401 Midterm

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Seeing certain ways of being as linked to dominant-culture and therefore inappropriate as an expressive adaptive response is called ______.


What are strategies for facilitating the academic achievement of students with disabilities?

**There are 33 different strategies that can all be found on page 257. A few include... Collaborate with special education teachers to help screen and identify students with disabilities and then identify appropriate strategies and curriculum revision to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Participate actively in the individualized Education Program Planning Committee at your school. Provide a structured written overview before each lesson.

What are the rights mandated by the 1975 Education for all Handicapped Children Act?

-All school districts to develop and provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) for all children and youths with disabilities. Including: -Learning in the least restrictive environment (LRE) -Learning with the aid of an individualized education program (IEP) designed to meet the student's unique needs - A plan to screen and identify students with disabilities -Full-service schooling at no cost to their families - Due process - A nondiscriminatory evaluation -Confidentiality - Services performed by personnel who receive ongoing training

Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, and Tarule (1986) described five positions that females adopt in their approach to knowledge acquisition. What are the five positions?

1) silence- females do not perceive themselves as competent learners 2) experience receive knowledge by listening to authorities 3)the uncertainty of external authority is acknowledged 4)procedural knowledge is emphasized 5)females begin to integrate intuitive, subjective knowledge without objective, external reason

Sexist language excludes and objectifies females in U.S. society in all of the following ways...

1)labeling the supposed expectation to the rule (Ex: woman doctor, male nurse) 2) trivializing female gender forms (EX: poetess, suffragette) 3) using terminology that refers to women as food (Ex: sugar, cupcake) 4)using terminology that refers to women as children (Ex: baby, doll) 7. in regards to equality, ethical teachers should be knowledgeable about social issues (including violence against women, eating disorders, objectification, sexual harassment, and so on) that have particular impact on girls and women.

Which terms are most respectful to people who experience disabilities?

A person with a disability. (Instead of a "disabled person") Visually Impaired. (Instead of "blind") Hearing Impaired. (Instead of "deaf") *Persons with disabilities prefer identifications which reference them as persons first. (pg. 252)

Asian Americans include which cultural groups?

Japanese, Chinese, and Southeast Asian, 40 distinct subgroups of Asia

Collectivism is __________.

a collective community and willingness to sacrifice for the welfare of the group, where trust among the group members and interdependence are emphasized.


grounded in the assumption that women are inferior to men.

Working class and poor citizens are excluded by

portrayals of "normal" lifestyles that do not reflect their life circumstances and realities. This exclusion exists in US schools that are designed to perpetuate social class stratification.


quality of being uncivil, lacking courtesy, and conveying rudeness and disrespect.


refers to the disabling social, environmental, and attitudinal barriers rather than on individuals' "lack of ability."


refers to the loss or limitation of opportunities to take part in the "normal" life of a community on an equal level with others due to physical or social barriers.

According to Fordham (1993) and Ogbu (1990), involuntary minorities are more likely to...

reject dominant culture paths to success and to equate compliant behaviors with "passing" or "acting" white

What are historic challenges for Black women attempting to advance in society?

African American women face unique barriers in attempting to advance in society. Throughout history and still today, African American women have not been able to benefit from the perceived virtuous characteristics of White womanhood nor can they gain acceptance for utilizing strategies that are effective for males in society. They are seen as either promiscuous, dangerous temptations for white males or as nonthreatening, unattractive and compliant work horses valued only for their work products. In history during slavery, African American women would either work in the house as a woman, if they were judged or chosen by the white male based on their beauty. While working inside the house they were also raped by the male slave owners. Then this would create mistreatment and disdain of the white females for the white male's sexual attack. If they were not chosen to work in the house and be raped, then they were working outside under the same punishments as the African American men. African American women are challenged with these 2 barriers because they are either looked at as hyper-sexed or an asexual field hand with work and responsibilities equal to African male slaves. They are not often invited or welcomed to join country clubs or lunch groups of white women They are bit applauded for their decisiveness or abilities to command as men But in history they either did the work of men or sexually assaulted by white males and then hated by the white females for being raped.

Lower Needs

Biological and Physiological Needs(air, food, drink, shelter, warm), Safety needs(protection, security, order, law), Belongingness and Love Needs(work group, school, family, friends, affection, relationships)

What are common forms of incivility in schools?

Bullying: involves the act of intimidating or dominating a weaker person to derive some result and may involve humiliation, degradation, gossip, and verbal/physical abuse. Mobbing: encompases various forms of bully-behavior including the starting of rumors and slander, and discipline, demotion, or loss of rights or position performed by groups of individuals in its system

Historically, which place has been embraced by African Americans as a shelter from societal mistreatment?


Differential treatment people of color receive from dominant culture and other people of color based on the lightness or darkness of their skin is called _______.


What are barriers that serve to lessen minority parents' involvement in schools?

Communication, customs, language, perspective, and representation barriers are just some of the barriers that exist that distance minority parents from the classroom. Many schools often hold the opinion that minority parents with low educational attainment have little interest in their children's schooling the reality of the situation is they could be being distanced by an education or language barrier.

The condition of being conscious of our culture, the lens through which we view and interpret the world is called ______________.

Cultural consciousness

What are potential minority community barriers?

Cultural inversion, Educational salience in minority communities, and Orientation of minority student school and cultural groups

Cultural inversion

the process of regarding certain forms of behavior, symbols, and meanings as inappropriate for a minority-group member to exhibit because they must align with the characteristics of "White America" in schools

Educational salience in minority communities

the prominence of minority students voicing their high educational and occupational aspirations for themselves within their communities and households, but teachers and schools assuming that they and their families do not care about their education

What are the problems associated with being perceived as the model minority?

Disguises institutional racism and systematic discrimination that Asian Americans have to endure in America. Favorable depictions of Asian American pit them against other minority groups who have not received such good press from the media and who are instead accused of being lazy or stupid and incapable of accomplishing the academic success of Asian Americans. All Asian Americans are not the same, so this stereotype does not apply to all Asian Americans.

According to Maslow, each of us is motivated by what?

Each of us is motivated by our needs. Our basic needs are inborn, having evolved over generations. Maslow's Hierarchy of needs have been used to explain how these needs motivate us. Maslow believes that we must start with our first need and satisfy it which will help us deal with the basics of survival. When we start with the lower needs and successfully satisfy them, then we can move to the higher order of needs.Once lower needs are met, we usually don't give them more attention. But higher needs are continually addressed as they are felt insatiably.

White working class and poor male students are currently the worst performers on which tests?

English Test

Higher Needs:

Esteem needs (self-esteem, achievement, independence), cognitive needs (knowledge, meaning), aesthetic needs (appreciation for beauty, balance, form), self-actualization needs (personal potential, self-fulfillment, personal growth), transcendence needs (helping OTHERS to achieve self-actualization)

What are significant traditional values commonly shared by Asian Americans that would be in conflict with dominant-culture perspectives and practices?

Family roles are highly-structured, hierarchical, male-dominated, and paternally oriented. An individual is expected to repress his or emotions, desires, behaviors, and individual goals to further the family welfare and to maintain its reputation. Interdependency is highly valued. The family provides support to each individual member, in turn individual members provide support and assistance to the entire family.

Close family relationships among African Americans who are not biologically related are called ___.

Fictive Kinship

A supreme respect and devotion to one's family, such as that found in traditional Asian cultures, is called _______.

Filial piety

For many minority students each day is ...

For many minority students each day is a day of total immersion in a hostile environment. It is a day where basic survival, not growth, takes center stage. Student in such settings experience a school climate that fails to nurture the academic, social, and emotional growth that every student deserves.

How might teacher incivility toward one or more other teachers affect student learning?

If a teacher were to show another teacher incivility, they would be modeling inappropriate and unwanted behavior. Teachers need to demonstrate to their students how to collaborate and work alongside other teachers in order to provide their students with a positive model and a successful learning experience.

What is the significance of Familismo?

In Latino culture, extended family members are considered integral. Familismo emphasizes interdependence over independence, affiliation over confrontation, and cooperation over competition. Latinos are a cohesive cultural group and personal security is gained through a strong family bond rather than from solitary. While dominant-culture's views of school and work are tools to gain independence from their families in Latino culture school and work are valued because success in both arenas creates possibilities for supporting and remaining in close contact with their families.

What element of a person's life is seen as one of the main indicators of middle-class status?

In general, middle-class persons, especially upper middle-class individuals tend to be characterized by their jobs which require them to conceptualize, create, and consult-that explains why a college education is seen as one of the main indicators of middle-class status.

In what ways do teachers have significant (often unrecognized) power?

In their expectations set for students and the enthusiasm they show students about learning. Students can tell when a teacher has low expectations for them, and therefore has a negative impact on the student.

Classroom applications that are sensitive to involuntary-minority group member history are...

Incorporation into U.S. society for African Americans meant imprisonment, enslavement, torture, degradation and murder. To create an effective learning community for these students you should: Remember: students and their families bring a history of experiences with discrimination that occurred in schools and in society so these experiences can cause caution and mistrust. Understand: to "Make it" for some means to turn their backs on their cultural heritage and identity. There is history behind the pressure to resist "selling out" Acknowledge the strengths and contributions of African American culture and heritage. History of Immigrants: Discuss the differential impact of voluntary and involuntary minority experiences with and orientations to dominant culture. Parents: Invite them to work as collaborators in child's education. Respecting their valuing of education, obtaining their input and incorporating their resources creates a true partnership. Read between the lines. The student may be resistant because they are responding to a biased treatment and cultural codes of behavior. Be flexible and adaptable to make your classroom open and accessible to all students. Allow students to have choices and opportunities to achieve without you telling them. Listen Intently to the concerns of students. Make sure they know they are heard by you, you understand their concerns, you will work with them to find ways to help the problems related to their performance in the classroom.

Stages of acculturation and adaptation for immigrants may include....

Initial joy and relief Disillusionment with the new country Acceptance of the good and the bad in the host country

Groups whose ancestors suffered slavery or colonization in the U.S. are called ________.

Involuntary Minorities

What are the effects of restricted curricula and tracking?

It separates students along cultural, socioeconomic status, and racial lines, which lead to segregation and unequal educational conditions and benefits for some students.

One of the main hurdles for Asians in U.S. schools is ______.


Middle-class values tend to emphasize certain values. Which of the following is a working class value rather than a middle-class value?

Largely attributed to the nature of middle-class occupations, middle-class values tend to emphasize independence, adherence to intrinsic standards, valuing innovation and respecting nonconformity. It is important to note that one way in which middle-class desirability and mystique is maintained is through the social promotion of the nobility of the middle class for its strong work ethic and so-called "self-made" success.

Traditionally, Latino males are expected to be ___________

Latino males are expected to be rational, brave, independent, and virile. Males are expected to have machismo. In the dominant culture this may seem akin to male chauvinism but in Latino culture it is a form of chivalry that includes gallantry, courtesy, charity, and courage. Latino males are expected to protect their wives and family and at the same time display sexual prowess, masculinity, and strength by remaining emotionally withdrawn and sometimes having extramarital affairs.

Which is the term that emphasizes a Latin American background as opposed to reflecting a label imposed by the dominant-culture that unites a group of Spanish speaking people?

Latino, Latina

What are some forms of institutional discrimination that subordinate women in the U.S.?

Neglect-women's health and social issues was ignored. 2. Blatant sexism- including searches for the presumed mental and psychological mechanisms of women's inferiority. 3. Pathologizing women's concerns- including diagnoses of hysteria and depression assigned to women whom male doctors believed were overreacting to their life conditions. 4. Circumstances- in which women's needs and issues are more a part of dominant-culture awareness.

What are the 5 stages, named in the book, which the dominant-culture in the U.S. has used to destroy Native Americans throughout history?

Removal, relocation, termination (US government sought to end relations with all Native Americans), reorganization (cultural repression, making Native Americans learn the dominant culture), self-determination (US made Native Americans fend for themselves)

What are the key dimensions of school climate?

Safety (rules and norms, physical safety, social and emotional safety) Teaching/Learning (support for learning, social and civic learning) Interpersonal Relationships (respect for diversity, social support/adults, social support/students) Institutional Environment (school connectedness/engagement, physical surroundings)

What are some potential school barriers, poor and minority students face, that affect their success?

Schools that offer limited educational resources, deteriorating buildings, restricted curricula, lowered expectations, and harsh and unwelcoming school climates

Successful teachers exhibit all but which quality?

Show respect Value individuality Understand students' learning styles and barriers Extend themselves to find ways to engage students in learning Extend themselves to let students know that they want to authentically join with the students as partners in the student's' own education

The use of extrinsic motivation (prizes, stickers, awards) is a typical classroom practice that may negatively impact a Native American student because of which traditional value?

Spirituality over materialism

Which is an example of the devalued status of African Americans in the United States? P. 154

The discrimination and devalue of students who use African American cultural language

How might historical treatment of African Americans in the United States affect current African American student orientations to schooling?

The historical treatment of African Americans may cause them to have caution related to their treatment in schools. Some cases when parental involvement seems limited, this refusal may represent their lack of trust that they will be treated fairly and that their children will benefit from following the rules set for them by the school. This mistrust is known as a healthy paranoia. These schools are the same institutions that disadvantaged them and generations of their family members. The parents look out for rules that are unintentionally biased, devaluing or unfair. Even with this suspicion and desire to protect their children, parents of minority students are also called to the make the best of the school experience and are likely to be strong advocates for quality education. Often times teachers think African American parents are not involved because they do not show up to meetings or sign their children up for after school activities, but instead this represents their mistrust in the system and their concern for their children being mistreated.

What are the components of cultural consciousness for educators?

They develop a cultural consciousness that reflects respect and appreciation for racial, gender, social class, sexual orientation, and ethnic diversity.

What experiences that LGBTQ students commonly confront in schools negatively affect their development and achievement?

They experience fear of violence and harassment from school staff and peers which leads to stress and anxiety inhibiting their ability to learn. Because of these fears, students are more likely to skip school because of feeling unsafe.

Because teachers have such a power of influence, how must they assess themselves?

They must examine their dispositions and fundamental expectations for students, thereby identifying deficiencies and biases that could result, not only in misuse of teacher power but also in potential harm to student understanding, motivation, empowerment, and learning.

Middle-class or highly educated parents tend to

associate with and be friends with similarly educated professionals. Such acquaintances provide their children with academic and occupational role models that motivate them to achieve. These people also serve as resources and networks for their children in the future.

How is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs applicable for analyzing school climate elements?

can be used to assess what needs each student requires in order to progress in the classroom.Once these needs are determined, teachers can plan and differentiate their lessons in order to support and scaffold students different needs and abilities.


created by differences among students.


defined as the loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological, or anatomical structure or function.

Sexual Orientation

defined by to whom individuals are emotionally and physically attracted.

Cultural fatalism is _____.

he belief often takes the form of a resolution to the way things are and as the way they are meant to be. The belief reflects the position that things that happen are meant to happen and are beyond individuals' control; the belief is embodied in the phrase: "It is God's will."


in schooling involves integrating students with disabilities in regular classrooms whenever possible with the supports necessary for them to succeed.


involves the placement of students with identified disabilities in some "regular education" classes when they have demonstrated that they can function academically with those classes without additional help or resources.

Full Inclusion

is the commitment to educate each student in the school and classroom he or she would otherwise attend to the maximum extent appropriate.

Intentional Families

may be formed to replace families created through biology that may be absent or impaired due to homophobia and discrimination

Orientation of minority student school and cultural groups

minority students consciously or unconsciously tailoring their academic performances to the scaled-down expectations of school officials in order to maintain cultural integrity, but are also enduring the devaluing and alienating conditions of the school. (creates label that minority students who align themselves with school authorities are "sell-outs" within their culture groups, and show that "to achieve is to be White.")

Teachers' expectations of students, whether high or low can become a (n) ________.

A self-fulfilling prophecy

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