439 Chapter 9
source attractiveness
1. friendliness 2. ingratiation 3. likability 4. helping the other party 5. perceived similarity 6. emotion
5 goals for effective persuasion in large orgs
1. mapping the influence landscape 2. shaping perceptions of interest 3. shaping perceptions of alternatives 4. gaining acceptance for tough decisions 5. persuading at a distance
source credibility
1. qualifications and expertise 2. reputation for trust and integrity 3. self-presentation 4. status differences 5. intention to persuade 6. associates 7. persistence and tenacity
Aspects of context that foster peripheral influence
1. reciprocity 2. commitment 3. social proof 4. scarcity 5. reward and punishment
Central Route Elements
Message Content: make offer attractive; frame the message; make message normative; agree in principle Message Structure: one/two sided messages; message components; repetition; conclusions Persuasive Style: encourage active participation; vivid language/metaphors; use threats/incite fears; violate receiver expectations
peripheral route (persuasion)
characterized by subtle cues and context with less active thought and cognitive processing of the message; thought to occur automatically; persuasion is likely to last a shorter time than central route; example: the listener who is convinced by the impressive credentials of the speaker rather than by the arguments the speaker is actually presenting
How to pitch message (central)
encourage active participation (begin w/ friendly dialogue); consider vividness and intensity of language (low intensity is more persuasive; vividness is more persuasive); Use threats (is this beneficial?); violate expectations
Role of receiver-understanding the other's perspective
explore the other's point of view; selectively paraphrase; reinforce points you like in the other party's proposal
Resisting others' influence
have a BATNA and know how to use it; make a public commitment; inoculate yourself against the other party's arguments
Influence vs. Power
influence - action that will cause a change in behavior or attitude of another power - ability to exert influence
Peripheral Routes to Influence
message order; format; distractions;
Central Route (Persuasion)
occurs when motivation and ability scrutinize issue-relevant arguments are relatively high; occurs consciously and involves thinking actively about an influence-seeking message and integrating it into the individual's previously existing cognitive structures
How to pitch arguments (peripheral)
source credibility (rep); source attractiveness; authority
the actual strategies and messages that individuals deploy to bring about desired attitudinal or behavioral change
Primary Effect
things we say first will stick
Recency Effect
things we say recently will stick