2.1.2 Copying Our Genes
72 degrees c
what is the temperature for step 3?
94-96 degrees c
what is the temperature for the first step?
50-65 degrees c
what is the temperature for the second step?
A technique that involves copying short pieces of DNA and then making millions of copies in a short period of time
second step
Anneal primers
first step
Denature DNA
Polymerase chain reaction
What does PCR stand for?
third step
extend primers
Thermal cycler
it's precise, timely, and rapid with temperature changes.
Denature DNA
samples are heated for one to several minutes to denature (separate into single strands) the target DNA
targets a specific gene or region of DNA
Anneal primers
temperature is lowered for one to several minutes. Allows left and right primers to anneal (base pairs) to their complementary sequences. The primers are designed to bracket the DNA region to be amplified.
Extend primers
temperature is raised for one to several minutes. This allows Taq polymerase to attach at each priming site and extend (synthesize) a new DNA strand.