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jamie just finished learning to use the company's scheduling program for employees in her department. her satisfaction with her herself and good feelings are examples of: independence personality traits intrinsic motivation extrinsic motivation

intrinsic motivation

self-determination theory focuses on the needs that drive ______ motivation that has a more positive impact on task performance than ______ motivation

intrinsic, extrinsic

select examples of why people and environment are not static the job market is ever-changing as are employers most people are happy doing the same thing every day opportunities and rewards change people each new person and their characteristics changes a situation

the job market is ever-changing as are employers opportunities and rewards change people each new person and their characteristics changes a situation

which of the following is true about attitudes they are the same for everyone they do not cause conflict they do not impact behavior they range from positive to negative

they range from positive to negative

Goal-setting theory proposes that goals affect performance because they

(1) direct our attention, (2) regulate effort (3) increase persistence (4) encourage the development of action plans.

Using McClelland's theory to motivate an employee with high need for achievement would include providing a lot of positive feedback assigning challenging but achievable projects assigning them to team projects with those who have very high affiliation needs providing balanced feedback so they can improve performance

- assigning challenging but achievable projects - providing balanced feedback so they can improve performance

Equity/ Justice Theory: Am I being treated fairly?

-model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships The elements of equity theory: comparing my outputs and inputs with those of others Key elements of equity theory are outputs, inputs, and a comparison of the ratio of outputs to inputs Outputs - "what do i perceive that I'm getting out of my job?" Inputs - "what do i perceive that I'm putting into my job?" Comparison - "how does my ratio of outputs to inputs compare with those of relevant others?"

Organizational commitment and what it is influenced by

-reflects the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals When your person values matches your company's organizational culture

Three key types of justice

1. Distributive: the perceived fairness of the way resources and rewards are distributed or allocated 2. Procedural: he perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make allocation decisions 3. Interactive: describes the quality of the interpersonal treatment people receive when procedures are implemented

McClelland's theory, developed in the 1940s, proposed that employee behaviors are driven by three _________ needs


Contingent Consequences

According to Skinner's operant theory, control behavior by responding to a target behavior one of four ways: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, and extinction

what are the 3 common elements in choosing among alternatives to arrive at effective solutions


dependance on hindsight, lack of rigor, and being overly subjective are all elements of:


in schwartz theory, which of the following values are dimensions of conservation: conformity security stimulation hedonism tradition


knowing which OB tools to use and under what circumstances is referred to as a(n) _________ approach to managing people


individuals committed to an organization tend to display a


job satisfaction

Def: an affective or emotional response toward various facets of your job Need fulfillment: Understand and meet employees' needs Met expectations: meet employees expectations about what they will receive from the job equity: fairy treated Dispositional/genetic components: Hire employees with an appropriate disposition

when people express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during a role performance. they are demostrating


Process Theories of Motivation

Equity theory (inputs, outputs, equity, negative inequity, positive inequity)

succesful people tend to have _____ orientation in common


Withdrawal Cognitions

an individual's overall thoughts and feelings about quitting

the ability to motivate employees in different ways, provide useful feedback, and manage productive teams are all aspects of a managers performance, and doing these things well gives a manager


Four skills most desired by employers

critical thinking, problem solving, judgement and decision making, active listening

punishment and extinction

decrease undesirable behavior

place the steps to the 3-step approach to problem solving in order: identify the causes define the problem make recommendations

define the problem identify the causes make recommendations

organizations can promote desired behaviors and not CWB's by: designing jobs that increase satisfaction defining desired behaviors closely supervising all work activities screening for CWBs during the hiring process

designing jobs that increase satisfaction defining desired behaviors screening for CWBs during the hiring process

kahn described "the harnessing of organization members' selves to their work roles" as:

employee engagement

when a work enviornment generally matches an employee's values, the which of the following are at their greatest: employee conflict employee motivation positive employee attitudes positive employee assessments

employee motivation positive employee attitudes

Voice climate

employees are encouraged to freely express their opinions and feelings

Perceived Organizational Support (POS)

employees believe their organization values their contributions and genuinely cares about their well-being.

bottom-up approach

employees redesign their own jobs, increasing engagement


environmental characteristics that cause stress

what are the three levels that OB distinguishes among?

individual group organizational

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization

idiosyncratic ideals

individual employees and managers jointly negotiate the tasks to be completed

in adams' equity theory, knowledge, experience, education, and effort expended all are perceived as:


shalom schwartz believed that values _____ our behavior across any context


Herzberg's motivating factors move employees from a state of:

no satisfaction to satisfaction

workplace behavior

occurs at three levels— individual, group or team, and organizational.

Job design theories are

on the idea that motivation is primarily influenced by the tasks people perform and the characteristics of the immediate work environment.

openness to change vs conservatism

openness to change: independence of thought, action, and feeling conservatism: resistance to change, preservation of the past

Big 5 Personality Traits

openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

a person seeking to understand and manage people at work is likely to study _____ _________, which is an interdisciplinary field

organizational behavior

only when a firm's favorable treatment is voluntary rather than mandated by an external constraint will it be seen as: compliance based organizational support physiological ethical

organizational support

the extent to which employees believe their organization values their contributions and geniuenly cares about their well being is:

percieved organizational support

the two broad categories of OB concepts and theories include which factors?

person and situation factors

The various characteristics that make individuals unique are known as:

person factors

what are the two inputs according to the organizational framework

personal factors situation factors


physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

physiological, safety, love, esteem, self-actualization

Behavioral outcomes of job satisfaction

positive association with 2 constructive individual-level behavioral outcomes- job performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) negative relationship - counterproductive work behavior (CWB) and turnover

self-transcendence vs. self-enhancement

self-trancendence: concern for the welfare and interest of others Self-enchancement: pursuit of ones own interest and dominance over others

it is important to understand the interaction of person factors and __________ factors


ob concepts can be applied to the problem-_______ process to overcome challenges and improve your performance


problem-_______ efforts can be adversely affected if the problem is incorrectly identified


interactional perspective

states that behavior is a function of interdependent person and environmental factors

enviornmental characteristics that cause stress are called


hard skills

technical expertise and knowledge

hard skills

technical expertise and knowledge to do a particular task or job function

attitude toward the behavior

the degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior in question

personal values

variously, global, Broad

person attitudes

via intentions, specific,Targeted

an individual's overall thoughts and feelings about quitting are called:

withdrawal cognitions

select the 2 items that apply to a contingency approach to management: what works with one employee will work with all what worked today will definitely work tomorrow you cannot rely on one best way the most effective solution is based on the situation

you cannot rely on one best way the most effective solution is based on the situation

What does the field of OB involve?

(Organizational Behavior) studies the impact individuals, groups, and structures have on human behavior within organizations. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, communication, and management. behavior is an academic discipline focused on understanding and managing people at work. This includes managing yourself, as well as others

workplace attitudes come from the interaction of which of the following processes organizational opportunity group individual


equity theory uses a comparison of the ratio of __ to __


subjective norm

a social factor representing the perceived social pressure for or against the behavior

The three components of attitudes

affective, cognitive, behavioral


are abstract ideals that guide our behavior

Law of effect

behavior with favorable consequences tends to be repeated, while behavior with unfavorable consequences tends to disappear

Bottom-up approaches

employees shape their own job duties and promotes employee engagement

employee motivation involves which of the following encouraging employee interest in doing a task guiding employee behavior ensuring an employee does not think about quitting enhancing perceived stressors

encouraging employee interest in doing a task guiding employee behavior

select all of the characteristics of telecommuting increased absenteeism enhanced productivity and retention decreased absenteeism silo of work group communication

enhanced productivity and retention decreased absenteeism

what are the disciplines that OB draws from

ethics psychology anthropology management

competence needs

i need to feel knowledgable and capable of completing a goal

relatedness needs

i want to be connected with others and belong to a group

Emerging approaches include

idiosyncratic deals. This approach views job design as a process in which employees and managers jointly negotiate the types of tasks employees complete at work.

select interpersonal skills that foster respectful interactions positive attitudes ability to manipulate effective communication active listening

positive attitudes effective communication active listening

when there is a difference between a goal and the actual outcome, this is known as


Motivator-hygiene theory

proposes that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two different sets of factors - satisfaction comes from motivating factors and dissatisfaction from hygiene factors

Vroom's Expectancy Theory

requires that all three of the elements must be high for motivation to be high

knowing-doing gap

the gap between what people know and what they actually do


the psychological processes that underlie the direction, intensity, and persistence of behavior or thought

Effective performance management (PM)

(PM) is a process of defining, monitoring, reviewing, and providing consequences.

goals lead to higher performance when: feedback is used to stay focused on the goal managers avoid feedback until the end of the project managers develop them and assign them to a group participation is used to build commitment to a specific goal

- feedback is used to stay focused on the goal - participation is used to build commitment to a specific goal

Hygiene Factors (Herzberg)

- hygiene: factors that by their absence, inhibit performance but any addition in them does not increase efficiency or productivity. Thus they are extrinsic to the job

which of the following statements about OB is true it depends on solid common sense it requires adherence to common practices it relies on strong time management skills it goes beyond common sense


_________ ________ has a positive association with behavioral outcome like job performance and OCB


How the Schwartz model can be used

Managers can better supervise workers by using Schwartz's model to understand their values and motivation. to reduce the chances of employees' experiencing conflict between their values and their work assignments,

personal attitudes are related to behaviors directed towards which of the following: objects people values beliefs situations


the distinction between person and envoirnment is critical to


the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goal is called


there is conflicting evidence regarding which variable, job ______, or job _______, is responsible for the other


The relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation

apply extrinsic motivation until it becomes intrinsic


feelings or emotions that one has about a given object or situation

which value is likely to be strongest in people who lived during the great depression


Job involvement.

the extent to which an individual is personally involved with his or her work role


The implication is that to have a successful career you need to know who you are, what you want, and how others perceive you.


beliefs or ideas that one has about a given object or situation

locke and laatham's theory is that: job satisfaction motivates employees to commit to higher levels of performance goal achievement leads to job satisfaction, so it no longer motivates goal achievement leads to job satisfaction goal achievement leads employees to set less difficult goals that are achievable

- job satisfaction motivates employees to commit to higher levels of performance - goal achievement leads to job satisfaction

Hard skills vs. soft skills and their relative importance at different job levels.

- technical or job-specific hard skills decline in importance as you move to levels of higher responsibility, while personal Soft skills increase.

Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior and 3 determinants of intentions

-Attitude toward the behavior: the degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior in question. -Subjective norm: a social factor representing the perceived social pressure for or against the behavior. -Perceived behavioral control: the perceived ease or difficulty of performing the behavior, assumed to reflect past experience and anticipated obstacles

self-determination theory

-Competence- the desire to feel qualifies, knowledgeable, and capable to complete an act, task, or goal Autonomy - desire to have freedom and discretion in determining what you want to do and how you want to do it Relatedness -desire to feel part of a group, to belong, and to be connected with others

Using Herzberg's Theory to Motivate Employees

-Hygiene first. Eliminate dissatisfaction before trying to use motivators to increase motivation and performance -Motivation next. Once dissatisfaction is removed, build motivators into someones job. -A few well-chosen words. Use verbal recognition to reinforce good performance

Employee engagement and what it is influenced by.

-Improved performance, physical and psychological well-being, and financial performance and customer satisfaction


-guides behavior by identifying right, wrong, and the many shades of gray in between.

The systems approach—inputs, processes, outcomes—

-is the basis of the Organizing Framework. Person and environment factors are inputs, and the processes and outcomes are organized into individual, group/team, and organizational levels.

The five causes of unethical behavior at work.

1. Ill-conceived goals: goals that promote desired behavior but they encourage negative one 2. Motivated Blindness: overlook unethical behavior in other when it's in our interest 3. Indirect Blindness: Hold others less accountable when carried out in third-parties 4.. Slippery Slope: unethical behaviour develops gradually 5. Overvaluing Outcomes: ignore unethical if outcome is good

low of effect

behaviors are repeated or diminished depending on the desirability of the consequences to which they are linked

positive and negative reinforcement

increase desired behavior

a good way to increase employees' commitment is to

make sure management does not breach its psychological contracts

Self-Determination Theory Focuses on Intrinsic Motivation

-Intrinsic motivation is longer lasting and has a more positive impact on task performance than extrinsic motivation -Theory says that our three innate needs produce intrinsic motivation which in turn enhances our task performance

McClelland's acquired needs theory

-Need for achievement -the desire to excel, overcome obstacles, solve problems, and rival and surpass others -Need for Affiliation - the desire to maintain social relationships, be liked, and join groups -Need for power - the desire to influence, coach, teach, or encourage others to achieve Often one need dominates the other two

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Once a need has been satisfied, it activates the next higher need in the hierarchy until the need for self-actualization has been activated

organizational commitment occurs when employees value achievement and an employer rewards people for accomplishing goals. when this occurs, this consistency is called ____-________ fit


the systematic process of closing gaps between a desired outcome and actual situation is called


an individual's perception about the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange between him or herself and another party is referred to as a:


Schwartz's Value Theory

Proposed that broad values motivate our behavior across any context 1. self-transcendence 2.Conservation 3.Self-Enhancement 4.Openness to change

___ a problem means opting for a solution that is satisfactory but not the most ideal


to solve problems effectively, it is important to consider necessary ____, such as people who will provide support


knowing your own abilities, values, strengths, and weaknesses as well as how others view you in terms of these factors, is referred to as ______ ________


the theory that assumes that our behavior and well-being are influenced by three innate needs, competence, autonomy, and relatedness is: self-determination theory acquired needs theory McClelland's theory Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory


perceived behavioral control

The perceived ease or difficulty of performing the behavior, assumed to reflect past experience or anticipated obstacles

McGregor's theory (Theory X and Theory Y).

Theory X- pessimistic view of employees: they dislike work, must be monitored and can be motivated only with rewards and punishment Theory Y- modern and positive set of assumptions about people at work: the are self-engaged, committed, responsible, and creative

Ethical dilemmas

are situations with two choices, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable manner.

person factors

are the infinite characteristics that give individuals their unique identities.

select all that are influenced by person factors aspirations career economy job

aspirations career job

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

assumes that motivation is determined by our perceived chances of achieving valued outcomes. The three key elements of this theory are expectancies, instrumentalities, and valence of outcomes.

select the ways that POS can be increased: increase stressors avoid political behavior provide job security treat employees fairly limit work enviornment stressors

avoid political behavior provide job security treat employees fairly limit work enviornment stressors

Psychological contracts.

beliefs about what he or she is entitled to receive in return for what he or she provides to the organization

outputs recognized as positive outcomes in equity theory include:

bonuses, challenging assignments, promotions

according to McGregor, Theory X assumes that employees:

can only be motivated with rewards and punishments dislike work must be monitored frequently

what is NOT a key workplace attitude managers track? organizational commitment perceived organizational support employee engagement cognitive dissonance

cognitive dissonance

autonomy needs

i need to feel independent and able to influence my enviornment

Attitudinal associates of job satisfaction

includes: motivation, job involvement, withdrawal cognitions, perceived stress

Motivating factors

including achievement, recognition, characteristics of the work, responsibility, and advancement- cause a person to move from a state of no satisfaction to satisfaction

what are the three outcomes according to the organizational framework

individual level group/team level organizational level

what are the three processes according to the organizational framework

individual level group/team level organizational level

360-degree feedback

individuals compare perceptions of their own performance with behaviorally specific performance information from their manager, subordinates, and peers

soft skills

interpersonal skills and personal attributes

soft skills

interpersonal traits, communication, language, personal habits, interpersonal skills, managing people, leadership, etc. that characterize relationships with other people.

the goals of the bottom-up form of job design known as idiosyncratic deals include improving _________ motivation and productivity through individual arrangement such as scheduling flexibility


The premise of top-down approaches

is that management is responsible for creating efficient and meaningful combinations of work tasks for employees. -Top-down approaches include scientific management, job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment, and the job characteristics model.

effective managers favor the contingency approach because

it encourages the consideration of many factors that influence behavior and performance

any set of activities that involve the alteration of specific job activities to improve the quality of employee job experience and motivation is:

job design

there are 4 attitude and 4 behavior components found to correlate with

job satisfaction

turnover has a strong relationship with your

job satisfaction

value attainment relates positively to:

job satisfaction

which of the following are potential constraints during problem solving: lack of ethical dilemmas lack of information lack of time insufficient funds

lack of information lack of time insufficient funds

the top-down job design method that creates jobs that are very simplified and repetitive is scientific


top-down appproaches

management changed the activities in jobs to increase motivation

according to schwartz theory, firm can reduce turnover by

matching employee values with values that comprise the organizational culture

Problems and problem solving

problem is a difference or gap between an actual and a desired state or outcome. problem solving is a systematic process for closing these gaps.

advantages of designing jobs using job rotation include: increased time needed for job training of managerial employees providing employees with a broader perspective of the organization building employee knowledge and ability to promote from within increased worker flexibility for scheduling through cross-training

providing employees with a broader perspective of the organization building employee knowledge and ability to promote from within increased worker flexibility for scheduling through cross-training

the positive outcomes of job _________ include motivation and job involvement


cognitive dissonance

the psychological discomfort a person experiences when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions (ideas, beliefs, values, or emotions)

which of the following are true about values? they are generally inconsistent they are generally stable they are disconnected from any parental influence they can guide behavior subconsciously

they are generally stable they can guide behavior subconsciously

select characteristics related to organizational citizenship behavior: they promote the firm's productivity they are voluntary they are required by management they are performed in expectation of a reward

they promote the firm's productivity they are voluntary

Resolving, solving, and dissolving problems

-Resolving problems is the most common action managers take means choosing a satisfactory solution, one that works but is less than ideal. • Solving problems is the optimal or ideal response. -Dissolving problems requires changing or eliminating the situation in which the problem occurs.

USC-CT Framework

-Uncovering business problems, challenges and opportunities -Selecting the most critical -Creating many potential solutions -Choosing the one with the most potential, and then -Translating it into an effective implementation plan.

job enlargement

the job design method that puts more variety into a job by combining specialized tasks of comparable difficulty

equity theory

theory that explains how people strive for fairness in social exchanges

Rewards are tools

to help achieve desired outcomes, such as to attract, motivate, retain, develop, and engage employees.

Three broad approaches to job design

top-down, bottom-up, and emerging.

Alternate rewards practices common today are

total rewards, noncash, and pay for performance.

Performance Management Process

1. define performance outcomes for company division and department 2. develop employee goals, behavior and actions to achieve outcomes 3. provide support and ongoing performance discussions 4. evaluate performance 5. identify needed improvements 6. provide consequences for performance results

Five models of job satisfaction

1.Need fulfillment: Understand and meet employees' needs 2.Met expectations: meet employees expectations about what they will receive from the job 3 equity: monitor employees perception fairy treated 4.Dispositional/genetic components: Hire employees with an appropriate disposition 5.Value attainment: Structure of the job and its rewards to match employee values

• Unethical behavior

Unethical behavior damages relationships, erodes trust, and makes it difficult to influence others and conduct business. -also reduces cooperation, loyalty, and contribution, which hurts the performance of individuals, teams, and organizations.

an individual's overall thoughts and feelings about quitting are called


According to goal-setting theory, which of the following are needed in order for goals to motivate employees? ability to achieve the goal goal specificity commitment to the goal theory x managers

ability to achieve the goal goal specificity commitment to the goal

one way managers can improve employee perceptions of procedural justice is to: allow them to participate in important work decisions use an authoritian approach to decision making create new citizenship rewards allow employees to percieve that they affect decisions without affecting actual outcomes

allow them to participate in important work decisions


allows employees to do all or some of their work from home, using advanced telecommunications technology and internet tools to send work electronically from home to the office and vice versa

Situation factors

are all the elements outside ourselves that influence what we do, the way we do it, and the ultimate results of our actions.

mcgregor's theory Y is a more positive set of assumptions managers have about employees including that they: are self-engaged and committed to work are creative can only be motivated with rewards must be monitored frequently

are self-engaged and committed to work are creative

when an organization gives employees flexible work hours that allow people to come and go at different times as long as they work an expected number of hours and can be used to increase employee committment


The effectiveness of positive and negative feedback

greatly influenced by the receiver's perceptions

studying the dynamics of conflicts among coworkers is a study of what level of OB


Counterproductive work behavior (CWB)

harms other employees, the organization as a whole, and/or organizational stakeholders such as customers and shareholders

which of the following are negative effects of stress? heart disease viral infections increased job satisfaction absenteeism increased turnover

heart disease viral infections absenteeism increased turnover

The contingency approach.

holds that there are no universal management theories and that the most effective management theory or idea depends on the kinds of problems or situations that managers are facing at a particular time and place


how one intends or expects to act toward someone or something

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