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the process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. it is ultimately based on perceptions; it exists whenever one party believes that another might obstruct its efforts, regardless of whether the other party actually intends to do so


the process whereby two or more conflicting parties attempt to resolve their divergent goals by redefining the terms of their interdependence


this tries to smooth over or evade conflict situations altogether


this tries to win the conflict at the others expense. win-lose orientation. they believe that the parties are drawing from a fixed pie, so the more one party receives, the less the other party will receive

reducing interdependence

- create buffers: any mechanism that loosens the coupling between two or more people or work units - use integrators: employees who coordinate the activities of work units toward the completion of a common task - combine jobs: form of job enrichment. like an assembly line

sources of conflict

- incompatible goals - differentiation - interdependence - scarce resources - ambiguous resources - poor communication

interpersonal conflict-handling styles

- problem solving (win-win orientation) - forcing (win-lose orientation) - avoiding - yielding - compromising

relationship conflict

a type of conflict in which people focus on characteristics of other individuals, rather than on the issues, as the source of conflict. "personality clashes"

task conflict (constructive conflict)

a type of conflict in which people focus their discussion around the issue while showing respect for people who have other points of view

third-party conflict resolution

any attempt by a relatively neutral person to help the parties resolve their differences - arbitration - inquisition - mediation


control all discussion about the conflict, high decision control


differences among people and work units regarding their training, values, beliefs, and experiences. "engineers approach problems differently than salesperson because each has specialized training"

superordinate goals

goals that the conflicting parties value and whose attainment requires the joint resources and effort of those parties


having high control over the final decision, but low control over the process


high control over the intervention process. main purpose is to manage the process and context of interaction between the disputing parties


involves giving in completely to the other sides wishes or at least cooperating. "if you feel that strongly about it, we will do it your way"


involves looking for a position in which your losses are offset by equally valued gains. "salesman and client are a couple hundred dollars apart and the salesman says look will meet in the middle and split the cost"

incompatible goals

occur when the goal of one person or department seem to interfere with another's. "wendy is try to meet her sales quota by promising a faster delivery than her competitors. however the production manager insists he cant deliver them cuz that means overtime and he doesnt have money"

win-lose orientation

the belief that conflicting paities are drawing from a fixed pie, so the more one party receives, the less the other party will receive

win-win orientation

the belief that conflicting parties will find a mutually beneficial solution to their disagreement

best alternative to a negotiated settlement (BATNA)

the best outcome you might achieve through some other course of action if you abandon the current negotiation. it represents the estimated cost of walking away from the relationship

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