To agree to (a fact) in order to reduce the scope of the dispute to be resolved by a court. Used of litigants.

1218. securitize

To transfer (a group of loans, receivables, or other illiquid assets) to a separate company and issue tradable securities based on those assets.

959. outpoll

To win more votes than

1482. x-radiation

Treatment with or exposure to x-rays. 2. Radiation composed of x-rays.

1155. retroussé

Turned up at the end. Used of the nose.

1126. recherché *

Uncommon; rare. 2. Exquisite; choice. 3. Overrefined; forced. 4. Pretentious; overblown.

1264. solidarity

Unity of purpose, interest, or sympathy

1375. touché *

Used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or a successful criticism or an effective point in argument.

842. me-tooism

Using principles, practices, or designs copied from and closely similar to those of a rival.

1395. tumultuous

Very loud; noisy 2. Characterized by disorderly commotion 3. Characterized by mental or emotional agitation

976. paper-thin

Very thin or shallow

1032. photopia

Vision in bright light, mediated by cone cells of the retina; daylight vision.

971. pandemic

Widespread; general. 2. Medicine Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the population

1285. stationery *

Writing paper and envelopes. 2. Writing materials and office supplies.

208. Camelopardalis

a constellation in the Northern Hemisphere in the space between Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and Perseus

738. Kenya

a country of east central Africa bordering on the Indian Ocean. the site of many early hominid fossils, Kenya was inhabited during historic times by various Cushitic, Nilotic, and Bantu peoples.

523. feijoada

a Brazilian dish consisting of an assortment of sliced meats, such as tongue and sausage, and side dishes, including rice, beans, collard greens, oranges and hot pepper sauce

645. huevos rancheros

a Mexican dish consisting of fried or poached eggs covered with a spicy sauce of red or green tomatoes and usually served on a tortilla

713. Iroquois

a Native American confederacy inhabiting New York State and originally composed of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca peoples known as the five Nations. After 1722 the confederacy was joined by the Tuscaroras to form the Six Nations. also called Iroquois league.

643. Hualapai, Walapai

a Native American people inhabiting northwest Arizona south of the Grand Canyon. 2. the Yuman language of the Hualapai

187. bromide

a binary compound of bromine with another element such as silver.

453. electorate *

a body of qualified voters. 2. the dignity or territory of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire

148. bayou *

a body of water, such as a creek or small river, that is a tributary of a larger body of water

822. matzo, matzoh

a brittle, flat piece of unleavened bread eaten especially during the Passover

746. Kodiak bear

a brown bear inhabiting islands and coastal areas of Alaska and sometimes considered a separate species

158. besom

a bundle of twigs attached to a handle and used as a broom

610. hawser

a cable or rope used in mooring or towing a ship

563. gâteau, gateau (singular) *

a cake or pastry, especially a light one filled with custard, fruit, or nuts

324. countercharge

a charge in opposition to another charge


a chronic disease of adults marked by an enlargement of the bones of the extremities, face, and jaw that is caused by overactivity of the pituitary gland

767. leprosy

a chronic, mildly contagious granulomatous disease of tropical and subtropical region, caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae, characterized by ulcers of the skin, bone, and viscera, and leading to loss of sensation, paralysis, gangrene, and deformation. also called Hansen's disease

734. kala-azar

a chronic, often fatal disease occurring chiefly in Asia caused by the protozoan parasite and characterized by irregular fever, enlargement of the spleen and liver, and emaciation

597. gyre *

a circular or spiral form; vortex. 2. a circular or spiral motion, especially a circular ocean current

192. burgher

a citizen of a town or borough

249. Chickamauga

a city of extreme northwest Georgia south of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Confederate troops led by Braxton Bragg defeated Union forces here on September 19-20, 1863.

628. Hiroshima

a city of southwest Honshu, Japan on the Inland Sea west of Osaka. Founded in the 16th century it was destroyed in WWII by the first atomic bomb used in warfare.

814. mao-tai

a clear very strong Chinese liquor distilled from sorghum

189. brougham

a closed four wheel carriage with an open driver's seat in front

787. lummox *

a clumsy or stupid person

778. littoral *

a coastal region, a shore. 2. the region or zone between the limits of high and low tides

813. mantra

a commonly repeated word or phrase. 2. a sacred verbal formula repeated in prayer, meditation, or incantation such as the invocation of a god, a magic spell, or a portion of scripture containing mystical potentialities

161. biathlon *

a competition that combines events in cross-country skiing and rifle shooting

277. Colombia

a country of northwest South America with coastlines on the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Previously inhabited by the Chibchas, it was settled by the Spanish in 1530s and formed the nucleus of the vice royalty of New Granada after 1740. The area gained it's independence from Spain in 1821 under the leadership of Simon Bolivar but the modern state did not emerge until after Venezuela and Ecuador and later Panama had become separate nations

421. Dominican Republic

a country of the West Indies on the eastern part of the island of Hispaniola. Originally inhabited by Arawaks, it was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492 and remained a Spanish colony until 1795 when it was ceded to France. Ruled by Haiti after 1821, the country became independent in 1844 but has had a turbulent history, including many years of dictatorship under Rafael Trujillo Molina. Santo Domingo is the capital and the largest city.

211. canapé

a cracker or a small, thin piece of bread or toast spread with cheese, meat, or relish and served as an appetizer

631. hoatzin

a crested brownish bird of tropical South America whose young have claws on the first and second digits of the wings

69. ansate cross

a cross shaped like a T with a loop at the top, especially as used in ancient Egypt as a symbol of life. Also known as ankh

203. caliche

a crude sodium nitrate occurring naturally in Chile, Peru, and the southwest United States. used as a fertilizer

51. amoretto

a cupid

163. bibliopole

a dealer in rare books

330. crape myrtle, crepe myrtle

a deciduous shrub native to China and widely cultivated in warm regions for its showy clusters of variously colored flowers with crinkled petals

74. antiballistic missile

a defensive missile designed to intercept and destroy a ballistic missile in flight. ABM

436. dystrophy

a degenerative disorder caused by inadequate or defective nutrition. 2.muscles weaken and atrophy

280. commissariat

a department of an army in charge of providing food and other supplies for the troops. 2. a food supply. 3. a major government department in the Soviet Union until 1946

200. caitiff *

a despicable coward; a wretch

358. data processor

a device such as a calculator or computer that performs operations on data, a person who processes data

394. detonator

a device such as a fuse or percussion cap used to set off an explosive charge, an explosive

796. macron

a diacritical mark placed above a vowel to indicate a long sound or phonetic value in pronunciation

Addison's disease

a disease caused by partial or total failure of adrenocortical function, which is characterized by a bronze like pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes, anemia, weakness, and low blood pressure

528. fettuccine Alfredo

a dish consisting of fettuccine in a rich cream sauce with Parmesan cheese

418. divorcée (female)

a divorced woman

142. basenji

a dog of a breed originally from Africa, having a short, smooth, reddish-brown coat and characterized by the absence of a bark

556. galatea (fabric) *

a durable, often stripped cotton fabric used in making clothing

272. cognomen

a family name; a surname. 2. the third and usually last name of a citizen of ancient Rome. 3. a name, especially a descriptive nickname or epithet acquired through usage over a period of time

620. hendiadys

a figure of speech in which two words connected by a conjunction are used to express a single notion that would normally be expressed by an adjective and a substantive

697. intaglio *

a figure or design carved into or beneath the surface of hard metal or stone, the art or process of carving a design in this manner

357. Darjeeling (tea) *

a fine variety of black tea grown especially in the northern part of India

561. Garrison finish

a finish in a contest or race in which the winner comes from behind at the last moment

595. guyot

a flat topped submarine mountain

167. blancmange

a flavored and sweetened milk pudding thickened with corn starch

310. convolution *

a form or part that is folded or coiled. 2. one of the convex folds of the surface of the brain

412. disquisition

a formal discourse on a subject, often in writing

235. cellos

a four stringed musical instrument of the violin family, pitched lower than the viola but higher than the double bass. 2. cellophane

247. chateau, château

a french castle. a french manor house. 2. an estate where wine is produced and often bottled especially in the Bordeaux region of France. 3. a large country house

587. grisette

a french working class girl or young woman

751. lacrosse

a game played on a rectangular field by two teams of ten players each, in which participants use a long handled stick that has a webbed pouch on one end to maneuver a ball into the opposing teams goal


a gaseous suspension of fine solid or liquid particles

565. gazetteer

a geographic dictionary or index. 2. a writer for a gazette; a journalist

367. decrescendo *

a gradual decrease in force or loudness, used chiefly as direction.

299. conservatory *

a greenhouse, especially one in which plants are arranged aesthetically for display, as at a botanical garden. 2. a school of music or dramatic art

626. Hindustani

a group of indic dialects including the spoken form of Hindi-Urdu that function as a lingua franca throughout much of northern and central India. 2. of or relating to Hindustan, it's people, or the Hindustani language

616. hemistich

a half line of verse, especially when separated rhythmically from the rest of the line by a caesura. 2. an incomplete or imperfect line of verse

160. bezoar

a hard indigestible mass of material, such as hair, vegetable fibers, or fruits, found in the stomachs or intestines of animals, especially ruminants, and humans. It was formerly considered to be an antidote to poisons and to possess magical properties

639. hoplite

a heavily armed foot soldier of Ancient Greece

186. brogue

a heavy shoe of untanned leather formerly worn in Scotland and Ireland. 2.a strong dialectal accent especially a strong Irish or Scottish accent when speaking English

768. Levant morocco *

a heavy, coarse grained morocco leather often used in bookbinding. also called Levant

altiplano *

a high plateau, as in the Andean regions of Bolivia, Peru and Argentina

125. Azerbaijan

a historical region in present day northwest Iran and Azerbaijan. It was settled by the Medes before the 8th century B.C. and later became a province of the Persian Empire. It became a separate kingdom after the death of Alexander the Great, but the region was much disputed and eventually conquered by Arabs (7th century), Turks (10th century), and Mongols (13th century). Persia controlled the region after 1603

816. mare's nest

a hoax or fraud. 2. an extremely complicated situation

315. cornice

a horizontal molded projection that crowns or completes a building or wall. the uppermost part of an entablature. 2. an ornamental horizontal molding or frame used to conceal rods, picture hooks, or other devices

266. clerihew

a humorous verse, usually consisting of two unmatched rhyming couplets, about a person whose name generally serves as one of the rhymes.

301. consort *

a husband or wife, especially the spouse of a monarch. 2. a companion or partner. 3. a ship accompanying another in travel. 4. an instrumental ensemble, an ensemble using instruments of the same family

150. beefalo *

a hybrid that results from a cross between the American buffalo, or bison, and beef cattle and is typically 3/8 buffalo and 5/8 bovine. Beefalo yields leaner beef than conventional breeds of cattle. also called cattalo

812. mantelletta *

a knee length sleeveless vestment worn by Roman Catholic prelates

206. calpac, calpack, kalpac

a large black cap, usually of sheepskin or felt, worn in Turkey, the Caucasus, Iran, and neighboring regions

351. cyclorama

a large composite picture placed on the interior walls of a cylindrical room so as to appear in natural perspective to a spectator standing in the center of the room. 2. a large curtain or wall usually concave, hung or placed at the rear of a stage

557. gallinipper

a large mosquito or other insect capable of inflicting a painful bite

291. concourse

a large open space for the gathering or passage of crowds, as in an airport. 2. a broad thoroughfare. 3. a great crowd; a throng. 4. the act of coming, moving, or flowing together

132. bain-marie

a large pan containing hot water in which smaller plans may be set to cook food slowly or to keep food warm

719. jabiru, Jabiru

a large tropical American stork, having white plumage with a pink band at the neck and a naked head

779. llanos

a large, grassy, almost treeless plain, especially one in Latin America

1442. Vidalia onion

a large, white, sweet, delicately flavored onion, having a thin yellowish outer skin and poor storage qualities

240. chador *

a loose, usually black robe worn by Muslim women that covers the body from head to toe

774. lingonberry

a low creeping evergreen shrub, native to northern parts of North America and Eurasia and having drooping clusters of small white or pinkish flowers, the red berry of this plant is used sauces, jams, and preserves. also called cowberry

144. bassoon

a low-pitched woodwind instrument with a double reed, having a long wooden body attached to a U-shaped lateral tube that leads to the mouthpiece. the range of this instrument is typically two octaves lower than that of the oboe

72. anthelion

a luminous, white, halolike area occasionally seen in the sky opposite the sun on parhelic circle

479. epithalamion *

a lyric ode in honor of a bride and bridegroom

781. longeron

a major structural member of an aircraft fuselage, running from front to rear

adenocarcinoma *

a malignant tumor originating in glandular tissue

784. lucidity

easily understood; intelligible. 2. mentally sound, sane, or rational. 3. translucent or transparent

326. courier

a messenger, especially one on official diplomatic business. 2. a spy carrying secret information. 3. a personal attendant hired to make arrangements for a journey. 4. an employee for a travel agency serving as a guide for tourists

286. compurgation *

a method of trial in which an accused person could summon a specified number of people, usually 12, to swear their belief in his or her innocence

194. bush leaguer

a minor leaguer

340. croustade

a molded or hollowed bowl like crust, as of pastry, rice, or bread, used as a serving container for another food

752. lamasery

a monastery of lamas

254. Christogram

a monogram and symbol for Christ, consisting of the superimposed Greek letters chi and rho often embroidered on altar cloths and clerical vestments. Also called Chi-Rho.

510. extensor

a muscle that extends or straightens a limb or body part

204. calliope (instrument)

a musical instrument fitted with steam whistles, played from a keyboard

717. isolationism *

a national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries

532. Fijian *

a native or inhabitant of Fiji. 2. the Austronesian language of Fiji. 3. of or relating to Fiji or it's people, culture, or language

138. bargello

a needlepoint stitch that produces zigzag lines

805. malihini

a newcomer to Hawaii

164. bidarka

a one or two hole kayak used by the Aleut and various Alaskan Eskimo groups

261. citrine *

a pale yellow variety of crystalline quartz resembling topaz. 2. a light to moderate olive

759. latke

a pancake, especially one made of grated potato

268. cloture

a parliamentary procedure by which debate is ended and an immediate vote is taken on the matter under discussion. also called closure.

600. haboob

a penetrating sandstorm or dust storm with violent winds, occurring chiefly in Arabia, North Africa, and India

363. decennium *

a period of ten years; a decade

117. audiophile

a person having an ardent interest in stereo or high-fidelity sound reproduction

756. landlubber *

a person unfamiliar with the sea or seamanship

234. celebrant *

a person who participates in a religious ceremony or rite. a person who officiates at a religious or civil ceremony or rite, especially at a wedding. in some Christian churches, the cleric officiating at the celebration of the Eucharist

329. coxswain *

a person who usually steers a ship's boat and has charge of its crew. 2. a person in a racing shell who usually directs the rest of the crew.

729. John Barleycorn

a personification of alcoholic liquor

450. eidolons

a phantom; an apparition. 2. an image of an ideal

506. existentialist *

a philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for their actions

788. lunarscape *

a picture or other representation of the moon's surface. 2. a landscape reminiscent of the moon's surface

490. étagère, etagere

a piece of furniture with open shelves for small ornaments

603. haj, hajj, hadj

a pilgrimage to Mecca during Dhu'l Hijja, made as an objective of the religious life of a Muslim.

89. aqueduct

a pipe or channel designed to transport water from a remote source, usually by gravity. a bridgelike structure supporting supporting a conduit or canal passing over a river or low ground

827. mecca, Mecca

a place that is regarded as the center of an activity or interest, a place visited by many people. 2. a city of western Saudi Arabia near the coast of the Red Sea. The birthplace of Muhammad it is the holiest city of Islam and a pilgrimage site for all devout believers of the faith

473. entrepôt

a place where goods are stored or deposited and from which they are distributed. 2. a trading or market center

648. hydrophyte *

a plant adapted to grow in water

477. epiphyte

a plant, such as a tropical orchid or a stag-horn fern, that grows on another plant upon which it depends for mechanical support but not for nutrients.

361. Deccan

a plateau of south central India between the Eastern Ghats and the Western Ghats. the name is also used for the entire Indian peninsula south of the Narmada River

87. appendices *

a plural of appendix

619. henbane

a poisonous Eurasian plant having an unpleasant odor, sticky leaves, and funnel shaped greenish yellow flowers. Source of the drug hyoscamine

810. manifest destiny, Manifest Destiny

a policy of imperialistic expansion defined as necessary or benevolent. 2. the 19th century doctrine that the United States had the right and the duty to expand throughout the North American continent

337. cromlech

a prehistoric monument consisting of monoliths encircling a mound. 2. a dolmen

145. bastille

a prison; a jail

516. famulus

a private secretary or other close attendant

49. amniocentesis

a procedure in which a small sample of amniotic fluid is drawn out of the uterus through a needle inserted in the abdomen . the fluid is then analyzed to detect genetic abnormalities in the fetus or to determine the sex of the fetus

527. fetlock *

a projection on the lower part of the leg of a horse or related animal, above and behind the hoof, a tuft on hair on such a projection

143. basilica

a public building of Ancient Rome having a central nave with an apse at one or both ends and two side aisles formed by rows of columns, which was used as a courtroom or assembly hall. A christian church building of similar design, having a nave with a semicircular apse, two or four side aisles, a narthex, and a clerestory

316. coroner

a public officer whose primary function is to investigate by inquest any death thought to be of other than natural causes

356. dais

a raised platform, as in a lecture hall, for speakers or honored guests

270. coaming

a raised rim or border around an opening, as in a ship's deck, designed to keep out water

721. jadeite

a rare, usually emerald to light green but sometimes white, auburn, buff, or violet mineral, used as a gem and for ornamental carvings. tougher and more highly valued form of jade

140. barograph

a recording barometer

590. guanaco

a reddish brown South American ruminant mammal related to and resembling the domesticated llama

193. burnt sienna

a reddish brown pigment prepared by calcining raw sienna

97. Armenia (country)

a region and former kingdom of Asia Minor that included present-day Armenia and part of northeast Turkey and northwest Iran. established in the 8th century B.C., it was probably the first state to accept Christianity as a national religion

231. Caucasus

a region between the Black and Caspian seas that includes southwest Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia, and that forms part of the traditional boundary between Europe and Asia. Inhabited before 2000 B.C. it was the scene of countless invasions over the millennia. conquered by Russia during the 18th and 19th centuries, the region has vast oil resources, which were a major German objective in World War II.

598. habdalah, Habdalah

a religious ceremony observed at the close of the Sabbath or a holy day

408. disclaimer *

a repudiation or denial of responsibility or connection. 2. a renunciation of one's right or claim

739. Keogh plan

a retirement plan for the self employed and their employees


a rich sauce of crushed garlic, egg yolks, lemon juice, and olive oil

819. martinet

a rigid military disciplinarian. 2. one who demands absolute adherence to forms and rules

830. Mekong *

a river of Southeast Asia flowing about 2,600 miles from southeast China to the South China Sea through a vast delta in southern Vietnam. Was a scene of heavy fighting during the Vietnam war

914. North Saskatchewan

a river of south central Canada flowing about 760 miles generally eastward from the Rocky Mountains in western Alberta to central Saskatchewan where it joins the south Saskatchewan river to form the Saskatchewan river

333. crenation

a rounded projection, as on the margin of a shell. 2. the condition or state of being crenate. 3. a process resulting from osmosis in which red blood cells, in a hypertonic solution, undergo shrinkage and acquire a notched or scalloped surface

594. gutta-percha

a rubbery substance derived from the latex of any several tropical trees of the genera Palaquium and Payena, used as an electrical insulator, as a waterproofing compound, and in golf balls

552. furbelow

a ruffle or flounce on a garment, a piece of showy ornamentation

350. cyclamate

a salt of cyclamic acid formerly used as an artificial sweetener, especially Sodium cyclamate and Calcium cyclamate

246. charmeuse *

a satin finished silk fabric

360. de Stijl

a school of art originating in the Netherlands in 1917 and characterized by the use of rectangular shapes and primary colors

276. collusion *

a secret agreement between 2 or more parties for a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose

707. intriguingly

a secret or underhanded scheme; a plot, the practice of such things. 2. a clandestine love affair. 3. to arouse by interest or curiosity of

207. camcorder

a self-contained unit of communications equipment made up of a lightweight hand held television camera and videocassette recorder

54. ampicillin

a semisynthetic penicillin having a broader antibacterial spectrum of action then that of penicillin G. it is effective against gram negative and gram positive bacteria and used to treat gonorrhea and infections of the intestinal, urinary, and respiratory tracts

570. georgette

a sheer, strong silk or silk like clothing fabric with a dull, creped surface

321. coryza

a viral infection characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the upper respiratory passages and usually accompanied by malaise, fever, chills, coughing, and sneezing. also called common cold.

1052. Popocatépetl

a volcano 17,887 ft high in central Mexico west of Puebla. it became active again in January 1994 after being dormant for decades

634. holy war, Holy War

a war declared or fought for a religious or high moral purpose, as to extend or defend a religion

115. atrophy *

a wasting or decrease in size of a body organ, tissue, or part owing to disease, injury, or lack of use

558. galoshes

a waterproof overshoe. 2. a sturdy heavy soled boot or shoe


a waxy grayish substance formed in the intestines of sperm whales and found floating at sea or washed ashore. it is added to perfumes to slow down the rate of evaporation

646. humoresque *

a whimsical or fanciful composition

355. daikon

a white radish of Japan, having a long root that is eaten raw, pickled, or cooked. also called Chinese radish, Japanese radish, or Oriental radish

149. béchamel sauce

a white sauce of butter, flour, and milk or cream

218. caracal

a wildcat of Africa and southern Asia having short fawn colored fur and long tufted ears

755. landgravine

a woman holding the title to a landgraviate. 2. the wife or widow of a landgrave

312. coquettish *

a woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures; a flirt

482. equestrienne

a woman who rides a horse or performs on horseback

127. babushka

a women's head scarf, folded triangularly and worn tied under the chin. (Russian grandmother)

605. hamadryad

a wood nymph who lives only as long as the tree of which she is the spirit lives. 2. a large venomous snake of southeast Asia and the Philippines that can grow to a length of 5.5 meters, also called king cobra.

241. chalet

a wooden dwelling with a sloping roof and widely overhanging eaves, common in Switzerland and other Alpine regions. a cottage or lodge built in this style. 2. the hut of a herder in the Swiss Alps

612. heckelphone

a woodwind instrument of the oboe family, with a pitch between that of an English horn and a bassoon

424. double-entendre

a word or phrase having a double meaning especially when the second meaning is risque

113. atonic

a word, syllable, or sound that is unaccented

615. helminth

a worm, especially a parasitic round-worm or tapeworm

659. idyllist

a writer of idylls

754. lampoon

a written attack ridiculing a person, group, or institution. 2. a light good humored satire

68. annus mirabilis

a year notable for disasters or wonders; a fateful year

379. demoiselle

a young woman

795. macrocephaly *

abnormal largeness of the head. also called megacephaly and megalocephaly

300. consonance

agreement; harmony; accord. 2. close correspondence of sounds. the repetition of consonants or of a consonant pattern, especially at the ends of words. 3. a simultaneous combination of sounds not requiring resolution to another combination of sounds for finality of effect and conventionally regarded as harmonious or pleasing

828. medevac

air transport of persons to a place where they can recieve medical or surgical care; medical evacuation

825. mbira

an African musical instrument consisting of a hollow gourd or wooden resonator and a number of usually metal strips that vibrate when plucked

171. bobolink

an American migratory songbird, the male of which has black, white, and yellowish plumage. also called the reedbird, maybird, and ricebird

727. Jicarilla *

an Apache tribe formerly inhabiting southeast Colorado and northern New Mexico and ranging eastward to the Great Plains. with present day population in northern New Mexico.

202. calcinosis

an abnormal condition in which calcium salts are deposited in a part or tissue of the body

782. lordosis *

an abnormal forward curvature of the spine in the lumbar region

137. barbarism

an act, trait, or custom characterized by ignorance or crudity

393. detinue

an action to recover possession or the value of property wrongfully detained, the writ authorizing such action. 2. the act of unlawfully detaining personal property

253. cholera

an acute infectious disease of the small intestine, caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae and characterized by profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, muscle cramps, severe dehydration, and depletion of electrolytes. also called Asiatic cholera. 2. any of various diseases of domesticated animals, such as chickens, turkeys, or hogs, marked by severe gastroenteritis.

571. Gestaltist

an adherent or practitioner of the principles of Gestalt psychology

629. Hispanophile *

an admirer of Spain or of Spanish speaking countries or peoples

520. fascist, Fascist

an advocate or adherent of fascism. 2. a reactionary or dictatorial person. 3. of or relating to the regime of the Fascisti


having an affinity for, tending to combine with, or capable of dissolving in liquids

618. hemostat *

an agent such as a chemical that stops bleeding. 2. a clamp like instrument used to compress a blood vessel in order to reduce or arrest the flow of blood during surgery

460. emetic

an agent that causes vomiting

311. coolant

an agent that produces cooling, especially a fluid that draws off heat by circulating through an engine or by bathing a mechanical part

109. assumpsit

an agreement or promise made orally or in writing not under seal; a contract

794. Machmeter *

an aircraft instrument that indicates speed in Mach numbers

178. boustrophedon

an ancient method of writing in which the lines are inscribed alternately from right to left and from left to right

518. fandango

an animated Spanish or Spanish-American dance in triple time, a piece of music for this dance. 2. nonsense, tomfoolery

157. Beowulf

an anonymous Old English epic poem believed to have been composed in the early 8th century, principally concerning the exploits of the warrior Beowulf and containing historical and legendary tales about the Geats, Danes, and other older Germanic peoples


an apparatus consisting of two vessels connected by a tube, formerly used for distilling liquids

205. calorimeter

an apparatus for measuring the heat generated by a chemical reaction, change of state, or formation of a solution

183. breeches buoy *

an apparatus used for rescues and transfers at sea, consisting of sturdy canvas breeches attached at the waist to a ring buoy that is suspended from a pulley running along a rope from ship to shore or from ship to ship

255. chrysoprase

an apple-green chalcedony used as a gemstone

742. kinkajou

an arboreal mammal of Central and South America, having brownish fur and a long prehensile tail. also called honey bear.

339. croupier *

an attendant at a gaming table who collects and pays bets. 2. one who rides behind another on a horse

118. aurora australis *

an aurora that occurs in southern regions of the earth. also called southern lights

alastor, Alastor

an avenging deity or spirit, the masculine personification of Nemesis, frequently evoked in Greek tragedy

243. champignon

an edible mushroom, especially the much cultivated species Agaricus bisporus


an effect following its cause after some delay, especially a delayed or prolonged physiological or psychological response to a stimulus

769. levee (embankment)

an embankment raised to prevent a river from overflowing, a small ridge or raised area bordering an irrigated field. 2. a landing place on the river

153. belle époque *

an era of artistic and cultural refinement in a society, especially in France at the beginning of the 20th century

417. distillery *

an establishment for distilling especially for distilling alcoholic liquors

591. guesstimate

an estimate based on conjecture

162. Biblicist

an expert on the Bible; one who interprets the Bible literally

126. Babinski reflex

an extension of the great toe, sometimes with fanning of the other toes, in response to the stroking of the sole of the foot. it is a normal reflex in infants, but it is usually associated with a disturbance of the pyramidal tract in children and adults. Also called Babinski sign

430. dryopithecine *

an extinct ape of the genus Dryopithecus known from the old world fossil remains of the Miocene and Pliocene epochs and believed to be an ancestor of the anthropoid apes and humans.

636. Homo erectus

an extinct species of humans, regarded as an ancestor of Homo sapiens

693. innuendoes

an indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation.

442. ectomorph *

an individual having a lean, slightly muscular body build in which tissues derived from the embryonic ectoderm predominate

439. echocardiograph

an instrument that in a painless and noninvasive manner employs the differential transmission and reflection of ultrasonic waves to image structural and functional abnormalities of the heart

220. carcinoma

an invasive malignant tumor derived from the epithelial tissue that tends to metastasize to other areas of the body

548. frittata

an open faced omelet with other ingredients, such as cheese or vegetables, mixed into the eggs rather than used as a filling

740. keynote address

an opening address, as at a political convention, that outlines the issues to be considered. also called keynote speech.

459. embrasure *

an opening in a thick wall for a door or window, especially one with sides angled so that the opening is larger on the inside of the wall than on the outside. 2. a flared opening for a gun in a wall or parapet

757. laparoscopy *

an operation in which a laparoscope is used as in examination of the liver or the surgical treatment of endometriosis

306. contraposition

an opposite position; antithesis

93. archetype

an original model or type after which other similar things are patterned; a prototype

57. anaglyph *

an ornament carved in low relief

544. fourragère *

an ornamental braided cord usually looped around the left shoulder of a uniform, sometimes awarded to an entire military unit

688. infrastructure *

an underlying base or foundation, especially for a organization or system. the basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communication systems

216. capriole *

an upward leap made by a trained horse without going forward and with a backward kick of the hind legs at the height of the leap

682. indignation

anger aroused by something unjust, mean, or unworthy

621. Herefords *

any of a breed of beef cattle developed in England and having a reddish coat with a white face, chest, belly and lower legs

604. halogen

any of a group of five chemically related nonmetallic elements including fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine

732. kachina

any of numerous deified ancestral spirits of the Pueblo peoples, believed to reside in the pueblo for part of each year. 2. a masked dancer believed to embody a particular spirit during a religious ceremony. 3. a carved doll in the costume of a particular spirit, presented as a gift to a child

780. lobelia, Lobelia

any of numerous plants of the genus Lobelia, having terminal racemes of variously colored flowers with a bilabiate corolla

531. ficus, Ficus

any of numerous tropical trees, shrubs, or climbers of the genus Ficus, having pear like multiple fruits

141. barramunda

any of several Australian food fishes, such as the lungfish.

789. lupus erythematosus

any of several connective tissue disorders, especially systemic lupus erythematosus, that primarily affect women of childbearing age, have a variety of clinical forms, and are characterized by red scaly skin lesions

776. liquidambar, Liquidambar

any of several deciduous trees of the genus Liquidambar such as the sweet gum

792. mache, mâche

any of several plants of the genus Valerianella especially a Eurasian annual having small white to bluish flowers and edible young leaves used in salads or as a potherb. also called lamb's lettuce, and corn salad

123. axolotl

any of several salamanders (genus Ambystoma) native to Mexico and the western United States that, unlike most amphibians, often retain their external gills and become sexually mature without undergoing metamorphosis

838. mesquite (tree)

any of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Prosopis in the pea family, native to hot, dry regions of the New World and important as plants for bees and forage for cattle, especially. Native to southwest United States and Northern Mexico

728. joe-pye weed

any of several tall North American plants of the genus Eupatorium, having whorled leaves and terminal clusters small pinkish or purplish flower heads

257. cinchona, Cinchona

any of several trees and shrubs of the genus Cinchona, native chiefly to the Andes and cultivated for bark that yields the medicinal alkaloids quinine and quinidine, which are used to treat malaria. 2. the dried bark of any of these plants. also called Jesuit's bark and Peruvian bark

720. jacaranda, Jacaranda

any of several tropical American trees or shrubs of the genus Jacaranda, having pinnately compound opposite leaves and panicles of pale purple flowers with funnel shaped corollas

91. arbutus, Arbutus

any of various broad-leaved evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Arbutus, including the madrona and strawberry tree, that are native chiefly to warm regions in the Americas and Europe

654. ichthyosaur *

any of various extinct fish-like marine reptiles of the order Icthyosauria of the Triassic Period to the Cretaceous Period, having a porpoise-like head and an elongated toothed snout

331. crayfish

any of various freshwater crustaceans of the genera Cambarus and Astacus, resembling a lobster but considerably smaller. also called mudbug, also called regional crawdad.

278. comfrey

any of various hairy perennial Eurasian herbs of the genus Symphytum, having variously colored flowers in coiled cymes and long used in herbal medicine

543. forget-me-not

any of various herbaceous plants of the genus Myosotis having clusters of small blue flowers. also called scorpion grass.

103. artiodactyl

any of various hoofed mammals of the order Artiodactyla, which includes cattle, deer, camels, hippopotamuses, sheep, and goats, that have an even number of toes, usually two or sometimes four, on each foot

437. Easter lily

any of various lilies especially lilium longiflorum eximium, having large white trumpet shaped flowers that bloom in the spring and are displayed during the Easter season.

343. cucurbit *

any of various mostly climbing or trailing plants of the family Cucurbitaceae, which includes the squash, pumpkin, cucumber, gourd, watermelon, and cantaloupe. 2. a gourd shaped flask forming the body of an alembic, formerly used in distillation

271. coelacanth

any of various mostly extinct fishes of the order Coelacanthiformes, known only in fossil form until a single living species, latimeria chalumnae of African marine waters, was identified in 1938

664. immortelle

any of various plants such as species of the genera Helichrysum, Xeranthemum, and Erythrina, having flowers that retain their shape and color when dried

124. azalea

any of various shrubs of the genus Rhododendron having showy, variously colored flowers

725. jerboa

any of various small nocturnal leaping rodents of the family Dipodidae of Asia and northern Africa, having long hind legs and a long tufted tail

564. gazelle

any of various small, swift antelopes of the genus Gazelle and related genera of Africa and Asia, characteristically having a slender neck and annulate horns

443. edentulous *

having no teeth; toothless

494. euonymus, Euonymus

any of various trees, shrubs, or woody vines of the genus Euonymus, many species of which are cultivated for their decorative foliage and brightly colored arillate seeds. also called spindle tree

359. davit

any of various types of small cranes that project over the side of a ship and are used to hoist boats, anchors, and cargo

481. epoxy

any of various usually thermosetting resins capable of forming tight cross-linked polymer structures characterized by toughness, strong adhesion, and low shrinkage, used especially in surface coatings and adhesives

67. annelid

any of various worms or wormlike animals of the phylum Annelida, characterized by and elongated, cylindrical, segmented body and including the earth worm and leech

77. antipodean

any two places or regions that are on diametrically opposite sides of the earth

114. atrocity

appalling or atrocious condition, quality, or behavior; monstrousness

403. didymous

arranged or occurring in pairs

383. depauperate *

arrested in growth or development; stunted. 2. severely diminished; impoverished

463. enamelware

articles coated or decorated with enamel

673. in extenso *

at full length, (an article reprinted in extenso in a later collection)

650. hypnopedia *

attempted instruction in a subject, such as foreign language, during sleep, usually by means of recording. also called sleep-learning

297. conjectural

based on or involving conjecture. 2. tending to conjecture

701. intergalactic

being or occurring between galaxies

817. marinara

being or served with a sauce of tomatoes, garlic, onions, and spices

81. apocalypticism *

belief in apocalyptic prophecies, especially regarding the imminent destruction of the world and the foundation of a new world order as a result of the triumph of good over evil

70. antebellum *

belonging to the period before a war, especially the American Civil War

699. inter nos *

between ourselves


bitter, sharp animosity, especially as exhibited in speech or behavior


capable of adsorption. An adsorptive material, such as activated charcoal

496. eurybathic *

capable of living in a wide range of water depths, used of an aquatic organism.

614. heliborne *

carried or transported by helicopter

588. gruesomeness

causing horror and repugnance; frightful and shocking

691. injurious

causing or tending to cause injury; harmful. Slanderous; libelous


characterized by quickness, lightness, and ease of movement; nimble

190. brummagem

cheap and showy; meretricious

170. blithesome

cheerful; merry

694. insomnia

chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time

275. colloquialism *

colloquial style or quality. 2. a colloquial expression

342. ctenoid

comb like. 2. having marginal projections that resemble the teeth of a comb.

579. globuliferous *

composed of or producing globules

731. julienne

consomme or broth garnished with long thin strips of vegetables

596. gypsiferous

containing gypsum

676. incessantly

continuing without interruption

540. floriated, floreated

decorated with floral designs

366. décor, decor

decoration, a decorative style or scheme as of a room. 2. a stage setting, scenery

374. delectation

delight, enjoyment, pleasure

aleatory *

dependent on chance, luck, or an uncertain outcome

507. exogenous *

derived or developed from outside the body; originating externally. 2. characterized by the the addition of layers of woody tissue. 3. having a cause external to the body, used of diseases

344. culpable

deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil, improper, or injurious

75. antifungal

destroying or inhibiting the growth of fungi

90. arbitrary

determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle

687. infrangible

difficult or impossible to break or separate into parts; inviolable

678. incoercible

difficult or impossible to coerce or control forcibly

715. irrepressible *

difficult or impossible to control or restrain

716. irretrievable

difficult or impossible to retrieve or recover

669. implausible *

difficult to believe, not plausible

515. fact-finding

discovery or determination of facts or accurate information

647. hydromancy

divination by the observation of water

264. clavicle

either of two slender bones in humans that extend from the manubrim of the sternum to the acrominion of the scapula. also called the collarbone. 2. one of the bones of the pectoral girdle in many vertebrates


embolism that occurs as a result of the entrance of air bubbles into a blood vessel after surgical procedures or trauma

480. epopee

epic poetry, especially as a literary genre.

483. equipoise *

equality in distribution as of weight relationship or emotional forces; equilibrium. 2. a counterbalance

790. lymphangiography *

examination of the lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels following the injection of a radiopaque substance. also called lymphography

501. excessively

exceeding a normal, usual, reasonable, or proper limit

426. draconian *

exceedingly harsh, very severe

346. cupidity *

excessive desire, especially for wealth; covetousness or avarice

517. fanaticism

excessive, irrational zeal

706. intrapsychic *

existing or taking place within the mind or psyche

285. complimentary

expressing, using, or resembling a compliment. 2. given free to repay a favor or as an act of courtesy

649. hyperinflation

extremely high monetary inflation

71. antediluvian

extremely old and antiquated

376. delinquency

failure to do what law or duty requires. 2. an offense or misdemeanor; misdeed. 3. a debt or other financial obligation on which payment is overdue

malocclusion *

faulty contact between the upper and lower teeth when the jaw is closed

550. frugivorous

feeding on fruit; fruit-eating

471. entomophagous *

feeding on insects, insectivorous

382. denticulate

finely toothed or notched. 2. having dentils

710. inveterate

firmly and long established; deep-rooted. 2. persisting an ingrained habit; habitual

753. lambent

flickering lightly over or on a surface; effortlessly light or brilliant

431. dubiously

fraught with uncertainty or doubt; undecided 2. of questionable character

684. inerrancy

freedom from error or untruths; infallibility

373. Delacroix *

french romantic painter known for his vast, dramatic canvases and exuberant use of color, as in The Massacre of Chios and Liberty Leading the People

824. Maupassant

french writer whose works mainly realistic short stories such as "The Necklace" examine hypocrisy, madness, Parisian society, and peasant life in Normandy

353. da capo

from the beginning, used as a direction to repeat a passage

ab extra *

from without

835. mercifulness

full of mercy; compassionate

513. exuberant

full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy. 2. extreme in degree, size, or extent. 3. growing, producing, or produced abundantly; plentiful

554. gadgetry

gadgets considered as a group. 2. the design or construction of gadgets

362. deceitful

given to cheating or deceiving, deliberately misleading; deceptive

581. glycerin, glycerine

glycerol or a preparation of glycerol

601. hagiocracy

government by people considered to be holy, such as priests or saints. also called hagiarchy

400. diarchy, dyarchy

government by two joint rulers

440. éclat

great brilliance, as of performance or achievement. 2. conspicuous success. 3. great acclamation and applause. 4. scandal

690. iniquity *

gross immorality or injustice; wickedness


growing at high altitudes; alpine or subalpine

96. arenicolous *

growing, living, or burrowing in sand

466. enfilade

gunfire directed along the length of a target, a target vulnerable to sweeping gunfire. 2. (architecture) a linear arrangement of a series of interior doors, as to as suite of rooms, so as to provide a vista when the doors are open.

609. hauteur *

haughtiness in bearing and attitude, arrogance

539. flocculent

having a fluffy or woolly appearance. 2. made up of or containing woolly masses. 3. having a soft, waxy, and wool like covering, as certain insects

749. laciniate

having a fringe; fringed, shaped or formed like a fringe. 2. slashed into narrow pointed lobes

762. learning-disabled

having a learning disability

acatalectic *

having a metrically complete pattern, especially having the full number of syllables in the final foot

568. geniality *

having a pleasant or friendly disposition or manner. 2. conducive to life, growth, or comfort; mild. 3. relating to or marked by genius. 4. of or relating to marriage; nuptial

1373. torquate

having a ring like or collar like band or marking around the neck

181. brachycephalic

having a short, broad head with a cephalic index over 80

714. irreconcilable

impossible to reconcile. 2. a person, especially a member of a group, who will not compromise, adjust, or submit. 3. one of two or more conflicting ideas or beliefs that cannot be brought into harmony

803. malapert

impudently bold in speech or manner; saucy

420. doloroso *

in a mournful or plaintive manner, used chiefly as direction.

65. animato

in an animated or lively manner. used chiefly as a direction

674. in propria persona

in one's own person, especially without representation by an attorney

672. in camera

in secret; privately. 2. in private with a judge rather than in open court

469. entelechy

in the philosophy of Aristotle the condition of a thing whose essence is fully realized; actuality. 2. a vital force that directs and organism toward self-fulfillment

110. astasia

inability to stand because of motor incoordination

369. deficit

inadequacy or insufficiency, in mental or physical functioning. 2. an unfavorable position or condition; a disadvantage. 3. the amount by which a sum of money falls short of the required or expected amount, a business loss

735. kaput, kaputt

incapacitated or destroyed

411. disputatious

inclined to dispute

804. malassimilation

incomplete or imperfect assimilation of nutrients by the body

105. asphyxiant

inducing or tending to induce asphyxia

233. cavernicolous *

inhabiting caverns or caves

402. didactics

instruction; teaching; pedagogy

652. hypoxemia *

insufficient oxygenation of the blood

444. edification *

intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement; enlightenment

415. dissipated *

intemperate in the pursuit of pleasure; dissolute. 2. wasted or squandered, used of energy

487. esoteric

intended or understood only by a particular group, of that which is known by a restricted number of people. 2. not publicly disclosed; confidential

325. counterterrorism

intended to prevent or counteract terrorism

83. apotropaic *

intended to ward off evil

622. hermeneutic

interpretive; explanatory

708. intrusiveness

intruding or tending to intrude. 2. of or relating to igneous rock that is forced while molten into cracks or between other layers of rock

305. contradictory

involving, of the nature of, or being a contradiction. 2. either of two propositions related in such a way that it is impossible for both to be true or both to be false

545. fourth estate

journalists considered as a group, the public press

414. dissimilitude

lack of resemblance; dissimilarity

131. badinage

light, playful banter

227. catadromous *

living in fresh water but migrating to marine waters to breed. used of fish

52. amphibiotic

living in water during an early stage of development and on land during the adult stage

79. aphagia

loss of the ability to swallow

80. aphonia *

loss of the voice resulting from disease, injury to the vocal chords, or various psychological causes, such as hysteria

683. inegalitarian

marked by or accepting of social, economic, or political inequality

541. flummeries

meaningless or deceptive language; humbug. 2. any of several soft, sweet, bland foods, such as custard. 3. a sweet gelatinous pudding made by straining boiled oatmeal or flour. 3, a soft dessert of stewed, thickened fruit often mixed with a grain such as rice

56. anadromous

migrating up rivers from the sea to breed in fresh water. used of fish

388. derisive

mocking; jeering

58. analphabetic *

not alphabetical

abiological *

not associated with or derived from living organisms

586. greige

not bleached or dyed; unfinished. used of textiles

328. covertness *

not openly practiced, avowed, engaged in, accumulated, or shown. 2. covered or covered over, sheltered. 3. being married and therefore protected by one's husband.

666. immutable

not subject or susceptible to change

433. duteous

obedient or dutiful

448. egomaniacal

obsessive preoccupation with the self

675. incarnadine

of a fleshy pink color, blood red. 2. to make incarnadine, especially to redden

498. evidentiary *

of evidence; evidential. 2. for the presentation or determination of evidence

461. eminent

of high rank, station or quality; noteworthy. 2 outstanding as in character or performance; distinguished. 3. towering or standing above out above others; prominent

658. idolatrous *

of or having to do with idolatry. 2. given to blind or excessive devotion to something

59. Anatolian

of or relating to Anatolia or its people, language, or culture

219. Carboniferous, carboniferous

of, belonging to, or denoting a geologic division of the Paleozoic Era following the Devonian and preceding the Permian, including the Mississippian Period and the Pennsylvanian Period and characterized especially in the Pennsylvanian by swamp formation and deposition of plant remains later hardened into coal

526. ferruginous

of, containing, or similar to iron. 2. having the color of iron rust; reddish brown

283. competitiveness

of, involving, or determined by competition. 2. liking competition or inclined to compete. 3. Relating to the inhibition of enzyme activity that results from the reversible combination of an enzyme with an alternate compound and prevents normal substrate binding

533. filial

of, relating to, or befitting a son or daughter. 2. having or assuming the relationship of child or offspring to a parent. 3. of or relating to a generation or the sequence of generations following the parental generation

783. Louis Seize

of, relating to, or characteristic of the neoclassic style in architecture, furniture, and decoration of the reign of Louis XVI

130. Baconian

of, relating to, or characteristic of the works or thought of the philosopher Francis Bacon.

223. cartilaginous

of, relating to, or consisting of cartilage

695. instinctual

of, relating to, or derived from instinct

657. idiopathic

of, relating to, or designating a disease having no known cause

210. campestral

of, relating to, or growing in uncultivated land or open fields

422. donnish

of, relating to, or held to be characteristic of a university don; bookish or pedantic

718. isothermal

of, relating to, or indicating equal or constant temperatures. 2. of or designating changes of pressure and volume at constant temperature. 3. an isotherm

228. catastrophic

of, relating to, or involving a catastrophe. 2.involving or resulting in substantial, often ruinous medical expense

478. epistemic

of, relating to, or involving knowledge; cognitive

525. femoral

of, relating to, or located in the thigh or femur

449. eidetic *

of, relating to, or marked by extraordinarily detailed and vivid recall of visual images

179. bovine

of, relating to, or resembling a ruminant mammal of the genus Bos, such as an ox, cow, or buffalo

180. brachial

of, relating to, or resembling the arm or a similar or homologous part, such as the foreleg, wing, or other forelimb of the vertebrate

458. emblematic

of, relating to, or serving as an emblem; symbolic

538. fleeciness

of, resembling, or covered with fleece

671. imprimatur

official approval or license to print or publish, especially under conditions of censorship

88. apprenticeship

one bound by a legal agreement to work for another for a specific amount of time in return for instruction in a trade, art, or business

521. fashionmonger

one concerned with following, spreading, or setting the fashion

386. depositary

one entrusted with something for preservation or safekeeping

724. jayhawker, Jayhawker

one of the free soil guerrillas in Kansas and Missouri during the border disputes of 1854 to 1859. 2. a native of Kansas 3. a fictitious bird

274. collaborationist *

one that collaborates with an enemy occupation force

549. front-runner, frontrunner

one that is in a leading position in a race or other competition, a competitor who performs best when in the lead

467. enigma *

one that is puzzling, ambiguous, or inexplicable. 2. a perplexing speech or text, a riddle

188. broncobuster *

one who breaks wild horses to the saddle

698. intelligencer

one who conveys news or information. 2. a secret agent, informer, or spy

577. glaziery

one who cuts and fits glass, as for doors and windows

573. ghoul *

one who delights in the revolting, morbid, or loathsome. 2. a grave robber. 3. an evil spirit or demon in Muslim folklore believed to plunder graves and feed on corpses

63. Anglophobia

one who dislikes or fears England, its people, or its culture

229. catechumen

one who is being taught the principles of Christianity. 2.one who is being instructed in a subject at an elementary level

95. archivist

one who is in charge of archives

551. funambulist

one who performs on a tightrope or a slack rope

519. farrier

one who shoes horses, iron/blacksmith

546. frequent flier (noun)

one who travels often by air, especially on one airline

322. cosmetician

one whose occupation is manufacturing, selling, or applying cosmetics

1479. xerarch

originating in a dry habitat.

644. hubris *

overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance

633. hologynic *

passing to successive generations only in females

791. macaroni

pasta in any of various hollow shapes especially short curved tubes

655. iconographer

pictorial illustration of a subject, the collected representations illustrating a subject. 2. a set of specified or traditional symbolic forms associated with the subject or theme of a stylized work of art. 3. a treatise or book dealing with iconography

744. knotty pine

pine wood with a large number of knots used especially for paneling and furniture

432. dulcet *

pleasing to the ear; melodious, having a soothing, agreeable quality. 2. sweet to taste

139. Barmecidal

plentiful or abundant in appearance only; illusory

836. mercurialism

poisoning caused by mercury or a compound containing mercury

745. knowledgeable

possessing or showing knowledge or intelligence; perceptive and well informed

681. indigence

poverty; neediness

209. camera-ready

prepared in such a way as to be appropriate for photographing prior to being made into a printing plate

amandine *

prepared or garnished with almonds

78. antipruritic

preventing or relieving itching

522. febrific

producing fever, having a fever, being feverish

1173. Rorschach test

psychological test in which a subject's interpretations of a series of standard inkblots are analyzed as an indication of personality traits, preoccupations, and conflicts.

455. eligibility

qualified or entitled to be chosen, desirable and worthy of choice. 2. allowed under the rules to catch a forward pass

777. litheness *

readily bent; supple. 2. marked by effortless grace

670. impoverished

reduced to poverty; poverty-stricken. 2. deprived of natural riches or strength; limited or depleted

76. antiphlogistic *

reducing inflammation or fever; anti-inflammatory

395. detumescence

reduction or lessening of a swelling, especially in the restoration of a swollen organ or part to normal size

73. anthropocentric *

regarding humans as the central element of the universe

1114. ralliform

relating or resembling the rail, a marsh bird

567. generic *

relating to or descriptive of an entire group or class; general

705. interstitial

relating to, occurring in, or affecting interstices. 2. relating to or situated in the small, narrow spaces between tissues or parts of an organ

128. baccate

resembling a berry in texture or form; berrylike

476. epileptoid •

resembling epilepsy or any of its symptoms

260. circumterrestrial *

revolving around or surrounding the earth

245. charcuterie

sausages, ham, pates, and other cooked or processed meat foods. 2. a delicatessen specializing in such foods

236. cephalometry *

scientific measurement of the head

585. gregariously *

seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable. 2. tending to move in or form a group with others of the same kind. 3. (plants) growing in groups that are close together but not densely clustered or matted

48. amendatory

serving or tending to amend; corrective

289. conclusiveness

serving to put an end to doubt , question, or uncertainty; decisive


shaped like a thorn or spine

304. contiguous

sharing an edge or boundary; touching. 2. neighboring; adjacent. 3. connected in time; uninterrupted

345. cultrate

sharp-edged and pointed; knifelike

232. cautiousness

showing or practicing caution; careful. 2. tentative or restrained; guarded

638. homotaxis

similarity of strati-graphic arrangement and fossils in non-contemporaneous or widely separated geologic deposits

184. bric-a-brac

small, usually ornamental objects valued for their antiquity, rarity, originality, or sentimental associations

736. karateist

someone who practices the Japanese form of self defense in which sharp blows and kicks are administered to pressure-sensitive points on the body of an opponent

175. botcher

someone who ruins something through clumsiness or bungling something up

722. Japonism *

something characteristically Japanese. 2. the influence of Japan on European art, especially in impressionism

332. crème de la crème

something superlative. 2. people of the highest social level.

410. disincentive

something that prevents or discourages action; a deterrent

108. assuasive *

soothing; calming

398. diablerie

sorcery; witchcraft. 2. representation of devils or demons as in paintings or fiction

625. heteroecious

spending different stages of a life cycle on different, usually unrelated hosts. used of parasites such as rust fungi and tapeworms

176. bouldering

sports basic or intermediate climbing carried out on relatively small rocks that can be traversed without great risk of bodily harm in case of a fall


statisticians who computes insurance risks and premiums


the act of accrediting or the state of being accredited, especially the granting of approval to an institution of learning by an official review board after the school has met specific requirements


the act of affirming or the state of being affirmed ; assertion

294. confutation

the act of confuting. 2. something that confutes

abscission *

the act of cutting off


the act of gathering or amassing, as into a heap or pile

679. indemnification *

the act of indemnifying, the condition of being indemnified. 2. something that indemnifies; a compensation for loss

661. illation *

the act of inferring or drawing conclusions. 2. a conclusion drawn; a deduction. also called illative

689. inhibition *

the act of inhibiting or the state of being inhibited. 2. something that restrains, blocks, or suppresses. 3. conscious or unconscious restraint of a behavioral process, desire, or impulse

730. joinder

the act of joining. 2. a joining of causes of action or defense in a suit, a joining of parties in a suit. 3. formal acceptance of an issue offered


the act of mingling or mixing. the state of being mingled or mixed

797. maculation *

the act of spotting or staining or the condition of being spotted or stained. 2. the spotted markings of a plant or an animal, such as the spots of the leopard

391. desolation

the act or an instance of desolating. 2. devastation; ruin. 3. the state of being abandoned or forsaken; loneliness. 4. wretchedness, misery

416. dissuasion

the act or an instance of dissuading

771. licensure

the act or an instance of granting a license usually to practice a profession

427. dramatization

the act or art of dramatizing. 2. a work adapted for dramatic presentation

680. indentation

the act or condition of being indented. 2. the blank space between a margin and the beginning of an indented line. 3. a notch or jagged cut in an edge. 4. a recess as in a border or coastline

820. massacred

the act or instance of killing a large number of humans indiscriminately and cruelly

318. corpus callosum *

the arched bridge of nervous tissue that connects the two cerebral hemispheres, allowing communication between the right and left sides of the brain

599. habitat *

the area or environment where an organism or ecological community normally lives or occurs. 2. a place where a person or thing is most likely to be found. 3. a structure that affords a controlled environment for living in extremely inhospitable locations

456. elocution

the art of public speaking in which gesture, vocal production, and delivery are emphasized. 2. a style or manner of speaking, especially in public

258. cinematography

the art or technique of movie photography, including both the shooting and the development of the film.

381. dendrology

the botanical study of trees and other woody plants

772. lichenology *

the branch of biology that deals with the study of lichens

120. autecology

the branch of ecology that deals with the biological relationship between an individual organism or an individual species and its environment

475. epidemiology

the branch of medicine that deals with the study of the causes, distribution, and control of disease in populations

62. angelology *

the branch of theology having to do with angels

802. malacology *

the branch of zoology that deals with mollusks

641. horripilation

the bristling of the body hair, as from fear or cold; goosebumps

747. Kuala Lumpur *

the capital and largest city of Malaysia, on the southwest Malay Peninsula northwest of Singapore. Founded by tin miners in 1857, it is the commercial and industrial hub of the country

608. Harare *

the capital and largest city of Zimbabwe, in the northeast part of the country. founded by the British in 1890, it is a manufacturing and tobacco-processing center. its name was changed from Salisbury in 1982 to honor a 19th century African leader

726. Jerusalem

the capital of Israel in the east central part of the country in the West Bank. of immense religious and historical importance, the city was occupied as far back as the fourth millennium B.C. and became the capital of King David 1000 B.C.

761. lavabo, Lavabo

the ceremonial washing of the hands and recitation from the Psalms by the celebrant before the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches. 2. a washbowl that is attached to a wall and filled from a water tank fastened above

566. generalissimo

the commander in chief of all the armed forces in certain countries

534. finale

the concluding part, especially of a musical composition

484. errantry

the condition of traveling or roving about, especially in search of adventure

230. catholicity, Catholicity

the condition or quality of being catholic; breadth or inclusiveness. 2. Roman catholicism

82. aposematic coloration

the conspicuously recognizable markings of an animal, such as a skunk, that serves to run off potential predators. also known as warning coloration

algor mortis

the cooling of the body that follows death

703. interpolate

to insert or introduce between other elements or parts. 2. to change or falsify a text by introducing new or incorrect material. 3. to estimate a value of a function or series, between two known values

702. intermeddle

to interfere in the affairs of others, often officiously

438. eavesdropper

to listen secretly to the private conversation of others, one who eavesdrops

263. clarification

to make clear or easier to understand; elucidate. 2. to clear of confusion or uncertainty; clarify the mind. 3. to make clear by removing impurities or solid matter, as by heating gently or filtering

508. explicate

to make clear the meaning of; explain

572. gesticulatory *

to make gestures especially while speaking, as for emphasis

576. glamorization

to make glamorous. 2. to treat or portray in a romantic manner; idealize or glorify

488. estrangement

to make hostile, unsympathetic, or indifferent; alienate. 2. to remove from an accustomed place or set of associations


to make impure by adding extraneous, improper, or inferior ingredients

457. emaciated *

to make or become extremely thin, especially as a result of starvation

452. elation

to make proud or joyful. 2. to bring out, exalt

129. backpedal

to move the pedals of a bicycle or similar vehicle backward, especially to apply a brake.

111. astrogate *

to navigate a spacecraft, as in celestial flight

454. elide

to omit or slur over in pronunciation. 2. to strike out something written. 3. to eliminate or leave out of consideration

323. cosset

to pamper. a pet, especially a pet lamb.

493. eulogistic *

to praise highly in speech or writing, especially in a formal eulogy

290. concoct *

to prepare by mixing ingredients, as in cooking. 2. to devise, using skill and intelligence; contrive


to pronounce clear of guilt or blame


to put (data) into digital form

365. decipherable

to read or interpret, ambiguous, obscure, or illegible matter. 2. to convert from a cipher or code to plain text; decode

368. decriminalize

to reduce or abolish criminal penalties for

505. exhumation

to remove from a grave; disinter 2. to bring to a light, especially after a period of obscurity

372. deionize *

to remove ions from a solution using an ion exchange process

378. demagnetize

to remove magnetic properties from

385. depoliticize

to remove the political aspect from; remove from political influence or control

384. depiction *

to represent in a picture or sculpture. 2. to represent in words; describe

623. hero-worship (verb)

to revere as an ideal; to adulate

293. confiscatory

to seize private property for the public treasury. 2. to seize by or as if by authority. 3. seized by government; appropriated. 4. having lost property through confiscation

282. compartmentalize

to separate into distinct parts, categories, or compartments

468. ensconce

to settle securely or comfortably, to place or conceal in a secure place

66. anneal *

to subject (glass or metal) to a process of heating and slow cooling in order to toughen and reduce brittleness

215. capitulate *

to surrender under specific conditions; come to terms

100. arrogate

to take or claim for oneself without right; appropriate

371. defraudation

to take something from by fraud; swindle

823. maunder *

to talk incoherently or aimlessly. 2. to move or act aimlessly; wander

723. jargonize *

to translate into jargon

834. mercerize

to treat with sodium hydroxide so as to shrink the fiber and increase its luster and affinity for dye

201. cajolery

to urge with gentle and repeated appeals, teasing, or flattery; wheedle

709. inveigle

to win over by coaxing, flattery, or artful talk.

826. measureless

too great to be measured; immeasurable

447. effusive

unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression; gushy. 2. profuse, overflowing

504. exeunt

used as a stage direction to indicate that two or more performers leave the stage

abbé *

used as a title for the superior of a monastery in a French speaking area

182. bravissimo *

used to express great approval, especially of a performance

495. eureka (interj.)

used to express triumph upon finding or discovering something

497. evanescent *

vanishing or likely to vanish like vapor

154. bellicose *

warlike or hostile in manner or temperament

197. cachexia *

weight loss, wasting of muscle, loss of appetite, and general debility that can occur during a chronic disease

185. broad-spectrum

widely applicable or effective

106. asquint *

with a sidelong glance

169. bleary-eyed

with eyes blurred or reddened, as from exhaustion or lack of sleep

500. ex cathedra *

with the authority derived from one's office or position

428. driftwood

wood floating in or washed up by a body of water

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