20th Century Final Quiz Questions

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All of the following were part of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution EXCEPT 1 "Black cat, white cat, what does it matter as long as it catches mice." 2 the "four olds." 3 Red Guards. 4 "Mao Zedong Thought." 5 the Little Red Book.

1 "Black cat, white cat, what does it matter as long as it catches mice."

In today's African society 1 African intellectuals remain torn between the qualities and opportunities presented by Western civilization and those of traditional African cultures. 2 the East Asian model of subordinating the individual to the community has had no influence among African politicians. 3 it is obvious that all the problems and challenges associated with independence have either already been solved or will be solved in the immediate future. 4 the average African is mainly interested in obtaining a university education, symbolized by obtaining a new Mercedes-Benz. 5 African intellectuals have satisfactorily synthesized the issues posed by African negritude and Western cultural influences.

1 African intellectuals remain torn between the qualities and opportunities presented by Western civilization and those of traditional African cultures.

Disparities in wealth have led some Arab regimes to adopt an Arab form of socialism, as in 1 Egypt and Syria. 2 Turkey and Yemen. 3 Iran and Iraq. 4 Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. 5 Jordan and Lebanon.

1 Egypt and Syria

The political organization and its leader which ultimately massacred more than one million Cambodians were the 1 Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot. 2 Dada Means Death and Hun Sen. 3 Socialism Forever! and Norodom Sihanouk. 4 Vietminh and Ho Chi Minh. 5 Marxists for Cambodia and Ngo Dinh Diem.

1 Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot

"A revolution is not a dinner party" was said by 1 Mao Zedong. 2 Chiang Kai-shek. 3 Joseph Stalin. 4 Chou Enlai. 5 Vladimir Lenin.

1 Mao Zedong

The Indonesian nationalist leader who led the struggle for independence against the Dutch was 1 Sukarno. 2 Pot Pol. 3 B. J. Habibie. 4 Ho Chi Minh. 5 Suharto.

1 Sukarno

The so-called sexual revolution of the 1960s was most affected by 1 the birth control pill. 2 the increase in colleges and universities and where students congregated. 3 Timothy Leary and LSD. 4 more automobiles. 5 the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.

1 The birth control pill.

Mohandas Gandhi's hope for India's future was envisioned or symbolized by 1 the villagers' spinning wheels. 2 the industrial factory's machines. 3 Hindu supremacy and temples devoted to Rama. 4 an India governed by the traditional brahmin caste. 5 the large modern agricultural plantation.

1 The villagers' spinning wheels

Riots erupted in East Pakistan in 1952 over the government's decision to 1 make Urdu the official language. 2 allow Hindus to worship publicly. 3 make Pakistan as a secular society. 4 ally with the atheistic Soviet Union in the continuing Cold War. 5 make Bengali the official language.

1 make Urdu the official language

Relations between Cuba and the United States seriously deteriorated when 1 the Cuban government nationalized United States companies and banks. 2 Cuba's government passed a law nationalizing all land holdings over 100 acres. 3 Soviet missiles were placed in Cuba. 4 Castro announced that he was a Maoist. 5 the United States placed an embargo on goods from the Soviet Union.

1 the Cuban government nationalized United States companies and banks.

One of the most critical issues facing independent Africa was 1 the countries' boundaries had been artificially drawn by the colonial powers. 2 that the continent had few, if any, significant economic resources. 3 that the former colonial powers refused to offer any advice or assistance to the new states. 4 the continent lacked sufficient population in order to either produce or consume manufactured goods. 5 the danger of military invasion as a consequence of Cold War rivalries.

1 the countries' boundaries had been artificially drawn by the colonial powers

The reunification of Vietnam under Communist rule in 1975 led to 1 the emergence of a brutal revolutionary regime in Cambodia. 2 a rapid abandonment of communism in favor of free-market capitalism in Vietnam. 3 Laos turning to the West for assistance in maintaining its independence. 4 a general peace throughout the entire region. 5 Vietnam allying itself with Communist China against the Soviet Union in the continuing dispute between the two Communist super-states.

1 the emergence of a brutal revolutionary regime in Cambodia

"Eurocommunism" in central and Western Europe after World War II 1. attempted to work within the democratic political party system. 2. hoped that the United States would increased its military power in Europe. 3. demanded that Europe be incorporated into the Soviet Union. 4. opposed democratic methods of achieving power. 5. advocated revolution to bring about the transformation of western civilization.

1. Attempted to work within the democratic political party system.

One of the results of the economic recovery of Europe after World War II was 1. mass consumerism. 2. a decline in prosperity and affluence. 3. a decrease in white-collar labor. 4. a mass movement from crowded urban areas to the rural countryside. 5. an increase in industrial workers.

1. Mass Consumerism

The organization established in Addis Ababa in 1963 to further continental unity was the 1 Organization of African Unity (OAU). 2 African National Congress (ANC). 3 African Community Congress (ACC). 4 African Economic Community (AEC). 5 People's Party Convocation (PPC).

1. Organization of African Unity (OAU)

The implementation of the welfare state led Britain to 1. reduce its overseas expenses by dismantling its empire and reducing foreign aid. 2. establish collective farms, which would be more efficient and produce more. 3. restrict the power of labor unions. 4. seek greater economic profits from its expanding empire. 5. ignore mere "political" issues such as the "troubles" in Northern Ireland.

1. Reduce its overseas expenses by dismantling its empire and reducing foreign aid.

One of Charles de Gaulle's initiatives during his presidency was to have France 1. withdraw from NATO. 2. accept a seat on the United Nations' Security Council. 3. leave the Common Market. 4. end all connections with its former African colonies. 5. abandon its nuclear weapons program.

1. Withdraw from NATO

The French colony which experienced widespread violence in the 1950s and which achieved independence in 1962 was 1 Morocco. 2 Algeria. 3 Tunisia. 4 French Guinea. 5 Libya.

2 Algeria

The Soviet author who won the Nobel Prize for Literature but who was not allowed to accept it was 1 Alexander Solzhenitsyn. 2 Boris Pasternak. 3 Dmitry Shostakovich. 4 Ivan Denisovich. 5 Ilya Ehrenburg.

2 Boris Pasternak

The two leaders who finally ended the apartheid regime without major bloodshed in South Africa were 1 Francis Malan and Jomo Kenyatta. 2 F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela. 3 Sékou Touré and Mangosuthu Buthelezi. 4 Milton Obote and Menachim Begin. 5 P.J. Surhoff and Thabo Mbeki.

2 F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela

The Soviet Union's new privileged class included all of the following except 1 members of the Communist party. 2 Marx's proletariat, the factory workers. 3 state officials. 4 several professional groups. 5 high-ranking officers in the secret police and the military.

2 Marx's proletariat, the factory workers

All of the following were initial members of ASEAN, established in 1967, EXCEPT 1 the Philippines. 2 Vietnam. 3 Indonesia. 4 Malaysia. 5 Thailand.

2 Vietnam

"Liberation theology" 1 was a secular movement with no religious roots. 2 argued that Christians could use violence if necessary to free society's oppressed poor. 3 was strongly supported by the Catholic Church's hierarchy. 4 had little impact in Latin America but became popular in the United States. 5 put spiritual matters over worldly concerns.

2 argued that Christians could use violence if necessary to free society's oppressed poor.

Mao Zedong believed all of the following about China's peasants EXCEPT they 1 would work hard for a few years in order to achieve happiness for a thousand years. 2 had to be compelled and coerced to work. 3 were naturally revolutionary in spirit. 4 were like a blank piece of paper, ready for the words "socialism" and "communism" to be written upon it. 5 could be peacefully persuaded regarding the benefits of collectivization.

2 had to be compelled and coerced to work.

African socialism failed in Tanzania for all of the following reasons EXCEPT 1 poor soil and lack of rainfall. 2 lack of economic aid from foreign countries. 3 corruption. 4 resistance by conservative peasants. 5 political opposition in Zanzibar.

2 lack of economic aid from foreign countries.

After Egypt's Gamal Abdul Nasser seized power in his own right in 1954 he 1 ended Farouk's land reform program as being too costly. 2 nationalized the Suez Canal. 3 restored King Farouk as a powerless symbol of the state. 4 followed a foreign policy sympathetic to the Soviet Union. 5 sided with Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war.

2 nationalized the Suez Canal

Capitalism was successfully established in Kenya because 1 there were no extremes of wealth dividing the social classes. 2 of the existence of a substantial middle class. 3 investment capital was not concentrated just in Nairobi, the capital, but widely distributed throughout the nation. 4 of a lack of Europeans to disrupt the social system. 5 there were extensive agricultural resources the lowlands.

2 of the existence of a substantial middle class

Under General Augusto Pinochet, the Chilean government 1 improved its civil rights record. 2 refused to return the copper industry seized by Allende's leftist government to its original foreign owners. 3 immediately authorized democratic elections. 4 retained ownership of the large estates, nationalized by the previous regime. 5 established close diplomatic ties with Fidel Castro.

2 refused to return the copper industry seized by Allende's leftist government to its original foreign owners.

In order to thwart the appeal of Western ideas and institutions, in the 1990s China's Communist leaders 1 banned foreign tourists and foreign investors. 2 rehabilitated Confucianism as a non-religious humanistic guide for morals and values. 3 established a cultural exchange program with the Soviet Union. 4 ended all capitalistic and private enterprise endeavors in China. 5 refused to allow any Chinese to travel or study abroa

2 rehabilitated Confucianism as a non-religious humanistic guide for morals and values.

During the New Democracy land reforms in China 1 no lives were lost. 2 some landlords and rich farmers lost their lives, and many were innocent of any crimes. 3 fifteen million died of starvation. 4 some lives were lost among the poorest peasants. 5 many landlords and rich farmers lost their lives, but they were guilty of serious crimes.

2 some landlords and rich farmers lost their lives, and many were innocent of any crimes.

An example of specific American-Canadian cooperation in the decades after World War II was 1 the Northern Great Plains Conservation Pact. 2 the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. 3 the Ottawa Protocol. 4 the Kyoto Agreement to reduce greenhouse gasses. 5 membership in the Common Market.

2 the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

All of the following were results of European colonialism in Africa EXCEPT 1 a mixed heritage of imperialism. 2 the spread of Islam. 3 little opportunity for the native population to obtain professional or managerial positions. 4 Africans were usually restricted to unskilled or semi-skilled jobs. 5 a native wage scale that was inferior to that of the Europeans.

2 the spread of Islam

All of the following are correct about African women EXCEPT 1 women have made more progress in cities than in rural areas. 2 they achieved full political, social, and economic equality after independence. 3 during the colonial era, there were attempts to end forced marriage and clitoridectomy. 4 monogamy is the norm in modern Africa. 5 women total only about 20 percent of higher education students.

2 they achieved full political, social, and economic equality after independence.

Boris Yeltsin, first president of the Russian Republic, 1 supported the coup against Mikhail Gorbachev. 2 was committed to introducing a free market economy to Russia. 3 believed that a socialist but non-communist system would work best for Russia. 4 died in office as the result of alcoholism. 5 attempted to reconquer the Ukraine but failed.

2 was committed to introducing a free market economy to Russia

In recent decades Nigeria has experienced all of the following EXCEPT 1 struggles between pastoralists and farmers. 2 wide-spread prosperity because of its great natural resources. 3 tension between Christians and Muslims. 4 considerable political and military violence. 5 military rulers.

2 wide-spread prosperity because of its great natural resources

The "founding hero" of the West German Federal Republic was 1. Helmut Kohl. 2. Konrad Adenauer. 3. Richard von Weizsacker. 4. Walter Ulbricht. 5. Ludwig Erhard.

2. Konrad Adenauer.

The program that provided over $9 billion in economic aid to Europe in the years after World War II is known as 1. UNESCO. 2. the Marshall Plan. 3. the Common Market. 4. EURATOM. 5. the Truman Doctrine.

2. The Marshall Plan

As in India, where Indira Gandhi eventually followed her father as prime minister, in Pakistan a prime minister who eventually succeeded her father was 1 Fatima Jinnah. 2 Taslima Nasrin. 3 Benazir Bhutto. 4 Sonia Khan. 5 Srimivao Bandaranaike.

3 Benzair Bhutto

The sometimes violent Mau Mau movement was centered in 1 Portugese Angola. 2 French Algeria. 3 British Kenya. 4 German Southwest Africa. 5 the Belgian Congo.

3 British Kenya

Mohammed Ali Jinnah argued that the new state of Pakistan 1 would be ruled by strict Islamic law. 2 would be an Islamic state and that no other religions would be tolerated. 3 must guarantee religious freedom and equal treatment for all. 4 would tolerate Buddhists and Christians but not Hindus, who made up the majority population of India, Pakistan's arch foe. 5 would adopt socialism as its guiding economic policy.

3 Must guarantee religious freedom and equal treatment for all.

The Sandinista National Liberation Front succeeded in taking over control of 1 Honduras. 2 Guatemala. 3 Nicaragua. 4 Costa Rica. 5 Panama.

3 Nicaragua

In spite of other differences, the one issue which the Arab states in the Middle East could agree upon in recent decades was the issue of 1 Islamic fundamentalism. 2 republican democracy as the proper form of government. 3 Palestine. 4 oil. 5 the Suez Canal.

3 Palestine

The Organization of American States (OAS), established in 1948, promised to 1 end rural poverty through land reform programs. 2 fight communism in the Americas. 3 end unilateral action in one state by another. 4 institute democracy in all the member nations. 5 eliminate urban and industrial pollution.

3 end unilateral action in one state by another.

The "Four Modernizations" encouraged by Deng Xiaoping included all of the following EXCEPT 1 national defense. 2 technology. 3 family planning. 4 agriculture. 5 industry.

3 family planning

The PLO uprising against Israel in the 1980s and again in the late 1990s is referred to as the 1 hegira. 2 hajj. 3 intifada. 4 sakat. 5 jihad.

3 intifada

Because of a shortage of native or internal private-sector capital, Latin America governments frequently 1 adopted Marxist policies. 2 pursued a policy of laissez-faire. 3 invested in new industries. 4 invested in foreign countries. 5 turned to the League of Nations for economic assistance.

3 invested in new industries

The event that eventually led to the resignation of Charles de Gaulle as president of France was 1. America's rejection of de Gaulle's advice to get out of Vietnam. 2. the failure keep Algeria within the French Empire. 3. a general strike by labor unions and a series of student riots. 4. the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, ending the "Prague Spring." 5. Britain's refusal to allow France to join the Common Market.

3. A general strike by labor unions and a series of student riots.

The British Prime Minister whose government instituted Britain's welfare state was 1. Winston Churchill. 2. Joseph Chamberlain. 3. Clement Atlee. 4. David Lloyd George. 5. Margaret Thatcher.

3. Clement Atlee

The percentage of urban Chinese who owned a colored TV, a refrigerator, and a washing machine by the end of the twentieth century was 1 60 percent. 2 10 percent. 3 20 percent. 4 80 percent. 5 40 percent.

4 80 percent

India's "Green Revolution" 1 increased the demand for farm labor, thus leading to greater peasant prosperity. 2 failed to have an impact on India's shrinking food resources. 3 brought wealth to all rural Indians. 4 doubled grain production between 1960 and 1980. 5 was opposed by politicians as being too "socialist" in orientation.

4 Doubled grain production between 1960 and 1980

In the 1990s a violent conflict of holocaust dimensions between the minority Tutsis and the Hutu majority occurred in 1 Nigeria and the Congo. 2 Uganda and Ethiopia. 3 Zimbabwe and Zambia. 4 Rwanda and Burundi. 5 South Africa and Angola.

4 Rwanda and Burundi

It can be argued that Islamic "fundamentalism" was in large part 1 the result of the economic decline caused by the exhaustion of Middle Eastern oil reserves. 2 inevitable after the creation of an independent Israel in 1948. 3 caused by the preaching rhetoric of Abdul Nasser. 4 a rational reaction to the threatened loss of cultural identity to the forces of materialism. 5 the consequence of the West's victory in the Gulf War.

4 a rational reaction to the threatened loss of cultural identity to the forces of materialism

The pluralistic governments established in most African states at the time of independence 1 led to the creation of successful democracies. 2 moved in the direction of "African socialism." 3 expelled all Europeans from their territories, establishing an Africa only for Africans. 4 gave way to military regimes and one-party governments. 5 all adopted a capitalist economy.

4 gave way to military regimes and one-party governments

Most political organizations demanding rights for Africans were 1 led by paternalistic Europeans who saw Africans as children to be led and guided. 2 committed to using violent means to achieve their goals. 3 fascist in ideology and organization, inspired by the successes of Hitler and Mussolini. 4 headed by Western-educated Africans who believed in non-violent change. 5 led by rural peasants, inspired by Marxist ideas of the class struggle.

4 headed by Western-educated AFricans who believed in non-violent change

Rajiv Gandhi 1 reluctantly ceded Kashmir to Pakistan. 2 was a radical socialist in his economic policies. 3 supported the ahimsa philosophy of his grandfather. 4 lacked the strong ideological convictions of his mother and grandfather. 5 was a Hindu conservative in his lifestyle, including dress and his choice of spouse.

4 lacked the strong ideological convictions of his mother and granfather

An example of Gorbachev's policy of glasnost was 1 Khrushchev's criticism of Stalin. 2 Charter 77. 3 the publication of The Gulag Archipelago in the Soviet Union. 4 the reporting of the nuclear accident at Chernobyl in Pravda. 5 Brezhnev's New Economic Policy.

4 the reporting of the nuclear accident at Chernobyl

One of the major issues that divided the Middle Eastern Arab states was the future 1 of Palestine. 2 of Israel. 3 of Jerusalem. 4 use of oil resources. 5 Western colonialism in the region.

4 use of oil resources

In the Union of South Africa's colonial era, voting was 1 given only to those of English descent, whereas those of Dutch descent were excluded after Britain's victory in the Boer War. 2 restricted to whites only. 3 given to Black Africans if they had achieved a high school degree, which of course limited their numbers. 4 usually only available to whites, except in Cape Colony where mixed race persons could also vote. 5 based upon income and educational qualifications and did not discriminate on a racial basis.

4 usually only available to whites, except in Cape Colony where mixed race persons could also vote.

Women in Communist China 1 quickly achieved numerical parity to men in the top echelon of the Communist Party, including even becoming prime minister. 2 were forbidden to divorce their husbands except for desertion as the result of the Marriage Law of 1950. 3 were no different in their status and in their rights than before the Communist take-over in 1949. 4 were given equal rights with men. 5 were allowed to vote but were forbidden to become active in politics.

4 were given equal rights with men

The "double shift" refers to 1 the power changes which took place in the Soviet Union after Stalin's death when Nikita Khrushchev replaced Georgy Malenkov. 2 the People's Republic of China's replacing the Soviet Union as head of the world-wide communist movement. 3 the building of the Berlin Wall and then the tearing down of the Wall. 4 women in communist societies working at their jobs and then again in their homes as housewives and mothers. 5 the necessity for factory workers to work longer hours to fulfill the quotas of the five-year plans.

4 women in communist societies working at their jobs and then again in their homes as housewives and mothers.

Germany's "economic miracle" included all of the following EXCEPT 1. unemployment dropped to 0.4 percent by 1965. 2. real wages doubled between 1950 and 1965. 3. hundreds of thousands of "guest workers" were imported in order to maintain its economic expansion. 4. all banks and major industries were nationalized by the government. 5. by 1955 the gross national product exceeded that of prewar Germany.

4. All banks and major industries were nationalized by the government.

Student radicals in the late 1960s were critical of all of the following EXCEPT 1. the lack of relevancy in their education endeavors. 2. the impersonal nature of modern society. 3. the Vietnam War. 4. the lack of economic opportunities for university students. 5. excessive Western materialism.

4. The lack of economic opportunities for university students.

A controversial attempt to increase the water resources in the Middle East was the 1 Tigris-Euphrates Canal and Water Conservation Administration. 2 Suez Canal. 3 High Desert Reclamation Project. 4 Jordan River International Water Pact. 5 Aswan Dam.

5 Aswan Dam

The breakup of Pakistan in 1971 created the new nation of 1 Afghanistan. 2 Sri Lanka. 3 East Pakistan. 4 the Bengali Republic. 5 Bangladesh.

5 Bangladesh

Issues of caste in India 1 are more important in urban areas than in the rural countryside. 2 have totally disappeared due to the Constitution of 1950. 3 are only of significance in the Ganges valley but not in southern India. 4 have disappeared due to a greater emphasis upon religious radicalism. 5 continue to have considerable significance in spite of constitutional guarantees of equality.

5 Continue to have considerable significance in spite of constitutional guarantees of equality.

Charter 77 was formed in 1977 to protest Communist civil rights violations in 1 Poland. 2 East Germany. 3 Hungary. 4 Yugoslavia. 5 Czechoslovakia.

5 Czechoslovakia

Relations between revolutionary Iran and the United States were confrontational for all of the following EXCEPT 1 President Jimmy Carter's freezing of Iranian economic assets in the United States. 2 Americans were held hostage in Tehran. 3 the Iranian government's demand that the Shah be returned so he could be put on trial. 4 America ended the purchase of Iranian oil. 5 Iran's military alliance with the Soviet Union, directed against Israel.

5 Iran's military alliance with the Soviet Union, directed against Israel.

The 1990 victim of Saddam Hussein's ambition to build a "greater Iraq" was 1 Bahrain. 2 Jordan. 3 Iran. 4 the United Arab Emirates. 5 Kuwait.

5 Kuwait

The Middle Eastern state whose delicate balance between Christians and Muslims was upset by the influx of Palestinian refugees after the 1948 war was 1 Cyprus. 2 Jordan. 3 Syria. 4 Yemen. 5 Lebanon.

5 Lebanon

The independent labor movement that emerged in Poland in the early 1980s was called 1 Identity. 2 Charter 77. 3 the Civic Forum. 4 the Stasi. 5 Solidarity.

5 Solidarity

The causes of the wide fluctuations in the economies of the nations in the Middle East include all of the following EXCEPT 1 periodic declining oil revenues. 2 government and elite corruption. 3 political instability and military conflicts. 4 disputes over water rights. 5 consistently increasing oil revenues.

5 consistently increasing oil revenues

Initially, ASEAN concentrated upon 1 health and safety reforms. 2 cultural and religions concerns. 3 remaining completely neutral in the Cold War. 4 military and political matters. 5 economic and social endeavors.

5 economic and social endeavors

In general, historically the women of Southeast Asia 1 were subject to Confucian requirements of foot-binding. 2 were subjected to seclusion from any public society. 3 were equal to men in all matters except in politics. 4 experienced wide-spread physical mutilation. 5 had fewer restrictions and enjoyed a higher status than elsewhere in Asia.

5 had fewer restrictions an enjoyed a higher status than elsewhere in Asia

As a result of Deng's pragmatic approach, during the 1980s, the per capita income in China 1 increased 50 percent. 2 increased 75 percent. 3 increased 20 percent. 4 decreased 10 percent. 5 increased 100 percent.

5 increased 100 percent

One of the factors complicating Israeli politics was 1 that a majority of the population were Palestinians, many of the Muslim. 2 the failure of foreign Jews to support Israel with either money or by immigration. 3 the lack of support from the United States. 4 the lack of any commitment to democratic procedures. 5 proportional representation in the Knesset, often giving fringe parties an effective veto on the policies of the center parties.

5 proportional representation in the Knesset, often giving fringe parties and effective veto on the policies of the center parties

The 1989 demonstrations in Tiananmen Square 1 were tolerated by China's leaders and eventually the demonstrations quietly ended. 2 were encouraged by the Communist Party as a tribute to the dead Mao Zedong. 3 were postponed because of the death of Deng Xiaoping. 4 were instigated by Chinese students who were demanding the return of Taiwan to China. 5 so frightened the Communist Party leaders that they had the army violently disperse the demonstrators.

5 so frightened the Communist Party leaders that they had the army violently disperse the demonstrators.

In July 1946, the United States granted independence to 1 South Korea. 2 the Aleutians. 3 Puerto Rico. 4 Okinawa. 5 the Philippines.

5 the Philippines

A major cause of economic differences in the Middle East for both individuals and nations is the result of 1 whether the state has access to sea shipping lanes or is land-locked. 2 differences between Islam and Judaism. 3 Sunni Muslims and Shi'ite Muslims. 4 whether the state is democratic or authoritarian. 5 the abundance of oil or the lack of it.

5 the abundance of oil or the lack of it

The "mass line" in Communist China referred to 1 a description of the agricultural communes of the Great Leap Forward. 2 an attempt to merge the Chinese Communist Party with Communist parties in other Southeast Asian countries. 3 the Chinese Communist Party officials "massed" in solidarity against the claims of Soviet Communists to be the leaders of the Comintern. 4 what the Red Guards attempted to enforce during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. 5 the organizations of peasants, workers, women, and other groups to serve as a link between the people and the Communist Party.

5 the organizations of peasants, workers, women, and other groups to serve as a link between the people and the Communist Party.

Since the revolution in 1979, the central metaphor, for better or for worse, in the writings of Iranian women is 1 the "ulama." 2 divorce. 3 the institution of polygamy. 4 women's liberation. 5 the veil and chador.

5 the veil and chador

Under the leadership of Juan Peron, Argentina 1 encouraged foreign investment. 2 reduced its industrial capacity, preferring to rely instead on agricultural production, particularly wheat and beef cattle exports. 3 established a multi-party democracy. 4 abolished the fascist gangs of the previous regime. 5 took over the railways, banking, insurance, and the communications industries.

5 took over the railways, banking, insurance, and the communications industries.

During most of the 1970s, Iran 1 suffered economic depression as a result of deep declines in the price of oil. 2 successfully managed to solve its various social and economic challenges, including a major reform program which distributed land to Iran's peasant farmers. 3 was allied with Israel in Iran's war against Iraq. 4 allied itself with the nearby Soviet Union against Western threats to seize Iran's oil. 5 was ruled by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

5 was ruled by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

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