20B week 1

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Information environment

- Comprises and aggregates numerous social, cultural, cognitive, technical, and physical attributes that act upon and are impacted by knowledge, understanding, beliefs, world views, and, ultimately, actions of an individual, group, system, community, or organization.


- Data in context to which an observer assigns meaning.

Informational power

- The ability to affect behavior through the use of information.

Inherent informational aspects of activities

- The features and details of activities that an observer interprets and uses to assign meaning.


- consists of survivable and enduring aircraft (airborne or on alert) and communications systems E-6B ABNCP (Airborne Command Post), E-6A/B TACAMO (Take Charge and Move Out), E-4B NAOC (National Airborne Operations Center), Miliary Strategic and Tactical Relay (MILSTAR) Satellite Constellation.

the organizational structure for AFFOR in response to operational tasking

AETF - how the USAF responds to operational tasking; the way the USAF organizes to fight

What is the difference between AOC/JAOC/CAOC

AOC - designed to expand with augmentation


Actions executed to deliberately mislead adversary military, paramilitary or violent extremist org decision makers, therby causing the adversary to take specific actions (or inactions) that will contribute to the accomplishment of the friendly mission

DoDIN Operations:

Actions taken to design, build, configure, secure, operate, maintain and sustain DOD communications systems and networks

Identify who approves the air COA developed by the air component.

After JFACC refinement, JFC approves the Air COA


Air operations conducted to divert, disrupt, delay, or destroy the enemy's military surface capabilities before they can be brought to bear effectively against friendly forces, or to otherwise achieve objectives that are conducted at such distances from friendly forces that detailed integration of each air mission with the fire and movement of friendly forces is not required.

Describe what is meant by the term "joint air operations"

Air operations performed with air capabilities/ forces made available by components in support of the joint force commander's operational or campaign objectives, or in support of other components of the joint force.

Differentiate between nuclear and conventional strategic attack operations

B-2 and F-35 planning and operations have enabling organizations (SMAC, TWAC) that can provide increased fidelity route planning and increased fidelity effectiveness modeling or detailed effects modeling

Identify AF capabilities which support JFC strategic attack operations

B-2, B-52, B-1, space, cyber: systematic application of lethal and non-lethal capabilities against an enemy's strategic centers of gravity (COGs), to undermine the enemy's will and ability to threaten our national security interests

Explain how airpower supports strategic attack operations

Bombers & multi-role fighter aircraft normally comprise the bulk of Air Forces' strategic attack weapon systems but are not the only means to achieve strategic attack effects and can also fill other roles such as AI, NTISR, NKO and CAS for example

step 4 JPP

COA Analysis and Wargaming

step 6 JPP

COA Approval

step 5 JPP

COA Comparison

Name the two CMF teams that USCYBERCOM may assign to support a JAOC's mission:

Combat Mission Teams (CMT) Cyber Protection Teams (CPT)

identify the three levels of the Joint Force Commands:

Combatant Command, Sub-Unified Command, Joint Task Force

Describe COCOM authority:

Command authority over assigned forces


Composed of C2 systems, key decision makers, and supporting infrastructure that enable individuals and organizations to conduct operations and create effects

step 3 JPP

Course of Action (COA) Development

Offensive Cyber Operations (OCO)

Cyberspace attack affects an adversary's use of cyberspace Denial effects can degrade, disrupt or destroy access to, operation of or availability of a target Manipulation controls or changes an adversary's information systems and/or networks

Define AEF

Force management scalable to ops tempo; a method of packaging force capabilities


Fundamental principles by which the military forces or elements thereof guide their actions in support of national objectives. It is authoritative but requires judgment in application. The purpose is to enhance operational effectiveness of joint forces towards a common goal

Describe OPCON authority:

Inherent to the COCOM, normally delegated to the Component Commanders

Strategy Plans (SPT)

JFACC focal point for contingency planning Long-term planning of joint air operations to achieve JFC objectives - Joint Air Operations Plan (JAOP) Future plans, Branch and Sequel planning

Identify the document that is developed by the JFACC based upon the approved air COA.

JFACC: JAOP and annexes

Strategic Attack

JFC-directed offensive action against a target that is selected to achieve national or military strategic objectives

identify the planning process used by the COMAFFOR and JFACC.

Joint Planning Process for Air is used by both COMAFFOR (service component) and JFACC (functional component) for air component planning COMAFFOR uses Operations Planning Groups (OPG) 🡺 Operation Orders (OPORDs) JFACC uses Air Planning Groups (APG) 🡺 Joint Air Operations Plan (JAOP)


Minds of those who transmit, receive, and respond to or act on information Distinguish the information related capabilities (IRCs) of MISO, MILDEC, and OPSEC

step 2 JPP

Mission Analysis

Identify the responsibilities of the CPD teams.

Near-term air operations planning (48 hours prior to ATO execution). '...the mission of the Combat Plans Division (CPD) is to develop detailed plans for air, space, and cyberspace operations based on combined/joint force commander (C/JFC) and combined/joint force air component commander (C/C/JFACC)-approved guidance received through the air operations directive (AOD).' Joint Integrated Prioritized Target List (JIPTL) Develop a plan of employment - MAAP Briefing ACP, ACO, AADP, TACOPDAT, OPTASKLINK Production and Distribution of ATO, SPINs

Strategy Guidance (SGT)

Near-term planning (72 hrs) Short-range strategy guidance that initiates joint air tasking cycle - Air Operations Directive (AOD) Guidance for a specified ATO period

Information Operations(IO)/Non-Kinetic Operations (NKO)

Non-lethal (Non-kinetic) operations Spread throughout the AOC

Understand the Nuclear Triad, the NC3 structure and how nuclear forces are supported

Nuclear capable Strategic Attack Operations B-2, B-52, ICBM - LGM-30G Minuteman III, SLBMs


Objectives in support of strategic end states and uses national resources to achieve them. The Secretary of Defense (SecDef) translates these into strategic military objectives that facilitate identification of the military end state and strategic objectives.


Objectives needed to achieve the military end states and strategic objectives. Focus at this level is on the planning and execution of operations

Explain unique planning considerations associated with strategic attack operations and capabilities

Ops - may require very precise timing and highly focused actions based upon rapidly changing intelligence

Defensive Cyber Operations (DCO)

Passive & active cyberspace defense operations to preserve the ability to: Utilize friendly cyberspace capabilities Protect data, networks, net-centric capabilities, and other designated systems.

Step 7 JPP

Plan or Order Development


Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals

step 1 JPP

Planning Initiation

ISR Division,

Plans ISR activities Develops Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (IPOE), predictive actionable intelligence Target analysis, development, weaponeering and tactical assessment Produces the Reconnaissance, Surveillance, & Target Acquisition (RSTA) - acts as ATO for intel activities

additional support to nuclear operations

Reconnaissance in Support of Nuclear Operations (RISNO), Conventional Support to Nuclear Operations (CSNO), Mobility Nuclear Operations: Air Refueling (18 AF, TACC) and Prime Nuclear Airlift (PNAF)

identify the divisions of the JAOC.

SRD, CPD, COD, ISRD, AMD (Strat, Plans, Ops, ISR, AMD are the 5 divisions of the AOC)

Describe cyberspace actions that support joint military operations:

Security and Defense (operating w/in blue cyberspace) Exploitation and Attack (operating w/in grey/red cyberspace)

Distinguish between the Service Component Command and Functional Component Command:

Service Component: command consisting of the service component commander and all those service forces that have been assigned to a combatant command or further assigned to a subordinate unified command or JTF (Example: COMARFOR, COMNAVFOR, COMAFFOR) Functional Component: command composed of forces from 2 or more military departments that must operate within the same mission area or physical domain, or when there is a need to accomplish a distinct aspect of the assigned mission. (Example: JFLCC, JFMCC, JFACC, JFSOCC, CFSCC)

Combat Plans Division-

Short Term Ops Planning

List the 3 elements of an AETF

Single commander; Appropriate C2 mechanisms; Tailored and fully supported forces

Operational Assessment (OAT)

Specify measures to assess achievement of JFACC objectives and tasks - Operational Assessment Plan Evaluate effectiveness and efficiency


Tactics is the employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other

Identify the responsibilities of the COD teams.

The Combat Operations Division (COD) is charged with effective execution of the current air tasking order (ATO)' SODO- Senior Operations Duty Officer (Offensive) SADO- Senior Air Defense Officer (Defensive) Non-Kinetic Ops (NKO) Team SIDO- Senior Intelligence Duty Officer Interface Control- Track data coordination, Data-link architecture

Combat Ops-

The Combat Ops Division (COD) is charged with effective execution of the current air tasking order (ATO) COD monitors and directs ATO Execution

Identify the basic building block of an Air Expeditionary Task Force (AETF)

The basic building block of the AETF is the USAF 🡪 Squadrons

Joint Forces are established at 3 levels:

Unified CCDR, Sub-Unified Command and JTF.


Where and how information is collected, processed, stored, disseminated, displayed and protected. Informational aspects facilitate communication between individuals, groups, and systems.


actions taken to protect personnel, facilities, and equipment from any effects of friendly, neutral, or enemy use of the EMS (frequency agility, changing PRF, EMCON, LO, GPS protection)

Close Air Support (CAS)

air action by aircraft against hostile targets that are in close proximity to friendly forces and that require detailed integration of each air mission with the fire and movement of those forces


analytical process protecting indicators and critical information from an adversary

COGs -

balance points, focal points, or leverage points that will have a greater effect on the overall system that has been targeted.

Joint Forces are established

based on geographical or functional basis.

Electronic Warfare Coordination Cell (EWCC):

coordinates and integrates EW and signature management across the range of airpower operations for planning, execution, and assessment. The EWCC plans, manages and assesses air component EW ops and also ensure effective coordination and synchronization with other joint force components.

Defensive Counter-Air (DCA)

defensive measures designed to neutralize or destroy enemy forces attempting to penetrate or attack through friendly airspace

Define Support:

established when one org should aid, protect, complement, or sustain another force Supporting: determines forces, tactics methods, procedures and communications Supported: authority to exercise general direction Categories of Support: General, Mutual, Direct, Close

Strategic Attack (SA) - o

ffensive action specifically selected to achieve national strategic objectives


identifies and locates energy signals emitted from threats, ES info can be correlated with other ISR information to provide a more accurate electromagnetic order of battle (EOB)

Air mobility operations

inter-theater (BETWEEN) 🡪 USTRANSCOM owned; intra-theater (WITHIN) 🡪 made available to the JFC

Joint Planning Process (JPP):

is an orderly, analytical set of logical steps to frame a problem: Seven Steps:

Joint All Domain Command and Control

is the art and science of decision-making to rapidly translate into action, leverage capabilities across all domains with mission partners to achieve operational and informational advantage in both competition and conflict.

Command at all levels

is the art of motivating and directing people and orgs into action to accomplish missions.

Command and Control

is the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander or assigned and attached forces.

Strategy Division-

long Term Planning

All joint forces include

multiple Service Components.

Offensive Counter-Air (OCA)

offensive operations to destroy or neutralize enemy aircraft, missiles, launch platforms, and their supporting structures and systems both before and after launch, and as close to their source as possible

Risk -

often involves politically sensitive targets and risk decisions

Assessment -

significant differences between SA and counterforce missions

Control is

to manage and direct forces and functions consistent with a commander's command authority.

A JFC has the authority

to organize assigned or attached forces to best accomplish the assigned mission based on his intent. ** Responsible for COA Approval

Describe TACON authority:

typically the authority exercised by the JFACC over air capabilities/forces made available for tasking


use of electromagnetic energy, directed energy, or anit-radiation weapons to attack personnel, facilities, or equipment to degrade, neutralize, or destroy enemy combat capability. ( lethal & non-lethal, jamming, SEAD)

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