5.3 Guided Reading Industrial Revolution Begins

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What is the Industrial Revolution?

When technology began reshaping society. These technologies led to a dramatic change in society. This change became known as the Industrial Revolution.

What is cottage industry?

Also referred to as the putting-out system, in which merchants provided raw cotton to women who spun it into finished cloth in their own homes. Home spinning was hard work for low pay but the cotton industry gave them some independence. They were allowed to work in their own homes, and were close to their children. However investors demanded faster production spurring the development of new technologies and machinery that turned out cloth in more efficient ways.

How did the agricultural revolution and the enclosure movement result in increased urbanization?

As farmers grew more food they could support more people. As they grew it more efficiently, society needed a smaller percentage of the population working in agriculture. Many farmers were forced to migrate to urban areas due to the enclosure movement. This was when the government gave the land to to those who paid for the privilege or to who purchased it

What demographic changes enabled more workers for factories and more consumers for products?

Improved medical care allowed more babies to be born and less people to die;People also lived longer. With these changes more people were able to work in factories to provide a market for manufactured goods.

What are interchangeable parts? Who invented the system?

In 1798 Eli Whitney creates a series of interchangeable parts for manufacturing firearms for the U.S. Military. In her system if a particular component of a machine were to break, the broken component could easily be replaced with a new, identical part.

Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

It began in Great Britain and spread to Europe and North America, and then the remainder of the world.

What events lead to the Industrial Revolution?

The Columbian Exchange, the rise of maritime empires, increased agriculture productivity, and greater individual accumulation of capital.

Why and how does industrialization first begin in the textile industry? Include spinning jenny, water frame, James Hargreaves, Richard Arkwright, and the factory system.

The spinning Jenny and the water frame reduced the time needed to spin yarn and weave cloth. The spinning jenny allowed was invented by James Hargreaves in 1760. It allowed the weaver to spin more than one thread at a time. The water frame was created by Richard Arkwright in 1769. It used waterpower to drive the spinning wheel. The water labor was more efficient than a single person's labor, and this invention led to the reduction of the textile cottage industry, as textile production was moved to factories big enough to house the machines. Awkward is created with being "the father of the factory system."

How did the Agricultural Revolution result in increased food production? Include crop rotation, seed drill, and New World foods.

Crop rotation (Rotating different crops in and out of a field each year), and the seed drill ( a device that efficiently plants seeds in a designated spot in the ground.) Also the potato was introduced from south america contributed to more calories to people's diet. As nations began to industrialize, their population grew because food was available for more people.

What is division of labor and how did it lead to specialization of labor? What 20th century concept is a continuation of specialization of labor?

Division of labor is when factory owners no longer had to rely on skilled labor to craft every component of a product. Instead specialization of labor allowed each worker to focus on one type of task. The assembly line created by Henry Ford is a more modern continuation of specialization of labor.

Describe Britain's industrial advantages. Include seaways/rivers, raw materials, colonial possessions, capital, and the concept of private property.

Britain is located on the Atlantic ocean which allowed them to have many seaways. The country also was well placed to import raw materials and export finished goods. Geographically Britain was lucky at being located atop immense coal deposits. Britain also had access to resources available in their colonies, including timber for ships. This was mainly because they accumulated mass wealth during the trans-Alantic slave trade.British capitalist had excess money available to invest in businesses. without this money (capital) private entrepreneurs could not have created new commercial ventures. Private Property assured business men and women that their businesses would not be taken away.

What is industrialization?

The increased mechanization of production, and the social changes that accompanied this shift. (refers to a process that transformed agrarian and handicraft-centered economies into economies distinguished by industry and machine manufacturing.)

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