2nd Nine Weeks History Exam- Age of Absolutism

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Which historical era is most closely associated with this passage?

Age of Absolutism

What was a major result of the Glorious Revolution?

England further limited its monarchy.

Parliament offered the throne to King William and Queen Mary. • Catholic King James II fled England for France. • Parliament agreed to joint rule with the monarch. QUESTION: These events are most closely associated with the...

Glorious Revolution

Many European monarchs of the 1600s maintained that they should have absolute power to rule because they...

Had been given their power to govern from God

Which person is credited with saying "L'état, c'est moi " (I am the state)?

Louis XIV

Which document limited the power of the English monarchy during the Middle Ages?

Magna Carta

Which statement best describes a result of the Glorious Revolution in England (1688)?

Principles of limited government were strengthened.

The primary goal of most of Europe's absolute monarchs was to

centralize their political control over their nations

From the 15th to the 18th centuries, absolute monarchs of Europe sought to:

centralize their political power

King Louis XIV of France, Peter the Great of Russia, and Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire were all considered absolute rulers because they

determined government policies without the consent of their people

Base your answers to the following two questions on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies. . . . The power of God can be felt in a moment from one end of the world to the other: the royal power acts simultaneously throughout the kingdom. It holds the whole kingdom in position just as God holds the whole world. If God were to withdraw his hand, the entire world would return to nothing: if authority ceases in the kingdom, all lapses intoconfusion. . . . — Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet QUESTION: This passage describes the idea of

divine right rule

Niccolò Machiavelli in The Prince and Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan both advocated that a ruler should

employ absolute power to maintain order in the areas under their rule

The Glorious Revolution in England resulted in

formation of a limited monarchy

The Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and the English Bill of Rights were created to

limit the power of English monarchs

A common goal of Philip II of Spain and Louis XIV of France was to

maintain absolute power

The Magna Carta, the Glorious Revolution, and the writings of John Locke all contributed to Great Britain's development of

parliamentary democracy

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