2.1 - Functions of Management

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four functions of management?

1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Leading 4. Controlling

What is an effective planning tool?

An effective planning tool is a SWOT analysis; this is a system that can assess a company's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

Define the concept of a SWOT analysis

An organizational assessment tool that identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organization

Describe the "weaknesses" portion of a SWOT analysis

Attributes that are harmful to achieving the objective

what is an element of organizing?


Other Functions of Management

staffing, motivating, delegation of authority

what does delegation of authority allow?

this allows for a chain of command so all employees know who is in charge and who is responsible. If the delegation of authority occurs, the lines of communication must be kept open.

Describe/define the controlling (evaluation) function

A management function of measuring organizational and individual performance with predetermined standards or expected results. Through the function of controlling, a manager will establish clear standards to determine whether the organization is moving towards its goals and objectives; rewarding those who are performing well and correcting those who are not. In a nutshell, controlling is determining whether what is currently happening is meeting the goals of the organization.

This particular concept rings very true in funeral service (delegation of authority):

-Because they frequently must pay for mistakes made by subordinates, owners are inclined to keep a firm hold on the reins of leadership in order to protect the business." -Because the owner of a funeral home may have put their proverbial blood, sweat, and tears into their firm, they can be very unwilling to delegate any leadership functions to their employees (subordinates.)

concepts of funeral home management include:

-relating to funeral service (standards of care) -relating to client families and the community -Relating to the manager him/herself -Relating to professional associates

staffing and motivation

-some schools of thought consider Staffing as a management function unto itself while some argue that it is an element of organizing. -Similarly, there are those who also consider Motivating as a function of management unto itself while others see it as an element of leading.

These standards underscore the responsibility of the manager to:

1. Ensure the dignity of the deceased at all times. 2. Protect the personal information of the deceased. 3. Protect the personal property of the deceased.

(Relating to client-families and the community): An effective funeral home manager will communicate the following concepts, either directly or indirectly:

1. Funeral service is more service-oriented than product-oriented. 2. Emphasis will be placed on social responsibility and satisfying the needs of the client-families served by the funeral home. 3. Funeral service acknowledges the concept of caveat venditor (as opposed to caveat emptor.) Used alone, the term "caveat" means a warning of specific stipulations, limitations, or conditions. 4. Funeral service management views the role of its practitioners as more personal and advisory than do may other managerial groups. 5. Funeral service managers have the obligation to ensure and maintain the confidentiality of the client and family. 6. Funeral service strives to provide client-families with the knowledge and options to make informed choices. Always remember, an informed family is an empowered family. This will usually result in a very positive interaction with that family and result in repeat business. 7. The responsibility of funeral service includes serving the total community while meeting the needs of a client-family. 8. Funeral service often assists community programs related to death. 9. Funeral service managers should ensure that any professional advertising and informational programs are done in an ethical manner. 10. Funeral services should be available to those of every economic circumstance.

(Relating to professional associates) Arranging a funeral service requires interaction with a myriad of other related parties and/or entities. An effective funeral home manager will underscore the following concepts:

1. Other practicing funeral professionals should be regarded as colleagues rather than competitors. This can be very challenging, especially in smaller communities where there may only be one or two other funeral establishments. 2. Maintaining a professional relationship should encourage interaction and growth. 3. Among allied professions (e.g. clergy, cemeteries, physicians, hospice/hospitals, medical examiners, etc.), relationships should facilitate communication and mutual understanding. 4. Interaction with these allied professions should reflect social responsibility and service to client-families and the community

(Relating to the manager him/herself) An effective funeral home manager will:

1. Provide leadership. 2. Encourage employee participation. 3. Understand and manage change (this is often a weak-spot in funeral service in general.) 4. Understand human relations. 5. Create a viable and workable organization. 6. Communicate effectively. 7. Ensure employee understanding (e.g. of workplace procedures, policies, etc.) 8. Ensure employee training (e.g. required OSHA and FTC training, other unique duties such as phone answering, etc.)

Common areas where standards of care would be vital are:

1. Receiving a notification of death. 2. Transfer of remains. 3. Identification procedures for remains. 4. Preparation of the remains (i.e. embalming, dressing/casketing, prep for viewing or disposition.) 5. The arrangement conference. 6. Security of personal effects/belongings. 7. Phone etiquette and how to receive visitors. 8. Post-funeral follow-up.

What are two functions of management that are elements of the four main functions but are considered by some to be functions in and of themselves?

1. Staffing 2. Delegation of Authority


1. strengths 2. weaknesses 3. opportunities 4. threats

Leading (aka Directing or Actuating)

As a manager, leading is the function by which you create a vision for the organization. An effective manager will lead by communicating with others, and guiding, training, coaching, and motivating others to achieve this vision. A current trend in business is to empower employees by providing them the freedom to become self-directed and self-motivated. Examples: Explaining routines, clarifying policies, providing feedback to employees.

Describe the Strengths portion of a SWOT analysis

Attributes that are helpful to achieving the objective

This management technique describes a superior's act of granting to subordinates, on the basis of competence, the right to act or decide

Delegation of Authority


In management, organizing entails putting together or designing the structure of the organization and creating systems and conditions in which everyone everything works together to meet the business' goals and objectives (i.e. satisfying client families while earning a profit.) Examples: allocating resources, organizational charts (lines of authority and hierarchy), selecting (staffing) and developing employees and placing them where they can be most effective

What part of a SWOT analysis assesses external conditions that could help a business achieve its objectives


What are the four functions of management?

Planning, organizing, leading, controlling

Define the concept of Standards of Care. Provide examples of how you (as a FH manager) would implement these standards at your funeral business.

Specific procedures to be followed to ensure that all essential details are addressed in the manner that the reasonably prudent funeral director would follow under the same or similar circumstances

A manager must establish standards of care for handling and disposition of remains to protect and ensure the public health and safety

Standards of care means developing (and/or ensuring) policies and standards that emphasize due diligence

What is the secondary objective of a funeral home manager?

The manager's secondary objective is to ensure funds are available to the funeral home to meet expenses, provide a reasonable rate of return on the investment, and make capital improvements

secondary objective of funeral home management

The manager's secondary objective is to ensure funds are available to the funeral home to meet expenses, provide a reasonable rate of return on the investment, and make capital improvements

What is the primary objective of a funeral home manager?

The primary objective of a funeral service manager is fulfilling the needs of the client/family and the community which result from the death of a person in the community

primary objective of funeral home management

The primary objective of a funeral service manager is fulfilling the needs of the client/family and the community which result from the death of a person in the community.

Define/describe the organizing function of management

The process of assigning tasks, allocating resources, and coordinating the activities of individuals and groups to implement plans. In management, organizing entails putting together or designing the structure of the organization and creating systems and conditions in which everyone everything works together to meet the business' goals and objectives (i.e. satisfying client families while earning a profit.) Examples: allocating resources, organizational charts (lines of authority and hierarchy), selecting (staffing) and developing employees and placing them where they can be most effective

Describe/define the actuating function of management

The process of guiding and/or supervising the activities of an organization to achieve plans and objectives; also known as Directing or Actuating. As a manager, leading is the function by which you create a vision for the organization. An effective manager will lead by communicating with others, and guiding, training, coaching, and motivating others to achieve this vision. A current trend in business is to empower employees by providing them the freedom to become self-directed and self-motivated. Examples: Explaining routines, clarifying policies, providing feedback to employees.

Define the process of staffing

The process of selecting employees and assigning them to tasks in order to fulfill goals and objectives of the organization

Define and describe the planning function of management

The process of setting performance objectives and determining what actions should be taken to accomplish them. One of the major objectives of any business is to please its customers. Effective planning will involve monitoring the climate of your business and identify opportunities, and being aware of challenges. Planning is perhaps the most key management function as the success of the other management functions is heavily dependent upon having a good plan. Examples: setting goals, developing strategies, determining necessary resources, setting exact standards. An effective planning tool is a SWOT analysis; this is a system that can assess a company's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

Describe and define the concept of a chain of command.

The superior-subordinate relationship that serves as a channel for two-way communication

What makes up management?

There are four main functions of management and two functions that are elements of the four main functions but are considered by some to be functions in and of themselves


There is an old proverb that states "Where there is no vision, the people perish." -One of the major objectives of any business is to please its customers. Effective planning will involve monitoring the climate of your business and identify opportunities, and being aware of challenges. Planning is perhaps the most key management function as the success of the other management functions is heavily dependent upon having a good plan. -Examples: setting goals, developing strategies, determining necessary resources, setting exact standards.

delegation of authority

This is important. No manager can do all of the work and therefore must be able to delegate some of that responsibility to others. Additionally, the manager must empower the employee to adequately perform those duties; by turning over certain duties to subordinates, this frees the superior to do more important tasks.

Which part of a SWOT analysis analyzes conditions outside the business that could be a detriment to the business?


Controlling (aka Evaluating)

Through the function of controlling, a manager will establish clear standards to determine whether the organization is moving towards its goals and objectives; rewarding those who are performing well and correcting those who are not. In a nutshell, controlling is determining whether what is currently happening is meeting the goals of the organization.

Compare and contrast the concepts of caveat venditor and caveat emptor

emptor - A Latin phrase meaning "let the buyer beware." The commercial principle that the buyer is responsible for making sure that goods bought are of a reasonable quality, unless the seller is offering a guarantee of their quality. venditor - A Latin phrase meaning "let the seller beware." The commercial principle that the seller is responsible for the product and discourages selling goods of unreasonable quality.

This is the management function of energizing, channeling, and sustaining people's behavior


what is an element of leading?


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