2.1.CRITICAL THINKING -EXAM 2-UTA-BLACK CH.11(6 questions)-pages 214-216

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Learning Objective 1. Identify a working definition of critical thinking.

- Thinking outside of the box, thinking small details that nobody else would think of - Complex task that requires an understanding of how people think through problems - The thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them

Learning Objective 3. Discuss how a nurse uses critical thinking and clinical judgment in practice.

- When interacting with patients (asking themselves questions such as: what assumption have I made about the patient? How accurate are my assumptions? Do I need any more information? or How can I look at the situation differently?) - The nursing process is a method of critical thinking focused on solving problems in a professional setting Sound clinical judgment is developed when nurses use critical thinking, apply the nursing process, stay current with developments in practice and research, understand their scope of practice, and acquire substantial clinical experience.

Learning Objective 2. Identify the characteristics of a critical thinker.

1.avoid emotions-avoid letting your emotions take control 2.ask questions-realistic & accurate 3.examine evidence-facts, evidence that backs up your decisions 4.analyze assumptions-a belief that is not based on a fact (ex: faith) 5.Don't oversimplify-human behavior is not simple to describe (something) in a way that does not include all the facts and details and that causes misunderstanding 6.listen to other people-When people talk all the time they block out opportunities to expand their knowledge. 7.tolerate-You avoid problems, since you do not criticize or attack other people - Raises questions, problems, and formulates them precisely and clearly - Gathers and assesses relevant information using abstract ideas for interpretation - Arrives at conclusions and solutions that are well reasoned and tests them against relevant standards - Is open-minded and recognizes alternate ways of seeing problems - communicates effectively with others when formulating solutions

What is the Dunning Kruger Effect?

Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability. Ego blinds our weaknesses(Egocentric Thinking).

Learning Objective 4. Distinguish between novice thinking and expert thinking.

Novice - Rely heavily on sources - May undergo anxiety and lack self-confidence - Follow procedures exactly instead of adjusting the procedures to the patients needs - has limited knowledge of problems and how to solve them - Learns better with a mentor or supervisor Expert - Highly organized and structured knowledge - Knows the rules and when it's acceptable to bend them - Aware of resources and how to use them - Has self-confidence and less anxiety - Knows when it's safe to skip steps and feels more comfortable modifying procedures - Has a better understanding/idea of suspected problems

Critical thinking

a higher-order, purposeful, skillful thinking that focuses on gathering, understanding, and utilizing relevant information to reach logical, trustworthy conclusions about what to believe, what to do, or what decisions to make in everyday life.

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