205, TEST 4, CH. 52, 86, 88, 87

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A postoperative patient reports pain in the left lower extremity. The nurse notes swelling in the lower leg, which feels warm to the touch. The nurse will anticipate giving which medication? a. Aspirin b. Clopidogrel [Plavix] c. Enoxaparin [Lovenox] d. Warfarin [Coumadin]


A patient will begin taking dabigatran etexilate [Pradaxa] to prevent stroke. The nurse will include which statement when teaching this patient? a. Dabigatran should be taken on an empty stomach to improve absorption. b. It is important not to crush, chew, or open capsules of dabigatran. c. The risk of bleeding with dabigatran is less than that with warfarin [Coumadin]. d. To remember to take dabigatran twice daily, a pill organizer can be useful.


A clinic patient who has been taking a glucocorticoid for arthritis for several months remarks to the nurse, "It's a good thing my symptoms are better, because my mother has been quite ill, and I have to take care of her." The patient's blood pressure is 100/60 mm Hg. The nurse will report this to the provider and ask about: a. reducing the patient's dose. b. using every other day dosing. c. increasing the patient's dose. d. tapering the dose.


A nurse tells a nursing student that the glucocorticoids given for rheumatoid arthritis are nearly identical to substances produced naturally by the body. The student remarks that the drug must be very safe. Which response by the nurse is correct? a. "As long as the drug is taken as prescribed, side effects usually do not occur." b. "By interrupting the inflammatory process, these drugs inhibit side effects." c. "Side effects can occur and are dependent on the dose and duration of treatment." d. "The negative feedback loop prevents side effects."


A patient recently began receiving clindamycin [Cleocin] to treat an infection. After 8 days of treatment, the patient reports having 10 to 15 watery stools per day. What will the nurse tell this patient? a. The provider may increase the clindamycin dose to treat this infection. b. This is a known side effect of clindamycin, and the patient should consume extra fluids. c. The patient should stop taking the clindamycin now and contact the provider immediately. d. The patient should try taking Lomotil or a bulk laxative to minimize the diarrheal symptoms.


A patient who is taking doxycycline for a serious infection contacts the nurse to report anal itching. The nurse will contact the provider to discuss: a. adding an antihistamine to the patient's drug regimen. b. ordering liver function tests to test for hepatotoxicity. c. prescribing an antifungal drug to treat a superinfection. d. testing the patient for a C. difficile secondary infection.


A hospitalized patient who is taking demeclocycline [Declomycin] reports increased urination, fatigue, and thirst. What will the nurse do? a. Contact the provider to report potential toxic side effects. b. Notify the provider to discuss changing the medication to doxycycline. c. Perform bedside glucometer testing to evaluate the serum glucose level. d. Provide extra fluids and reassure the patient that these are expected side effects.


A nurse is discussing microbial resistance among sulfonamides and trimethoprim with a nursing student. Which statement by the student indicates a need for further teaching? a. "Bacterial resistance to trimethoprim is relatively uncommon." b. "Resistance among gonococci, streptococci, and meningococci to sulfonamides is high." c. "Resistance to both agents can occur by spontaneous mutation of organisms." d. "Resistance to sulfonamides is less than resistance to trimethoprim."


A nurse is obtaining a drug history from a patient about to receive sulfadiazine. The nurse learns that the patient takes warfarin, glipizide, and a thiazide diuretic. Based on this assessment, the nurse will expect the provider to: a. change the antibiotic to TMP/SMZ. b. increase the dose of the glipizide. c. monitor the patient's electrolytes closely. d. monitor the patient's coagulation levels.


A nurse preparing to administer intravenous gentamicin to a patient notes that the dose is half the usual dose for an adult. The nurse suspects that this is because this patient has a history of: a. antibiotic resistance. b. interpatient variation. c. liver disease. d. Renal disease.


A patient is about to receive prednisone for tendonitis. The nurse reviewing the chart would be concerned about which of the following in the patient's medical history? a. Asthma and allergic rhinitis b. Gouty arthritis c. Seborrheic dermatitis d. Systemic fungal infection


A nurse is providing education about tetracycline [Sumycin]. Which statement by the patient best demonstrates understanding of the administration of this medication? a. "I should not take this medication with milk or other dairy products." b. "I should not worry if I experience an acnelike rash with this medication." c. "I should take an antacid, such as Tums, if I experience gastrointestinal distress." d. "I should take this antibiotic with a calcium supplement to improve absorption."


A patient is admitted to the unit for treatment for an infection. The patient receives IV amikacin [Amikin] twice a day. When planning for obtaining a peak aminoglycoside level, when should the nurse see that the blood is drawn? a. 30 minutes after the IV infusion is complete b. 1 hour after the IV infusion is complete c. 1 hour before administration of the IV infusion d. A peak level is not indicated with twice-daily dosing.


A patient is diagnosed with an infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus, and the prescriber orders intravenous gentamicin and penicillin (PCN). Both drugs will be given twice daily. What will the nurse do? a. Administer gentamicin, flush the line, and then give the penicillin. b. Give the gentamicin intravenously and the penicillin intramuscularly. c. Infuse the gentamicin and the penicillin together to prevent fluid overload. d. Request an order to change the penicillin to vancomycin.


A patient taking a glucocorticoid for arthritis reports feeling bloated. The nurse notes edema of the patient's hands and feet. Which action by the nurse is correct? a. Ask the patient about sodium intake. b. Obtain a blood glucose level. c. Suggest the patient limit potassium intake. d. Tell the patient to stop taking the drug.


A patient taking high doses of a glucocorticoid develops weakness in the muscles of the upper arms and in the legs. What will the nurse do? a. Contact the provider to ask about reducing the dose. b. Encourage the patient to restrict sodium intake. c. Reassure the patient that this is an expected side effect. d. Tell the patient to stop taking the drug.


A pregnant adolescent patient asks the nurse whether she should continue to take her prescription for tetracycline [Sumycin] to clear up her acne. Which response by the nurse is correct? a. "Tetracycline can be harmful to the baby's teeth and should be avoided." b. "Tetracycline is safe to take during pregnancy." c. "Tetracycline may cause allergic reactions in pregnant women." d. "Tetracycline will prevent asymptomatic urinary tract infections."


The nurse has just received an order for tenecteplase [TNKase] for a patient experiencing an acute myocardial infarction. The nurse should administer this drug: a. by bolus injection. b. by infusion pump over 24 hours. c. slowly over 90 minutes. d. via monitored, prolonged infusion.


Which side effect of clindamycin [Cleocin] causes the most concern and may warrant discontinuation of the drug? a. Diarrhea b. Headache c. Nausea d. Vomiting


patient is diagnosed with a lung infection caused by P. aeruginosa. The culture and sensitivity report shows sensitivity to all aminoglycosides. The nurse knows that the rate of resistance to gentamicin is common in this hospital. The nurse will expect the provider to order which medication? a. Amikacin [Amikin] b. Gentamicin c. Paromomycin d. Tobramycin


A 60-year-old female patient is about to begin long-term therapy with a glucocorticoid. Which of the following will be important for minimizing the risk of osteoporosis? a. Baseline vitamin D level b. Calcium and vitamin D supplements c. Estrogen therapy d. Skeletal x-rays before treatment


A child is to begin long-term glucocorticoid therapy. The parents ask the nurse about the effects of this drug on the child's growth. Which response by the nurse is correct? a. "A smaller dose may be indicated for your child." b. "Ask your provider about every other day dosing." c. "Long-acting glucocorticoid preparations should prevent growth suppression." d. "Oral glucocorticoids rarely cause growth suppression."


A nurse is preparing to administer a dose of gentamicin to a patient who is receiving the drug 3 times daily. The nurse will monitor ____ levels. a. peak b. peak and trough c. serum drug d. trough


A nurse is teaching a group of nursing students why glucocorticoids are preferred over nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of inflammation. Which statement by a student indicates a need for further teaching? a. "Glucocorticoids act by multiple mechanisms and have more anti-inflammatory effects than NSAIDs." b. "Glucocorticoids have fewer side effects than nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs." c. "Glucocorticoids help avert damage to tissues from lysosomal enzymes." d. "Glucocorticoids reduce the immune component of inflammation."


A nurse caring for a patient receiving heparin therapy notes that the patient has a heart rate of 98 beats per minute and a blood pressure of 110/72 mm Hg. The patient's fingertips are purplish in color. A stat CBC shows a platelet count of less than 100,000 mm3. The nurse will: a. administer oxygen and notify the provider. b. discontinue the heparin and notify the provider. c. request an order for protamine sulfate. d. request an order for vitamin K (phytonadione).


A nurse is reviewing the culture results of a patient receiving an aminoglycoside. The report reveals an anaerobic organism as the cause of infection. What will the nurse do? a. Contact the provider to discuss an increased risk of aminoglycoside toxicity. b. Continue giving the aminoglycoside as ordered. c. Request an order for a different class of antibiotic. d. Suggest adding a penicillin to the patient's drug regimen.


A patient who has been taking linezolid [Zyvox] for 6 months develops vision problems. What will the nurse do? a. Reassure the patient that this is a harmless side effect of this drug. b. Tell the patient that blindness is likely to occur with this drug. c. Tell the patient that this symptom is reversible when the drug is discontinued. d. Tell the patient to take tyramine supplements to minimize this effect.


To prevent yellow or brown discoloration of teeth in children, tetracyclines should not be given: a. to children once the permanent teeth have developed. b. to patients taking calcium supplements. c. to pregnant patients after the fourth month of gestation. d. with dairy products or antacids.


A nurse teaches a patient about sulfonamides. Which statement by the patient indicates a need for further teaching? a. "I need to drink extra fluids while taking this medication." b. "I need to use sunscreen when taking this drug." c. "I should call my provider if I develop a rash while taking this drug." d. "I should stop taking this drug when my symptoms are gone."


A patient develops CDAD. Which antibiotic is recommended for treating this infection? a. Chloramphenicol b. Clindamycin [Cleocin] c. Linezolid [Zyvox] d. Vancomycin


A patient has been taking warfarin [Coumadin] for atrial fibrillation. The provider has ordered dabigatran etexilate [Pradaxa] to replace the warfarin. The nurse teaches the patient about the change in drug regimen. Which statement by the patient indicates understanding of the teaching? a. "I may need to adjust the dose of dabigatran after weaning off the warfarin." b. "I should continue to take the warfarin after beginning the dabigatran until my INR is greater than 3." c. "I should stop taking the warfarin 3 days before starting the dabigatran." d. "I will stop taking the warfarin and will start taking the dabigatran when my INR is less than 2."


A child with an upper respiratory infection caused by B. pertussis is receiving erythromycin ethylsuccinate. After 2 days of treatment, the parent asks the nurse why the child's symptoms have not improved. Which response by the nurse is correct? a. "Erythromycin eliminates the bacteria that causes the infection, but not the toxin that causes the symptoms." b. "We may need to add penicillin or another antibiotic to increase the antimicrobial spectrum." c. "We will need to review the culture sensitivity information to see whether a different antibiotic is indicated." d. "Your child may have developed a suprainfection that we need to culture and treat."


A patient has a Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection that is sensitive to aminoglycosides, and the prescriber orders gentamicin. The patient tells the nurse that a friend received amikacin [Amikin] for a similar infection and wonders why amikacin was not ordered. What will the nurse tell the patient? a. "Amikacin is given when infectious agents are resistant to other aminoglycosides." b. "Amikacin is more vulnerable to inactivation by bacterial enzymes." c. "Amikacin is a narrow-spectrum drug and will probably not work for this infection." d. "Gentamicin is less toxic to the ears and the kidneys."


A patient is receiving gentamicin once daily. A nursing student asks the nurse how the drug can be effective if given only once a day. The nurse explains drug dosing schedules for aminoglycosides. Which statement by the student indicates a need for further teaching? a. "Gentamicin has a longer half-life than other aminoglycosides." b. "Large doses given once daily yield higher peak levels." c. "The postantibiotic effect lasts for several hours." d. "There is less risk of ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity with large daily doses."


A patient is receiving tobramycin three times daily. A tobramycin peak level is 4.5 and the trough is 1.2. What will the nurse do? a. Give the next dose as ordered. b. Hold the next dose and notify the provider. c. Monitor the patient for signs of nephrotoxicity. d. Tell the patient to report tinnitus.


A patient who has been receiving intravenous gentamicin for several days reports having had a headache for 2 days. The nurse will request an order to: a. discontinue the gentamicin. b. obtain a gentamicin trough before the next dose is given c. give an analgesic to control headache discomfort. d. obtain renal function tests to evaluate for potential nephrotoxicity.


A patient who is taking gentamicin and a cephalosporin for a postoperative infection requests medication for mild postsurgical pain. The nurse will expect to administer which of the following medications? a. Acetaminophen b. Aspirin c. Ibuprofen d. Morphine


A patient who is taking warfarin [Coumadin] has just vomited blood. The nurse notifies the provider, who orders lab work revealing a PT of 42 seconds and an INR of 3.5. The nurse will expect to administer: a. phytonadione (vitamin K1) 1 mg IV over 1 hour. b. phytonadione (vitamin K1) 2.5 mg PO. c. protamine sulfate 20 mg PO. d. protamine sulfate 20 mg slow IV push.


A patient is receiving tobramycin 3 times daily. The provider has ordered a trough level with the 8:00 AM dose. The nurse will ensure that the level is drawn at what time? a. 4:00 AM b. 7:00 AM c. 7:45 AM d. 8:45 AM


A patient is to begin taking doxycycline to treat a rickettsial infection. Which statement by the patient indicates a need for teaching about this drug? a. "I should consult my provider before using laxatives or antacids while taking this drug." b. "I should not take a calcium supplement or consume dairy products with this drug." c. "I should take this drug with food to ensure more complete absorption." d. "If I get diarrhea, I should stop taking the drug and let my provider know immediately."


A patient who is taking clopidogrel [Plavix] calls the nurse to report black, tarry stools and coffee-ground emesis. The nurse will tell the patient to: a. ask the provider about using aspirin instead of clopidogrel. b. consume a diet high in vitamin K. c. continue taking the clopidogrel until talking to the provider. d. stop taking the clopidogrel immediately.


A patient who is taking immunosuppressant medications develops a urinary tract infection. The causative organism is sensitive to sulfonamides and to another, more expensive antibiotic. The prescriber orders the more expensive antibiotic. The nursing student assigned to this patient asks the nurse why the more expensive antibiotic is being used. Which response by the nurse is correct? a. "Immunosuppressed patients are folate deficient." b. "Patients who are immunosuppressed are more likely to develop resistance." c. "Sulfonamides are bacteriostatic and depend on host immunity to work." d. "Sulfonamides intensify the effects of immunosuppression."


A nurse is explaining to nursing students why a cephalosporin is used in conjunction with an aminoglycoside for a patient with an infection. Which statement by a student indicates understanding of the teaching? a. "Cephalosporins enhance the actions of aminoglycosides by weakening bacterial cell walls." b. "Cephalosporins prevent neuromuscular blockade associated with aminoglycosides." c. "Cephalosporins prolong the postantibiotic effects of the aminoglycosides so doses can be decreased." d. "Cephalosporins reduce bacterial resistance to aminoglycosides."


A patient is taking erythromycin ethylsuccinate for a chlamydial infection and develops vaginal candidiasis. The prescriber orders ketoconazole to treat the superinfection. What will the nurse do? a. Administer the erythromycin and the ketoconazole as ordered. b. Contact the provider to discuss changing to a different antifungal medication. c. Contact the provider to discuss increasing the dose of erythromycin. d. Contact the provider to suggest using erythromycin stearate.


A patient who has been taking gentamicin for 5 days reports a headache and dizziness. What will the nurse do? a. Request an order for a gentamicin peak level. b. Suspect ototoxicity and notify the prescriber. c. Tell the patient to ask for help with ambulation. d. Tell the patient to report any tinnitus.


A 6-week-old infant who has not yet received immunizations develops a severe cough. While awaiting nasopharyngeal culture results, the nurse will expect to administer which antibiotic? a. Clindamycin [Cleocin] b. Doxycycline [Vibramycin] c. Erythromycin ethylsuccinate d. Penicillin G


A 50-year-old female patient asks a nurse about taking aspirin to prevent heart disease. The patient does not have a history of myocardial infarction. Her cholesterol and blood pressure are normal, and she does not smoke. What will the nurse tell the patient? a. Aspirin is useful only for preventing a second myocardial infarction. b. She should ask her provider about using a P2Y12 ADP receptor antagonist. c. She should take one 81-mg tablet per day to prevent myocardial infarction. d. There is most likely no protective benefit for patients her age.


A child has been receiving chloramphenicol for a Neisseria meningitidis central nervous system (CNS) infection. The nurse administers the dose and subsequently notes that the child has vomited and appears dusky and gray in color. The child's abdomen is distended. What will the nurse do? a. Contact the provider for an order to obtain a chloramphenicol level. b. Notify the provider that the child's meningitis is worsening. c. Recognize this as initial signs of a C. difficile infection. d. Stop the infusion immediately and notify the provider.


A nurse is discussing glucocorticoids with a group of nursing students. Which statement by a student indicates understanding of the teaching? a. "Glucocorticoids have both endocrine and nonendocrine uses." b. "Patients treated for adrenocortical insufficiency receive pharmacologic doses." c. "Pharmacologic effects are achieved with low doses of glucocorticoids." d. "Physiologic doses are used to treat inflammatory disorders."


A nurse is caring for a patient who takes an ACE inhibitor and an ARB medication who will begin taking TMP/SMZ to treat a urinary tract infection. Which serum electrolyte will the nurse expect to monitor closely? a. Calcium b. Chloride c. Potassium d. Sodium


A patient with second-degree burns is treated with silver sulfadiazine [Silvadene]. A nursing student asks the nurse about the differences between silver sulfadiazine and mafenide [Sulfamylon], because the two are similar products, and both contain sulfonamides. What does the nurse tell the student about silver sulfadiazine? a. It causes increased pain when the medication is applied. b. It has a broader spectrum of antimicrobial sensitivity. c. It has antibacterial effects related to release of free silver. d. It suppresses renal excretion of acid, causing acidosis.


A nurse is providing teaching for a patient who will begin taking clarithromycin ER [Biaxin XL] to treat an Helicobacter pylori infection. Which statement by the patient indicates understanding of the teaching? a. "I may experience distorted taste when taking this medication." b. "I should take 1 tablet twice daily for 10 days." c. "I should take this medication on an empty stomach." d. "This medication does not interact with other drugs."


A nurse is teaching a nursing student about dalfopristin/quinupristin [Synercid]. Which statement by the student indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. "Patients should stop taking the drug if they experience joint and muscle pain." b. "Patients taking this drug should have blood tests performed frequently." c. "Patients who are allergic to penicillin should not take this drug." d. "This drug will be administered intravenously over a 30- to 60-minute period."


A patient is admitted to the emergency department with chest pain. An electrocardiogram shows changes consistent with an evolving myocardial infarction. The patient's cardiac enzymes are pending. The nurse caring for this patient will expect to: a. administer aspirin when cardiac enzymes are completed. b. give alteplase [Activase] within 2 hours. c. give tenecteplase [TNKase] immediately. d. obtain an order for an INR.


A patient is admitted to the hospital with unstable angina and will undergo a percutaneous coronary intervention. Which drug regimen will the nurse expect to administer to prevent thrombosis in this patient? a. Aspirin, clopidogrel, omeprazole b. Aspirin, heparin, abciximab [ReoPro] c. Enoxaparin [Lovenox], prasugrel [Effient], warfarin [Coumadin] d. Heparin, alteplase, abciximab [ReoPro]


A patient is diagnosed with periodontal disease, and the provider orders oral doxycycline [Periostat]. The patient asks the purpose of the drug. What is the nurse's response? a. "It is used because of its anti-inflammatory effects." b. "It inhibits collagenase to protect connective tissue in the gums." c. "It reduces bleeding and the pocket depth of oral lesions." d. "It suppresses bacterial growth in the oral mucosa."


A patient is receiving an intraperitoneal aminoglycoside during surgery. To reverse a serious side effect of this drug, the nurse may expect to administer which agent? a. Amphotericin B b. Calcium gluconate c. Neuromuscular blocker d. Vancomycin


A patient who has taken warfarin [Coumadin] for a year begins taking carbamazepine. The nurse will anticipate an order to: a. decrease the dose of carbamazepine. b. increase the dose of warfarin. c. perform more frequent aPTT monitoring. d. provide extra dietary vitamin K.


A patient who is a long-distance runner has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in both knees and will begin glucocorticoid therapy. When teaching the patient about the medication, the nurse will include what information? a. "By reducing inflammation, this drug will slow the progression of your disease." b. "Glucocorticoids are used as adjunctive therapy during acute flare-ups." c. "Oral glucocorticoids cause less toxicity than intra-articular injections." d. "You may resume running when the pain and swelling improve."


A patient who takes the loop diuretic ethacrynic acid is given intravenous gentamicin for an infection. After several days of treatment with gentamicin, the nurse reviews the patient's most recent laboratory results and notes a gentamicin trough of 2.1 mcg/mL and normal blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine levels. The nurse will question the patient about: a. gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. b. headache, dizziness, or vertigo. c. presence of rash. d. urine output.


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